Carnal Combat, Part III - Fighting for Honor

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#3 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Episode III: Fighting for Honor


First Draft 8/29/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.

Rhane sat on the western wall of the Courtyard, enjoying the cool fall breeze as it passed over her fur. Despite the nature of things at the Hall of Combat, with the corrupt Grandmaster and the decadent displays of power, the lands themselves still had their beauty.

It was the third day of the Tournament. Rhane had heard from Dusk that Khan Lei had been defeated the previous morning by the mouse from the House of Fog. It was a blow to the House of Light, but Rhane had never been fond of the braggart tiger, and she wasn't sad to see him get his ass beat in the slightest. What did worry her was that she had not seen him since his defeat, and yet the gates of the Hall had not been opened, so she knew he hadn't left.

All of the Houses, save for the House of Shadow, frowned on the implementation of Death-or-slavery sentences in place of the traditional mercies, and so only Shadow warriors ever offered that option. Everyone else would be sure to finish his or her opponent with a Carnality. Knowing that Hitomi would likely follow that unwritten rule, she knew Khan was alive and free somewhere in the Hall.

His thoughts drifted from that line of thought, however. Since the first night, she found that keeping her thoughts on any one thing was difficult, save for one topic: The Beast.

It was odd that she did not fear the creature, or the fight. At the same time, it worried her. Whatever the Beast was, he was clearly going to be a huge challenge for her to overcome. He seemed slow, and probably unskilled, but his sheer size, power, and strange appendages were sure to be a problem.

"You've still got two days until your fight. I hope you aren't getting worried about it already," said a voice behind her. She immediately recognized it, and she laughed.

"No, I'm not worried," she lied, turning her head a bit as Daichi stepped up to join her. "It will be a sad day when brute strength wins out here over actual skill."

Daichi nodded his head. "Too true. I'm sure the real point of that show was to build up a fear of the Beast. But a fresh fighter is miles away from a broken, bound rabbit."

Rhane laughed again and looked at Daichi. "Why do I get the impression that you wouldn't mind seeing me end up like that poor rabbit?"

Daichi immediately stiffened, looking terribly embarrassed. "That's not true at all," he said in a truly shocked tone. The vixen giggled and shook her head.

"Are you sure you're a fighter? I've never seen someone involved in Combat so flustered by the idea of sex."

"I'm not, but a fight is a fight. You aren't supposed to enjoy that."

"Oh? Why not?"

Daichi blinked. It was a straightforward question, but he found trouble in wording his answer.

"Because it's a FIGHT. You're there to win, not indulge in your lusts. That's the whole point."

Rhane tapped the fox's nose. "No, the point is to not give in before its time. Once you've beaten you're opponent, there's no reason not to enjoy it."

The vixen smiled slyly then, winking at the frowning fox. "I promise you that if I face you and I beat you, I'm going to enjoy you - and I bet that if you beat me, you'll enjoy me whether you admit it or not."

Daichi continued to frown. Then, slowly, he started to shake and the corners of his lips turned up. He couldn't hold back a laugh, and as he chuckled he shook his head.

"I'll admit to nothing," he smiled. "I guess our Houses teach these things a little differently."

Rhane laughed with him and nodded. "Very true," she said, and then slipped off the wall edge where she sat, stepping down to the walkway. "You know what I'm most afraid of in this whole thing?"


The vixen smiled, running a paw across the fox's belly as she passed him. "That I won't get to face you, and I'll miss out on seeing you squirm."

Rhane descended down the stairs gingerly, leaving a squirming fox standing on the wall.

* * *

Kaine paced in a circle around the large iron grate in the floor. In a secluded corner of the Dungeon was the room where the stallion now was, over the filthy pit where the Beast was held. Kaine watched as the Beast lumbered about below. It concerned him.

Kaine had been the House of Shadow's champion for seven years. He had soundly defeated every opponent in his path, even before Ra' Chi had altered the rules to allow other fighters to take his place in the standard matches. Now, all he had to do was fight one match at the end. One match a year. It was not a difficult task, and no displeasure was ever displayed on the part of Ra' Chi.

Then, several months before this Tournament, Ra' Chi had brought Kaine to this very room, showing him the newest addition to the House of Shadow's roster. Ra' Chi revealed his plan, how he intended to use the Beast to eliminate all other Houses from the Tournament.

This led Kaine to question what would happen when, by the rules, he would be forced to face the monstrous creature. Ra' Chi assured him that he could control the Beast, and he would make sure it would loose to the stallion.

After all, Ra' Chi had said, he wanted the House of Shadow to have a respectable Champion, not a simple-minded thing like the Beast.

Kaine knew that there was a good chance he would have to face the Beast. He didn't like it one bit. He had served the House well. He was Champion for a reason; he didn't need his matches manipulated and padded by an old dragon afraid of losing his power.

The door behind Kaine opened and Nobu Ra' Chi entered with two guards. He nodded to the stallion.

"Admiring my craftsmanship?" The dragon smiled, looking down at the Beast. Kaine kept his eyes on the pit.

"It is unique."

Ra' Chi snorted. "That's what you've said since you first saw him," the dragon said, and then nodded to the guards who in turn left the room. "Have faith in your Master, Kaine. The Beast is harmless if you know how to control him. Feed him well, give him his space, and keep him entertained."

As Ra' Chi spoke, the guards returned with one of the Hall slaves in between them. The slave was a male deer, looking quite nervous as the dragged him towards a stone stairway at the back of the room. Moments later a small hatch opened in the Beast's chambers below, and the deer was forced through.

Kaine smirked as he watched. The deer stared at the Beast for a moment, and then tried to run. It only took the Beast three strides to catch up with the male, and then he had his paws around the deer's waist, picking him up easily. The male tried to escape, but it wasn't long before the Beast had one of his prehensile phalluses down the deer's throat, filling his belly with his pheromone-laced jizz, and his erection up the male's ass, fucking him hard. The deer moaned as he was taken, his own hard cock bouncing between his legs.

Apparently the Beast was in rare form today, and Kaine watched as he fucked the deer through two orgasms before he blew his own load. The deer was dropped to the ground, covered in cum, while the Beast relaxed and rested.

"Do not worry, my friend," Ra' Chi said, patting Kaine's shoulder. "You will not suffer such a fate."

Ra' Chi turned to leave, nodding once to the guards. "Leave the slave down there for the night. Replace him in the morning with a new one."

* * *

Khan Lei watched as Ra' Chi exited the small room in the back of the dungeon. Whenever the door opened the tiger would hear a loud grunting, along with a lewd moaning, leaving him to wonder just what was going on in there.

When the dragon emerged, he knew it was time to worry about himself. After his loss to Hitomi, which he was still deeply humiliated over, the tiger had been brought to a cell. He'd remained there overnight, only to be brought here to the dungeons, nude of course, where the guards had bound his paws behind his back before strapping him to a stiff bamboo frame with straps across his broad chest and his waist. They had them proceeded to spread his legs and pull them back, binding his ankles to the sides of the bamboo frame, which he noticed were full of long bamboo armatures that sported cold iron phalluses atop them. It left him somewhat suspended, his body held up by the straps across his chest and waist. A gag was stuffed into his mouth as a final touch.

Then, to his horror, they'd branded him. The Seal of Shadow was now scarred into his left pectoral.

Ra' Chi stood before the tiger and frowned. "Ah, yes. You. You remember our arrangement, don't you?"

The tiger could only grunt and nod.

"Of course you do. You were to remove the mouse from the Tournament. It was a simple task, you assured me. I, in turn, promised to make you the overseer of the House of Light's domains. Yet, here you are, defeated. Now your betrayal of your House will be known, and you will serve as my slave instead of my representative. This is the price of failure."

Ra' Chi signaled to a guard. "Start the device. When it's finished, prepare the tiger to be next for the Beast."

Khan felt his heart start to race. Ra' Chi left, and the guard (a rather large dingo) smirked and picked up a small, short wooden cylinder. The cylinder had small notches in it, and the dingo fit it into a hole in one of the walls next to Khan. There was the sound of clacking wood, and then running water. Behind the tiger a small gate had opened and water began to run out, spilling into a cup that sat on a hinged wheel, like a miniature water wheel. As the wheel started to turn, the tiger could feel the bamboo cage start to shake under him.

Then, much to his surprise, he felt one of the armatures inside the frame move. It pressed a thick phallus up under his tail, and the tiger grunted and arched his hips as he was forced to take the toy up his ass. As the water ran, various parts of the frame began to shift and turn, starting an automated process that the dungeon masters had carefully designed. The tiger's ass was firmly fucked, and all he could do was moan into his gag.

Things grew worse when the smiling dingo strapped a harness over his bouncing balls and expanding sheath. The harness slid over his sheath and then strapped behind his scrotum; the ring that slid around his sheath had two more rings atop it, held apart by thin iron rods that spaced them out. As he was fucked his cock grew hard, filling in the rings until the squeezed him at his base and just below his tip. When he was full, he was squeezed so hard all he could do was whimper and squirm.

The guard nodded and patted his bound balls before turning to leave the grunting tiger to the device. Normally the dingo would be disappointed to not have a shot at a new slave, but luckily there was a certain female rabbit that was still in need of training...

* * *

Hitomi relaxed in the Garden arena with Stardust, enjoying the day. The mouse listened as her equine friend practiced her discipline in the arena, preparing for her fight the next day. This evening there would be a fight between the panther from the House of Sand and the oddly colored mephit from the House of Stone, but tomorrow the fight would be Stardust against the fox from the House of Stone.

Stardust was one of the most promising fighters that the House of Fog had ever produced. While she still lacked experience and the basic confidence and calm that a true fighter needed, her pure talent, focus, and abilities had put her leaps and bounds above all the other fighters in the House's providences. It was Hitomi's opinion that, with time and training, Stardust could become the most dominant fighter the Tournament had ever seen.

The mare repeated a sweep technique over and over, concentrating on getting her timing right. Knowing that this would be her first fight against someone from another house, Stardust wanted to make sure she had all of her moves down to a science so that she could focus on reacting to her opponents attacks.

As she practiced, she talked with Hitomi. The mouse was quite relaxed after her first win, and was actually looking forward to her second fight. Her win had put her up against Ruin, the mysterious ninja from the House of Shadow that had defeated the poor rabbit girl before the other fighters had arrived. Stardust had complete faith in Hitomi, but part of her worried; she did not want to see her friend suffer the same fate as the rabbit, forced into sexual decadence or offered up to the horrible Beast.

Hitomi stood up and stepped out behind Stardust. "Let's see how well you can pull off those moves against an actual opponent," she laughed, removing her blindfold. "After all I don't think that that fox is just going to stand still and let you take your shots."

Stardust laughed and nodded, turning to face the mouse. "I don't want to make you work on your day off, Miss Hitomi," she said, assuming her starting posture. "But, if you're in the mood..."

The mouse smiled and waited, loosening her limbs. Stardust swept in with a low kick that Hitomi easily blocked, but the mare followed through with a higher kick that caught her in her midsection. It was a light kick, but it made Hitomi wince a little. The mouse grinned and shook her head. "This isn't a serious fight, Star," she laughed.

Stardust grinned and nodded. Her next attack was what she considered a bait-and-switch. She threw one straight finger thrust high, which Hitomi predictably blocked by seizing the mare's wrist. Stardust acted the moment she felt her wrist captured, spinning around with enough force that she was able to turn her wrist in Hitomi's grasp, putting her palm against the mouse's forearm. She ended up behind the mouse, pulling her arm behind her and forcing her up on her toes.

"Mercy?" Stardust giggled, kissing Hitomi's cheek. The mouse just shook her head and smiled.

"I warned you about this a thousand times, dear," she said, pushing back against the mare. "It isn't all about the maneuvers. In Combat, you need to be wary of our surroundings as well."

Stardust realized her mistake when she felt the prick of branches against her back. The mouse had backed her up into the tall, vine-entangled hedges that surrounded the Garden arena. Suddenly the vines snaked out, wrapping around the mare's arms and legs, pulling her against the bushes. She cried out, blushing as Hitomi stepped casually out of the vines' reach.

The mare was pulled spread-eagle against the hedge as the vines eagerly tore her clothing from her body. Her large breasts bounced free, immediately falling into the grip of the vines. As Stardust started to moan and wriggle, Hitomi smiled and looked around. It was quiet that morning, and she knew she had time to enjoy herself before her next fight, so she carefully slipped her clothes off her body and stepped up to the bound mare. The vines had lifted Stardust up enough that Hitomi was easily able to tilt her muzzle up and run her tongue carefully over the other girl's clit, giving the tiny button a warm, wet caress. Stardust blushed redder and rolled her hips, groaning around a dripping vine that had worked it's way into her mouth.

As Hitomi licked at Stardust's pussy, she felt the vines pull her into things. They wrapped around her wrists and legs, pulling her body to the bushes as they began to probe between her thighs and between her ass cheeks. The mouse sighed and smiled, preparing to enjoy the ride.

* * *

Night had fallen and Spectre had stepped out into the hallway outside his quarters. He'd been up for several hours and had stretched, loosened up, and prepared himself for his fight that evening. It was almost time, and he was more than ready. He'd found a note with the arena he was to compete in, and with a smile the white-furred skunk made his way there.

Unlike Daichi, who was always reserved and proper, Spectre was more than excited to compete here. In his mind, the only real danger was if you faced a member of the House of Shadow, as a loss there would either end in death or enslavement. Other than that, the other fights were win-win situations. You either won and progressed, or you lost and... well, got screwed silly.

The House of Stone had taught that each fight was to be fought with nothing but victory and discipline in mind. You were not to enjoy them. Spectre had believe in this mantra until he'd had his first fight; While he'd beaten the reptilian girl they pitted him against, the thorough fondling and rush of pleasure he'd gotten turned his attitude around completely. Now, he enjoyed his fights, win or lose. His nearly spotless win record helped get him into his House's favor for entering the Tournament, despite his conflicting beliefs.

The directions he had received guided him through the maze-like corridors of the Hall of Combat, upwards several levels. When he finally came to the arena doors he found them open, the room beyond darkly lit.

He stepped through the doors, onto a walkway that led to a large circular landing. Like the other arenas, the Seal of Combat was in the center. There was a step down from the arena to a strangely glimmering glass floor, through which the mephit could look down and watch a large crowd waiting in a room on the floor below, all of them nude and chained to the walls. The glass extended from the raised platform to the walls, where torches cast a faint light into the arena.

Sitting in the center of the arena was Dusk. The panther nodded his head at Spectre's arrival and then stood.

"Hello again," the panther said. "I suppose this means it is time."

Spectre nodded in return. Behind him he heard the doors being closed and locked, and then a voice echoed around the room.

"Spectre versus Dusk," the voice said clearly. "Fight."

Spectre took one last look at the glass and the audience below. They didn't seem to be watching the fight above them.

"What's the deal with that?" The skunk asked, bringing his paws up in an offensive position.

Dusk followed suit, bringing his own paws up. "It's not glass," he replied, as if reading the skunk's mind. "It's Ra' Chi's sorcery. They can't see us, but if either of us fall onto that barrier, we'll be lowered into the room."

"So?" Spectre asked, throwing a sudden high kick at the panther. He suspected he already knew the answer.

Dusk dodged the kick, but barely. "The energies from the arena are affecting them as well. Plus they've been drugged with pheromones. You can imagine what they'll do with whoever gets dropped in front of them."

"Ah," Spectre said. He caught Dusk's arm as the panther threw a punch, and he flipped him over onto his back. He followed up quickly with a heel kick, but the panther was already up and on his hindpaws.

The match was incredibly even. As the crowd below strained in their bonds, the two fighters threw strikes and kicks, evading the other's attack or turning it against them. Neither was able to get a definitive advantage though, and ten minutes into the fight both were panting hard, frustrated and exhilarated all at once. They were both sporting large tents in the front of their pants too, aroused by the energies in the arena.

"I don't think any of the other fights lasted this long," Spectre chuckled, taking deep breaths as he circled with Dusk. The panther smiled and shook his head.

"I doubt any were as straightforward," he replied, and then lunged at Spectre. Spectre smiled, seeing an opportunity for victory. Just as the panther's shoulder was about to connect with his mid-section, Spectre concentrated. Dusk rumbled in surprise as he went right through the skunk as if he were never there, landing hard on his chest.

The ghostly form of the mephit shimmered, barely visible save for his black tail stripe. He let his from rematerialize and then he was on the panther's back, locking him in a tight rear naked choke, his legs wrapped around Dusk's waist to keep it locked in.

The panther grunted, trying to get the skunk off him. Spectre rolled over onto his back, thus pulling the panther onto his. The skunk tightened his arm around Dusk's neck, severely limiting the air to his brain. As the panther started to slow, clearly weakening, Spectre risked dropping one paw to get it down Dusk's pants, quickly stroking his erection. The feline was soon moaning, starting to rock his hips.

His thoughts were murky, barely flowing as his brain screamed for air and his body for pleasure. In the back of his head, though, he heard a voice telling him to fight, to find a way out.

It was then that, through his haze, he realized that the skunk had brought the fight to the ground right at the edge of the platform. He had once chance to escape the hold, and he knew he had to take it.

With his last bit of strength the panther stopped tugging at the arm the skunk had around his neck and instead he pulled his hips free of Spectre's legs. The skunk didn't expect him to turn his attention there, nor did he expect such strength this long into the tight hold, and so his legs slipped off easily. As he scrambled to get the hold back, even letting go of Dusk's erection to try and finish the clinch on his neck, Dusk made his move. He planted his hindpaws on the ground and pushed hard, rolling over the skunk. Spectre held on, but he'd lost too much leverage. Dusk pulled the skunk with him, and they both tumbled over the edge of the arena platform.

Dusk grabbed the edge of the platform and dug his claws in. He felt his lower half pass through the shimmering barrier, legs dangling in the room below. Spectre, pulled over with the panther's back flip, had nothing to hold onto. He tumbled through the barrier, cursing as he hit the cushioned floor below.

Dusk quickly crawled up to safety and rolled over to watch. The moment Spectre had passed through the barrier, two of the bound crowd had been released. The lucky two, a male wolf and a male kangaroo, were on the skunk in an instant. They tore his pants off his body, letting his erection bob freely, and then they had him on his belly.

The panther looked up as he heard more restraints releasing. One by one each of the audience, now whooping and hollering, were released. The first two to be released, the wolf and the 'roo, had already laid claim to the skunk. The wolf took Spectre's voluminous tail in his paws and forced it against the other male's back, exposing his ass. As the skunk squirmed, the wolf pushed his throbbing erection between Spectre's cheeks, slowly filling his ass with his cock.

Spectre moaned as he felt that erection force into his ass, the tip grinding against his prostate enough to make his own cock suddenly twitch. In mid-moan he found his face grabbed, and the 'roo roughly forced the skunk's lips down over his shaft, the musky meat pressing against his tongue.

Finding himself spit-roasted between the two males, and with the energies of the arena now mixing with the pheromones that still lingered in the room, Spectre found himself quickly sucking the cock in his mouth while he rolling his hips back against the wolf behind him.

Meanwhile, other members of the crowd were either lining up for a shot at him, or taking their pleasure from each other. One fennec vixen had managed to squirm her body underneath his, and she'd wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling his hard cock deep into her wet pussy. She then took to licking his chest and throat, biting at his nipples when he didn't moan nice enough for her.

A lewd chain reaction started, with the wolf fucking Spectre's ass; this drove his cock harder into the vixen's pussy, and caused him to rock forward on the 'roo's shaft. He was the center of attention, and as he felt a firm paw smack down hard on one of his ass cheeks, the skunk whimpered in pleasure. Yes, he'd lost.

But this wasn't such a bad way to lose.

"Arena elimination," said a voice. "Dusk wins."

The panther smiled and rolled onto his back, panting hard. It was a tough fight, and he'd almost lost. He had to hand it to the skunk; that was easily the fight of his life. He laid there for a moment, until he heard Spectre moan out in pleasure, and then the panther slid his paw down his pants, listening to the orgy below as he masturbated himself to a hip-rocking orgasm. His cum rocketed out, splattering against his chest and belly. Strangely, he didn't care at all.

When he was finished, Dusk stood up and left the arena. He wasn't far down the hallway when he saw a familiar face headed his way. The panther stopped as Suki approached, her ears tied back like a ponytail behind her and her wrists and ankles in cuffs.

She was, as she had been, naked. The both looked at each other for a moment, neither sure of what to say. The bunny looked down and saw the fresh cum that was clinging to the male's body, and she smiled. He smiled back and nodded, no words needed then; She knew he had won his match.

Silently, the rabbit stepped forward and put her paws on his shoulders. She turned him, backing the panther up against a wall before she slowly licked across his body, cleaning his cum off him. He in turn panted, writhing under her attention, still worked up from his fight, and from the arena's influence.

Soon she was on her knees before him, pulling his pants down so she could pull his cock into her mouth and knead his ass with her paws. As she sucked the panther off, slowly working her lips up and down his throbbing shaft, various folks would pass, grinning and nodding to the panther and the rabbit slave. At one point the mare fighter from the House of Fog, Stardust, passed by, looking rather exhausted herself. She still giggled at the sight, leaning over to plant a kiss on Dusk's chest as she passed.

When Dusk came, he came hard. His cum sprayed out over Suki's tongue, and the rabbit swallowed it down eagerly. Once he was empty she pulled her lips back with a swirl of her tongue, and then she kisses his shaft once.

By that time several other males had gathered to watch, and no sooner had the rabbit finished with Dusk did one of them, a grizzly bear, grab the rabbit's ears to pull her face to his crotch.

Dusk moved suddenly, but Suki shook her head as she pulled the bear's pants down. "No," she said quietly. "This is what I do now. You fight, that is what you do. If you want to help me, then win."

With that she took the bear's cock into her mouth and began to pleasure him.

Dusk slipped away quickly, more determined than he had ever been. He would win this Tournament, and he would free Suki. Though, part of him was slightly embarrassed to admit that he really just wanted to get her mouth on his cock again. He smiled, and headed off to his quarters with a tent still set up in his pants.

* * *