Horndogs - Chapter 5: The Begining of The End

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Horndogs



Chapter 5 - Beginning of the End

By: Ace Wolf


© 2010


I woke up the morning of me and Ace's departure to WWU. Today we would transport our belongings to our dorm. It wasn't a lot, just a few boxes, clothes, game systems, you know, the important stuff.

While Ace and dad place our stuff in the car, I stay upstairs looking in the mirror. I wasn't looking at my reflection, but a certain object on my body. This object was precious and very valuable. I lift my paw up and examined the diamond ring on my finger. The light in the bathroom bounced over the diamond, sparkling in its glory. I smiled. The thought of me and Ace one day getting married excited me.

As I daydreamed about my future, something wrapped around my body, holding me tight. I turned my head to see what it was (like I didn't already know), and it was none other than Ace, standing behind me with his arms wrapped tightly around me, looking at the ring as well.

"It's beautiful, huh?" I wiggled my finger and giggled.

"Not as beautiful as you." Ace kissed my cheek and rests his chin on my shoulder.

A blush stained my white cheeks. Ace could be quite the romance at times, well, all the time. Not a second went by when I wasn't being complimented by him. He made me feel so special all the time.

"No," I started. "That," my attention was directed to the mirror. "Is beautiful." I finished looking at the two of us in the mirror. He chuckled and grabbed the paw holding the ring and kissed it.

"So true. . ." His lips moved from my paw to my neck; I murred in content. "We're gonna get married next year, right after we have had one year of college, ok?"

My eyes closed, and head leaned to the opposite side his was, "That'll be p-perfect..." His neck pecks never ceased, he just kept implanting warm, moist kisses onto my neck causing me to mur and pant slightly. He began rubbing his paws up and down my arms.

All of a sudden the kisses stopped.

"Great," He said, backing away from me.

I turned around to see why he stopped, but by the time I did, he was already out the door with his head still in the door way.

"I'm going back downstairs to help your dad finish loadin' up." He left and I was all alone again.

That was weird. He left so sudden; without a goodbye kiss, or an, I love you? It was either one or two things that would make him rush out like that: he had a little problem in the downstairs compartment, or he wanted to go finish talking to my dad. He and dad had gotten along perfectly. Actually, my dad was in on the whole proposal thing, and was the one who lend the money to buy the ring. Dad was quite fond of the fact I was marring a guy, it scared me at times how 'ok' my parents were about this 'gay' thing.


What right do I have to complain? My life was perfect: I had Ace, parents who accepted me and my boyfriend, and I was going off to college to shack with my amazing boyfriend. If this wasn't perfect I don't know what is.

I finished up in the bathroom and went downstairs to find everything was packed and ready for our departure. I walked outside to find my dad closing the door and handing Ace the keys. As I walked over to them I picked up their conversation.

"Now I want you to take care of my little boy, you hear me?" Ace smiled and nods.

"Yes sir," Ace said. "I'll keep the pup in check." Ace winked at me as I walked up. Dad laughed and grabbed wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Now boys, have fun. You only go through college once, or twice if you're an idiot. Enjoy the college life while you can, but also get your studies done." Dad looked up at Ace. "And if you two ever finally decide to do anything wear a condom please." He laughed and let go of my neck.

Ace chuckled nervously. "We should really go," He says trying to change the subject. "Me and Avery have a lot to do today..."

Dad laughed.

"Ok, kids."

As soon as dad said that mom came out of the house with tissue in paw and tears streaming down her cheeks. I rolled my eyes. Mom was so devastated about me going off to college, even though it was nothing but twenty miles away. She walked over and through her arms around me, sniffling.

"My babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" She said still crying.

I couldn't help but giggle. "Mom, I'm not going far, it's only twenty minutes away, I'll be here every day for supper."

She broke the hug and looked at me. "You promise? Will you come home every day to see your mummy?"

I smiled and hugged her. "I promise."

After that she calmed down a bit, her sniffling continued, but that was about it. She walked over to Ace next and hugged Ace as well.

"Take care of my little cub. Don't let him get into any trouble, protect him from. I know you can, you're such a strong wolf. Take care of yourself too."

Ace hugged her back.

"As long as I'm here I'll protect him." Mom smiled and walked over to dad and stood beside him. Goodbyes were over, and we were about to head out. Ace had gotten to the driver's side, opening the door, before something stopped us. A black BMW drove into our driveway, parking right behind us, blocking our way out. A female wolf exited the car and walked toward us.

At first glance I knew immediately who she was, it was Ace's mom. She walked up to Ace; I did the same, standing beside him. Mom and dad came up behind us and stood. Ace's mom was a shorter wolf then her son, but she was taller than me, of course.

"Mom" Ace said shutting the car's door.


"What are you doing here?" Ace asked coldly. I looked up at him, and for the first time in forever I saw anger in him.

Ace's mom, Mrs. Dixon, sensed the anger in her son and quickly responded, "I'm not here to fight, more like apologize for what has happen in the past year. . ."

"Ha! It's a little too late for that, 7 months too late to be exact."

I grabbed Ace's, looking up at him, "Hear her out." He looked back down at me and sighed.

"Ok." His attention returned to his mom. "Go ahead."

His mom nods and began, "I'm sorry for kicking you out, I was just angry to find out my son had turned out to be gay, and when I saw you with that Dal... I mean, Avery, I kind of lost it. So much came to me at once. Not only did I find out you were that day, but I also discovered you had someone. Me, as a mother, should have not handled things the way I did."

"You can say that again," Ace added. I tugged on his arm; we focused back on his mom.

"Will you forgive me? I've been a horrible mother, and I want to make things right between us."

I look up at Ace, trying to find any sign or clue to what he was going to say. He wore a blank expression, his face was unreadable. I didn't have any idea of what how he would respond; Ace had to deal with his mom abandoning him for months. He never showed that it bothered him, but I knew it did. Every time he saw me with my parents he would try to shy away, but I pulled him back in to make him fill wanted.

"Ok," Ace finally spoke. "I forgive you." He pulled his arm to his body, and me along with it. "But you should know, I'm getting married soon."

Mrs. Dixon closed her eyes and smiled. "I'm aware of this. Congratulations you two, I'm happy for you." She pulled an envelope from her pocket and handed it to Ace. "Here"

"What's this?" Ace looked at the envelope before taking it.

"It's you're college tuition. There's fifty thousand dollars in that envelope. I've been saving up for your college for over a year now, and that's what I've come up with. Since you received a full ride for playing football, I guess you've earned it."


"You're welcome. The key to your Mustang is also in there. Have fun at college, sweetie." She hugged Ace; he hugged her back. She turns to me. "Take care of him for me." She extended a paw to me. I took her paw in mine.

"Will do, Mrs. Dixon."

"Thank you, and thank you," She looked at my parents. "For taking care of my son." Mom and dad smiled warmly and nodded. Mrs. Dixon walked back to her car, waved, and got in and drove away.

Once Mrs. Dixon's car disappeared from view, Ace opened the envelope and looked inside. He smiled and closed it, throwing it in the car, and facing my parents once more. "We'll be on our way now." He says, entering the car. I walked back to the passenger side and got in.

"I love you guys!" I shouted before shutting the door. Mom and Dad waved.

Ace backed out of the driveway and we were off. I placed my on his arm as he drove. Curiosity destroyed me from the inside out, I had to know how Ace felt after that.

"Are you ok?"

He turned to look at me, smiling.

"Better than ever"

I return the smile, grab his free arm, and hugs it as he drive.







How could the best part of year be so boring? Rays from the sun danced around my floor as I lay in my bed, motionless. It was a beautiful day outside, but I had no one to hang out with. I could have hung out with my friends, but none of them were in town, they all left to visit relatives for the summer. Other options were available, like spending time with my brother, but I rather stay bored.

I could have watched TV, but nothing good was on. Only baby shows aired during the day, nothing that would interest me. Video Games? They even became boring after the first week of them. Only thing left to do was read, and I really didn't want to read anything during my summer vacation; teachers will have me doing a lot of that when I go back to school anyway.


I stood up and stretched. "Can't just lay here all day." I say to myself before walking over to a desk that contained my laptop. I sat down and pressed the power button to the laptop. When all else failed, I could always turn to the internet for a little porn browsing. As I leaned back in my desk chair, I noticed something outside. I raised my head a little to see get a better view.

Moving vans

As any normal fur would do, I stood up and spied on what seem to be our new neighbors. I watched closely as the van parked in the drive way. A male wolf stepped out first; he was a larger wolf than I, with grey and white fur. Next, a female wolf stepped out; she was about the same height as me and had the same texture of fur as the male. The female folded the seat back, and yet another wolf stepped out, but this wolf was different. It was a guy for sure; he stepped out, closing the door behind him. Once he was in full view, I noticed he looked nothing like his parents, having blue body fur, and white under his chin. He looked as if he was my age, standing the same height. Once I saw him, I froze. He was so. . . cute! But that wasn't the only reason I stared; he reminded me of Ace. He wore baggy jeans with a spiked belt, and black tank top, hugging his chest tight, same way Ace wore his.

The blue furred wolf stuck his paws inside his pockets, looking around at the new neighborhood. He didn't seem too pleased with what he saw, showing no emotions whatsoever. The female waved blue wolf inside, pulling him out of his observation. He walked toward the house slowly, and I watched his every step. I was mesmerized by this blue wolf; he reminded me so much of Ace, I couldn't help but stare. . .

"Jet are you in here?" My mom walked in. I quickly turned to her, snapping out of my daze.

"Yes, mom."

She took a few steps into my room. "What are you doing?"

I looked out the window once more.

"Just checking out our new neighbors" I replied, watching the blue wolf take his last steps inside.

"We have new neighbors?" She asked, looking out the window too. "Guess I have a dinner to prepare, huh? Later today I'll need you to go invite them over for dinner so we can welcome them to the neighborhood."

"Yes ma'am." I replied.

"Good," She clapped her paws together. "I bet they're nice people, and way better than those loud neighbors we had before them."

"They should be, they're wolves." My mom ears perked up.

"Even better!" She said before walking out of the room with a bounce in her step.

That's my mother for you, always getting excited about meeting new furs. Not to mention she loved to cook for others and get there feedback. Her cooking was amazing, though, I have to give her that much. Tonight we'll probably have a feast.

I was so excited now, and my pants showed it, I had tented them thinking about the blue wolf. I quickly locked my door and laid in bed, removing my pants quickly and grabbing my throbbing member in paw. It shot out pre before I could even stroke it once; that wolf was so damn sexy. My mind quickly began to race, thinking about how tight that ass of his was, and how big his cock could be. I imagined it being just as big as mine, or bigger. I stroked my cock with one paw, and fondled my orbs with the other, at those thoughts. It didn't take me long before I reached my climax, my fantasy of the blue wolf really got me off, and quick. Removing the paw I had on my orbs, I reach over and grabbed some paper, holding it over the tip of my cock. I shot my load into the paper, feeling the warm fluids blast into its stopper.

I balled the paper up and threw it in a nearby wastebasket.

'Wow' I thought, still laying on my back. 'That was amazing.' I came harder than ever, even harder than both times I was with Ace. If the thought of that blue wolf could affect my orgasm that much, I wonder how it would be if we actually do something.


I shouldn't get my hopes up, knowing my luck that wolf wouldn't even give me the time of day, let alone have 'gay' sex. Still, no one would have ever expected Ace to be 'engaged' with a guy, so why should this situation be different? I shook my head and stood up. I'll have plenty of time to determine if he was or not tonight, but in the meantime I needed a bath. I stretched, my limp meat hanging down my legs still dripping pre. I looked down, chuckled, and made my way to the bathroom.

Showering didn't take long; I rushed so I could go deliver my mom's message to our new neighbors. Once out, I found something to wear: a black shirt with a picture of the moon, and cargo pants. After I finished, I literally ran next door. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and waited. It didn't take long, maybe a couple seconds before someone answered the door.

Door opened

"Hey, what's up?" The blue wolf answered the door, leaning to the side.

His appearance wasn't expected, I was hoping to talk with his mom. I stood there in lost for words. It wasn't because I was shy, that wasn't it at all, but for the simple fact that his eyes were gorgeous: they were light gray, with black trimmings. I pulled myself out of yet another daze.

"You need something, dude?" He asked.

"Oh, umm..." I completely forgot what I came here for... "Yeah...no..."

"I'm not trying to rude, but you're letting out all the cool air."

My ears flattened. "Sorry."

"It's ok, dude. Just come in." He moved to the side. My ears perked up and I walked past him. At first sight, the house looked jumbled, chaotic, with boxes stacked taller than me. "Excuse the house, we're still unpacking." He says closing the door. "Anyway, how can I help you?"

I stole my attention from the house and gave it to the blue wolf.

"Oh, umm I'm your neighbor, my names Jet Coleman." I extended a paw; he apprehended it.

"Nice to meet you Jet, names Bill Willliams." We shook paws.

"Nice to meet you too," I said. There was a brief pause. "Hmmm... My mom sent me over to invite you guys to have dinner with us, I was hoping to have spoken with your mom."

"Oh, ok." He placed both paws around his muzzle in a funnel shape, "Mom! We have a guest!" Seconds later the smaller female wolf I seen earlier walked in.

"Hello," She quickly greeted me. "How may I help you young man?"

"His parents invited us to dinner tonight." Bill said.

"Oh? We would love to accompany your family to dinner." The female wolf says before reaching out her paw. "My names Mrs. William, and yours?"

"Jet." I simply say, taking her paw and shaking it.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. Tell your parents we would love to come over. What time should we arrive?"

"Around six"

"Ok, we'll be there." She said. "Show our guest the door, Billy."

"Yes ma'am." Bill walked over to the door and opened it for me. "It was nice meeting you Jet, catch ya later."

"Right." I say before walking out the door. I could hear the door shut behind me.

Oh my God! Did I really get to meet the guy I fantasized no more than an hour ago? He was even better in furson. A very unique wolf, I've never seen one with blue fur and grey eyes. Even though his name was the only actual thing I knew about him, it seemed like I've known him for a very long time; he seemed like a very nice guy, great friend, maybe the perfect mate...

When I arrived back home and safely in my room, I noticed where I was. I was so engaged in thoughts, I didn't notice coming back to my room. Thinking of a cute wolf could do that to you.

I plopped down on my bed and lay there, lost in thought. Even with the blue wolf running around in my head, one thing kept coming to mind...


Two months passed since our last meeting. That day he told me something I was not prepared to hear, something I didn't want to know. The memory stared in my dreams every night, and I could always remember one part so clearly...

"I'm...I'm getting married soon..."

That word...


It always tore into my heart, every time I thought about it I lost a portion of my soul. Thinking of him walking down the aisle and marrying someone besides me hurt so bad; I would often have shortness of breathes at the simple thought.


This time I could feel nothing: no pain; no sorrow; no happiness. For the first time my in months, my emotions were stationary. Was it the thought of Bill being a possible mate, or just having him as a friend? Both seemed nice, either would have filled me with happiness. Don't get me wrong, I would love to be Bills' mate, but if all I could have was his friendship I'd take it with open arms.

I stayed in bed, motionless, for hour. There wasn't much to do, but I didn't complain like earlier. Excitement spread through me like a virus. Dinner was going to be very interesting tonight. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll get a little information on Bill (You know how parents talk about their children with other parents, I was hoping that will happen tonight).

Six o'clock took its sweet time. Even though excitement filled me, I was becoming bored, agitated from the wait I endured. I slapped my pillow onto my face and yelled! Dinner couldn't come sooner! I removed the pillow and looked at the time on my laptops screensaver, I forgot to turn it off earlier. It read, '5:30 P.M.'

"Not much longer" I reassured myself. "Just thirty more minutes, come on Jet, you can make it. Thirty...just thirt...."

-Ding Dong-

Door bell rang.

"Who could that be?" I asked. We weren't expecting any guest until six. It probably was just family dropping by, they usually did that unexpectedly. There was no reason for getting out of bed; they'll be gone in a few minutes anyway...

"JET!" Mom called from downstairs. "WE HAVE COMPANY!"

'Duh' I thought.

"Bill, Mr. and Mrs. Williams have arrived!" She said.

My ears perked up. What? They weren't expected for another thirty minutes, but who was I to complain? Although, I didn't have much time to prepare: I could have done something to my fur, or choose better clothes, but time wasn't on my side so I grabbed a leather jacket from the desk chair, threw it on, and rushed down stairs.

As I came downstairs, the Williams family greeted me: Mrs. Williams waved; Mr. Williams and Bill just nodded.

"Good Evening." I say walking down the stair to stand at my mom's side.

"You've probably already met him, but this is my son, Jet." As she introduced me, Damon walked up from behind and stood next to me. "And this little guy is my youngest, Damon." The Williams introduced themselves, and we went to the living room. "Please come sit and watch T.V. Dinner shouldn't be ready for another twenty minutes or so." Mom said as she led me and our guest to the T.V room.

"It's ok, we always arrive early, I'm sorry to surprise you all like that." Mrs. Williams said.

Mom stopped at the room's entrance to let everyone else pass.

"Dinner will be ready shortly." Mom smiled before leaving for the kitchen.

Dad was already in the living room watching a show; it was one I could not recognize. He stood up as we came in and introduced himself, shaking our guest paw.

"Hello. Welcome to our home. My name's John." Dad says as he shakes paws: first Mr. Williams, then Mrs. Williams, and last Bill. They introduced themselves in that order before taking a seat on our couch.

There was a brief silence, but dad broke it immediately.

"So what brings you to our neighborhood?" Dad queried.

Mr. Williams sat up straight. "I was offered better job here."

"What do you do?" Dad asked.

"I'm a game designer for the company Square Enix."


"Yeah, it's really a cool job, my son Billy here is the one who inspired me, he always said my game ideas and art would make great games. I owe him all the credit."

I looked over at Bill; he blushed at his fathers' words.

It wasn't normal for a child to jump into a conversation, or start one while one is already started, but I did. This was my chance to talk with Bill.

"So, Bill? You like video games?"


"What you like to play?"

"Playstation 3. It's free online, and they have some of the best graphics. Plus, dad's job make more games for that system." Bill explained.

"Cool! I favor the PS3 myself." It was nice to know he was a Sony fan. "What's your favorite game?"

"I'll have to say...Super Smash Bros. Brawls. Even though I like the PS3, and Square Enix, the Super Smash Bros. diversity it gives you."

I smiled. "Sweet! Have you ever played Modern Warfare 2?"

His face brightened. "Only A LOT!"

"Me too! Want to go play?" I offered, looking at him, then my dad. Dad nodded, so I gave my attention back to Bill.

"Sure!" He looked at his parents for approval. "Can I?"

"Don't see why not," His dad said. "Have fun kiddo."

With that, Bill and I walked out and up to my room. Once in, I closed the door and went over to my T.V and game system, turning them both on, and handed Bill a controller. The game was already in the system, so once booted up, the game automatically started up.

"I kick ass at this game, hope you know." I said, smirking.

"Yeah, noob ass, but not mine." He chuckled.

"We'll see," I growled playfully. I started the game. We both picked our guns and went at it.

All you could here was shooting, and the sound of button mashing; nothing else. It was hardcore gaming, both playing and killing one another; our kills staying neck-and-neck throughout the match. He killed me, then I'll turn around and kill him back. It was kill galore for the both of us.

Close to the end of our match, my mind went from the game to something completely different...


I was thinking about him again, but I knew why this time. This setting...it reminded me of our first encounter, and the night I lost my virginity. I could remember so vividly. Our game was sort of like the one I played now, our kills back to back. It was like déjà vu.


I came back to reality and from my walk down memory lane. Once I noticed what was going on, I was shocked. I was hit by a grenade at the last second, causing me to lose the match by one kill.

"Damn." I muttered.

Bill chuckled and stood up, stretching. "Good game, but it's tough beating me."

I stood up as well.

"You got lucky. I wasn't paying attention at the last part."

"Excuses, excuses" He teased.

"Eh, whatever." I turned away.

"Dude, you're a sore-losser."

"I..." I was about to say something smart-ass back, but my mom announced that it was time for dinner.

"Haha" He laughed. "We'll have to continue this another time. If you want, I could come over tomorrow, or you could come over?" He asked, looking at me.

I looked at him, shocked. I was getting what I wanted, to be his friend.

"Sure, sure. I'm not doing anything tomorrow, so why not?"

"Then it's settled. We'll play again tomorrow so I can wupp your ass again."

We both laughed.




I slide the key into the lock. Today had been full of working out, running, and training for me, being at the gym from sun up to sun down. It had been one of those workouts that left you aching and sore, the kind I loved! Every muscle burned; such a great feeling. The campus had a great workout program for us football players: we worked out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; rest Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends. That was just our summer workout plan though, this was nothing compared to what we would be doing during the season. We players didn't mind working out during the summer and seasonal; the benefits outweighed the work. They gave us three meals a day, part-time job, and a nice dorm.

The dorm is what really made it worth it. Each football players dorm looked more like an apartment than a small dormitory, having two bedrooms, one bath, a very nice kitchen with marble top (Avery loved the kitchen), and a swimming pool in the back. Football players had the life here at West Wing University. It was perfect. Avery loved the school as well. Not only because he had an amazing kitchen to work in, but because they offered all the classes he wanted to take: Software, Web Design, and Graphic Design; his scholarship covered all his basic classes, plus more.


Key turned, door opened. I walked in and was hit by the smell of dinner being prepared. I inhaled deeply before saying, "Steak and gravy...mash potatoes...green beans...rolls...mmmm...my favorite." I kicked off my shoes at the door, and made my way to the kitchen to find Avery wearing an apron preparing the delicious meal. I walked up behind him, predator like, and kissed his neck softly. His body stiffened.

"Ooof" He turned his head to see his attacker; once seeing me, his body relaxed, and I wrapped my arms around it. "You startled me, babe." He said as he continued to work at the stove.

"That was the plan." I continued to kiss his neck, working my way down to his shoulder blades, then his arms. Giggles escaped his muzzle, only making me work my lips more. He wrapped his arm around my neck and lifts his head slightly, enjoying the treatment he received.

"Oh..." -slight moan- "...How was your day..."

My tongue ran over his neck softly.

"Long" -kiss- "Hard" -kiss- "Fun"

He shuddered.


"How about yours?" I asked in a whisper.

"It just got better..." He turns his head slightly and meets my muzzle with his own, kissing me passionately, still hocked around my neck. My paws ran up down his side, caressing him, until I reach his elastic waistband. Avery wasn't wearing much, just an apron and boxer briefs that looked so cute on him (they showed off his cute little bubble butt).

Once I reach the waistline, I slid my paw into his briefs, and grabbed his plump ass, squeezing it in my paw, causing him to moan into the kiss and pull my neck down. I knew that by doing this, the kiss was at risk, but my hormones got the best of me. With high expectations, I thought he'd pull away or push me away, at that, but he didn't. The kiss remained and my paw was still full of his ass. My horny side got the best of me as always, I took the opportunity and ran with it, hoping that tonight would be the night me and Avery will have sex. Behind me was the marble top counter; I turned us around, and bent him over the counter, leaning over him. I broke the kiss, backed up, and started to slide his underwear down. The elastic was at the bottom of his bum before...

"Ace...what are you doing?" Avery looked back at me.

"I'm getting ready."

"For what?" He asks.

I knew it was too good to be true...

"I thought...you know...we were finally going to do...it..."

He leaned off the counter and began pulling his underwear back up. I inched away from him.

"No...I told you, I'm not ready..."

"Oh my God!" I threw my arms up and walked out of the kitchen and into our bedroom. I couldn't believe this. He wasn't ready? What was there to wait on? Marriage?

He followed me.

"I'm sorry, baby. You said you were ok if we waited..."

"Yeah!" I turned around to look at him. "But really, what are we waiting for? How am I going to know you're ready, huh? It's not like you're going to tell me or anything."

"I will..."

I guffawed. "Right, and when will that be?"

"I don't know..." He said weakly.

"Exactly! You don't know, I don't know, HELL! God is probably waiting to know!"

His ears now laid flat. I knew this was hurting him, but my anger had gotten the best of me.

"Tell me, Avery. What are we waiting for? For our wedding night?"


"One year anniversary?"


"Do you not love me enough yet?"

That hit the spot. His ears perked up; he glared at me with eyes I've never seen before, they showed such sorrow.

"I love you more than anything ACE! You have no idea how much I love you. Every second that past by I'm thinking about you, heck, even when we're together I'm daydreaming of you. It's nothing I adore more than you."

"Then why won't you have sex with me?"


"Because what?"

"It's silly..."

I walked over to him. "Try me."

He sighed and began to explain. "I'm scared. Not scared of the actual thing, scared of what will happen afterward. I've been told that once people have sex they tend to drift apart, like that's the only thing they wanted in the relationship. IT makes since really. A guys goal in the relationship is to build it up till sex comes, and that determines the relationships outcome. I'm scared it'll happen to us...and I don't want to lose you...not now...not ever..."

Tear started to flow down his cheeks now. For the first time I knew why Avery had wanted to wait, it all made since, and was quiet logical. Sex is good, but it could ruin a relationship in the blink of an eye. Guess I knew who the smart one in the relationship was, now.

His sobbing face made me get up and wrap my arms around him, it was my fault I made him cry, and now it's my job to fix it. I've never made Avery cry; it hurt me just as much as him. I carried his small frame to bed, and sat down, holding him in my arms, rocking back and forward, whispering 'I'm sorry' repeatedly.

"Are you mad at me?" He asks looking up at me.

I looked back down; a tear fell from my eye. He was asking if I was mad at him when I was the one who made him cry...

"Of course I'm not mad. Your reasons are good. I'm sorry for ever bringing it up, and most importantly, I'm sorry for yelling." I hugged him tight in my arms. "Forgive me please?"

He snuggled against my chest, sighing contently.

"Of course..."

I Smiled and buried my muzzle deep into his head fur.

"I'll wait for you forever. When the time is right, we'll both know."

Avery murred and relaxed his body; letting me hold him till my heart content.



Summer was coming to a close, we didn't have much longer until school would start back and homework would be thrown out at us from all angles. Soon, instead of playing games all day, I'll have to hit the books and study hard. But that really didn't matter to me; it was one thing about this summer that I would definitely miss, and that's the time spent with Bill. Ever since we played Modern Warfare 2 together, we've been closer than brothers. We played video games at one another house, rode bikes, sleepovers, went to the gym; everyday was filled with a new activity. Over the time we spent together I learned more and more about him like how he's shorter than me, but only by a little; favorite color, which is green; age, same as me, 16; and why his fur was that blue color. He explained it to me several times before I got it, but in the end I did.

You see, it's said to be a birth defect to keep the story short. He never considered it to be, he actually thought it was the most awesome thing that could ever happen to a wolf. I agreed.

Summer is winding down, and I had one more opportunity to have Bill over to spend the night. There's a long list on our agenda for that night; my parents would be gone, and Damon was going to a friend's house, so it would be just me and Bill to do whatever we please.



Two more days.

College will start in two days, and I was so ready, me and Ace both. We'd been planning this for weeks. Our classes were both during the day, leaving us with ample amounts of time together, well, maybe for the first few weeks until the homework starts. I knew that once teachers got to know there students, they'll dump mountains of homework on them, and also all my syllabus made it clear that homework would be given daily. With Ace practice, and my excessive amount of homework, we would barely have time for each other after a while, but we were both aware of this.

This will be the beginning of the end; our past, high school, child years had run away.


We're Men...



(Who would have ever expected me to have a say so in this story? :o)

"Yes, I'll bring my PS3..." I spoke into the phone, reassuring Jet. Tonight we had plans to have yet another sleepover at his place. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman was said to be out of town and we would have the house to ourselves, no telling what we'd get into, maybe a party. "Sure, sure, I'll bring that game...anything else....ok, good. I'll be there in like thirty minutes." I hung up and placed my phone on my bed.

I only had thirty minutes to finish preparing for this sleepover, usually I wouldn't need to prepare, well, not in such a hurry. I slept in today; I spent the entire night playing MW2 with Jet, leaving me tired and drowsy all day, not wanting to get out of bed.

There were a few things I needed to do before I could leave. First get the game system ready and games we would play; next take a shower. I quickly got my PS3 put in its carrying case, and went off to take that shower, which didn't take long. I hoped in and out, to rush back to my room. I rushed the shower because I knew it would take at least ten minutes for my fur to dry completely. While I waited, I packed up some extra things, like: Toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, iPod, laptop, and its' charger. Once my fur dried out, I got dressed putting on a plain white T-shirt, and jogging pants (I never really dressed up for a sleepover...), and I made my way out of the house, and into the Coleman's yard.

Once I arrived I knocked on the door.


Few seconds. Door opened, Jet answered it.

"Sup." I said, as I walked into his house, removing my shoes at the door.

"Not much he replied. We walked up to his room, where I placed my stuff and flopped down on his bed. It was normal for me to make myself comfortable here, I felt welcomed here, like I was at my own house. Jet made me feel like family every time I came over, giving me his bed every sleepover, from letting me fix my own snack in the kitchen.

"So what are we going to do? You sound pretty excited to have me over on this particular night." I lay back in his bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah, I do." He jumped in bed, sitting up quickly. "First I thought we'd start by finish beating Dead Space."

We've been working on that game for weeks, it was so scary. The game is too hard to beat with Aliens lurking around every corner, and lack of inventory. The game was made for hard-gut players, not me and Jet, but we continued to play, and to my surprise, we were close to beating it. Just two more chapters left and it would be over.

"Sure, but you can play first. I'll jump in when you piss your pants." I laughed; he nudged me before walking over to start the game and turned off all the lights. The game was better played in the dark, it set the mood, also night was steadily descending, making this the perfect time to play.

As planned, he played first, beating half the chapter we left off on, than passing me the controller after he had gotten ambushed by twenty aliens. I quickly grabbed the controller and ran through the twenty aliens with the games most powerful weapon, the line gun. After that I handed the controller back to him so he can finish.

While he played through the second half of the level, I looked over at him. He was really into the game, focusing on nothing but the screen. I chuckled softly at the image; Jet looked so innocent while playing, he still had a cub face, but it was on a muscular, teenage body. How did that happen, I don't know. I bet all the girls at his school went crazy over him.

Jet finished playing through chapter 11; now it was my turn to play. This was the last chapter in the game and I planned to run through it with a few cheat codes I found online. As planned, I beat the chapter, and the final boss which was a giant *SPOILER* chimera, alien thing.

I sighed and placed the controller on the floor, leaning back on my paws. "Whew! That was one hell of a game, huh, Jet?" I look over at him to see his mouth hung. "Jet?"

Jet looked at me, mouth still open, "How...did you beat that level...without dying...once?"

The only thing I could do was laugh at his expression. I knew he would be shocked to see me play a perfect game.

"I'm just good like that." I stuck out my tongue.

"No one's that good...not even the developers..."

"Guess I'm just better than them."

"Bullshit!" Jet jumped on me, pinning me down, gripping my wrist tight. "How'd you do it?"

"Awww! Get off me!" I said, trying to push him off me.

"Tell me first!" He demands, forcing me down.

"OK!" I gave in. Jet was pretty strong, great at submitting furs. "I snagged a walkthrough from a website! It showed me every alien location and what guns to use!"

His grip weakened.

"Cheater!" He growled.

I took the opportunity and flipped him over me, pouncing on him once he landed, and pinned him down the same way he did me just a second ago. He struggled to get up but it his efforts were futile.

"Just playin tha game."

"Uggh...get off of me..."

I removed myself from over him and stood up. "You're such a sore loser."

"And you're a cheater." He says smirking.

I rolled my eyes, this would get us nowhere.

"Whatever you say, Jetty. What's next on that list of yours? You're starting to bore me with your whining."

He flipped me off, then looked at his watch.

"Great! It's time for the main event." He said, running to his dresser and pulling out a CD, before running to the door. "Come on!"

We fled downstairs and into the kitchen. In the kitchen there were two, two liter drinks, coke and sprite, next to four large boxes of pizza. Jet grabbed the pizzas and ordered me to grab the drinks and follow him into the living room. We set the drinks on a table in front of the sofa. He then ran to the T.V leaned down, opening a DVD player, placing the disk in.

I was curious to what we were about to watch, so I asked.

"What we watchin, a chick flick?" I said, teasingly. That's one thing me and Jet did more than anything, we teased each other every chance we got. It kept our friendship alive.

Jet chuckled and grinned, pressing play and running back to the couch. "You can say that..." He kept chuckling.

The movie began. First it was all black, then blue, then credits started to play. Next thing I knew, in big, bold print, the words 'ASS VOLUME 3'. My eyes went wide. Jet looked at me, now laughing.

"What? HAHA! You never seen a flick before?"

I turned my head his way, my eyes squinted. "Of course I've seen one you dick."

The movie started.

"Well," Jet grabbed a slice of pizza and took a bite; I did the same. "What's with the petrified face?"

I grab the two litter sprite and take a swig and glanced at the flick: two males, a Doberman and Pit Bull, were chatting with this female Pomeranian, sitting on both sides of her. Both the males where very big, stacked with muscles on top of muscles, while the Pomeranian was small with decent sized breast.

"Just wasn't prepared to watch something like this, is all." I started to feel a swelling in my groin area as I saw thought of the Pomeranian.

Another glance at the television: The girl was now naked, sucking on Doberman guy's cock, while rubbing her small paw up and down the other guy's shaft.

"Good thing I was, huh?" He reach down beside the couch and pulled out two bottles of lotion, throwing one to me. He began to take off his pants...

"What are you doing???" I asked, watching him remove his trousers.

Jet froze. He looked at me, still grinning. "I'm about to paw off, what else?"

"In front of me?"

"Yeah...we're both guys so I don't see a real problem. If you want to, you can leave and go upstairs to play video games..." He suggested, removing the rest of his bottom clothing until he was half-naked, wearing only a shirt, now.

Curiosity got the best of me, and affected my answer. "You kiddin' me? And miss seeing this bitch get fucked? I don't think so."

That wasn't the reason I was staying for. I didn't want to see that girl...


Some part of me wanted to see Jet. I could explain why I wanted to, but the urge too, lingered.

Movie: the girl was now ridding the Pit Bull's cock, moaning extremely loud.

"So you're going to join me?" He grinned.

"Sure, why not?" I shrugged, stood up, and removed my own clothes, down to nothing except my shirt.

"Good!" Jet plopped down on the sofa and started to watch the porno, massaging his sheath with one paw; balls with the other. I did the same, but instead of fondling my balls, I used both paws to massage my sheath.

After playing with our sheaths for a few minutes, we both were hard as rock, cocks sticking straight up. I got a glimpse at Jet's; his was a little longer, but not by much. Actually, we both had above cock sizes for our ages, standing approximately nine inches. He looked over at me, noticing my stare; I quickly turned back to face the TV, blushing. I didn't know if he caught me gazing...

Television: The scene changed, bringing out different actors. The Pomeranian stared in this next one, followed by two different male stars. A wolf and coyote came out, nude. I could see this scene would not waste any time, and I was right, the sex started immediately. Our Pomeranian friend was quickly forced to suck on both the guy's cocks with her ass placed directly in front of the camera.

"Hey, Bill." Jet called.

Oh crap, he saw me staring, is the first thing that came to mind.

"Y-yeah?" I said, not taking my eyes off the television set.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure?" My heart pounded. Please don't ask if I was staring...

"It's kind of embarrassing on my part." Now he'd gotten my attention. It was obviously not about my peepshow. I looked over at him. He was now turned toward me.

"What's up, dude?"

"Ummm..." He looks to his side, blushing furiously!

"Go ahead..."

"Ok..." His head turned back in my direction. "Have you ever fantasized about sex with a guy before?"

My eyes widened, mouth dropped, and cock started to return inside its furry cage. I didn't know what to say? How to respond? On occasions I would look at a guys cock while watching a porno, but never in that way! It was always to compare mine to theirs...or was it?

"I-I don't think I have..."

"It's not so bad..."

"What!?" He looked away blushing. "You've done it with a guy??"

"Yeah, once...It wasn't half bad. Actually it feels great."

"Really?" My softening cock returned hard. This conversation was actually arousing.

"Hehe...yeah...it was like nothing I've ever felt before..."

"Oh..." I said looking down.

My mind was racing. Jet had done it with another guy. Was he gay? Had I been hanging out with a gay guy this entire time? That would explain a lot. Why he liked pinning me down, or the fact he treated me more like a brother than he treated Damon, his real brother.

Had he developed feeling for me?


Was I developing feelings for him? Even though the fact of two men laying with one another disgusted me, being with Jet the past month had made those feelings fade. I use to detest gays, but now I was growing to accept them...

"Yup..." Jet inched closer to me... "If you want, I could show you how much fun it is..."

Wide-eyed again, I looked over at Jet.


"Come on," He interrupted. "It'll be a blast. I promise." His paw slid onto my thigh, rubbing it, moving closer and closer to my cock.

Confused, I sat there, not moving an inch. A voice in my head kept telling me this is a bad idea, but another voice said do it. I gave into to the second voice...


Hearing me say this brought about the biggest smile I've ever seen from Jet. He grabbed my paw and pulled me onto his chest, lying back against the armrest.

"You'll enjoy it." He whispered before leaning up to kiss me.

When our lips met it felt strange, yet I didn't know why? Guys shouldn't kiss guys, that's probably why it felt odd...


It felt strange because I wanted it, more than I noticed. As we kissed, his tongue slipped into my maw and grazed over my teeth, mixing our saliva. The paw which grabbed mine, pulling me into him, slowly slid down and grabbed both of our cocks with a squeeze. I moaned into the kiss. The feeling of both our cocks pressed together sent me into a fury; pre shot out from my member, and onto his shirt.

He pushes me up, breaking the kiss. "Let's get out of these shirts." He says before removing mine. I lift pulled his shirt off and cast it to the side, going back down to kiss him, fully exposed now. We went back to our previous position: me on top kissing, him on bottom holding our cocks together, slowly pawing us off. He worked his paw up and down both our shafts with a firm grip.

Moans, sweat, musk, sex filled the air, We both moaned and groaned like we were in heat. I had to admit, Jet was right, this was amazing. I've never had anyone play with my cock toy, and never DREAMED of having it pressed against someone else. Having 'fun' with another guy was never, ever, on my top hundred things to do. Always thought I'd be doing these things with a female, but to my surprise, this was actually enjoyable.

After about three minutes of kissing, Jet surfaced for air, moving his sweet lips down my neck and to my chest, where he began licking and sucking my nipples. His lips formed as suction cups for my nipples, sucking me like a baby breast feeding. I couldn't help but moan from pleasure from this.

Jet continued to run his paw over our members, mixing the pre produced. In no time at all, my knot formed, along with Jet's. Once he felt our knots, he immediately stopped (kissing and pawing). His tongue slowly traveled up my neck, until he reach my ear.

"I want your seed in my mouth..."

"Vice" -pants- "Versa" I said between pants. Strangely, I had the urge to shove his cock in my muzzle and milk it till he came.

"69?" He suggests lustly, licking the inside of my ear.

-Murr- "Yeah..."

He nods and shows me what to do, this being my first time. He instructed me to turn around; I obeyed, turning around. His cock was placed right at my muzzle. I stared at it, thinking hard about what was next to come. Was I ready? It really wasn't up for debate at the moment, might as well just with the flow.

"You ready?" He asks.

"Yeah, dude."

With that, he took my member in, sucking on it and deepthroating me instantly. My whole body couldn't adjust to such a pleasurable feeling, pre sprayed into Jet's muzzle. He began to slow down a little; at first I thought it was because of the precum, but the real answer hit me. He wanted me to return the favor. I slowly lowered my muzzle and licked the tip, causing him to moan, jaws rumbling around my cock. I gave it a few more licks before taking it in my maw. At first I was scared; the thought of someone cock in my mouth wasn't to appealing, but once I tasted Jet's my feelings changed. Jet's cock was warm, and sweet, but I guess that came from the precum. It filled my maw. I went all the way down, deepthroating his like he had done mine.

We lay there moaning in pleasure.

This is hard for me to admit, but I enjoyed this. I never would have imagined me liking a cock, girls always turned me on, but now I've meet a guy who had me head over heels. Was this right? I don't think so, but it didn't matter, it felt right, so why not enjoy it for the time being?

I did.

More than I should.

Having his warm cock in my mouth, and mine in his, was enough to speed up my orgasm. I felt it creeping up on me. I didn't want to be the only one coming early, so I suckled on is cock faster, bobbing my head up and down with a little more speed. My plan worked; Jet was the first to release his load into my mouth. As I bobbed up and down, he thrust his hips, pushing his pubes to my nostrils He shot nine ropes of cum into my muzzle; I swallowed every last drop, not wasting any.

Feeling the warm seed go down my throat sent my orgasm over; twelve thick ropes shot from my tip and into his muzzle. He copied my actions and drank ever last drop. Once we finished our orgasms, we let the others cock flop out of our muzzle. I turned back around and laid on Jet's chest, rubbing my cheek against it. We lay there together bathing in our afterglow. I was definitely going to miss having sleep over.

'I wonder how this will play out?' I thought, drifting off to sleep.




HEY! This is the end of Horndogs, I've finally completed the series! But it doesn't stop there! Stay tuned to my next series that I'll write only if I get enough faves, watches, and ratings! So go ahead and do ALL three ^^! Hope you enjoyed reading!

Ace © Me

Jet © Drayne_the_Wolf

Bill © DevilFlare

Avery © My Boyfriend Jason