My Days at the Gym (part 3)

Story by Sam Monroe on SoFurry

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#3 of My Days at the Gym

My Days at the Gym

Part 3


It was finally time for us to go home... Well at least time for her to walk me home since I am too weak to defend myself. I watched her walking towards me as I waited at the exit, smiling from ear to ear. I must have looked like a fool, because she just giggled and said, "Not polite to stare, you know."

I quickly turned my head and blushed under my fur. 'Damn, she caught me' I thought to myself. I just opened the door and held it open for her. Walking out behind her, I waited until she locked the place up tight.

"Alright, sweetie, let's go" she smiled as we went on our way to my place. As we walked down the street, I felt her loop her arm around mine. My eyes widened just a bit, and I looked at her. She giggled, "Don't worry, sweetie, just an act until we get you home" she said and gave a wink.

I nodded, and said, "okay." I did feel some disappointment, because I almost thought that she had some feelings for me as well. As we walked, the sun had finally gone below the horizon. The stars were filling the sky, and a full moon creeping up to the middle of the sky. Passing a dark alley, I could hear a laugh. A familiar laugh that I dreaded. We both stopped as Raine had felt me flinch in fear.

Then we both saw the same two guys come out, and I could see the evil in their faces. They both had grins with burrowing eyebrows. In their paws was a pipe and a makeshift weapon that I can't recall. It was probably a shank. Raine pushed me and told me to run. I stumbled a bit, and looked at her with a worried face. "I'll be fine, go" she screamed. No doubt that she was going to try and fight the bastards herself.

So I did as I was told, I ran. I made it to the end of the block and turned around only to see the two surround her. What was I thinking? Am I going to just run from my fears, run from someone that may need my help? Hell no. I started to make my way back to them. I was not sure if she saw me or not, because she seemed focused on the big wolf. I began to run, faster until I leaped and landed on the wolfs back. "I will never let you hurt her! ever" I yelled as we both went to the ground.

I could hear Raine speak, "Chris! I told you to run!" She was then attacked by the fox, but she was faster. The wolf tried to throw me off, but I kept throwing blows after blows while I was on his back.

"I couldn't just leave you here to fight these bastards, Raine. I would feel guilty for letting you endanger yourself." The wolf tossed me aside on the ground and got up. His big shadow covering me as he looked at me with anger.

"Looks like the little wimpy boy has a crush" he growled, a grin appearing on his wicked face. He started to reach for me, but left something valuable wide open. I thrusted my foot up and into his disgusting excuse of a crotch. His facial expression dramatically changed from a wicked grin to a painful... Well painful o-face. His body started to lean as he grabbed his crotch, but didn't go far enough and fell on top of me.

Raine had just knocked out the fox, or at least it seemed like it. His body laid limp on the ground as she just planted her powerful rabbits foot into his chin. No doubt that his jaw was broken now. She came over and lifted the wolfs body off of my own, and helped me up. All she said to me was, "That was reckless of you to do that."

I lowered my head, and felt disappointed that I didn't get any kind of thanks from her. Maybe because I decided to fight and not run, but I wasn't going to be scared anymore. I felt her paw touch my chin, and lifted it so my face could meet her. A smile on her face, "But I thank you, my hero." My tail started to wag behind me as she acknowledged my bravery.

"I couldn't leave you there by yourself, besides I am a wolf. I am not supposed to be scared. I should be fighting to be the alpha male!" I told her with a big smile on my face. A chuckle coming out of her lips as we continued on our way home. We even cracked a few jokes about those losers that lay there on the cold concrete. Sure they did rape me, but I was not going to let that take over my life.

We arrived at my door, and I smiled to her as we got home safely. I lived alone in a small run down house, so I was a little embarrassed to show her the place I lived in. It wasn't in horrible shape where there were holes or leaks, but it did look like it needed some cleaning and a new paint job. The inside was no better, but it was survivable. We both looked at each other, an awkward silence creeping up.

"So... are you going to kiss me, or invite me in" she asked with that lovely smile of hers. My eyes widened a little, and I shook my head to stop myself from staring.

"Haha, Would you like to come in?" I asked, opening the door for her. I watched her as she stood there, teasing me without giving me an answer.

"Hmm, very bold of you to ask me inside your place after our first date" she teased and gave a giggle. She walked into the door, and gave me a show of her rear. I couldn't help but watch. I followed her in, and closed the door behind us. "So Chris, was Scott right about what he said?"

I gulped, not expecting a question like that. I looked at her, and blushed beneath my fur, "about what?" I was pretty sure she was asking about my crush for her, but I panicked a little and asked again.

"You know what I mean. Do you have a crush on me?" She repeated herself, her smile gleaming off of her face. I stood there by the couch as she was by the other chair. I didn't know how to answer that question. Sure I could just say yes, but I thought I could just answer in a better way.

I walked up close to her and smiled, my paw lifted up to her cheek. I leaned in slowly with my eyes closing slowly as I made my way closer and closer. Her face was still smiling, but her eyes closing as we pressed our lips into a deep passionate kiss. We stayed like this, tasting each other's saliva for what seemed a long time. When we pulled back from the wet kiss, we looked into each other's eyes as I whispered, "yes."

She only smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck, and her legs around my waist. "Then take me to your room, alpha male" she said in a seductive voice.

I didn't hesitate to do as she said, and carried her down the short hallway to the master bedroom. It was probably the best room throughout the rest of the house. I can only afford to do so much. I carried her to the bed and crawled on my knees before I laid her down on the pillows. Our lips locked together again as my paws begin to explore her feminine body. Finally getting the chance to explore her without being forced into submission when they first met.

My paws found the edge of her shirt, and began to remove it up over her head. I found out she didn't wear a bra when her breasts fell into view. I smiled and leaned in to give each of her nipples a lick. They were already hard, telling me she was already horny since they got home. I gave her nipples another lick before I took them into my mouth and nibbled on them. I could hear her breathing quickening, and soft moans passing her lip.

Her paw rested at my shoulder, and I could tell she wanted me to go lower. I obliged, and moved lower to her sweatpants. I could easily see the big bulge straining in her pants that she was eager to release. I pulled her sweats down and noticed that her panties were not on. They were tying her length along her thigh. I guess that's one way to hide an erection.

One simple pull of the panties, and they came off. Her large bunny cock rising for action. I smirked up at her, and I could tell she blushed. "So are you like this often" I asked teasingly. My paw grabbing her shaft and stroked it slowly. I didn't wait for her answer as I lowered my head past her cock and down to her pussy. I pressed my snout past her large sac, and started to lick her female opening. I could hear her moan loudly as I licked it from the bottom to the top where her clitoris was.

" make me like this" she screamed out in a moan. Her paw coming down onto my head, keeping me there at her hot wet juicy pussy. "Don't stop, Chrisssss" She said in a cry of pleasure. I didn't intend to stop either. What I did intend to do was to make her climax through both her sexes. My paw sped up on stroking her cock, and my tongue licking her clitoris. I eventually used my free paw to finger her pussy deep. I knew that was sending her over the edge. She was beginning to moan louder and more constantly. She even began to call my name out, "Chriisss! CHRIISSSSS! Don't fucking stop!"

I continued to do what I did, and I was enjoying every second of it. It wasn't until I heard her scream out in pure pleasure that she was beginning to climax. Her hot juicy pussy clamped down on my fingers, and covering it with her feminine juices. While her cock began to throb hard and long ropes of cum shot up in the air, landing on both of us.

I could see her chest heave up and down as she was out of breath and coming back from her orgasmic high. I moved up and we both locked into a passionate kiss. Her throbbing, cum covered, cock pressing up against my stomach. I removed my shirt and my pants since I was still dressed. My hard cock throbbing wanting some action as well. I then pressed the tip of my throbbing wolf cock to her opening, and didn't hesitate to push it in.

She moaned into my mouth, making me break the kiss. We looked into each other's eyes as we began to have the actual intercourse. I started off slow, savoring every inch of her feminine folds. In and out, in and out I would go. Our eyes locked on each others, moans escaping our lips. There was indeed a romantic connection between us, and no it wasn't the big throbbing rabbit cock.

I began to pick up my pace, pushing in and pulling out faster and harder. Our moans getting louder, and the squeaks in the bed as well. Her paws wrapped around to my back and pulled me in close to her body. One of my paws holding me up and the other groping her breasts. We moaned out loud as we came close to our climax. My knot beginning to form. I wasn't sure to tie with her or not, but she answered that for me, and forced it into her. That sent us both over the edge. We both came at the same time. Even her cock sprayed us with more of her cum. Though it covered me mostly this time.

I rolled us both over so that she could lay on top of me as we were tied together for a good while. Both of us breathing heavily as we were out of breath. I looked up at her and smiled, "Mmm, now that was amazing."

She giggled through her heavy breathing, and nodded, "It was, but we are not done yet." I knew from the beginning that we weren't finished. She pushed herself up and wiggled on my cock. I gave a soft moan as it felt really good. Then she pulled herself up until she forced my cock out. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt, because it did a little. She looked at me with a smirk, and her fingers rubbing her wet pussy. "Now get on your knees, love. Time for you to get some in return" she said as she slowly stroked her cock.

I nodded, and didn't waste any time to get up and onto my paws and knees. I felt that thick cock head at my pucker and heard her say, "Mmm Wolfy is going to get ridden doggy style by a rabbit" with a giggle. I didn't get to say anything before she thrusted that rabbit cock into my tight ass. "Mmm even after they raped you, you're still tight" she murred.

I moaned out, and looked back at the rabbit. A smile covering her face as she began to thrust in and out of my wolf ass. I turned my head forward, and closed my eyes enjoying the feel of her cock inside me. "Mmm so this is what it feels like" I said softly in a moan.

"Does wolfy like my big meaty cock in his small tight ass" she questioned. I felt her paws grab my waist, and lean down on my back. I thrusted myself back into her as we both locked into another kiss. We moaned into each other's mouths, enjoying every moment we were together. I could feel her large shaft pressing up on my prostate, which only made me want to climax sooner and stronger.

I moaned, and wiggled my ass a little for her, "Mmm I'm going to cum" I said before another moan. I put my paw onto my swinging wolf cock and started to stroke it.

"Me too, love. Let's cum together" She whispered into my ear. Our moans almost in sync as we began to frantically thrust into each other. I took every single inch of her cock when she slammed it into me nice and hard. She gripped my waist and held me still as she began shooting the hot fluid into my ass. With that, I began to shoot my hot wolf cum down onto the bed.

We both collapsed onto the bed out of breath again, but too tired to do anything else. I felt her cock slowly pull out of my butt, and her coming to lay by my side. "Mmm now that was amazing" I said and gave her a quick kiss.

She smiled and only nodded. She wrapped her arm around to my stomach, as mine rested on top of hers. I now know that I love this girl, and I will never let her go. I closed my eyes as we began to fade into sleep, and I heard her whisper softly "I love you too..."

A -- U -- T -- H -- O -- R -- S ---- N -- O -- T -- E

Well guys, girls and herms. This is it. The last part to the story. I feel quite pleased with how this one came out, but I won't doubt it there were errors or something not right. So Comment me and give suggestions and I will fix it.

I do realize I still left a big opening at the end for another story, but it would just drag the story too long. That's just how I feel of course.

Anyway, that's it! I will start work on a new story later on. So comment, rate, fave, and cum! xP