Family Matters - Zerrex and Marina

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#1 of Family Matters

Family Matters

Zerrex R. Narrius

He'd been away from home for a long time now; more importantly, he'd been away from his daughter.

The Drakkaren sat with his arms crossed in the back of his private limo, emerald eyes closed. There was no one else inside the spacious back of the stretch with him, and the one-way window was closed tight, sealing off the driver from both seeing or hearing the seven-seven reptile that rested on one of the plush red seats on the side, leaning against the wall of the limo and back against the comfy cushioning. The tall lizard gazed back and forth, his eyes opening musingly as he looked from window-to-window, glancing idly out at the passing morning scenery. He sat up, moving to the center of the large, cushioned seat in the rounded, oversized room of the vehicle, rubbing his hands idly over his legs as he sighed, smoothing out the black pants before one hand went up to finger the collar of his short-sleeved dress shirt, a light blue, button-lined plain thing that fit smoothly against his powerfully-built chest, rubbing gently against the darker navy blue scales that covered his toned abs and masculine breast, and slowly turned to emerald a shade darker than his eyes to blanket the rest of his lithe but muscular body.

He really couldn't wait to just... get home from this meeting and just... spend some time with Marina, his adopted, beloved daughter. His acting career all-too-often took him away from the things he loved most... but for now he was going home, and for now that was where he planned to remain.

Home... home with his daughter at the Ravenlight Estate, back home at the grand mansion that had been built from the ruins of a hotel and could probably house a small city... but all he wanted was to be in his own little area of the place with his beautiful, eternally twenty-five year old daughter. He himself still looked like an unhandsome but not ugly twenty-three... then again, he was more like fifty, and his daughter looked all of eighteen or nineteen...

Zerrex laughed a bit, reaching a hand up to run it through the natural, shoulder-length hair that grew down from his head in a perfect shade of white that was not-so-perfectly trimmed. He brushed it back from his muzzle musingly, then looked up at the high ceiling of the vehicle thoughtfully.

Marina Narrius... saved from slave traders at the tender age of fourteen, now the most talented artist he'd ever met and a loving, youthful, generous young female. Lithe like him, very nicely shaped and muscled, a generous bust she usually kept covered by a black bikini top and long legs smoothly fit by a pair of jeans, with beautiful sapphire eyes, a wide grin, and a single strange black fin going from the back of her neck to her forehead. Marina... his daughter.

He smiled a bit, then peered out the bulletproof, reflective-glass window to spot the limo pulling up the long drive leading to the Ravenlight Estate, and Zerrex's smile only widened as his eyes filled with relief.

The Drakkaren sidled himself to lean against a door of the limo, placing a hand expectantly on the handle as the classy car rolled smoothly down the plain concrete drive, then it pulled slowly to the side in front of the short walk leading up to the estate, and Zerrex climbed out into the morning sunshine, blinking once before smiling warmly as he pushed the door closed behind him, hearing the rapid patter of feet coming near.

"Daddy!" Marina cried, then threw herself forwards, laughing. Zerrex grinned, stretching out his arms, then caught her and spun her around, joining in her merriment. Then he pulled the smaller female tight to his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he lowered his muzzle.

He meant to kiss her forehead, but missed as she rose hers at the same time; instead, their mouths met in a chaste lover's kiss.

For a moment, lips pressed to lips, then they quickly pulled back, both blushing slightly before Zerrex leaned forwards and planted a firmer kiss on Marina's forehead. "I missed you." he said softly, and yet implacably.

Their arms tightened around one-another, squeezing, then Marina smiled up at him, eyes alight and making her look both wonderfully childish and happy. "I missed you too, Daddy." she replied in her gentle, warm voice, then paused before winking and adding roguishly: "I almost ended up heading out to a club. You know, have a good screw or two to get my mind off things."

At this, Zerrex groaned and rolled his eyes. "Marina!" His tone was both amused and exasperated, voice carrying over the sound of the limo rolling away. "What have I told you about that?"

"Not to share the details?" Marina rubbed her father's sides gently, dropping her arms from around his neck, then she placed her hands firmly on his chest, squeezing her fingers gently into his shirt. "But Daddy, I thought you'd want to know what I was up to while you were gone."

The female tilted her innocent smile and sparkling eyes up to her father's, her blue meeting his affectionate, entertained emerald, and, for a moment, they only stared, eyes locked together.

Zerrex's mouth suddenly began to feel dry, and he swallowed as the smiles left their faces, to become an almost solemn curiosity. Their eyes locked together; they stood for what felt like eternity, the play gradually replaced by deeper emotions of affection, of love, of... and of interest.

Marina gazed into the soulful, brilliant, intense eyes of her father, then she slowly tilted her muzzled upwards and began to push herself higher up on her toes, the miniskirt she was wearing swishing gently as she pressed forwards at the same time, her body pressing tightly into her father's muscular form, breasts, the generous large and firm swells pushing tight against his masculine, powerful chest, rubbing against, almost through the cloth of her tight bikini top and through the plain, inexpensive dress shirt of her father. Her muzzle continued to rise as her hands rubbed across his chest to grasp his shoulders, and his hands instinctively rubbed slowly over her naked lower back to grasp her hips, moving his own muzzle down.

Gently, Marina's mouth met his, and she worked her lips slowly against her father's, pushing herself closer as her arms slipped higher to wrap around his neck. Zerrex responded, his own arms wrapping tight around his daughter's waist, powerful muscles flexing as they squeezed her and pulled their crotches and lower bodies tight together as his jaws worked slowly with hers, lips moving as their eyes slipped half-closed, gently, softly mouthing the other, father and daughter sharing a passionate lover's kiss.

Then Zerrex abruptly pulled his head back, a furious red blush rising in his cheeks as he stepped away from his daughter. Marina looked away, her head dropping as her eyes closed, then Zerrex coughed as he gently pulled free of the arms wrapped around his neck and crossed his own over his chest, repressing a confused shiver before managing a smile and putting an arm around his daughter's shoulders. "Let's go inside, Marina."

"Okay, Daddy." Marina nodded, looking up at him. Then she put an arm firmly around his waist, and the two walked into the oversized, picturesque mansion of the Ravenlight Estate.

The two found themselves eventually pacing down the long, red-carpet-covering-hardwood-floored hall that led along the bedrooms of Zerrex's private levels, their hands gently locked together, exchanging a quiet smile before Zerrex stopped outside a pair of double oak doors, stretching and shaking his hand free of his daughter's playfully-firm grip. "I'm going to get changed, Marina... I need to put on something more comfortable than these goddamn dress clothes." He paused, reaching a hand up to stroke his daughter's face gently. "Why don't you go and have a bath, darling?"

Marina reached up to touch his hand softly, then she nodded, smiling. "Okay Daddy... you want me outta your hair, huh?" she reached up to tug lightly on some of the ivory-white locks, making Zerrex laugh and draw back, swatting a hand out to push hers away.

"Oh, get lost." He grinned a bit, then leaned forwards and kissed the bridge of his daughter's muzzle warmly. "I'll be around if you need to find me. Probably hanging out around here... you know me."

"I do, Daddy." Marina nodded firmly, then she crossed her arms as her father turned and walked inside the Master Bedroom of the Estate. However, she only stood, her muzzle wrinkling a bit as she frowned at the door before looking down with a bit of a sigh, rubbing her legs gently together before biting her lip and gently putting a hand on the door, whispering: "I love you, Daddy. I love you, Zerrex..."

She hesitated a moment longer, then she quietly pushed on the door; the handle revolved, and, soundlessly, the door opened a few cracks, allowing Marina to look in and spot her father as she nudged it ajar a bit further.

He stood in front of the full-length mirror, the usual long drapes that covered it drawn back to expose the gleaming, reflective surface of the huge half-wall glass; behind him sat the enormous double bed that, as child, as needy teen, Marina had been hugged and cuddled and cradled into sleep on by the loving yet powerful body and firm arms of her beloved father. Her beloved father, who stood in front of the mirror, half-naked with the strong muscles of his chest bare and exposed, dress shirt in one hand hung loosely, slowly rolling his shoulders as he looked critically into the mirror before tossing the shirt away and turning his back to Marina to head over to the enormous walk-in closet and rifle through it. Marina merely stood in the doorway, watching silently as he picked out the same style of clothes, but obviously much cheaper versions.

A few moments later, he half-turned and approached the mirror again; Marina smiled a bit as she quietly slipped into the room and gently closed the door behind her, grasping the handle and turning it before gently letting the handle twist back to the closed position as the large oak frame went back to match its brother, now fully closed with her standing in the room. He never notices some things... he's so weird sometimes. Self-obsessed? Nah... just... daft.

Zerrex meanwhile, was gently rubbing his shoulders, before he finally shrugged and bent to take off his socks. He flexed his toe-claws, tapping them against the ground musingly, then he shrugged before reaching up as Marina watched nervously, crossing her arms under her breasts as her father pulled off his belt, then undid the fly of his black pants before pushing them off and kicking them to the side when they puddled around his feet.

Then Zerrex stopped to look in the mirror, tilting his head back and forth before he jumped as Marina finally spoke up, saying in a quiet but firm voice: "Daddy... I gotta talk to you."

"Marina!" the larger male spun around, wincing a bit as he coughed before looking down at himself, then he frowned, looking at her with concern; over the years, him in his boxers hadn't been the most Marina had ever seen of him... so he only hesitated for a moment before walking over to the bed and motioning for her to come over.

But she only stood for a moment before she looked at him squarely, then she said softly: "We shared a kiss today, Daddy... and... and..." she stopped, looking down as Zerrex flushed a bit before blinking slowly as she continued, sitting back on the bed with his hands in his lap. "Zerrex... it made me think. And I've been thinking ever since... that. Because I... Daddy... Zerrex..." she stopped again, then slowly reached her hands up in front of her, sapphire eyes staring into his, half-afraid and half-resolved. "It made me think of how much I love you. And how much I want to do with you."

"Marina..." Zerrex stood, then he walked over to his daughter and hugged her to his chest,

closing his eyes as he pulled her against his mostly-naked body. She responded with a tight hug of her own, and then the big Drakkaren said quietly: "I love you too, Marina... and... there really are a lot of things I want to do with you. I want to do everything with you, really... you're my daughter." He reached a hand up, uncurling it while continuing to hold her tight, gazing down into her eyes before gently stroking her face. "I love you Marina. You're my daughter, my child, my life..."

The female lizard looked up at him, meeting his eyes and staring into the concerned beryl, then she swallowed before finally placing a hand firmly against his masculine breast and saying softly, her sapphires staring into his emeralds; "I want to love you, Daddy. I want to make love to you, with you... Zerrex... I... I want to kiss you again, and then I want to get into that bed with you and..." she broke off, staring past him, then looking up into his eyes and Zerrex stared down at her.

"You... you're my daughter, Marina..." The tall male said slowly, wincing a bit at this, then he blushed as she began to look down, gently pushing her muzzle back up, to make their eyes lock again as he confessed softly: "And Marina... I've never felt anything like that kiss before. Not with anyone... something I've only felt with you. But..." he stopped, looking down in quiet confusion as his daughter realized the two of them felt the same; and that even their confusion, their loss, their disbelief at how strong the want, the need for a physical love was between them. "But you're my daughter."

Marina gazed up into his eyes, then she slowly began to rub his muscular chest, whispering softly in return: "And you're my Daddy." Then she leaned slowly up and kissed his mouth gently as her hand began to rove down from his breast, tracing across his powerful abs, and then to make the large male twitch as she toyed at his waist, flicking the waistband of his boxers gently. "With the euphemisms aside Daddy... I want you, and I want to have sex with you. I love you..." she stopped, then asked in that same gentle, soothing voice: "What do you want, Zerrex?"

For a moment Zerrex only stared into her eyes, then, instead of responding, he lowered his muzzle to hers and pushed down, his mouth working slowly against the female's as she met him eagerly, their eyes closing as one of his hands wrapped firmly around her waist and the other around her upper back, squeezing her tight to him as Marina wrapped both her arms tight around the larger male's body. They pressed together, mouths slowly working, and then Zerrex slowly darted his tongue into her muzzle, sending it down to dance with hers, twisting and turning in slow, blissful swirls as their jaws worked together, entwining and then pulling back, pushing in and then moving away.

Slowly, they pushed together; Marina's breasts rubbed tight against his chest, and she felt they were suddenly too confined by the bra, and that her panties were too tight against the lips of her sex. Zerrex felt the firm swells grind against him as they continued to work their mouths together passionately, and he felt his malehood twitch beneath the boxers as their crotches pushed together, bodies rubbing sinuously close as one of his hands worked slowly over her back to grasp at the clasp that locked the bikini top safely on; his fingers clumsily worked the mechanism, then it released and Marina's bra fell, rolling down between their excited bodies to land on the floor, revealing the rounded curves of her breasts and the hard, perked nipples.

Zerrex drew back from the kiss as Marina looked up at him with a murr, half-lidding her eyes as she licked her lips and looked up at him with a bit of a grin, her hands gently rubbing his masculine chest. "Ooh, Daddy..." she winked at him as Zerrex grinned back, eyes roving over her body as he placed his hands on her shoulders, and then he mocked a raised eyebrow as she placed her hands on the underswells of her breasts and pushed them gently upwards, winking up at him as she almost purred: "I think I got a booboo on my boobs, Daddy... will you... kiss it and make it better?"

The large male looked at her, enticed and amused. "I swear you were practicing for this day, Marina." He said with mild amusement, then, before she could respond, he lowered himself to his knees, gently kissing the swells of her bust as she bent towards him a bit with a murr of approval and pleasure. "Well, I'll take a look for you, daughter..."

As he spoke, his hands worked slowly over Marina's hips to grasp the clasp that held her miniskirt on and loosen it, allowing the simple scant clothing to drop and puddle around her feet before reaching his hands back to grasp the edges of her panties, the two trembling a bit as Zerrex took his attention from her breasts to watch as he slowly pulled down the remaining article of clothing on the female, tugging it down and then allowing Marina to kick it away as she straightened a bit.

Zerrex's eyes slowly roved over her body, exploring her breasts, her thighs, the closed lips of her vagina, then he stood up and gently rubbed his daughter's shoulders as she put her hands behind her, looking almost expectant before smiling quietly as he said softly: "You're beautiful."

Marina looked up at him, then she reached across and gently tugged down his boxers to reveal the starting-to-firm penis of the male, and she looked up at him before commenting softly: "You're big."

Zerrex nodded with a bit of a grin, reaching down to gently squeeze the large, rounded testicles and then the hardening shaft of his cock before slowly reaching his hand over to trace a finger up the length of her entrance, making them both shiver pleasurably at the contact. "Well, I guess we'll have to... get you ready for it then, huh?"

The female reptile grinned a bit at this, tilting her head as she looked at him, licking her lips. "Well, whatever you think is necessary, Daddy... after all..." she reached a hand across to gently touch the now half-hard member, making Zerrex murr a bit at the feeling of her hand stroking slowly down his malehood, from base to head. "I do like it when my Daddy shows me what to do."

"Oh Marina." Zerrex said softly, then he nodded at the bed, murring softly. "Go sit down then... we'll see what we can do."

Marina winked at him, then she strutted over to the bed, tail flicking before Zerrex followed,

grinning a bit as his daughter sat down on the edge of the bed, then spread her legs as the male kneeled in front of her; she looked down at his shaft, now fully erect, and gave a bit of a whistle. "Well, won't this be fun, huh?"

Zerrex shrugged, winking as he stroked the enormous, more-than-a-foot-long shaft of his cock slowly in one hand, then he said in a pleased voice: "Well, I'll try my best for you, at least... but first off..."

He leaned forwards, then gently rolled his tongue up the closed lips of her passage as Marina sat back a bit, murring softly as she leaned on one hand and used the other to reach up, gently squeezing a breast and slowly rolling it in her hand, pinching the nipple as her eyes closed in ecstasy she felt was almost forbidden, as Zerrex slowly, teasingly roved his tongue around the slit between the lips of her sex before moving one of his own hands up to trace the routes his tongue was making before he leaned back, his other arm wrapping tight around her waist as he pushed his muzzle close, inhaling her scent before breathing softly out onto the tight vagina.

Marina gave another soft murr, feeling the excitement only rising in her as she licked her muzzle again, then she arched her back a bit as one of Zerrex's large fingers pressed gently against the entrance to her passage before firmly moving past her lips and into her, slowly, teasingly thrusting down as he rolled his tongue up to the top of her vagina, then back down to the pushing finger. He murred softly to himself as Marina squeezed a breast tightly, rubbing, pinching the nipple between two fingers before stroking over the firm swell, now leaning forwards a bit to place her other hand in the hair of her father, whispering in a shaky, excited voice: "You teasing bastard, you."

"That's me." Her father grinned a bit; both of them were already all but panting as they reveled in the pleasure, the excitement, the enticements of one another, in the knowledge they were sharing a bond that society would forbid and punish, in the want to share in one another's bodies, in the love that rolled between them, in the lack of sex for either one until today. Marina felt heat building in her loins as Zerrex added a second strong digit and began a slow thrusting inside of her, working her passage smoothly as his mouth gently bit at her clitoris and then rose to lap his long tongue at her waist and stomach, nuzzling it, and from the smells, the tastes, the erotic toying he was performing, Zerrex felt his own strong shaft almost painfully erect, throbbing with the beat of his heart, almost thrusting into the air with the pleasure as he slowly pulled his fingers back, then pushed the lips of his muzzle to the lips of Marina's vagina.

He worked them slowly as he slipped his tongue forwards, past the clutching folds and into her grasping passage, making Marina groan softly to herself as her eyes slid closed, squeezing one breast, then the other as her hand dug into Zerrex's hair and pushed him forwards; he replied immediately, moving his muzzle firmer against her crotch, sinking himself deeper as Marina let out another half-moan of pleasure, her legs moving forwards to fall over the shoulders of the Drakkaren as his hands wrapped around her waist, squeezing him against her as he eagerly but slowly worked his tongue against her vagina, sliding it up and down, back and forth, delving into her passage before pulling back as he felt her fluids starting to flow, tasting them on his tongue and drawing it back into his muzzle to sample and swallow, murring into her vagina as the pleasured female gave another soft groan.

Her body seemed to pulse with raw, burning pleasure, that spread from her crotch and in much lighter waves from the breast she slowly played and worked with, eyes closed in ecstasy before she opened her eyes and panted quietly as Zerrex finally drew himself back, gently pressing his hands against her stomach as she looked up at him and asked with a bit of a grin and deep passion sparkling in her eyes: "I not pass the taste test?"

"Don't worry about that, Marina..." Zerrex stood slowly, gently pushing down into the firm stomach of his daughter, pushing on her abdominals lightly to lay her back on the bed as the sexual arousal and ecstasy rolled in waves through her body, and sudden want and anxiety making her hands go to the side, mouth going a bit dry as the large reptile stood for a moment, his black-fleshed cock standing out against his body as he stroked the huge member slowly before pushing one of her legs wide to the side and raising the ankle of her other flexible, coltish limb up to rest on his shoulder, the big male almost panting himself as he slowly rubbed a hand up and down the thick, smooth flesh of his powerful shaft. "But I think we're both already pretty close to the edge... why not push ourselves over, huh?"

As he guided himself down to rub the enormous, thicker-than-a-can head of the cock against her closed lips, Marina stared down at the huge cock, her arms out at her sides, past her ripe breasts and aroused nipples before she reached a hand down to pull the leg out to the side slowly wider, licking her muzzle as she felt the massive, smooth, and already pre-dripping cockhead rub up and down against the entrance to her vagina. Then she smiled up at him, their eyes meeting as she nodded slowly. "Why not?"

For a moment, they both stood and paused, then Marina added as she swallowed anxiously, love and passion rolling through her body: "Hard and fast as you want, Daddy..." she paused again, then murred quietly, spreading her legs a bit more as Zerrex grinned a bit down at her. "I'm sure we can both manage another orgasm or two, huh?"

"If you'd like, Marina... let's just get this one over with now then." Her father replied in a voice that trembled with want. Then he slowly bent forwards, wrapping one arm around her leg before he pushed the massive member against her sex with a bit more firmness, then placed his other hand against her stomach before grunting and thrusting forwards, sinking a good portion of his shaft into her as the hand on her abs rolled down to grasp her hip tightly, leaning over her and bending her leg back as Marina's head rolled and she let out a cry, eyes clenching in a bit of pain turning quickly to high, hot pleasure as Zerrex groaned softly, leaning over her, his own eyes closed tight before he let out another soft grunt, heat rushing through him as he pushed himself in as far as he could with the second thrust, then finally hilted his massive cock fully with the third, burying it entirely into his daughter's tight passage, stretching her lips wide as she let out another cry of ecstasy, her hands grasping the sheets of the bed as her hips bucked up against him.

For a moment Zerrex stood, leaning over his daughter, his malehood buried deep and fully into her vagina, panting quietly as heat rolled through him and her passage gripped and squeezed his shaft, pre leaking out into her as he groaned softly, arching his back and rubbing their crotches together, rolling his cock inside of her as his tennis-ball sized testicles rested gently against her buttocks and the base of her tail, flesh pushed into flesh, both of them trembling as sweat rolled down their bodies, the larger male allowing the female to adjust to the size of his shaft, both of them trembling, shuddering already on the edge of orgasm.

"I want it, Daddy. Please... oh, please... I'm ready." Marina stared up, and their eyes opened at the same time to stare into one another's, blue into green, sapphire into emerald, and then Zerrex nodded, reaching both hands down to grasp her hips firmly as her leg rested on his shoulder. Then he leaned down against her, bending over as he felt his shaft resting deep inside of her.

He groaned softly, lowering his muzzle to kiss his daughter passionately, working his muzzle against hers as he began to thrust his shaft slowly in and out, working his long, thick cock in and out of her tight passage, moving sluggishly at first but quickly picking up speed as he began to slam his stiffening penis in and out of her, moaning into Marina's muzzle as their mouths worked passionately against one another's, tongues working together as Marina cried loudly out into his muzzle and began to buck her hips back against him with his hard thrusts.

The heat that began to race through him was amazing; the feeling of being... completed, filled-up, entirely alive brought his daughter to levels of love and passion she hadn't thought possible. Both of them groaned into each other's muzzles, heat building in each other's groins and sending waves of pleasure through one another.

The male Drakkaren began to thrust himself faster, his huge, hard cock moving back and forth through the female reptile's tight vagina, shoving deep before pulling back almost the entire length, only the thick head of the male's large cock remaining inside his daughter's grasping passage, the ebony member moving in and out between her gripping lips. The kiss broke as Marina reached up to grasp his shoulders and then put her hands in his hair as he bent, letting out cries of bliss and ecstasy as she rocked herself hard against him, over and over again, moving with his powerful, quick thrusts as her breasts bounced on her chest, her entire body enveloped in hot pleasure as her eyes clenched shut and her muzzle hung open, allowing lusty groans and moans to escape into the air as Zerrex grunted, sweat rolling over his body as his muscles bulged out, one hand on her hip and the other rubbing her side as he pushed down on her flexible body, shoving himself faster as a second, more urgent heat began to build, emanating from his balls and increasing with every slap of flesh-on-flesh as they swung forwards to strike her buttocks and roll up the base of her tail, his thick shaft penetrating the pink flesh of her slit over and over again, lubricated by the glistening fluids flowing from both the head of his cock and down the walls of her vagina, and their sweat as heat continued to build in their bodies.

Zerrex shoved himself in and out of her, his muzzle dropping to one of her breasts to mouth it, making her hands roll through his hair and seize it gently, pulling him closer to her as she continued to cry out softly and he let out grunts of pleasure through his teeth, working his jaws slowly over the rolls and curvature of a breast, his tongue lashing back and forth over the hard head of her nipple before rolling around it, teeth rubbing down the firm swell before seizing gently on her tit and pulling slowly back before pushing his head forwards to mouth the warm, hot flesh as it only incited him to work his thick member faster, feeling the wonderful, hot friction building, building, the heat growing ever stronger as he closed his eyes, hands clutching her body tight and her fingers almost digging into his scalp; and then Marina arched her back, her hips beginning to buck frantically, losing rhythm and instead trying to shove herself up and down the long black shaft of his cock as she tilted her head back, her hands spasming before dropping to seize him tight as he straightened with a surprised grunt, feeling her hands grasping, almost digging into his back and pulling herself tight against his powerful, muscular chest, eyes clenched, head pushing up under his muzzle as her teeth grit between each loud cry of pleasure.

The bliss in her passage became a complete inferno of ecstasy, a blaze of glory as she rocked herself hard against him, her body trembling, breasts shoving up into his chest as she finally let out a short series of louder, erotic cries, her passage clamping down and contracting against his huge cock, squeezing it almost painfully as her hot liquids flooded down the huge shaft, spurting out around the base of his cock as her father continued to shove himself in and out of her tightened passage, his back arching in surprise as she clutched him, throwing herself up and down the fully erect penis buried deep in her vagina, splitting her lips as her orgasm rocked her; and then, the moment hers was over, her pleasure escalated again as Zerrex stood up, seizing a hip in one hand and wrapping the other around her leg before he arched his back, the pleasure of her powerful orgasm causing his own hot, readied shaft to suddenly begin to stiffen fully, the pulse of his heart growing harder as he closed his eyes and let his muzzle fall open, giving a long groan of pleasure as he worked himself in and out of her passage rapidly.

The huge cock penetrated her over and over again in a series of rapid, hard thrusts, shaking her body and making her cry out once more as the last of her orgasm flooded down the enormous shaft before he began to ram himself harder, head tilting upwards with a cry of sexual bliss as his cock fully stiffened inside of her, becoming as steel before thick bursts of his reptilian seed began to spray deep into her with each powerful, rapid thrust, making her own back arch as she let joined his chorus of moaning cries. The massive, easily more than a foot long shaft of Drakkaren meat pummeled the lips of her vagina furiously as his muscles flexed and stood out, sweat sheening on his body as white ropes of his load poured into her, filling up her passage quickly as the sheer pleasure caused Marina to buck and cry out, one of her hands grasping his wrist and the other thrown above her head as her own orgasm became drawn out, more of her fluids spilling out and down his shaft to mix with the thick liquids spilling from her vagina to roll down the reptile's oversized shaft and seep down to her tailhole and his balls.

Then he finally began to slow, the huge cock pulsing as his thrusts became weaker and his moans began to subside into pants; his daughter's cries ceased, and then she lay on her back, her hands dropping behind her head, chest heaving and her hot body covered in sweat and bathed in almost impossible ecstasy, and Zerrex slowly pulled his still-hard, still-erect shaft free of her vagina, stroking it slowly as a few drops of the white, sticky fluids that was his seed spilled from the tip and ropes of the same came in streamers, attached at one end to the lips of his daughter's sex and to the thick head of his shaft at the other. The two panted quietly as Zerrex fell on the bed beside her, then Marina looked over at him and whispered a single word, her eyes full of love and passion and want and new experiences she sought to make better: "Again."

Zerrex grinned a bit at her, still panting quietly as he murred and responded: "I did promise another one, didn't I? A more... full-fledged screw, if I may be so bold?"

"You did Daddy... and I want it." Marina licked her lips slowly, looking over at him hungrily as one hand reached down to gently probe the slowly closing gap in her vagina. "In fact, the more I get, the happier I'll be, I think, Zerrex."

Zerrex reached down to gently stroke his still hard, slick cock, murring softly as he looked

over at his daughter with a bit of a grin. "Well Marina... then I'll do my best to make it real good and just... all that for you."

Marina licked her muzzle slowly, and then she followed her father as he slid himself back on the bed, rolling onto her stomach, feeling that intense heat still warming her body from her vagina up, then she slowly crawled after him as he lay in the center of the enormous bed that dominated the Master Bedroom of the Estate before pausing and half-lidding her eyes as she looked up at his face, half-laying beside his legs and placing her arms on either side of his waist as she glanced from his face, over his strong body, then down at the throbbing cock the reptile currently held in one hand, stroking it slowly, splotches of white and liquid still present on the hot member. Zerrex looked back at her, then he murred softly as Marina lowered her muzzle and gently licked the engorged head of his thick cock, making him shudder pleasantly, hair falling in his eyes as he lowered his head with a soft groan. "Oh... Marina..."

"You like that, huh, Daddy?" The female grinned a bit as she slowly let her tongue move out again, then drag gently over the sensitive flesh of her father's strong-tasting, fully-erect cock, making him groan softly and clutch at the blankets as he fell back on the bed, allowing his daughter to gently stroke the huge length of the thick shaft. She murred softly, reaching out her other hand to gently fondle the lizard's navy-blue testicles, squeezing the large balls in her hands and making him let out a long, grunting sigh of ecstasy before he clenched his teeth together, breathing a soft moan of pleasure through them as Marina lowered her head and opened her mouth wide, engulfing the massive head of his thick shaft inside her warm muzzle, tongue slowly rolling around the rounded cockhead before dragging slowly up and then flicking back down over the ultra-sensitive, erogenous flesh.

Zerrex grit his teeth, panting faintly as one hand reached out to settle on the back of his daughter's head, his eyes staring down at his daughter as his powerful body trembled with the ecstasy, every muscle seeming to jitter, sweat rolling down his scales as he heat and pleasure rollicking through his powerful form, feeling the rasping of his daughter's tongue slipping back and forth over the burning flesh of his thick cockhead and her sharp teeth gently pressing into the meat below, suckling back on his member as one of her hands slowly stroked up and down her father's erect penis and the other slowly fondled and rolled his testicles in her hand, squeezing them gently before pushing them upwards, lightly moving them back and forth, feeling the heat pulsing off them in waves as his meaty shaft gave off the same powerful heat and seemed to throb with his heart.

Her tongue lapped gently around the rounded head of the penis before she pushed down further, jaws widening a bit for a moment as her eyes remained tightly closed, feeling the hand of her father squeeze her head gently as she heard him give out a soft moan, inciting her all the more. She moved her hand lightly up and down the thick black cock, squeezing at slow, pleasurable intervals before wrapping it firmly around the base of the huge shaft, holding it steady as she moved her head closer to his chest, the male reaching both of his hands up to grasp the sides of her head and clutch her as he rolled his own skull back, letting out another pleasured groan as Marina sank the cock deeper into her muzzle, taking now part of the enormous shaft, mouth open wide and teeth lightly rubbing over the ebony hardness as her tongue traveled slowly around the cock inside her mouth before sensuously rubbing firmly up and down the curved head, the female feeling her own loins beginning to heat up and want to be touched, to be stimulated, her nipples hard, her breasts feeling pleasantly heavy as her father's arousal only excited her all the more.

His daughter pushed his engorged penis deeper into her muzzle, her tongue wrapping

around it as Zerrex groaned again, eyes closing and back arching a bit, hands gripping her head as he

panted quietly, laying on his back, body responding in shivers of bliss to the erotic torture as he felt maybe half of his slick, heavy cock slip down into her mouth, head of his member touching the back of her throat as the male struggled not to thrust forwards, his breaths becoming harder as Marina murred pleasurably around the immense cock, loving both the strong, almost bitter taste of her father's aroused flesh and the passionate heat it was emanating and causing to build in her body, sensuous ripples floating up and down her being as she dragged her head up and then bobbed back down the slick, hot penis.

Finally, she felt Zerrex's hands gently push on her, pulling her away from his pulsing, fully-erect cock as he panted quietly and smiled down at her, eyes alight with passion as Marina allowed his black-fleshed member to slip free of her jaws... but continued to gaze over it hungrily before Zerrex drew her attention by saying with passion half-hidden byplay: "Now, now, sweetheart... you don't want Daddy to shoot in your mouth or on your pretty little face, do you?"

"Oh, but I'd love it so much... be such a treat for me..." Marina replied in a purring, low voice that was husky and sensuous as Zerrex twitched, her hand slowly stroking up the incredible length of his shaft before moving back down the thick penis, her other hand squeezing his testicles in playful response. Then she paused before asking in that same impassioned voice: "Unless you got a plan to do that... somewhere else?"

Zerrex pulled her gently forwards, griping her lightly by the face and guiding her up to meet his muzzle in a soft kiss, pushing his mouth down on hers and dancing their tongues together before pulling back, their jaws breaking, both of them panting quietly as he slowly dragged his tongue up her muzzle before whispering in reply, his voice trembling with his level of arousal: "Maybe we'll do that some other time, Marina... but yeah, I think me and you should have a longer, hotter bout of hot, forbidden love... what do you think, daughter?"

The male's hand gently caressed his daughter's face, and Marina gently moved her head forwards to nip his lip lightly, making the larger Drakkaren murr softly as she nodded and ground her body down against the muscular form of her father, the lips of her vagina rubbing up the thick cock, and they both shivered in bliss at the contact before she said softly: "I think that sounds real good, Daddy. Better than perfect, in fact."

"I agree..." Their eyes met, then Zerrex slowly reached up to grasp his daughter's hips, squeezing them gently before slowly pulling her further up his body, both of them tensing in anxious excitement, their bodies burning and ready for more pleasure, the thick shaft of the Drakkaren throbbing slowly as Marina's vagina dragged slowly over its length as she drew her legs forwards and up to half-squat on the thick head of his huge shaft, the lips of her vagina pressing against it, rubbing the aroused black flesh down into the male's powerful abs as she grasped him by the shoulders.

Zerrex bowed his head forwards, then gently moved his lips to one of her nipples, brushing his mouth back and forth over the perked pink flesh before lightly grasping it in his teeth, dragging them slowly over her nipple and making Marina groan softly in pleasure, her fingers squeezing into his shoulders and bending towards him, the lips of her sex tensing as her body spasmed a bit in pleasure as her father's teeth worked slowly over her nipple before he kissed it gently, then lightly worked his tongue in a slow circle around her tit, pushing his muzzle forwards hungrily.

The female gave a sound of pleasure as she squeezed Zerrex's shoulder with one hand, rubbing the other through her father's hair and then wrapping her arm tight around his head, squeezing him close as she closed her eyes, breaths coming in softly through her mouth as her muzzle fell open. She arched her back towards him, pushing her full breasts eagerly towards his muzzle as she rubbed her fingers into her father's shoulders, giving soft sounds of ecstasy at the blissful, erotic pleasure swirling through her from the teasings of the male's tongue, teeth and mouth.

She slowly pushed herself downwards, rubbing her lower body against him, dragging it wonderfully up his huge shaft before pressing down on the thick head of his cock. Zerrex groaned a bit, unable to stop a twitch and a slight thrust forwards, his mouth moving harder against her breast for a moment.

The male Drakkaren trembled a bit in passion, panting quietly against his daughter's breast

as he felt her dragging her crotch over his cock and then against the engorged head, rubbing her wet, hot sex down against it as he continued to weave and work his tongue around her nipple, teeth dragging gently against the firm flesh of her breast as he pushed his lips around her nipple, then rubbed his mouth upwards, teeth now firmly rubbing down her bust as she continued to rub herself forwards against him, both Zerrex and his daughter panting quietly now in pleasure as they moved together, her rubbing herself against him, him pushing his strong body back against hers and working his mouth slowly, continuously against a breast, now engulfing part of it into his muzzle with closed eyes as his tongue worked slowly around the nipple, muscles standing out in profile and scales sheening with hot sweat.

They moved together, working one another's bodies before Marina pushed herself up a bit further, one hand clutching the back of her father's head as he murred and continued to mouth her breast, buried in his hair, before she reached forwards with both hands and placed them on his shoulders, gently pushing him away, both panting quietly as Marina whispered, her hands firmly on her shoulders, her legs straddling them and shivering a bit, her body pushed just above hers as Zerrex stared up at her, his hands grasping her hips and squeezing them slowly, their eyes locking: "Please Daddy... I want it in me. I want it bad..." she murred softly, tilting her head, their eyes continuing to stare into one another's with passion and adoration as Zerrex's muscular frame shook a bit in anxious desire. "Please Zerrex... I feel so hot... so good... and I know it can only get better."

The larger male's fully-erect shaft throbbed lightly, and he closed his eyes, groaning softly in pleasure as Marina lowered the wet, seeming-to-burn lips of her sex against the hard flesh, then dragged upwards to the sensitive head of his cock before rotating her hips slowly, making Zerrex grit his teeth and half-open his eyes in pleasure as a sigh escaped his muzzle in a long, pleasured hiss. "Oh Marina... then... how should we go about it this time?"

"Let's start... like this..." Marina sat back, pushing herself over him on her knees, then she reached down and grasped the huge, thick shaft that she was balanced over, lowering her head a bit as Zerrex continued to stare into her eyes. She pulled it slowly upwards, feeling the power in the firm obsidian member as Zerrex rubbed down his daughter's legs slowly, then he grasped the base of his shaft as Marina grinned and stood up, Zerrex unable to stop a grin back as one hand loosely encircled an ankle and the other held his thick cock, now able to push it almost straight up, the rounded, engorged head pointing at his daughter's tight, awaiting vagina as she murred and whispered: "Pretty fuckin' amazing I can't straddle you and sit on your cock from that position... that I gotta either squat or stand up... but if I stand up you know, then I think my Daddy has a good view of this..." she reached slowly down with one hand as the other grasped a breast, her legs trembling and eyes closing in pleasure as she began to fondle and massage her bust with one hand, switching it back and forth from rounded swell to rounded swell, squeezing her hard nipples as the other hand slipped two fingers down the slit, then up, then slowly back down and now pushing with them, spreading them to reveal the pink-fleshed entrance to her gripping passage as she licked her muzzle slowly.

Zerrex murred at the show, his hand moving idly up and down his powerful shaft as he stared at her, watching as she continued to switch her hand back and forth, manipulating her breasts with slow, luxurious ease and carefully switching her fingers, now holding herself wide open with her thumb and forth finger and then slowly slipping the two fingers between them into herself, eyes closing in pleasure as she pushed them deep, burying them fully before dragging them back out with a soft groan of pleasure, head tilting back and forth as she gave a soft sound of pleasure and then half-opened her eyes to gaze over her father.

Then she slowly placed her feet on either side of him, her hands going down to grasp the insides of her hips lightly as her thumbs reached to her crotch, grasping the lips of her vagina and pulling them wide open, relaxing her trembling self as much as she could, then lowering herself, legs spreading to either side as she squatted until the huge, engorged head rubbed against the bared passage, black against pink, Zerrex stroking the lower half of his immense cock slowly as Marina kept herself wide open, their eyes meeting for a moment as she toyed herself gently, rotating her hips against the tip of his fully-erect, firm penis before she slowly began to push herself downwards, letting her muzzle tilt upwards and her mouth fall agape, eyes closing as she let out a loud groan of pleasure, Zerrex's hand freezing on his shaft and now only holding it as he felt a wonderful, hot tightness grasping his cock and slowly engulfing it, Marina moaning as she felt herself stretched once more, her hands rolling up her body from her crotch and inner hips, up over her stomach, and then slowly fondling the underswells of her breasts, pushing them upwards as she continued to squat down on the huge cock as Zerrex arched his back slightly and reached up to grasp her hips, beginning to pant and letting out sounds of the ecstasy engulfing him.

The male Drakkaren did his best to keep himself still as his hands found her hips, Marina

bending forwards a bit as she continued to push downwards; it seemed to last an eternity, the heat and tightness on Zerrex's shaft always increasing as his daughter felt herself filled up entirely; and then somehow stuffed further, a bit of pain at the feeling of the huge shaft digging deeper as Marina pushed herself further down and the male pulled lightly on her hips, her vagina dragging down his obsidian member until it was finally hilted, buried completely inside of her as their crotches pressed together. The female tilted her head back at the feeling, her hands squeezing her breasts and arching her back slightly as she groaned in passionate, erotic pleasure.

Zerrex grasped her hips tightly as she shifted on him, pushing down and letting her knees fall to his sides to straddle his powerful form once more, laying flat on the ground and tilting his head back in bliss as he closed his eyes, sweat rolling over their bodies as the larger male squeezed the female's hips tight, pushing upwards as he opened his eyes, then looked up at her, hungrily roving over her body, her breasts, and to her face, their eyes meeting as Marina looked down at him, then she leaned forwards, placing one hand on his masculine chest and continuing to massage one firm breast with the other, roving her hand back and forth, palm rubbing into the nipple, fingers grasping over the swell and then pushing back upwards, moving the flesh back and forth as she pushed herself down on him.

The big reptile pushed back upwards instinctively, thrusting upwards wit ha soft groan of pleasure as one of his hands reached immediately from her hip to grasp her wrist, and then Marina switched her grip, their hands now tightly locked together as she ground herself back down against his immense cock, making them both let out sighs of hot ecstasy before they began to move together, the thick, slick shaft sliding slowly from her tight entrance as Marina felt the heat only continue to build in her loins, forcing herself upwards as Zerrex drew himself down, pressing into the bed as far as he could and removing a little more than eight inches of the massive cock buried inside of her, pulling it slowly back into the open air as Marina let out a harsh, sharp cry of ecstasy, her head tilting back as father and daughter's clutched-together hands squeezed harder, as Marina's other hand seized her breast in a tight, almost painful - but oh, the pain at this point only added to the unbelievable pleasure! - grip that was equally matched by her father, who had clasped her hip tight, his eyes clenching as he arched his back and let out a groan through grit teeth, his fingers digging into her hip; their second time together, and already it was far more exhilarating than the first.

He felt the air on his obsidian member, amazingly cold compared to the heat of his daughter's so-tight passage, slipping further free, then he squeezed her hand as they both let out soft cries, taking amazing pleasure in both the sheer, total forbiddenness of the act they were performing and the act itself, before grasping her hip firmly, stopping her from moving upwards any further and himself from pulling back, then their eyes opened, met, locked, and again, they moved together.

Marina shoved herself downwards as Zerrex thrusted hard up, slamming himself into her and hilting his thick shaft fully, causing Marina to cry out and her other hand to drop from manipulating her breast to clutch at his masculine, sweaty chest. Their hands clenched together, fingers digging into each other's, then they spasmed and came apart as they repeated the same motions more swiftly, her going up and him pulling back, then both of them slamming together once more, burying the thick cock deep into her passage, Zerrex grunting sharply and Marina letting out another cry, her eyes closing as she leaned over him and grasped his shoulders, digging her fingers into them, her breasts bouncing on her chest as Zerrex continued to grasp her hip with one hand and reached up with the other to snag one of her luscious, firm breasts in it, fondling it slowly before squeezing it firmly but gently. They paused for a moment like that, then the two began to move together powerfully once more, their once-sluggish, torturously slow rhythm turning to rapid, hard thrusts that buried father into daughter over and over again, her now pulling so that the slick, sweaty surface of the cock's head was almost pulled free of the tight lips of Marina's passage, but then was quickly shoved back into her, buried back down deep.

Zerrex thrusted the black, huge cock up into her, groaning in pleasure at the feeling of the easily more-than-a-foot long, and perhaps foot and a half-long cock ripped deep into her passage, shoved upwards and pulled down, shoved up and pulled down in time with his daughter's bounces. The male began to grunt harder, lustfully, erotically, his muzzle slightly open, his eyes closed in bliss as his head tilted up towards her, feeling her tight thighs working her up and down, feeling her breasts jiggling, bouncing, squeezing his fingers into the firm swell of flesh and feeling her hard nipple pressing into the palm of his hand.

He continued to thrust powerfully upwards as he felt his shaft firmly and the heat always building in her passage, the lips of her slit squeezing him hard as she clutched and relaxed, moved up and shoved down, all in frantic but perfect rhythm with her father's hard, strong thrusts. He'd never felt passion or pleasure like this before, never felt such a strong desire, a want, never felt his thick shaft buried so deep or clamped so tightly as he groaned, rolling his head and squeezing Marina's breast and hip tightly, then he opened his eyes, staring up at his daughter and continuing to grunt and let out groans of pleasure as she began to shove herself with somehow more power up and down the black, fully-erect penis, her cries becoming sharper, her head tilting back as her muzzle opened wide.

Marina began to rock herself powerfully, feeling herself heating up higher and hotter than she'd ever been before, whether by another's manipulations or her own hand, working herself up and down as she felt her father responding to her. Sweat rolled down her scales in passionate rivulets as her head now dropped forwards, levering herself against his shaft and squeezing him with her legs, her form straddling his, feeling herself approaching orgasm as her fingers dug into his shoulders. She continued to drag herself up and down his immense shaft, shoving up and down hard against him as she cried out loudly, unable to stop herself from giving voice to the erotic bliss that seemed to be burning and thrumming through her entire body.

She bounced as he thrusted hard, feeling herself leaking hot fluids down his already-slickened penis, feeling her body readying itself to release as she moved hard, her passage clenching down on the thick penis buried up inside of her, squeezing it firmly as she felt sweet liquids dripping down his cock as Zerrex shoved himself upwards over and over again, letting out grunts and soft groans now, working himself hard up into her as he stared at her hungrily, his hand clutching one breast, squeezing his fingers into it, rolling it back and forth, pushing it against her body as he groaned in rising, fiery pleasure, her other breast bouncing furiously up and down as Marina moved herself hard at the same time, shoving herself up and down the erect penis, the male reptile performing his best to arouse his daughter further, to work with her, to please her, moving himself harder up into her, his fingers digging into her hip lightly as his other hand squeezed and massaged and continued to manipulate her breast, urging her ever onwards towards a powerful orgasm.

Marina needed no extra inciting from her father, her passage now clenching his cock on its own, heating up further and further as she cried out again and again, then she felt herself suddenly tipped past the edge and far over it into an abyss of erotic ecstasy, arching her back and clutching her hands into his masculine breast as she threw her head back and began to cry out with greater passion, rising to the point of not just cries but shrieks and screams of pleasure, eyes closed and an expression of bliss so deep it looked almost like agony, sitting up on his shaft as Zerrex arched his own back in response, thrusting madly into his daughter as all rhythm broke and he could only shove his massive penis hard upwards into her clutching, contracting vagina before he let out a groan of pleasure and Marina's high, ecstatic cries rose in volume and pitch again as her vagina sent a burst of hot fluids rushing down his cock, sending a long burst of her feminine juices exploding down the immense, gigantic black shaft and then bursting out from the clutching, tight lips of her sex around his member, coating him fully in her lubricating juices, the orgasm striking her powerfully enough to send the liquid shooting out from around the tight grip of her vagina to soak his crotch and testicles.

The male reptile let out a loud cry of pleasure at the feeling of the immense heat washing over him, Marina's hips bucking down against him and causing his powerful, masculine form to bounce on the bed from the power of her hard shoves, his penis thudding deep into her passage rapidly, burying his slick cock between the lips of her sex over and over again. It was like he was shoving himself, burying himself into the tight grips of a blissful fire, like his shaft was being shoved into a too-tight tube of hot wax that burned so wonderfully there was only pleasure and no pain. His now-shiny, sleek obsidian member ripped up into his daughter again and again as she fell forwards against him, wrapping her arms around his body as Zerrex's hands slid from hip and breast around her waist, and now he could feel her firm breasts shoving down into his chest, could feel her hot body pressed down against his. He stared down at her, their eyes meeting for a moment, then hers slid closed as her furious shoves slowed and he was once again able to match her pace, burying himself into her again and again, feeling the enormous shaft rocking into her over and over, and then her muzzle was raising hungrily up to his as she levered herself up over him a bit higher.

Their mouths met, working hungrily together, tongues intertwining and rolling together as they let out moans and sounds of pleasure into one another's jaws, Marina pushing down hard and her father pushing back up with equal passion and want, every thrust causing a blissful passion to ignite further, every thrust causing them both to let out sounds of pleasure and only work their mouths and selves harder against one another, Zerrex burying his thick shaft into his daughter over and over again, thrusting forwards as she lay over his body, stomach to stomach, body to body, her breasts shoving against his chest, rubbing up and down his masculine form, her hard nipples dragging wonderfully up and down over him as both of them trembled in ecstasy, Marina still running high on the aftereffects of her orgasm, still feeling amazingly hot, her crotch and loins still burning with passion and leaking her fluids down over the can-thick shaft buried inside of her.

Father continued to thrust hard upwards into daughter, his hips working as hers bucked and she worked herself against him, back and forth, harder and harder, over and over again; at the same time, their mouths worked together passionately, jaws on jaws and teeth clicking, tongues rolling back and forth in their mouths, panting, breathing into each other and bodies working together, rolling together, loving together; he buried himself into her again and again as they continued the kiss, muzzles and lips and tongues working hard against one another's, dancing with one another, Zerrex feeling himself beginning to not ease but now slide in an unstoppable tumult towards his own orgasm, and, as his thrusts began to become a bit more uncontrolled, a bit stronger, a bit faster, Marina moaned long into his mouth as his cock penetrated the tight lips of her sex again and again and felt that immense heat that had never really died in her loins beginning to pulse and grow once again, with the pulse of his shaft, with the powerful, deep pulse of Zerrex's heart.

His throbbing cock began to move harder, slick and easily shoved in and out as Marina arched herself against him, breaking the kiss and hugging him tight as Zerrex did the same, his arms squeezing her body to him as Marina's breasts pressed down into his masculine chest, the male's strong muscles standing out in profile as sweat rolled from body to body, heat pulsing through their bodies together as Zerrex's black shaft dug into her vagina over and over again, building a fire faster in her groin, her passage tightening more and more around his massive obsidian cock and pushing them both faster and faster towards climax.

The male began to push himself faster, letting out a long groan of pleasure as Marina's cries once more began to rise in volume, in heat, in need and want, and the two of them moved together powerfully, Marina shoving herself down the shaft as best she could as he ripped the massive black cock into her ever-clenching-harder vagina, working himself in and out as his arms squeezed his daughter down against his chest, loving the feel of her firm breasts rubbing down into him and her hard nipples against the scales covering his chest, his muscles standing out as he flexed his hips over and over again to shove himself deep and then pull back, feeling wet, sweet heat pouring over and down his ebony shaft as he the two let out cries together, Marina barely able to hear the sound of her own short, sharp gasps of pleasure as his cock penetrated down into her again and again, or Zerrex his hard, almost bestial grunts of hot ecstasy. Both of them began to grow in volume as their movements grew in strength and power, heat and pure, forbidden pleasure filling them up to amazing, heavenly levels as they partook of a passion that, in the eyes of many, would land them both in the circles of Hell.

Zerrex moved himself faster, thrusting deep between the tight lips of his daughter's sex, feeling her begin to clench and squeeze the heavy member buried inside her vagina. His seed laden testicles bounced upwards with every hard thrust, seeming to grow ever hotter and heavier as he heard his daughter's lustful cries losing all restraint as her claws dragged against his back, her muscles bulging out on her body and her rounded breast shoving down into him, her nipples peaked and hard enough they felt like they would leave scratches up and down his masculine breast as she ripped herself up and down the pummeling, thrusting cock, Zerrex's hands grasping her lower back, fingertips pushing into her and claws rubbing against her scale as he closed his eyes and leaned his head forwards as Marina arched her back against him, smashing his cock upwards as hard as he could as he grunts became pants became low roars. She bounced up and down, her breasts swinging with every power heave of his cock into and up her passage, and then Marina tilted her head back as she shoved herself down his huge shaft and rode him furiously, passionate, her cries almost shrieks as her passage clenched with amazing heat and power on his huge cock, the lips of her sex swallowing his shaft as Zerrex let out a roar of his own, the feeling of her reaction setting his own off as he began to thrust powerfully up inside of her, both of them clutching one another close as his cock began to move with lightning speed and amazing power, their simultaneous orgasms passionate and almost aggressive in their furious, heated bliss.

For a moment, her passage clenched him tightly, an unbelievable fiery bliss filling her up with ecstasy as she let out a long, half-scream of pleasure as beneath her, her father let out a long moan of bliss that was almost animal, and then, at the same moment her vagina began long, blissful contractions that bathed his obsidian member in the hot, sweet juices they had both so longed to release, she felt him stiffen up inside of her, his huge cock seeming to engorge and turn to hot, burning steel before she felt herself slammed by it, penetrating deep and then seeming to go deeper with every rapid, wild thrust as she uncontrollably rocked her hips back against him, her breasts swinging powerfully from the pounding, immense force as her body shivered and convulsed with ecstasy, eyes closed and mouth open in immense bliss as she unknowingly release cry after shriek after near-scream of sexual excitement and passion. It seemed to last forever before it truly even began, her passage contracting and squeezing the immense rod of black, steel flesh inside of her, and then she felt her juices racing down to greet and saturate his cock as his own shaft began to twitch inside of her, and his massive, seed-laden testicle released their load in hot spurts and what felt like bursts, seeming gallons pouring into her passage and only increasing the fervor of their ecstasy and the heat in her loins.

Zerrex felt her vagina grasping him, like a giant, blissful seal around his cock as his muscles tensed and he let out a low groan, then he felt her begin to contract at the same moment he was thrown far over the edge, and into a sea of hot sexual bliss. He threw himself into his powerful, forwards and upwards thrust, letting out roars and masculine, animalistic cries of pleasure at the same time as he heard his daughter crying out over and over again, both yelling one another's names without realizing it in the midst of their sounds of passion. Then, the male felt his tense, stiff cock begin to unload at the same moment as a liquid heat washed over him, and he felt himself covered in hot, feminine juices that smoothed the steely, rock-hard cock's passage even more despite the powerful grip of her vagina, and returned with burst after burst of his own hot seed, sending it flowing deep down her daughter's passage, his testicles feeling like they were on fire and his cock like it was saturated with magma that burned him with ecstasy and not fire.

Every thrust sent another powerful shot of seed straight down his daughter's passage, spurting his load into her vagina, the huge shaft almost ripping down into her womb as she shoved herself down, her juices bursting from between the clenching lips of her vagina and his shaft, her fluids spurting free to cover their crotches, her inner legs, his huge, emptying testicles as they gave their cries of passion together, completely in the throes of ecstasy. They seemed to convulse as her body pressed down onto his, claws and fingers digging into one another's back without pain as they shoved hard against one another, her continuing to send her liquids coursing down the enormous, squeezed cock as his immense member shoved her tight passage wide and sent its hot load of sperm firing down into his daughter, filling her up with unbelievable, seemingly impossible amounts; the sticky white fluid mixed with the clearer juices, then rolled down the slick shaft, coating it with the orgasmic fluids of both before some of it was forced out, slipping free of the lips to drip down Marina's thighs and speckle her father's crotch, a small puddle of the mixed juices forming in Zerrex's rolling, bouncing testicles as he continued to rip himself passionate in and out of his daughter.

It seemed to go on forever between the two; then, Zerrex's huge cock began to slow, still stiff and twitching inside, releasing a few final spurts of hot seed as Marina's vagina ceased to contract and only gripped Zerrex with a loose firmness as she fell on his chest, both of them giving a final groan of pleasure and exhaustion, sweat rolling down their bodies and over their scales in shimmering rivulets, their eyes closed and Marina pressing herself down into her father's chest as she felt the enormous cock resting inside of her, amazing heat still burning in her loins as her hands relaxed on her father, on her lover, then slowly slid from his back and gently settled on his masculine chest. She rose her head, both of them panting quietly, both of them with closed eyes and agape, foolish mouths, then their eyes opened at the same time; emerald gazed into sapphire, blue into green, and the two smiled at each other, pants still issuing from their muzzles as Zerrex's hands slowly rubbed her lower back, and their eyes slipped closed in pleasure as jaws moved and locked together in a slow kiss, tongues intertwining as Zerrex slowly moved his huge, thick member inside of Marina again, making her exhale and groan into his mouth at the tenderness of her passage, a few extra juices squeezed free and leaking down the massive cock to drip out into the open air and onto the scales covering their bodies.

Then Zerrex reached a hand down, gripping the base of his cock and moving his hips down as Marina pulled hers up, and his cock came free of her vagina with a squelching sound, liquids dripping from her passage as the two moaned softly at the feeling of open air hitting them, Marina's passage and lips ripped open and slowly closing as it released a few splatters of sweet and bitter juices, Zerrex's cock saturated in white and clear liquids of the same as he dropped his shaft, letting the slowly-softening member rest against Marina's buttocks as she continued to straddle him, their kiss breaking and Marina putting her head beside her father's, feeling the gargantuan hotness resting up the crack of her rear and pressing lightly into the base of her tail, but become flaccid now instead of stiffening up. She smiled quietly as her eyes remained closed, slipping her arms up and around her father's neck as he rolled on his side, the weight of his shaft sliding onto her leg as he whispered quietly, voice trembling with awe and ecstasy: "I love you, Marina."

"I love you too, Daddy." Marina whispered back, her eyes opening to gaze at Zerrex with compassion and adoration. She reached a hand up, then lightly combed his hair back as her mouth found his again, and she softly kissed him on the lips; almost chaste, still sweet. They rested on their sides, arms wrapped around each other, holding one another's warm, sweaty bodies tight as they reveled in the bliss, eyes closing as Marina pressed her cheek gently against her fathers, nuzzling his neck and the side of his face quietly as their tails found one another's and intertwined as tight as their arms held one another's bodies. The room smelled of their sex, of their love, of their sweat and their forbidden passion, but neither cared. They had one another... and the only time they shifted apart was so that Marina could lay comfortable on her side, and Zerrex on his back, she curled against him and the tips of their tails still loosely entwined as her head rested on his chest, and his arms were about her, and the blankets were spread gently over their bodies, Zerrex's hair falling over his eyes again and Marina smiling quietly as she fell into sleep; her father soon followed as he clutched her gently, hugged her a bit tighter against him, and then curled protectively around her, then sheets and blankets covering them both with a warm insulation and strange, almost mystical protection before the two fell into dreams of one another, and the deep, righteous and strange love they shared, father and daughter forever sealed together as not just family, but lovers.

They slept.