Family Matters - Marina's Discovery

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#2 of Family Matters

Family Matters - Marina's Discovery

Zerrex R. Narrius

For three weeks after their time in bed together, Zerrex and Marina did little of sexual value; they went on as always, hugging each other, holding each other, sleeping in the same bed sometimes, but only on rare occasion engaging in sexual play; they did their best to remain as father and daughter. Then the three weeks passed... and Marina came to her father, rubbing her stomach quietly as she opened the door of his office and found him in the varnished, plain hardwood room, sitting at his table and tapping away at his laptop, shirtless, in a plain pair of black pants, sweating a bit and a weight bar loaded up with heavy weights on the floor beside him.

He turned to her, smiling a bit as he looked over his daughter; blushing a bit as always now, when he saw her, from the secret they shared. The deep, intoxicating, forbidden fruit secret... and then Marina looked at him before saying simply: "I'm pregnant, Daddy."

The big reptile gaped, staring at her before spluttering and then finally managing: "I... what?"

"I'm pregnant." Marina said slowly again, then looked at him with a faint smile. "You're a Daddy... again. And I guess your son is also gonna be your grandson... after all, I am registered as your daughter on all the legal papers, right?"

"Oh Gods." Zerrex reached a hand up, rubbing it through his hair as he stared down, then he looked up at her, gazing into her sapphire eyes before holding out his arms and unable to stop a quiet smile. "Marina... come here."

She came willingly, then sat down in his lap as Zerrex whispered softly to her: "My own kid? Marina... I'm going to be here for you. I'll be his... or her, or her... father, and I'll take care of you and our child and... I'll be proud." He wrapped his arms tight around her, kissing her forehead quietly as Marina hugged him tightly back, then he smiled faintly before saying softly: "Guess it doesn't matter how often we sleep together now, huh?"

"Might just be expected now." Marina replied softly, looking up at him and offering her own quiet smile in return. "Honestly Daddy... I... I couldn't be happier."

Zerrex hugged her tight, then said gently in return: "Me neither, Marina... me neither."

They stared at each other, Marina sitting in his lap and reaching up to quietly rub his shoulders before she leaned her face in closer, eyes half-lidding as she slowly kissed his muzzle, dragging her mouth up against it as Zerrex let his own eyes drift closed, murring gently in his throat. His daughter pushed herself down into his lap, rubbing herself sensually closer and downwards as she whispered: "Wanna celebrate, Daddy? Wanna have a little..." Now one of her hands reached up, two fingers stroking under his chin as Zerrex's own hands rolled down to grasp her waist tightly, rubbing her hips gently as she continued to tickle under his muzzle with one hand, the other wrapping around his neck as she leaned close, a grin playing over her muzzle as she breathed: "Fun?"

"Marina!" Zerrex couldn't stop a grin in return as his eyes opened, and they pressed nose-to-nose, Marina licking her lips with half-lidded, sensual eyes, and Zerrex feeling himself becoming excited and aroused as he slowly squeezed her hips, his daughter's hands moving to stroke his bare, sweaty chest slowly, tracing gently around his strong musculature. "Any minute now, someone's going to be coming up to call us down for lunch... and then I have a business meeting after that to get ready for and go to..."

"I only said a little, Daddy..." Marina winked at him, then she slowly slid her hand down his muscular chest, over his powerful abdominals, then into his pants, making Zerrex jump in surprise as she gently squeezed his flaccid but now twitchy-heartily member, making him let out a little hiss of air between his teeth. "Just a quickie?" she paused, then pulled her hand back as she felt her father's cock beginning to harden up, grinning widely as she grasped the edge of the miniskirt she wore, then rose it up to reveal a g-string that looked too small and far too tight one her, covering almost nothing as she murred quietly: "Don't even have to take anything off, Daddy... just undo your fly, drag out that big cock, and I'll do the rest..." she paused as Zerrex licked his lips, eyes wide and pleasured, and then she reached up her hand with a wider grin and added sensuously as her other hand came down from around his neck: "And by the way..."

Her hands gently grabbed the bottom of her belly shirt, then rolled it up as Zerrex drew his eyes down, seeing her nipples through her shirt before it was rolled past and her bare breasts were revealed, pink nipples perked and hard already. Her father licked his muzzle, then looked into her eyes as she leaned back, releasing the tight shirt and letting the swells of her breast hold it above the bare, round flesh as Zerrex said with a slightly-dry mouth, his pants and boxers quickly becoming far, far too tight: "No bra... a g-string... and begging for sex. I swear you're trying to seduce me, Marina."

"I'm horny." Marina said simply, then grinned and winked as she leaned forwards, sloppily kissing his mouth and then licking his lips as Zerrex clutched her sides, grinning wide as she asked roguishly: "You gonna fuck me or not?"

"Anything for my daughter." Zerrex replied with a grin of his own, then he reached his hands down as Marina climbed free of his lap with a murr of pleasure. His hands settled on the bulging crotch of his pants, then he unzipped his fly and slid the waistband of his boxers down, huge, black cock almost comically bouncing free to harden to its full potential, an amazing, far greater than foot long length of hot, pheromone-drenched flesh. He slipped his boxers down, past the base of his shaft, then under his enormous, navy-scaled testicles, those too popping free, cock and balls hanging out of the fly of his pants as Marina stared at him, then murred slowly and reached a hand forwards to stroke up the length of the already rock-hard member before moving forwards decisively, letting her father grasp her waist as she climbed onto the chair, straddling him and reaching down with one hand to push the small cloth of the g-string that was blocking the lips of her vagina to the side, then she leaned forwards, slipping her legs further along the seat of the rotating leather office chair as Zerrex slid his hands up and down her hips, staring hungrily at her breasts and twitching slightly as Marina pushed one hand against his chest for balance, then used the other to grasp his thick, obsidian member and guide the head of his cock against her lips.

"Fast and hard." She said softly to her father, eyes half-lidded. He looked at her, met her eyes with a nod and a lick of his muzzle, and then seized her hips hard and plunged his cock upwards, ripping it deep into her vagina as Marina shoved herself down with a sharp cry of pleasure-pain at the huge size and thickness of the cock; but there was oh, so much more pleasure than there was pain, and she immediately felt herself reacting to it, her hands reaching out to grasp his shoulders as Zerrex spread his legs out, forcing her to spread her own straddling limbs, her hands squeezing into his shoulders as she began to rock herself up and down, new beads of sweat already forming on the male's form as he grunted, not holding himself back as Marina did the same, crying out softly as she rocked herself up and down his huge cock, feeling it shoving up into her with every powerful strike, his testicles bouncing on the leather seat and Marina's breasts jiggling, bouncing up and down as well as the chair beneath them squeaked and squalled in rhythm with the powerhouse thrusts.

Zerrex leaned his head forwards hungrily towards Marina's bared breasts, then settled his mouth over a nipple as she wrapped her arms tight around his head, his own around her waist. She held him close as she moaned and bounced herself hard, feeling his hot breath and long tongue flicking back and forth over her tit, feeling his teeth grazing wonderfully down the swell of her breast as he pushed his muzzle forwards and took in as much of the warm flesh as possible, as he ground his teeth gently against her hardened nipple and pleasured the sexual parts of her body as best he could, her vagina with his huge, strong shaft, her bust with his mouth and a hand then rolled up her curved, beautiful form to seize the other free breast, feeling it bouncing and moving, hot and firm in his hand and he squeezed and rolled the swell in his fingers, feeling the nipple against his palm, then twisting it gently between thumb and forefinger, inciting a pleasure that was part pain and only made it all the more exotic and wonderful as Marina's back arched and her head rolled on her shoulders, moaning into the air as flesh and scale smacked against flesh and scale, cloth against cloth as she bounced up and down on the thick, black rod of flesh that was buried inside a passage already leaking and clenching at the stiff and powerful penis, her hands buried in her father's ivory hair and forcing his working mouth ever closer to her breast, hungrily groaning for more. "Yeah... yeah Daddy... it's so good... oh Gods, Daddy, oh Gods, give it to me... yeah... give it to me hard... yeah... so good... oh... oh fuck yeah, Daddy..."

The male Drakkaren thrusted upwards, working his hips powerfully as he panted around her breast, then he grasped the firm swell in his other hand tight by the underswell and released the female's upper sexual body part from his muzzle to hungrily switch to the untreated breast, squeezing the swell around it in his hand as he settled his mouth against it and began to roll his teeth up and down, to grind them gently against the nipple, to lick his tongue around the hard nub of flesh and lustfully encircle it, tugging back as he mouthed and nuzzled the swell of flesh lovingly, his other arm tight around her waist as his cock continued to rip up inside of her, shoving her tight passage apart as Marina moaned, pulling his head tighter against her and running her hands back and forth through his hair.

Marina bounced her body as hard as she could up and down the thick, meaty shaft buried inside her, riding the pole of Drakkaren penis as her passage clenched down on it, grasping it tightly as she pushed hard down on the cock with her vagina. It felt wonderful, erotic, blissful, so wrong and nasty and naughty but so good and right and pure and loving... she moaned as Zerrex bit his teeth a bit harder against her breast, her hands clutching his head harder against her as her head shook from side to side as if in negation, as if in disbelief of the overwhelming bliss that was coursing through her veins and body in wonderful, hot waves, coming from her large, rounded breasts and her hot, penetrated vagina, feeling sweat starting to roll down her scales and soak into her clothing, feeling the band of the g-string pulling against her and creating another friction as it rubbed between her father's obsidian member and the lips of her sex. Her hips rocked powerfully as she groaned and continued to wring her hands through her father's hair lovingly, panting and letting soft cries speak her passion for her.

As she continued to move herself up and down, her loins heating with a desired, wanted orgasm, Zerrex worked the pole of hard cock powerfully, moving with her bounces and groaning as he closed his eyes in ecstasy, moving his powerful shaft up hard into the grasping, hot passage of his daughter, his mouth continually working at her breast before he arched his back, letting his head fall back with a groan at the inferno of pleasure rising in his body, both of his hands grasping Marina's breasts and squeezing them tight, pulling them into cupped palms and rolling them warmly as he leaned back in the squeaking, rocking-slightly chair; enough so that it remained balance, but enough so that Marina could lean forwards towards him as well, elevating herself better on the cock she was straddling and riding him with more force, her hands going down to press into his muscular abs as Zerrex widened his legs a bit and forced Marina's to stretch wider as well, making them both groan as she shoved straight down and plunged his cock to the hilt, her passage swallowing the entirety of his member for a moment, the lips of her sex kissing his groin as they both rocked and let out twin moans of ecstasy before moving together again, Marina bouncing herself hard with her hands firmly on her father's powerful abs, him with his hands grasping, rolling, fondling her breasts and shoving the thick cock up inside of her in time with her bounces, urging them both fiercely towards a quick but powerful orgasm.

Then Marina slid her legs forwards and slammed herself down so she was sitting on her father's cock, with it fully buried inside of her. They both gasped and Marina pushed herself against her father's chest as Zerrex instinctively reached down to grasp her legs, his hands leaving her breasts as they pressed forwards into him, and she said in a voice that was both panting and purring: "The chair squeaks more than me... pick me up, Daddy. I always wanted to know what it's like... to have a big guy like you have me when he's standing up..." she pulled her head back, staring into her father's eyes with a half-lidded, erotic gaze as her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs sought and then managed to belt his waist, ankles latching above his tail as she rotated herself blissfully, the passage of her vagina squeezing down and trying to force out his cock, only adding to the pleasure. "And when he's already locked in."

"That sounds just fine, daughter." Zerrex breathed; it sounded almost like a line from a bad porn movie, but they exchanged a warm smile before Marina let out a soft groan and arched her back, baring her breasts towards his muzzle as her eyes slip closed, as Zerrex stood up, grasping her hips and forcing his cock to hilt inside of her as she sat on his crotch; she was light, she was wonderful, but his legs trembled from the sheer ecstasy and power of the lock at their crotches, at the feeling of himself buried deep into his daughter's passage, pierced between her lips as he stood, panting softly before letting out a grunt as Marina began to give out soft cries as he thrusted into her while standing next to the chair, spreading his legs a bit as sweat rolled down his body and his pants and boxers fell to a puddle around his feet, working his thick, huge member in and out of her in short but powerful thrusts, the new position raising the arousal flowing through them both to extreme levels.

Marina's cries rose in volume as she felt the massive rod of meat shoving upwards into her again and again, parting her tight lips and filling her passage with its entirety. Her large breasts rolled against his body, nipples scraping over his scales as she moaned loudly, her legs clutching his sides and her hands locking behind his neck, levering herself against him and pushing forcefully back as the massive cock of her father pounded her, bouncing her body against his as she felt her passage heating with a greater and greater passion, legs locked around him as she rode the pole of Drakkaren flesh buried in her with wonderful, hot bliss coursing through her veins, the daughter loving the feel of her father invading her vagina with his hot, strong cock.

The two of them let out a groan together as Marina shoved herself against Zerrex, the male Drakkaren squeezing her hips and pulling her closer against him, grunting as he shoved powerfully into her, feeling hot juices leaking down his shaft in trickles and rivulets as he swung his head back and forth, knocking the hair from his eyes as he moaned again, closing his emerald eyes in ecstasy as his massive, engorged obsidian member began to stiffen up inside his daughter's tightening passage, her constriction only adding to his bliss as he bowed forwards, muscles bulging out in profile as sweat rolled down his body.

They worked together, both of them feeling hot, ready, wanting the orgasms that were rising through their bodies with a powerful, almost-hungry force. Zerrex groaned as he felt himself growing harder, seeming to thicken further as his daughter moaned loudly, rocking her body hard against his as she kept her arms tight around his neck, her legs locked behind his back as her passage squeezed his throbbing shaft before he begun to thrust even hard, grunting as he looked down into her eyes, the two staring at one another before they kissed hungrily, lustfully, muzzles moving together to mouth and tongues to dance, Zerrex working his hard down on his daughter's slighter one, pushing down against her even as his massive shaft thudded into her again and again as his legs trembled hard, his knees bending a bit as he arched his back, moaning loudly into her mouth through the kiss as they continued to work against one another, Marina responding with a cry of her own as she felt her father's orgasm hit, inciting her own tightened vagina to release its own fluids at the same time.

He felt the incredible, blissful heat squeezing into his shaft as hot fluids poured down his thick cock, and he groaned again, almost biting into his daughter's muzzle now as their teeth clenched together, feeling his shaft unleashing blast after blast of thick, viscous seed into her vagina, firing up into her as he continued to thrust his far more than a foot long penis up into her, groaning into his daughter's muzzle as his shaft sent spray after spray of his seed into her with every thrust as her tight passage contracted hard against him again and again, squeezing his immense, thick cock as her fluids continued to lubricate and pour over his shaft, his testicles slapping wetly against her tail, splattering the fluids pouring onto her crotch as the two worked powerfully together, sweat pouring over their bodies before they finally began to slow, the kiss finally breaking as their moans subsided and they pressed nose-to-nose, staring into one another's eyes quietly as Zerrex stayed hilted in her, his legs trembling hard as her limbs stayed firmly wrapped around him, sapphire gazing into emerald before Marina finally managed: "Holy shit. That was good."

"For a quickie, sure." Zerrex responded, grinning a bit. Marina laughed faintly in return, then they simply stared for a moment longer before closing their eyes and tilting their muzzles forwards again, slowly working their mouths gently, carefully against each other, showing love and romance over hot passion before they pulled back and Zerrex laughed quietly, gently lifting his daughter as he closed his eyes and groaned softly at the slow bliss as he pulled free, a bit more of their fluids leaking out to splatter on the floor before Marina released her legs and arms from around him, smiling faintly with her own look of pleased, soft bliss on her features as she placed her feet back down and the two stood, gazing at one another before Zerrex coughed and reached out and tugged her shirt down over her perked nipples, then looking amused as she reached up and poked one of the firmed flesh gently, easily seen through her shirt. "You should do something about that."

"Actually, I think you should, if we had more time." Marina murred, winking up at her father, who blushed a bit as she reached forwards and stroked a finger slowly up the underside of his massive obsidian shaft, the reptile twitching a bit as she dragged her claw lightly up the sensitive head. "But I'll make myself scarce now." She paused for a moment, glancing up at him as she reached down to make sure her miniskirt was down and carefully adjusted her g-string - her loins still burned with bliss, however, and putting it back in its place was only making her want to take it off all the more as it rubbed against the far-too-aware lips to her passage. "You better take good care of me though, Daddy. Especially now..."

Zerrex smiled quietly, reaching out to stroke her face gently with one hand before he bent and pulled up his pants, then coughed as he was forced to wait for his thick penis to slowly become flaccid as Marina looked down, watching with a grin as the Drakkaren looked a bit uncomfortably down at her. "Don't stare, please? It's still kinda weird doing this with you. But um... yeah, Marina. I will take good care of you." He stopped, softening as he reached forwards to stroke her face gently again, one hand under his heavy testicles to hold up his boxers and pants. "Promise... I'm gonna go in today for my meeting, and I'll announce that I'll be taking leave for a year or so... only go in for emergencies or such."

He finally felt himself fully softened, and now he carefully tucked himself in as Marina smiled at him softly, tilting her head before leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek as he pulled his clothes on and redid the fly, smiling softly at the affection passed up to him from his daughter as she gazed at him with quiet admiration. "You're going so far for me, Daddy... I mean... it's not like your job takes up all that much time, really..."

"I'm away too often." Zerrex replied softly, then he stepped forwards and hugged his daughter tightly; she hugged him just as tight in return, pressing her body against his before Zerrex mumbled under his breath: "I just stepped in our little mess."

Marina snorted laughter, then looked up at him with mild amusement before she reached up to flick his nose gently, then whispered: "Tickle, tickle."

"Bite, bite." Zerrex replied in return, smiling at her as he clacked his jaws at her finger gently. They laughed softly together, then Marina finally leaned up and kissed his cheek again before turning away and flicking her tail at him as she headed for the door, looking over her shoulder to wink at him.

"Be good Daddy. I wanna see you tonight." She stopped, then added softly: "And I wanna see all of you."

Then she turned and let herself out as Zerrex looked after her, smiling quietly before muttering as he rose his foot and glanced down at it, shaking it lightly as he felt his scales becoming all sticky-stiff. "Hell."

He looked back and forth, then sighed as he glanced around the room before picking up a crumpled towel he used to wipe off his body after a workout and now kneeling to wipe at the splatters and small blobs on the floor, then cleaning his foot as he rolled his eyes. He had a feeling he'd be looking forwards to seeing his daughter tonight a bit more than usual.

Zerrex muttered under his breath as he sat in the makeshift meeting room, looking around the drab space of the steel box he sat in with the other uncomfortable executives before finally snapping: "Well, why are we all in this crate?"

"It's a steel portable construction cabin, sir." quipped one of the newer execs, looking over at Zerrex mildly. The reptile immediately narrowed his eyes, a look that made the rest of the higher-ups of the Ravenlight Corporation quail even though it was currently focused on the leopard who was sitting to Zerrex's right.

The chairs they sat in were all plain steel, the table they sat around was again, three plates of steel on - surprise, surprise - steel sawhorses, and the reptile thought ironically that this obnoxious cat in his steel gray suit was trying to act all steely and tough and not quail under Zerrex's steel glare.

I'm going to kill someone, the Drakkaren though sourly, then he narrowed his eyes further and began to grin as he half stood and leaned on the table, looking around at the other executives before fixing his eyes on the snobby-looking cat, who currently had his nose raised in the air, his oversized, circular spectacles sitting on the end of them as he held a financial report up in front of his face. Apparently he hadn't noticed the expression of the reptile's features, which the others saw meant a good roasting, budget slicing or humiliation was about to commence. "This portable construction cabin is in use, sir, because we are to meet with the construction engineers for the set and discuss the budgeting. The foreman's cabin is, unfortunately sir, already in use, and so they gave us this to make do while we formulate a proper budget for their and our benefit-"

"So this was your idea." Zerrex tilted his head slowly at the executive, who paused politely in the reading of his report to turn his head to look at the Drakkaren, who was now smiling kindly as the other five higher ups looked at one another uncertainly. "Good. You're fired. Get out. Bye-bye."

The reptile rose his hand with the last part, making a short wave gesture as the cat stared, stunned, before spluttering: "But... but all the work I've done... I hired the aide to come in here and discuss diplomacy with these savage construction workers-"

Zerrex frowned at this, then he slowly stood before the cat - more than two feet shorter than him - immediately stood himself, puffing his chest out as he stared up at Zerrex imperiously. "Despite the fact this is a private company, you can expect a lawsuit to soon be coming, as I am very-"

Zerrex reached out, then grabbed the cat's tie and yanked him forwards, still smiling serenely as he pulled the cat onto the tips of his toes and slowly lowered his muzzle. "For one thing, I am one of those savages. I started my life doing construction work after the place I came from was flooded." He stopped, then continued on slowly, narrowing his eyes dangerously as the feline choked slightly, scrabbling to loosen his tie with his hands. "See, I didn't start off very well. And then I became an actor, and the whole purpose behind acting was to make the people around me happy. Not for money, not because it was easier than putting stuff together. It wasn't, in a lot of ways, because I'm built for physical work."

The reptile paused in his speech as the leopard continued to fumble at his tie, then said cheerfully: "Let me get that for you." He then reached forwards and pulled on the knot of the article of clothing, causing it to come loose and the cat to fall backwards into the chair with a grunt, skidding backwards with a shriek of metal as Zerrex looked down at him darkly. "See, the people with money all drowned because they thought they were invincible. We had no government. We just had each other. And so it came to pass that there were two types of jobs; giving people things they needed to live, and giving people things they needed to be happy."

The reptile gestured with his hand as he did this, holding up his fist, and then one finger for either of the two points before he paused and pointed at the feline, making him wince and lurch back in the chair, almost toppling over. "Listen, my ex-associate. I found out I could give people the second with Ravenlight. I never meant for it to be such a big hit, I never expected to found the most powerful corporation in the world, and I never want it to be run by two-bit assholes like you who can't make a decision without looking at a tax report. I didn't get this far by playing for money. I got this far by doing what I think is right, and I'm going to keep doing that."

"You're crazy." The cat said plainly, staring up at Zerrex for a moment with his glasses askew before he quickly stood up, brushing his expensive suit off as he stared at Zerrex before finally spouting in a tiny, enraged voice: "You look like shit! Shit... looker!"

Zerrex stared stupidly at the cat as he quickly ran off, now screaming about a lawsuit before charging through the open door leading out of the oversized steel box... but then his scream raised a few decibels before the Drakkaren winced as he heard a loud splat, carefully walking around the table to glance out at the former executive, who had fallen off the ramp leading down in his haste and landed in a puddle of mud. The reptile blinked slowly at this, then he finally said mildly: "Well, who looks like crap now?"

The leopard flushed deep red as the other execs gathered behind Zerrex, craning their heads to see out as construction workers nearby laughed and pointed at the muddy, dirt-covered, suit-wearing feline, who let out another consternated cry before he ran off. Zerrex felt a mild species of pity for this one, but not too much as he walked carefully down the ramp, followed by his five business advisors as he watched the cat flee towards one of the waiting limousines at the end of the highway nearby. Well, at least this one didn't break down into tears, too.

He rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully, then shrugged before walking over the dusty ground, avoiding the puddles of mud made by various water tanks placed around the area for machine maintenance, then he stopped to brush the hair out of his eyes as he turned around to his five other executives, who were huddled in a line to look like some strange, too-small team of football players. "Do I really look that bad?"

"No, sir!" "No way, sir!" "He's jealous!" and other such trivialities came back at the Drakkaren as he stood with his arms crossed, looking down at himself critically. He wore plain black pants that were almost jeans - as per usual - and his general light blue dress shirt... he didn't think it looked bad on him. Then he shrugged with a mutter before turning around once more to gaze up at the set that was currently under construction: a mostly stone and steel tower that Zerrex had been told would serve as an excellent location to complete the Ravenlight Combat Symposium Collection, an assortment of fight scenes from the various Ravenlight movies and some brand-new battles that would be filmed for the most part at this tower, once it was finished. They had a total of ten new battles to do... and so far, he'd completed four.

"I hate this, you guys know that?" He said morbidly, looking over the yellow granite tower before glancing over his shoulder again, keeping his mood casual. "That reminds me. I need to take a year-long leave."

This was greeted by a chorus of yells, at which the Drakkaren turned around, wincing and holding up his hands; even though the five here were the most respected - by him at least - in his company for their quick business minds but generous natures, he still realized that their chief concern was money for the corporation, and he couldn't hold that against them... much.

Finally, they stopped chattering together as one of them, a rather pudgy grizzly bear who was also the tallest of the bunch - still under Zerrex's height by almost a full foot, however. "Boss, you can't just leave on us like this..." he said slowly, gesturing with equal unhurriedness.

The Drakkaren bit the inside of his cheek as he stared at Earl, the bear continuing to make his dawdling gestures and talk in that careful manner of his. He let his eyes wander a bit, knowing that no one would notice or care, nodding in the right places as he inwardly wondered why the sharp-minded creature was so slow everywhere else. He glanced over him slowly, at the loose tie, untucked shirt and too-small jacket, and then smiled a bit. He didn't look so hot - or sound too bright - but the bear was incredibly talented with strategy and thinking around corners.

So Zerrex put up with it for a little bit, then glanced to the side to make sure that no one had fallen asleep - one of his other execs, a ram by the name of Harrison, was starting to drool a bit on his collar but that was it - and then he briskly clapped his hands together to interrupt the bear and regain everyone's attention from the soporific daze they all seemed to have fallen into. "I'm really sorry, everyone, but despite Earl's good reasoning, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to take my leave of you all except for emergency meetings and business dealings I'm already down for. I need to take this leave because..." He stopped, then went on in a softer voice: "I need the leave because Marina's pregnant."

For a moment the executives only stared, then the only female there - a wolfess who was generally rather stoic and silent in the meeting rooms - squealed and rose her hands up in front of her suited, no-chested form, looking at Zerrex brightly from behind her glasses as they gleamed. "Oh wow! Give my congratulations to her, sir! That's really great to hear! I mean..." she coughed, blushing as the males stared at her. "Sir. That's very good to hear."

"You're weird, Marcy. That's why I like you." Zerrex responded amiably, looking mildly amused as he reached up to rub a hand through his hair. Then he slowly blushed as they continued to look at him before Harrison, the drooling goat, blinked slowly as he stared at Zerrex; he, unfortunately, was the psychological analyst hired to keep the clients happy, and despite eccentricities he had that would get him fired from most corporations - like prescribing porn for dealing with certain issues among employees - Zerrex knew that he was like Earl; he was freaking weird sometimes instead of slow, but he too had a gift and sharp mind.

"You're the father." he said plainly, and both Marcy and Jericho - another wolf, this one black furred instead of white strip-patterned - looked at the psychological analyst with mild amusement as the other two - Earl and a tiger who had a fairly good body but a strange lack of strength to go with it, Michael - stared in what could almost be described as horror.

Then Jericho snorted amusedly, reaching up to brush his blue jacket lightly, gold-trimmed suit and obsidian buttons perfectly crisp, with the collar of the silk dress shirt undone to reveal the dark ruff of fur at his throat, one blue eye half closed as he looked from Harrison to Zerrex satirically. "You ass. You're as slow as fatty there. You ever see him and his daughter together, I know you have, shrink-buddy. Of course he was boning her. And he has my congrats on the subject too." Now Jericho offered a sunny smile up at Zerrex as he produced a pair of sunglasses a put them on, looking over the tops of the sleeked-back black shades with amusement. "I'd love to bone his daughter, too."

"You have a nasty mouth, still. Shouldn't you be seeing your anger therapist about now?" The Drakkaren asked with equal sarcasm, looking down at the wolf with bemusement. When he wanted to be, Jericho Reynolds could be the most diplomatic, smooth-talking son-of-a-bitch in the entire corporation, scoring deals, land and jobs everywhere he went: the issue was that his real temperament was far less than pleasurable.

Marcy, on the other hand, ignored him and instead and leaned forwards, grabbing Zerrex's hand and smiling up at him happily, squeezing it as the reptile looked at her with a surprised expression on her face as she squeezed his much-larger hand with both of hers, feeling mildly amused as she looked up into his eyes, her own shining. "Just ignore them! Love is love!" she paused, then tilted her head from side to side thoughtfully. "Even though yours is kinda weird... it's still love and you and her do take care of..." she stopped, then frowned at him. "Doesn't this mean your kid is going to be your grand-kid?"

"Thanks for ruining the moment." Zerrex muttered, yanking his hand free as she pouted a bit, then he glanced around at the group of executives before coughing and rubbing a hand through his hair. Then he glanced back and forth before crossing his arms, still blushing a bit as he finally said: "Okay. So I'm going to take leave for a year to take care of my daughter and um... figure out a suitable way to talk about this when things go public... as they undoubtedly will..."

He groaned at the thought, reaching up to cover his muzzle with his hands as he winced at the thought. Marcy and Harrison looked at him sympathetically, Jericho was grinning a bit in his irritating manner, and Michael still looked a bit disturbed before Earl slowly asked: "So... you had sex with your daughter, then?"

"No Earl. It was aliens." Zerrex responded in a patient voice, then he sighed and rolled his eyes as Earl frowned at him slowly - it took roughly three times as long as it did a normal person as he attempted to analyze this new piece of information. "Aliens took my sperm and then injected it into her."

A few moments later, Earl finally got it before he blinked - slowly - and then he finally said: "Oh. I get it. So that's a joke."

"Yes, Earl. Very good." Zerrex muttered, then he sighed and shook his head slowly before glancing around at the executives again, feeling a touch morbid. Geniuses. Every one of them. But they're still all so stupid sometimes.

It took Zerrex another half-hour to be rid of them and extract promises that none of them would talk to the media... although to Jericho, that probably didn't mean a while lot. But it was easy enough for the reptile to add the threat of cutting off his benefits - like, say, his job - and Zerrex felt confident that no one would be any the wiser, considering everything.

He nodded thoughtfully to himself, now sitting in the back of his limousine once more and idly wishing he was on his motorcycle, which led to him wondering how much longer he'd be able to tote Marina around on such a machine as he gritted his teeth a bit at the media frenzy he also knew would soon be coming. He'd be honest, he could do that... and she was adopted, not biological... but he had a very nasty feeling that the people would want to hear more about the screwing and then would want to return the favor. He expected everything from fan mail - there were lots of perverted people in the world... him included, probably - to threats and possible attempts to carry out the aforementioned on both him and his daughter... because people were most certainly nasty, yes, and some people had a very strange sense of morals and revenge.

He muttered under his breath as he glanced out the window. Sure, there would be the inquisition, the hateful media crews hounding him, the fans screaming for both blood and information... some of the more psychotic thinking they deserved nothing less than an account of where he spent every moment of every hour of every day. And exact details on all the things he did.

Zerrex sighed softly to himself, glancing out again at the day as the hours crept later - it was going on four-thirty now, from the digital clock mounted near the ceiling, and the Drakkaren was feeling extremely irritable. He'd never asked for fame and glory... but here it was. As he'd never asked to fall in love with his daughter in a way that was forbidden and hated by so much of society...

But then he smiled a bit, feeling faintly amused despite himself as the limo finally began to pull down his long driveway, through the security gates and down towards the Ravenlight Estate. He also wouldn't trade any of it for the world... his daughter was everything to him, and with this lifestyle - despite the pain it often caused - he could provide for her in a thousand ways that he normally wouldn't be able to. For that, he was far more than willing to take whatever could be thrown at him by the press or the people.

Zerrex nodded slowly to himself, knowing that tonight - before anything else at least - he'd have to have a good talk with his daughter about the baby and what was going to happen. He smiled faintly to himself as he nodded slowly, sitting back in the seat and relaxing a bit more as they began to slow towards the great mansion before he muttered as they finally came to a stop. "Every time I get comfortable... this just has to happen."

Then the driver was climbing out and Zerrex quickly opened the door before the driver could, getting out of the too-posh vehicle and glancing over at him with a nod before heading towards the Ravenlight Estate, reaching up to rub a hand through his hair and then letting himself in through the double doors.

He kicked off his boots, then looked up and sighed softly as he gazed over the massive entrance hall, smiling faintly. "This place is beautiful. I do enjoy it... but... it sucks hard at the same time." He snorted amusedly, then headed towards the stairs and up them, moving now towards his private quarters.

He paused outside the doors leading into his master bedroom, however, feeling amused as he heard humming from inside before he quietly opened both doors to spot Marina standing inside, just out of the arc of the doors and facing the large bed, her eyes half-closed as she stood before a painter's easel, her tongue half-out of her muzzle as she expertly worked one of her brushes over the canvas, every so often dipping it into one of the small jars of paint she'd made herself sitting nearby on one of the shelves.

Zerrex laughed softly as he watched her for a few moments, smiling as she continued to leisurely paint before asking gently: "How'd it go? You fire anyone?"

"Just one person." Zerrex admitted, reaching up to strip his shirt off, then tossing it carelessly onto the bed as Marina glanced at him amusedly. Then she smiled as he walked behind her, gently beginning to massage her shoulders as he looked over his shoulder and then rolled his eyes in mild amusement. "We so didn't do that position."

"Shut up. Artistic licensing." His daughter replied easily, glancing back at him with a slow wink before she gently swirled her brush in the water at the side, then left it there to soak free of paint, turning around to wrap her arms gently around his strong form as she stared up into his eyes and he looked down at her. Then she slowly rose his muzzle as he lowered hers and they kissed gently, eyes slipping closed in pleasure before she opened them again to laugh softly as it broke. "I missed you, Daddy."

"Same here, Marina..." The male Drakkaren replied gently, then he glanced at the picture again before looking down at her amusedly. "Before you even ask, I get the hint, yes. But first we should have a little talk, huh?" He let his hands slip gently up her sides to squeeze her shoulders, smiling softly down at his daughter.

Marina nodded in return, with her own gentle smile as she stepped back, then took one of the larger male's hands and led him over to the bed; they sat together on the edge of it like that, hands still clasped as the daughter rose her other to stroke her father's face slowly. "We should, huh? About... the baby." She stopped, then added quietly: "Big thing, huh? And so hard to believe."

"Extremely..." Zerrex said slowly, but his eye were warm as he looked at her tenderly. He squeezed her hand gently, then continued on with what he'd thought of so far. "Well... seeing as I have been wondering about this... um... I guess... what do you want the baby's name to be?" he stopped, then reached up and rubbed the back of his head as Marina gave him an amused look. "Too soon?"

"We got eight and some months, Daddy." she responded, still giving him that cocky, half-laughing look. "I was thinking more on the subject of what we're gonna say to people and what we're gonna do about the baby's room and schooling and stuff."

"Oh." Zerrex paused for a moment, then smiled again as he nodded and reached up; Marina took his other hand, and he squeezed gently as he laughed softly. "Well, we can convert one of the rooms next door into a baby's room... and I suppose we can start sleeping together, huh? Then you won't have to worry about leaving the inept father with a baby."

"You're anything but inept." Marina replied softly, then grinned a bit as she squeezed his hands and glanced down at his crotch. "In fact, I'd have to say you do very good things with your children."

Zerrex deeply at this, then his daughter laughed, shaking her head slowly before the male cleared his throat and continued: "Um. Anyhow. I think we should... maybe do the work ourselves, too?" He stopped, then added in a mildly amused voice: "And raising you the way I did seemed to work out fine, except for the fact you decided you wanted in my pants... so... we'll keep the kid safe from publicity and stuff like that? And I think we should raise the child ourselves, too. Not... nannies and crap like that."

Marina nodded slowly again, looking musingly up at her father. "Yeah, I agree... but what about schooling, still?"

"That is an issue..." Zerrex responded softly, glancing down for a moment as he wracked his brains for an answer. "The poor kid might take some hits for obvious reasons... but... I think that it might really be best just to have our child in a normal kind of environment..."

His daughter looked up at him thoughtfully, then she said gently: "Any idea you come up with is fine, Daddy. Just don't go blaming yourself. You never asked for this to happen, you just did what you thought was right."

Zerrex looked at her with faint surprise, then he smiled softly again before leaning down to kiss her cheek gently. "You always know, right?"

"Right." Marina replied with a gentle laugh, then she grinned a bit. "Hey. You know that we can have sex until the last eight or twelve weeks?" she paused, then half-lidded her eyes at him amusedly as she looked down at your crotch again. "Although you just better be careful with that big thing down there. No telling how far up in me you get."

The reptile rolled his eyes amusedly, looking at her mildly. "Isn't that something I should be looking up and finding out? And fine. I'll be gentle and if I want it in all the way, I'll find... other places to stick it." Zerrex replied amiably, grinning at his daughter and feeling a faint thrill of pleasure roll down his spine

"Well, you just found out." Marina said comfortably, then winked as she leaned forwards to kiss his cheek gently. "So... that means we got lots of time to practice up for after the baby comes out, too... and I'm only saying the last eight weeks 'cause I might be kinda fragile then."

Zerrex laughed softly, looking down into her eyes amusedly: "You? Fragile?"

"Shut up, Daddy." Marina smiled warmly in return however, then hugged him tight, curling against his naked, masculine chest as Zerrex wrapped his arms tightly around her in return.

Three months passed, and for those three months, life was busy for the two as they bustled around the mansion, which was now mostly devoid of servants: they had agreed that, in order to get a better feel for one another - they didn't really need it - and to ensure as much privacy as possible - definitely needed for some of the things they were doing - they would both do everything as best as they could on their own, with the minimal assistance required from those that were hired to serve at the Estate: and that assistance was almost always in the form of the servant going out to get groceries for the pair.

Marina cooked and painted the baby's room with a beautiful mosaic of a starlit sky, and Zerrex attempted to cook - failing miserably - and cleaned the house, every so often scaring his daughter and now lover by pouncing at her and demanding to know why everything was out of order and so dusty. They filled in one-another's gaps well; Zerrex could be organized when he wanted to be while Marina simply threw everything into piles, and Marina could make any kind of food she wanted to with the right ingredients whereas Zerrex's crowning achievement was making hamburgers - which was then ruined when he tried to pose against the counter in his apron for Marina's amusement and put his hand in the pan he'd just taken off the counter.

The two Drakkaren also worked happily together with the more physical task of clearing out Marina's former room beside him, then getting the furnishings replaced with those more suitable for an infant. Zerrex, also, had finally been convinced by Marina as to who should be the midwife, and he had hesitantly gone with her to scour the mansion grounds for one of his long-time residents, and one of the few who had probably never left the Estate for other quarters.

Zerrex and Marina found her in the wine cellars, under a small shack in the grounds of the Estate, placed a bit away from the mansion and full of medieval charm - or ickiness - with its stone steps leading down and earthen chambers, full of shelves of varying wines. Sephire was wandering around, picking up bottles here and there, glancing over the labels and sampling as she saw fit.

Now the male stood with one arm around his daughter's shoulders as they gazed at the other female Drakkaren; Sephire stood taller than he did, at eight-five, and she was also strangely thin despite having, at the same time, a well-muscled body. Her scales were mostly purple, but in some areas had turned to a duller red, forming broken spots on her strange but still very female body.

She grinned a bit, revealing teeth that were sharp, as her eyes - mismatched, one of them as jade as Zerrex's own while the other was amber with a slit-like pupil, entirely reptilian and without the white that the other possessed; over her left eye as well were three long scars, more signs of the trauma she had endured in the past.

Finally, she had five long, golden fins upon her head, the largest in the middle and the smallest at her forehead and the back of the neck; these were curved, almost wave like, and added almost half a foot to her already high height as she looked at continued to look at Zerrex with mild amusement as his eyes traced over her, then she winked slowly. "You like what you see?"

She posed, snickering as she held the wine bottle by the base in one hand and put the other against a rack, standing on one foot and tilting her head upwards so that the unmarked side of her face was shown towards the reptile, her teeth still in that playful grin. Today, she wore blue jeans and a plain white belly shirt that showed off her good muscle and large breasts, plain clothes that nonetheless looked good on her, even with her body. Despite her scars, she was still attractive... and yet the marks on her body only made her somehow seem all the better in a deep, animal way.

Zerrex coughed, then he glanced at Marina, who was leaning against him and smiling softly as she kept one arm around his waist and the other hand gently on her stomach, which had now started to push outwards, making most of her clothing tight and uncomfortable for her; she planned to dare a trip into town with her father to investigate some good maternity clothing for herself soon. But for now, the business at hand was somewhat simpler...

"Sephire... you've had two kids yourself and you've seen a few delivered, yeah? Helped out even, done one or two yourself, right?" Zerrex asked slowly, and Sephire looked at the two before groaning and rolling her eyes, dropping her head before popping the cork off the bottle of wine with a snort and looking at the fluid within.

"So what if I have?" she asked, sounding almost grudging as she continued to look at the fluids inside before swigging the bottle back and taking a drink from the neck, then making a face as she swallowed: it looked almost painful. "Vinegar." She muttered, then corked the bottle and placed it back on the shelf casually as Zerrex looked at her mildly. Then she sighed and held up her hands. "Fine. I'll help you out, but only because I love you both so much." Then she paused and half-lidded her eyes, grinning as the two Drakkaren smiled back - Zerrex with a bit of uncertainty. "Hey, you wanna help me out now, give me a good little... lay?"

"You lost the other word you were looking for, huh?" Zerrex asked amiably, and the tall female snorted as she crossed her arms, but she was still grinning. The reptile looked at her, then he finally said as Marina sniggered: "Sephire. You're married."

Sephire glanced down at the lapis-lazuli embedded wedding band she wore, then she coughed and put her hands behind her back, her shoulders moving suspiciously before she held both hands up and gave an innocent grin. "No I'm not."

"How about this, Sephire?" Zerrex's daughter spoke up suddenly, and they both looked at her as she grinned roguishly, winking up at her father. "Daddy and I will give you a quick little bout now, but we choose the positions... and then after you successfully deliver the baby, you get another with him as hard and long as you want, huh?"

Zerrex glanced from his daughter to Sephire, who was now grinning back before he snorted amusedly, rolling his eyes as he reached up to brush his bare chest and squeezing Marina's shoulder with his other hand as the taller female nodded, looking amused. "Sounds more than fair to me... sure then. We'll call it even." Then she reached up to tug her shirt off slowly, grinning as she stood with it in one hand and revealing a white bra below that held in her large breasts. "Just tell me what you want me to do..."

The father looked down at his daughter amusedly, then winked as he leaned down to kiss her forehead, just under the fin. "You call the shots here, Marina... I know you've got something already in mind. Probably planned all this."

"I wouldn't go that far, now, Daddy." Marina responded easily, then she looked at Sephire with a grin as she began to pull off her own clothing, removing the paint-stained t-shirt she wore as her gaze roved over the other female. "Strip, everyone."

Zerrex gazed over the two females as he undid the fly of his pants, then pushed them and his boxers slowly down to the hard dirt floor, kicking them lightly to the side as he stepped free and licked his muzzle slowly; by now, Marina had taken off her bra and was just pushing down her pants as well, her large, firm breasts looking almost swollen as his eyes traveled over her form - and he knew from examination they were indeed larger. Examination that had been... very close and personal on several occasions.

He grinned a bit as his eyes roved to Sephire, who already stood naked and was staring at Zerrex's crotch with interest before noticing she'd caught his eye and immediately put her hands behind her head, winking slowly as she had before as her pose accented her large - perhaps still larger than Marina's, even with the swelling - bust and generous curves as she spread her legs a bit at the same time to give him a better view of her vagina; whatever else, Sephire was very good at what she liked to do.

Then Marina reached out to lightly touch her father's still mostly-flaccid shaft, murring a bit as she stroked a finger down the black flesh, making Zerrex's penis twitch lightly as he looked at her with an amused grin. "So Sephire. You ever seen Daddy here before in a sexual way?"

"Who haven't I seen sexually?" Sephire responded immediately, her teeth flashing in another grin as she tilted her head at Zerrex with interest again. "But I've forgotten what it's like to ride big boy here... you'll give me that pleasure, right?" she paused, then murred quietly as she stepped forwards to lightly roll one of her fingers up the growing curve of Marina's stomach, then under his muzzle gently as she looked down into her eyes. "It's not nice when you don't share, especially when the something you're keeping all to yourself is so big."

Zerrex murred lightly as he watched Sephire's muzzle dip, and the eyes of the females slip closed as they kissed slowly, working their mouths leisurely but passionately together, pressing forwards before it gently broke and the two looked at Zerrex, who was now gently stroking his growing-erect, obsidian member with one hand as he tickled the other down his own firm abdominals. "You two can be so teasing at times..."

"Well, there's plenty more for you, just waiting." Sephire grinned, then she glanced down at the massive shaft, licking her muzzle slowly. "So. It's about two feet, isn't it?"

Marina grinned, looking from Zerrex to Sephire as the emerald-eyed male grinned and shrugged. "Well... about that, I guess." He replied airily, and then he closed his eyes as Marina reached down to squeeze his large testicles and Sephire to gently wrap her hand around the sensitive head of his penis, releasing a soft sigh of pleasure as his shaft twitched and continued to thicken towards full erection.

He finally felt himself fully harden after what felt like a slow, blissful eternity of one female stroking his testicles while the other continued to massage and toy with his thick cockhead, Zerrex himself continuing to stroke his large shaft with warm pleasure as he looked from one lizard to the other, licking his muzzle slowly before closing his eyes as Sephire leaned in to kiss him, one of her arms wrapping around his neck as she reached down and gently removed his hand, then took its place as he put that around his daughter's shoulders, working his muzzle with hers hungrily as she began to stroke his shaft at a firmer, more rapid rate, the female letting out soft murrs of pleasure as Marina leaned down to slowly lap at a breast while one hand continued to play at her father's testicles and the other moving to delicately trace along the lips of Sephire's sex.

The three worked together slowly like that for a few moments, then Sephire slowly pulled back, her eyes locked on Zerrex's as she licked her muzzle again, then she looked over at Marina, reaching up the arm that had been stroking the reptile's thick cock to put around his daughter's neck as she continued to work her muzzle at a breast, her tongue slowly trolling around the nipple before her teeth gently rubbed against it. "That's real good of you... ooh..." she tilted her head back in pleasure, spreading her legs a bit wider as Marina's began to rub with greater insistence, one arm around Zerrex's neck and the other around Marina's.

Zerrex reached down his own hand now, lightly rolling his fingers against her groin, then putting two lower to tickle gently over her slit, making Marina's slightly swollen, somewhat more sensitive vulva react immediately with pleasure as she let out a soft sigh against Sephire's breast, closing her eyes in pleasure before murring softly as she felt Sephire squeeze her gently around the shoulders before asking in a slow, hungry voice: "So... seeing as I think we're all... good and ready now... what exactly were you thinking of, Marina?"

"Well, it'll be fast..." Marina murred, looking up with a slow grin as she glanced over at her father. "I don't want Daddy getting too tired now... I have plenty more for him to do for me, you see." She winked slowly, then slowly stepped back from the two before sitting down on the ground and spreading her legs with a soft sigh, reaching down to lightly squeeze her ripened breasts as she looked up at Sephire with half-lidded eyes. "Now... you get on your hands and knees... and Daddy'll get behind you... and that way you can put your muzzle and that sexy body of yours to use, Sephire..."

At this, the tall female grinned and looked seductively at Zerrex, who grinned as well as he stepped back behind Sephire, reaching a hand down to slowly squeeze one firm buttock. The female twitched a bit as she felt him grind against her back, massive cock rolling up her buttocks and side of her tail before she complied with Marina's original instructions, getting into position on her hands and knees, then crawling forwards a step so she could lower herself, breasts pressing into the hard dirt floor as she kept her lower body raised in the air on her knees, spreading her legs a bit and raising her tail gladly as she slowly pushed her muzzle forwards to nuzzle Marina's sensitive crotch, making the three-months pregnant female sigh softly in delight. "Well... I suppose if you're gonna flatter me like that..."

Zerrex slowly got to her knees behind her as Sephire gently continued to push her muzzle lightly against Marina's entrance, nuzzling it slowly as Marina reached one hand down to place upon the female Drakkaren's head and kept the other on her breast, slowly rolling it in her hand as she tilted her head back with slow bliss. "Well... that's real good..."

The male reptile watched for a few moments, licking his muzzle in pleasure as he shook his head to clear his hair away from his face, then he murred as he reached one finger down to gently stroke it up the cleft of Sephire's vagina, applying a bit of pressure to make her give a small tremble of pleasure in return as sighed softly onto Marina's sensitive crotch, then inhaled her scent slowly as Zerrex placed one hand on her hip firmly, and used the other to push down his massive shaft, positioning the thick head of his penis against Sephire's tight lips. The two let out soft sounds of pleasure as the sensitive flesh contacted, and Zerrex slowly ground his hips forwards, rolling them and pushing only the tip of it forwards to force gently into her, making her breaths quicken a bit as she closed her eyes and pushed her muzzle a bit harder against Marina's vagina.

The three teased one another for a few more moments before Sephire slipped her tongue out, slowly rolling it up the slit of the passage before her as one of her arms reached around Marina's waist as the other female slowly toyed with one of her own breasts, the other hand rubbing gently at Sephire's head as she began to pant quietly, her loins already feeling tortured with ecstasy from the trembles of her sensitive crotch, her eyes closed with the sweet bliss as she began to roll her hips against Sephire's muzzle; then she groaned quietly as Sephire let out her own sound of pleasure, pushing forwards against Marina's clitoris with sudden passion as she felt Zerrex thrust forwards, both his hands now gripping her hips as he forced his massive shaft into her with a grunt, his body trembling and muscles standing out as he thrusted again to nearly hilt himself in her tight, gripping passage before pulling slowly back and then shoving forwards again, his testicles smacking lightly forwards to collide with her inner thighs as Sephire groaned quietly in pleasure, feeling the invading cock push her lips wide, continuing to fill her up until they kissed his thick waist.

Zerrex began to move his gargantuan shaft back and forth slowly, navy testicles swinging gently back and forth as he grunted softly, his claws digging lightly into her hips as he moved himself back and forth, leaning slightly forwards over her as he spread his legs a bit, moving from his knees to a squat to work his shaft in and out of her with greater ease and power as he felt her passage clenching tightly around him already.

Sephire groaned quietly as her body rocked forwards a bit with every hard and deep thrust of the lizard's cock, delving deep into her with every shove forwards. As she felt her body warming with pleasure from the pistoning movements of the male behind her, she pushed her head forwards to lightly part the female's lips with the tip of her muzzle, opening her jaws slowly to work her vagina apart and slip her long tongue forwards into Marina's passage, gently rolling her tongue around the gripping walls, sliding it up and forwards as she felt the female spasming against her and groaning softly as her hips continued to work against the probing tongue and working muzzle of the other female, her hand now slipping around her fins to grasp the back of her head as she bent backwards a bit, letting her hand drop from her breast to support her as she moved her hips hotly against the female Drakkaren. "Oh yeah... that's real nice... that's real good..."

The male lizard grinned as he continued to work himself in and out of the female, his body working his obsidian member harder as her vagina clenched on his fleshy shaft slowly, the reptile throwing his head back to clear his hair from his face again as his hands gripped her sides tight and he bent a bit more over her, grunting quietly as he felt his thick cock pulsating in her vagina; his testicles were starting to feel hot and heavily laden with seed, continuing to jounce against her inner thighs gently as they swung forwards with every strong but slow thrust into her, the reptile groaning quietly before he grinned as he pulled back, Marina opening one eye to wink at him before it slipped closed again, figuring out what she meant clearly enough from that strange link they seemed to share.

He slowly revolved his hips, making Sephire groan quietly before she let out a soft sound as she felt him pulling all the way back, leaving just the head of his shaft in as he rotated his hips again, teasing her before pulling that too out, one of his hands leaving her hips to stroke his thick cock slowly, already slightly lubricated from her sweet juices as she murred into Marina's vagina, panting softly and her body trembling with slow bliss as she pushed her muzzle forwards, slipping her tongue in deep and twisting her tongue gently inside the female before she froze up, then let out a long groan as he hands gripped the ground and the base of Marina's tail tight, muzzle shoving forward with enough force to stretch the other female's lips nearly wide enough to take the tip of that in as well, the daughter of Zerrex letting out a groan of bliss at the feeling of her widened vagina.

The male reptile grinned; he'd been the cause of the female's new trembles and shock when he'd pulled free... then immediately positioned himself at her tighter rosebud and shoved forwards, sinking a good quarter of his immense cock as he felt the heat of her anus inciting his thick shaft and this passage clench around him with greater tightness before he grasped her hips firmly and grunted as he shoved forwards hard, sinking more of himself into her tight tailhole as Sephire spasmed below him, thrusting her muzzle forwards again as she swirled her tongue around Marina's sensitive passage, her muzzle rubbing up and down the lizard's vagina as she worked her jaws against it, breathing hotly into her with every additional moan or grunt as Zerrex managed to shove more of his immense black shaft into her.

Finally, he'd sunk to the hilt, his cock almost entirely buried inside of her as his testicles were kissed now by the lips of her passage before he began to thrust himself back and forth hard, panting as his muscles bulged and he closed his eyes, leaning his strong form over hers as Sephire began to moan softly into Marina's passage at the feeling of the immense lizard-cock moving back and forth in her tighter-by-far anus, her muzzle still working against the pregnant female's vagina as her tongue worked furiously, panting and half-grinning as her mouth began to move now, kissing the lips of Marina's passage as she would the lips of her muzzle.

The female groaned in pleasure, her arm trembling as she leaned back on it, body shuddering with bliss as she began to move her hips harder against Sephire's muzzle, feeling the heat coursing through her body now turning to an inferno in her loins as she felt the other female's tongue delving deeper into her, her mouth working against her vagina and causing the ecstasy to rise like a rocket as she felt Sephire shuddering against her with her own deep pleasure as Zerrex continued to move his thick shaft in and out of her anus rapidly, the male grunting hard as he moved with greater strength than he had inside the female's vagina, feeling this passage tightening almost painfully around his steely shaft as he felt the black member throbbing with his heartbeat, sweat now starting to roll down his scales as his testicles slapped rhythmatically against the entrance to her vagina.

Sephire moaned softly again into Marina's passage, feeling an orgasm rising in her body as her hips shoved back against Zerrex's thrusts automatically, her tongue continuing to pleasure his daughter almost frantically as she worked herself against both of them, body trembling with the erotic bliss as she felt herself being stretched wide and penetrated deep into from behind as she hungrily worked her muzzle against the vagina of the female before her before she finally felt her passages tightening, the muscles in her anus clenching as she moaned loudly into the female passage before her, her own spilling its juices free as the muscles in her own sexual orifice tightened and released their hot, sweet fluids in a flow, spilling out of her tight lips and running down her legs and onto his large testicles as they continued to pummel the sensitive entrance, now squelching as they slapped against flesh that was now soaked in lubricating wetness.

Zerrex grunted as he felt the tightness clenching around his shaft, almost enough to make him wince but only increasing the fire in his groin as he worked his hardening, engorged penis harder in and out of her, feeling her legs spasming and hearing Marina groan hotly, his daughter's head falling back in bliss as she almost collapsed backwards, her hand rubbing and massaging Sephire's skull with greater speed as she let out another sound of bliss as the female worked herself harder against Marina in response to her orgasm being triggered, now wanting to taste the fluids of another female as she worked herself back against the male behind her with greater strength as well, wanting them to orgasm as well with a lust that was almost vengeful.

The male reptile groaned in pleasure as he continued to ream her, moving himself powerfully as his pants became harder and his thick shaft pulsed powerfully within the depths of the female reptile's anus, feeling his erotic pleasure dancing on the edge of an ecstasy that would take him into orgasm as he continued to move his thick flesh in and out before he licked his muzzle, staring as he saw his daughter now starting to moan in loud bliss as she thrusted her hips almost violently up towards Sephire's face as her own orgasm struck, her head swaying back and forth as she moaned loudly.

She could feel Sephire's tongue working furiously against her passage, delving deep and rotating against her inner walls, licking and rolling hungrily against her tunnel as she rocked her hips against the female's muzzle, bouncing her swollen vulva against the end of her muzzle as she felt Sephire still eagerly rolling her tongue back and forth, trying to thrust her muzzle forwards to keep herself buried deep before she felt Marina shove on the back of her head and push herself close, giving another loud moan of ecstasy as her crotch rolled against her muzzle and her passage clamped down, sending a rolling spray of her juices out onto Sephire's muzzle and into her hungrily-awaiting maw, the taller female Drakkaren drinking down her liquids and sending her tongue to pick up as much as possible, sweeping back and forth as she felt some of the hot fluids leak out onto her muzzle and chin despite her efforts as Marina continued to rub herself hard up and down against her.

Finally, she began to slow as Sephire continued to moan, feeling Marina sit back a bit; this allowed the other female to tilt her head upwards, eyes slipping closed as she gave voice to a long moan: in the middle of the orgasm, she'd felt Zerrex begin to accelerate, and now he was hammering her with his thick shaft, moving it powerfully back and forth as he grunted above her, his strong body bent over hers as his legs shook a bit with the sexual strain and pleasure as he moved most of his massive obsidian penis in and out of her, rocking her body as she bent herself forwards a bit more, both her hands coming down in front of her face as she let out another long groan of pleasure at the feeling of the long rod of Drakkaren flesh reaming her and his heavy testicles battering into her sensitive, hot vagina.

But, just as his shaft began to stiffen, the reptile about to go into the final few shoves before orgasm when his daughter spoke up in a blissful but purring, sensual voice: "Oh no, Daddy... Sephire got to taste me... I think she should get at least a little taste from you as well..."

Zerrex looked up with a grin, opening his emerald eyes to see Marina now on her knees, licking her muzzle slowly before he nodded and let out a slow sound of pleasure as he slowly pulled himself free of Sephire's anus, the long, girthy cock coming free with a faint squelching sound as he stood up and back a bit, now stroking his massive length slowly as Sephire turned around with a murr, looking up at him hungrily before Marina grabbed her shoulders and held her down, grinning widely up at her father as she now continued in her same, sexy voice: "Now Daddy... go on and give Sephire that little taste when you spray all over her..."

Zerrex grinned widely as he looked down at the two, then he nodded as Sephire looked from Marina to her father in first surprise, then hot, obvious arousal as Marina slipped her hand downs down as she pressed the curves of her breasts and pregnant belly against the taller females back, gently kissing down her neck as she reached around to squeeze her breast slowly, her fingers pinching the hardened nipples between them as Zerrex stepped forwards and began to quickly stroke his already-stiffened cock, feeling a few more spurts of pre leaking out onto his hand as it became as steel beneath his hand, the reptile panting softly as he looked down at Sephire, who was groaning quietly as she looked up at him and at his daughter, kissing slowly down her neck before Zerrex grinned and gestured at Sephire with his head before the female murred and nodded with her own grin in return, slipping a hand back to wrap around Marina's head.

The other female looked surprised, then Sephire's muzzle was pressing hungrily on hers, the two working together almost furiously as their tongues danced, Marina's hands slipping from around the larger female as she came up to her side and they turned to face one another, then she reached forwards again, grasping and fondling her breasts as Sephire kept one arm around Marina's neck and used the other to reach down and slowly rub her sensitive vagina, making the female groan in pleasure as Zerrex watched hungrily, stroking his massive shaft over the two before he began to grunt quietly and thrust his hips as it seemed to thicken, become even stiffer to the point of pain... and then he tilted his head back before forcing himself to look down with a wide grin of pleasure as he felt his hot load bursting out over the two, the females continuing to kiss as the first splatters of seed struck before both turned, mouths opened and eyes staring up at the reptile as he bent his knees slightly, angling his monstrous shaft down towards him as hot jet after jet of his thick semen sprayed down on them, landing in their mouths, coating their breasts and muzzles as the male groaned, finally letting his head drop back as the last viscous loads of his sperm dripped down onto the two and he panted, facing upwards with a grin on his muzzle and ecstasy through his body, his hand still gently stroking his enormous cock before he glanced down at the two females with a quiet murr as Sephire gently lapped up the white goop from his daughter's scales, his emerald eyes watching with soft arousal as he licked his muzzle at the sight.

"You're gonna make me wanna go again..." he said softly, grinning a bit as Sephire lowered her head from Marina's face - now mostly cleaned - to gently drag her tongue over her breasts and nipples. Marina's head was tilted back in ecstasy, and then she opened her sapphire eyes to gaze at her father with amusement as she gently reached a hand up and slowly grasped his shaft, making him murr quietly. "That doesn't help..."

"I know." The female murred softly, then she winked. "But you'll have to wait until we at least get back to the b-bedroom..." the reptile groaned quietly, tilting her head down as her eyes closed for a moment before she gently released Zerrex to tap Sephire's head gently as the female looked up with a mischevious grin from between her legs. "You had your promised fun... but I suppose I can always lick you clean too, after you doing that for me."

Zerrex grinned a bit at this, but then Sephire gazed at the two with amusement before she got up and stretched, accenting her breasts out towards Zerrex and letting the male reach up to squeeze one gently before she stepped over to her shirt, picking it up from the hard dirt floor and using it to brush off her face and body, then clean the dust from her knees as she looked over the two with sensual and playful interest. "It was really fun... but I'm not gonna put my time with big boy there in any more jeopardy." She licked her muzzle lightly, looking Zerrex up and down before she began to gather her clothes, beating the dirt from them as Zerrex and Marina did the same, the latter wincing as she wiped bits of ground that had decided to cling to her sweating ass. "Yeah, this place here is kinda nasty to fuck in, we should've thought of that, but hey... I don't mind paying a little price for a good, quick threesome like that." She paused, then glanced at Zerrex's still thick cock again as the male coughed. "How many times can you shoot with that thing there, huh?"

"A few." The Drakkaren grinned a bit now, rubbing the back of his head as he quickly pulled on his boxers and jeans, then waited a moment as his shaft began to fall flaccid, tucking himself carefully in and then wincing at the large bulge that was not only at his crotch, but also down the pants leg he'd pushed his penis down into, feeling mildly uncomfortable as it rubbed against the cloth with a somewhat unpleasant friction. He only hoped he'd soften up a bit more relatively quickly.

"That's awesome." Sephire grinned, then she looked over at Marina before pausing and reaching a finger out to wipe a bit of seed she'd missed from her nose, the female blinking before both she and her father watched with interest as the other femme slowly suckled it from her finger with a look of strange bliss. "I haven't had sex in so long. That's good stuff... and yeah, I don't care if I'm kinda slutty or not, even by your standards." She crossed her arms as the two others laughed a bit, Marina finishing pulling on her bra and then both standing, fully clothed, in front of the still-nude Sephire.

Then Zerrex stepped across and kissed her lips gently, tasting a bit of his own bitter flavor still on her muzzle before he smiled at her, looking up into her eyes as he said softly: "So you'll be sure to help us then?"

"Yeah, I will be." Sephire responded, smiling softly now instead of with that look of sexual lust before she hugged him tight with one arm, then reached out and dragged Marina in for a tight hug as well. The two responded with their own firm embrace, then stepped back as Sephire glanced down at herself before shrugging and grinning. "Well, you two go take care of business then... come see me whenever you need some help with the baby."

"Thanks, Sephire." Marina said gratefully, then she and her father turned away, both reaching out to one another and joining hands as they headed back towards the Ravenlight Estate and leaving the naked female to snicker quietly and once more go back to sampling various wines and attempt to scare whoever intruded into what she thought of as her territory, possibly into some sort of strange sexual confrontation.