
Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#7 of Beyond The Horizon

A big thanks to Dasher for being truly amazing as always. I'm happy to present the newest chapter. As always comments and constructive criticisms are always welcomed! Also this does have some gay stuff in it, you have been warned.

Ron sighed as he slowly walked along hallway after hallway, on his way to Sabastian's hospital room. He had agreed to go and talk to him, although he had no idea what he was going to say. All three of his friends seemed to feel it was the right thing to do. He had watched the security video and Dasher was right, Sabastion had every opportunity to shoot but the gun was never intended for the Cheetah. Ron took a deep breath as he stood outside Sabastian's room. There were no guards present, as Bane had told security to stand down and return to their duties. Access to this entire floor was restricted, because of this one patient, just as it would have been if he, Ron, Seamus or Dasher were the patient.

Pushing the door open, he stepped inside to confront his future or lack of one. There was a nurse checking Sabastion's pulse and pulling back an injector from the fox's arm. Bane had sent word that Ron was coming and had the nurse on duty administer something to wake the fox up. Sabastian groaned as he opened his eyes. The nurse nodded to Ron and said, "he will be fully conscious in a couple of minutes. The call button will bring any help you may need, if you wish it. My instructions are to leave you alone, so you will excuse me please?" The nurse stepped out of the door, closing it firmly behind herself. Ron took a seat at the side of the bed and waited.

Sabastion's head rocked on his pillow, as if he was trying to resist waking up. He blinked a few times as he tried to bring the world into focus. He wasn't in his room but was in bed and the smell told him he was in a hospital room. As he looked around, his eyes locked onto the last person he wanted to see. Ron sat silently, staring at him. The fox whimpered as he tried to scoot away from Ron and muttered, "Why couldn't that damned cheetah have just let me die? Now you're here and I have to be tormented by knowing it is your paw that will end my life... *sob* Even Dasher's battle claws would be better than that!"

Ron eyed the fox, fear showing in everything from his face to how he tried curling up on the bed. Ron took a deep breath and asked tonelessly, "Was any of it real?" Sabastian quietly answered, "Yes, most of it was real. It started out as an assignment but the more I got to know you... I couldn't help falling in love with you. I know you don't believe that, you have no reason to. I never really knew what love was, before I met you." Ron sat and watched the fox as he asked, "What all did you tell the Rex about me?" Sabastian sighed softly and answered, "Just general stuff mostly. I can't say that I've even given them anything classified. Most of what they wanted from me was to learn about you, personally. Where you were, your emotional state, your health, if you were working or distracted. It seemed strange to me but one doesn't question the Rex."

Ron raised an eyebrow and said, "You certainly seem to have questioned them." Sabastian looked down sadly and said, "I know you believe the worst about me now but there is one truth left in my life and it's that I love you with everything I have. The more I loved you the more I questioned them. The attack on your life was the last straw. I had no idea they would try and kill you Ron I swear. They told us they were peaceful and worked to change things peacefully." By this time, tears were running down the fox's face.

Sabastian sobbed quietly as he stared down at the bed he was in as Ron studied him. He considered Dasher's words that Sabastian loved him and that he should listen carefully to what he said. Ron sighed and rose from his seat. Getting into bed with Sabastian, Ron told him "You want to know what Dasher told me after you were brought here?" Sabastian looked up thru teary eyes and shook his head. "Dasher told me that considering your indoctrination and training, you refused to harm any of us. If anyone had the access to us and could have assassinated us many times over, you are that one. Anyway, everyone agreed that although you've done wrong, you're family. As such, we stick together though thick and thin."

Sabastian started crying harder and got out brokenly, "B..but why? I don't deserve to live!.. I d-don't deserve anything like you!"

Ron held the fox, his mate, in his arms. It felt so natural... so right! It was then that could now see what the others had tried telling him. Before him wasn't an enemy, just a person. Ron sighed as a tension he had been holding inside, released and he relaxed. Ron tucked his muzzle alongside his mate's head and said softly, "Well I think that you are everything I deserve. Sabastian you're my mate and I love you. Somehow, we will get through this together... Now, if you think you are ready, we can get out of here and go home." Sabastian tucked his head under Ron's and said thru his tears, "If I live for another century....I don't think I will ever feel like this again. I love you so much, I'm sure I never knew what real love was before you." Ron smiled and hugged his foxy mate. He planted a kiss on top of his head and said, "Because I love you, your problems are my problems. You're mixed up in something difficult and I want you to tell me everything! No more secrets and remember, you're my mate first!" Sabastian gave a quiet murrr of happiness and said, "Why don't we get out of here? I suddenly feel the need for some privacy...". Sabastion changed back into his clothes from his hospital gown and the pair walked arm in arm to their apartment.

Bane, Seamus and Dasher were waiting in the apartment. It was agreed they would wait there to find out what the result of Ron talking with Sabastion. Bane sipped on some whiskey that Ron kept hidden for him. All looked up as the door opened and the two walked into the living room. Sabastian looked surprised to see them all there, whimpered and hid behind Ron. Ron chuckled as he said, "Hun, they won't hurt you! You're part of our family." Sabastian peeked out around Ron, his tail twitching nervously.

Dasher grinned and teased, "Looks like Ron told him about the all night makeup sex session. So, who's first?" The cheetah laughed at the look on Sabastion's face at hearing that and continued, "Sabastian, I told you if you would come clean with me I would help you. You did and I have. Granted at the time you had a gun pointed at me but no worries, you have been forgiven."

The fox looked at Dasher, then rushed to him and wrapped his arm's around the cheetah, and hugging him tightly. Ron smiled as Sabastian began to apologize repeatedly for trying to kill him. Dasher patted the fox's back and sat the fox down. He said gently, "Hun, you are Ron's mate and as such, are a part of our family. The fact that you have re-examined your entire belief system and everything you were taught, speaks volumes about your integrity."

Tears threatened to begin falling from the fox's eyes as he looked over those gathered around him. How could he have been so wrong about them? He began to get angry too. The Rex had used him! They had almost made him help sabotage these remarkable beings and the civilization they were trying to create!

Ron sat beside him and said, "Honey, why don't you tell us about how you got involved in all this? We need to know as much as we can about the ones who set you to do this." His mate sighed softly and began, "I was born on a planet in the fox empire. As a kit, we were all very poor. From an early age, my mother would pass me around to different males she would bring home. I learned how to perform sexual favors for money. I was young and had no say in things. I don't blame her for what she did, we were all starving and it kept food in our belly's. It wasn't much of a life but it was a life and I didn't really know anything different. As I grew up, the sex got more frequent and turned from parties to a stream of customers. I hardly had time to just go out and play, always being fucked or made to suck. My mother wouldn't even look me in the eyes anymore. She felt bad about it, I guess. We all needed to eat and I guess she just did what she had to do. I pulled in more money than she did and she couldn't give up the money I made. One day a nicely dressed and clean fox gentleman approached her about purchasing me.

They offered a high enough price that she wouldn't say no to. That's the point my life changed..." Bane and Dasher exchanged looks, both knowing how similar that was to Dasher's childhood. Sabastian went on, "The gentle fur who purchased me was a representative of the Rex. They brought me to a big building where I was raised along with my new brothers. I finally had a family and any sex was consensual on both sides. They even brought in doctors and psychologists to help us adjust and grow up healthy and strong. We were raised with their core values, that all forms of government had failed and a new path was needed. They would be the invisible hand that righted the wrongs. Our job was to help them attain those goals.

Then...you came into the picture. You were something they had never considered or been able to prepare for. Emperor Talon became stronger for having allied the Dragon Empire with yours. You brought order to the chaos but not the order they wanted. They placed myself and several others within your government, to observe and report back. They wanted to see what you were like, gain intel on you before deciding how to proceed.

I brought the bug spy device in and would retrieve it, before passing it on to a courier but I swear to you, I had no idea about them getting the plans for the bomb!"

The fox began quietly sobbing again as Ron wrapped his arms around his mate and said, "Sabastian I'm not saying everything is back to normal between us, there's a hell of a lot of work to do before that happens. I'm prepared to do that work so long as you are." Sabastian looked up at Ron and sniffled out, "I...I just don't understand how you could even stand to look at me? I don't deserve this!"

Dasher smiled gently and told him, "I can tell everything you have told us was true. It's a little talent I have and Bane trusts me when I tell him I know. As we have said, you're family. Just because you got yourself mixed up with the wrong crowd, that doesn't mean we throw you away. That's just not how we work." Sabastian nodded as Bane cleared his throat and added, "Sabastian, Ron loves you deeply. He chose you for his mate and we respect that. We have said it many times but I will say it again, you are family! I would die to protect you, just as I would anybody in this room."

The fox still amazed by it all, bowed his head and said, "Th-thank you all. I wanted to tell you all so many times but I thought you would kill me on the spot. I've seen what happens to your enemies. Some of those images are burned into my mind." He shuddered as Bane looked grim and said, "I've had to do some bad things but never by my own choice. I will however, hunt the Rex down to the ends of the galaxy and make them pay for what they have done. My rage is reserved for them."

Sabastian nodded, "I want to help. However, I've told you all I know. The Rex limits the knowledge of its operatives so if one is captured the whole may survive." Bane nodded, "you have already told us more than you realize. Now that we know who they are we have a place to start. You do understand what we have to do now right?"

Sabatian nodded, "I understand your going to put me in jail to stand trial for what I've done." Bane blinked and disavowed that with, "No... we are going to have to dismantle the Rex. You really have to let the whole punishing you thing go." Ron grinned and teased, "I don't know... I can think of a few punishments he might enjoy!" Sabastian blushed brightly but told them, "I don't know how I was so wrong about all of you even after knowing you as long as I have." Seamus rubbed his back as he said, "Hun, you were brain washed. You were raised to have their beliefs and only their beliefs. They targeted you because of what you went through as a cub."

Sabbatian Looked down in shame as he said, "I'm deeply sorry for what I have done to all of you." Ron chuckled, "Dear, you haven't done anything to us. They wanted a psychological profile on us and you provided it. Had it not been you then it would have been someone else. Personally, I'm grateful it was you. We might never have met! Look at how much you have done for me...for us." The fox admitted, "I didn't expect to love you. I didn't at first but there was just something about you... I tried to resist it, I was trained to. Despite that, I finally gave in and I'm so glad I did." Ron held Sabastian as the others left. Time was now needed for the two to heal.

Ron smiled at his foxy mate as the others left, Sebastian held Ron and sobbed softly into his foxy lover's chest. Ron held him tightly, and let him cry. Sabastian dried his eyes and looked up, "Ron thank you." Ron chuckled, "for what?" Sabastian smiled, "you accepted me...even after all this you accepted me." Ron smiled, "let me tell you a story. Years ago when Bane and myself was in training he was approached by a third party. The governmental body at the time was called the Federation. It had its fair share of enemies, and Bane was approached about being a double agent. At the time Bane didn't know who it was that had truly approached him. Instead they masked themselves in good intentions. Made him think they were a governmental body inside the federation who's goal was to identify corruption and eliminate it. Bane was eager to say yes to prove himself. Long story short he began having doubts about the true nature of his new employers and came clean to me. We went to his superiors and came clean together. It took a few years but we got him out of it."

Sabastian sat shocked at what he was hearing, "my point hun is that nobody not even Bane is above being misled. You were in a tough situation at home and someone offered you hope. They raised you, taught you, trained you. They were your family and you trusted them. The fact that you fell in with them doesn't make me hate you. I'm grateful to them for bringing you into my life. Before you, despite Bane's best intentions I always felt like a third wheel. You came along and became my mate making me the happiest fox in the universe. We will get through this together. Like it or not we are all your family now. We will be here for you through good and bad."

Sabastian nodded, "I guess I'm just surprised is all. I never doubted your love for me. I pushed you away to protect you. At the time its all I knew to do to protect you." Ron nodded, "I'm surprised that didn't cause you problems with the Rex." Sabastian chuckled, "oh it did! I was ordered to make amends with you and resume my responsibilities or they would find somebody who could. That's when I decided I had to risk trying to gain leverage over Dasher. I had to buy myself time because I knew whoever they sent wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in your head if the Rex told them too."

Ron nodded, "what will you tell them?" Sabastian blinked, "what do you mean." Ron chuckled, "hun just because you came clean to us doesn't mean you can break off relations with the Rex. You are going to have to continue to give them information. Otherwise they will simply have you killed." Sabastian nodded, "your right of course I just hadn't considered it is all. I suppose I will tell them Dasher opened a dialog between us and we have decided to make amends." Ron nodded, "will they buy that?" The fox chuckled, "of course they will. They believe that we were having issues because of your "relationship" with Seamus."

Ron nodded, "on that topic, I am deeply sorry for hurting you with Seamus." Sebastian chuckled, "you have no reason to apologize hun. I knew that your heart was with me. I was alright with you playing with him and them. Love doesn't have to be with only one person. You can love as many as you like so long as I have your heart." Ron nodded, "a very enlightened view." Sabastian nodded, "I learned that by watching you all interact. I didn't always see it that way. However, with time I began to question my old-fashioned views." Ron nodded as he took his foxy lover by the paw and led them to their bedroom. Sabastian blushed as Ron removed his cloths and then his own. They crawled into bed together and Ron wrapped his around his foxy love. They looked into each other's eyes and saw the desire held within. After a deep kiss, Sabastion asked, "So when does this makeup sex session begin?" Ron laughed and said Dasher had been kidding him but Sabastion asked, "What about Dasher? Except for you, he is the one who saved my life. I know how I'm going to repay you but..."

Ron gave a grin and said, "If you are asking if I mind if you jump his bones, then the answer is no. You know my connection with Bane, Seamus and Dasher. If I can have other lovers, you should be able to too. None of them will have my heart in the way that you do."

Sabastion gasped and demanded, "If you don't fuck me now, I will have to try and rape you for it!" Ron gave a growl and his tail raised. He was being called to dominate his lover and he was responding. The scent of aroused fox males was filling the bedroom but neither one paid attention to that.

Ron demanded, "Up!... Up and show me what you want." Sabastion scrambled to his knees, shoulders pressed into the mattress and tail raised and shifted to the side. His tail star winked as he whimpered with need. This was a total giving of himself to his mate, with no reservations. Ron got behind Sabastion, his tip having already made an appearance from his sheath. Already leaking pre, Ron crouched over his mate and teasingly rubbed his cock head around the twitching anus. He growled softly, "You may share pleasure and love with others but they will never have the part of you that I do. Your heart belongs to me!"

With that Ron pressed steadily, sheathing himself to the knot in one motion. Sabastion shouted out, "Oh Yiff!" before locking up as an orgasm ripped it's way out of him. His anus squeezed down around the base of Ron's cock, trapping the expanding knot inside as intended. It squeezed harder with each pulse of cum thru his cock, to splash onto the bed.

Ron grit his teeth, holding on as he gave rapid thrusts into his mate, then pulled back to stimulate the back of his knot. He pounded and ground himself against his mate's furry rear until he too cried out, "Yiff!" and spilled forth into the hot depths. Sabastion squeaked, spasm'd twice and passed out, dragging Ron down with him onto the bed. Ron held on, keeping his cock buried deep as he murred and waited for the next one. 'His mate', sounded so good to him. Ron decided that he had never been happier in his life than he was right then and fell asleep.

Bane drummed his fingers as he sat at his desk. The previous day had been both difficult and joyous. He had alerted Talon that his presence was requested on the capital planet. Due to the nature of what needed to be shared, even secure governmental channels couldn't be trusted. The problem was, they had no idea how deeply the Rex had penetrated the Dragon's government or what they had gained access to. Bane growled to himself, this was NOT something he would allow to stand. Originally a threat only to the Dragon Empire, they had threatened everything he cared about and he would make sure they paid a dear price for it.

The problem was how to proceed. They needed to get agents turned within the Rex organization but the issue was how. While they did employ technology to accomplish their goals, the core of the organization used as little as possible. Because they were using magic, Dasher had insisted that Dragons were involved on some level and this was a huge problem. With all the problems the Dragon Empire had suffered through years earlier, an exact register of dragons was not available nor likely anytime soon. The dragons were the only beings known to possess magical abilities here, with the exception of Dasher, so therefore on some level they were involved.

A knock at the door shook the wolf from his thoughts. Granting permission to enter, Bane looked up to see Talon walking in. He smiled, got up and walked over to the Dragon leader and hugged him. Talon smiled and returned the greeting before saying, "It's good to see you too Bane. Though I will admit to being somewhat puzzled by the cryptic message I received asking me to come here. Mind you, if it weren't for Ron's gates, I wouldn't have been here so soon but you made it sound urgent."

Bane nodded as indicated Talon should be seated and walked to his desk. He sent for refreshments and after they were served by his secretary, he pressed the top of a circular device sitting on his desk. Seeing an indicator light come on, he began, "Talon, I've asked you here to talk to you about the espionage that led to the stealing of the plans for that bomb. I now know who's behind it and I need your advice." Talon took a sip of his tea and said, "Alright, I'm always willing to help when I can. What do you need my help with?"

Bane Told him, "There is an organization called the Rex. I don't know a lot about them but I do know they have infiltrated multiple levels of my government and I have to suspect yours as well. They have planted spies in my government to gain knowledge of us. They believe all governments have failed and they are the one true path. This has been going on for some time as they have been recruiting children and indoctrinating them to become their agents. The top levels seem to be dragons and that makes this your problem as well. If they are moving against me, they certainly are further along with their plans for your Empire. It is the usual thing, the current governments are bad and they want to replace us with their own rulers."

The dragon frowned and grumbled out, "I should have guessed it was them. Years ago during the civil war that brought me to be leader of the Dragon Empire, I found a member of my inner circle had been betraying me to another contender for the throne. I captured and questioned him extensively as I don't tolerate traitors. He mentioned the Rex wanted another dragon to take the throne and I was in the way. I put him to death and dismissed it as a problem I had dealt with. I assumed they were another sect of dragons seeking a puppet dictator. It's been done often enough in the past. I had no reason to pursue it further as I had larger problems at the time."

Bane growled angrily, "Well now they've stuck their nose in my business and I intend to exterminate every last one of them! With what they have already done, I will show no mercy in eliminating them." With this Bane pounded the desk with his fist. Talon had seen Bane angry before but seldom like this. The dragon tried to interject calm as he chuckled and said, "So you're going to take on a group that detonated an Alpha Bomb and nearly wiped the entire universe out of existence?" Bane snarled, "Yeah, that about sums it up." The dragon laughed and asked, "And how do you know I'm not part of this Rex?"

Bane grinned and returned, "Two reasons. If you were you would have killed me on that ship when I came out of cryo. You had ample opportunity and I would have simply been counted among the lost. Second reason is they oppose you already. Would they want to take down someone on their side?" The dragon agreed, "Indeed but rest assured, I want them wiped out as much as you do. I've long suspected an invisible force at play and it wouldn't surprise me if they were behind the great war. The question is what do you need from me?"

Bane told him, "I need somebody well versed in Magic. Seeing as they use it, then we must as well. Dasher can sense magic but has limited use and knowledge of it, so someone we could have working with us would be a great help. I want to place double agents in their ranks and use similar methods they used to spy on us." Talon nodded and said, "I can think of a few candidates. The issue is finding one we can trust but I have an idea of just the right dragon. I assume Dasher will be working on this from your side?" Bane agreed and Talon got a wicked smile before saying, "Then I know just who I will send. They have already expressed an interest in meeting him so this will work out well for all involved. I suspect Dasher will find it very interesting as well." Talon chuckled at that and Bane noticed the smile but had no idea what it was about so he said, "That's why I decided you needed to be aware of what little we know. The threat is not only to my Empire but involves yours as well. I doubt I would have as good a working relationship with your successor. From this point forward you will need to use excess caution with what you do and say. See Ron on your way out and he will set you up with a secure communications device and a bug blocker for your office. They will only cover normal devices but I figure you have the magic angle covered already as dragons live with magic as a normal part of their lives. I will caution you to only use it sparingly. We don't want to alert them that we have ways of blocking their spying and force them to come up with new means. Until we are ready to spring the trap, the less they know that we know about them will work in our favor."

Talon nodded and said, "That is wise. How did Ron come up with a defense against the bugs so quickly?" Bane chuckled and told Talon, "He views magic as science we don't understand yet. It operates on a set of rules and those rules can be discovered. That and he's taken all this a bit personally with the whole blowing up his ship business. Now I must insist this goes no further but you know Ron's mate Sabastion?" Talon nodded and said, "Of course. I saw little of him while you were 'dead' and Ron was consoling Seamus but we did meet." Bane grew serious and told Talon, "He was one of the agents the Rex installed to spy on us."

Talon looked surprised and asked, "What did you do with him? Torture him for information?" Bane laughed and said, "Quite the opposite. We forgave him because he loves Ron and Ron loves him. Sabastian told us everything and we are protecting the information of his defection to our side a deep secret. He is going to tell the Rex what we want them to think, so he has become an asset for our side. If they find that out, he will become a target too and we want to avoid that so keep this information to yourself."

Talon considered what he had been told a moment. He felt good that Bane trusted him this much and in return felt he could trust the wolf more than he already did. Talon nodded and said, "Alright I'll go see Ron when I'm done here. In the mean time, how are you settling in? I am guessing you are discovering the differences between your home and this one. Are there any problems there that I can help you with?"

Bane rubbed his chin and laughed as he answered, "Truth be told, there's not enough difference between here and home to be too discomfited. Out universes seem to be a very close parallel. There really hasn't been much of an adjustment."

Talon looked at the wolf, seeing that he was more comfortable with things than he had been the last time they were together. He was curious and had to ask, "I was wondering... What was the other me like?" Bane chuckled and told Talon, "You were basically the same. We were very close friends and occasionally lovers. Your empire and mine were on a very close basis." Talon was pleased by that but asked, "I wasn't...evil, was I?" Bane laughed and said, "Heavens no, you took exceptional care of your people. You dragged them kicking and screaming into an alliance with my empire. We helped with education, food, shelter, transportation. We modernized your entire empire and tho it hardly needed it, the standard of living rose higher than it had ever been. I suspect that is one of the things that pissed off the Rex. Hard to get an uprising going when the population is happy." Talon relaxed and said, "Pretty much the same as here then." Bane Laughed and teased, "Even with the kicking and screaming?" Talon laughed back, "You have no idea. There are still some who dislike it but nobody can deny the good that's come of it. I'm surprised the Rex haven't made a move against me now that I think on it."

Bane considered that and said, "Likely they are focused on me at the moment. If they can get this empire to fall, then they likely feel they can confront you directly. They feel safer working from your Empire, where I have more limited means of trying to find them. Right now if they confronted you, I would come running with all the force I can bear." Talon said, "That sounds right. Have you considered releasing an announcement that you know of them? It would put them on the defensive and make them nervous. Nervous people make mistakes." Bane answered, "I've thought of that but at the moment I have no idea where to find them. It would only alert them to my intentions." Talon told him, "You're probably right but it would make them take a step back. With the failure of the last attack, another is likely right around the corner and they may not miss this time." Bane nodded, "I've considered that as well." Talon told him, "Let me know what you plan on."

Getting a teasing smile on his face, the dragon asked, "So... we were casual lovers in your universe, hmm? Can't help being curious but how was I in bed?" Bane actually blushed and choked on the coffee he was sipping. As he wiped off his muzzle, Talon laughed loudly and enjoyed Bane's discomfiture. It was so easy to fluster furry beings! Bane answered the question, tho Talon hadn't expected one with, "Seamus could tell whenever we did it. He would complain because his knot would have a hard time locking into me after you had had me." Talon's laughter could be heard thru the soundproofed doors by Bane's secretary...

Ron chuckled as Sabastian brought him a cup of coffee. He had insisted upon going to Ron's office with him today. Since their makeup, the fox hadn't let Ron out of his sight. It was a welcome change of pace. Being fawned on also did wonders for Ron's ego. Seamus had arranged for a few day's off for Sabastian for "personal time." He had tried to insist Ron take time as well but Ron had promptly refused. There was just too much to do, a fact Sebastian agreed with. Now that he had switched sides, Sabastion was willing to do anything to help his mate and the friends who had shown his mercy and acceptance. The fox was seated in Ron's lap as Ron sipped his coffee and looked over reports. The new information sorting program Bane had ordered installed for his was proving a god send. He did check on what it did not send thru to him and had to agree the program was doing its job. That left him so much more time to do what needed to be done and get some actual thinking done for a change. Looking up, He saw Sabastian just looking at him with a smile. It was like Ron was a rock or movie star and Sabastian was an adoring fan. Ron smiled and held his foxy lover, giving him an affectionate nuzzle and a happy murr. It felt good and he enjoyed the contact, something he had all too little of in his life.

A knock at the door brought both their attentions to something beside each other. Talon entered and chuckled at the sight before him. Ron smiled happily back and said, "Talon! Bane told me you would be by. How the hell are you?" The dragon chuckled as he walked up and took a seat across from the foxy pair. His deep voice resonated in the smaller room as he answered, "I'm quite well, thank you but it seems I may have interrupted your quality time with my arrival. It's nice when you can mix work and pleasure, isn't it?" Sebastian blushed and got out of Ron's lap, taking a position slightly behind and to the right of Ron. Ron chuckled out, "Indeed, it is! Talon, this is my mate Sebastian. Sebastian, this is Talon, the Emperor of the Dragon Empire." The fox bowed humbly and said, "Your majesty!" Talon waved him to rise and said, "There's no need for such formalities in private. I get far too much of it in my day to day life and its refreshing to come here and just be myself."

The fox blushed slightly as he rushed off to get the dragon a cup of coffee as well. Ron smiled as he activated a circular device on his desk, just as Bane had done. Seeing the green indicator light, Ron then said, "So, I'm assuming Bane told you of the situation?" The dragon agreed, "Indeed he did. Quite disturbing but not completely unexpected. Where one seeks order, another will seek destruction in the name of 'order.' Unfortunately, it's the nature way of things." Ron nodded as he retrieved a large case from his one of his desk drawers and told the dragon, "In here you will find a blocker and communicator. The communicator is linked to an identical one Bane has by Quantum Entanglement. The link cannot be hacked or monitored and will only work between the two devices."

Talon looked interested and asked, "Am I supposed to know what Quantum Entanglement is?" Ron chuckled and said, "Not at all, I just wanted you to know how hard they were to make! To crack this, someone would have to be able to change the laws of physics, so I'm sure it is safe for our uses. If we have an enemy with that level of power, we might as well give up now as we would be fighting a god!" The dragon laughed and said, "You whipped this up awful quickly, for something as complicated as you describe." The fox smiled softly and said, "While I would love to take credit for being so quick, I had already been working on this. The original idea was to make a completely secure device to communicate with key leaders during times of crisis. I think this counts as a crisis, so there you are. These devices are hard to make and can only communicate with its partner. Its impractical for large scale communications but is perfect for situations like this."

Talon agreed and asked, "What of the blocker?" Ron smiled and told him, "In truth, it's nothing more than a sound dampener. It creates a field around us and anyone or anything outside it cannot hear a word we say but can still see us. It won't protect from lip readers but if you think you need to, just cover your mouth while talking and that is taken care of too!" Talon admired the fox's ingenuity and commented, "Quite clever." Ron smiled modestly and said, "For now, it's the best I can do until I have a better understanding of the bugs. From what I've observed, they wouldn't risk being at our desks. They would be somewhere out of the way but where they could see and hear us." Talon gratefully told Ron, "At least it's something."

The dragon thanked Sabastian for the coffee and sipped it as the fox went back into the lounge room to allow the two privacy. This counted as a governmental meeting and he felt it improper to intrude. Talon watched him leave and said, "You have quite a sexy mate! You are quite lucky." Ron blushed,and admitted, "I love him with all my heart. He has been a blessing to me!" Talon smiled, happy for Ron but had to admit, "Bane told me what happened. I don't think I would be as forgiving as you were but you all have made your choices and I won't say you were wrong. I hope one day to find a mate of my own. Being alone does weigh on me at times." Ron gave a slight grin as he asked, "Male or female?" Talon laughed at that and told Ron, "For the sake of my empire, it would need to be female so I could produce an heir. Should things work out that way, I would consider taking the right male as a mate too. Depends on who catches my eye." Ron wisely said, "Love knows no gender or species for that matter. It can surprise the staunchest individuals." Talon nodded as he said, "I agree completely with you on that one. I've always said that and frankly, I'm growing tired of doing 'what's expected.' Especially with this new Rex threat breathing down my neck. Time goes on no matter what we are doing and if we don't seize the opportunity when it arises, we regret it ever after."

Ron said, "We don't know that you're a target right now. For all we know, you're safe." The dragon laughed and told the naive fox, "You don't know much about Draconian politics do you?" The fox shook his head as Talon continued, "Every previous Emperor has been killed by his successor with the exception of my predecessor... and it wasn't from a lack of trying. I've already lived longer than most do. If they are after Bane, it's only a matter of time before they make an attempt on me. I'm not under any delusion that it won't happen to me. I just am trying to delay the day that happens as long as I can." Ron was appalled at knowing that but knew how strong instinct was for some species. He thought the true measure of character was in how a person balanced instinct and intelligence but he would never say that to anyone else. He did say, "You know we will do everything we can do stop them, right?" Talon nodded, "I know Ron and I appreciate that but it's just not that simple when it comes to Dragons. Our nature is to be suspicious and devious. We can wait decades before making a move if needed because our lifespans are considerably longer than yours are. In all likelihood, they had been planning the attack on you for as long as they first new of you and your success in Empire building. They chose the time they did because you were viewed to be at your weakest. That's how dragons work."

Ron nodded but told Talon, "I don't see you as devious." Talon smiled and responded, "And I thank you for that compliment. I have tried to rise above my base instincts to do what's right by my people. You all have been kind to the Dragon Empire, so I view you as friends. If you had attempted to harm us, you would have seen a very different side of me. One the Rex will see shortly!"

Ron, aware of the power and implacability of an angered dragon said, "Remind me to never get on your bad side!" The dragon chuckled but looked unhappy as he told Ron, "The sad thing is, I've heard their name before and I didn't act. As a result, we now have this to deal with. Between the magic and the planning involved, I guarantee you Dragons are behind this." Ron said, "The actions of a few do not mean the entire race or culture is bad."

Talon nodded graciously to Ron and said, "When this gets out, that's not how it will be seen. I tried to urge Bane that we get on top of this right away but he has reservations." Ron agreed and answered, "We have talked about it as well. He is eager to get his claws into them but wants to wait until we have more intel on them before making an announcement. He is afraid of getting a few of them and leaving the rest to continue with their schemes."

Talon shook his head, "I think that's a mistake. Every moment we wait, allows them more time in the shadows. The ONLY way to deal with this is an all out war. First a war of misinformation, followed by a swift strike and death for all those involved in this!" Ron objected, "Not all. What you have to understand is we believe they are recruiting cubs at young ages and raising them up with the Rex belief system. The Rex are guilty of so much but not those who were lead astray." Talon sighed but had to admire the honesty of that answer and said, "Any who lay down their arms, surrender and turn from the Rex by swearing a blood oath to us, I will allow to live. The other's will die." Ron sadly had to agree, knowing Talon would be made of iron on this point, "I wish there was another way besides bloodshed."

Talon agreed but said, "Ron, the Rex won't allow another way. Dragons don't think that way. Sure, some may turn but it takes an external force to cause someone to analyze what they've been raised to believe. This is what I meant by long term planning. Getting cubs and raising them takes time but it produces soldiers who would gladly die for the Rex. Completely loyal and totally blind. There are numerous examples in our history of various clans doing the exact same thing. It's never about rescuing a cub, it's about making an unquestioning soldier."

Bane paced back and forth in his office. He had called Ron, Dasher, and Seamus to a meeting to decide on making an announcement. He smiled as his friends filed into his office. They went into the lounge and took their seats as Bane sat in his chair and began, "Thank you all for coming. I need your advice on announcing a war with the Rex to the empire. I spoke with Talon earlier today and he seemed to almost insist I do so. I don't think now is the right time but he disagrees. We had no choice in telling him of the threat but in doing so, I fear he will force our hand."

Dasher spoke up, "Knowing dragons as I do, he has no choice but to do so. His pride will demand he confront this threat head on and as soon as possible. While Talon is a highly advanced being by the normal definition of a dragon, he's still not above some instincts. Remember, he deals with his fellow dragon every day and has remained in power by knowing how to handle them." Bane nodded to that and asked, "What will this cause if we do this? I want to know your opinions." All sat in silence thought until Seamus spoke up, "Well, I would assume it would put the Rex on a defensive stance. They will see that we obviously have more knowledge than they knew we had. They won't know where we got it from and will instantly grow suspicious of all their implanted assets. That will slow them down until they can investigate that."

Ron sat silent but added, "I won't agree to anything that puts my mate in danger." Bane sighed and told Ron, "Like it or not Ron, HE put himself in danger. I think we can spin it to our benefit. What if he carried intel to the Rex, saying our prisoner had given them up? After all, he was a courier and would have had access to all documents he moved."

Dasher agreed, "That would work. It would build trust with Sabastion while casting a shadow of doubt on everyone else. It would save him and threaten the rest. They would then begin to dismantle and replace all current assets with fresh ones. Making them react, would allow us more freedom to identify and intercept potential assets. With the Rex in the shadows right now, they have the upper hand. If we shine a light on them, then we make them scurry for protection like the vermin they are."

Ron nodded and added, "I also gathered Talon believes another attack is imminent. Doing this would delay their plans, how could it not?" Bane thought over what he had been told, seeing how he could adapt to this and said, "As soon as Talon provides the magical adviser I asked for, I want you and Dasher to work with him on surveillance options. I want eyes and ears inside the Rex as soon as feasible. We will try to turn their methods against them." Ron nodded and asked, "Alright, do we know who it will be yet?" Bane shook his head and answered, "No. I told him to be careful because whoever he sends could be a double agent. We must be very cautious from this point forward. I would like us to go ahead and record a message just in case Talon tells us he is going to release one. We will need to have one out along with his to prevent us looking like we are behind the curve."

All agreed and Bane adjourned the meeting. As the group walked out to the main office, Dasher took hold of Bane's arm and held him back. He walked over to the blocker and activated it before saying, "Bane, there's a bug in the outer office. I can sense it!" Bane asked, "Do you think it heard us in the lounge?" Dasher considered it and answered, "Impossible, the door was sealed and the room is soundproof. Even magic must heed certain laws unless it is very powerful." Bane nodded as he turned the blocker off and went out to the office where he took his seat with his friends behind him. He pressed a button and a recorder extended down from the roof and got the group in focus.

Bane put a serious expression on his face and began, "Greetings to the people of the Accendo Empire! I come before you today with grave news. It has been discovered that a new threat and enemy threatens our way of life. They call themselves the Rex and they are behind the recent attack on the Empire's capital planet. Starting now, we are at war. The Rex threaten everything we stand for and I will not allow anyone to threaten those under MY protection. Starting immediately, I am declaring the highest level of Martial Law. All political assemblies will be disbanded until further notice. I know some of you may look down upon this move. Rest assured that as soon as this threat passes I will again restore democracy to this empire. We will immediately begin to question all governmental employees. Those who are loyal have nothing to fear, those who are discovered will pay a heavy price for their betrayal of everything we hold dear! Any military or governmental figure who takes advantage of this martial law to further their own causes or wealth, will likewise be dealt with in the harshest manner possible.

To my citizens, starting now you will see more soldiers on the ground. If you are loyal to the empire you have nothing to fear. You know my record and know this to be true. I will not allow anybody to mistreat my citizens. Now, I will address the Rex directly. You have come to my home and attacked me in the most cowardly way possible. I question your honor, I question your morality and I question your right to live! I am coming for you with all the lethal force I can muster. There is nowhere you can run or hide! Your spies have betrayed you, your beliefs have led your to destruction and your quest for power will now cost you your very lives. You are already dead and I'm just coming to collect the bodies! I have defeated the wolf empire, eliminated the scavenger threat, and now your next even if I have to invade hell itself! The Hell Hound and Demon Cat are on their way so make peace with whatever gods you follow because time is short and nightfall is near."

With that, Bane ended the recording and instructed Ron to have it edited to be ready when it was needed. From this point forward, nobody could be trusted outside the circle of friends. Once again, they were at war but it was the same old story. The lust for power always led to death and destruction. Would anybody ever learn?


Beyond the Horizon: Revelations Bane sighed and pushed himself back from his desk. He rubbed his tired, red eyes and ran his fingers thru his head fur as he sat in his office. While he had indeed agreed to step into his doppelgangers role he hadn't...

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Here is the latest chapter! I apologize for the delay but SF wouldn't let me upload anything until I fixed an email issue. A big thank you to Dasher Cheetah for helping me edit this and being his usual amazing self

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Paradise lost

Bane hummed to himself as he drove home. It had been a very long day at the office, one in many long days at the office as of late. Bane was a business analyst. His job was to analyze companies and offer insight into factors that could affect growth,...

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