The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 4

Story by dragonshina on SoFurry

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#4 of Spyro Origins

Sorry for the small delay. Reason for it: went fishing.

Not really good luck while i was at it... but it was fun and a break from daily routine at collage.

Thanks to all of those who have fav this series and have voted. Thanks allso to all watchers and all who ahve made a comment.

I do not own The Legend of Spyros characters. Everyone else i did create, belongs to me. Any resemblance in any way is purely coincidential.

If you are under 18. GET OUT. You have no Bussiness here.

Chapter 4....... enjoy


The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 4

Next morning arrived with the rising sun. No movement was made by the dark army posted outside. Still, guards were posed to keep a watch on them. Spyro and Cynder were in their rooms respectively. They were given each one a separate room with a bed for them to sleep on.

So tired were they that Spyro and Cynder were still sleeping in a dreamless sleep. All the guardians have agreed to let Cynder and Spyro sleep for as long as they wanted. However, Sparx was having none of it. The dragonfly was bored and he needed to do something.

"Come on hero... rise and shine" he teased his purple brother. "The morning is young and there is much to do and see". Spyro stretched in a bed that had been given for his used while he stayed on Warfang, but he did not woke. "Como on, Spyro... rise and shine. We have a lot to do: talk to the elders, explore the city and much more. We have been without touch for three years while we were in the crystal, you know".

"Five more minutes Ignitus" Spyro mumbled in his sleep. Such a comfortable bed he was on, he didn't want to leave it. He had never used one before... he had always had slept on the floor in the swamp and in the dragon temple.

Sparx was starting to get annoyed with his big brother, so he took the wake up call to the next step. He flew closer to Spyro's ear and cleared his throat.

"WAKE UP, THE TEMPLE IS UNDER ATTACK" he shouted. Spyro jumped from the bed with a shout of his own due to scare Sparx had so graciously provided. Spyro began looking around the room like crazy, waiting for the grumblings and orcs that he supposed were just about to stab him with a sword. Only after making sure nothing threatening him was near him, he did hear a laughter above him. He turned to look up and saw Sparx near the roof having a good time laughing at Spyro's reaction.

"SPARX! That was not funny!" Spyro told his brother in a very annoyed voice.

"Well, you didn't see it from my point of view. It sure looked like it was fun from up here"

"Don't do that again Sparx. It could be real one of these days"

"Oh, come on. It was just a joke"

"Then keep your jokes to yourself"

"Hmph. I liked the old Spyro better. He had a better sense of humor that everyone lacks here. Am I the only one sane here?"

Spyro, now fully awake with that scare that put his hearth at maximum speed, stretched his joints one by one until the popped. He looked out the window that was left open, and discovered that it was nearly noon. He looked around, hoping to see Cynder.

Strange. He had slept near her for various days and now he felt somehow that she was missing. He did not remember the time in which he had entered the room, nor when he had separated from Cynder.

"Sparx, do you know where Cynder is?" Spyro asked his brother that was still laughing from the grand prank he had played with his brother.

"Huh? What for?"

"I want to know where she is".

"Why? So she can eat me?" Sparx told his Spyro. The purple dragon just gave him an annoyed look. "OK. She is next door, although the dungeons would probably a better place for her".

Spyro went to the door, which thankfully opened just by pushing it with his snout, and left the room. He walked to the next room and also opened the door. He saw Cynder curled upon herself, sleeping peacefully. Spyro spent some time admiring her form as she slept: how her sides moved sideways and her back rise a little with each breath she took. Her eyelids fluttered from time to time as she slept as her tail twitched.

How peaceful it looked, just sleeping there with no worries. Spyro had the urge to go to her and lie next to her, but he restrained himself. He began to feel a sudden discomfort in his hind legs, but he ignored it as he watched Cynder.

"I knew it. She putted you under her spell."

"Huh?" Spyro asked out loud to whoever said that, knowing the most likely source.

"It's obvious" Sparx said as he came closer. "You have been standing there like a statue, not moving for anything for so long that I could have died from old age. I tell you: she was having you under her spell. She is still evil".

Spyro sighted "She is asleep Sparx. How can she cast a spell if she is asleep?"

"A lot of strange things happen around her. First she was wicked, then she open up that portal the convex-whatever-was-its-name; the one with flying rocks. Then the well of souls incident. And finally, she is wicked. Why not cast a spell in her sleep? I would certainly learn that one I could".

"Just cut it out Sparx. She is not evil anymore".

"Yeah, tell me that when she has killed everyone and eaten me" And with that, he flew away mumbling "Why does nobody listen to me? She is going to be the end of us all"

Spyro watched his brother fly away as he sighted. Why can't he just accept her? The Darkmaster's influence is broken because we had already defeated him. She will not turn evil again. He looked back at Cynder's sleeping form. How beautiful she looked. He spent another couples of minutes just watching her. Soon enough, the discomfort between his hind legs began; and this time, he did notice. He looked to see the area affected and saw something that he did not expect.

Oh my He told himself. His meat had exposed itself from its hiding place. Spyro looked around fast to see if everyone was watching him. Fortunately, the halls were deserted. He left Cynder's room and entered his own, and then proceeded to calm himself. Soon enough, the discomfort disappeared and his meat again turned back to its cave.

Spyro perfectly knew what had happened; al least to his body. Ignitus had explained to him the process of dragon reproduction. He had told him that there was a time in the young dragon's life, when his body began the process to become mature and be able to reproduce. If Spyro's thought was correct, he was in that process. Feeling discomfort down there, some muscle aches and growth are some examples. Also conflicts with emotional feelings and strange sudden impulses. The fact that he was feeling such things made evidence to that. The problem was WHO made him feel so.

Whenever he was near Cynder, he felt it at it strongest. True, she was a female; and the only one he had seen at that. But Cynder? What will she think of me?

He pondered that question for some time in his room when a knock was heard at the door. Spyro walked toward the door to open it, and when he did, he saw Sparx enter the room as if he owned it.

"Finally you decided to stop staring at Cynder. Good for you because the guardians have asked for both of you to explain to them everything. And don't think I will wake the black dragoness; she will eat me if I disturb her beauty sleep"

"OK Sparx, just calm down. I will wake her and you will lead us to where the meeting will be held.

They left the room and woke Cynder, and much to Sparx relief and Spyro's amusement, she woke up without the fuzz the dragonfly had predicted. Soon, the three of them where heading toward the meeting place in the same building, which was huge by the way. They would have never found out where they were without Sparx help at leading them.

They arrived at the end of the hall where huge doors blocked the entrance to, what Spyro could imagine, a huge room. The doors were made of what Spyro thought was gold, and were adorned with a huge dragon with its wings extended sculpted in it; no other thing was in it. Slowly, the doors began to open by the middle, revealing a huge room behind it. Behind the doors stood the three remaining guardians and, to Spyro and Cynder surprise, Hunter of Avalar.

"Enter, young dragons" Cyril, the ice guardian, said. "We have been expecting you"

Both dragons and the dragonfly entered the huge room. Paintings and dragon statues where adorning the interior of it. Some painting showed the friendship that the dragons had with the moles, as well as how the city was formed. Some moles and dragon faces where in portraits, indicating the importance of such people.

"It is good to see you are alive" Hunter began "You certainly are worthy of carrying the title of Purple Dragon".

"Of course" Terrador said. "We are all amazed at how you succeeded in defeating Malefor. Hunter has requested us to allow him to hear what you to have to say, saying that you to were his friends."

"What is this place?"Cynder asked while he inclined his head toward Hunter in gratitude

"This is the City Hall, where all political and administrative decisions are made for the city. Right now, there are no meetings being held in here, so we borrowed it. So please, we would like you to tell us what happened now that there is a relative peace".

Cynder and Spyro sat next to Hunter, facing the guardians. And so, Cynder and Spyro told their adventure... again. It was starting to annoy them, really. But on they went, starting with Ignitus death and his last words, the battle with Malefor and the center of the world.

"Amazing!! There has not been a precedent of such a feat as travelling that far down ever recorded in history!" Volteer announced exited, which happened whenever something poke his curiosity, which was frequently. "And the biggest dark crystal the world has ever seen being there! It is incredible that such a large crystal of any color attribute and denomination exists! And then the fact that you two were in such a deep place when the world began to collapse on itself would have made such spectacular view! I wish that I could have been there to have been able to observe and take some notes while I was at it".

After a few silent shaking of heads from all of those present except Volteer, the story continued with the spirits that captured Malefor, which sent Volteer again to a lot of babble about the amazing fact of such a thing, followed by their resurfacing. They continued until they reached the part when they found the temple with the strange crystal.

"May I see it?" Terrador asked, which Spyro agreed to. He made the pure crystal appear in front of him.

"OOOhhhh. WOW!" Volteer began again. "Such a transparent crystal has never been found. And look what happens when light passes trough. The prism allows light that passes to become the different colors that happens to be the same as the rainbow. Technically, this prism is the same as a drop of water in that matter. Plus..."

"We understand, Volteer" Cyril said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "It is such a rare and strange crystal to be sure, but what purpose does it have? More importantly, what was it doing in that temple that no one of us has ever heard about".

"I think Spyro should keep the Crystal" Hunter intervened. "Somehow, he felt it and the temple locations. He found it for a reason and I recommend that he finds out why"

"Of course" "Sure thing" Terrador and Cyril said; but Volteer had other things in his mind.

"You must allow me to borrow the crystal for a certain period of times to allow me to study it. Given enough time I can make sure of the crystal's purpose and intentions. How exciting... many questions to be answered and mysteries to be revealed. Plus I can study the properties that a crystal such as this can have and it uses. How marvelous and exciting this is going to be!"

"No Volteer, Spyro will keep his crystal" Terrador informed.

"But imagine all the wealth of knowledge that we could obtain by..."

"And that is final!"

Volteer grumbled a little bit before Spyro and Cynder continued their story, which it had nothing really of importance.

"I guess we really have to thank both of you for what you have done" Terrador said. "You have defeated Malefor and kept this world in one piece. Everyone owns you their lives".

"And what about me?" asked Sparx, annoyed that he had been ignored. "I do not receive that kind of merit? I have been with Spyro every moment of this GRAND adventure. Except when he betrayed me and made me lead all those people through the caves. But at LEAST, I guided them all by myself, without the help of anyone".

"Yeah Sparx" Spyro said before anyone could say a word. "You did great and the people of Warfang own you a lot".

"But nobody has even thanked me. All of those ungrateful citizens do not even say a simple thank you; that would have been something good to start with. At least the Atlawa tribe showed their appreciation that was due to their savior. They know a good thing when they see it and they show it properly".

"We could not have done it without your help Sparx" Terrador said to keep the insect from saying anything more "Thank you".

"Well, at least is a beginning. Now... All hail mighty Sparx, god of the Atlawa tribe and guide of the refugees of Warfang"

"God?" Hunter whispered to Spyro. He, in turned, blushed.

"We ended in Tall Plains trying to save Cyril. The evil that had him prisoner was on Atlawa holy ground. According to them, the god helps them in everything and we saved their tribe at Tall Plains by defeating the evil that was there. In turn, they made us gods".

"And does Sparx really boast about it that much?" Hunter asked with a smile in his face.

"He has gotten over in his head. He really loves it. But I don't like to boast, and I like even less when Sparx does it in such a manner".

"We thank you for your time" Terrador said when they had finished talking ." Now you two have some free time. Explore the city if you feel like or rest for more time. Meanwhile, I must discuss this event with the others and make sure the city is better prepared in case the dark army decides to attack."

So, they left the guardians alone. Hunter accompanied them for a while, talking about what they had been doing. "So, what's been happening here since we left?" Cynder asked to Hunter.

"It hasn't happened that much of as a monumental events as yours. But some things have happened. For instance, Prowlus had me be his right-hand-man".

"Really?" Cynder asked. "I thought that you to didn't liked each other"

"I know and he knows; we don't really like each other because of our history. But he made me his right-hand-man because of that same reason. Prowlus is no stupid. He knows that he made a mistake by distrusting dragons and isolation himself in Avalar Valley. He understood that he needed another man with another point of view different than his own, with leadership and strength to do what is necessary. I qualified".

"Then does that mean you are accepted back by your tribe?" Spyro asked his friend.

"Not yet. I am officially an ambassador of the tribe here in Warfang, but everyone knows that it is only a matter of time to be accepted back".

"It is good to see finally you had come to terms with your village, Hunter"

They began to explore the city of Warfang by walking in the streets. They watched plazas and markets, smiths and carpenters while they walked; all of them moles. Everywhere where they went, people would cheer for Spyro. He was a hero. Of course, this made him blush every time this happened.

But for Cynder, things were different. They would sneer at her, scowl and one even dare to spat. There was still much regret for her in the people's heart, too much hatred for the sins she committed while in Malefor's service.

"Let's get out of here before things start to get worse" Hunter suggested. Both dragons agreed without a comment.

Cynder, of course, was downcast. This is what she had feared, to still be rejected by the others wherever she went.

"Lest head back at the City Hall, Cynder" Spyro said, trying to console her "We do not need to be here".

"No, I'm fine. Let's go on" She felt that she needed to face her fears and show herself to the rest of those that did not want her. She had to be accepted somehow.

"Are you sure?" Spyro asked her, still unsure of her state.

"Yes, I'm sure" Cynder said. Thank the gods for Spyro. He and the guardian were the only one who had really accepted her; and Hunter of course. But Spyro had done more than that; he had tried to become her friend. He always worried about her when she felt downcast and depressed and he tried to make other accept her. Had not been for Spyro, who knows how much time she would have supported her own self guilt and all sneers and glances that showed resentment. But would she change all of this self pity and scorn for being evil again... never. Spyro had freed her, and that was a gift that she would never let go. I have to thank him for that one day... and for being there for me when I need him.

They continued walking and found a mole smith working with metals. They watched for a while until Spyro remembered something.

"Excuse me, can you remove this things form our necks" he said as he made appear the collar that had tied him and Cynder. "It is already out of energy, and I think it should be easy to remove".

The mole watched the collars for a while. "I think I can remove these. Jus some little hit here and there and it will be done". He then proceeded to put Spyros neck in a table completely outstretched. The, he began to hit it with a chisel and hammer. Every tap against the collar was felt by Spyro. Soon enough, the collar broke. Then, he continued with Cynder's collar to apply the same treatment as did Spyro.

When it fell from Cynder's neck, she roared of happiness and gave a shout. "I'm free at last"

"Thank you. How can we repay you?" Spyro asked to the mole that had helped them.

"You are Spyro, the purple dragon; it is the least I could do after you helps us" After a thank you, the companions left the smith and continued walking.

"Hunter, is there a place where other dragons are staying here?" Spyro asked his feline friend. "I saw a few of them while I was last here, but I really didn't have the chance to meet them. I would like to know them, since I don't really know many dragons"

"Are you sure? Many dragons still resent Cynder's actions" Hunter stated, while he looked at the black dragoness.

"Let's go" she simply said.

"Most of the dragons are still hiding since Cynder's evil days, but more and more are showing up since the cataclysm. There are not a lot of dragons in the city. Those that are here are scattered all over the city, each in a building of its own. But there is a place that they usually gather for social things. Let's go"

They walked though the city for quite some time. Sparx was still with them, enjoying every insult thrown at Cynder. "This is fun" he said whenever an insult was given.

Soon, they arrived at a large plaza where several dragons stood. They were talking amongst themselves, ignorant of the new arrivals. Spyro and Cynder just stood there, watching these dragons talk amongst themselves. Eventually, they noticed them and came closer.

"What is SHE doing here?" was the first question that was asked by a green dragon. Obviously, these dragons didn't like Cynder.

"She is with me" Spyro hurried to respond.

"What? Do you know who you are walking next to?" another one asked, this time a red one, anger is his voice.

"Yes, I do. She is Cynder"

"Do you know what she has done? She hunted our kind; she killed many of us out of pleasure. You, the purple dragon were supposed to kill her for the crimes she committed; not hang around with her as if nothing ever happened". Sparks were beginning to fly and it seemed that the things were going to continue to heat up.

Spyro was starting to get angry himself. He would not tolerate others to insult his friend. "She was under the influence of Malefor. She cannot be held responsible for the actions that were done".

"I expected more of you, purple dragon. You are supposed to bring peace to this land" an orange one said.

"And I do but you are the ones that are looking for a fight right now". Spyro said almost snarling. Now things were boiling and it was about to explode. "She helped me to defeat Malefor in the final battle. Without her, I would have failed. How can she be evil if she defeated Malefor? She fought to bring peace to these lands"

"She fought against Malefor for her own greed, to see if she could gain some kind of power through his death"

"Of course not. She fought to be free and bring peace to this land, as did I"

"Then why you let her live? If you want peace then she must pay for her crimes"

Cynder was facing toward the ground, feeling shocked. She had expected refusal and denial, but not such outrage. This made her feel the guilt that she did during her dark times feel even worse. Here were relatives of dragons she had slain, parents of children murdered, sons of parents tortured. Her sins had come back to haunt her.

"She must have put you under some sort of spell to allow her to control you" a white one stated.

"Dude, that exactly what I said to him earlier today" imprudent Sparx said.

"You are not helping Sparx" Spyro told his brother.

"Oops, did I said that out loud?"

"She has guts to come here" the green dragon said, apparently the leader."I do not even know why the guardians held her in such high esteem"

"They trusted her because their own pride did not cloud their judgment".

"Why you..." the dragon snarled which caused Spyro to stand in a defensive position. All of the remaining dragons barred their teeth.

"That's enough" a sudden voice came. All involved looked to see who it was.

Spyro's hearth skipped a beat. There, walking toward them was Ignitus. No, Ignitus died in the ring of fire. The newcomer walked towards them, his red scales brilliant and his two long horns coming from the back of his head

"Leave them. Cynder here helped defend this city not so long ago" Ignitus said... but he spoke differently and seemed much smaller... he was not Ignitus.

"Incendio, don't get in this quarrel" the green one and leader of the group of dragons said.

"How dare you quarrel with the saviors of our realms? They defeated Malefor when no one of us could. How can they be evil if they defeated evil itself?" Incendio asked. No one had an answer. "Now, leave before you do something bad yourselves".

They reluctant dragons left the plaza and went their own way. Spyro began to watch this new dragon that looked like Ignitus. There were differences, although the resemblance was incredible. All of the dragons had obeyed him, that made him either they respected him or fear him. Spyro hopped for the former.

"Thank you. I..." Spyro said.

"You were lucky I was around" he simply stated. "They would have killed Cynder if I hadn't appeared. You should not be here either; there are other dragons that would not listen to me and attack her on sight. I would leave if I were you".

"But, who are you and why did you just defended Cynder?"

"I am Incendio and I defended her because of what my uncle told me".

"Your uncle?" Cynder asked.

"Yes, he told me a lot about you two; and the hope he had in you. He made me have that same hope and I am really glad that you did not failed when all was darkness. I am Ignitus nephew, and that's the reason we look so much alike".

"I... I didn't know Ignitus had a nephew" Spyro said, amazed at this news, as was Cynder.

"Hmph. I am not surprised he did not tell you. He would have changed a lot just to make me have my parents again".

"What happened?" Cynder asked.

"You killed my parents, that's what happened" he answered, which caused Cynder to flinch. "I was about the same age you are now when the evil Cynder appeared. We lived in a city before it fell and were forced to hide in some cave. Then you arrived one day to our cave. My parents told me to fly as fast as I could toward Ignitus while they tried to give me enough time to escape. I never saw them again"

"I'm sorry" Cynder said as she lowered her head to the ground.

"Don't be. You are not the same Cynder that killed my parents". Incendio said. Those word lifted Cynder's spirit a lot. "After I reached Ignitus, he began to train me while he was defending the realms. After that, the guardians were kidnapped and Ignitus left to hide. There was really no hope then for the realms, without the guardians help. All of the remaining dragons began hiding. It was thus for a while when the unthinkable happened... the four dragon guardians returned".

"I rescued them for evil Cynder before I was trapped inside a crystal" Spyro said.

"So my uncle told me. When the dragon guardian returned, some dragons began to rally and make a stand against Malefor. During the three years of your absence, Ignitus spoke much of you Spyro, and of your exploits. He also told me about Cynder being good again. That was quite a shock to me: the murdered of my parents being good again. But I really trusted Ignitus and he had faith that you two would return. He made me too had hope with you too, and I respected him enough to at least give Cynder a second chance. I guess the fact that he held so much hope and trusted you two so much, made me defend Cynder. Imagine my surprise when I saw you two defending Warfang several days ago".

"And I thank you for defending me" Cynder said.

"You are welcome. Still, it is difficult for me see in front of me the one who killed my parents. I do not trust you completely Cynder, I trust you only an arm's length away; don't expect more". Incendio said a little bit cold that last sentence, which made Cynder head drop a little.

"I know" she replied a little downcast. "But you have given me a second chance to prove myself and that's better than I had hoped. I will not throw away that trust easily" she finished with a more confident voice.

"See that you don't".

"Incendio... I don't know if you know, but Ignitus... he..." Spyro tried to break to him the news that his uncle had died.

"Is dead?" Incendio finished Spyro's sentence "I know. I was told yesterday night. I still mourn for him" he said in a low voice. "But that what I mean about him having faith in both of you, he sacrificed himself to give you two a chance. How can I do otherwise?

"Thanks again" Cynde and Spyro said in unison.

"You are welcome. Now leave, before things get out of control".

With that, Spyro, Cynder, Sparx and Hunter left the plaza in which both parties had been talking. They headed back toward the City Hall to past the night that had arrived quickly.

Very well then, we'll see each other tomorrow" Hunter said before he left, leaving the dragons alone. They entered the City Hall and walked toward their own room. Sparx flew fast when he saw the door that will allow give him a bed, thus he entered the room, he left Spyro and Cynder walking more slowly in the hall. Before the two dragons could enter their own rooms, Cynder talked.

"Spyro..." she sounded hesitant.

"What is it Cynder?"

"I wanted to..."

"Yes?"Spyro said before he came closer to Cynder.

"I wanted to... thank you"

"What for?" asked Spyro.

"For freeing me form Malefor, for being with me, for being my friend. I thank you for everything".

"Oh... you are welcome then" he said. He had not expected that. Before he had a chance to think of something else to say, Cynder moved her head quickly and more quickly licked Spyros cheek.

Spyro's hearth leapt up from the contact. He looked as if he couldn't understand what had happened.

"Good night" Cynder said. And before Spyro could recover, she entered her own room and closed the door. Spyro stood outside, in the hall, still not knowing what had happened. Slowly, a smile began to form in his face as he moved his paw to where Cynder had licked him.

He did not remember entering his own room, his mind only in Cynder's kiss. Sparx, on the other hand, watched from his own bed as Spyro entered.

"Yo... what with the idiot smile that you have plastered on your face? ... Spyro?...Spyroooo? Anybody home in there?" the dragonfly asked of his large brother. But Spyro didn't hear him as he got to bed with his mind on Cynder.


Ther is was. Chapter 4.

I still have a lot to make this story get to a finish, so expect more.

As alwasy, favs, comments and vote are really apreciated.

The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 34

**Author's notes:** Took me long enough to post this one. Anyway, here we have the third and last part of the Battle at Tall Plains. Some things will happen in this chapter as did in the last...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 33

**Author's notes:** It's been a little bit more than a month since I last updated. Well, I want to say that I no longer work where I used to,, but I have now another job. A good change in my opinion, so no loss in there. This is the continuation of...

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 32

**Author's notes:** It has been 3 months since i last updated... but they had been put to good use. I started writing this chapter even before i posted the last one, but i never seemed to finish it because it was just too damn long. Yes... i broke...

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