Carnal Combat, Part I - FIGHT!

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#1 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Episode I: Fight!


First Draft 8/21/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.

The eastern plains spread out before Suki endlessly, like a great barrier of emptiness that stood between the brown-furred doe rabbit and her destination. She swapped her lonely bag of possessions from one shoulder to the other and sighed, committing herself to this new challenge before taking her first step across the sad, yet beautiful landscape.

She had left her home in the western lands, beginning her journey with the blessings of her house and her sensei to compete in the great Tournament. Her house, the House of Sand, had long sought a victory in the infamous Tournament, and Suki was their best chance this year. Though she had her house's blessing and confidence, in her heart she was unsure. Last year, the champion that her house had sent had never returned. No word came back, and once again the House of Shadow had won the Tournament, solidifying their place as Tournament Grandmasters for the seventh year in a row.

It was on the fifth day of her journey, when she was halfway across the eastern plains, that Suki began to truly meditate on her task. The Tournament had been instituted by the Gods many centuries ago, when the lands were torn apart by war. At that time there were many Houses, all at war with one another. The conflicts raged for generations and scarred the lands, turning beautiful fields to barren wastelands, and sparkling rivers to rivers of blood. The Gods, having seen enough, broke the barriers they had set up to separate themselves from the mortals, ending the wars with a righteous rain of anger. Few Houses survived the final Judgment from the Gods.

The Houses that did survive were then given a decree from the Gods. They promised to never again unleash Their wrath so long as the Houses did not go to war against each other. To help them in this order, the Gods set up the Tournament. Each year the Houses would send at least one champion, and no more than two to compete in Carnal Combat. At the end of the tournament, when a champion was crowned, his or her house would then control the tournament and all policies in the land for as long as that House kept winning the championships.

The House of Shadow had kept the tournament and the lands in their grip for the last seven years. The same champion, Kaine, had won each of these seven tournaments, and the House of Shadow had slowly reshaped the lands and the tournament to their liking. No one was happy with their rule; an uninterested disdain seemed to be the primary attitude, but those closer to the inner workings of the world knew that the House of Shadow was slowly destroying the stability of the lands. Justice was only as good as how much you paid for it, crops were split unfairly between villages that did not pay tribute to the House of Shadow's representatives, and the tournament itself had become corrupted by the taint of Kaine's House.

The Tournament was based around an ancient concept that had become the basis of each House's creed after the Great Judgment: Carnal Combat. Combat was fast and fierce, but the goal was not to injure your opponent or kill them, it was to wear them down and force a submission of will through seduction. This was a defeat of the soul, far more important in the latter days than any physical defeat.

In Combat, when a combatant submitted, they gave themselves to the victor. The victor would then have the choice of bestowing mercy on them, sending them back to their House in shame, or to finish the match completely, with the ancient Carnality. Once either choice had been enacted, the defeated combatant was free to go. Under the House of Shadow, however, this was not so. The defeated opponent was made to choose their fate: Become the slave of the House of Shadow, or death.

Suki shuddered as these thoughts floated through her mind. Why did the Gods allow this abomination to occur? Her sensei had told her that this was well under the rules of Combat, and as long as it kept the Houses from going to war again, it was allowed. Suki often wondered what happened to her House's last champion, Hikaro; he had been a friend to Suki, and the though of his fate, death or slavery, was equally heartbreaking to her.

She did not want to join him in either. As she resumed her journey, finally crossing the plains and reaching the great Mount Talis, she resolved her soul to bringing her House honor, and in winning the Tournament perhaps setting Hikaro free. The thought consumed her as she followed the path up the mountain, getting closer and closer to the great Hall of Combat, where the Tournament was held.

Soon, Suki was at the peaks of the mountain range, staring out over the lands where Combat would take place. The path narrowed, taking her between two walls of solid rock, carved out of the mountain by the Gods so many years prior. When she emerged on the other side, she faced a long, narrow bridge that was suspended by mighty stone pillars far above a foggy chasm. Half way across the pit was a large square platform, carved from white marble. The seal of the Tournament was set in the center. The rabbit took a deep breath; she was at the entrance to the Hall.

She strode confidentially across the bridge, until she was standing on the platform, on the seal. The stone bridge continued on the other side of the platform, disappearing into a cold fog. Suki squinted; she could make out the distant glow of torches near the end.

Between the torches stood the clear outline of a figure. She stiffened, waiting to see if the figure would move, and indeed it did. Slowly it strode towards her, crossing the bridge until it stood on the platform with her.

The figure was male, most likely canine based on the sharp, pointed ears and the long, thickly furred and curling tail. He wore the garb of a warrior; flowing pants and an armless tunic that sported pointed shoulder pads. His forepaws were wrapped in strips of fabric while his hindpaws were clad in typical fighting boots. A mask obscured his face, letting only his glowing white eyes peer through.

Suki, dressed in just a similar tunic and similar pants, nodded to the figure and announced herself.

"I am Suki, of the House of Sand. I come as their champion, to compete in Combat." She kept her voice strong and steady, keeping her confidence around her. The figure bowed once, but did not move otherwise.

"Have they sent no other champion?" His voice was cold, emotionless and echoing. Suki nodded her head.

"One other. He shall follow behind me, should I fail."

"You shall," he said simply, and took a clearly offensive stance. "I am Ruin. I represent the House of Shadow in this challenge. Face me."

Suki took a step back, stunned. "I have not even announced myself at the Hall yet! You cannot challenge me!"

Ruin did not move. "You stand in an arena of Combat. You come to challenge our Champion. Face me or forfeit."

Suki scowled. Further abuse by the House of Shadow, she thought. The doe stepped back again, placing her single traveling bag down on the stone walkway. Then, she faced the mysterious warrior, taking a stand of her own. She relaxed her body and her mind, preparing for the unexpected fight.

"I meet your challenge," she said darkly, and then waited. The two fighters faced off silently, staring at each other in the foggy moonlight. Neither seemed willing to engage the other, each awaiting the other. Suki felt her heart racing, and as each moment ticked by her anxiousness grew. Finally, unable to take any more, she lunged. Her powerful rabbit legs hurled her towards the ninja, who in turn sidestepped her, bringing his palm down into the center of her back, sending her down to meet the marble platform with a thud.

Suki grunted, quickly regaining her breath and her bearings. Quickly she swept a leg out, catching Ruin's ankles. He fell backwards, and even as his back hit the marble he rolled, flipping himself over to land in a crouch on his feet. He leapt in, hooking one arm under the rabbit's while the other seized her wrist, flipping her over his head to land roughly on her back.

No sooner had Suki hit the ground did she feel Ruin's paw come around her, roughly grabbing one of her breasts. He squeezed it once before pulling her tunic away, letting the soft orb bounce free. She groaned, feeling his paw caress the flesh and tease her nipple, and she quickly cleared her head, rolling away as she spun, catching him in the stomach with a kick that sent him tumbling back.

This was definitely Combat, she thought. The energies in the arena were already affecting her, making Ruin's touch instantly arousing. She had trained for this, though. She could handle it.

They fought each other for some time, each landing a strike or two on the other, or a solid takedown followed by slow stimulation. Ruin seemed to be holding out against the seduction, while Suki had let a moan slip here and there. Eventually they stood face to face again, each in a defensive posture, once again waiting.

This time Ruin acted first. He stood and raised his arms high, his eyes glowing brighter. The fog that surrounded them suddenly began to swirl, and then Ruin suddenly disappeared, dissolving into a wisp of fog.

Suki stiffened, trying to keep alert and find Ruin though this illusion. His location became apparent, however, when the rabbit felt two arms wrap around her and finger her sex and breasts, pulling a gasp from her lips and a quick stiffening of her nipples. Angered, she threw a hard elbow backwards, catching Ruin square in the chest. He grunted in pain, rematerializing behind her and staggering backwards.

Suki spun around and faced the glaring ninja. She tried to ignore the pleasant sensations in her body, and the clear sign of her weakening will that was her stiff nipples pressing into her tunic.

The two competitors lunged at each other. Suki was the quicker, however, and she deftly caught the masked ninja, giving his crotch a good squeeze before she tossed him over her shoulders, sending him flailing to the edge of the platform. Seeing her chance for a quick victory, the rabbit female lunged at the recovering warrior, aiming a high kick that would send him tumbling from the platform.

It was halfway into the kick that Suki realized her error. Ruin was not recovering; he was setting himself up in preparation for a follow up attack. He knew well where he'd landed, and that the rabbit would try to capitalize on it. Suki tried to correct herself, but it was too late.

Ruin caught her leg in his paws. In the quarter-second before he acted Suki thought she saw his cheeks rise behind his mask in a smile, his cold green eyes glaring at her, and then it was gone. He turned and grunted, flinging her by her ankle over his head, and over the edge of the platform, into the abyss.

Her heart sank. She had failed, utterly and entirely, in her very first match. There was apparently to be no decision either; death was her sentence. Another corruption of the tournament, she thought. She felt peaceful, surprised at how quickly she accepted her fate.

She did not fall far, however. Barely a foot below the platform she hit something firm, yet giving. Something wrapped around her ankles, and then her wrists, pulling her roughly spread-eagle, facing a leering Ruin. The somethings that were binding her hands and feet quickly revealed themselves to be thick, pulsating tentacles as they rose above her, turning their tips to aim down at her body. Her eyes widened and she moaned, realizing that she would not die, not yet; first she faced humiliation, and then her choice.

The first tentacle to strike moved in quickly, sliding into her pant leg. It slithered over her fur, working up past her hips to glide in under her tunic. Then, with a powerful tug, it ripped her clothes from her body, leaving the whimpering bunny girl naked. Her soft, bare breasts bounced gently and her tiny tail trembled nervously atop her two perfectly rounded ass cheeks. Her face burned red as her body was exposed, and she could feel her labia growing puffy as the energies in the arena forced her body to arousal.

Suki squirmed in her bonds, her eyes wide as she watched the tentacle that had just disrobed her droop down. It hovered over her for a moment and then slithered forward, sliding neatly between her breasts and into her mouth, forcing her lips apart with ease. The skin was tough, and her sharp lapine teeth barely scratched it as it wiggled its tip to the back of her throat, where it began to drip a sweet, sticky substance. She had no choice but to swallow around it, and the moment the substance hit her belly, she felt her head spin. Her arousal, already high, hit a new peak, and the bunny began to moan and roll her hips wantonly.

The tentacles took the invitation. One thick tendril slid into her puffy pussy, spreading her labia as it slithered into her, riding against her swollen clit until the tip was actually wiggling inside her womb. She bucked hard and moaned louder, feeling her pleasure boil between her legs. In and out the tentacle slid, slowly fucking her, even while she felt another tendril slide up under her tail, pushing between her cheeks to grind its way deep into her ass. With both holes filled the rabbit whimpered, rolling her eyes back as her ears went limp, her whole body on fire with the delight of the firm fucking.

Ruin watched from above, silent and passive, as the bunny girl was taken. Her pussy and ass were firmly fucked until they were dripping, and her breasts were later seized by other tendrils, squeezing the orbs and latching suckers to her nipples to tease the tiny nubs. Her fucking was slow and methodical, and it was a good ten minutes before the rabbit screamed around the tentacle in her mouth, cumming hard on the invaders. The tentacles stiffened, responding by suddenly unleashing a torrent of white cream that filled her belly and bowels and womb, making her bulge in the middle and leak the goop from her pussy, mouth, and ass. She trembled hard, clearly used up and well-fucked.

Having brought the bunny off, the tentacles pulled her wrists together over her head while the tentacles around her wrists, breasts, and in her holes slid away, leaving her hanging over the abyss. She was limp and panting, dripping cream all over her pristine fur and delicious body. Slowly, another tentacle, thick and powerful, started to rise, wrapping around her delicate feet. It twisted around her ankles, and slowly worked up her slender calves.

"Now you choose," Ruin said suddenly, crouching at the edge of the platform. "When the tentacle reaches your neck, it will squeeze and crush the life from you. Your body will them be pulled into the darkness and consumed. You can avoid this fate, however..."

Suki moaned hotly as the tentacle slid over her hips. She could already feel it tightening, pressing against her belly. She blushed hard, still aroused, even as she faced her death. Ruin, however, continued.

"If you do not wish death, then submit your will to the House of Shadow. Become a servant and slave of the House, and I will spare your life. Say it, Suki. Submit and live."

Through her lust-fuelled haze Suki pondered her choices. She felt the tentacle brush the bottom of her breasts, squeezing tighter, making it harder for her to breathe. Death was certainly not something she cared to face, but humiliation in the service of a rival house, as their slave, was just as bad. She knew that as a defeated fighter she would likely become a toy, a pleasure slave to be used by their triumphant fighters and sensei. Still, it was a fate that could be escaped. Death would be the end.

All of these thoughts went through her head in an instant. As the tentacle stroked over her stiff nipples, nearing her neck, she looked up at Ruin with drooping ears and red cheeks. With a nod of her head, she submitted her will to him.

Ruin stood. He pulled a set of three small jagged shuriken from a hidden spot on his tunic, and tossed them easily at the tentacle. They stuck into the flesh of the tendril, and a sharp shriek came from below. The tentacles quickly began to unwrap the captive rabbit, and just as she began to come free, falling from their grip, Ruin reached out and grabbed her wrists. As the tentacles descended back into the darkness of the chasm, Ruin pulled the spent rabbit up onto the platform. She knelt at his feet, panting, still shivering from the pheromones and energies that consumed her body. Without inhibitions to constrain her, the rabbit quickly nuzzled her nose up at Ruin's crotch, her paws on his hips. He watched her passively for a moment, and then grabbed her paws. He placed them in manacles, and then tugged the naked rabbit to her feet.

"You are now a slave of the House of Shadow, rabbit," he echoed. "Our Master will decide what use you will be, or who you shall be gifted to."

With that, Ruin led Suki off into the fog, down the stone bridge and into the lands beyond Mount Talis. They reached a ledge where the path cut down along the mountainside, and from here the Hall of Combat could be seen, with its sprawling courtyard and tall towers.

Suki had finally made it to her destination, but not as a champion of her House. She was a slave of the enemy, her will and her dignity stripped away.

The House of Shadow was already one fight closer to maintaining their rule over the Tournament, and over the entire land.

~ End ~