Chapter I "The Reunion"

Story by fdsadsfadsaf on SoFurry

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Ch. 1: The Reunion

Hi to everyone...this is my first please go easy on me....comments are welcome. And forgive me for all the wrong spellings and grammatical mistakes...I'm not a English Speaker...still learning though...=D

From my bed I could see the sunlight coming through my curtains. Such an amazing view: A gentle gust of wind was making it way into my room, bringing the fresh morning air with it...The little dust particles that could be seen thanks to the beam of light were suddenly shaked by the wind and started whirling and twinkling.........

All of a sudden, I remember I had to get up immediately or otherwise....but there was no point in trying...that "dance" had made me feel even sleepier and my eyes were so droopy they just wouldn't remained open for more than two seconds!!!....

I felt I was going asleep Mum......:

"Dusty!!.....Get up your lazy body right now!!!........You're gonna be late again!!..And on the first day Again!!!!!" she yelled.

"Yeah, yeah" I said while gettin up, also making a soft grunt.

My name is Dusty...I'm a 17 years old wolf, black and grey furred and some tips of blue on my ears. Yellow-coloured eyes and a scar on the left one I got from a fight. I'm almost 6'00 and have a somewhat muscular body.

Avoiding my mum's look, I rushed into the bathroom, got a quick shower and once out...the Mess!!...Finding something in my room is like looking for a needle in a haystack..and I was running outta I grabbed the first clothes I found, a pair of jeans and a not-so-clean T-shirt, my trainers and ran downstairs in order to get some breakfast before leaving.

My little sister and brother were already at the table.

"Oops Dus...gonna be late again??" Chloe said.

"You'de better hurry, you know what I mean" Said Johhny with a chuckle.

I gave them both a withering look and reached out to pick an apple and then a bottle of water from the fridge (Before you think anything...I do love my brother and sister...they're just so annoying sometimes)..

I said goodbye to everyone and got out of the house. I knew I had to hurry so kinda started running, I was only 9 blocks from school so perhaps if I was fast enough I could still make it, therefore I picked up the pace.

"Two blocks left...Yay I'm gonna make it...Just turn around here and I'l.......

I was so absorbed with the fact that I had to get early that didn't see the guy who was at the corner and of course I crashed into him.

The collision was so great that made me lose my balance and fell to the ground.

"Damn it!! That did hurt!" I said rubbing my leg

When I looked up I saw who I had hit: It was a husky, brown and white furred, just as tall and fit as me....I didn't know who he was...but for some oddly reason, he seemed familiar, really familiar.

I realized then that he could be going to school too, as I saw the books he had dropped. I picked them up but it seemed that I was still a bit shocked because one of them fell again, but open this time....

I got struck dumb at the moment.....I couldn't believe it.......

"This cannot be true...must be my imagination."

I read the short text again..the name of that guy was...

"Hey, Sorry about that. Are you allright?? He asked me.

He must have seen my face and expresion when I read his name, cuz he immediately added:

"What's wrong, you're hurt?? You look quite pale...I'm beginning to worry...

"Emm..ehhh...Sorry 'bout that..Here are your b-books" I was so amazed I even couldn't speak well.

"Thanks, but tell me what's wrong...Looks like you saw a ghost or something..." He laughed.

I was still in shock...but softly said:

"Not a ghost...but I certainly didn't expect to see you........again"

"Again?...I think you've hit your head hard dude, I have never seen you in my life!!"

"Aren't you Keith Rivers?" I asked with a hesitant but also excited tone.

He was now a bit scared.

"Yes I am...but How could you possibly...Oh!! My saw the name in them.."

My head was now full of thoughts, I couldn't believe he was here again, after all that time; and besides he didn't remember me??.............Well that was kinda expectable since it had been almost 9 years, but even though I remembered him as if he'd never left, though I could tell he had changed a lot. I made a long silence before answering..

"You sure don't remember me......K'? I expectantly said.

As I imagined, the mention of that nickname caught him surprise, and he opened his eyes widely.

"How did you call me? He nervously asked.

"K'. You sure remember that...Don't you"...

He seemed about to burst into tears, maybe I shouldn't have called him that way.

"K'. Before I moved there was someone who called me that me that way. He was my best friend at that time...but" He stared at me steadily.

"It can't can't be you..."

At that time I was sure he had recognized me, but he seemed so dismayed by the fact, that I remained silent.

"Dusty??" He finally said.

"Yep" I nodded.

"Oh my God!!" He wrapped his arms round me in a big and emotional hug.

"Can't believe it´s you Dusty...Why look at're surely different. I-I-I just don't get it yet"

I was as happy and thrilled as him. He and I had been best friends as children, but at the age of 7 he moved to another state, and never knew or heard anything from him again.

When he broke the hug, I was so deeply moved that a teardrop started to roll down my face, but I instantly wiped it.

At that moment, the word School came to my mind.....

"Oh My God!!! I gasped...............................................

Ok Everyone...I know it's a bit short but I promise making chapter 2 longer...haha!!!

See you!

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