Heralds of War Prologue

Story by PrinceSilvian on SoFurry

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#2 of Fantasy

The first of what I hope will be an exciting read for all of you and worthy tribute to my fur family.

Those fools, those fat, ungrateful fools. The riches of the Valden under them and they lounge about in their palaces and manor estates as the subservient species take power. The once great and powerful Argenese Empire has turned into a decadent monstrosity of debauchery of the highest kind. They are an affront to our ancestors, they've turned their backs on our gods. No, I will not allow this. I will not see what our ancestors fought and died for lost to hedonism and fornication with lesser species. We, the Lost Branch have not forgotten the old ways and we will make things right in the empire one again. Now go! Do as I have told you! Make way for the true Argenese and bring down the hammer of war!