Delta Force (Part 2)

Story by Sparx Pup on SoFurry

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part two of my short series Delta Force. Please comment and rate as always. and of course, enjoy. oh, its shorter than part one. but on purpose.

They arrived early, just enough to avoid being smoked by Little. The course had changed completely. New obstacles were present, and didn't look like they were easily overcome. Old obstacles were still in place, but with some minor adjustments. The ground below each obstacle looked odd, like it had been altered somehow. There were mats there, each with some sort of small generator next to it.

"Afternoon girls, glad you made it to the new course. Those mats you are all staring at, are electrically charged, which means if you fall, you had better hope someone helps you, cuz you will be zapped, and it 'aint no small shock."

Evan raised an eyebrow at the sight of the new course. He glanced at his team and quickly decided who would need the most help in getting across the obstacles. Jason was his pick. He was smaller and shorter than the other canines, but he was also nimble and fast. The only other he could think to watch out for was Jake. He was also a little smaller than the others. Evan got lost in thought and was abruptly brought back to what was currently happening.

"Now line up and get ready to go. You can wear any combination of gear you want. You have a minute to prepare."

Evan wasted no time taking off both his top and t-shirt, letting the dark red fur on his well built chest show. His gun was still holstered and he had two knives, one on his thigh and one on his left boot. The others took their tops off, but left their shirts. There were definitely some crawling portions, and a shirt in the way would be much better than being bare-chested.

"ready, set, go!"

The team ran at nearly full speed at the first obstacle, a giant wall. Cote got there first and jumped up and grabbed the roped that only hung half way down. He quickly scaled it and was over the wall easily. Jake, Steven and Cory were the next to go over. Evan had taken more time getting to the wall and got there with Jason. He jumped up and grabbed the rope and started to climb. He got to the top and looked back at Jason, who couldn't jump quite high enough to get over the wall.

Evan glanced up the course, everyone was making their way through a 100 ft long rope net. He looked back at Jason, who looked up at him with a silent plea in his eyes. Evan jumped down, not even using the rope and put his hands together and nodded for Jason to use them as a boost. Evan heaved and threw Jason up high enough to get up the rope. Once Jason was at the top Evan followed quickly.

"Yell if you need help again," he spoke quietly. Jason only nodded in acknowledgement.

They made their way through the rope net, joining the others at an elongated version of a rope swing. Jason went first, Steven, Cory and Jake followed. Evan looked at Cote, who had terrible upper body strength.

"Go on Cote¸ I will be right behind you in case something happens."

"Fuck that, and fuck you. I don't need your help" Cote spat as he pushed Evan, forcing him to take hold of a rope and continue with the course.

Evan cursed under his breath but proceeded on and made his way to the other side. He proceeded on to the third obstacle and had just gotten up a narrow, artificially broken ramp when he heard Cote yell from behind him. He had fallen onto the electric pad.

Cote screamed out again in pain and Evan wasted no time signaling the others to continue as he turned back for Cote. He flipped off the ramp and backtracked to the ropes. Cote was about half way down, visibly in pain, and unable to move. Evan swung out quickly and hung down as far as he could, getting enough speed to free Cote without becoming stuck himself. He hoisted Cote up and got him to the end of the ropes.

They both proceeded through the next few obstacles and caught up with the others. They were nearing the end after a rope climb and a low crawl section. They were free hanging, on horizontal bars that resembled money bars from elementary school. Evan was the last to start, but lost his grip and fell. He hit the mat and the electric charge surged through his body. His muscles tightened and he couldn't move, but man did it fucking hurt.

Cote looked back shortly, but proceeded to the last obstacle and finished first. The other four canines back tracked to help Evan, but Evan miraculously managed a "No" sort of signal for the others to finish. The time was nearly up, and if they stopped to help him now, they would fail, and the team couldn't afford that.

They obeyed without question and finished the course with nearly seconds to spare. Evan fell to the ground, in pain and waited. The shock stopped momentarily and Sgt Little walked up to him.

"Guess what mutt, you didn't finish the o course, you lose, fail. You are nothing. And because you failed, you are eliminated from Delta Flight."

Evan ears dropped instantly, and he fought back tears. He stood and kept his bearing and took out his pistol. He put it on safety and took the clip out and handed it to Sgt Little without saying a word. Little took it and Evan proceeded back to the barracks, grabbing the uniform he had taken off at the beginning of the course.

The other members of Delta Flight stood silently and watched in astonishment and disbelief as Evan walked away and disappeared around the corner to the barracks.