… and also about his bathroom.

Story by Drake, AKA Frisky_Stallion on SoFurry

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#2 of Getting to know Madrid.


by Drake, AKA Frisky_Stallion.

Saturday September 2nd 2006

First of I would like to thank all the furs out there who took the time to email or contact me on YIM or mIRC. Your kind words of encouragement are definitely the main reason why I wrote a second part to the story.

As I have explained to most of you who disagree tremendously with the rating my story received... in life one makes enemies along the way and they are always out there waiting for a chance to kick you in the nuts when the opportunity arrives. This time they chose to do it in the form of ratings.

Still, I am very glad to see that many furs are still reading it no matter what the score is. And I can't stop thinking that it is all thanks to you, all the readers that are suggesting it to other friends and talking about it. In two words: thank you.

The reason why I wrote these two stories anyway is to entertain fellow furs; and I will continue to do so as long as you take the time to let me know you enjoyed it and want more.

I will like to give special thanks to those close friends that got even madder than me about the reviews and are passing on the word about the story for others to read. Thank you pals, love ya all.

Finally, by now you must be pretty annoyed with this, I would like to apologize in advance for the story you are about to read. 85% of the furs that contacted me agree on the fact that the "best" parts of the story were the flirting, dirty dancing, funny remarks, making out in the night club and the detailed personalities and distinctiveness of the characters in the story. Sadly this new story takes place ONLY inside the husky's apartment, between him and me. Therefore this story won't have a plot (since I already laid it out on the previous one) or new characters and will be much shorter. BUT I do promise all of you that the next one will be much like the first one if not better!

This story holds the same warning than the previous PLUS a new watersports warning. So, if you don't like reading about urine soaked fur and snouts, stop reading right now, or just cover your eyes in the nasty scenes.

Please remember that I am a Spanish speaking fur and that I am giving that extra step to write my stories in the universal language of all furs, English. So cut me some slack when it comes to reviewing it and don't pay that much attention to grammatical and spelling mistakes. I could fix them, but that will only take longer... so, nah!

Many thanks again for the support. Enjoy the story!

"Maybe we should." Were the last words out of my snout before I slid both arms underneath the husky's ass, stealing a squeeze or two at the firm and round buttocks before moving my paw all the way up to his back.

"What are you doing?" - he chuckled, giving me a weird stare from the corner of his eyes.

"I'm taking you for a ride, sexy." - I replied as I knelt on the bed and lifted him off with my arms. He yelped immediately and held on to my arms, not sure what the fuck I was doing. "You better clamp down hard unless you want another big cum stain on your mattress." My suggestion was well taken and I felt his anal ring squeeze-down hard around my semihard member.

Having cummed only a few minutes ago my cock was still overly sensitive and his tailhole was still filled to capacity with my thick, hot semen. Add those two together and you have a mix that no male on earth, or anywhere else for that matter, can resist.

Surely I didn't and ended up releasing a deep grunt of pure ecstasy as I felt his anal walls massaging my spent member.

I am 100% sure that anyone who's ever had sex knows what the hell I am talking about. That overpowering sensation that begins on your cockhead and quickly expands all over you body, sending even the strongest and most masculine stallion into a frenzy of twists, shifts, whines and high pitched yelps. Well, that was exactly what I felt.

Finally, it took some effort, I managed to step out of the bed without withdrawing my horsehood from his tailhole. Just to make sure things weren't going to spill-out I squatted a little and gave a light hump that sent my cock sliding deep into him again.

He smiled wide as he heard the wet sloppy splat that my balls made when they slammed against his cum-dripping asshole.

"First timer?" - I joked in the most sarcastic way I could. I knew this was the first time anyone has ever held him like that just as sure as I knew how much he was loving it.

"Hope it won't be the last, stud." - he replied grabbing hold of my forearms and pulling himself up a bit to press his ass against my sticky crotch and wrap his legs around my waist right under my flicking tail. Once he felt my cock completely buried in him he started rocking his hips a little, snaking his back and stomach to push against my member as I held him laid in mid-air with both arms. "You are hard again, big boy." - he told me with pure lust in his voice and stare as he felt my shaft solid hard inside him once more. Again his tongue was hanging out and he was half-biting it with his front teeth and fangs as he gasped and moaned.

"And I am not the only one, my little mare." - I informed him right after looking down at his whitish crotch to find a very stiff red canine cock sticking out its sheath. "But... sadly... I am... too tired to fuck... you... again... hottie." - I grunted out as he kept working his ass against my cock. I could feel my semen dripping out around my shaft and onto my balls and thighs. My own legs and hips had already betrayed me and before I could notice I found myself half squatted, thrusting my cock in and out of him in time with his own movements.

Don't ask me how I managed to walk into his bathroom without stumbling or letting him fall, but I did. Once in there I pulled him up against my chest and he immediately hugged me tight, locking his lips to mine in a deep kiss. I could feel his hot, wet cock pressing against my abs, his sloppy, warm asshole milking my member and his delicious smooth tongue dancing against mine. If I hadn't just cummed I am sure I would have whined like an inexperienced colt and blasted all the semen out of my balls right there, but I didn't. Instead I pressed him roughly against the wall. Too roughly now that I think about it because I remember I knocked the air out of him for a moment. "Let's go in the shower, bitch." - I told him as I brake off the kiss and gave him a playful spank on the rear.

He nodded and kissed me again while he un-wrapped his legs from around my waist and stood on his tip toes.

"As you wish, sir." Right when he said that he cupped my balls with both paws and gave them a hard sensual tug that made my black pink-spotted cock slap against my chestnut belly and spray a thick jet of precum onto both ours bellies. "I am so glad you equines have such huge balls. I am not falling asleep today until you shoot a big load of your delicious cum right into my maw." - he was saying while we stepped into the shower area. Without as much as a hint he dropped to his knees and started rubbing his face against my balls and the space between them and my asshole while his paws roamed all over my abs, hips and cock.

Since he was so busy teasing me, and I'm not complaining, I took to the task of shutting the glass door and hitting the controls to get the water flowing. At first it came out dead cold, hitting us both at the same time. Richard yelped and took advantage of that moment by shoving his nose against my asshole to howl.

On my behalf my first reaction was to swear, then to tense up every single muscle in my body and snort a complain when the cold water hit me straight on the chest, belly and cock. Then Richard said something which I don't recall because my mind was somewhere else. Somewhere it frightened me a little. The drastic change in temperature had started that familiar tingle in my crotch that all males know very well; the urge to piss, and soon!

"Hey!" - he called out, tilting his head to the side so he could see something else other than my wet dark-chestnut testicles dangling on top of his face. "You ok?"

I nodded and smiled at him, internally I was dying. He shrugged it off and kissed my balls before going back to the task at hand. But not me, I didn't even care what he was doing down there, my mind was busy thinking about what to do with my bladder. This was a subject we haven't even talked about and with good reason. I mean, seriously... pissing on someone that doesn't inform you he has a fetish for watersports ranks in one of the top five spots of what NOT to do in a date with a fur you have just met. I guess the logical thing to do was to excuse myself, step out, take a leak in the toilet, shake off every last drop of piss out of my cock and get back in the shower. Yeah, that would have been the normal thing to do. But then again, what is normal anyway? Honestly, I have no idea what normal is. But I do know I don't have it, I know that much for sure. I quickly recapped the events of the night in my head. He had come on to me. He had begged for me to fuck him. He had even called himself a bitch, my mare, my slut. He wanted, I thought to myself with a wicked grin on my face. This wasn't going to be the first time I had marked someone, and I assure you it wasn't going to be the last either. Out of experience I had learned that few furs like it to be a planned thing and I don't blame them. Sitting around, waiting for someone to piss on you does not sound too appealing to me. But being pissed while making out or cuddling... ah, that is a whole different story. "Fuck it." - I said to myself before I gripped him by the neck and playfully pulled him up onto his feet.

"What's wrong?" - he immediately asked with one of those looks kids have when they know they have fucked up but aren't sure where or about what exactly.

"Nothing is wrong. It felt great, doggy. I just need a little brake." - I explained to him and turned him around so he was facing the shower that by then was already warm and inviting. He pointed his snout to the flow of water and moaned happily as I wrapped my arms around him and cuddled him from behind.

I knew the game I had to play to get him to loosen up and relax; I had played it before many, many times. My goal was to make him feel so submissive and overpowered that being marked by his alpha would make perfect sense to his brain. "Play on." - I told myself inside my head and started massaging his nipples with both paws. Slowly rubbing them in small circles; occasionally pinching and tugging at them. Soon my muzzle met his neck and my tongue darted out to steal a lick at it. As I licked my way up his cheek and further up to his sexy pointy ears I exhaled warm breath over them, making him shiver and moan. Even with the water washing all the precum off his member I could still smell his arousal. Everything was moving according to plan.

One of my paws caressed his way up to his chin and then over to his forehead, tugging it back so his head would come to rest against my chest and his body arched forward, exposing his overly stiff hardon. In the most teasing of ways I moved my other paw from his nipples to his belly, to his hips, to his rump, to his hinds, to his balls and finally, after a couple rubs and touches, to his penis where I wrapped it tightly around his pointy cocktip. A deep grunt-slash-half howl echoed inside the little apartment followed by a very lustful: "Oh... shit..." I smiled to myself, knowing I had him, and deliberately started panting against his ear. Just in case you have never noticed, when you pant against someone who is already worked up it encourages him to let go and don't hide his pleasure. As I expected, it worked like a charm.

"That's it. Come on. Good boy, good husky. Come on, fuck my paw, sexy, fuck it good." - I kept whispering over his ear as his panting and grunting grew louder and louder. I could feel his chest heaving up and down with each deep gasp of air he took, his cock throbbing in time with his beating heart. I grunted from the effort of holding my piss inside; I wasn't going to able to hold much longer. I knew that as soon as I felt my semihard cock tingling inside out. All I needed was one final stroke of brilliance to have him. I placed all my chips behind an ear bite and executed it masterfully. As soon as my lips locked themselves around the husky's right ear he humped hard and growled out in lust, his knot growing into a thick hard bulge of canine red throbbing penis flesh.

"Ugh... ahh...fuck.. pfff... I'm gonna cummmm!" - he moaned, leaning back against me, hugging my neck with one arm while the other hugged around my rump. His hips pushing back against my crotch but also forward into my paw as if he had some sort of internal struggle between cumming and lusting for my cock up his ass again.

"Not... quite... yet." - I hissed around his ear, making him shiver and moan even more. Thank god I have plenty of experience with dogs and I know exactly when they are about to shoot their load. That and having made him cum just a few minutes ago also helped me keeping him on the edge of his climax, of course.

Just when he was about to explode in my paw I eased back on the pawing to the point where I was hardly jerking him anymore, just caressing his painfully throbbing erection. I heard him grunt and complain a little about the torture I was putting him through but I am sure he never expected what happened... no wait... what came to him is more accurate.

I carefully twisted his snout to the side and leaned over his shoulder, pressing my lips to his, quickly sucking his hot canine tongue into my equine snout. It was then when I decided to finally unclamp my bladder and release some of my musky urine. The jet of yellowish piss splashed him right on top of his lower back, since my penis was semihard and pressed between our bodies.

At first he smiled and moaned triumphantly as we kissed. The poor puppy thought I had cummed on him and he looked way too cute for me to burst his bliss bubble. Instead I increased the passion of our kissing and let lose another load of piss as I started jerking him faster and harder. He moaned again, both in pleasure of having his cock stroked and from believing he was just draining my balls out. And then... it hit him.

"¡This isn't cum!" I am soooo sure that is what he thought right there.

He pulled back from the kiss and tried to half turn his body towards me but I held him in place, both by his shoulder and his cock.

"Did you just...?"

"And what if I did?" - I replied, cutting his question in mid sentence just as I cut him a deep serious stare right into his gorgeous blue eyes. His ears lowered some, pinning back against his head, and his gaze went down to my chest. I could see he was confused, he never expected this to happen. Still, his cock was just as rock hard as before. Not giving him a chance to think about it I nuzzled his cheek and started kissing him and nibbling his neck again; one paw caressed his chest and belly up and down while the other pumped his hardon with renewed vigor. He buried his snout against my shoulder and started panting again, shallower and faster this time. "It felt good, didn't it?" - I asked him as I bucked my hips against his rump, letting him feel every inch and vein of my horsecock. He didn't reply, but didn't move away. Playing hard to get, I thought to myself. "You know you liked it, sexy. The feel of my hot piss soaking your fine fur." Just when I said that I squeezed his knot hard and slid my paw all the way up to his precuming cocktip. Finally he nodded and bit my chest as he tried to turn to face me. This time I allowed him and held him close to me, our hips pressed together, our chest parted but not our snouts. He licked my lips and chin and whimpered submissively, eyes closed, ears down, tail between his legs. I slowly pushed him against the wall, so I was the only one that remained under the flowing water. I rubbed his chin and made him look up, my paw never stopping his work on his hard member. "I've already taken your tail. Now is time to mark you as my mare." I could see the struggle in his eyes, but I had done well and he was just way too horny to listen to reason, no matter how loud it shouted inside his head. With a faint smile he looked at me, gripped my nearly fully-hard cock and pressed my thick cockhead against his belly.

"I'm yours, my stallion. Mark me with your scent."

I knew this wasn't going to be easy for him, it was a first timer, so I leaned over and kissed him very tenderly as I released my build up urine onto his body.

He wasn't just a great fuck any longer. He wasn't only someone I could kiss with lust out of horniness. He was now mine. He had agreed to take my scent onto his body and wear it proudly. And that sure earned him the privilege of a tender kiss in which I am sure we both felt a slight hint of love for the first time. Yes my dear reader friend, if done for the right reasons and properly, marking can be such a beautiful and intimate experience.

For anyone who has never been pissed-on let me tell you that it's not much different from being cummed-on. Piss is hot, way hotter than cum, and can feel nearly burning once it hits your skin. And for some, me as well, that is exactly what makes it so inviting. The warmness it brings to your skin as it drips down your body on a good 20-50 seconds non-stop golden shower, something a 3-10 seconds squirty climax can never dream to match.

As he felt my urine splash his body for the first time (before he had no idea it was piss, so it didn't count) he moaned out loud, mouthing the words: fuck, it's so hot. I chuckled as we kept kissing and pressed harder against him, loosening the flow more until a thick stream of dark yellow, strong smelling piss was freely raining over the husky's chest and belly and running down his rock hard member, balls, legs and feet-paws. Of course, during the whole time I kept pumping and squeezing his member until he was on the verge of his climax once more; my hot urine definitely helping to make the pawing way more intense and pleasurable than before. And then, he surprised me.

"Gods... you smell so hot and arousing, stud." - he gasped in between shivers, flaring his nostrils wide to take deep sniffs of my musky scent.

Making a painful effort I cut my piss flow. And let me tell you that that actually took some practice to achieve.

"Why don't you take a closer sniff? Or even a taste?" - I suggested him in the most playful tone I could master, yet he knew I was serious.

This time he didn't need a paw on his head or an order. He willingly dropped down to his knees and placed both paws on my hips. As if second guessing he stared at my hung, drenched balls, thinking. The underside of my black shaft rested against his snout and forehead, his long tongue idly licking the spot where my sheath converged with my member. I heard him breathe deeply, one of those fuck it, here we go, kind of breaths and then he started to rub his nostrils on my shaft length.

"Keep masturbating, sexy. It helps." - I told him as I petted his ears and scurf; his nostrils were now rubbing along the pinkish spot on the top side of my hardon.

When his nose finally reached my semi flared cockhead and took a deep sniff at it his paw was already flying up and down his wet red pointy length.

"It's... weird... but damn... I... I really love how your piss smells." - he confessed stuttering, surprising himself to a level he found frightening.

"It's ok, gorgeous." I bent over and lifted his snout, giving him a loving kiss.

"Can I...?" He said while he stared in awe at my wide cumhole, it had a tiny puddle of yellow fluid inside it.

He didn't even finish the question but I knew what he meant. I nodded, rubbing my forehead against his, and started to pull back when he stopped me by the ears. I chuckled and stared at him. His eyes said it all: don't go, stay with me for this one.

I sat down, kneeling on the floor of the shower with him; neither one of us under the flowing water by then. He placed one paw on my thighs and with the other he held my hardon, aiming it straight up to the ceiling. He smiled at me and pressed his snout to the side of my cockhead and began to sniff and lick it, giving me a squeeze on the thigh that signaled me forward.

As I kept my snout pressed to his furry head I slowly resumed the flow of my bladder. At first my yellowish piss started dribbling out of my cumhole, flowing to the sides of my cockhead and down my shaft and testicles much like a fountain would. At that time Richard held his ground and let the acrid fluid run over his nose tip and lips without making any effort to taste it. In no time my urine was streaming up eight inches into the air and falling right back down on top of my cockhead and also onto his snout. I nuzzled and licked his cheek to encourage him, watching up close how his beautiful white and dark snout began to drench itself in my yellow piss.

"Come on... have a taste. You won't regret it, I promise" - I whispered to him while I cupped a paw full of my urine and started vigorously pawing him off with it.

He turned his head and kissed me without any warning. This time it was him who stuffed his tongue deep down my throat so I could taste my own piss while our tongues danced together. Not that I mind at all! It wasn't the first time I had tasted piss anyway, much less mine. But right after that, he took his revenge and gave ME a first timer.

He turned his head, and therefore my own, sideways and pulled my cockhead right beneath our chins. His aim was impeccable, if that was what he tried for. My piss stream fountained in between our tongues and lips and immediately covered both our snouts in a musky yellow storm. As we made out under a shower of my own piss my cock stood at complete erection. Believe me, for someone into watersports, this was completely hot.

Just as I started forcing myself to hold the stream of steamy horse urine strong I felt his cock jerk hard in my paw. A second later he thrust hard and panted into the kissing. Without a second thought I pulled back caught him by the scurf and pulled his head down towards my flaring cockhead which was still squirting a growing and shrinking stream of piss. This time he didn't hesitate at all. He opened his snout wide and engulfed my entire cockhead and a few more inches of my shaft and began sucking on it and drinking down my piss like there was no tomorrow. He was down to his third loud gulp, just when I was pushing out one of my last noticeable urine squirts, when he reached his climax. I knew this because he started gasping, gagging, grunting and sucking much more harder than before, lusting for every taste of my urine he could get as I felt hot globs of dog cum spurting all over my balls, shaft, crotch, legs and belly. He cummed so much and for so long that I started wondering if he wasn't getting even and pissing all over me.

When his cock finally stopped spewing sperm all over the place and throbbing in my paw I let it go and he finally stopped sucking on my cock which was still rock hard and throbbing.

"I can't believe I just did that." - he said chuckling and blushing, his entire snout soaked in my piss.

"Did what? Shower in my piss... jerk off with my piss... drink down my piss... suck my cock desperately wishing you could have more... of my piss?" It was a cheap shot, I know. A harsh joke, but he took it rather well and only punched me playfully in the shoulder while he laughed out loud.

"Now, what are we going to do about that?" - he added pointing a finger to my stiff horsehood. "You are already flaring up, big boy, aren't ya?" And I was, my cock flare was fully formed and covered with his saliva and my precum.

"I can't help it. You are just too hot." I nudged his chest and sniffed deeply, moaning to myself. "Besides... that smell on you..." I sniffed again. "God! It only makes me wanna fuck you even more."

"Then get on with it. Are you forgetting that I am yours now to do as you please?" He got up to his feet and turned around, placing both paws on the wall to support his body as he pushed his rump out and lifted his tail, his asshole winking seductively at me.

I shifted a little to get my snout in front of his rear without having to get up from the ground.

"Just one thing." - he said when he realized my head was now under the flowing water again. I stared at him, asking him what with my eyes. "Turn off the water. I wanna be able to smell the strong stallion that is going to be pounding me."

Immediately I reached for the controls and turned it off. A task rather difficult if performed while your snout is deeply buried between the ass cheeks of your lover.

With all the making out, pissing and prior fucking I was just too worked up to take it slow. Like any desperate stallion would do if he only had one more night to live, I parted his asshole with both paws, two of my fingers teasing inside it, and roughly forced my thick tongue into it. Richard moaned loudly and pushed harder against my tongue, forcing more of it into his greasy cum-tasting anus. And who wouldn't???? Being rimmed is just f#$ awesome, isn't it?

After a few more minutes of that I finally stood up behind him and pressed my flared cockhead against his drooled up asshole. The fine fur of his hinds and balls was all wet and severely stained. Stained by the near liter of piss I had showered him with but also by the messy cum from our prior fuck that was now freely running out of his lovehole. Taking advantage of this I smeared my cockhead full of this sticky hot mess and slapped it a couple times against his pinkish asshole just to tease him even more.

"Are you ready my mare?" - I asked while I rubbed his back and sides with a kindness and closeness that simply wasn't there the fuck before. Told ya marking is a very intimate demonstration of trust that can immediately change the feelings between two furs. It wasn't love, that's for sure. Don't misread me. But it sure as hell was something we both felt, something beautiful and unique.

"Mate me, Rick." Was his only reply. No lust, no dirty talking. Just the most honest desire his heart felt at that moment.

I smiled and leaned on top of his back, hugging him and stroking his chest as I eased my cock into his warm inviting tailhole. His tail immediately tied a noose around my hips and I started breeding him. My movements were slow and deep, stepping on the tips of my hooves to lift him a little and press my shaft hard against his prostate every time I hilted myself inside him, trying to give him as much pleasure as I could before I was forced to orgasm. I said forced because I really didn't want to, but sometimes instincts can be so much powerful than brains. Such was this case.

"Let me know when you are going to cum." - he told me, calm and steady. He was enjoying this in a very different way compared to the other fuck. He was smiling, eyes shut, tongue darting in and out of his snout as he barely panted and pawed himself.

"It... won't be... much longer, hun." Did I just said hun??? Well, holy fuck, I did! I forced that unpleasant little slip into the back of my mind and concentrated on the sweet piece of ass that was hungrily swallowing my stiff spotted member. "Ugh... husk..." A nice deep snort said what I could not.

In perfect harmony he stepped away as I pulled back. Since I had my eyes closed, trying hard not to blow my load before time, I had no idea what he was doing. But as soon as I felt his hot breath on my cockhead I neighed and nickered like never before (in Spain that is) and blasted a creamy gush of equine sperm so hard my balls hurt. Where had it landed? I had no idea. All I know is that it wasn't on me and many more were on the way. As I felt both his paws milking my cumming member instinct kicked in and I started thrusting like a colt on his first yiff. I could even hear how my cumhole spat wad after wad of my runny cum with each stroke he gave to my throbbing member. When I was finally done cumming and dared open my eyes I found Richard on his knees, chuckling as he looked up at me.

"Good?" - he mouthed, I hardly understood it. The reason: his snout was full, and I DO mean FULL, of my cum. It was like a pond of horse semen in there. I could see him toying my sperm around with his tongue and moving it all over his maw to a point it was actually gross, but also amazing at the same time.

"God! You are nasty!" - I shouted, faking disgust and sticking out my tongue. He was covered from ears to chest with my cum. Thick wads of sticky sperm hung to his fur every here and there, making it seemed like a semen-grenade has just exploded in front of his face... which wasn't too far from reality. The only difference being this grenade went uuuuhhuuhhmmm (horsy neigh) and not boom!

He locked his eyes with mine and slowly swallowed my load, sticking out his tongue once he was done to let a few drops drip down it and onto his legs. "Really now? Well, I'm not the one who pissed all over his lover, am I?"

I shook my head and chuckled at both how he looked and what he had just said. "But you ARE the one who drank it."

"Touché!" - he chuckled and gave my cockhead and balls a serious of deep, passionate kisses.

For the next couple minutes we actually used the shower for what it was invented for, showering. Of course we couldn't help but make out a little more and when I felt I had to go again I only had to whisper the idea to his ear and he gladly got down to his knees again to let me spray him with a few squirts of my cummy urine right on the face and chest. This of course meant another few minutes showering and cleaning but I remember that by 6:4Xsomething a.m. we were finally in each others arm, drifting off to sleep.

A little "special thanks" to Kal. A friend that helped me review my spelling and general grammar before posting the story. Still, the wolf CANT make miracles!

Well. I hope you enjoyed it because this is the last episode of this story, so please let me know what you think. Was it better or worst than the first one? Did it get you off at all or did you lost interest half way into the story? Should I stay away from watersports or try even another kink? ANYTHING!

And oh god! Please... I took a fair amount of time to write this; at least take two minutes lousy to vote and maybe even write a review or a comment.

It is very depressing to see that over 600 people have read your story in 4 days and only 8 actually voted on it.

If you need to reach me my email is [email protected] I will gladly read any type of critic. If you are interested in chatting about this story just add me to your yahoo instant messenger or look me up in mIRC under the nick "Frisky_Stallion" (I usually hang around in the horseyiff and maleyiff channels).