One rainy day

Story by P on SoFurry

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Hey guys, I haven't written a story in a loooooong time. If you are too young to be veiwing this, then please dont. All charachters are of consensual age.

One Rainy Day

by P

The sun hid behind a lowering sky full of grey, static clouds. Not a single breath of breeze stirred that afternoon, and all the day's heat seemed trapped between the low sky and the moist, wet ground. The clouds promised rain, but had yet to deliver. Kyle shoved and shoved the antiquated mower around the overgrown yard in diminishing squares. It was a Saturday and the young zebra buck was doing his duty. Too young to get a job at the local mall with its cool fluorescent floors and cavernous shops, the quiet murmur of other anthros in their trendy clothes and iPods and cell phones, the movie theatre, the arcade, the food court and fountains. He was making money the only way he could, in the traditional fashion of mowing lawns. It was a lot of work, but he didn't mind too much. He had taken off his shirt, soggy with sweat, after the first fifteen minutes in this humid, oppressive heat. He liked the feel of his muscles working against each other and against the stubborn grass in the yard. His cloven front hooves gripping the rubberized grips of the mower as he lowered his shoulders and shoved the snarling, bellowing beast down another track. His black-and-white striped hind legs digging into the fresh mulch as he hauled it around another turn. His black, coarse mane clinging to the side of his neck and drooping into his eyes. A single fat drop of rain hit his black muzzle, right between his eyes.

Inside the little yellow house Mrs. Veanna wandered amongst the memories in her parlor, straightening this, dusting that. Here there were some pictures of her husband from during the war, standing with a bunch of buck hares in some field in some foreign country in some long ago ceremony. There a clutch of dried roses and love letters. A small clock on the mantle ticked and ticked, slicing off neat segments of time to fall gently to the floor. She had been young, almost too young when they had married, and he was long gone. She held the picture up in her delicate furred paws, blowing a little dust off the corner and wrinkling her nose a bit. Her ears, which had once attracted the attention of all the other rabbits, were drooping. Her light brown fur was shot through with specks of grey. Her great muscled flanks had lost a little of their bounce and power over the years, and had she gotten a little thicker around the middle? She put the picture down and looked at her figure in the reflection of the window. Yes, a little heavier but she was still a looker. She wrinkled her nose and laughed, embarrassed at the vanity. Her husband was long gone and who would care to mate her now?

Her eyes focus beyond her ghostly image to the poor slaving zebra out in her yard, wrestling with her old gas-powered mower. She was a proud woman, still able to take care of herself, but there were some chores she couldn't do. She sighs, watching the young buck sweltering in the heat. She should get him some iced tea or a Pepsi. Her eyes linger for a bit on this youthful, muscled form and a paw traces, unknowingly, down her throat and chest. He stops pushing the mower, looking a little surprised, and looks up. A moment later a drop of rain spats onto the glass pane. Then another. Then a chorus of raindrops against the window. He's trying to shut off the mower, yanking out the choke and turning the key. But the mower is very old, and the throttle is momentarily stuck. Finally he cuts the power and dashes through the downpour, holding his hooves over his head, making for the side of the house where the overhanging roof offers a little shelter.

The aging bunny padded through her small house and opened up the front door. She shouted the zebra's name into the downpour once, twice. With a series of wet, squishing footsteps the buck rounded the corner from the side of the house and paused, dripping wet, on her front porch.

"Well aren't you a sight," she said, laughing a little bit. "You come in here right now out of the rain."

Kyle trotted past her into the house. "Thank you ma'am" He said. He stood in the foyer of her house, his lower legs caked with wet grass clippings and rivulets of water running down his fur to pool at his hooves. He had left his shirt outside draped over a bush and his black and white striped fur was plastered to his young body. He looked at the ground sheepishly, very aware of the mess he was making in her house.

"There's no need to call me 'ma'am' and no need to stand there looking like a drowned rat, either," she said. "You can call me Katie for starters." She looked over the bedraggled zebra. "And let's get you cleaned up. You must be freezing."

Kyle nodded. "The rain was refreshing for a second but then it got real cold real fast. Thanks for letting me come inside." He looked at the floor, "Sorry about the mess. I'll help you clean it up."

Katie shook her head. "Nonsense. I'll get it. The bathroom's over there...why don't you go and shower and clean yourself up a bit?" She was already opening a closet and pulling out a broom and dustpan. "I don't mind cleaning up; it's all I have to do these days."

"Thanks again ma-I mean Katie." Said the zebra, a little uncomfortable with using the first name of someone older than he was. It felt weird, he reflected as he found the tiny bathroom and began running water for a shower. He'd been brought up to respect his elders, but the rabbit didn't seem to mind the familiarity between them. He thought about it as he stepped out of his soaked-through gym shorts. This was weird, too, him being nude in someone else's house. With a female in the other room. Who wanted to be on a first-name basis.

"Just leave your wet clothes on the sink," Katie called, sounding like she was just on the other side of the bathroom door, "I'll see if I can find you some of my husband's old clothes," Kyle gave a surprised snort and dived into the shower, using the pink opaque shower curtain to hide his nakedness, "O-ok," he shouted over the drumming sound of the water. Hadn't her nose flared and her eyes widened just a little bit as she had sized him up in the hallway? The young zebra shook his mane and stuck his head under the spray of water. He knew that he was young, and ever since he'd passed through puberty it seemed that all of his thoughts were in some way or another about sex. He couldn't help himself. He looked down and even now the warm water running over his white-furred sheath and balls seemed sensual, even inviting...

The bunny was on her hands and knees in the messy foyer, blotting at puddles of grass, mud and water with a damp towel. She gave a soft grunt as she rocked back on her haunches, paws on her thighs, as she surveyed the floor. Good enough. She gathered up the cleaning supplies and got to her feet, eyeing the trail of muddy hoof-prints the young zebra had left on the hardwood. She sighed and began to run a mop along the trail, humming a little song to herself. She hummed her way down the hall, listening to the sound of the rain pounding down outside on the roof as it blended with the sound of water hitting the bathtub and some other noise that brought back memories of her wedding night.

The aging rabbit pauses, mop in paw, outside the bathroom. The door just a tiny bit ajar, faint tendrils of steam creep out into the hallway. The sound of ragged, wet breathing echoes off of tile. A stifled moan. She stands, eyes a little soft and unfocused, brown ears twitching. That young zebra buck is jacking himself off, she thinks, right here in my bathroom. The thought is not an unpleasant one, she finds. She is leaning forward, cleaning supplies bunched up against her chest with one paw. She catches a faint memory of a scent from the zebra buck, her thoughts turning back to when she was young and vital. The sharp tang of his maleness under the clean scent of shampoo and soap. Unable to stop herself, as if in a dream, she peers into the small crack between the door and the frame...

The zebra was poised, leaning forward in the shower. One black cloven hoof-paw splayed against the tile on the side of the shower for balance, the other formed into a loose fist around his engorged member. He lowers his muscled neck a little, eyes half-closed, and grunts under his breath. His hoof runs up and down his large, thick ebony cock, drops of water flicking off the end every time that he reaches the end of a stroke. The bunny watches, somewhat mesmerized, as the young buck pleasures himself in her bathroom. Her eyes roam over his taut chest and down to his striped and flexing ass-muscles. His black drooping tail flags a little and he grunts again, lost in his own pleasure. She feels herself becoming aroused, caught up in the heat of the moment. She's a little surprised to find that her nipples have grown into hard, painful nubs underneath her housedress, and a building warmth between her legs gives rise to thoughts that she never believed she'd have again; of sex in the here an now, of lying beneath that beautiful young buck-zebra as he drove himself into her again and again, of feeling the warmth of a cock inside of her, his breath on her cheeks, his muzzle against her swollen breasts, his strong hooves planted on either side of her pinning her to the bed as he mated and mated and mated her...

"Nnnng," he rasps, his head drooping lower, arching up on his hind hooves as he approaches the explosion, "nnn....gggghhhh...." His hoof is a blur now, his black wrinkled balls bouncing in time with his frantic pumping. A dull roar comes from overhead; even over the sound of the shower she can still hear the thunderstorm. Her free paw has roamed down between her legs, pressing against the warmth there. The lights flicker a little bit and then come back on. The zebra, muscles tense, takes no notice. Between the two of them...the watcher and the watched...their breath is short, their faces screwed up in tight concentration. He explodes, going rigid. She sighs a little, a rush of fire coming up from her belly. Thick ropy shots of semen spurt from the flared head of his cock, instantly washed away by the water. His tail flags once more, his ass flexing as he hunches forward. She lets out a quivering moan underneath her breath, imagining herself impaled on the ebony spike of his maleness. He grunts involuntarily as his cock pulses again, his seed washing away down the drain. She collapses against the wall, eyes far-away as she clutches the now-forgotten cleaning supplies against her racing heart.

The rabbit sat in her parlor, clutching a glass of ice-water in her trembling paws. The storm was lashing the house at full strength now, and the power had gone out a few minutes ago. Grey light struggled weakly through the hazy window, casting a gloom over the tiny parlor. The clock still ticked away on the mantelpiece, seeing as how she had wound it up that morning. Lightning cracked outside, and a roar of thunder came from directly overhead. She jumped, spilling the water a little on the silk kimono she was now wearing.

"Thanks for the clothes," Kyle said from the doorway, causing her to emit a frightened little squeak. The zebra was dressed in faded dusty army fatigues and a white t-shirt, the only things she had been able to find of her husband's that she thought might have fit him.

"The thunder always scares me," she said, brushing a paw at the water-spots on her outfit. "I can't help myself. Here, have a seat." She patted the sofa next to her and he trotted over and sat down, not noticing how her glance flickered oh-so-briefly to his crotch as he went by. She knew what was slumbering there in her late husband's fatigues. She couldn't stop thinking of it.

"I tried calling your parents to come and pick you up," she indicated the black wireless phone on the end table. "I think that the phone lines are down too."

The young zebra smiled, "No problem," he said. "I've got my cell phone..." his hoof slapped the non-existent breast pocket of his shirt. He looked comically surprised for a second. " my shirt pocket." He looked outside "Of my shirt...outside in the rain."

It was too much and the older bunny couldn't help but laugh. The poor young man looked so surprised. At first Kyle tried to look pissed, but Katie's laughter was infectious, and he ended up laughing a little himself. He thought that after he'd taken care of himself in the shower he'd feel more relaxed, but there was something decidedly strange going on here. And not just being-in-a-stranger's-house-in-the-dark strange, there was some aura here that he couldn't put his finger on, some undercurrent of tension here he couldn't quite understand. The woman who'd hired him to mow her lawn was looking at him a little strangely out of the corner of her eye every now and then, and hadn't she changed her clothes or something? He sniffed. The smell of rosewater, very cloying, came off the older rabbit, but underneath that was the smell of female; of pheromones.

"At least you were doing a good job until it began to rain," she giggled, "then you should have seen yourself...soaking wet..." she put down the glass and dabbed her eyes, trying to hold back the laughter, "...trying to stop that lawn mower..."

BOOM! Lightning cleaved the heavens in two, seemingly right over the house. A bright white/purple flash threw everything in the parlor in sharp relief for a microsecond. The thunder came right on it's heels, a huge growling roar that shook the house on its foundations.

"Wow that was huge!" Kyle yelped nervously "Ma'am are you..." he looked down. The bunny was gripping his shirt with her paws, her face scrunched up and buried in his chest. "...ok?" His hoof came around her shoulders. She was quivering with fright. She felt so warm against his young frame, so soft and yielding. Was she crying?

"I guess I'm sorry," she sniffed into his chest. "I haven't had anyone around to comfort or protect me in so long. It was just...instinct I guess." She drew her haunches up, sliding her knee along his thigh as she squeezed tighter against him. "You looked so dashing in my late husband's clothes, I guess you remind me a little of him."

The zebra was a little awed; here was a grown woman telling him that he was her protector, and was pressing herself up against him seeking refuge. The moment had passed, but she wasn't pulling away at all. The smell of pheromones and rosewater was sharper now, dizzying his senses. When she looked up at him, he could see what she wanted in her eyes. " you think..." she breathed.

Her paw un-bunching his t-shirt...sliding lower...toying a little with the fastener on the pants he wore...the soft purr of the zipper opening...

"Here, raise up a little bit," she instructed, tugging the pants lower. She turned and lay her head on his chest, looking down as she worked her paws into the waistband and pushed them away to pool at his hind legs. His mind was racing but his body had already decided what it wanted, and his sheath had already become thick and a little springy. She sat up and unbuttoned her kimono letting it fall open, exposing her slightly sagging but still pert bunny breasts to the young zebra. Kyle's eyes were as big as dinner plates and glued to her bounty as she knelt next to him on the sofa. She began to stroke her paw along his sheath, coaxing his erection from its slumber. "It's been ~long~ since I had a man," she cooed. She wrapped her paws around his hard-on and began to gently urge it forward. "I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," he gurgles, feeling inane. How was that for sexy chatter? Her paws. Fondling his testes. Running over his shaft. She has all of him now, all glorious 10 ebony inches fully erect and poking like an angry spear from his groin. Her breasts, swaying gently as she pumps his erection. Harder. And harder. He groans and lies back on the sofa, cloven hooves flexing and un-flexing on the cushions. Oh god her muzzle. She was licking, licking, sucking on it now. Gobbling up his cock with her eyes squinted shut, her other paw fondling him down there. He grunted and feels himself cum a little into her warm, wet plunging muzzle. "Wait," he gasps, " wait I can't..." He looks down the length of his body and sees her eyes locked on his and knows that she's not going to stop...and it's ok...he's going to cum in her mouth...she wants him too...

"Ohgodohgodohgod...nnnngh!..." his hoof is on the back of her head, forcing his spurting cock down the bunny's throat, "...yes! Oh my god..." He feels himself ejaculating, driving his seed deep down her throat, feels her start to pull away, and forces her head back by instinct. Pumping it into her muzzle until he can't stand it any more.

Finally he remembers to let go and she pulls back, coughing a little bit. She chokes, running a forearm along her spattered muzzle. "You sure had some saved up there, didn't you?" Her paw is still there wrapped around his shaft, and she gives him a little squeeze, causing a pearl of cum to form on the tip of his cock.

"Oh god thank you, Katie" Kyle says. "That was" he waves his hooves in the air, and then shrugs, unsure of how to express himself to her. "I'm sorry; I went a little too quick there."

"Shhh...." She breathes. Her paws are there again, stroking the base of his cock, "I knew you wouldn't last too long the first time around." She moves close and leans against his side, her breasts rubbing against the rough fabric of his shirt. "I've been waiting so long..."

Helplessly, the young zebra feels himself responding again. "I don't know if I can," he moans, his young member twitching in her paws. The bunny says nothing, and the smell of their sex is everywhere in the room. Her paws work harder. It dawns on the young zebra that she's just using him. Or just a part of him, anyway. He's rock hard again, and she's throwing a leg over him, straddling him, her paw between them and working his slick shaft. She hunches down, her face turned away, as she guides his member between her spread legs. His cock-tip bumps against the entrance to her wet nether regions, and he feels him parting her, feels a ring of fire sliding down along his shaft as the bunny impales herself on his maleness. She gasps, trembling, and bites her lower lip. He looks up at her, watching as the silk kimono slides from her shoulders to pool around his thighs. He's fully in her now, her hungry sex taking the full measure of his maleness.

They remain locked like that, for what seems like an eternity, and she takes one of his hooves and kisses it before guiding it gently to her breast. "There..." she breathes, and he begins to knead her with his hand, running his palm over the tip and aureole "...just like that." She's beginning to bounce, just a little, using her powerful hind paws to ride the young zebra on her couch. He groans, squeezing harder and harder as he feels her wet, sopping pussy squeeze his stiff cock. His balls are soon covered with her juices, and she begins a soft, urgent purring. She leans forward, wrapping her paws around the top of his head, and offers a nipple to his ebony muzzle. His long tongue slurps out and runs along her breast, making her moan and buck against him, her fluffy cotton tail twitching.

"Oh god...yesss..." she moans, "You're so big..." His hooves have settled on her ass cheeks, and he's trying to buck forward along with her timing, but it's a clumsy thing. Her breathing, harsh and urgent in his ear, her sex, squeezing and sliding up and down his shaft, the soft tick of the clock underneath the pounding of the rain, over the pounding of her thighs on his....oh god...

Suddenly she's leaning to one side, rolling over. He's so deep inside her now; he has no choice but to roll with her. There's a confusion of throw-pillows and discarded clothing, she winces "Oof." "Sorry." He breathes. Now he's over her, and she's underneath him. Her sex still clutching his cock. He braces his hooves on the back of the sofa, trying to get leverage as she wraps her strong hind paws along the small of his back, her arms clutching his sides.

She looks up at him, her eyes glimmering in the fading rain-washed light. "Fuck me, fuck me you stud." The wantonness, the raw need of it, is enough to galvanize the young zebra again. And fuck her he does, reveling in the animal instinct. His cock slams into her, rocking her back again and again on the sofa. Her arms clutch at his sides, pulling a little painfully at the striped fur there. His balls slap against her puffy cotton tail. She mouths the word yes over and over, whipping her head from side to side as he buries himself to the hilt again and again in her wanting sex. She surges up against him, mewling ~yes~ and ~oh yeah~ and ~fuck me~ like a machine.

This is it, again. Kyle feels it building, and building, deep in his balls. He lowers his muzzle, his tail flagging again, his eyes squeezing shut as he concentrates and gets ever closer to his orgasm. He fucks the bunny on her couch in her parlor, and she fucks him back. His hooves are on her shoulders, and he feels her start to twitch underneath him, gasping wordlessly. Suddenly her paws are on either side of his muzzle, pulling his head down. His eyes fly open, shocked, as she kisses him; her tongue crazy against his mouth. It's enough to send him sailing over the edge.

He bucks against her, pulling his muzzle away and grunting. The rhythmic sounds of their sex get deeper and more liquid as his cock spurts deep inside her pussy, filling the willing bunny with his seed. She tightens up, every muscle, her hind-paws curling a little as she reaches orgasm along with him. "Fill me up..." she moans, "fill me with that hard cock..." Everything is all wet down there, and Kyle can't tell what his wetness is and what's hers. He just keeps going, spurting again and again deep inside her as his tail proudly flags behind him. He whinnies a little bit, the animal in him taking over.

Then it's over. He's looking down on her as she lies back beneath him, eyes at half-mast, still shivering occasionally. He feels himself softening, feels the urgency fading. She's so lonely, he thinks, no-one else in this house but her. Getting old, no-one to talk to or be with. She's reached out the only way she can to someone like him; asking for love and warmth and giving some in return. He felt himself slide out of her with a soft popping noise, followed by the spattering sound as his seed spilled from her spent vagina onto the hardwood floor. She looked up at the zebra above her and gave a half-smile, reaching up a paw and caressing the side of his face. "I guess that's another mess of yours I'll have to clean up."