Only Midnight Lovers

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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(Seems like my Yoshi stories are gaining some startling popularity! Ok! Here's another one for you guys! Enjbut Adults only, Please)

Only Midnight Lovers.

It was a hot summer night on Yoster's Isle. Hot hot hot hot hot. It was so hot, the trees were sweating. The cheep cheeps wouldn't cheep, the bob-ombs would bomb, and the Thwomps were on strike. You get the drift, it was a hot night. And in the small grass hut in one of the several yoshi villages, things were even hotter.

Rocket twisted restlessly in his sleep. Even with the sheets off, the window open, and his clothing completely tossed to the side, he was unable to cool himself. No, no no, he would never be able to cool himself after what he had witnessed today. His bright, red scales glimmered with warm sweat, and the heavy scent of his musk began to fill the room. He blushed and rolled onto his back, twisting the sheets around with him in his fevered movements. Snowstep.

Snowstep had been running again today. He always ran on Tuesdays, throwing himself into the thicket of the races to test himself and break his general everyday jogging routine. He could run like the wind, fastest yoshi on the island and his steps where quick and quiet- like fresh, new falling snow.

From the moment he slipped his boots on, and took off from his hut early in the morning, and late at night when he finally returned home- he ran. He ran all over dinosaur island, though the vanilla dome, ran though ice world, ran though koophari beach, ran to neon castle, and ran circles around everyone on the isle. Snowstep, was the most perfect yoshi Rocket had ever seen, perhaps even the most perfect yoshi ever! His scales were the color of new fallen snow, his body caressed with the blessing of sleek, powerful muscles, and his eyes tinted like glittering, glowing jade. And clever, OH how he was clever. Snowstep had seen it all and done most of it. He knew the secret passages of Neon Castle, He knew how many shy guys belonged to the tribe in Wiggler Woods. He knew exactly how many steps in Princess Peach's castle existed. It was really all useless trivia, most of it collected knowledge of the places he'd been to the circle's he'd run around, but to Rocket, everything Snowstep said was like flowing music. There was no doubt about it- The rocket colored dinosaur was head over tails in love.

Rocket sighed quietly, his thick paws stroking gently over his slender white tummy as his mind focused on Snowstep. Today. Today Rocket had managed to catch a glimpse of the other dinosaur while he was outside training. While Snowstep was the ongoing and undisputed champion of races around the isle, Rocket didn't have such a bad record himself. He always had the quick start- bursting from the line long before everyone else had even heard the whistle. His problem- however, was keeping the lead. If he just had the stamina to hold out, he could probably even match Snowstep...maybe. Never the less, he'd been out training himself. Simple jogging here and there, bouncing about the island while trying to keep himself from taking to many breaks. He has been taking his time around Soda Lake when he stumbled across something very familiar- A pair of silvery shorts and a jet black set of boots- Snowstep's clothing. A strange spike of glee shot though the crimson colored dinosaur and he quickly looked around to spot a naked, jogging yoshi, but no such luck did he have. The only sights he could see where the trees and the rugged, dirt path he was on. The only sounds he could hear was the rushing water of the waterfall that lead to Soda Lake. A waterfall that was fairly close by... Rocket felt an idea skim the top of his brain, and the yoshi quickly bounced from his step, scrambling towards the waterfall...and there he was, standing in all of his bright white, scaled glory, was Snowstep.

The yoshi was nude, standing near the waterfall. He wasn't standing directly underneath it, but under a smaller set of trickles that formed a nice little shower for him. Undoubtedly all that jogging around the island built up a sweaty, musky yoshi and it was rather hot today. A shower made perfect sense, and Rocket was praising any Gods above that were listening for his unbeatable luck. Crouching low, The red yoshi bit his lip and held his breath watching the alabaster dinosaur from the relative safety bushy leaves and plants. He hoped that all the fog from the waterfall would be enough to conceal his red frame. He usually stuck out like a sore thumb, but hopefully, Snowstep wouldn't wonder over as far as he was.

Rocket happened on Snowstep while he was washing his back. The Yoshi was standing with his head leaned upwards, letting the water race down his bubblegum shaped nose, his face, his chest, his back, his tail and his front soaking him completely. He was covered in a nice, shiny sheen of gleaming damp, highlighting his muscles and those powerful legs of his. When he bent over to wash along the underside of his tail, Rocket tasted the regrettable sensation of dirt caressing his tongue. His mouth had dropped open and his tongue had rolled out...Quickly, Rocket wound it up, and ended up holding it in his paws, watching in awe. Soft trickles of clear, perfect water raced down the white Yoshi's back, sliding across his full, large curved rump, and ran ticklishly down the heavenly crevice that split his cheeks. It trickled down, down, down, before finally caressing the hefty orbs underneath, and splashed to the rocks below. Slowly,

Snowstep stroked along his own rump, rubbing his fingers across the cheeks gently, making such he was clean in every possible area- which included slowly grasping his plump behind and spreading the twin mounds gently. If Rocket didn't have a raging erection, threatening to burst from the blue jogging shorts he was wearing, after all this- He certainly did now. He watched helplessly as the other Yoshi ran his paws softly along the tight pink bud nestled between his cheeks, and gently slipped a finger into himself. He opened his mouth to moan, but Rocket couldn't hear anything over the roar of the nearby waterfall- nor was Snowstep's face something he was focusing on at the moment. Rocket stared, eyes fixated as slowly- but firmly, the bright white digit disappeared deep into the Yoshi's bottom, pumping once, then twice, before falling into a steady rhythm of the repeated activity.

Rocket stared in shock, never in his wildest dreams, would he have pictured or imagined Snowstep enjoying that kind of treatment- but he most assuredly was. When the yoshi turned around, Rocket could clearly see his other paw wrapped around a bright white penis. Six inches in length, it bounced and bobbed a few times as Snowstep pawed himself, masturbating with a slow few strokes a second. Rocket wanted to leave. Wanted to pull away from his hiding place and return to his jogging. He wanted to leave snowstep to his privacy...and he didn't move. He knew it would be a foolish mistake and he was paying for it now.

Now at midnight, Rocket couldn't sleep at all. The events of the day plagued his being, springing back into his mind every time the scarlet Yoshi tried to close his eyes. And every time he did, he had to fight the urge to give into his desires and wants, knowing that if he broke- if he finally let himself toy with his own thick, throbbing member- he'd never be able to stop. He didn't want something like that to start. Snowstep would never be interested in him in that way. For all Snowstep cared, they were just racing buddies and friendly rivals. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to focus on something else. The races tomorrow. A midnight snack. Anything.

Snowstep's fingers stroked faster, harder and harder across his own penis, while his other fingers poked and exposed the hidden depths of his naked, wet rump. He leaned back and moaned again, keeping perfect balance under the falls as he caressed himself. Rocket couldn't pull away. Couldn't stop watching this beautiful yoshi in such a private, intimate act of self pleasure. Again and again, Snowstep squeezed himself, giving quiet chirps of pleasure and heated moans of desire, his hips arching and thrusting gently into the warm tunnel of his paw. Rocket watched with an increasing fervor of passion. He refused to reach down and stroke himself; fearing if he started, he'd miss something, or lose the chance to get away before Snowstep was finished. He'd have to take care of his own needs once he returned home, although by this point, the front of his shorts had become completely soaked with his own precum.

The show looked as if it would be over fairly soon, however. Snowsteps fingers trusted harder around his cock, slamming them into his hips while his big balls jiggled and jostled lewdly underneath. He was about to....and he snapped.

Eyes wide, and gaze fixed on the white shaded yoshi, Rocket gasped as his rival fired his load right towards him!! Several bursts of bright white yoshi syrup shot out in fluttering ribbons, disappearing into the falls. For a brief, lustful moment, Rocket wondered how Snowstep would taste. He had no idea on the "taste" of other yoshis, but he knew though experimentation, his own stock tasted like cherries. He wondered if it had something to do with his coloring, or something to do with the fact that cherries were his favorite food. Maybe Snowstep would taste like vanilla....mmmm....

"Oh....Snowstep..."Rocket moaned, his fingers clenching tightly around his penis as he stabbed his member up and down mercilessly with his fingers. He had run home after that, and avoided thinking about it until tonight- when it was to hot to sleep. Gods was he hot. Such a perfect, sexy yoshi...Rocket couldn't stand it anymore. He arched his hips as far as he could and grabbed the sheets under him, giving a hot, happy squeal as his orgasm hit. Several long thick ropes of sweet tasting yoshi essence shot from the tip of his member and splashed down all over the front of his bed. Most of it- to Rocket's fortune, landed on a discarded blanket, which would be easy to clean.

Sighing softly, the images vanished from his mind- at least for the moment, and exhausted, Rocket collapsed on his back. He closed his eyes sadly and gave a gentle whimper. The horrid truth, of course, was that a relationship between him and Snowstep could never exist in the real world. It was something that could only be in Rocket's mind.

They could only be together in his the dead of night.

They were Midnight Lovers.

And that's all they would ever be.

The End

>.< Still, not, enough, Yoshi stories!! >.<
