Bottomless Bar: Chapter 5 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#6 of Bottomless Bar (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 5 of the Bottomless Bar, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

Merun is entertaining Jasmine and Alice at his house before they go in for work at the bar. Later that night, Jacob is having a tough time filling orders while Dennis slacks off, but Luthor finds an appropriate punishment for the lazy german shepherd.

Awesome art by:

Read the full chapter here:

Morning came with a fuzzy head and not much remembering from the night before. Light had been slowly filtering into the room and once it hit a particular point, Merun began to stir awake. The first thing that hit him was a mild headache, which made him squint and cower from the strategically placed laser beam of sunlight that seemed specifically concentrated on his eyes.

He growled at the brilliance and rolled over in an attempt to avoid the pain but found himself nudging up against a nice, warm body. That's odd, he thought to himself and then slowly sat up. He rubbed sleep from his eye and glanced down at his would be bed-mate, finding pleasantly enough that Jasmine was soundly asleep beneath covers. It was also revealed to him that she was naked.

Merun smirked at the ebony bunny but a slight movement to his other side caught his attention as well, making him look over to find Alice was stirring a little as she slept. The husky furrowed his brow in confusion and rubbed at the side of his head. Odd, the thought. He didn't remember much of last night, but what he did recall was that he was meant to go over to her place, not his. Still, it wasn't exactly an unpleasant thing to wake up in bed next to two beautiful women.

Trying his best not to wake either girl up, he gingerly slipped out from under the covers and hopped off the foot of the bed. Glancing back at the two forms, he saw that neither had moved, and Jasmine had even begun to utter a slight snore. He tiptoed out of the room and down the hall to the kitchen where he intended to get breakfast started. He went about getting various early morning foods. Eggs, bacon, hash-browns, sausage patties and English muffins were all a part of the spread. It was only when he had gotten the frying pan out and the butter ready that he realized cooking with spattering grease was not a fun thing to do while naked.

Chuckling to himself, he turned around to go get a shirt but then came face to face with Jasmine tiredly meandering down the hallway towards him, and in a stolen shirt no less. The husky smirked as he saw how loose and big it was on her thin frame, it hung about a foot below her waist and looked more like a dress than a shirt. The neck hole even hung lopsided over her left shoulder.

"Good morning, cutie," he greeted and stuck out his tongue. She cracked and eye and gave a groggy glare.

"How much did we drink last night?" she mumbled and shuffled over to his dining table only to pull out a chair and flop down onto it. The fur about her head that normally would have hung over her eye was frazzled and remiss of her sleep.

"Hell if I know, I don't even remember going to bed," he said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Then I've got you beat. I remember getting fucked for a while," she said and stuck out her tongue. He blushed at her words and murred.

"I hope I was still good while drunk," he retorted and began back for his room. He made sure to be extra stealthy to retrieve a shirt from his already pulled out dresser drawer and hustled to get back as to not wake up the still sleeping Alice, but it was just as he was about to go through the door that he heard her voice.

"No good morning kiss, lover boy?" she asked from the bed while stretching her arms high above her head. He froze and offered her an apologetic grin before he trotted back over to the bed and leaned down to offer her a kiss. The raccoon suddenly wrapped her arms around him and pulled him back onto the bed. He gave a startled yip and found that he was tangled by blankets and the DJ's limbs. When he blinked himself back into reality, he found that he was on his back with his arms pinned to his sides by the blanket and that Alice was straddling him at the chest like he were some conquered hunt.

"Well what do we have here?" she asked with a smirk and settled down to rest her elbow on his chest with her jaw on her palm.

"I guess it's a captured husky that's about to toss you off," he chuckled and leaned in to lick her nose. She retreated back quickly before he connected.

"Oh really? Cause from here it looks like I have a big ol' slave that I get to use as my personal play toy," she murmured and leaned down, pressing her lips to his and lingering before pulling back.

"If I'm all captured and stuff, I'm not going to be able to make you breakfast, will I?" he countered with a grin.

"Breakfast?" she gasped and beamed.

"You gotta let me up though," he reminded.

"Hmm...I dunno..." she said and rested back on her haunches and put a finger theatrically to her cheek.

"Hey, how aren't you hung over?" he asked and cocked an eyebrow.

"Cause I didn't drink anything, you dork," she retorted and jumped off of him.

"Oh right, I forgot you don't drink," he said and shook his head as he broke free of his restraints.

"Yeah, it was like conducting a drunk orchestra with you and Jasmine last night," she laughed and stopped before turning around as she blocked the doorway. "By the way, you need to wash your sheets."

"Jeez, it really sounds like a fun night happened. It's too bad I can't remember any of it," he frowned and scratched at the back of his neck as the two walked out of the room. Alice danced down to the kitchen to join her co-worker as the coffee machine was set up and turned on. As the coffee began to gurgle, Merun took a small pill from a cupboard space that was hidden away and quickly popped it into his mouth and took a drink from a glass of water to wash it down.

Jasmine was eagerly watching the pot fill with the steaming black liquid, waiting until it got to a certain point before she pulled it free and made exactly one cup with it. Hardly waiting for it to cool, she sipped at the edge of her cup and shuddered like she was close to orgasm. "That's good," she murmured and slid back into her seat at the table.

"Try not to get the floor slippery," Alice teased, though the black bunny seemed to ignore her, instead choosing to fawn over her bitter drink. Merun grinned as he watched them and returned back to his stove. He turned the top on and placed the skillet on the largest burner. He started with the bacon and sausage patties, building up some grease for the soon to be cooked eggs.

"Do you have any creamer?" Alice asked as she nonchalantly pulled open the fridge and peered around inside.

"I know where he keeps his cream!" Jasmine laughed.

Merun smirked and looked to the bunny. "I don't think you want that kind of cream in your coffee," he chuckled as he nudged at the sizzling pieces of meat with a spatula.

"Clearly you don't know me that well," the black bunny continued, taking another sip from her cup.

"That's a kink I don't think I'd ever try," Alice commented as she stepped up behind the large husky and suddenly cupped his balls between his legs. Merun jumped and yipped at the same time, his back suddenly rigid and straight. "Why ever would you wanna waste a perfectly good load from these?"

"C-careful now," he said and turned his eyes over his shoulder to look down at the coon.

"I'm always careful," she jabbed and then went down to her knees, her face suddenly level with his backside, his large sickle shaped tail naturally out of the way which gave an uninterrupted view of his muscular, toned ass. Her paw released his balls but only to grab either side of his backside and splay his cheeks open. Merun shivered and arched his back a little as his light pink tailhole became exposed. The raccoon girl smirked and leaned her face in without hesitation. A hot moan lifted from the dog's maw as he felt her lips seal against his pucker and her tongue begin to work circles around the sensitive flesh.

"A-ah!" he groaned and bit his bottom lip. He tried to stay focused on the cooking food but the way she dug her tongue into his ring made his mind flicker. As if to try and keep his mind on cooking he grabbed an aluminum lid and set it over the pan. His feet nudged further apart to give her better access and she responded by wrapping her arms around his powerful thighs. She suckled and slurped at his entrance, her face buried into his ass in a way that was too remiss of him doing the same to her. "I...didn't know this was your thing," he half joked while he turned his torso enough to look down at her.

Read the full story here: