High school through my eyes: Pt. 7

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#7 of His Bright Blue Eyes

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Enjoy!

"Hey there, pup!" A voice called out from the darkness in Marc's mind. "It's time to get up sleepy head. You've been sleeping for 24 hours!"

Marc cracked open his eyes and waited for them to focus. A skunk in a white lab-coat came into view. He had spectacles balancing on his nose and a weird smile on his face.

"Go away..." Marc said rolling over. He yelped as he tried to lie on his side and a shot of pain crept up in his chest. He went back to his original position, being forced to face the skunk again.

"Aha! You see what you did to yourself?!" The skunk screamed. "You might not want to go and pick a fight with a cement wall again any time soon, eh?"

"I need to go home..." Marc said looking at the wall as a tear welled in his eye. "There is only one person I want to see right now and your far from him."

"Who could this "Him" be, huh?" The skunk asked as if he was almost making fun. "I mean your father is dead and everything...?"

"You need to keep you mouth shut about my pops..." Marc said coldly. He sat up and was graced with another knife though the chest. He didn't care. The pain was nothing compared the need he felt to get home and see David. He got up on his foot-paws and tried to wobble to the door. He mustn't have moved when he was sleeping because his legs felt like jelly.

"Young man..." The skunk said in protest. "I must advise against this. You are defiantly not ready to get up yet!"

"I don't care..." Marc said not looking back. "I want to go home. Take me to the hospital there. Fuck this town. I hate it. I never want to be here or see your face again..."

Just as Marc looked back at the skunk he felt like his lungs were in someone's fist. He couldn't breath and fell flat on his face. He laid there with his eyes wide open and slowly lost consciousness again.

"See!" The skunk said raising a paw. He walked over and picked up the crippled pup. "If you didn't get out of bed you wouldn't have that nasty bump on your head. Those were some hurtful things you said..." He laid Marc back in his hospital bed and hooked up his vitals again. He sat down in the chair next to him and watched the heart monitor screen and listening to the beeps.

Beep... Beep... Beep...

Suddenly something made a ringing noise in Marc's pants in the changing room just beside his.

"Interesting!" The skunk said jumping out of his chair. "I wondering who could be calling this puppy at this hour!?" He cackled evilly and went to find the source of the ringing.


David hadn't heard from Marc since he had left. He was getting worried. Very worried. He had called his cell only once, and that was from a pay-phone so he could understand why Marc wouldn't pick up. He didn't want to seem clingy, though. But what if he was in real trouble? Thoughts and scenarios raced through his head, putting him in a chaotic trance.

"No!" David screamed.

"What's wrong?!" David's dad said as he ran from the kitchen to the couch in the living room.

"Nothing!" David said putting his paws up over his head. "It was nothing!"

"Ok David. What is up with you?" His dad said as he parted David's paws so he could see his face. "You haven't been eating and you're always in your room with the phone. Now what's up?"

"I just haven't been feeling the greatest." David said holding back his tears. He was actually thinking about telling his dad about his "special-ness" and being together Marc but remembered his father's absolute hate towards gays. "I'm going to my room... I'll see you tomorrow."

"But... What about dinner?" David's dad asked.

"I'll have something later." David said shutting his door. He looked into the darkness and dived on his bed, grabbing and squeezing his pillow.

"What is wrong with me?" David said as a tear ran a clear trail down his furry cheek. "I shouldn't feel this shitty. I miss him and all, but something seems wrong. Maybe I should try calling his cell again..."

David clutched the phone in his paw and dialed the all too familiar number quickly. He put the receiver up to his ear and listened to the rings. One after another. Finally a voice picked up.

"Hellooooooo?" It was a creepily happy voice.

"Ummm..." David asked as he checked the small screen on his to make sure the number was correct. "Who is this?"

"Why? This is Dr. Spackle." The voice said on the other side. "I suppose you wanna talk to the pup, eh?

"What pup?" David raised his voice into the phone. "Why do you have Marc's phone! Where is he?!"

"Whoa Whoa Whoa!" Spackle said. "You both have a bit of an anger problem. But yes. He can't come to the phone right now because he is unconscious."

"What happened!? Where is he right now?" David said in a more calm and confused tone. He realized he was getting pretty loud.

"Why... The local hospital of course?" Spackle said like it was nothing.

"Hospital!" David screamed! "What the fuck is he doing in a hospital!"

"Well he cracked three of his ribs on a desk; he broke his ankle and three of his toes." Dr. Spackle said pulling Marc's wallet and rummaging through it.

"... What happened?" David said as his ears and tears started to fall.

"Well his father died yesterday and he didn't take the news so well." Dr. Spackle giggled as he put the wallet back in Marc's pants pocket. "He went ape-shit all over a cement room. It was a close fight surprisingly. But in the end the room won."

"How could this happen..." David said to himself as he wiped away his tears just incase his dad came in. He was being very loud.

"So..." Dr. Spackle said breaking the silence. "Can I take a message or something?"

"When is he coming home...?" David croaked out.

"Weeeeeelll..." Spackle said slyly. "We could fly him out in a couple hours and drop him off in the hospital there."

"Please! Please Dr.!" David pleaded. "Please bring him here!"

"Alright alright alright." The doctor said. "We will get him on the next copter out. He should be at the hospital by midnight tonight."

"Thank you so much!" David said through tears of sorrow and joy. He just heard a click as Spackle shut the flip phone. His tail waged at the thought of seeing Marc again so soon. But then again he was in the hospital which kept his ears cupped to his skull. He picked up the phone again and dialed Tom's number. He put it up to his ear and listened to the rings.

"Come on..." David whispered.

"Hello?" Tom's voice came through the receiver.

"Tom!" David said in relief.

"Hey Dave. What's goin' on?" Tom asked playfully. "Heh now we're even."

"Huh?" David asked.

"You interrupted me and Justin." Tom laughed.

"Oh well you have a lot to catch up too." David said as he forced out a laugh. "Anyway Marc is in trouble."

"How so?" Tom said in a serious tone. "What happened?"

"Well he's in the hospital in his father's town..." David started. "...And his father died, and he's being flown to the hospital here..."

"Whoa!" Tom said reassuringly. "Calm down my friend. He's been through much worse. Just let him fly out here and we'll go with you to visit him. When was he getting in?"

"He's supposed to get in at midnight..." David said looking at his clock. It read 8:30

"Alright," Tom said. "We'll swing by to pick you up and you can stay here if you want."

"Thanks..." David said as he got up and started packing his backpack. "Wait... Whose car are you driving?"

"Justin got his license the other day. He's driving."

"Alright." David said. "I'll be waiting on my front porch."

He heard the same click Spackle gave him and proceeded to tell his dad about him staying at Tom's.


Marc had woken up by now and it was 9:30. He saw Spackle washing his hands at the steel sink in the left corner of the room by the door.

"Ah!" Spackle screamed as he saw Marc awake. "I see the pup has woken up!"

"Can you give me my cell phone?" Marc asked weakly. "It's in my pants pocket..."

"I'm afraid not," Spackle said evilly. "I broke it. For some reason it could hold against me throwing at the floor."

Marc looked down to see a pile of steel on the floor that was once his cell phone.

"Why...?" Marc screamed. "That was my property! And you go and play bouncy-ball with it!?"

"You'd best be quite lad." Spackle said pulling something out of the drawer. "You

wouldn't wanna have me use this would you?" There in the paw of Dr. Spackle was a pitch-black hand-gun.

Marc wanted to scream but he knew if he did Spackle would surely erase his existence.

"Now..." Spackle said with a horrid grin on his face. "Your stupid friends think you're on a chopper on the way there. But I'm afraid I can't let you go just yet. You see. I knew your father. We were kids together, he and I, and I must say..." Spackle said in wicked tone. "...I HATED HIM!"

He aimed the gun right at Marc's forehead. All Marc could do was whimper. His tail was rapped around his leg in fear and his ears were cupped to his head. He shook violently as he waited to see Spackles next move.

"Oh don't be scared, Pup." Spackle said as he withdrew the handgun and stroked it. "You see this thing makes a big pop and someone is surely going to hear it so..." Spackle put the gun back in the drawer. "...We'll just keep him in here. This is just an incentive for you to not do anything... lets say... stupid, eh?" Spackle just grinned and walked out of the room.

Marc was sweating bullets and his fur was now matted. He had to think of a way to contact David or at least someone. Maybe even his mother. And fast. He was stuck in this hospital with a cracked out Doctor and no one knew anything about it. How could he save himself and see David again? Was it hopeless? He sat there and tried to configure a plan.


"Hi, can we see Marc?" David asked the secretary at the front of the local hospital. "He was flown in today from the hospital in the next county?"

"Hmmm.. Let me see." The secretary said in a large booming voice. She was a hippo after all. "...Nope. Nobody has been cleared for flying in for the next month or so."

"Umm..." David said trying to clear his head. "You don't seem to understand... My boyfriend was supposed to be flown in at midnight tonight and it's already 12:30. Now I want you to find where the FUCK he is before I get angry!"

"Look, doll." The hippo said in a calm voice. "I don't know where your boyfriend is and, personally, I don't care."

Tom could feel the heat coming from David as he heard these words. The tiger put a paw on David's shoulder and lead him out the front door.

"We need a phone..." David said as he took a seat on the bed of Justin's truck. Tom pulled out his phone and dialed Marc's number.

"No answer..." Tom said as he got the voicemail instantly.

"Something's wrong..." David said. "I can feel it deep in my gut. "He's in trouble..."

"Well..." Justin said and he put his paw on David's chin. "We're just gonna have to go get him then aren't we?"

"You would do that...?" David said with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Of course we would!" Tom stepped in. "I've been to his dad's place before and I know where the hospital is there. We might as well start the trip now. I can't see any of us getting any sleep tonight with Marc out there. It's about a 16 hour car ride. If you know the shortcuts that is..."

"Hold on Marc..." David said as they loaded up their stuff. "I'm coming..."


Marc couldn't sleep all night. He couldn't even close his eyes. He was still struck with fear from the handgun held up against his forehead. He looked over to the drawer in hopes that he could take the handgun but there was a heavy duty lock on it. He sighed a deeply as he rubbed his temples. How was he going to get through this? He had a broken ankle and a couple broken ribs. He wasn't that mobile but he still had a good leg. He noticed spackle hadn't been back for a couple hours and he couldn't help but wonder what he hated his father for. He never mentioned him. It was very weird and why was Spackle punishing Marc for what his dad did? All he knew was that Spackle was crazy and he needed to find a way to contact David. There was probably a phone close by somewhere, but where was Spackle? He could be waiting right outside. The skunk seemed very unstable. No. He WAS instable and would probably kill him for even trying to escape. Suddenly something occurred to Marc. The nurse calling button! He looked around and found a bright red button that said "Nurse" on it. He reached a pressed it with his index finger. Suddenly a sharp pain went through his arm and into his chest causing his rib injury to burst into flames. The bastard had booby-trapped the button to hit him with a nasty shock. It suddenly made Marc wonder what other traps he had set.

"Ok..." Marc said to himself calmly. "No nurse... Now what? Come on think. There is someway you can get out of here. You've been through worse. Think...!"

Suddenly the door burst open and Spackle walked in.

"There's my little patient!" He said with a look of evil in his eye. He shut the door

behind him and looked at him. "So how are you feeling?"

"Shitty..." Marc said. "Can I make a phone call...?"

"To whom could you possibly wanna talk to, Marcus?" Spackle cackled.

Marc hated hearing his dad's name come from the mouth of the foul skunk.

"My name's not Marcus!" Marc said. "That's my dad's name and its way too grand to be coming out of you your rotten lips!"

"Sounds like someone should watch they're temper before it gets them into a heap of trouble.." Spackle grinned and patted the drawer. He walked up to Marc's bed. He raised his paw and put it into a fist and landed a blow right on Marc's skull, knocking him out cold.

"There... That should shut you up for a couple of hours..." The evil skunk said as he reached in his lab coat pocket. He pulled out 3 or 4 vials an examined them.


About 18 hours later David, Tom, and Marc had pulled into a sketchy looking hospital parking lot. It gave the three of them the creeps when they got out and looked at it. The three of them ran into the self opening door and ran up to the front desk.

"Hi we are here to take out a wolf named Marc." David said in between pants.

"Hmmm..." The Giraffe said typing on the keyboard with her hoofs. "Aha. Marc. He was checked in a couple days ago, yes? He has a damaged ankle and 3 broken ribs, right? I'm sorry but we can't let him out yet. He's in way to bad of condition to even think of letting out."

"Well, can we go see him?" Tom butted in again.

"Visiting hours are over..."The Giraffe said still looking at her screen.

"Please!" David sobbed. "We have been on the road for 18 hours straight just to see him. Can you please make an exception!"

She looked up with her big brown eyes and looked the three furs over. She smiled.

"I think we could make an exception. Just this once, though." The giraffe smiled and gave them the room number. Finally something was going their way.

The three of them hopped on the elevator with butterflies in their stomach. They could wait to see Marc again. He was on floor 12 in room 1256. They stood in the ascending elevator with mixed expressions on their faces. David was holding his tail and started pulling fur out as he watched the floor number go up.

The elevator sopped on the 12th floor and they got out and navigated down the maze of hallways.

After about 7 minutes they finally found the room. They waited outside for a second and opened the door. They saw a skunk leaning over a crippled looking Marc in his hospital bed. The skunk's bloodshot eyes turned toward them as he heard the door open. There was a needle in his right hand and a half-empty vile in the other.

"Can I help you!" The elder skunk screamed.

"Spackle?" David asked as he recognized his voice. "What is that needle for?"

"...Huh?" Marc started to stir. "Who's there? What's going... Oh my head.." Marc put his paw on his tender skull and rubbed it.

"Look what you did!" Spackle said as he raised his paw again and landed another blow to Marc's head. "You woke him up! He was being so cooperative just laying there!"

David barked at the sight of seeing Spackle strike the venerable pup and lunged right at the skunk, knocking him off his feet and making him drop the needle and vial. The skunk screeched as he fell hard on his back. David was growled right in the skunks face as Tom and Justin came and backed him up, both bearing their teeth.

"Is this what you have been doing to him!" David snarled. "I ought to rip your throat out right now."

The skunk just whimpered as he tried to break free. The husky had him pinned hard, though.

"What's going on here!" A bear barged into the room. "What the hell is going on!"

"Get this fag off me, Ted!" Spackle screamed.

"He was trying to inject our friend with this..." Tom grabbed the vial and needle and

handed them to the bear.

The bear inspected the vile and gasped.

"This is poisonous!" the bear looked at Spackle dead in the eye. "What the hell were you thinking, Spackle!"

"This pup needs to die!" Spackle screamed. "His father wronged me and now he must pay the price!" Spackle tried to lunge for Marc but David still held him down.

"Alright son..." The bear placed a paw on David's shoulder. "I can take him from here. He's goin' to jail for attempted murder." The bear grabbed the skunk and hoisted him over his shoulder, despite him kicking a flailing.

The three furs looked at Marc in his crippled state and Tom picked him up. "Let's get him to a real hospital. He really needs help."

Justin called the front desk from the phone just outside and told the Giraffe the whole story. She arranged a chopper to send them from there straight to their hospital. She told Justin they would take care of his truck too.


The chopper landed on the helipad about and hour later and the three furs loaded their friend on and got on themselves.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea..." Tom said as the fear of heights got to him. Justin had to hug him for the whole ride home, which wasn't a problem for him.

"I hope Marc is ok..." David said as he bit his nails.

"He'll be fine!" Both Tom and Justin said.

"Just enjoy the ride home." Justin said as he caressed Tom's head fur. "I mean how often do you get to ride in a helicopter, anyways?


"Oh I missed you David." Marc said as he held his husky with both arms in his hospital bed. He brought him in a deep and passionate kiss.

"Are you sure you wanna risk it here?" David said in between kisses.

"We haven't yiffed in sooooooo long," Marc said as he grabbed David's bulging crotch. "But if you don't want to..."

David undressed right in front of Marc and revealed his throbbing rod, a sight Marc had been wanting to see for a very long time. Marc murred, and motioned for David to come lye down. It didn't take long for Marc to undress because of the handy hospital gown. David hopped on the bed and immediately began to suck on Marc's cock. Marc gripped the bed sheets and tried not to be a loud as he wanted to be. He could feel David's tongue massage the tip of his cock as the warmth of his mouth took care of the rest.

"Oh!" Marc whispered as he felt his knot start to form and become solid.

Suddenly Marc felt his balls tighten as he shot his seed down the throat of his lover. He shot continuously since he had not had "relief" for a couple weeks.

David licked his lips as he motioned for Marc to turn over. Marc knew exactly what David wanted to do and couldn't wait. He rolled over with some difficulty because his ribs hadn't fully healed yet but finally got on all fours. David started to massage his cock with lube from his pants and slicked up Marc's tail-hole.

"Ready?" David said as he kissed his head to Marc's rump.

"Stop talking and spear me!" Marc whispered.

David pushed slowly as his dick slowly entered Marc. Marc had some difficulty but bit

his lip as the pain started to fuse into pleasure. Both of them purred and growled in pleasure as David started to thrust faster. Faster and faster he went as he neared orgasm.

Out of nowhere there was a knock on the door.

"Marc? Are you still awake?" The nurse's voice entered the room.

"Yes?" Marc said trying to sound normal. "What do you want?"

"I was just checking on you," The nurse chuckled. "Do you need anything?"

David thrusted inside Marc again, which caused him to jump.

"NOpe!" Marc looked back at David and gave him an evil look. "I'm fine."

"You're sure?" The nurse asked

"Yes," Marc said as he stroked David's face from behind. "If I need anything I'll press

the nurse button."

There was no answer. David took this as the perfect opportunity to resume his thrusting and both of them got back to their growling.

Finally David couldn't hold it anymore and shot loads off inside Marc's gut. Marc could feel David's warm seed inside him, which gave him a sense of comfort.

He had been through hell and he was finally with David again. He never wanted to go on another vacation again. Not without David at least... Ever again.

Wel that's part 7 for ya. Heh Marc sure has been through alot eh? Not even close. Wait till the next chapter and see what happens to him :P.