A New Life

Story by Dagon Xander on SoFurry

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(I'm sorry this is so long, hehe It just wasn't long enough to put in two chapters, anyways I hope you all like it! ^_^ )

It's a nice day to be outside. Raganzi Harven thought to himself as he looked out of the window to his office. A realy pity i'm stuck in this stuffy office, maybe i can ask the boss if she'll let me off early. A wistful toothy smile crept onto his grey snout as he thought about taking a long vacation to somewhere tropical, where he could relax and enjoy the sun. That... Would be wonderful.

Quickly his little daydream was cut short as one of the mailroom clerks plopped a large package down on his desk. Turning his head he looked at the young woman holding one of those electronic signing pads out to him. Grimacing he took up the little plastic pen in his clawed hand and scribbled his signature before looking at the woman once more and nodding a thanks.

The delivery lady took the hint and bustled out the door without a word.

Curious as to what lay in the package, Raganzi quickly cut the tape with one smooth motion of the claw on his forefinger and opened the flaps to the box. Inside lay an envelope and a videotape. Confused he pulled the items out of the box and studied them. The large envelope had a message written in smooth intricate letters of black ink:

Raganzi, please read the contents of this envelope immediately upon receiving it, the video may be viewed at your leisure. Quirking a brow Raganzi set the envelope down and placed the tape atop it before picking up the box they were delivered in and searched for a return address. After a few moments of looking he could not find anything that even hinted at where this mysterious package came from.

Finally he shrugged it off and sliding the tape carefully off of the envelope he slowly opened it pulling from it a small stack of papers. Looking them over slowly he boggled from page to page. Each piece of paper were official government documents, records of his life, his citizenship, medical records, everything he knew about himself and his immediate family was in this stack of papers! Raganzi was reeling at everything here when he got to the final page. Written in the same flowing text, as that of the words on the envelope, was a letter.

Dearest Raganzi,

What you hold in your hands are the official documents of your existence.

No copies of this information exist in any database anywhere in the world,

at this time you may discard all of this information and we will restore your files to

thier rightful place and you may go about your life once again.

If you choose to follow the path set before you by fate, please read the rest of this letter,

for it will be your last chance for true freedom.

You have been chosen. Chosen to leave the world you know and embrace a new life.

Upon the day of your birth, your essence was matched to another's.

A life-bond if you will. And before you reject the possibility, look into your past.

Every woman you have been with, you have not felt complete with. Every

time you've thought you were in love, were you merely telling yourself that?

Raganzi started, and placed the letter down in front of him. He'd read the rest in a moment. His brain was a flurry of activity as he thought through the years. The few relationships he'd been in had ended after a short time, and each one he'd been conviced would last. Squinting slightly he blinked and picked up the letter once more and continued reading.

Your life-bonded is a part of you, and in being so, she is the only creature in all

of creation that will make you whole. I implore you now, to look into the bottom of the envelope, inside you will find the contents of your bank account and other valuables stored in your safe deposit box.

Blinking, Raganzi overturned the envelope and out spilled a large stack of money, that being the money from the bank, And a few odds and ends that had been stored in his safe box. Surely enough, all of it was there. Quickly he scooped it all back into the envelope and folded it up and stuck it in his desk drawer before reading the last of the letter.

The videotape, if viewed will send an electronic pulse to us, signalling us to

complete the process of erasing your files from every place that had ever

seen you, Your credit cards will be paid off and canceled, your bank

account will be closed, and all assets aside from the personal belongings

you bring with you, will be donated to a local charity.

I know this is a lot of information to take in, and probably the largest

decision you will ever make. Whether it take five minutes or five years

we hope that you will choose to start a new life with us free of worry

and doubt, and to make life better for yourself, as you've always wanted.

Sincerly yours,


Raganzi set the letter down slowly and sat back in his chair, this was his dream. He'd always thought there was something more out there for him, something that would make his life complete. But, how was he to know this was not some huge hoax being pulled at his expense. Surely they would have just stolen his money from his account if they were out to ruin his life.

His mind raced with questions as he packed everything back into the envelope and placed it and the video in his briefcase. He then slowly made his way out of his office and into the break room to get a quick drink, his brow creased with thought. Many of his co-workers stopped and asked if he was alright, Raganzi just nodded and waved a hand to move them on their way. After a moment Julia, his boss, stepped into the break room with a look of worry upon her feline features her ears straight forward as she focused her attention on him alone.

"Raganzi? Are you feeling alright pal?" Her voiced concern was barely enough to pull him from his thoughts and he looked up to her, his normally vibrant grey eyes were dull and unfocused as he stared deep into her bright yellow-browns. "Raganzi, perhaps it's best you take the rest of the day off, you look like you've been through a train wreck and were the only survivor." With that she placed a caring hand on his arm and smiled to him. "Go on home, we've got everything covered here today."

Nodding, Raganzi placed his cup of water on the counter and slowly moved into his office. Gathering his coat and briefcase he moved through the corridor towards the Elevator that would take him to the parking deck. Passing friends and co-workers on the way, they wished him luck and sent hopes of feeling better in the morning. His mind whirred so loudly, that most of the well-wishers had been drowned out and when he reached the elevator he sighed heavily and entered the already waiting lift and down it went. Reaching the parking deck, Raganzi moved out and to his car. Placing his briefcase on the passenger seat as he climbed into the small car he shook his head slightly and started the engine then slowly pulled out of the parking space and drove off.

A half hour later Raganzi stepped through the doorway to his apartment. Shutting the door behind him and locking it he then moved to the couch and placed his briefcase on the coffee table before him opening it. He must have spent 10 minutes just staring at the tape before picking it up and looking it over and even then he just sat there and stared at the tape in his hands. By the time he snapped out of his thoughtful torpor it was already dark and his stomach felt like it was gnawing on his backbone.Sighing he placed the tape on the table and headed for the kitchen to make a couple sandwiches.

Returning a few minutes later he sat on the couch once more and ate his meal all the time staring at the tape.

What if it's true?

Why have they chosen me?

What if it's all an elaborate hoax?

Why would someone go to that much trouble?

So many questions ran through his head, but those were his prime fight. Like a boxing match between the side of him that knew it was true, and the side of him that was skeptical and wary. Finishing his meal he wiped his muzzle with the napkin from his sandwiches and picked the tape up and looked it over once more before speaking out loud to the air. "Well, if this is a hoax, nothing will come of watching this. And, aside from my friends at work, I've got nothing to lose in this world if it's true." Slowly he took up the Television remote and pressed the on button. Standing he then inserted the tape halfway into the VCR before closing his eyes and pushing it the rest of the way in.

After a moment of black the screen faded in with a view of a beautiful vale. Plants and birds of the likes he'd never seen before and standing in the middle of the picture was the most beautiful grey fox he'd ever seen, clad in a gown of every shade of green imaginable. Her eyes a vibrant lavender that he could make out even though she was standing a few paces away. Leaning forward he took in every aspect of her, the dark grey of the top of her muzzle and face to the light grey to white that went from her chin down to where the fur met gown. Around her neck was a string of black pearls that shined in the sunlight that filtered through the trees above her but that's not what captivated him, it was a feeling that he knew this radiant female, like he's known her all of his life. And then she spoke, like a bell chiming the coming of a new day.

"Hello Raganzi, I see you've decided to choose a new life, away from the hardships of the world as you know it now." She steps forward so that more of her can be seen before she flashes a wondrous smile and turns motioning with an outstretched arm to another wonderful veiw of the vale behind her, lush plant-life everywhere and birdsong in the background. "This is the world you will come to know, this will be your new home. And I... I am Orchid, your life-mate."

Raganzi's jaw dropped open but he quickly shut it with a snap, it was no wonder he thought he knew her, He was a part of her! And she was a part of him! All of this could be no hoax, not with the feelings he was having at the moment. Pushing his thoughts aside he watched the remainder of the short film.

Orchid looked back into the camera, those beautiful silver eyes seemed to be looking right at him, through him as though she were probing his heart and her voice rang out once more, this time soft and inviting. "All of this awaits you my dearest, all of this and me await your arrival." That was all Raganzi needed, even if this was a hoax, he was going to find this woman and find out all he could about her. Picking up the phone he went to dail a number, but found that there was no dial-tone, and then it hit him, he no longer exists, everything that made him Raganzi Harven was no more. All of his debts gone, all of his worries vanished. He couldn't turn back now, but wait, the video wasn't over. Turning he watched the rest of the video, what seemed like directions were being displayed on the T.V. screen, having missed part of it he rewound to the beginning of the diagrams.

They were directions on how to reach a rendezvous point, where he would meet up with an envoy from the vale and be taken in to start his new life. Pulling a pencil and paper from his briefcase he jotted it all down. But after all the directions were done Orchid appeared on the screen once more, her beautiful voice speaking to him. "Raganzi, whatever you do, you musn't tell anyone where you are going. This place is our haven, our land. People would try to turn it into some sort of amusement park or attraction if they found the vale. This is the only thing I will ever demand of you, please, you must destroy all documents that may contain directions on how to get to the vale. Else all that you see here, will be but another part of the world you are in now. I await you, my love, be safe in coming to me."

With that the picture blinked out and Raganzi sat there a smile on his face for a moment before gripping the leather couch, his sharp claws piercing the tough hide. He wanted to howl in delight as he stood and dashed into his room to pack what he could for the trip. He was leaving this rotten hole for good, this was his chance to live his life how he wanted to. Two bags were quickly packed with clothing and other essentials, after a moment he discarded his electric utensils for fear that electricity may be rarely used. From what he saw in the video, this place was not a city.

Setting his bags by the door he stopped and looked about him, making sure he remembered to grab everything he'd need. Then it hit him, he needed to destroy the tape. But how? He shook his head and grabbed the tape out of the VCR and the Envelope with all of his legal documents and packed them in his bags, He'd let the vale-folk destroy it all when he got there. Looking about him once more, he smiled and nodded to himself before opening the door he placed a hand on his pocket to make sure the papers with the directions to the vale were in it. Nodding again he stepped out of his apartment for the last time and locked the door behind him.

With a lively step he moved out of the apartment building and to his car, where he stowed the bags in the trunk and got in starting the car. Then moving out of the complex he stopped and bought some food a drink and a full tank of gas before going out on his trip, the trip that would make his life complete.

Looking at the rough map he'd drawn he made his way down the highway until he reached a turnoff that would take him deep into the forest. The directions said he would stay on this road for some time, Raganzi estimated about an eighteen hour trip in all.

Late into the night Raganzi stopped at a small motel and rented a room for the night. Dead tired, he got to his room and locked the door before placing his bags down and collapsing into the bed, falling asleep quickly.

The next morning Raganzi woke with a start as he heard someone knocking at his door. Calling out, his voice still rough with sleep. "Who is it?? I asked not to be disturbed until Ten AM!" He knew he sounded gruff, but he wanted to sleep.

The light female voice that replied sounded a bit intimidated by his deep rough voice. "Sir, it is Ten, I was told to bring you breakfast and a cup of coffee."

With a growl he lifted his head and looked at the bedside clock. Sure enough it was about two minutes past Ten AM. Grumbling he stood and smoothed out his pants which he slept in, somehow he managed to get his shirt off in the night but was too tired to get to the rest. Moving to the door he looked out the peek hole and sighed tiredly before opening the door and admitting the young tigress with her burden. The platter on her shoulder clattered slightly as she caught sight of his shirtless form, his fur a little trussed from sleep, but the sleek grey fur only hid so much definition, his stomach and chest were a lighter grey than the fur on his back and the corded muscle over his body gave him a streamlined look. By most women's standards he was a good looking man, Good muscle tone, strong set to the jaw. But he was a loner, or used to be at least. So no one paid him much mind. He smirked and helped her with the large platter and thanked her before she scurried off to her other duties. She was cute. He'd have to leave her a good tip.

His breakfast consisted of Eggs, Bacon and a home-made biscuit along with a strong cup of coffee and surprisingly for it's small size, the meal filled him up well and tasted great. He then sat back after finishing the food to relax and finish off his coffee before heading out once more. A brief glance at the clock told him he was going to be late if he did not hurry and setting the mostly empty cup down he rushed about cleaning up after himself.

He took time to clean his teeth and Brush out the rough spots in his fur before dressing completely departing, leaving a generous tip with the cute young maid that visited him earlier that day in a small envelope set atop her cleaning cart outside one of the rooms. Raganzi then took up his bags once more and left the motel without looking back. Once back on the main road to his destination he flipped on the radio and put in a Disc from the flip down shade he kept in the car. No use in getting bored on the way there. He thought as his small car raced down the small highway. Several hours later he pulled his car into a small ramshackle gas station and got a fill up leaving more than enough money to cover the gas and off he went as quickly as he came.

Nearing the end of his trip he fished out the directions and made a turn onto an old dirt road that would take him directly to the rendezvous point. I'll be with you soon Orchid. Was his thought as he brought the car to a stop at the end of the road and the beginning of everything else. Putting everything of importance to him in pockets and bags he shut and locked his car and slung the two rucksacks over his shoulder and leaned against the car waiting. After about 20 minutes Raganzi began to think he had come too late for the guide to take him to the vale, but just as he was about to climb back into his car a tall Wolf stepped into view, not only was the dark wolf tall, but he was very muscular. His fur was charcoal grey and he moved so quietly that he could be on top of you with you being none the wiser until it was too late. His upper body was bare except for a band of silver over his right bicep and a white patch of fur in the middle of his chest in the shape of a down-turned triangle his lower body was covered in cloth trousers and well made boots of hide and cloth.

The large male took a step forward, and forgetting that he was waiting for probably just this person as a guide, Raganzi took one step back. Then everything clicked and Raganzi nodded stepping forward slowly and picking up his packs. The big Wolf spoke then, his voice deep and if he were to shout, Raganzi was sure it would carry over the loudest of noises. "I am Lucius, I hope your trip was pleasant. The vale awaits you Raganzi, please... follow me." With that the wolf turned and stepped into the woods and Raganzi had to hurry to keep up with his long, purposeful stride. "And do not worry about your vehicle, it will be hidden well, noone will be able to track you here." Nodding, Raganzi followed the wolf, watching him carefully and making sure he stepped well around anything that could trip him up.

Reaching a stand of trees the black wolf stopped and Raganzi had to take a step back to keep from running into him and watched in amazement as Lucius' right paw took on a glow, like a light of it's own. Placing his glowing paw to one of the trees a doorway opened before them, from the dim of the thick forest a whole new land opened up before them, Light from nowhere and everywhere filtered about the vale. It was much more beautiful than in the film. Following the wolf into the area Raganzi stopped and looked about him in awe as the doorway between the outside world and this world shut behind him without a sound. The wolf looked over his shoulder and let out a slight sound to catch Raganzi's attention then motioned for him to follow.

All about him was life, everywhere he looked there was a plant or an animal of some sort, and the small path the two were on connected with other paths that undoubtedly led to even more of this wondrous place. In his wildest dreams he could have never thought something like this up, but even with his wandering eyes, Raganzi made sure to stay close behind Lucius. Soon they came to a large clearing, in the center flowed a large fountain and gathered around it, were all types of people, Foxes, Rabbits, Wolves, even a spattering of the different Races of cats, Leopard, Jaguar, Lion... there was such a diversity here that he wondered how they all got along so well. But that was just one of thousand of questions he had that could wait until he was settled.

Then, as though someone had nudged all of them at one time, each face turned towards Raganzi, all eyes intent on him and with a quiet murmur the crowd parted to admit Orchid, his life-bonded, his Mate. At that moment, he could have been in a dumpster covered in garbage for all he cared about what was going on around him, all of his attention was centered on her. She was in a dress that was as white as snow, trimmed in a light pink. The black pearls had been replaced by a broad

multi-tiered necklace of gold and jewels. Beautiful silver-grey mane flowing down her back, the only word he could have used to describe here was Goddess.

He hadn't realized he was holding his breath until he felt Lucius' large paw touch his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin making Lucius take a quick step sideways with a what looked to be a laugh in his eyes. Embarrassed and now breathing heavily Raganzi looked from Lucius to Orchid once more before taking a tentative step forward. Orchid was looking upon him with the same awe he felt as he'd first come into the vale. Was he that much of a sight to her that she would look upon him so? Yet another question to be asked at a later time. Now, Raganzi stepped farther forward as did Orchid, they were standing face to face with each other, and slowly Raganzi raised a paw and lightly touched Orchid's cheek. As digits connected to silken fur Orchid smiled and pressed her cheek into his paw as tears welled in her eyes. As soon as the first tear fell Raganzi took her into his arms and held her to him, letting his love for her wash over her, he was complete, everything in his life was perfect now.

Slowly the embrace broke and they stood there looking into each other's eyes smiling. Raganzi then placed a loving kiss to Orchid's lips and as that too faded he lifted his head to look about him. All eyes were still upon them, but they held a gentle reverence, a happiness for one of their own that had found her match. And when you thought the vale was as peaceful as anything you'd ever seen, the entire crowd burst into cheers for them, Chanting their names, and carrying on like crazies. Raganzi couldn't help but laugh as he looked to Orchid, everything was perfect.

Those lavender eyes looked up to him and he noticed with that look, so much love in her eyes. Such a deep passion that nothing could have taken him away from her. Abruptly the cheering and rejoicing stopped, as an ancient and graying wolf entered the clearing. He walked with the help of a gnarled cane and was soon standing before Both Orchid and Raganzi. Wise eyes looked into Raganzi's first, ages of wisdom rests in those eyes, and this old man was the oldest of them all and the fire Raganzi saw in those eyes spoke of ages yet to come that the old wolf would see. With a tug on Raganzi's arm the old one motioned for the two to kneel. No words needed to be spoken then, for they both knew what the man wanted, but when he spoke, he spoke with a power in his voice that his old body just did not fit.

"Children of my children! Today you lay witness to the union of two souls that have always been one, and today you will witness the holy binding of this one soul in two forms As Raganzi Harven and Orchid Kirisong." With those words the elder produced a long white scarf and a small dagger. Cutting the fabric in half he handed one half to each of them and the dagger to Orchid whom proceeded to slice her palm with it and bind the wound with her half of the scarf then smiling she handed the dagger to Raganzi. Smiling he cut the palm of his hand then bound the cut as well. Orchid then motioned with her paw and he quickly raised his to hers where they clasped and held them out to the elder whom placed his paws cupped over theirs.

A soft warm glow encompassed their hands as the elder smiled to them both before speaking. "If these two are not meant to be together, their wounds will not have healed, nor will have the scarf become whole again. Release your binds now children and show this world that you are and will always be life-bound and soul-mated!"

Standing they released each other and the scarf dangled between them as one piece. Their palms showed red with blood, but there were no cuts or scars to see and with that, a burst of cheers and cries of happiness came from the crowd about them, the others that had not come from within thier homes were hanging out windows and cheering for the newly united pair. The once menacing and serious Lucious walked up and clapped Raganzi on the shoulder his long tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle in a goofy grin as he congratulated them both.

A party was held in their favor, and a banquet that suited every walk of life that inhabited the vale. Music and dancing, drinking and laughing went on throughout the day and long into the night. As the party began to wind down Orchid smiled to Raganzi and leaned against his shoulder closing her eyes, thier paws clasped between them as Raganzi lifted his free hand and ran digits over the top of her muzzle eyes half-lidded. Shifting slightly Orchid raised her head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes and Raganzi smiling placed a free hand on her cheek and kissed her deeply.

After the kiss had faded, Orchid stood slowly and smiled. Raganzi, still in a daze from everything he'd been through in the last couple days stood and followed her thier digits still entwined with each other. A couple of the party-goers smiled and waved to them as they passed, but niether of them paid much heed as Orchid led him deeper into the Vale. Raganzi caught a whiff of the water before he saw it. A steaming hot spring pooled about them as they passed a patch of thick fauna and Raganzi stared in amazement. This place had everything he could have wished for!

Stripping the gown off of her body Orchid waded slowly into the pool of hot water. Raganzi followed suit as he took his time moving into the steaming water, his body not used to bathing in such warm conditions. As soon as Raganzi had dunked his head under though, he was just fine and Orchid moved over to him slowly and wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close, as Raganzi wrapped his arms about her waist. Finding a small ledge under the water Raganzi sat moving Orchid into his lap in the process.

There they sat for minutes staring into each other's eyes sharing the occasional kiss. The hot water relaxed Raganzi's muscles to a point where he felt he would never make it out of the spring if he tried. Orchid smiled up at him once more and she spoke for the first time since he'd arrived, her beautiful voice just as it was over the video, but this time sultry and wanting. "Take me Raganzi, let us seal our bond as only we can."

Raganzi smiled lovingly and ran his paws up her sides and over full breasts of white silken fur cupping them gently and softly kneading them his thumb making slow circles around already erect nipples. A sharp intake of breath was heard from Orchid as he played with her beautiful breasts. Releasing them he reached under the hot water as slender digits probed gently between her thighs until she spread her legs and straddled him, his probing entering her slowly and shallowly before he then wrapped his arms around her and picked her out of the pool and laid her on the soft grass growing around the edge. She giggled as she held on to his arms and laid back smoothly letting him be in control.

Parting her legs Raganzi smiled to her as he moved his head between them his long tongue snaking out as he begins lapping slowly at those sensitive folds, long digits moving to part her lips gently as his coarse tongue played over her hardening nub. She was moaning now, not loudly, but moaning all the same. Soon his fingers moved to tease back the hood of her wet, pink clit and his tongue played gently around it enhancing his stimulation by inserting his finger inside of her slowly. After a little time Raganzi positioned himself between her legs, his organ sliding easily out of it's sheath. Orchid catching sight of it smiled lovingly and placed her hands over her breasts to massage them gently herself.

Slowly, Raganzi inserted the tip of his penis into her dripping hole. A hand slowly guiding it in, Inch by inch. Feeling it inside of her sent Orchid into shivers, her body feeling every bit of passion they both shared. Raganzi was Shaking too for every sensation she felt, he could also feel. Soon his entire organ was sliding easily back and forth within her, Orchid was moaning loudly now and Raganzi was having trouble keeping his moans down as well. The two were locked in an embrace of passion, love and lust and his hands gripped her hips tightly, his rod glistening in her juices pistoned in and out of her. An eternity passed, or what seemed an eternity, filled with every ounce of love they already felt for one another before Raganzi felt Orchids walls contract slightly, she was nearing her climax, Raganzi could feel it. The wave of pleasure that hit next was nothing he'd ever felt before in his life as the muscles inside of her contracted heavily and she shuddered under him. Her walls tightening around his penis sent him over the edge as pleasure and pain mixed as one and thier climax came as it does only in dreams. At the same time thier fluids joined in an enormous orgasm their bodies shuddering together from the immense pleasure.

His long howl of ecstasy was joined by others across the vale. Was their pleasure so intense that their feelings were broadcast across the vale? Or was it just coincidence that others climaxed as well? Shaking off his thoughts he pushed himself slowly into her a couple more times before simply collapsing atop her. He could hear her heart beating against his ear and her breath was as ragged as his own. After a few minutes of laying in each other's arms they rose and dipped back into the hot waters of the pool and bathed each other. A little splashing here and there and quick wrestling bout when they dropped a brush into the water.

As they both stepped out of the pools they found towels and fresh clothing waiting for them. His was from his bags. and he looked at her clothing as she slowly pulled it on. "I'm going to have to ask for some clothing to wear." As he pulled his T-Shirt on and looked at the faded logo of a long gone rock band and chuckled. "I don't think I'll fit in too well wearing garments like this."

Orchid laughed and nodded. "I'll have the seamstress come to measure you in the morning, they'll have a full wardrobe ready for you by the end of the week." She moved to him once fully dressed and wrapped her arms around him as he too wrapped his arms about her. "You see? All of these thoughts about a hoax, and it was all real. I'm sorry if the letter and video seemed too forward... But you see, it's getting harder for our people to leave the vale. Because the world outside swallows them up and never lets them return." A sadness filled her eyes for a moment before she looked back to him. "I'm very glad you decided to come. I don't know what I would do without you Raganzi, I love you."

Raganzi smiled down to her though a bit perplexed as to how she knew he was thinking about this being a hoax but he released that question into the void of the unanswerable and lifted a paw gently smoothing back her wet hair. "I was doubtful at first... But when i saw you on that video... for some reason... I just knew it had to be true." He gently kissed the top of her head and hugged her close. "I am very glad i came too. My life would be just that same boring droll day in and day out without you. I love you Orchid, Forever."

Raganzi kissed Orchid once more before they turned and walked through the dense ferns hiding the bathing pools as the first rays of the sun peeked over the horizon. A new day comes.

And thier final day alone ends as thier lives together begin anew. Forever is a long time, but do soulmates ever lose thier love? Perhaps we will never know, as the mysteries of life unfold around us. But never discount the odd or unexplained. For even in a lie, there is always some hint of truth.