Delta Force (Part 1)

Story by Sparx Pup on SoFurry

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Another new story i am writing, this is the first part of probably many. it is not edited, just posting to see what people think of it. recomendations for improvement are always welcome and highly encouraged. please rate and comment. and thanks to all my watchers. ^^

Years ago, the mankind reached a point, where he just wanted to celebrate a new era of peace, but something came along that had not been seen before, something new, something more powerful. So the mankind came together and created a new army with a new challenge to bear. An elaborate new movement, this was the birth of the K-9's

Evan awoke abruptly to the sound of gunfire and someone banging on a trashcan.

"Let's go you mangy mutts, get those tails out of bed and into your gear!" a huge bear yelled out at the new recruits.

Evan checked his watch quickly before scrambling to his gear. They had barely been in bed for two hours when the bear arrived. He quickly pulled on his uniform and wasted no time putting his holster on his side, arming his weapon and putting it to rest, loaded and ready to fire, on his thigh. He snapped to attention and waited, knowing he was lucky to finish before time ran out.

"Time's up girls!"

Everyone froze where they were. No one dared move another inch. The big bear walked around the small barracks, "Too slow Cory, you fail Cote, slower than shit Jake, my dead grandmother moves faster Steven, Jason, that's the worst I have ever seen you perform," he stopped for a second when he got to Evan, "Evan, yet again you manage to get fully dressed, weapon included. Looks like you get to eat this morning. Take your time, these girls are going to get some practice in getting ready."

"Sir, Evan cheats, he wears half of his clothing to bed so he has less to put on in the morning," Cote spoke out loud.

"Oh? Is that so?" he turned to Evan.

"Y..Yes sir," Evan replied timidly.

"Well, look what we have here boys. A mutt with a fucking brain in his head, it's simply astonishing, I didn't think it was possible. Now, Evan, run along and get your breakfast, before I change my mind."

Evan might have half smiled, but when he saw the expressions of his teammates, it quickly fled him. Instead, he stood tall and strong, right where he was.

"Aren't you going to get a move on there, goldilocks?"

"No sir, I don't eat without my team. We fight as one and always watch one another's backs, as per the K9 code," he stated shortly.

"Congratulations, hero," Sergeant Little sneered and Evan's ears dropped slightly. "You just won breakfast for your team. Finish getting ready immediately and get down to chow. Be at the O-course in 45 minutes," He turned and walked out without another word.

The small team stood there for a moment, somewhat in awe of what had just happened. It was Cote that finally spoke up, "Nice job Ev, sorry about what I said," he said as he moved over to Evan with his paw outstretched for a handshake.

Evan put his hand out, but grabbed Cote's and pulled him closer and maneuvered him around and held him to a lock half by his throat, half by his shirt, "you ever pull some stupid shit like that again and I'll see to it that you are removed from this team. We are supposed to be working together, and what you did there was completely out of line," he said sternly.

The still stunned retriever was only able to nod. Evan let him go without another word and walked towards the door, "Let's go, I would like to get breakfast before it gets eaten by the cow's in L-flight." The others quickly finished getting ready and followed behind him quickly, heading out to lunch.

Sergeant Little sat with another one of the Cadre as they watched what had just happened Delta Flight.

"Are you going to let that fly, Little?" the rhino asked.

"In fact, I am, Reid. Evan is going to be my pick for Delta Flight Chief," the bear said.

The rhino looked slightly surprised, "And why is that?"

"Because he has consistently shown tremendous progress in almost every stage of training. Delta Flight has lost 27 of its original recruits. Evan is the only one who has made decisions based on the welfare of the group, and you and I both know it. The other remaining 5 members are all guilty of making repetitive selfish choices, example being chow, or extra time to sleep. Evan sacrificed that 12 hours he earned for high scores on multiple events. He split his individual 12 hours into an extra 2 group hours of sleep. Another example being what just happened. You were watching, he chose to stay with the group, and not be selfish, and it got them all breakfast, and on top of that he reprimanded that retriever for his behavior."

"But he has no place to do so. The reprimand comes from you and me, not from the other recruits. He isn't flight chief yet. He is overstepping his bounds, John," Reid replied.

"So are you saying that you aren't going to put him in for flight chief? Because if you aren't, I don't know who you can think of as a better candidate." Little retorted.

"No, he is my pick as well, I'm merely saying he isn't as perfect as you believe him to be."

"Fine, point noted. I will submit the paperwork now. Go and get the o-course ready. Let's see how they handle the new modifications," John said as he got up from his computer and walked over to the printer to finish the package. Reid nodded and walked out. Today was going to be an interesting one.

The group spoke quietly with each other, enjoying their longer than usual breakfast.

"Can you believe we have made it this far?" Jason, a shorter german shepherd asked.

"We aren't out of the woods yet," Cory, a black lab from DC pointed out, "We are only at week 9 of 15. There is still much to come."

"He's right," said Steven, a well built Doberman from California.

"I still don't see why this is a whole 15 weeks. That's nearly 4 months, I mean, what else can they teach us?" Jake, a husky that resembled Evan added.

"I think at this point it is better to not ask questions. We have lost about 30 guys in 9 weeks. Nothing says they have to graduate a class. Besides, the next six weeks are going to be spent picking out a flight chief, and learning how to work together in combat," Evan spoke softly.

"How do you know that?" Cote asked sharply, obviously trying to fault the husky.

"One, I actually read the contracts I sign, two, my older brother is a Major, and three, I've overheard Little discussing it with Reid on occasion when everyone else is asleep, smartass," Evan replied, just as sharply.

Cote flattened his ears, but Evan took no notice, and frankly, didn't care. He got up and dumped his trash and walked out. The others shortly followed. The conversation was over, and it was time for the O-course.