Carnal Combat, Part IV - Deception

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#4 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat

Episode IV: Deception


First Draft 9/2/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.

The cheetah femme howled in pleasure as she felt her ass smacked, setting her rear to jiggling. She squirmed hard, writhing against the padded bench she was bound belly down on while Spectre stood behind her, pounding her pussy and spanking her between pumps. She was eating it up, and so was he.

The skunk had been incredibly upset over his loss to Dusk the previous night. He found his personal creed of enjoying even a loss hard to follow in this environment. Losing an exhibition match at home was one thing, but losing here, when all was on the line...well, that was harder to swallow.

After his thorough fucking at the hands of the audience (which had lasted nearly an hour, and had left him rather sore), Spectre had sought out Daichi in order to break the news. The fox tried to reassure him, but Daichi had always been a bit to idealistic for Spectre's tastes. The fox meant well, but Spectre quickly left to find his solace someplace else.

He actually considered finding Dusk; he actually did like the panther, but in the end he knew that that would likely do more harm than good.

Instead, he had gone to bed early, and then risen early enough that he was able to slip down to the dungeons where the slaves were kept. Normally the line there was long and most of the public slaves were taken. This early, though, he had his pick of the crop.

The cheetah had caught his eye right away. She seemed sassy, and upon having her released from her cell he'd found that she liked it hard and rough, just what he needed to cheer himself up.

After a guard pointed them to a secluded alcove in the dungeon area, Spectre had enjoyed some quality foreplay with the girl. Eventually he'd tied her to the bench she was on now, and he's teased her to one climax already. Now, as his hard cock slid in and out of her dripping pussy, she was bucking through her second orgasm.

The skunk grinned, and slapped her ass again. Looking on the bright side of things, his loss hadn't been to a member of the House of Shadow, and so even though he was out of the Tournament, he wasn't a slave, and he was allowed to stay as a guest. Frankly, if this was the life of a guest, he might not compete next year.

His thoughts were quickly sidetracked when he felt his balls pull up. The skunk stiffened and then moaned, spurting his thick cum out into the cheetah's pussy. She mewed and ground her hips as he filled her, and he topped her off by pulling his cock out, letting the remainder of his load splatter across her spotted rump and her slender back.

Panting hard, Spectre smiled and leaned over the bound girl, kissing her cheek. "Want me to see what other toys they have down here?"

The cheetah moaned and nodded. Spectre was about to oblige her when he saw two guards pass by a door on the other end of the room. Between them was a male tiger, and it took Spectre a moment to realize who it was.

The tiger was Khan Lei, the fighter from the House of Light that had lost to Hitomi. No one had seen him since his loss. What was he doing down here? Hitomi had defeated the tiger with a Carnality, and so he was free to leave or stay, but there was no reason he should be held in the dungeon. Something was up.

"Stay here, trouble," Spectre said dryly, rubbing the cheetah's ears. "I'll be right back."

The skunk quickly pulled on his pants and slipped out of the room, leaving the whimpering cheetah behind. He made his way down the corridor, padding along carefully. Soon, he heard voices in one of the dungeon rooms. One door was open a crack, and quietly the skunk slipped up and peered through.

Khan Lei was on his knees before Kaine. The stallion snorted and looked down at the tiger with a clearly disapproving glare.

"Master Ra' Chi is done punishing you," Kaine said, throwing a pair of pants into the tiger's face. "I told him making a deal with you was pointless. You lack the simple discipline to compete here."

Spectre arched an eyebrow. A deal? Apparently, Ra' Chi was hedging his bets more than anyone suspected.

"Unfortunately, Ra' Chi has decided to give you a second chance. Clean yourself up and get dressed, and then see Master Ra' Chi in his throne room. Stay out of sight. We don't want the other competitors to know of your defection any sooner than needed."

Khan growled low, but did as he was told. Spectre quickly pressed himself back against the hallway wall as Kaine and the guards turned to leave. Concentrating, he let himself fade to his ghostly form, and then slowly he sank back through the wall into the next room. He heard Kaine and his troop pass by, followed by Khan not long after.

"He turned on his own house," the skunk said in disgust. "We're all here trying to keep our asses OUT of the House of Shadow, and he's jumping ship willingly."

Once he was sure that the coast was clear, Spectre slipped back out of the room and headed off to find Daichi and Rhane. On the way he stopped by to see his new cheetah friend again, slipping a chastity belt around her sex and rump to keep her fresh for his return. She didn't like it one bit, but he smiled and placed a kiss on her nose, promising he'd be back to finish her off before the day was out.

* * *

Rhane was furious, just as Spectre thought she would be. Everyone else was disturbed by the news, but Rhane was outright angry. She was also, he imagined, mighty embarrassed for her House.

After learning of Khan's deception, Spectre had told the news to Daichi and Dusk. They in turn called the other fighters together, and soon Spectre found himself repeating his story to Dusk, Daichi, Rhane, Hitomi, and Stardust in the Combat Temple. They listened intently, not liking what they heard.

"So, if there was any doubt that Ra' Chi was trying to manipulate the Tournament to favor his House, I think this effectively squashes it," Dusk said, rubbing his chin. Hitomi nodded in agreement.

"He's doing a good job of it, too. He already has three fighters in the Tournament with Ruin, Kaine, and that Beast here," the mouse said. "If Khan had moved ahead, then the House of Shadow would have had four fighters."

"Well, we can thank you for stopping that plan in its tracks," Daichi said. "Khan is out, but he's still a problem. There's no telling what Ra' Chi may use him for now."

"Under his rules, he can put Khan in to fight for any one of his House's fighters, other than Kaine," Rhane said in a growl. "You could show up expecting to fight Ruin, and instead face Khan."

Hitomi smirked. "I beat Khan once. I'll beat him again if they try that."

"How can this happen?" Stardust spoke up suddenly, upset at the news. "How can the Gods let the Tournament become this corrupted?"

"As long as the Houses don't go to war, the Gods don't care what happens down here," Spectre said with a smirk. "Read through the Sacraments. Read the Account of Judgment. The Gods only got involved because the noise down here woke them up."

"So...what do we do?" Daichi asked, looking at each fighter. Everyone shook his or her heads.

"We go on as planned," Rhane finally said. "Ra' Chi can only bend and re-write the rules so much. If we keep beating his fighters, he can't do anything about it."

"What if one of us does beat Kaine...only to reveal that THEY were also recruited by the House of Shadow?" Dusk asked. There was a long silence.

"I think we all value honor more than power," Daichi said. "We win, we bring honor to our House and we become Champion. That is our goal. None of us want to be thugs for Ra' Chi."

There was a general nod of consensus, and then the conversation slowly ended with each fighter slipping off to ponder things on their own.

Spectre was the last to leave. There were two things still bothering him. One was Dusk's question; what if there was another traitor? The skunk didn't agree with Daichi's thought on the matter. While he did feel the other fighters were honorable, he wasn't about to assume that they couldn't be swayed into Ra' Chi's command.

The other thing that bothered him was the odd feeling he had that they weren't alone in the temple. It was a feeling, one that was reinforced by a strange shadow he saw slip through one corner of the arena.

He turned and headed in the direction the shadow did. It was probably nothing, but he had nothing better to do, and besides...he wanted the cheetah to be extra-needy when he did get back to her.

* * *

Daichi was bothered by what they'd learned that morning. He never thought that the House of Shadow was running the Tournament in the best interest of the lands, but he didn't expect this level of corruption. It was disillusioning to him.

There were more immediate matters that needed his attention though. He was scheduled to fight that night, against Stardust, and he felt the need to beat her more than ever. He didn't think any of the other fighters had a treacherous bone in their body, but he didn't see the need to take chances. The only way to be sure that the House of Shadow lost the Tournament was for him to win.

He ate a light meal and then returned to his quarters. The fox spent some time meditating, and then he undressed and slept, resting his body before the fight.

He was serious about the Tournament before, but now he was determined. He would win, even if it meant taking Rhane down in the process.

* * *

Hitomi smiled, wiggling her hips at Stardust. A long, thick phallus dangled between her legs, held over her sex by leather straps that slipped over her hips and between her buttocks.

Stardust lay on a mat on the floor, her paws bound tightly above her head and her legs spread, pulled up and back over her body by rope that was bound to the same point that her paws were. It left her doubled over deliciously, and she smiled back at the mouse.

Hitomi sank down to her knees, letting her faux cock lay against the mare's slick sex. "Relax, dear," the mouse said, reaching down to slip her toy into the other girl's pussy. "Surrender to your lusts, let them flow out now."

Stardust needed no further encouragement, and she shuddered hard as she felt the thick phallus spread her labia and push into her tight sex. Hitomi pushed in until her hips were against the horse's rump, and then the mouse leaned over to place her paws on Stardust's breasts. Slowly she massaged the orbs while her hips rolled, working the toy in and out of her friend's muff.

"Get it out of your system now, so it won't be as strong during the fight," Hitomi cooed, as Stardust closed her eyes and began to moan in need. She struggled against the ropes that held her body so prone, while her sex rippled around the phallus in her sex.

"Oh, Gods," she gasped, feeling Hitomi's fingers tweak her stiff nipples. It felt so good, and soon she opened her eyes again to watch the sexy mousette taking advantage of her.

"Remember what you've learned," Hitomi said, fondling Stardust's chest while she started to firmly fuck the mare, pounding in and out of her pussy. "Stay calm, stay focused. Don't overestimate your skills, and don't underestimate his."

Stardust nodded, panting hard now. She wasn't holding back in the slightest, instead letting the pleasure wash over her. She gave no heed to her inhibitions, and as the mouse fed her advice and moved her paws to massage over her muscles and limbs, the mare just rolled her hips, moaned in lust, and begged for more.

"Good girl," Hitomi giggled, watching the mare squirm. "You'll do fine."

With that said, the mouse licked her thumb and pressed it to Stardust's clit. The mare cried out in pleasure, starting to buck her hips as the mouse rubbed her button. In moments she was screaming out in climax, creaming herself around the phallus while her back arched up hard.

Hitomi moaned softly herself as she heard the pretty girl writhe in her orgasm. She was careful to keep Stardust's pleasure peaked as long as she could, and when the mare finally collapsed in a panting heap, the mouse pulled the toy out of her. She listened to the slick "shlurp" that it made, and she smiled.

The mouse stood up and slipped the toy off her body, letting it drip onto Stardust's tummy before she did so. Then, with a grin, she stepped over the mare and knelt down again, straddling her face. Hitomi reached down and grabbed Stardust's hair, pressing her damp pussy to the other girl's lips.

"Now say thank you," she giggled. As Stardust started to run her warm tongue over Hitomi's sex the mouse leaned back, placing her paws on the floor on either side of the mare's hips. She arched her back and groaned, rolling her hips in delight while her breasts bounced gently.

The two made love to each other for hours before Hitomi finally left the mare to rest up for her fight. As the mouse made her way back to her room she smiled softly. If there was any sexual need left in Stardust, it certainly wasn't HER fault.

* * *

Spectre had worked his way though the back areas of the Combat Temple. It was mostly small bedrooms and old storage areas, and so he'd shrugged off his feeling and headed back for the Hall.

Taking the usual path back, he passed through the Gardens of Decadence. He was barely through the gates when he felt the feeling of being watched returned. Frowning, he started to walk slowly, acting casual but keeping his senses alert.

When he reached the actual Garden Arena, he saw it again: Out of the corner of his eye there was a blur. Instead of a shadow, it was a distinctly green shimmer of movement near the edge of the arena. As it passed by him he could feel a rush of air, and he took a blind shot at it. The skunk swung his fist to the side, and much to his surprise it connected with something firm by soft, and there was a loud grunt.

The blur became a full figure that tumbled back into the center of the arena. Spectre watched as the figure became a female, and the female was revealed to be a sleek reptilian girl. She held her belly as she got back up, brushing herself off.

"I'm impressed," she said, smirking at Spectre. "I don't think I've ever been spotted before, nevermind caught like that."

Spectre looked her up and down. She had quite a figure on her, and it was concealed only by a short loincloth and a fabric top that barely kept her generous chest in check.

"Thanks," he said dryly. "You would be...?"

"Selena," she said, bowing to him. "My task is to watch over all the fighters here. I saw you in the dungeon," she smirked. "You're rather good at spying yourself."

"I'm no spy," Spectre said. "Just an observer. What House do you belong to? Who wants you to watch us?" Spectre knew the answer before the lizard girl even answered.

"The House of Shadow, of course," she said with a smile, licking her slender forked tongue over her lips. "You would be most useful to my Master. Why not join us? You've already lost your battle here. If you turn your allegiance to my House, you would find glory quite quickly, I'm sure."

Spectre laughed. "I'd rather be a loser in my own House than a traitor in yours," he balked. "Tell your Master that his days are numbered. We know what he's doing, and one of our Houses will win this."

Selena just looked at the skunk in baffled disappointment. "Very well," she said, knowing right away that this one would not turn. "Unfortunately for you, I can't have you alerting the others to my presence." The lizard shimmered again and disappeared.

Spectre tried to rush her, but it was too late. A sudden kick caught him in the back, and he fell forward into the arena. Selena was on him quickly, grabbing the back of his pants.

"I challenge you to Combat," she said wickedly. "You'll understand if I don't let you refuse."

Spectre grunted. He was well aware that an official challenge of Combat in an official arena was, well, official. It didn't count in the Tournament, but it was still recorded, it still went by the rules, and it was still Combat.

Selena's claws were sharp, and she easily shred the band that held Spectre's pants around his waist. She had his pants down and was hungrily stroking his bare ass when he managed to get his footing back, rolling over and tossing the lizard off him.

He got back to his hindpaws and kicked his pants off, facing Selena in the nude. She grinned and licked her lips again, staring blatantly at his crotch. He knew he was a little hard already, thanks to the usual effect of the arena energy.

To his surprise, the lizard reached behind herself and fiddled with her top. She stripped it off, letting her supple breasts bounce free, and then she removed her lower covering. Her smooth sex and lithe body were amazing, and much to his chagrin Spectre felt himself harden more.

Selena came at him suddenly, throwing a barrage of high kicks and sweeps that kept him on the defensive, backing up and quickly trying to block each one. She was fast, and her long legs gave her a definitive reach advantage. He kept up with her for the first few strikes, but then one came through. It caught him squarely in the jaw, and the skunk spun about in a daze. Another shot hit him in his stomach, and he hit the ground hard.

The lizard grinned and knelt down, leaning over his crotch. Her long tongue snaked out and wrapped around Spectre's balls, slicking them with saliva. He moaned and quickly regained his bearings, rolling away from the enticing reptilian tongue. Selena grinned and nodded at his crotch. He was hard as a rock now.

"You like it," she laughed. "Why not just surrender now, handsome sir? I promise I'll make you my personal slave."

Spectre's only response was a leaping kick aimed at Selena's stomach. She sidestepped it easily, and then she followed behind him with a roundhouse kick, just as he expected.

The moment he landed after his attack, he took his phantom form. Selena's kick went right through him and she spun around, grunting in surprise and frustration. Spectre quickly re-materialized, and he wrapped his arms firmly around the lizard's waist. All she could do was hiss in despair as the male pulled her up off her hindclaws, suplexing her back onto the arena. She landed hard on her head and shoulders, and her world spun.

Spectre dropped a quick, sloppy elbow down into Selena's back, driving the wind out of her. He was buying time, trying to decide what to do with her. She was clearly too quick for him, and trying to wear her down was going to be difficult. He knew he was going to have to try to get her out of the arena bounds.

He quickly formed a plan in his mind. The skunk smacked the lizard's smooth ass hard, watching it jump before he let her back up. She was on her feet in an instant, grinning as she launched right back into a flurry of high kicks. He took each shot, deflecting it only a little before the blows glanced off of his head and his midsection.

With each shot taken the skunk backed up towards the arena bounds. He waited for a good kick, hoping it came before he wore down and she actually got a knockout blow in. The kick he wanted came at last, and he timed it, turning himself intangible at the right moment.

Selena didn't fall for the same trick twice. She stopped her kick instantly, balancing on her toes as she grinned at the ghostly skunk. "Fool me once..."

Spectre grinned. "Twice, actually," he said. She blinked in confusion as Spectre suddenly leapt through her, regaining his form behind the lizard. Before she could react he had his hindpaw on her rump, and he pushed. She fell forwards out of the arena boundaries, where the living plants that surrounded the combatants waited hungrily.

The vines immediately whipped around Selena's wrists, dragging her into their midst. She struggled and cursed, but there was no fighting them. The vines that had captured her belonged to a particularly ruthless looking plant, and then extended from a large, transparent leafy pod. The lizard hollered as the vines slowly pulled her into the pod via a tight, slimy opening at the bottom.

First her hands slipped in, and then her arms; her head followed, finally silencing her screams. Spectre could see her through the clear-green walls of the pod, and her face twitched a little as her breasts were pulled in, being rubbed by the plant walls. Her hips and ass popped in with a wet noise, and then her tail, legs, and hindpaws disappeared.

Inside the pod, Selena was pulled spread-eagle and suspended. Spectre could only grin and wave at her in amusement as he watched two thick vines slide up, one working into her pussy while the other slipped in under her tail. She started to buck her hips and writhe inside the plant, clearly enjoying the firm pounding she was getting. Eventually more vines would slither down, wrapping around her breasts and waist, her arms and legs, pulling her into position after position as she was mercilessly fucked.

Spectre smiled and turned, leaving the lizard to the plants. He headed off to report this newest bit of news, stopping only once on the way to use a certain cheetah to relieve his post-Combat erection.

* * *

Daichi was at the arena appointed for his fight, the aptly named Hall of the Gods. It was an odd place for an arena. The usual Seal of Combat was etched into the circular floor, and all around the edges were statues of the Gods, watching over the battle ominously.

The fox has arrived early, studying the arena and familiarizing himself with the layout. It was a simple study, and there appeared to be no boundary traps that he could find. It would be, he thought, a straight-up fight. Carnality, or nothing.

Once he was comfortable with his surroundings the fox waited, relaxing his body and mind. He was completely ready for this fight. Just as one would be confident of their ability to dress in the morning, he was confident that this fight was his for the taking.

The approaching sound of hooves made him turn and look to the arena entrance. Stardust walked in, in traditional Combat tunic and pants, looking rested and ready. Daichi had heard rumors that she was well thought of in her House, and so despite her inexperience and her look of wonder, he was taking her as seriously as he would take Kaine himself.

Stardust bowed to the fox when she entered. "Good evening, Sir," she said pleasantly. "It's an honor to be facing you."

Daichi smiled and bowed back. "The honor is all mine," he replied. "Shall we?"

Stardust laughed and nodded her head. "Of course."

A voice from somewhere above called out. "Daichi versus Stardust."

The fox and the mare began to circle with each other, each looking for an opening in the others defense. Daichi threw the first few strikes, which Stardust blocked, and she followed up with a combo that Daichi deflected. Neither committed to anything serious, each feeling the other out before they tried to feel the other up.

The first mistake made came on the part of Stardust. She tried for a combo on the fox, throwing a low kick to distract him while she aimed a chop at his neck. Unfortunately, the fox ducked to catch her leg, and her chop missed. With her defense momentarily broken the fox moved in quickly, picking her up on his shoulder before he slammed her to the floor on her back, driving the wind out of her.

With the mare dazed, Daichi started the process of wearing her down. He deftly opened her tunic, pulling her breasts out so he could fondle them. The fox cupped and squeezed her chest, flicking his thumbs over her nipples. He barely got a gasp out of her before Stardust bucked him off.

The fox stood, politely waiting for Stardust to do the same. She didn't seem particularly shaken by the fox drawing proverbial first blood. She simply shrugged off her tunic, and once again circled with the fox.

The exchange of strikes and kicks continued, with Daichi once again getting a take down on Stardust, and once again he worked on her breasts. When she followed suit by bucking him off, her nipples barely stiff, the fox knew he would need a change of plan. The mare seemed to be handling the arena's arousing energies very well.

When the next round of striking began, Stardust got her chance to take control in. The fox let one solid strike through, and it sent him staggering. Stardust whinnied and lunged in with a straight kick to the fox's gut that doubled him over, and then she followed it with a leg sweep that brought him crashing to the floor.

She made the most of her opportunity, grabbing the legs of his pants only to yank them off, letting the fox's half-erect cock and his heavy balls pop out. She felt a little shiver run down to her tail when she saw the male's delectable bits, and she couldn't help herself. She straddled him, rubbing her crotch against his through her pants.

Daichi grunted, and quickly threw an elbow upward that caught the mare by surprise. She fell back dazed, giving the fox more than enough time to get back up. Stardust did the same, scrambling awkwardly to her feet even though her head was pounding thanks to the elbow strike.

The mare felt herself grow both nervous and angry. The strike caught her completely off guard, just when she thought she had the male. As he moved in towards her she turned, greeting him with a series of strikes and jabs that he took head on, making him stagger backwards. He was dazed, and loopy on his feet.

Stardust took a few steps back and brought her paws together. Taking a deep breath, she focused on the fox's body. Between her hands there began to glow a bright light, and around it tiny dots of brilliant white started to glow. Then the light faded to a beautiful black-blue just before it fired away towards Daichi.

The blast hit him square in the chest, but he didn't move. Instead, he stayed still as a statue, his only movement being a slow rocking on his feet. A glittering, ethereal dust seemed to fall from his eyes and his limbs, and he groaned.

Stardust stepped up to him with a smile on her muzzle, while her hips sashayed from side to side. She reached up and cupped her breasts, making sure the male could get a good look at the way the orbs pushed together and created a welcome handful of cleavage.

By the time she was in front of him, sliding her body down his, he was rock hard and dripping. She let her breasts slide along either side of his cock, and then she lowered her lips to let her tongue slide slowly around his tip, cleaning the precum off.

Daichi couldn't resist. His limbs felt heavy and his vision was blurred. The only thing that seemed to be processing in his head was the pure pleasure that was racing through his erection as the sexy mare started to suck him off, bobbing her lips on his shaft. He knew he needed to get free somehow, but the sloppy blowjob just felt so good.

Not as good, he thought, as winning the Tournament would. That was his ticket out of this. He focused on his true goal, victory, fighting Kaine and defeating him, watching the House of Shadow forced out of the Hall of Combat, while the House of Stone sent their newly appointed rulers there. He thought of them returning the Tournament to its traditional rules, where honest Combat reigned.

The fox suddenly felt himself slip back into reality. The mare was still there, sucking his cock and squeezing his ass, and he still felt the pleasure, but his control over his body was back.

Stardust had her eyes closed while she worked her warm lips up and down the male's throbbing cock. She was enjoying it, tasting his musky flavor and his slick precum. When he put his paws on either side of her head she smiled, not realizing at first what that meant. When it hit her her eyes sprung open, but the fox had already acted.

Pulling his cock rudely away from her lips, he quickly leaned down and wrapped an arm around her neck. She yelped and tried to break the hold, but the stronger fox had it locked in. She had no choice but to follow his lead, and as he stood her up, he focused. He had a few tricks of his own.

He brought a knee up hard into the mare's gut. She wheezed and went limp for a moment, and when she did Daichi let her go and quickly snapped his paws forward, driving the heel of his palms into her chest. She staggered back, giving him room to work.

When Stardust looked back up, holding her midsection as she sucked down air, she saw the fox charging her. Much to her surprise, he now had a red glow around his eyes that seemed to emit an equally red vapor that trailed out of them like smoke. His normally red-orange fur was now a brilliant fire-red, and his hindpaws and forepaws seemed to be ablaze.

He was also fast. Much faster than anyone she had ever fought. There was nothing she could do but brace for the blow she knew was coming.

Daichi didn't strike her. He swung a paw up in an arc, bottom to top, drawing a line that bisected the mare. The flames around his paws followed along that arc, and then they hit Stardust squarely, cutting up her body in the path the arc had taken. The strange flames burned clean through her pants, letting them flutter down around her ankles.

She immediately moaned, feeling her pussy and breasts burn. It wasn't a hot burn, but a needy burn, as if she was in heat. She slapped one paw to a breast and the other to her pussy, and she started to vigorously fondle and masturbate herself, falling to her knees, and then to her back. She was vaguely aware that her nipples and clit now burned with that strange fire, but it didn't matter. Her fingers danced across her nipples and clit, seeking to quench the fire with pleasure.

The fox watched her writhe, and then knelt between her legs. He slipped two burning fingers into her pussy and curled them towards the front of her tunnel, rubbing around for her sweet spot.

Just like that, the fight was over. Stardust cried out in pleasure and then went stiff, her body trembling on the verge of orgasm.

Daichi rolled her over onto her belly and then grabbed the base of her tail, pulling her up onto her knees while her face stayed on the floor, cheek pressed to the ground as she cried out in need. The fox put his paws on her hips, and he focused. Drawing the energies of the arena into himself, he watched as his stiff cock began to burn with that magical flame.

The fox grunted and drove his hips forward, pushing his blazing cock into Stardust's pussy. She shook in delight, and the fox fucked her hard, pounding her pussy with ferocity. Little by little her body was filled with the flame of lust, until it literally made her eyes glow. When she came, she came hard, creaming around the fox's cock. He came at the same time, spilling his burning seed into her belly. The cream acted like oil for the flame, and the mare screamed in passion as she was consumed by it, finally collapsing onto her belly.

Daichi stayed in her until he was done cumming, and then he retreated. Standing up, he watched the mare twitch on the floor, cum leaking out of her pussy and her mouth. She was completely consumed by lust.

"Carnality," a voice declared. "Daichi wins."

Panting, Daichi felt his body return to normal. He stretched a little and then found his pants, slipping them on before he gathered what was left of Stardust's clothes. He laid them over her wheezing body, giving her a little bit of covering until she came around.

With the fight decided in his favor, the fox turned and headed back for his quarters. It was time to clean up, relax, and enjoy himself until his next fight.

First, though, he wanted to speak with Rhane. Her fight was next, and he knew she needed all the encouragement she could get.

Tomorrow night, Rhane would fight the Beast.

~ End ~