Call Me Daddy

Story by Fredpuppy on SoFurry

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#1 of PapaOrc's pup

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that my italian friend has finally decided to let me to run his account so that grammar issues will no longer be a problem. So, I was browsing tumblr and I stumbled across an insanely good artist called Genomodraws/ Green Dick Scholar which I totally recommend you to visit if you like big hairy Orc Daddies, in which page I found a very awesome piece of art which begged me to write this story.

Please enjoy, and as usual I'd love to know what are your opinions about this emotional/sex related story, also the main goal of this story is for you to get your paws/hands around your privates and immerge yourself into the story.

Happy reading !!

Updated Version: minor mistakes corrected, Orcs sexual preferences added

( near the end )

It was quite a boring evening at the club tonight, the place was fat too overcrowded, music was completely trash and there were way too many furs asking for his attention. Drogg, a 53 years old Trucker Orc was really getting bored, the overpopulation in the bar was really starting to annoy him. He hated when the evening turned this way, he preferred when there were just a few furs, and the backround music served just as a quiet distraction.

He had a really exhausting day at work, actually every single day was exhausting if you work as a trucker; Grodd had already plowed 6 asses unloading his balls for at least 11 times in total that day, only big sturdy creatures that can endure his merciless pounding of which anyone wanted a taste.

Quite the reputation indeed, but it's somewhat really vain, and uncharacteristic to him as he didn't really revel in his fame unlike the rest, rather in the very moment of testing his manliness into action. After having gone many rounds with 4 different fur he felt like he needed something more than that, but he had no idea what it could more pleasing than sex, he just couldn't put his fingers on it and when it came to discuss such topic with his mind, he'd always push the argument in the back of his brain disregarding it as unimportant.

Still this argument found his way back to the surface and wouldn't leave him alone, fortunately he never had to pay for a single drink, so the alcoholic nourishment was never too low in his table. Truthfully, tonight he was feeling compelled to leave as soon as he could, but in actuality he was on the lookout for someone. There was that chocolate brown furred pup that was way too shy to come and say hi but that kept paying for some drinks on some occasions for at least 1 month and a half.

Drogg wouldn't have particularly cared about this since he was a real old mean bastard to the core, if it wasn't for the fact that at anytime he saw the no older than 27 yeasr old pup, his meat sprung hard, bouncing in his painfully thick trousers and leaking adundantly, something that didn't happen very often to him these days, yes he'd keep the memories of his hottest sexual encounters fresh in his mind, but even the most sensual of them all could not be to compared to the erotic desire Drogg felt anytime he saw the pup around, in his mind an unnatural desire to possess and own that little sod, and to mate that painfully tight ass with his fat meat for hours, only thinking about it made his dick rangingly hard and happily twitch and his balls started to ache, compelling the huge trucker to find that pup and take him to the back of his truck.

Unfortunately it was already a whole week the pup no longer showed himself after of coming in the club for almost every night in the last month and an half, and a most remote hue of regret for not giving the pup a chance showing up in the surface of his mind, after a quick look over the usual place where the pup used to sit alone could he finally determine he wasn't going to show up, at such realization the Orc's meat became flaccid again, like if it was really sad it wasn't going to know what is like to enjoy a thight ass that he could own and use as his sex toy.

So, after deciding to leave, he finally saw the pup in a different location from his usual spot, he was sitting on Drogg's stool at the counter, a series of empty glasses around him waiting to be collected indicated it was really obvious that he was going to get filthy drunk. Drogg approached his stool around the counter and treated all the ones who tried to peek his interest with a warning groan.

" That's my seat you're sitting on boy "

Before Grodd even finished his sentence the pup moved out from his stool, giving the Orc an apology bow

"I apolog - 'hic' 'pologize Sir, really had no idea. Have a n 'hic' have anice evening"

Seeing the pup visibly drunk and reading himself to leave, he soon offered a seat in the stool right next to him just by tapping onto it with his hand. Drogg never wanted to admit the pup had a cute tail, or that his 'yiff me Daddy' shirt was really an appropriate choice for the place he was in, instead he was just delighted to find the pup, and even more that unlike everyone else his own age had something called 'manners' and despite being very drunk he wasn't rubbing his ass against everybody's dick like a bitch his age would act; but still his meat, unexplainably became very hard again, happy that the pup was going to learn how's like to be a Trucker Orc's slave.

" So, you the pup that's been buying me drinks for over a month ?? "

" No sorry, you mistook me for another guy, need to go "

And without further explanations he sat up and became teetering towards the exit, unluckily bumping into the the pangolin known as the mad asshole, which was visibly mentally challenged and had quite a disturbing history at least that's what furs had to say about him. The pup tried to evade him but he had already took hold of his shoulder in a very menacing way, something that for a very unclear reason made Drogg's blood starting to boil, but not as much as when he saw that asshole and his crew pushing him outside, the pup had clearly no control whatsoever over the situation as he couldn't even stand up with his legs.

" What's the fuck happenen with you assholes, you'd better leave tat pup alone if ye don't wanna to swallow your own teeths "

Most of the members of the crew were visibly intimidated by his gigantic frame, the tallest of the group didn't even reach his pecks, and sooner or later left, but the remaining 3 started laughing out at him, the Orc could have used them as his personal stools, Drogg now could feel his blood turning into liquid rust

"Get lost old man, I saw this bitch first, go find your own, you can have him only when I-"

Having 0 tolerance for whomever expressed a clearly disrespectful behavior in his regards, he bashed his head against the other standing closer to him before he even concluded his sentence resulting in the 2 immediately falling unconscious to the ground, the one that remained flew off like the disappointing coward that he is and disappeared into the night.

Seeing the pup sitting in a dark corner, holding his shaking legs made an alien emotion sipping into his brain, a feeling very similiar to sorrow. Drogg carefully approached and his dark green eyes looked down as the pup began staring up at Drogg, directly into his eyes. Liquid brown pupils staring back at him. Drogg had to suppress a lump in his throat once his brain openly admitted he was the cutest pup he ever saw in his entire life and permanently erased the notion of using this clearly fragile pup as his cumdump or a simple sextoy.

" you ok pup ?? Getting yourself into troubles because you drank too much ?? "

Drogg helped the pup out holding his paw and making him stand up, but it was clear the pup couldn't actually stand.

" none of your business, I can take care of myself Sir "

" Stop acting tough with me boy, is this how your parents taught you how to thank someone that just saved your ass "

Grodd had to wrap his arm around his back protectively to make sure he wouldn't fall.

" my folks died when I was 3 and my foster family disowned me when I was 16 but you're completely right Sir, I apologize, if it wasn't for you I would be screwed quite literally, thank you for saving me Sir, thanks so much, I owe you big tIme "

Soon the Trucker Orc feels a couple of thin arms wrapped around his lower chest as the size difference was quite impressive, he didn't even know how to stop himself from affectionately rubbing the pup's headfur as he was genuinely sorry of what he just learned about the pup.

" 'S Ok pup, just forget about it, but what if I hadn't been around to save your ass ?! You need to put a bit more of thinking in your bloody decisions boy, don't you know that if you're young here you'll be the equivalent of fresh meat ?! "

Drogg said pulling the pup's chin upward so that he could stare at his eyes again while he was spoken to. There was something unknown unleashing within his brain, which was really similiar to the feeling he couldn't get his fingers on. The pup eyes had a visible amount of fear and sadness in them, that much to Drogg was fairly obvious.

" You're right, and thanks again Sir, really I mean it "

" Name's Drogg boy, I don't think we ever properly introduced tho .. "

" Nice to meet you Mr. Space Pecks with a unearthly awesomeness beard, the name's Timothy, I is 25, and if I had any friends they'd call me Tim, um just to specify.. "

Tim said still not disengaging from his hug, surprisingly enough Drogg don't minding much especially when he caught him take him a quick whiff of his sweaty shirt and his compliments earning the pup another head rub plus a chuckle.

" Tell you what boy, I can drive you home I was leaving soon anyway, hate it when it gets too crowded "

" um there's not actually an home to drive me to Sir, my landlord kicked me out today because I was fired at my job and I couldn't pay the rent, which is exactly the reason why I tried to forget anything and everything tonight. Um well, thanks again Sir, goodbye I'll go find myself somewhere where I can sleep without waking up naked "

Timothy the pup which probably had peeked Drogg's most secret sexual fantasies, disengaged from the hug and tried to walk away but as soon as he made 1 step, his other leg clumsily crossed the other resulting in the drunk pup almost bashing his head to the tarmac, the trucker Orc gently gripped Timothy by the collar of his shirt and then proceeded by excorting him to his Truck.

The pup was so drunk he almost slipped if it wasn't for his big hand keeping him steady.

" you don't solve problems spending all the money you had left in alcohol, and you were supposed to take care of yourself boy ?? "

" Hey I didn't ask for anyone's help Sir, but thank you anyway I guess "

" Would you had rather me leaving you with those studs, your choice if you want to get either beaten up or raped or even both "

" Why did you want to help me Sir ?? "

" I don't know pup, you're kinda cute, I just couldn't leave you like that especially when I never got to say thanks for all the drinks you got me so far. Here, let me pick you up, you can't even walk properly, wouldn't want you to fall and crack your skull open while trying to open the passenger's door "

The trucker Orc said, surprising Timothy at how much gentle he was as he pulled him on his chest, his head was exactly on one of his huge hairy pecs and right under his rugged beard, he could also hear the orc's breathing causing his ears to flicker, Timothy had to fight really hard against the urge to deeply inhale the orc's scent and rubbing his face on those manly pecs for the rest of his life.

Needless to say that he got an instant hardon as he could smell the orc's sweat in both his chest and armpit, soon closed his eyes and feintly inhales the orc's scent as he unlocked the door of his huge ass truck and threw Timothy's drunk ass on the large mattress in the back of his truck.

Timothy's inhibitions and fears all faded away because of the alcohol, which resulted in him sitting on the mattress and groping the Orc's clearly visible bulge with both his paws. Realizing far too late his drunk self has taken over he immediately regretted his decision. Drogg feels a couple of very soft paws gripping with unexpected strength at his thick bulge inside his pants that had started to bounce in his jeans as soon as he caught the pup smelling his scent on his sweaty pecks. Too soon did the pup removed his gentle paws groping his package which to the Trucker Orc felt absolutely amazing, so he decided to get things started himself.

" please don't kill me Sir, have mercy on this drunk so- "

The rest of his sentence was abruptly interrupted as the huge hairy Orc pulls him into a very sloppy kiss lasting for quite a while, during the which Timothy never stopped moaning so loudly, mostly because the huge Orc returned the flavor by grabbing hold of his miniature bulge and squeezing that with a very firm hand and as that happened Timothy wrapped his slim arms around Drogg's strong neck and started suckling on his big tongue, slurping all the saliva he could and realizing how fucking hot it felt the feel of the orc's rugged beard and moustaches on his snout.

Drogg sits himself on the bed and pulls a huge arm around his back pulling the pup in the very same position he had carried him a few minutes ago. Eventually the kiss ended and Timothy gently kissed the hairy orc's tusks before he could say

" Call me Daddy, pup. I already knew it was just a simple matter of time before you'd make your move, young puppies like you cannot resist when they're close to real Orcs like Daddy. "

Timothy started moaning again as his tail went into overdose wagging mode and 2 huge hands groped his asscheecks, and in a matter of seconds, those same hands slipped under his pants and removed all his clothes leaving only his leaking and bulging underwears on.

Timothy then saw the Orc removing his very sweaty shirt and then melted on the Orc's insanely burly chest covered by a musky veil of hairs, wrapping his arms around his strong neck and moaning as loud as possible as Drogg groped his furry cheeks possessively with all the strength he has in his arms, realizing how much he wanted to rut inside that inconceivably thight ass, the only thought making his rod begging to be released from his prison, to Drogg that wasn't anything in that world that felt better under his hands than these 2 perfectly furry cheeks, he kept squeezing them with all the Strenght in his muscles, and at each squeeze he made the pup would increase the intensity of his moans, and his fat meat uncontrollably leaking pre.

Tim was showing many signs that he wanted to be owned by Drogg, for example when he spread his legs, possessively hugging the Orc with all his body, and earning another unimaginably hot and messy smooch which caused Tim to esponentially raise both the frequency and intensity of his moans. Drogg couldn't help but smile as he felt his tented bulge becoming soaked with his pre and poking the Orc's jeans like if it was wagging just like the pup's wagging tail.

Timothy was positive he was the happiest pup in the whole world as the DaddyOrc ate his face with his tongue while he kept groping his cheecks, pulling them apart, however this wasn't always easy to Drogg due to his never still tail. The Orc also realized he was quite pleased to see such a cute and polite pup that was into Daddies and all over him, trying his best not to shoot his puppyload with just groping his cheeks and a very hot kiss. When the kiss broke a few minutes later Drogg softly nibbled on the pup's ear, he had never done such thing to anyone, but he couldn't resist the pup's cute flickering ears, such gesture resulted in the pup telling Drogg what exactly he wanted to hear:

" Mhhhh Thank you Papaorc, please make me yours Sir and never let me go, I want to be part of your life, permanently, I'll do everything you ask as long as it's not cbt and as long as you don't think I'm a sex toy but just a pup !! "

" Never done cbt boy, and never will and I already have some sex toys so no worries there, so are you asking me to keep you pup ?? "

" yessir " Tim whispered as he rubbed his muzzle all over the Orc's irresistible beard, and licking all the way.

" what was that, sorry you'll have to speak up boy, also are you sure it's not the alcohol talking ?? I get pretty committed to my causes whichever they are, so if you're asking me to be yo Daddy you'll have to be sure of what such thing entails. "

The pup stopped what he was doing and unexpectedly to the Orc, started looking right into Drogg's eyes, and answered him with both clarity and security.

" Sir, I know I'm drunk, but it's has been 1 month and an half since I dreamt of this happening, I NEED to be guided Sir, I need discipline in my life, and I need someone that makes me feel good about my life and not degrade my dignity calling me names or other shit like that, and if you can give me just a chance, I'll make mah Papaorc proud of me. I fucking mean it Sir. "

Tim said, being as honest and coherent as he could, ending his sentence with pulling Drogg into yet another sloppy smooch, The Orc very satisfied with both his new puppy's response and hunger for physical attentions, to him he was crystalclear Timmy was quite the emotional wreck, always lonely and probably not very confident in himself, but he knew what he wanted and the Orc agreed with him, he needed to be guided, he needed someone to show him how things are done and certainly enough the pup successfully managed to do what no one else had ever done, getting under his very thick skin.

Drogg was positive he was a mean bastard, and he was right, but there was something in Timothy that brought up on the surface a different nature than that, and now that he was suckling on his tongue, while he had his fingers poking the entrance of his tailhole which caused him to moan like a fat cow on heat, he was also positive about the fact that he didn't mind it as long as he wouldn't change the way he interacted with the rest of the world, as long as Tim was the only one able to soften Drogg's behavior he'd have accepted it;

so in the middle of the hottest kiss Timothy ever received, he couldn't refrain himself from moaning, especially when Drogg groped his cheeks again and then proceeded in removing his undies, immediately feeling his small canine penis bouncing on his chest and leaking pre all over, and as that happened he groped them even more forcefully, and pulled them apart, and finally trusted his index finger inside, and right as he expected Tim pushed down that finger immediately still not being able to cease his moaning, another finger found his way in and Drogg had to use his free hand to hold the pup's tail which was now wagging even faster than ever before.

Drogg also realized he couldn't wait a second longer, his rod was achingly hard, he didn't remember being this hard in quite a while, so, holding the pup's chin with his free hand he pulled Timothy one breath away from his lips breaking the kiss that lasted for at least 5 whole minutes he noted, revealing a thread of saliva connecting their mouths together.

" Mhhh ye got a sweet tongue there kiddo, but papaorc is quite curious to see what else can you do with that. "

" You can count on me Sir !! "

Tim said as he was put down, his muzzle begun watering as he saw how big the Orc's bulge grew compared to the last time he glanced over it, he was shocked but knew exactly how to proceed. In his favorite porn video, an human boy sucks a trucker grizzly bear dick trough his thick jeans, and just remembering about it made his dick rangingly hard.

First he begun groping his thick bulge which had a wet spot right on the tip, earning a deep primal rumble from the Orc's chest, and continued to squeeze it hard forcefully making the massive trucker grunting more and more, Drogg's mind was blown away by the pleasure he received whenever he felt those soft paws grabbing hard his meat and running his paws all over it just the way he loved, and when Drogg put a big hand on his headfur Tim applied his muzzle right on the bulge and started sliding his tongue in all directions causing Drogg to grunt even deeper especially as he softly bit the thick length with his teeths, feeling for the 1st time the girth and thickness of his proud orchood.

He could also realize Drogg's dick was bouncing in the inside of the bulge, disparately trying to break free, and Drogg groaned even harder, even deeper as he felt a wet tongue ravenously licking the tip, he let his new pup go wild on his bulge, making his head remain there for a few minutes, and when he couldn't take it anymore, he let Tim sliding his tongue on all his thick package for the last time before he had to slip the jeans down so that a very thick meat hit Tim's face and leaked pre all over his muzzle.

" Like what you see puppy ?? "

In response all Timmy did was looking quite a bit shocked, but then he buried his muzzle in the Orc's pelvis, took deep breaths and begun suckling on Drogg's filthy pubes, rubbing his snout on the sweaty heap of moss, coating his muzzle in his new Daddy's extremely manly scent, the Orc wondering how the pup knew it made him so achingly hard when furs did this, a primal rumble raised from his chest as he was reveling in the attentions his crotch was receiving.

" Mhhh yessir "

The pup continued brushing both his snout and tongue on Drogg's pelvis until the Orc could smell his scent all over the pup's muzzle, then he used his hand to guide him to his tip, that couldn't stop dripping on his snout.

" Mhhh I think this whopper likes you quite a lot pup, why don't you introduce yourself to him, Orc style "

Drogg exhaled a long breath in his lungs and gravely rumbled as he felt his new puppy's paws grabbing hold of the sturdy base of his meat, and then started stroking his length with all the pup's Strenght, Tim noted that the Orc's meat was way too thick to be contained in his little paws, all the while Tim couldn't resist sliding his tongue under the slit of the Orc's thick foreskin, earning yet another deep groan.

" mmhh yeah boy, show junior what you're made of, keep beating my meat, yeahhhh just like that "

Tim was feeling very encouraged by his new Daddy's groans, and tripled the time he was stroking The Orc's fat meat, he couldn't help but moan hard as his tongue diligently slurped all the pre oozing from the tip, to Tim was like a fountain of precum. Drogg was capable to discern an huge load was right about to be blasted off, he wasn't feeling this horny for quite a while, he found extremely hard to keep his balls from fire his load especially when Tim's muzzle found a sweaty mossy testicle and he decided to nurse it, engulfing it with his muzzle, raving his tongue all over it and moaning loud as fuck.

Drogg's primal groans remarkably escalated their intensity as well, not being able to remember the last time his balls were serviced like this. His big hand made his pup worship the other hairy ball as well. After a couple of minutes spent moaning with his eyes closed, when he knew he couldn't hold it in any longer, he saw his new pup sliding all his tongue all around the fat Orchood and then started bobbing his head up and down Drogg's meat.

" Goddamit boy, you're so fucking good with that sweet tongue, now Let DaddyOrc show you the right way to suck a big Orc's meat "

Drogg tightly gripped at his pup's headfur again and shoved his Orchood all Inside Tim's muzzle, he gagged really hard, and the gurgling sounds were the only thing that the Orc wanted to hear, he felt his meat hitting the back of his throat for a lot of times as he begun to ruthlessly fuck Timothy's muzzle feeling so impossibly fantastic with his cock buried deep a very thight and warm gullet.

Drogg felt like exasperately crying when the moment came, so he filled his truck with the wildest, most primal, deepest moans in all his life, even louder than the ferocious roar Orcs do when impregnating females, and securing Tim's head at the end of his meat, he could finally release all the seed inside his fat balls inside the pup whose jaw felt sore as fuck for being opened this much, it appeared obvious The Orc was extremely pent up, he made the most out of breathing with his snout while the huge Trucker Orc blasted a huge load right into his stomach, making the pup's tummy feeling full and complete.

The Trucker Orc was so pent up that he kept firing his load for solid minutes, a huge load which the pup drank all like a good boy, he found a way to easily gulping down all the thick cum by brushing his snout against his new Daddy's pubic hairs and even massaging the Orc's heavy balls with his soft paws.

After that his fat balls completely emptied Drogg's legs shook wild, something that didn't happen since forever, and he didn't realese his pup until he gulped down the whole load. Then Drogg absolutely needed to catch his breath, so he picked up the pup, put him on his pecks and then laying a minute on the bed while lighting up his cigar, Tim was still coughing of course but then found a fat nipple to nurse on.

" Slow down pup, DaddyOrc needs a minute, you're amazing by the way, didn't feel this good when unloading my balls in a long time "

Drogg says blowing the smoke on his muzzle and then pinched his chin so that he could easily pull him into a very slurpy smooch, Tim's moans escalated again, and Drogg gradually feeling happier and happier that he now owned a sweet mouthed puppy, Just for him. They kissed for quite a while, the pup nestling in Drogg's scent, his leaking puppyhood uncontrollably leaking on Drogg's chest.

" Here boy, make a few hits, you earned it. "

Drogg says placing his cigars in the pup's muzzle, then he started rubbing his big hands on the pup's chocolate bellyfur, it felt just so soft and smooth under his touch, so he placed his big hands underneath his pup's hot cheeks and licked the tip of his canine dick earning a desperate moan from the pup, and in the very moment that his rough tongue made contact with his puppyhood, it exploded in the Orc's mouth, making Tim moan even louder, certainly a lot more cum than expected flew from that miniature rod.

Drogg continued slurping his dick, pushing his asscheeks up and down his mouth, allowing Tim to fuck his mouth, he then worked the pup's nuts he was surprised to define as cute, and he couldn't help but chortle as his pup threw his head backwards. Drogg, without stopping to bathe the miniature ballsack in his mouth he stroked Timothy's rod until he howled in bliss and pleasure as he came in Drogg's mouth once again.

" Damn pup, you came twice in a row in less than 4 minutes, if that isn't pent up I don't know what is "

" Th- Thanks so much DaddyOrc "

Tim managed to say when his moans subsided but his breathing was still erratic and frantic. Drogg grabbed his legs towards him, and then double pinned him to his bed, revealing 2 hot, nice and smooth cheeks that were begging to be conquered. He stood up at the end of the bed, while he dragged his pup right close to him, where he couldn't stop groping those nice ass cheeks.

"Mmhh I think I'm in love with this butt pup, Let Orcdaddy see how deep you can take it"

The trucker Orc admitted as he slided 1 finger in making Tim howl out of pleasure as such finger breached the last line of defense and went inside his pucker, as Drogg could easily determine the pup was a virgin, Drogg actually preferred much more experienced riders, but Tim was now his pup, he'd have to claim these very cheeks for himself and then teach him the best way to take his meat deep inside.

Drogg's meat, twitched, started leaking again, and bounced upward at his last dirty thoughts. Tim's moans were filling the truck, and Drogg wouldn't have it any other way, soon a 2nd finger joined in which also got past his pucker and Drogg really enjoyed the pup's unceasing moans of pleasure, his 2 fingers slided perfectly inside his tailhole and so decided to let a 3rd join in, he received a quite satisfied reaction from the pup indicating he certainly didn't want Drogg stop what he was doing, the 3rd one also getting past his pucker and fingering his butt like only truckers could; then Drogg, out of curiosity, couldn't resist but to withdraw his fingers and plunge his nose and deeply inhale the scent of his puppy's hole causing him to wildly howl again.

" mmhh smells like a cute butt I'm going to ass conquer tonight "

" please DaddyOrc, make me yours "

Drogg's meat became ever harder at Tim's last remark. Not being able to wait any longer he pulled his cheeks apart from each other and then dove in and started eating his pup's ass, tonguefucking him and the pup's moans filled his ears in such a soothing way. Drogg's free hand grabbed his miniature dick and started stroking with all his Strenght, as he was quite enjoying the taste of the pup's crevasse. Drogg had to make sure his pup's hole was very well stretched, and he waited for Tim to shoot his 3rd load.

" mmmmhhhhh Sssiiirrrrrrrrr "

Tim cried in absolute pleasure, and he certainly didn't stop when Drogg cleaned his puppy's dick and balls with his rough tongue, Tim's howls were as savage and primal as a wolf, and then Drogg used his tusks to bite Tim's right cheek and he was sure Tim's soul melted on the inside as he was just laying there with the pillow covering his muzzle, so he spit right on his pucker, devouring everything on his path, fucking that hole with his tongue, then resumed fingering him until he could reach his prostate causing the pup's howls to be even louder and then it was finally time to spit on his meat a few times, giving it a few strokes, until the leaking slit gave a kiss to the pucker in question making his pup melting on the inside once again.

" Alright now, no need to be nervous, just take a deep breath and relax, don't be tense boy, you're gonna love it so much you will ask me not to stop pounding your thight ass "

Tim obediently deeply inhaled and then exhaled and relaxed his splinter while his entrance welcomed the Orc inside, due to the fact that he spent no less than 25 minutes total stretching his pucker as best as he could, it was very easy to Drogg to settle himself and find the optimal angle.

" Mhhhhh Goddamit, fits so perfectly it seems your butt was made specifically for my meat boy "

Grodd moaned as he slided all his meat inside, he could feel his meat growing even harder and his balls filling with a very powerful load. At first, there was no reason to be in a hurry, so he first let the pup to gently get used to his trusts and to adjust himself accordingly, determined not to give pleasure solely to himself, but to the pup alike; then Grodd progressively raised both the speed and force of his thrusts, that's when he heard the pup moaning in absolute pleasure, his fat balls loudly smacking against his cheeks at each deep thrust.

Moans escalated as the force of his trusts did, but then the Orc changed position and allowed Tim's legs to fall on the bed, on which he climbed and really started going at it. All Tim could see was an huge hairy Orc towering upon him, making him feel like a 7 year old pup, and grabbing the pup's hips with his big hands he powerfully trusted all the way in, and all the way out.

Tim gripped at the sheets as his hips were tightly held so that he could meet any trusts from the Orc, this is exactly when Tim realized he was loving feeling the huge amount of energy powerfully releasing into his body. Tim spread his legs as best as he could hugging his Papaorc's lower back with his legs and closed his eyes to really let the world outside disappear.

" Please take me Papaorc, no more teasing, fuck me harder please Sir "

"mmhhh I thought you'd never ask puppy, don't worry I can accommodate your request"

Drogg almost pulled out all the way, then he pulled the pup's hips away and then slammed them against his meat with all his might, all the way to the end, Drogg really started to sense his balls feeling heavier, heavier, and heavier, the sounds of the primal moans, the Orc's unceasing grunts was music to Grodd's ears.

He kept slamming the pup's hips all the way down with unearthly speed and force until Tim howled like a real wolf and blasted his 4th load all over his and Drogg's bellehs firing his load for a long while since his new Daddy was making him feeling fucking fantastic, and as Drogg fucked a load out of his boy, he felt his pup's hole abruptly clenching around the entirety of his meat, clasping around Drogg's Orchood in such a tight and sudden way that Drogg's roared as he ever roared before as he felt his nuts to suddenly stiffen and release all his load balls deep in his puppy's rear.

Tim, was having the impression of being in the middle of an earthquake and now he had reached the very epicenter of it, any single part of his body felt like it was being consumed, annihilated, obliterated by these titanic shockwaves as Grodd's cum filled up his rear, making his insides feel warm, Drogg's beastly roar was the last thing Tim heard before his brain blacked out.

And as soon as he opened his eyes again he found that same huge trucker Orc he fell for, and together they had unimaginably powerful sex all night long as Tim found out what sex really on his body rather than a porn video and the Orc unable to put his meat to rest with such a cute thight ass that loved to be filled with his cream and that Drogg loved feeling around his meat.

The following morning Timothy woke up from an extremely erotic dream with a very painful headache, something didn't seem alright, he wasn't in his room, and he felt sore as fuck as soon as he tried to stand up, every part of his canine body felt like wrecked.

" Mornin puppy, how's your hangover ?? "

The huge trucker Orc he 'dreamt' last night asked with his extremely deep and grave voice that made his whole sentence seem like a prolonged throaty groan. He was wearing only some underwears that couldn't quite hide the outline of his fat meat.

" made my pup some breakfast, not a good cook though, just what I had around "

The huge Orc said getting by the bed and putting by his side a tray with scrambled eggs, toasts, and milk.

" I can't believe that dream actually happened, I thought I dreamt the whole thing. And you also brought me breakfast in bed ?! Seriously I must be a very lucky sod indeed "

The pup said putting his arms around Drogg's hairy belleh, which responded by fently chortling at the pup's comment and squeezing his back and rubbing his forehead.

" well, in case you don't remember you asked me to be your daddy and to take care of you, and then I rammed into that pretty ass of yours for hours, I hope you weren't planning to go for a walk today because you'll find that a little hard "

Tim couldn't believe the huge Orc actually accepted to what he asked, he had searched far and wide for someone to take care of him, that would let him forget how lonely and sad his existence was, but even with his body feeling sore as fuck, his tail still begun his very unusual wagging but then it stopped after a little because it felt very sore as well. Tim giggled a little, his headache still not overpowered by his sudden happiness, proving to be more than just annoying.

" Thank you very much Sir, it's so nice from you "

" well if I were you I wouldn't really count on me serving you breakfast at bed everyday, but still you earned it after being such a good pup for Daddy last night. Look, junior seems to agree with me "

The Orc lewdly chortled at his own bulge bouncing up and down and growing. Foggy memories from last night awoken in his mind, making Timothy instantly hard.

" don't give me that look boy, first finish this breakfast, then I might let you play with it for a bit, if you promise to behave "

" yessir, ok "

Drogg chortled again as he saw Timothy ravaging his breakfast in order to get the prize and after he finished, and drank all his milk, he took the tray and tried to stand up but almost fell to the ground if it wasn't for Drogg's quick save.

" guess I'll have to carry you around for today, also I think we might need a shower "

The Orc said picking up both the tray and his new pup, Drogg rubbing his back with his free hand, and to Timmy it felt quite nice.

" Sir, why you being so nice to me ?? "

This question actually catching Drogg off guard, he couldn't really explain it himself, it probably was the pup'super power, the one of making a sex starved mean bastard to become softer than he should.

" I don't know pup, as I said it's something you really shouldn't get used to, last night was pretty intense to you, besides you said it yourself yesterday that you don't want to be treated like a simple sex toy, but if you changed your mind about that I'll try to accommodate you "

" Nono just asking Sir, thanks for your help by the way, I really appreciate it "

The Orc chortled in response and after putting off the trail in the kitchen he went in the bathroom were a very large shower cubicle was awaiting for their arrival. The Orc removed Tim's underwears and then his own, revealing a couple of very hard dicks.

" here can you at least stand if you grip this handrail ?? "

Fortunately Tim was able to at least stand up that way, allowing the Orc to run the shower on the pup's fur, Tim forgot he ever had an hungover as Drogg started the warm water and he felt a couple of big hands rubbing the soap on his fur with force, and Timmy lightly moaned as he could feel the Orc's fat meat bouncing on his back and his rough hands groping his cheeks while washing his butt that caused his tail to wag. Drogg had to admit he was quite pleased with what he was seeing, after he washed all the lather off the pup's body, he gave his own cock a few strokes.

" you behaved as you promised, if you want you might play a little with Junior "

Drogg says as he momentarily stopped the shower and helped Tim stand on his knees and grunted as his pup started sniffing the smell of his tip and then sliding his tongue under his foreskin and cleaned all the dried up cum from yesterday as Drogg was stroking his meat right into his pup's muzzle.

" Goddamit boy, nice tongue you got there, keep it nice and slow at first "

The pup listened and only limited to lick his foreskin and then slided his tongue all over Drogg's erected meat, he also appreciated when he started kissing his bulging vein. The Orc meat was continuously bouncing happily on the air, quite pleased by the pup's ministrations, especially when Drogg's guided his muzzle to his fat balls which he happily begun worshipping and started moaning really hard.

" Mmhhh fuck yes boy, make Papaorc's meat bounce "

The moaning pup stopped rubbing his tongue all over his ballsack and engulfed one in his mouth, nursing on it, he treated the other testicle the very same way. The Orc then gripped his pup's head and forcefully pulls it down, causing himself to groan hard as his pup was worshipping his ballsack like no one else ever did. Grodd kept pulling as down as he could his own ballsack still inside his puppy's muzzle, until he pulled his head away from it with a 'splop' sound.

" mmhhh you really like Daddy's fat nuts, don't you boy ?? Here don't let junior grow too jealous tho "

Grodd placed his pup's head on his fat meat and started humping his hips forcefully into his thight throat, grunting as it felt really nice the pup's throat around his meat. Tim looked up from above as his new Daddy was fucking his mouth making him gagging any time he hit the back of his throat, and he could feel his fat meat growing harder the deeper he pushed inside, and also started leaking uncontrollably as his pup put his paw around his dick and started playing with himself stroking his little meat as fast as he could.

Timmy sucked on the Orc's thick meat and gulped hungrily loving the taste, the roughness of the male manly breeding his muzzle. Huge orc orbs smacking lewdly off his chin, the stench of his Papaorc's ripeness being ground into his snout with each powerful thrust. Tim realized he wanted more, he needed more, nothing else mattered, there wasn't anything he wanted or needed more rather pleasing the huge trucker Orc and let him understand that he'd provide all the pleasure the Orc would ever need.

He kept suckling hungrily on that thick juicy pole and his reward was faster and rougher thrusting.

" We'll have to do something about that gag reflex, but for now, get ready boy, it's coming right up "

The pup braced himself as the Orc intensied his trusts and made Tim stay at the end of his cock for awhile while grunting so deep and loud, the pup instead brushed his snout on his pubic hairs moving his stuffed muzzle right and left as he was deepthroating the entire length moaning as he had learned to enjoy the feeling of fullness he earned any time His DaddyOrc rammed into his muzzle almost as powerful as he rammed into his ass last night slamming his hips into the starved muzzle.

Grodd felt his ballsack stiffen as he roared just like he roared the night before as a powerful stream of thick ropes of his thick sperm filled up his puppy's tummy. Timmy was tightly held at the end of his meat, coughing and gagging, until he gradually gulped down all his thick load, and like the night before he kept firing his thick load for quite a while before the trucker Orc realesed him from his grip, immediately after this Drogg picked him up and just like yesterday Tim was pulled in such a messy hot smooch.

" Good boy, you ate all your breakfast, you're going to grow strong and tall like Daddy "

" mmhhhh Thank you DaddyOrc, but I have some unfinished business with you "

Drogg treated the pup with a quizzical expression until the pup found his fat nipple and begun nursing on it, hence remembering that he hadn't had enough of it last night, with his free paw he started pinching Drogg's other nipple with all his strengths causing the Orc to grunting very deeply.

" Yeah boy, show Daddy how much you want to be my pup "

Tim soon went wild on that nipple, really showing it to the Orc, worshipping all his hairy peck, never having enough of it, bathing his whole man boob with his tongue, then started biting on his peck.

" Mhhh want to play hard huh, show me what you can do, be thorough "

The pup bit his fat nipple even harder, and begun delivering relatively powerful bites to all his peck, then he did the very same with his other hairy peck, at first only bites, then resumed rubbing his tongue all over his huge hot hairy pecks and suckling on both of his fat nipple while moaning.

Drogg let his pup enjoy his own pecks as he was naturally really hard again just by seeing his pup licking his nubs as a kid would lick an icecream, then he spread his legs around his chest and felt under his hands those beautiful cheeks he fell for causing his pup's moans to increase even more as he begun pulling them apart.

Then Grodd removed one hand from his pup's cheeks and showed his bulging iron bicep to his pup, and with no surprises, Tim stopped worshipping his pecs and started worshipping his huge biceps, leaving a trail of kisses and licks all over it.

Meanwhile he removed the other hand from his cheek and forcefully gripped his puppyhood and started stroking his meat causing him to moan louder. Timmy was clearly enjoying himself as his tail could not be stopped for a single second and his tongue went wild on his huge bicep, it almost surprised Drogg when the pup slided his tongue down his bicep and as the Orc raised his arm as he basically dove his face right into his armpit inhaling deep his scent before starting driving his tongue wild against his sweaty moss, suckling on his dirty armpit.

" Mmhh that's a good boy Timmy "

It felt very nice to have any inch of his body to be worshipped in such a way, Drogg remarkably increased the speed of his hand and pumped a sticky warm puppyload all over his chest resulting in the pup to howl as he rested his head right on his broad hefty shoulder, then Drogg restarted the warm water while breathing warm air on the pup's neck and nomming on his ears while his other hand was gently rubbing his back and his butt, the pup fell asleep just like that seconds later.

To Drogg it felt awesome as fuck to own some hot and gentle pup that loved to play with him. Drogg knew he still needed to go out in search of durable fuck toys to wreck because he wanted to preserve his puppy's nice and tight ass but for now some faps will have to do.

1 Month Later

Drogg was driving his truck and just entered the border of Arizona and needed to reach Helena in Texas for this shipment, today he left from Southern California very early at about 4 AM, with his pup using his pecks as pillows, and just thinking about last night in bed made the Orc painfully hard, not only did Timmy learnt how to take it balls deep in his cute and extremely thight ass, but he also knew how to endure no more than 7 rounds in a row, quite the durable pup he was making out of him, Drogg could never be so hypocrite to deny that not only he was emotionally involved in his relationship, but that he also bonded with his pup in so many other ways than just sex.

The pup's hunger for Drogg grew and grew with any days, the choice of letting the pup entering his life was by far one of the best decision he ever made, considering that he always cleaned the house by vacuuming the floor, washing windows, doing the dishes all by himself without Drogg ever asking him to do these chores in the first place, but he knew he had to collaborate, and this was one of the many signs pointing out that he was very mature pup for his age, also when he mentioned all the annoying things that enraged him that furs his age always did and all Drogg could do was agreeing with the pup, which he realized he was growing quite close to also due to the fact he was a genuinely nice fur; but when it came to clean the king sized bed, he always refused the chore because he says the sheets stained with their cums made him horny as fuck. Such thoughts made the huge trucker Orc wondering how such a pup could be so pervert at this young age.

Usually he would have left much later like after 9, because usually his driving schedule didn't require him to reach very far destinations unlike today, so he couldn't drive Tim to his campus like he always does and he knew he legitimately wrecked his ass last night, and realized he couldn't help a slight tinge of guilt, but remembering the very moment in which Tim's tailhole clenched around the base of his meat compressing it, resulting in his load to explode in his ass, completely overpowered his guilt and forced him to travel with his dick out of his pants. Drogg knew it was going to be a really hard day, he had no idea how to stop thinking about his pup, and there's nothing he wouldn't do to ram into that cute ass right now on the bed in the back.

At like 8:37, when he was almost arrived in New Mexico being so much grateful for the almost complete lack of traffic, still with a leaking erection out of his pants he received a text from his pup which had just woken up:

Good Murnin Sir, thanks for last night, I don't care you don't feel the same, but I fucking love you, with all myself, you take care of me, and let me use your home as mine, you're really important to me, regardless of what you feel, you're the bestest and hottest part in my life. Have a good day at work Papaorc, see you later Tim

And papaorc feels very lucky to have found such a cute and sensitive soul, a smile spread underneath his thick beard, part of him despised the fact he had turned soft, but again it was fine as long as he'd still act like a real mean bastard with everyone else.

Tim was actually pointing out at what transpired 1 week ago, when he asked the Orc if he loved him back, Drogg was so tired that night that he kind of broke his little heart, and Timmy was showing his best understanding side rather than an explicitly offended side and then left without telling him where he was going.

It was just a short matter of time before Drogg realized how much Tim had changed his life in so many ways, and couldn't fall asleep on that night despite all his tries.

He cursed himself for never showing a bit of gratitude to the orphaned pup, it wasn't just his ass or his muzzle, he was the way he always asked about his day, brought him breakfast in bed when he didn't have to leave early, and it was the way in which Tim loves Drogg, like his true Daddy, the act of shattering his happiness prevented him from sleeping for the whole night despite him driving trough 7 states. Without his little lover nestled on his pecks, sleep completely evaded him on said night.

On the following day the pup came back to apologize for asking a question he shouldn't have brought up and asked him if he was still interested in owning a pup, no matter what kind of pain Tim went trough, he'd always remain as gentle and sweet as possible.

That day, it was the 1st time he admitted his true feelings to his pup, he owed him at least that much after that he felt like coming back for owing Drogg an apology for something Drogg was clearly the only one to blame.

He remembers Tim's reaction once Drogg told him he was a very important part of his life, his huge smile warming Drogg's chest, and when they went to bed that night, snuggling up with each other, Drogg crumbled as soon as he hit the pillow, because now he knew he couldn't live happily without his gentle tiny lover with an ass that never made Drogg's meat stay still or dry, NEVER.

So then, after remembering the whole thing, he responded:

Morning to you too puppy, I can't stop thinking about how good you were with papaorc last night which reminds me how's your cute butt doing ?? did you apply on it the cream I left on the nightstand, and course I feel the same for you, you're my piece of cute, ONLY MINE, and as soon I haul my hairy ass back home I need to find you in bed with NO clothes on. Just look at what you've done to junior, he's crying because he misses you ????????????.

( leaking and fully erected dick pic sent )

[the question marks are 3 emoticons: grin, eggplant, 3 water droplets]

T: you really mean it Sir ?? GODDAMN you just made me hard af in class, tell junior I'm waiting for both of you. You 2 seriously need Da Halp, Papaorc better bust his fat hairy nuts at a trucker stop or something. And thanks so much for cream, I need to buy a ton of it, it actually works !!

D: Yes I mean every word I said, afterall it's been already a whole fucking month that I got myself a pup, and yes I was planning to eat something and give the whopper a break before the trip back home, but without that thight ass of yours Junior will not be as much pleased.

( Tim's legs spread on the bed with a creamy load all over his butt pic sent )

T: Pops u need to staph making me this hard when am at school, I can't get out of class rn, Mhhh please let me teleport in your truck this very instant.

D: Ha if u be here right now, I can assure you that no amount of that cream could repair your ass. Ok pup, papaorc needs to get to the destination in time, we'll talk before I start my route back home, enjoy your day my pup.

The Trucker Orc arrived home at 11:11 with his balls the size of an oversized grapefruit each, he succeeded to bust his nuts after he ate some grub in Texas, the food wasn't certainly the highlight of the day, same for the 1 ass he wrecked, a rhino stud which felt very nice around his meat, not as nice as the indescribably thight pup of course, but extremely durable indeed. After blasting 3 loads into him without a single break, he went for an ever so calming cigar in his truck, and upon visualizing in his mind his puppy's butt completely covered in his load, Junior refused to stay calm and forced Drogg to drive all the way back home like he drove early in the morning, with his meat bouncing and leaking on his seat.

When he finally arrived, he couldn't believe he made it, upon entering home the aroma of both Thai food and marijuana filled his nose, he hurled all his clothes on the couch in the living room openly disrespecting them, kicking his oppressively thick jeans out of his sight making his meat bouncing hard as he couldn't wait to make love to his pup, and as he entered his bedroom he found a naked pup playing with himself with a Daddy magazine in his paw. Turning his muzzle up, Tim saw his huge Trucker Orcdaddy standing in the doorway stroking his meat with a mischievous grin plastered on his beard as Drogg could see a giant smile spread on his pup's muzzle.

" Papaorc !! You're finally here !! "

Screams a pup leaping from the bed to the Trucker Orc's arms, his wagging tail making Drogg smile more, and also caused his meat to ooze his pre uncontrollably as he pulled Tim in a messy and long kiss, and the pup hugged his papaorc with both his arms and legs, his puppyhood bouncing on his hefty pecks leaving a trail of his pre running down the Orc's chest.

Drogg, exhausted from his all day long drive exhaled a huge breath he didn't know he was holding as his puppy's tongue perfectly melted in his mouth and started suckling on his own and naturally started moaning loud as hell as Drogg possessively gropes and squeezes his all time favorite cheeks. As the kiss ended Tim smiled at Drogg with such a wide smile before sensually licking Drogg's tusks, and then added

" didn't know what you wanted, tried to text you but the battery of your phone must have died, so then I settled for Thai, is that alright "

The Orc nibbling on the pup's flickering ears, as he was reminded why he was able to sneak under his skin, with such manners and kindness that made the Trucker felt appreciated for his ass cracking job, he had to admit it felt very nice to come back home everyday to a cute pup that waited all day to be with his Papaorc.

" Sorry pup I forgot to text back, I think Thai's great, so how many loads did my puppy shot today ?? "

Drogg asks while having his soul restored as he could feel under his callous hands those marvelous cheeks responsible for his meat to never be flaccid, he was so happy to feel Tim's rubbing all his pre on his chest while he was hugged with all his limbs.

"None yet, just smoked weed and saw memes all day, wanted to wait till you arrived but then I found the dirty magazine you got me last week and that was when Papaorc arrived"

" well then let papaorc help you out pup "

Drogg threw Tim on his bed, and put his hands under his cheeks, forcefully pulling them apart from each other and sticking in his fingers, causing as his pup to whine in absolute pleasure while a most soothing beard rubbed all over his pup's leaking dick until he started to suck him off, Tim throwing his head backward, arching his back, loving to feel little and safe, and started howling as true to his nature he didn't last very long, especially after not busting his cute balls not even once on that day.

Drogg swallowed the 1st dose of puppy cum like if it was his favorite brand of beer, and then went for another, he enjoyed seeing Tim twisting his body in all the weirdest positions, not being able to process the amount of pleasure frying his brain that the Orc was giving him. He enjoyed it even more as the pup arched his back and Drogg used his big hands still groping his cheeks, to push his pup's dick in and out of his mouth. The pup seemed like he was having a good time, judging by the howls he was making.

This brought his memory back to 1 month ago when he only licked his dick once and then he exploded in such a messy manner. The Orc then puts 2 fingers around his puppyhood and powerfully started stroking his length up and down, meanwhile Drogg found 2 perfectly matched balls on which he worked on for quite a while, enjoying the boy musk gathered there and contrarily to Drogg's expectations Tim howled even louder, but not as louder as when the Orc put even more Strenght as he wanked his boy's meat with his rugged powerful hand.

" mmhh yes cum puppy, cum for your papaorc "

Timmy howls became mixed with internal moans, the huge Orc enjoying what he was seeing and kept stroking his pup's length until he could finally swallow his pup's,sweet seed for the 2nd time in a row.

" Mhhh looks like someone was quite pent up as well, huh boy ?? get ready cause Junior told me he wants to make a mess with that sweet mouth "

" hehe papaorc has been hard for all day, right ?? Let me fix that for you !! "

" Don't tell me about it pup, the return route was a nightmare, couldn't stop thinking about this "

The Trucker Orc says putting himself astray, his aching balls dangling over Tim's snout, the pup slided Drogg's foreskin towards him, and let the green meat to ooze his salty pre on his tongue, he could see the Orc rock hard, his balls needing to be emptied, so he put both his paws at the base of his thick meat and started pumping with all his energies, Drogg moaning harder than he should have as this is exactly what he had craved for the entire day.

He started humping very fast, slamming his hips inside deep the hungry muzzle as he could see where the pup was going with that and his moans only escalated as he could feels his pup's tongue ravenously licking his tip and sliding under his slit as he momentarily pulled out, then Drogg lost control of himself and made Tim sit up with his back straight instead than just laying on the bed, and then shoved his cock all inside his pup's throat and feeling so good that the pup had finally learned how to swallow his meat faster instead of gagging on it.

The pup was now using his soft paws to gently squeeze his aching balls in order to give them comfort, and as he did that Drogg couldn't hold it any longer and picked up a wild and savage pace during the which Tim couldn't help but coughing panickly for quite a few times, then such pace terminated with a Orcish and unearthly roar that positively woke up the entire neighborhood, Timmy was really happy to give his Papaorc a lot of pleasure after 1 day of hard work across the country. Drogg let his pup gulp down his entire load as usual, Timmy happily swallowing his Papaorc's seed while moaning in pleasure.

Then, Drogg's legs shook and he finally could rest his back on his beloved bed, not stopping grunting as he did so, then he cleaned his pup's face with his tongue and pulled him in a slurpy kiss that made him hard immediately after.

" Papaorc loves ya pup, I need a gentle and awesome lil pup like you in my life "

" Sir, you're the bestest part of my life, thanks so much for saying that it means the world to me, you just made a certain pup very happy, thanks "

" and I'm gonna make a certain pup even happier I reckon "

The Orc said as he knows he made the right decision telling his pup how he felt since it's has been 1 month since he entered his life, a month unlike all the previous ones due to the fact that anyone could tell Drogg was in a terrific mood everyday except for his meat unwilling to ever give him a break, and as he was enjoying so much the pup's smile spreading on his muzzle.

Catching his breath, the Orc then sat on his knees on the bed and then double pinned Tim and stuck his nose right inside his tailhole, smelling nothing but the smell of his cum and heard as his brain shouted 'hell yeah' and then proceeded with Tim's favorite part, he pulled his cheeks apart with all the Strenght in his hands and starts eating his ass, devoting himself altogether to the cause of tonguefucking his pup, and as usual he can't resist as Drogg uses his tusks to bite his cheeks resulting in his pup cumming for yet another time

" looks like I kept my word pup "

Drogg's ears were filled by Tim's grateful moans as a digit made his way into the tunnel, and gradually made its way until he grazed his pup's prostate, the same thing for the other 2 digits that loved to explore the inside of the pup's rear, and at anytime his prostate was grazed, the pup would shoot an howl that could be heard throughout the whole damn neighborhood.

" Hush pup, you're gonna wake the old mole neighbors !! "

" you mean, we're gonna wake up the old mole neighbors as soon as you bury your load into your pup, right ?? "

" mhhh guess I can't argue with that cause I waited the whole fucking day for this moment pup, I hope you had nothing planned for tomorrow "

" luckily tomorrow's weekend papaorc "

" you still haven't told me what you want to do, it's gonna be sunny all the weekend, say, you up for a camping trip with your papaorc ?? I know a nice place I used to visit when I had your age "

Drogg slides his fat meat inside his pup, and the memories of when he used to be a cub of an old kinky Trucker Kodiak bear awoken in his mind bringing his meat to full hardness. He remembered the old bear always taking him to that camp and mount his ass for entire days, further memories were unveiled as this caused his meat to become diamond hard and his balls to become achingly full. Tonight he'd going to make a certain pup very full of his seed, his balls overflowing with his seed inside and needed to be emptied.

" mmhhh is it just me or papaorc is even harder than usual, if that's even possible ?? "

Tim moaned as he relaxed and could feel the fat tip entering his pucker and remarkably pouring his pre inside as thick globs of orcish pre lubed his stretched hole. As for Drogg he couldn't help but heartily chuckle at his pup's last remark, loving how Tim's ass welcomed his meat inside after such an hard and long day, he was also extremely surprised at his meat's unwillingness to stop growing harder and harder by the second.

" I guess junior just missed you very much today pup, but now he's just very happy he's finally where he wanted to be all day "

Drogg says as he increases his grip on the double pinned pup and ferociously slams his hips forward causing the both of them to exasperately moaning in sheer delight, the Orc emptying his lungs as he exhaled and a primal rumble of utter indescribable satisfaction raising from his chest all the way to his throat.

He spent the whole damn day trying to figure out in which way to properly mate with his gentle lover, than he resolved that their favorite position would have to do the trick, Timmy loved missionary, and Drogg agreed very much with the reasons behind that being that Timmy loved to feel towered and dominated by his huge hairy beast, nothing would make him hornier, same for Drogg which couldn't resist taking hold of his body and showing him all his strength from which his pup would derive a strong feeling of both safety and love.

" please no pleasantries pops, give it all you got, breed me like you bred me the 1st night together please "

" you sure pup, junior might have more than a single load. Wouldn't want to wreck that nice thight ass far too much "

" Mhhh please Sir I can't take it, just like our 1st night !! "

Tim begged and made Drogg reach his peak hardness as nostalgic/erotic memories of his camp so many years ago were mixed with the lustful memories of when he bred his pup in the back of his truck for hours until he didn't have a single breath left in him.

Timmy knew damn well that there was nothing that turned on his Papaorc more than begging to be bred, it's something Orcs in general love, to hear their bitches or lovers in this case imploring them to fill them up with the fertile Orcish seed, to let them witness all their might into an erotic performance of both manliness and dominance.

To Orcs, nothing can surpass this very concept, they use their raw, ferocious, and brutal Strenght in order to establish their unmistakable role in the relationship, while the other literally absorbs such Strenght in order to feel safe and secure, hence the cycle is complete and repeats itself as many times as the Orc desires.

" fine pup you win, I can't say no to this cute ass, but Don't say I didn't try to warn you "

Drogg, possessed by a primal lust typical of horny Orcs granted his pup's wish and almost pulled out completely, then he buried his meat balls inside his pup in one trust grazing his prostate in the process causing Tim to howl loud as hell, and in no time the room was filled by the smacking sound of his fat balls on his pup's cheeks, Timmy's noble howls, and the Orc's primal grunts. In his ears it was like a perfect harmony that both calmed and inflamed his brain at the same time.

" mmmhhh fuck yeah Papaorc !! "

Tim whined between moans, Drogg realizing he wasn't feeling close enough to his pup so, instead of using his arms to grab hold of his hips, he crossed both his arms behind his pup's back and brought himself downward to the pup, the top of Tim's head reached Drogg's chin, but with a bit of effort he managed to pull his pup into the most sensual and lustful kiss during the which he felt so much better as soon as Tim wrapped his arms around his neck and then spread his legs hugging his lower back giving him even easier ways to ram into him.

" Ggrrrrr take my meat boy, take Papaorc's meat all the way, deep down me balls "

Tim, with some minor complications managed to relax his splinter and successfully let his papaorc reach unprecedented depths inside his ass, long past his prostate, his pubic hairs and balls caressing the pup's cheeks as his two huge arms supporting his back, making him feel safe as the pup howled inside Drogg's mouth, which was groaning in his muzzle as he was powerfully slamming his hips inside his pup.

" Gggrrrrrrrrrrrrr good boy puppy, yeah just like that, swallow me meat whole "

Tim could feel his whole body vibrating in perfect synchronization with his papaorc. Every single part of his body screamed to shoot his load on his Papaorc's belly, but he made his best not to be put over the edge so soon, however this didn't seem an easy task to do as his papaorc was dominating his tongue in a fierce wrestling competition and his meat was ramming into his ass with a much faster and powerful pace.

Drogg's trusts became even more brutal, and ferocious just like when an Orc finds an human in the woods and teaches him who's his master, Tim tightened his grip for dear life on the Orc's neck, same for his legs and his tongue was almost being swallowed whole by Drogg's starved one. His full balls hinting him that they couldn't last much longer, at any time he grazed his pup's prostate, another primal grunt was elicited and another step closer to the climax was made.

This ruthless pace became even more ruthless as Timmy once again remembered to relax, which led to his huge papaorc to bury all his meat balls deep inside his pup, his 2 arms bringing him even closer so to swallow the entirety of his length and his balls, being exactly where they're supposed to be, and Drogg's thick dark pubes and hefty balls nestled against his pup's ass.

Finally deciding it's time for the climax to be reached, and seeing his pup putting a supernatural effort not to come too soon was just the icing on the cake.

" Cum with me pup, cum with your papaorc, show me how much you like to be my pup "

Tim's soul felt like it was being devoured alive by the sexual lust that was dominating him, unfortunately he couldn't resist any longer as his papaorc broke the kiss and dominantly uses his tusks to nibble on his exposed neck, which almost immediately led to Timmy crying out his pleasure in the loudest howl he'd ever make and as his Papaorc's balls were the only part that weren't buried deep in his ass, he could feel his fat huge meat blasting an huge load inside which caused his own load to being fired at the exact same moment which then smeared and splattered all over both his own belly and Drogg's, but Tim, just like Drogg kept firing his load for solid minutes.

His papaorc finally felt his balls twitch and stiffen as reached the peak of his climax as well, and continued firing his load deep within the pup slamming his hips forward for a few other times, then he pulled back and delivered the final trust with all the Strenght in his body, causing himself to roar like when Orc's impregnate females, his balls finally getting rid of all the sperm accumulated troughout the day, Timmy's brain being erased from his consciousness as titanic, gigantic shockwaves blasted both all his body and soul, his mind being annihilated by such force and his spirit, as well as his ass being filled by his Papaorc's love.

Drogg pumped his puppy full of his load, completely forcing all the air out of his young lover's lungs, and kept his meat buried in until the pup's howl and his own primal groans finally subsided and and as he took his meat out, with a liquid slurping sound, then he realized that this huge load counted as 3 as the quantity of his cum, the quality of his unceasing groans and the total and complete lack of stamina in his body, he loved when his pup made him shoot 3 loads into 1.

He broadly smiled as he heard his pup gasping hard, orgasming with bliss. Drogg's body just fell downwards the same way a dead tree falls to the ground, then he turned the other way and adjusted Tim so that his puppy had his head right on his pecks and after delivering a last lick to his ears, he deeply exhaled, and exhausted did he fall asleep with a big grin plastered all over his beard.

" Night Pup, thanks for Tonight, see ya tomorrow "