Camping with Papaorc

Story by Fredpuppy on SoFurry

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#2 of PapaOrc's pup

Here's the 1st part of The camping adventures of the huge trucker Orc and his pupper. Sorry for all this time gap, I really have barely time for everything, enjoy your reading, hoping you'll like it, feedback is as always appreciated, hope you'll have a very good time immersing yourself into this new chapter and of course a BIG thank you for everyone that faved the very 1st chapter of this series, seriously it means very much to me. Almost forgot: I have bolded every Trucker slang expression that my Trucker Daddy had taught me, i'm sure everyone will be able to get most of these sentences, but if you don't then either search it online or just ask me in the comments.

The following morning Drogg woke up at half past noon, he felt like the God of Orcs he noted, there wasn't anything he loved more than sleeping all Saturday morning after a painfully hard week spent driving his lorry all across the country and then making passionate and fierce love to his young lover Timothy, to which he recently confessed having feelings in return and being emotionally involved in their relationship. How could he not being emotionally involved if Timmy ALWAYS worships him as his own God, making him find a warm welcome home when he finally came back after a long hard day, with the entire house cleaned and a pile of trays of food from his favorite take aways, always concerned about The trucker's day, and always happy to help him erase his stress.

Damn, they also started smoking weed together, he remembers that Friday night he came back home wrecked from all the work he had done all the week and came back home finding out that Timmy had finally learned how to roll up decent hand made cigars with his favorite tobacco and after a long and satisfying dinner he handed his first hand made cigar to his papaorc, Drogg could clearly see the pup had filled the cigar with much more weed than tobacco and just for the heck of it he begun pulling very long puffs from the weed filled cigar while Timmy started sucking him off just like he had taught him, and to the Trucker Orc that was a miracle of pure enchanting bliss. The last time he had hit a blunt was when he was in high school in the Orclands, but right then Drogg remembered, he just couldn't process how much pleasure his pup was giving him.

It was crystalclear that the pup was foundamental to the Orc's happiness and viceversa, not just about the sexual endeavors, but also about all the other aspects in his life. Drogg's last relationship ended when he was 35, fucking death took his beloved Kodiak trucker papabear away from him with a stroke. Drogg had been with that Kodiak bear since he was 17, and he always been the happiest Orc alive when he was around him. Drogg's father loved him very much, he was a soldier in the Orcs' army and was killed as he sacrificed himself for his army's survival. He was indeed a true Hero with a capital H, however Drogg decided to move to the US because there were too many things that remembered him of his father back in the Orclands, and indeed he never regretted such decision.

The almost 20 years of pure passion and unyielding love the Kodiak bear had given him meant the world to him, The Kodiak bear trucker named Kalos had taught him everything he knew of his own job, protecting him from the world's every menace and treating the Orc like he'd treat his own cub, never did Kalos treated him as his slaveboy or his sextoy, he was really kind and funny, but just like Drogg with Timmy, they always knew Kalos possessed and owned his boy in every way possible, he possessed him, he owned him, he was his responsibility to look after.

Timmy always refreshed the Trucker Orc's memories about how great it feels to be possessed, owned by not a Dom or a master, but by a Daddy that looks after you, that loves you, that knows what you like and what you dislike, and that loves plunging his meat deep into his boy as an act of close and intense bonding, how much did Drogg missed calling Kalos his daddy, but that somehow didn't matter anymore, now he felt so much important whenever Timmy called him his 'Papaorc' at anytime causing as a result of such action his meat to happily bounce in the air as a purely involuntary reflex as he knew exactly what kind of happiness his pup was feeling for he was very well aware that he belonged to The Trucker Orc, he was safe as long as Drogg was there to protect him.

Timmy was and always will be HIS, and he could not be shared with others save for particular exceptions. Drogg knew Kalos had to be proud of him for he was putting into practice all the teachings he gave him on how to be dominant and be dominated, like that time that Kalos told him that at each of his Orc boy's birthdays, he would get to fuck the Kodiak bear in any positions he wanted.

Due to a certain reason Drogg dreamt of Kalos very often in the last month, they would have passionate sex in the campsite he used to take him for Summer, in one he even dreamt the pup having a very lucky day worshipping 2 huge truckers daddies, this was basically the very reason why Drogg had suggested them going to that same camp he used to visit with Kalos called 'BIG Bear Lake'.

Drogg stayed in bed with his pup draped over his chest contemplating the unrepeatable beauty of his 1st relationship until 01:47PM, then he'd gently lay the sleeping pup on his pillows and went to cook a colossal lunch taking into account the fact that they had skipped dinner last night because they decided to prioritize passionate and extreme sex over food.

change of perspective

I was gracefully awoken by the delicious smell of Thai food, homeletts, and other delicious grub, as I deeply inhale with my snout, the powerful scent of my Papaorc spreads all over into my brain, regrettably the sheets required to be changed due to the simple fact that they're so soaked in our dried up cums they're not even soft anymore, but I got an instant hardon as soon as I took just a quick whiff.

As soon as I stand to direct my body to the very source of the delicious smell I feel the entirety of my body being happily sore as hell, I had slept until precisely 02:24 in the afternoon as the alarm on the nightstand had revealed, and just remembering the very last moment before I collapsed on my papaorc makes my lungs devoid of air; with some minor difficulties I sneak naked into the kitchen and find a huge naked burly Orc which just removed his apron and was now filling our plates with loads of delicious grub, he certainly didn't see it coming when I hugged him from behind and by hugging I mean that my arms were stretched all the way around his bulk but my paws were very far from each other, resting on his hips.

" Murnin sleepypup, how u feeling after sleeping til 2 in the afternoon ?? "

Papaorc asks he turn around and gives me a few head rubs, my head pressing against his big belly, his meat tickling my chestfur as it happily bounced up and down.

" well yeah I overslept, after last night I think it's kind of normal hehe "

" sure is boy, now sit down we must fill your belleh with all this grub, last night I was so fucking horny that we didn't even ate our dinner together, however I think we got ourselves a quite nice compensation, huh pup ?? "

I blush hard as he gives me a dirty wink and then he fill my plate with both the Thai food from yesterday and some homeletts that he cooked following the step by step recipe I taught him a while ago, then he starts chortling as he knows I remember perfectly when I sucked an huge load from his balls after that he did the very same thing to me, my puppyhood starts leaking on my chair as I devour 2 dishes full of such delicious things that I know are made with love, however Papaorc insists on me finishing a 3rd plate.

" Eat up boy, there's plenty more where it came from, besides you need more gut around your bones, after you finish your grub we can share a beer on the couch, watch some shit on the tellie, then we must gather everything we need for our first camping trip, don't worry I'll make sure to bring extra stock of lube "

He gives me yet another dirty wink which makes me blush even more as I finish my 3rd portion after the which he puts the last small homelett in his plate around his index finger and handfeeds that to me, in his dark green eyes his usual primal hunger as I lick his finger clean earning an ever so satisfying 'good pup' in return which made ma tail happily swingling in the air, and although it was my turn to do the dishes he just sends me on the couch, where he joined me a few minutes later with a beer in his hand. Still naked, we watch some episodes of Simpsons and then some wrestling competitions, his favorite while I lay on his side as he occasionally played with my nubs, pinching them earning myself some of his beer from the can.

At about 04:40 we were already on our way after packing up some huge bags with some canned grub, beers, cigars, a lot of lube, an inflatable rubber dinghy that it was so Mastodontic it took an entire bag, a professional pump to inflate it, and of course his precious camping set consisting of a Mastodontic sized tent which he treasured ever so much for a reason still unknown to me, we were driving in his country styled pick up truck towards the grocery to buy even more canned goods but especially marshmallows, and then we arrived at the trucking company where my papaorc works, about 35 mins from home.

" hey what we doin here pops, I thought we goin camp ?? "

" hehe sure pup, but we goin camp with da big rig, c'mon move your nice ass and help me loading all da stuff we're bringing "

" you got it pops, also is this the very 1st time you taking me to your own hauling company ?? And why aren't we going with the old pick up, forgot to refill it ?? "

" Nope, I'll explain why we're leaving with da rig as soon as we leave. And yup, this is the very 1st time I take ma pup to see where I work, and also there are some colleagues that would love to meet you "

" hold on pops, does that mean you actually talk about me with your colleagues ?? "

" why shouldn't I ?? I love making them jealous of my pup, You should've seen them, they became so jealous they even begun looking for cute pups with a butt like yours "

Papaorc says smacking my cheeks with a firm hand making me blush, then I helped carrying all the bags in his truck while he was gone inside for a minute to find his colleagues, he came back after a few minutes as I carried the heaviest bag on his truck.

" No dices, the fuckers already left, we just missed them. Oh and what do I see ?? You already carried all the stuff in all by yourself in such a little time ?? But what a good boy, and you said you didn't need a 3rd portion of grub, keep this up and you'll have nice muscles in no time me boy "

As soon as we are on his truck, and starts the engine he drapes his huge arm around me and then starts revealing his past to me.

" So, perhaps I never told you I used to have A big trucker daddy at your age, right ?? "


My eyes widen in disbelief, I honestly never saw that one coming, papaorc just chuckles a little before resuming his backstory.

" well I'm not a storyteller, so I'll just cut the chase, I was born in the proud Orclands, which intend to visit with you at some point, my father was an Heroic general of our army that died sacrifying himself and allowing the Orcs to ultimately defeat the Minotaurs. Then I just came here, and started applying for a job, I wasn't really searching a place in the army that would have probably made my old Orc proud of myself. So after a while, I applied for a job in a trucker company, but I really didn't know the ropes, besides all those older than me just used me butt as a lifesaver. I was just 17 when he found me, he took me in the back of his truck and really showed it to me. "

I was officially flabbergasted at that point, I had never insisted on asking him about his past, I figured at some point maybe he'd bring it up himself, but jeez, I felt like I could have written a book with just the premises of his past.

" Sorry for interrupting but ARE YOU KIDDING ?? How come you never told me yo Daddy was a freaking general ?? And of course he's proud of you, you didn't join his army as you were supposed to, so what, you are his son and always commit fully to your causes !! And who is 'he' by the way ?? "

" thanks pup, I hope you're right. Anyhoo his name was Kalos, he was even bigger than I'm now, and he was a Kodiak bear that after that he bred me like his cub, he took me with him, taught me everything he ever knew about driving a truck and so on, he changed everything in my life, he made me into the one I'm today.

One of the best memories I keep is that at each of my birthday he'd just let me fuck his bearhole for all times I wished, now don't you get strange ideas about that, oh and of course the camp he always brought me for any Summer, which is the very one I'm taking you, well it's just May but we're still going to have lots of fun me boy.

We've been together until I was 35, then he took on a delivery from CA to NY, that was the hottest summer day ever, the old sod never made it back, he was the only family I had, but sure enough he had a pretty good run, and I know he'd have sure enjoyed having a pupper as a nephew, as you'd have liked it very much having a Kodiak bear grampa "

Papaorc drives with a very thoughtful expression, at first he was smiling but then he sighed as he reminded himself that his Papabear was gone forever as he removes his big arm from me and pretends to be focused on the road.

My heart cracks in half, just imagining my Papaorc never returning home for a fucking heat stroke made my eyes full of tears, additionally, the act of him taking me to the very same camp his Papabear used to take him and the act of him telling me such things hence making himself nude to me the same way I did with him, was undeniable evidence our relationship had leveled up, not that it mattered at least in that very circumstance.

I gently lay on his side and just look up at him, as I don't want to say anything that would make him regret telling me his past. I just rub my paws all over him and bask in the scent of my protector.

" Sir, thanks for telling me this. Both your Dad and your Papabear couldn't be prouder of you, case closed. Also do you think I'll ever make an awesome truck driver like you pops ?? I also want to make you proud like your Daddies "

My soul smile as he chuckles again with his usual throaty laughter sounding like a groan more than everything, then I pass a cigar to him that I kept in my pocket that I rolled using a lot of weed which soon he lights it as I'm pulled right onto his lap, where he just slides one burly hand under my shirt and plays with my nub, making me whine in surprise.

" thanks pup, and now that you know everything about your papaorc, I'd say it's high time for your 1st driving lesson. With just a little patience, more guts around your bones, and some Daddy's help, you're gonna make an awesome junior driver someday no doubt. Now let's get the seat a bit forward, then I want you to put your paws right on the steering wheel, not to worry, I got your back pup "

Papaorc allows me for the 1st time ever to drive his huge ass truck in the open road and also put on my head his yellow trucker hat that I have waited so long to wear no wonder my tail wouldn't just stay put, his huge hands right on my paws, he teaches me the basics, how to turn left and right, and although my feetpaws couldn't even reach the pedals, I did my best in order to make him proud. But my favorite part ever was when he allowed me to speak in the small CB radio right next to the steering wheel:

" Papagator to Paporc, got your ears on ?? "

" Papaorc's pup to Papagator, all's Clean and Green !! "

" ohh so you the one pup whom he won't stop talking about, sorry I couldn't meet ya boi, had to drive me large car ** for a last minute delivery. got myself the **monkey butt , been 2 whole damned days that I drive, and now I'm right in the cradle ** for fuck sake **....

So what's the new ?? "

" nuffin Sir, just been sitting on the saddle , but then Papaorc decided it was time for my very 1st driving lesson, erm i mean, t'was time to turn da Rig into a *School Bus * Sir "

Both truckers were chuckling very loud as, after my correction I put my best effort to convey a very mature and truckish tone to my sentence, to me it was at least cute the fact that I was trying my best.

" Good boi so you're the new seat meat , you certainly got quite the hang of the

Talk Box. So now that u on your way to be become a rig driver, what's your handle ** pupper ?? ** "

" his *handle * is Papaorc's pup, Papagator. So, you just have to *Meet and Turn * for this one, right ?? "

" That's right, just need to reach the AZ border and then I'll just have to Turn-N-Burn , and the rest of da weekend's off, you taking pupper to that camp in St. Helena right, meet you right after the delivery ?? "

" no need to be rash papagator, we meet there tomorrow in the morning, pupper and I gonna take tonight just for ourselves, noffin personal 'f course "

" Got it, you 2 play nice and go easy on da pupper, I wanna show him how scales truckers go at it tomorrow. "

" 10-4 papagator, see ya there !! "

" meet ya there Papagator, and beware the *bear traps *"

After that papaorc puts back the CB radio in its place he puts me back into *the saddle * and treats me with a rough long head rub.

" that was awesome as fuck boi, where did you learn talking trucker so well, although just knowing some random phrases doesn't make you a trucker, but you've certainly got what it takes, Papaorc's pretty proud of you pup, nice going there with papagator by the way "

My tail uncontrollably wags as I hear what my soul truly desired to hear, I then lay my head on Papaorc's leg so that I can stare at his huge massive bulks from down below, his musky essence descending on me from up his armpits. I lay a gentle kiss on his huge belly.

" you mean it Sir ?? Also is papagator big as you ?? "

" papagator is exactly 11 years older than me pup, and he's Kalos best bud, so it might be a shocker to you but he's just slightly bigger than Papaorc, and yes of course I mean it. Now, tell you what, we're almost arrived, besides you're successfully awoken the beast within, go get yourself ready, papaorc is gonna show you how much I meant that "

My tail wags even more as papaorc unbuttons his favorite jeans and a thick veiny beast comes out throbbing in the air, the essence of his musk filling the entire cab, my brain reliving all the memories of such smell making my puppyhood harder and harder..

" see, this is how I have to work everyday because of you. No matter what I tell him, he just won't listen to me and will stay hard the whole damn day "

Papaorc's meat wasn't just rock hard and leaking, it also refused to stay still and to stop leaking his pre all over the place, a sense of undeniable pride spreading throughout my chest as I almost couldn't believe I really made That huge trucker Orc that hard, the sight itself combined with his musky scent making my muzzle watering and my eyes turning into puppy eyes as I couldn't resist as I watch that veiny green meat becoming harder by the second.

" hmph, alright but don't overdo it, I still want to reach the campsite in one piece you know "

Papaorc slides back his seat, allowing me to crouch right before the pedals, how could I not go wild on it, but i certainly couldn't cause any incidents, so I put my snout on the cocktip and begun inhaling and it smelled so damn good, the smell of pure raw manliness spreading throughout my entire brain.

Then I slowly licked the trail of precum that dripped from out his slit, and I gently kissed it making his whole meat happily bounce, Papaorc's groans were slowly increasing as I knew he couldn't take much more before stuffing his whole meat deep into my muzzle. I porpousely kept an excessively slow rhythm just to tease him, my tongue never having enough of his pre, jealousy drinking it into my hungry muzzle. Then papaorc stopped the truck and threw me on the mattress on the back.

" Why u little, like I wouldn't know that you want Papaorc's meat right deep into your gullet, huh boy ?! Trying to tease me going way too slow on my meat, I'll show you "

Papaorc grabs my headfur and gently hits my snout with his cocktip for several times, coating both my muzzle and snout with the essence of manliness.

" I didn't quite hear an answer from my eager pupper "

" mhh yes Papaorc, you're so hot, sorry but I just couldn't resist "

" I know you want to say it pup, I know you always wanted to say it, that your muzzle is made for... "

I incredibly blush as submission is something that always turned me on, submission with a trucker has always been my number 1 erotic fantasy I could ever aspire,

but a trucker ORC ?? That is your Daddy ?? There were just no words that can express, describe my devotion to this massive creature, symbol of manliness that stole my heart and conquered my body in a way ever so pleasing and satisfying for the both of us.

" yo meat "

" uh uh boy, you need to be a REAL man like Papaorc, us real men are not afraid to admit our sexual aspirations as will never be "


I shout as my face is burning red as I openly unleash my most pervert personality, it's not such an unusual thing after hanging out with a lorry driver you fell in love with.

In return Papaorc affectionately rubbed my headfur before chuckling with all his heart and put my blushed face up so that our eyes met, and I found that satisfied expression mixed with his primal expression of hunger.

" none of that pup, I thought Papaorc told you not to be shy when you're with me. Here, let Junior put you at ease "

Papaorc begun rubbing his leaking slit all over my tongue, hinting me to slide ma tongue under his sheath so I could taste his manliness right from the very source. His meat wouldn't stop bouncing so he had to hold it in his hand as my tongue danced underneath his thick slit savoring his musky nectar which I hungrily drank as he was stroking his thickness right in my muzzle. Then I started to gently massaging his huge hairy balls, squeezing them as ma tongue went wild on his cocktip and drunk everything coming out of it.

" mmmm sooooo freaking good pupper, definitely taught you well. Now, before you give Junior a bath, slide your tongue all around it, he likes when you do that "

Without needing a second suggestion, I lay a trail of kisses and licks all around his meat, focusing on the bulging veins, the more I licked the bigger it grew, and the bigger it grew the hungrier I became. I licked all of his meat, cooling it down, then without him asking, I immersed my snout in his dark pubic hairs drenched with Orcish musk and begun licking all around it, there was a huge sense of satisfaction as I looked up to see Papaorc throw his head backward as I knew damn well it always turns him on as hell whenever I bask in his musky essence.

" mmmm yeaaa pup, cool my hairs down, taste ma musk, let it cover all your tongue, ggggrrrrrrrrr exactly, just like this boy "

I keep on basking in his musk, inhaling it and savoring it in my muzzle. Then I couldn't resist and slided my paw right under his big hand and started stroking his meat while I slided my tongue down and rubbed it all over his fat balls, as a result my ears were filled by the primordial groans rumbling from the bottom of his chest.

" mmm you found your favorite toys, go ahead, clean them off. Those twins really have a weak spot for your sweet tongue pup "

I rub my tongue all over his balls, roving over them. I felt so good when Papaorc put his hand behind my head and made sure I'd clean one twin at a time, it was so big in my muzzle, the taste was purely sweat and moss, as an uncontrollable reflex I started moaning as I begun worshipping that fat nut in my muzzle, as I was taught, I pulled my muzzle downer as possible which caused ma Papaorc to continuously rumble, and when I looked up again I was so proud of myself as I saw a feeling of pure ecstasy painted all over his features as I was swallowing all the balls sweat I could.

His meat would be still unwilling to stop wagging up and down. I repeated such process and I couldn't stop myself from devouring the moss enveloping the other twin, not only because they tasted great in my muzzle but also because Papaorc's rumbles would also increase by the second.

" ggrrrrrrrr puuuuup, what do I always tell you ?? It's not nice to make Junior jealous of the twins. You should know by now that junior is the only one buried deep in your ass, show him how much you like when he does that "

Papaorc guides me to Junior's head as I slowly stroke the length in ma muzzle while I lick all the pre that leaked while he wasn't the one serviced. I slowly start bob my head up and down, a big hand affectionately stroking my ears and cheeks to let me know I wasn't doing a bad job, further confirmation of this were my Papaorc's groans of pleasure.

Gradually I pushed my head forward, without haste, just like he taught me, until I was finally able to swallow his whole meat, and as that happened I made a combo by tugging down one of the twins resulting in his meat to throb inside my throat, a precum shot fired deep in my tummy after that his vein pumped an heartbeat right into me.

" ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking yea pupper, don't stop doing that, you're doing amazing, yeaaaaaa just like papa taught you boy "

Papaorc grunted as I almost pulled all the way out from his cocktip but then I gently pushed all the way forward, until my snout was deeply inhaling the scent of his mossy pubes and my paws this time gently tugged down BOTH of his twins making Papaorc loudly rumble while he fired other precum shots deep down my gullet.

Then he let me lay on the bed with my chest laying on the mattress, then he climbed up too and trusted deep inside me his pulsing meat, when he isn't horny as fuck, instead of breeding my muzzle the very same way he breeds ma butt, he slowly and gently pulls his meat in and out, giving me more time to drink his pre and press ma tongue all over it.

But he's an Orc, which means that his endurance is far superior to any other species, having as rivals only the most durable of species:

Bulls, Bears, Boars, Buffaloes, Oxen, Gators, Hippos, Rhinos and Sharks.

However, he certainly wasn't expecting when I repeated the very same trick making him groan even louder, but then he unexpectedly pulled out making my throat feel empty just like that.

" gggrrrrr that's my boy, I knew you wanted to gulp all of Papaorc's load, but this is gonna into yo sweet pupper's ass, if you don't complain, I'll fill your pourty muzzle up with Orc cream as soon as we set our stuff at the camp, deal ?? "

Papaorc negotiates as I give him an angery look which causes him to chortle, then he blows the smoke of his cigar on my muzzle before pulling me into a wonderful kiss during the which he starts playing with ma cheeks, groping them, owning them, and slowly trusting 2 fingers inside without breaking such marvelous kiss, making my moans sound like crying, crying of pure pleasure, I knew very well he loved when I couldn't help but twitch and wriggle my entire body as my sphincter clamped down to his 2 fingers and urged them to go deeper and deeper.

I was being cradled by all the attentions my Papaorc was giving me, making me feel so important, and so freaking good. Papaorc was still kissing me deeply, wrestling my tongue in a dominance performance when he grabbed my miniature meat and started stroking it with his raw hand, after a couple of trusts I howled in his mouth as I filled his big hand with my cum.

" bet you liked that huh pup, Papaorc is going to make you remember this weekend for as long as you live ma boy "

He says gently biting my snout with his powerful tusks, then he gives me the rimming of my life and I don't have any choice left other than keep moaning and throwing my head backward, after awhile of this wonderful bliss, Papaorc lubed his meat and gave it a few strokes before pulling my cheeks apart and sliding in his meat, this time he positions himself so that he's laying with his ass on the mattress and his back on the wall of the truck.

I am with my face right onto his pecks, hugging him with all my Strenght, as he grabs hold of my hips and powerfully slams upward me with my legs stranded over his lap, all the way in, making me howling on his wonderful pecks which I start worshipping immediately after, no much time passes before I get used to it, and relax my sphincter while I push back downward meeting Papaorc's every trusts, causing my dick to leak uncontrollably all over his big hairy belly at each trust that I met, my moans in no time turned into howls.

" ggggrrrrr I think someone is enjoying taking Papaorc deep, ain't that right. C'mon pup only you now, show me what you can do "

Papaorc was now pulling long hits from his cigars while he crossed both his arms behind his head, I hugged his neck with all my strength for dear life and then fucked myself down the huge rod, at each time that I forcefully descended I fired shots of pre all over Papaorc's chest, occasionally he really couldn't help himself but slightly pushing upward making me howl even more.

So I picked up a much faster pace, during the which I realize I'm about to fire another load and then I increase the speed of my trusts even more resulting in me throwing a deafening howl as I started spraying Papaorc's chest with my puppy cream, that's when I felt him grip my hips tightly again as he made me seat on his rock hard cock almost splitting me in 2. He started to cum in me as He roared loudly as his first spurt pulsed through my ass and echoed throughout my whole body just like a drum or an electric guitar solo in a huge deserted church.

I started to get lightheaded as he continued to fill me and as usual he continued to slam his hips upwards in and out of me as he ejaculated, prolonging the duration of my load fired in continuous streams of my milk, and as his roars weren't hinting to this act of erotic lust to subside any time soon I knew he would continue filling me with his seed for at least another 20 minutes during the which that slamming motion, using my hips as a guarantee that the entirety of his Orchood would be buried in me at each trust, would continue to stimulate my prostate and In no time at all I was on the edge of orgasm yet again.

But truth to be told I actually never stopped firing my load, the stronger he trusted into me, the more cum my balls generated, that was my longest orgasm Papaorc ever blessed me with so far, and as I lost conception of time altogether, he continued to fill me with his meat still firing his load deep within me.

It only took a few more ferocious trusts by his huge orchood to empty my balls yet again, but this time both mine and his were emptied completely as he roars with all his might and brutally delivers the final trust which causes the entirety of my body to go limp collapsing on his huge burly chest with exhaustion and post coital bliss, during the which Papaorc would occasionally trust forward a few other times eliciting yet another moan from me, I remember my eyes closing without him pulling out, making me feel full as ever before, or so I thought.

I was awoken by Papaorc humming one of his favorite songs he always played in his pick up truck, as my eyes opened I could see him walking in a path, and I could feel his burly hand right on my butt I then realized Papaorc had hosted me on his huge shoulder

Orc style and was carrying me around the campsite, his other hand carrying all the bags without any kind of efforts. To get his attention I start rubbing with my paws and muzzle his huge back covered by the sweaty shirt he has been wearing for a whole week under my suggestion.

" well well well look who finally decided to wakie wakie, leaving me to carry you and all the bags huh ?? "

" not my fault my last orgasm completely drained me out you know.. "

" what do I hear boy ?? Was that backtalk by any chances ?? "

Papaorc asks as he pats my cheeks, usually, if I'd play along and admit I was backtalking to him, I'd earn a few round of spanks, one of my very first kinks ever, but knowing how much my butt will be plowed in this weekend I decided to preserve it.

" um NO Sir "

" ohh what's the matter pup, no cheeky attitude this time ??

Or should I say, did your cheeks lose their attitude this time ?? "

Papaorc chuckles as he slips his burly hand under my underwears and rubs my cheeks all over, I love when he does that, just rubbing my fur on my cheeks always relaxed me; I also chuckled a bit, had to admit it was a really good pun, then he added.

" We're almost arrived at the spot when we're going to set for the night, and welcome to

BIG Bear Lake or Camp BIG bear by the way. "

Papaorc puts me down as I breath in all the odors of the woods, the warm afternoon light combined with the incessant yet pleasing sound of near waterfalls and birds on the threes had such a relaxing effect.

We were right under a really big tree, but then I started hearing a lot of noises coming from not far our position, I was able to identify such noises as a coital kind of sound, someone was clearly being fucked, but then I picked a few bags Papaorc gave me and I decided to ignore it, that is until we resumed walking right in the direction of the sound and Papaorc pointed at a majestic full grown and masculine brown bear mating with his Cubs: one cub was pushing back his huge bearhood, while the other was tasting his Dad's ass.

The very event unfolding before my very eyes instantaneously made heat raising to my cheeks, that's when Papaorc lowered himself to me and while he nommed on my floppy ear he whispered.

" Look at that Daddy taking his boys out camping, all the Daddies that want to have a good bonding experience with their Sons COME here in BIG Bear Lake; and although the rest of today's just for the 2 of us, you can play with any Daddy you want tomorrow if u be a good pupper "

" I'm so fucking honored that you brought me in the very camp where your papabear used to take you, c'mon the faster we get to the spot the faster we can get started "

I gave him a dirty wink which I already knew he found absolutely adorable when he gave me an headrub while chuckling. We resumed walking for almost 10 mins, on the way there were a few very big tents out of which a lot of loud mating sounds could be heard, and for each time we passed a tent I would give him a dirty wink just to make things even funnier.

Finally we reached the fated spot, and Papaorc instructed me on how to proceed for setting the tent. I have never camped before in my life, and I could feel my puphood

( Not puppyhood, but childhood ) reliving again in my soul, I was like a cub and my guide was a huge Orc with sexual privileges, and man, such privileges. It took about 15 minutes in total to set the tent up, I couldn't believe how big it was, more than 3 meters in height and more than 5 in diameter, no wonder it didn't even fit inside that huge bag.

Our bed was a gigantic rubber dinghy that we inflated using a professional electronic pump, and then we covered it with pillows and warm sheets, the rubber dinghy was so big that he could have fit 2 Orcs his size.

When we set everything I sat down for a few seconds for my favorite pastime:

creating memes with memeatic.

" Always on your phone creating memes huh, how about this one then ??

'When you go camping with Papaorc and you're about to have your muzzle full of meat' "

Papaorc says taking his phone while undoing the buttons of his thight jeans pulling them down to his knees so that Junior could happily jump out of his prison, his fat balls were hanging low spreading inside the tent the strong scent of his virile musk, the plump head of his massively sturdy cock was mostly covered by the thick slit of his foreskin. In my usual state of awe i watched as it turned bigger and bigger by the second and then he took a pic of my stunned expression with his meat 1 millimeter away from my muzzle.

" such a naughty dunk meme Papaorc "

I said as I wrapped my paws around his big rod and in the exact precise moment that I finished my sentence with 'Papaorc' junior bounced in my paws and shot a small pre dose right on my snout, to me nothing was more satisfying than seeing junior getting harder whenever I called him 'Papaorc'. I slided the sheath back and gave the bald head a big kiss before I started licking it. He then layed himself down on the freshly arranged bed, had a cigar that I rolled with a lot of weed in one hand and a can of his favorite beer in the other, I layed down with him and I run my paws all around his wonderful hairy chest while I was licking his rod in all directions, and I was so pleased to see his expression contorted and possessed by pure ecstasy, then he pulled my muzzle away and poured some beer onto his meat.

" here you go pupper, have some beer with Papaorc "

I start bobbing my muzzle up and down enjoying the usual virile taste of his meat mixed with his favorite ale, such combination tasted rather odd in my muzzle. This went on for quite a while as Papaorc was just relaxing as ever before, pulling long hits from his cigar and then blowing the smoke on my headfur, and when he did that I knew exactly what he really meant, it was a strategic signal for me to deepthroat him and increase his ecstasy level to the sky above.

I waited for him to make me pull a few hits from the marijuana cigar I rolled for him, and then I was like feeling soooo goood, I started stroking his meat into my muzzle, the sound of his groans were more than enough of a motivation to keep on going until junior exploded in my gullet, my tastebuds were fervently celebrating such explosion of manly taste, and after that I slowly gulped his whole load down for at least 3 whole minutes, he pulled me up into a wonderful Daddy smooch that luckily lasted for a few solid minutes.

" mmm I said I'd fill your tummy up with Orc's milk, didn't I ?? But that was merely a starter for this weekend; but it's such a beautiful afternoon to stay inside here,

C'mon I'm taking my pupper out for a walk "

I have no idea why ( ok maybe I do ) but my tail started swinging in the air like a propeller as I was basically being aknowledged as a pupper to be taken out for a walk. Papaorc insisted we went walking around naked like the day we were born, but upon noticing I was really a bit too shy for that, he allowed me to wear my bathing custome.

" Oh and I almost forgot, you've been such a great pupper lately, it's only fair that you get your reward "

" hehe thanks pops, but you're the only reward I need "

Papaorc gives me a big headrub and then pulls my chin up and pinches it with his index and medium fingers while he stares down at my soon to be flushing hard cheeks, I hugged him with all my strengths as I was ever so grateful that he improved my life in so many ways.

" Close your eyes now, Papaorc has a surprise for pupper "

I comply immediately, and as I really couldn't resist I sneakily tried to peek to see him rummaging through a plastic bag he just pulled out from the exploration bag, but then he caught me as soon as I tried to figure out what's in the bag.

" Soooo, peeking like a little runt aren't we ?? That will earn your cheeks a few swats for later, but for now, close those motherfucking eyes boy "

A microscopic tingle of disappointment for myself spreading within my soul as I disobeyed him, but my tail couldn't help but keep wagging as I heard about the spanks. Then he proceeded in pulling out something and then I knew exactly what it was as my neck was hugged by what I realized being a leather collar.

" you can open them now, so whaddaya think pupper ?? "

As soon as I opened my eyes I could see my collar was directly connected to his hand through a leash, but the most beautiful highlight of it was the fact that attached down to my collar was a medium sized bone shaped plate with the following inscription:



My brain as well as my emotions had no a single clue on how to proceed. I clearly had got even more than I originally bargained for, I couldn't believe how lucky I was, I knew well as hell that my Papaorc knows really well how to be a old meanie with a lot of furs, but amongst everyone, I was the only one he chose to be his constant cute and adorable companionship. He is my OWNER, my PAPAORC, but not my Master, I don't live for the only reason to serve him, I live to see him happy.

" Pops, this is, THIS is... Th- THANK YOU SIR "

I hug him with all myself again, my tail wagging like a propeller as I rub a few tears on his belly. I still couldn't process how I ended up with a huge Daddy Orc that cared about me more than just on a sexual level, since I moved in with him he has been teaching me so many things on how to be a Real Orc, and so much more. Being with him was the number 1 reason why I never felt sad, alone, helpless, or weak ever again; and the collar was a symbol that things will have to remain this way.

" And here's my emotional pup, judging by da tail I take it that you like it ?? "

He says rubbing my headfur

" NO !! I Do NOT like it !!



Drogg was really enjoying his pup's reaction of both surprise and gratitude, he expected that the pup would react like he just did, with time he had grown quite protective and possessive about his pupper, and the collar that he had got for him on the way back home a few days ago was an appropriate evidence to it.

Timmy always liked to see himself as one of Drogg's possessions, he derived a sense of safety from the fact that Drogg would always step up to protect him and The Orc could never deny that to him Timmy was his family and he also thought that the pup only deserves the very best from his life.

At first it seemed like a huge, gross, stupid mistake the fact that he allowed himself to become soft, to get attached to such a young sod, but gradually he came to realize how much he craved to put into concrete action all the teachings of his long passed Papabear by starting a Daddy/boy relationship with a cute pupper that worships the very ground he walks, it was undeniable the fact that the quality of his life improved by the day since he let Timmy into his life; and although he had stressed plenty the fact that he really disliked mushy, emotional stuff, this didn't deter the pupper to let his emotions to be shown, and for some reason Drogg didn't mind as much as he should have.

" I'm glad you do pupper, c'mon now, time to show the other daddies that nice collar I got you, oh and there's also this bone so that you can play fetch while Papaorc takes his pupper out for a walk. "

" BORK BORK !! "

I happily barked as Papaorc led me through the paths surrounded by wildlife, he guided me with the leash towards the lake, that's when i could feel my facial cheeks burning with embarrassment as any huge studs and Daddies around there gave me a lot of lusty looks and even some winks, then Papaorc finds a very nice place to sit, so he undoes me from my leash and immerge his legs in the water of the lake before throwing the bone very far ahead due to his unimaginable strength, I actually believed he was joking when he said we were going to play fetch, but realizing this wasn't the case I ran fast as hell on all fours and retrieved the bone, took it back to him and received my headrub followed by a 'good boi' cheer.

" Can u throw it again ?? "

I ask, but when he tries to take it from my muzzle I jokingly growl at him for true to my doggy's nature I didn't want him to take da bone, only to throw it.

" NO !! NO take !! ONLY THROW !! "

Papaorc chuckles before sliding his hand under my costume and roughly slides his finger up and down, causing me to whine in pleasure as I let the bone fall, he then removes my costume and throws the bone again, with a bit of hesitation I then start to run in the very same way I did before, except for this time I end up bumping into someone.

" Ouch !! Watch where u going doggo !! "

" Damn dude, I'm sorry, I didn't hurt you bad, did I ?? "

" Nah it's fine, here let me give you a paw "

A rather slim and nice calf a little younger than me says helping on my paws, he was also wearing a collar but unlike me he was in chastity cage and attached to his collar was a cattle bell. His horns were really really short, no even 4 inches long, but his fur was just a lightly clearer coloration than mine, and although he was really slim he compensated with a few pounds in his belly.

" hey what's the fucking hold up man, waiting before I kick yo ass again ?? "

And then a big buffalo dude appeared, he outsized both of me and the calf by so much. The top of his horns would reach Papaorc's pecks, he was also wearing a collar with a cattle bell attached to it and a chastity cage clearly more than double the Calf's size. His horns are pointy and shiny, and his maine all around his face looked just like a brown lion's Maine. His broad shoulders were enveloped by a thick layer of fur, he also had a six pack making him look like a Buffalo Daddy in training, and the entirety of his body was drenched in his sweat.

" Aww look at that, a little doggo !! What's your name little fella ?? "

" Oh Um hi, I'm Timmy, nice to meet you both, sorry I bumped into you umm "

" Charlie, and it's no problem, I guess you were really enjoy playing fetch with that

Orc God of yours, this hairy miniature mountain here is my big bro Ethan, he thinks is all swag and shit just because he hits the gym meh "

" hey who you calling miniature, pipsqueak, you want another wrestling match lil bro ?? "

Ethan says trapping his lil brother's head between his hefty bicep, they clearly could tell I'm very anxious because of the fact that I got an hardon and they could clearly see it but decided not to make things even harder ( ta dum tss )

" Sooooooooo, you're here with your Daddies ?? "

" hell yeah, if you like Daddies BIG Bear Lake is the perfect spot, our married Daddies are chilling right over there, here let me introduce you to them !! "

" wait I, I don't think it's a "

" aww c'mon bro, they be nice no need to be a shy around here "

Looking at Papaorc's location I was relieved to see he was walking in our direction, however I had to cover my dick with my paws because of the reaction I got when I saw an huge muscle bull same height of Papaorc, and then a gigantic mountain of furry muscles at least 4 full inches higher than Papaorc, both naked of course, they were sitting in the Daddy sized stools of the small kiosk right by the lake.

The Daddybull was thick as Papaorc, but at least 1 inch shorter than him, his fur was a darker brown than my fur, as for the Papabuffalo he was visibly thicker than Papaorc's with at least 5 inches longer. I wish I had 4 arms so that I could have stopped my tail from wagging so fast.

" Awww would you look at that, our bois made friend with a shy pupper, hi little fella, nice to meet ya, don't worry I won't bit ya. No need to be shy around Daddybull, so where's your Daddy ?? "

The Bull says turning to me and starts massaging Ethan's broad shoulders, while instead the gigantic buffalo made Charlie sit right on his leg and then rubbed his paws on his cheeks.

" Well Well Well pup, you already made some new friends here, did you politely introduce yourself to your new friends's Daddies ?? "

Papaorc comes from behind pulling my tail back to him, then I knew what I had to do next, I removed my paws covering my flesh and revealed a fully erected leaking boner.

" Umm nice to meet you Misters, my name's Timmy, and this Is my trucker PapaOrc, he's taking me in BIG Bear Lake for the 1st time ever "

" Why hello Timmy and Papaorc, you must be a really lucky pup, and it certainly looks like you're having a very good time on your 1st trip to BIG Bear Lake. I'm Lawrence and this big buffalo here is my husband Shane. "

" How wonderful, A trucker, kids show some respect to this Orc without the which our country would stop working. So great we finally met one in person, I always watched

Big Rig to document myself on your job, so I guess I'm not a complete ignorant of what your job consists of. "

Shane says putting as much sincerity in words as possible and also earns a chuckle from Papaorc.

" Nice to meet ya Sir, I'm Charlie and I always wanted to play with a big trucker Daddy like you "

" Hi, name's Ethan, don't mind my little brother, he likes to be blunt until he gets in trouble "

" Nice to meet you calf, and Well from the looks of it you may be considered in trouble as well big boy "

Papaorc said glancing at the huge chastity chage imprisoning Ethan's meat.

" Well the little sod is in trouble for busting his nuts without asking neither of his Daddies first, the medium meat is in for busting his nuts inside the little sod's butt without asking as well, we always need to find more effective ways to discipline our bois "

Shane says giving a powerful smack to Ethan's ass making him jump, I could also see Charlie blushing a little probably because he regretted not asking permission to his Daddybull. Papaorc chuckled again as he was enjoying the dominant aspects of this handsome family

" Oh I see, so you must be a great parenting models for your bois beside always being on the lookout for their discipline "

Papaorc's meat was slowly getting harder by the second, just like the huge bull and buffalo's. There was a moment of mutual chuckle between the 3 gigantic daddies which ended with Shane patting one Daddy sized stool besides him.

" Nah don't you try to flatter us, we only do what we gotta do to make sure these calves turn out alright, so Papaorc, would you care to join us for a drink while our bois get acquainted to each other ?? "

" Love to, you be a good pup to yo new pals, and your paws better not have strange ideas, got it ?? "


I said assuring Papaorc I wasn't to let him down.

" And you boys, you think you learned your lesson ?? "


The 2 immediately responded looking their Daddies into their eyes.

" Calf what have we learned ?? "

" That I ALWAYS must ask Daddy permission if I want to paw off "

" good, what about you Ethan ?? "

" I won't start a wrestling match with him, and I MUST always ask Papa if I want to plow his ass "

" Well, let's just hope you'll really remember it this time "

Lawrence gets the keys for the chastity changes he left inside the kiosk and unlock his calves, then Charlie throws my bone far and I run with all fours limbs to retrieve it.

I had a really great time with my new friends.

I realized Charlie had a very similiar temperament as mine, infact he also volunteered to run to catch the bone, and when he got it into his muzzle, he hurried back and proudly handed it to his big buffalo brother, and his little meat bounced up and down and became very hard as Ethan was petting his headfur telling him he was a good boi, which then led him to hug his big bro, and with nothing left to do other than staring I then self invited me and joined the hug, and to no surprise at all I found out Charlie wasn't happy to share him with anyone, and my floppy ears dropped flat.

" look what did you bruh, no worries cuz there's enough Ethan for the both of you, clear ?? "

Charlie then let me join the bro hug, and I also got really hard as I saw Charlie taking deep long breaths of his huge sweaty furry chest, it was so clear that he wanted to be made love with right there and then as Ethan's meat also begun painfully erected after a few seconds, but luckily enough we all successfully managed to behave, and we then resumed our playtime, but after awhile I really got physically tired of running and running after a bone, so we came back to the kiosk and Ethan handed me a blunt he rolled, so we got high as fuck completely naked contemplating why there's such thing as a grapefruit when there's another fruit called grape, or why you have to pronounce the 3 Es in the word Mercedes differently one from the other.

After we finished the blunt Papaorc gestured me to get onto his lap, and immediately I ran to him sitting on his legs.

" you've been running around like crazy pup, here eat some grub, you must be in top shape for what's coming next "

Papaorc says pointing at 2 huge portions of nachos and enchiladas he ordered for me.

My tail tiredly swung in the air for both the sight of the delicious grub and especially because of what was coming next.

" you too boys, let's fill up those tummies of yours before we can get intimate with our new friends "

" umm what's coming next Papaorc ?? "

" well, our new friends are going to show us their bungalow, and that's exactly where you'll show them how much of a good pupper you are. If you behave I might let you play with Daddybull or Papabuffalo once for today, then tomorrow you can have all the fun you want with them provided you promise to behave "


" Can I plow Charlie's ass when we get there Pops, please ?? "

Ethan asked as he looked in his Papabuffalo's eyes pleading from down below his stance.

" nuh uh calf, you're lucky enough I didn't leave your meat trapped in there. Now, next part of your punishment is that you will have to wait until tomorrow to play with your bro, or with your new friend, until then I'll be the one who plows that fat ass of yours, and I trust you already know what you'll get if you backtalk again, right boy "

Papabuffalo's meat was giant, and now leaking on his boy's sides, Ethan slowly put both his paws around his Papabuffalo's meat and lovingly stroked it.


Ethan said a little sad he wasn't going to be allowed to play with his little brother, but his meat grew even harder as his Papabuffalo smacked his cheeks with his paw and then started rubbing them lovingly.

" Same for you calfie, you're gonna get your old Bull's meat all inside your sweet ass just like you love "

Lawrence stroked his big fat meat all over his calf's belly, making him moan as his bellyfur was soaked with his manly milk

As for my Papaorc, he didn't even need to say a word, his eyes were filled with the Orcs' primal hunger, his facial expression an evil grin of lust, his meat already to full hardness leaking and throbbing abundantly. I then put my muzzle right on his hairy pecks, and started licking his fat nipple as I was wrapping my paw around his Orchood and started stroking up and down.

" Mhhh too many starved eyes here, guess we should better lead the way unless we want them to squirt right here and now "

" couldn't agree more, pupper seems really hungry to me wouldn't want him to shoot right here tho "

Papaorc says hosting me on his shoulder and then groping my cheeks possessively, Shane put his paws on Ethan's cheeks as he groped them, while Lawrence followed Drogg's example and he hoisted his calf on his shoulder before leading the way to the bungalow just a couple of minutes from the lake, as they welcomed us inside I noticed how comfy and pretty it was on the inside, the deep smell of manly virile cum wrapping every objects in sight, however I had no more time to furtherly notice any more details inside because Ethan immediately sat on his knees and begged Papabuffalo to feed him with his huge meat, Lawrence layed his calf on the couch and started eating his cheeks, while Papaorc pulled me into a huge smooch at the end of which he guided me to his dark pubic hairs that I started smelling deeply.

" Before you can get your muzzle full of meat, first do what pupper's doing, I can't remember last time you cleaned my crotch "

Ethan begun following my lead deeply inhaling the strong scent of his Papabuffalo's crotch before rubbing all his tongue against it, and just like me he copped his Daddy's huge nuts, massaging them. Charlie's ecstatic moans filled the whole bungalow and my mind was being held captive by the dizziness caused by the heavy concentration of manly musk all around me.

My tail started wagging like a propeller and my tongue went wild all around Papaorc's meat, which soon enough started fucking my muzzle with noticeable Strenght, but I already knew how to swallow faster.

Meanwhile Ethan was doing his best pushing his head down his Papabuffalo's huge meat, but he kept gagging as he was trying to deepthroat the huge flesh; but then Papaorc caught me eyeing Ethan sucking off the huge buffalo and pulls me away from his meat and secures me right on his fat hefty balls, which I apologetically start to lick and worship them the very best way I could making him growling in ecstasy, I then reminded myself that I didn't need to look at other Daddies, mine is just more than perfect. But then Shane came by our side and wrapped an huge arm on Papaorc's shoulder, the top of Papaorc's head reached Shane's pecs.

" Mmmm I'm very curious how it feels to have such a cute pup wetting your meat, perhaps you're interested in a short swap Papaorc ?? "

Shane asks while he pinches one of his fat numbs, Ethan was licking everywhere in his crotch; at first I could clearly see from down below my job his expression of denial, it was so flattering to me that it consumed me, the fact that he wanted me ONLY for himself, but then he looked me down in my eyes and rubbed my headfur, and my ears.

" honestly am not very good at sharin this cutie Papabuffalo, but as long as he doesn't mind to swap it's fine by me..Whad'u say pup, want to know how buffalo meat tastes like, afterall I gave you my word that if you'd be a good pupper you could have a little fun with one of these nice Misters, haven't I ?? "

I kept roving my tongue all over his fat balls as I kept staring at him with a pleading glance.

" C-could I play with Papabuffalo for a bit, please Sir ?? "

I ask while I lay a path of wet kisses all over his balls, then Papaorc pinches my chin between index and medium finger causing me to stare deep into approving eyes and then I hug his belly and lick all around there.

" yes, you may pup. I've never been sucked by a buffalo calf so far, and remember what I taught you. As for you go easy on pupper, he never had anything so big in his muzzle so far "

" you can count on me Papaorc "

I said after that Papabuffalo assured him he wasn't to dislocate my mandible with his huge meat, then Shane pulled away his boy visibly unwilling to stop kissing his huge pride. Papaorc put one of his big hands behind the back of his head and brought him close to him, the same for Papabuffalo which made my snout lay on his fat huge buffalohood. My Papaorc was like 9 full inches, but Papabuffalo was at least 14 dreadful inches coated by pre and his boy's saliva, throbbing onto my snout. Anyway both me and Ethan completely ignored that Charlie had been layed with his legs hugging the top side of the sofa, and Daddybull was now plunging a dildo in and out his ass to make sure his hole would have been really well stretched.

" Awww you have the very same look the smaller calf gives me anytime his snout is where is yours right now but don't worry, you just show me what you can do with your cute muzzle, ok "

The buffalo had a voice a little less deep and grave than Papaorc and it always conveyed even just a slight of his happy mood, his chuckling sounds were really loud just like Charlie's moans reverberated throughout the whole room. I had never seen something so big and beautiful exception for Papaorc's meat of course. The very 1st thing I did was attempting to wrap my paws around his huge meat, and then I lifted his juicy throbbing meat weighing more than I anticipated, but my paws were distant to each other with a whole centimeter.

" hehe a really big boy, right pup ?? Both of your new friends always try to get a peek of it when I'm not looking, and maybe something more "

The huge buffalo heartily chuckled as he rubbed his paw on his boy's headfur, Papaorc was tightly gripping Ethan's thick horns and was fucking his throat with an unimaginable energy. I then begun stroking the huge dark and thick length with all my energies while my tongue was being rewarded by all the precum as a consequence of my ministrations, Papabuffalo's big dark brown cock as well as its pre obviously tasted very different from Papaorc's, his was the only one whose taste I grew accostumed with, hence the taste taking over in my muzzle was so much different but so much powerful and indescribably wild scented.

" mmmm awwwwyeaaaaa little puppy, drink deep, you need a lot of manly melk to grow big and strong like your Papaorc "

Papabuffalo proceeds with slightly trusting his hips forward, and I could feel my jaw starting to feel sore for never being this open ever before but I was so focused in taking in my muzzle the more inches I could I didn't even realize Daddybull had taken Charlie to my side and he was now towering in the middle, with his sturdy arms wrapped around PapaOrc's and Papabuffalo's hefty shoulders.

" Here pupper, I think a little bit of help wouldn't hurt. Now calfie, why don't you show your new friend how Papabuffalo likes his balls cleaned "

Without another word Papabuffalo wraps his meaty hand around Charlie's skull as he begins rubbing his tongue all over his huge balls, laying a trail of wet kisses on them before moaning like I do while he opened his muzzle as much as he could and start sucking on that huge leathery amount of mossy fur, then I pulled his huge meat out of my muzzle to give myself a chance to taste the huge buffalo's hefty ball and I was even more encouraged as he wraps a big hand around my skull as well and kept us on place while we both moaned sucking on his huge ballsack, I could also feel his huge buffalohood throbbing on our shoulders as we did that.

" Mmhh yeeea good boys, suck Papabuffalo's big nuts, Papaorc, really have to hand it to you, did a wonderful job training this cutie, mmmmm yeeahh just like that boys "

" grrrr same goes for your overgrown calf Papabuffalo, I think he really likes how Orc's meat tastes "

Papaorc said as he had his meat worshipped by Ethan, which alternated worshipping Papaorc's and Daddybull's meats, while me and Charlie were on an unofficial competition to determine which one of us could pleasure the big buffalo more.

After a bit Papabuffalo removes us from his huge ballsack and takes us on the sides of his huge buffalohood and he certainly didn't need to say a word for we were competitively sliding our tongues up and down the dark brown juicy veiny pole.

" Mmmm slow down lil fellers, don't want to pop so soon, Papabuffalo has all the milk you want but try to make me last a little while, wouldn't want his trucker Papaorc to think I can't last very long "

" Ha, with his pourty muzzle I don't have a clue on how to last long myself, but I agree, boys should work hard to earn their reward "

" yup he's right, just look at their tails, calfie's wagging like a doggie. Same as you big boy, right ?? "

Lawrence and Drogg stuffed Ethan's spacey throat at turns or at the very same time with vigor and remarkable strength, Lawrence knew perfectly that his husband's huge meat perfectly fitted whole in that not so thight orefice, not long passed until Papaorc and Daddybull started grunting like brutes that didn't have sex in a month and started pumping a big sticky warm Daddyload onto his face, covering his horns and all his maine with their virile essence.

Meanwhile me and Charlie had fully devoted ourselves to give the huge buffalo the sucking of his life and we both started stroking his huge meat while we gave each other turns to worship his mossy leaking slit, then Papabuffalo reinforcing the grip on our heads made our tongues kissing each other while we were drinking his virile milk, and as his breath turned into a savage groan we let our tongue to run wild on his cocktip resulting in him bellowing like the mascular beast that he is and finally drowning our muzzles and our headfur switch his thick cumload. Then I heard Ethan still sucking on the 2 huge daddies poles until Lawrence's and Drogg's breath became less frantic.

" SOO ?? "

" Thank you Daddybull for letting me eat your Daddy Milk, thanks so much Sir for letting me taste my first dose of Orc's milk "

" Grrr ma pleasure big boy, now you know how us Orcs want our meats sucked "

" mhh Good calf, never forget to thank who feeds you, right calfie ?? "

" Thank you so much Papabuffalo, your melk tastes so yummy !! "

" Thanks Sir, you really know how to blast a load hehe "

" You're welcome lil guys, but I think your Daddies are waiting for you "

And with that said I was then lifted by Papaorc and guided to his mouth, I could see the same for Charlie, both Papaorc and Daddybull ate our muzzles, I could feel the Orc I fell in love with eating all the buffalo cream all over me, he was in overdrive mode, just like my tail, he certainly didn't want me to stop moaning as he softly bit my chin, neck and snout with his tusks, then I found an opening and sneaked my tongue back inside of his mouth, in that moment I didn't stand a chance, his tongue went wild on me and all I could do was suckling on his big one, as the taste of buffalo's melk enveloped both our tongues, but his lust could NOT be contained or refrained in any way as his big tongue raved all over me until there was not a single drop of buffalo's milk left on my head.

" I get that all of you like how me melk tastes like, don't you Daddies and boys ?? "

Papabuffalo said referring to both me and Papaorc and Daddybull and Charlie, he was all set to plunge his huge meat into Ethan's buttocks, the buffalo calf was burying his muzzle on the sofa which could barely contain his size, while his big furry ass was offered to his father that was now entering his ass, Ethan moaned loud as me as this happened.

When Papaorc finished eating my muzzle, he looked me with a quite evil grin before starting to pulling my cheeks apart and inserting his middle finger inside making my whole body shake with the pleasure/agony of anticipation.

" I had my fun with a big calf, and You had your fun with Papabuffalo hadn't you pupper, now it's time to show 'em how Orcs like to mate, think your butt is ready boy ?? "

" My butt is almost ALWAYS ready for Papaorc hehe "

I said with no hesitation whatsoever as I dove my tongue for yet another smooch, during the which I could feel him laying my back onto one of the sofas, my moans quickly escalated as his middle finger dove in and out my ass, eventually breaching the last line of defense causing erratic and electric shocks of ecstasy to reach down my spine and then up my brain as I hugged all his body possessively with all my limbs, his sperm still buried deep inside me from earlier was making wonders, not only helped as a lubricant, but also relaxing my sphincter as well, however Papaorc still felt like he needed to lube his meat with traditional lube, just to make his cock fly in and out of me.

All the attentions I was receiving from my hairy Beast made me completely ignore the intensity of Ethan's moans as Papabuffalo begun ramming into him.

As for Charlie he was also moaning really hard for Daddybull was sitting on his comfy huge chair, and his calf was hugging him with all his limbs with all his strengths as he was sitting on his cock, and as he found the right pace, he then pushed his ass up and down his father's sturdy meat.

Although I could see all this hotness from where I was lying, it all soon became all too irrelevant as Papaorc's cocktip kissed my anus and then slowly made its way through, all the way in, and then past my prostate as well, making me experience an electric and unrefrainable pleasure.

I loved this part, it was like a very small wave in my body that at the end turned into a Tsunami, which of course is the part I love the most, the one part where my mind drowns into the abyss of pleasure. Precum shots fired deep within and whenever this happened I could feel both the intensity and speed of his trusts, and growls to exponentially increase as he showed our new friends how Orcs like to mate, and how little puppers like me love to be mated and dominated by a huge hairy brute which has feelings for you.

With all of this hot pleasure consuming my mind I was the one to blame for my first cumload was fired way too soon compared to the other times. Unlike all previous times, I had completely lost my sense of self control, so when he brushed my prostate for the 20th time, I howled in absolute pleasure and fired my puppyload realizing far too late I had been put over the edge.

" So, So Sowwy Papaorc, I apologize, I was supposed to keep it in longer than I did, please fo-forgive me Sir "

" HEHE there's nothing to forgive pup, I wanted to show our new friends how much my pupper loves to be bred by a Trucker Orc such as myself, am I right ??

Brace yourself pup, here comes your favorite part "

" mmmm trucker Orc mmmm "

Papaorc says before I repeat the 2 hottest words in his sentence and drool just like when Homer Simpson thinks at hamburgers, then he keeps brushing my prostate time after time, slamming his hips in and out of my ass, although this time he trusted with a slower pace as my sphincter abruptly clamped around his meat, and my own meat never softened, infact after firing my load, it stayed hard as before and then started growing harder and harder by each trust.

Finally, after a few other minutes of blank ecstasy, Papaorc buried all of his meat inside me and then roared with all his might, I was barely able to hear it as my consciousness had blacked out as usual, what I felt was a thunderstorm exploding deep within me, a warm tsunami of love melting my insides as I could feel another load being fired from my dick without I ever touched it, then I collapsed for a while.

" Damn Papaorc, that was hot as hell. You've given us a show that got our calves over the edge in no time. Your pupper sure knows how to handle your Orchood quite wel "

" Couldn't agree more, You certainly taught your pup very well. Now these little guys will beg you to fill them up for all day "

" Well what I can I say, he's a very well mannered pup who loves being a good boy for Papaorc, ain't that right pup ?? "

I woke up with my snout on Papaorc's bulky pecks, one of his huge arms wrapped my back so that I could nap a little while he held me, he was drinking some beer sitting on the couch, while Charlie was unconscious in the same position as mine, held by his Daddybull, while Ethan was just chilling in the other couch while he was suckling on his Papabuffalo's manboob. I then yawned before placing a big kiss on his nipple.

" Man that was sooooo HOT Papaorc "

I looked up at him and he let me have a long sip of his beer, I noticed he also had a cigar in his mouth and soon as he blowed some smoke on my muzzle, I instinctively begun hard again.

" WoW he's already hard again Papabuffalo !! "

Ethan exclaims and sooner that I expected Papaorc begins eating at my muzzle, his primal hunger never subsiding was like the most emblematic trait of an Orc. I started moaning very hard as he started groping my cheeks with his big hands using all the strength in his arms, it was just a matter of time before Papaorc layed my back on the couch where I could see that Daddybull had left his young calf sleeping on the couch covered by a warm quilt, and he was now humping in Ethan's ass, while Papabuffalo was fucking his throat with his huge meat making his loud moans mixed with gagging and glurking sounds.

" gggrrrr I'm gonna eat this cute ass of yours pupper and then junior will show you how much he loves it. No to worry tho, Papaorc will carry you around no problem, and tomorrow you can have all the fun you want with Daddybull and Papabuffalo as I promised "

" I understand Sir, please breed me, I need Papaorc inside of me "

" I think that's a great idea, but how about we finish our business in our tent, then we can meet all at our tent for dinner ?? "

" BORK BORK Yes please Papaorc "

" Don't bark so loud pup, Charlie's catching some Zs, rest of you in ?? "

" You can count me and this big boy in, we'd really love to join you and your pupper for dinner after you showed him who's boss "

" Sure Papaorc, we'll be there in about 1 hour, I think I recall you saying that it's just up straight the lake ?? "

" yup that's the one you just can't miss it, see you guys there then "

And with that said, Papaorc hoisted me on his hefty shoulder and then walked very very fast towards our tent, I was looking down his huge ass but judging by the stunned looks he got from all sort of boys and Daddies he had to be sporting wood for sure. As we arrived at our tent Papaorc layed me on our rubbery bed covered by pillows and sheets and sucks me off, making my head feeling light as a feather, I begun to howl as he pushed 2 of his fingers inside my butt, fingering me good as I ejaculated in his mouth. When it came to sucking my dick off, the word 'gentle' was thrown out of this universe.

" mmm 3 minutes, that must be your new record huh "

Papaorc chuckles vividly before he gives his rock hard meat a few strokes.

" Laugh all you want but it's not my fault you don't want me to last longer "

" Aww what makes you think that, c'mon now pup I really feel like nutting inside that nice cheeky muzzle of yours "

He stands up and finds both the half smoked cigar and the beer can from before, and puts his throbbing meat right on my snout covering my eyes and sliding it sideways all over my muzzle,coating most of my head in his manly essence, I had no choice other than moaning in pleasure as my fur was being caressed and refreshed by his girth and his masculine essence.

" does pupper wants to share another beer with Papaorc ?? "

" mhh please Sir "

I say as I kiss his cocktip and then he pours his beer on Junior and strokes him up and down, I descend my head down the whole length, and as my snout was brushing onto his pubic hairs, I could taste the mixture of manly tastes making my dick leak and happily bounce up and down. Papaorc let me slurp all the beer enveloping his meat and of course all his pre leaking out, when I was ready for him to go wild I gently tugged down his big fat balls and he started slamming his hips inside my hungry muzzle, the more he bucked his hips into me, the louder he rumbled always with that primal intonation.

" grrrrr yes pup, milk Papaorc's nuts dry as you love to do. Godfuckingdamit yeah just like that, drink deep ma boy "

He keeps fucking my muzzle until he threw his head back, my heart was full of joy as I could clearly see my Papaorc's bearded face completely possessed by highest pleasure and unceasing ecstasy; I was the cause for him to feel this pleasure and I was so proud of myself, so I tug both of his hairy orbs down as I'm rewarded by a big load of thick creamy cum, I had to spend at least 2 solid minutes in gulping down all of it, his cocktip was lodged far within my gullet and I was moaning so much as the warm reward cascaded into my tummy, making me feel like a full warm and happy pupper.

" Mmmm GOOOD BOOOOI. Now I think we'd better lay you down for the next part "

True to his word Papaorc lays my back on our gigantic rubber dinghy bed covered by sheets and pillows and puts his wet still throbbing meat right on mine, I extend my arm so that I could stroke his cocktip up and down. But then he easily turns me on the other side so that my muzzle was now facing downward and I gasped as I felt an hard hand smacking my cheek.

" Don't you dare thinking I forgot about earlier, how many does pupper think he deserve for peeking ?? "

" um 2 Sir ?? Afterall I only peeked for just 2 secs "

" mm nice try boi, now try adding a 0. "

" 20 Sir ?? "

" Did you maybe forget that time that you made me spank dat ass for 30 times and still you wanted more ?? I'll lube my hands like last time so that I can oil your cheeks in the process, and of course you're still required to count them "

" 1 !! " A big lubed hand smacked the fur covering my left cheek

" 20 !! " This time his hand came down with such a burst of Strenght that it made me Yelp in surprise.

" You always do that for the sole porpouse to get harder smacks on your butt, don't you pup. Don't worry, I can accommodate your subtle request "

" 435 !! " Papaorc smacks my cheeks even harder than before, I counted a total of 27 smacks before that he turns me the other way and pulls me into such a hot and messy smooch, at the end of which I lick his tusks causing him to jokingly bite my snout.

" So, is pupper's ready for a new meme ?? This one is gonna be

'When Papaorc's horny as hell and you gonna have your puppyass full of Orcmilk "

Papaorc says repeating the actions he performed earlier in a very similar circumstance, he took his phone and took a pic of my ass while he lovingly rubbed his other rough hand on my cheek.

" Again, you're such an expert in dirty dunk memes Papaorc "

I say grabbing his cocktip which was laying on one of my cheeks with my paw and stroked it up and down as he resumed to finger my butt with 2 fingers. Now we were both growling hard, certainly one just couldn't ignore the

moaning, bellowing, howling, roaring outside, dozens and dozens of Daddies physically bonding with their step/sons; but in my ears existed only and solely the very sound of my Papaorc's pleasure. I made sure his cocktip would leak a remarkable amount of pre all around my crevice and when he pulled out his fingers he let me to rub his fat cocktip all over my tailhole.

" Out of the way with this, Papaorc gonna eat your ass boi "

Papaorc said holding still my tail which was wagging like a propeller, then he went on pulling my cheeks apart and diving inside, devouring my crevice with his tongue, even though I had my eyes closed while I was being consumed by ecstasy, I could clearly feel he was in overdrive mode, and it made my mind giggle remembering that he loved to eat his own spunk coating my cheeks. Obviously I ejaculated again as he used his big tusks to bite all over my cheeks.

" How about we do that sit down position that we did on da rig before coming here pup "

" BORK BORK !! "

Papaorc then lays himself in the gigantic rubber dinghy and I put my paws right on his shoulder, my arms were extended so that my shoulders, my head were high and were facing him, and so I place my butt right above his cocktip, when I signal him that I'm ready he waits for me to relax my sphincter before he grabs hold of my hips and slam them down, pushing his lap upward.

The feeling of my Papaorc leaking and pulsing inside me, almost giving me the sensation of another heart lodged deep within me sent joltic spasms down my spine, it made me tremble as my arms could no longer support my weight and I nestled with my muzzle right underneath his thick beard, it made my entire body feel hit by a lightningbolt as he nommed on my floppy ear while I pushed down his huge Orchood meeting his every trusts and feeling the warm reward of his love being shot inside me, making me feel like I was facing the elements of nature all at once, telling that it felt outstandingly incredible would obviously be an understatement.


I howled as I pushed all the way up and then all the way down, causing his meat to violently brush against my prostate making my dick shoot several shots of pre and then I repeated the very same action several times, deeper and stronger did he trust inside while his big tongue licked the side of my head, I then reached my climax and cummed really hard, while I sat on his meat, he was holding me down so that he could prepare himself to reach his climax as well, but that didn't happen until I orgasmed yet again and made a pool of canine cum all over his chest.

" GRAAAAAHHHHH here it comes pupper, it's all for you "

He growls right before he roared so loud that made any other noise outside not louder than a kitten's meowing, and I could feel that same ecstatic warm burst deep within me, flooding me, filling me up with his essence, as he pulled me out with a very volgar sound from my ass, he pulled me into a huge hug, our tongue brutality wrestled against each other, Papaorc wraps his burly hand around my dick and strokes it with all his strengths, no matter how desperate my moans were, my tongue was still suckling his big one, and as he finished me with his big hand, my last load of the day filling his hand, I licked his big tusks for another time before I fell asleep while he held me thight.

Papaorc woke me up some time later when our guest had arrived, I thought I wasn't be able to move but then he told me he rubbed my ass with that miraculous cream while I slept which made things much easier, Charlie and Ethan were naked of course and very happy to see me my Papaorc as I was with seeing them and their Daddybull and Papabuffalo naked as well.

We set a campfire and got really high sitting on a few tree stumps which we covered with towels for our naked butts while our Daddies were preparing dinner, drinking beers and smoking cigars. The dinner was really awesome, I was starving and had almost 4 plates of legumes soup with chestnuts with a side of fried onions and sweet potatoes fries, with a few burritos that Papaorc rolled with the ingredients we brought from home, Charlie ate a little more than I did earning an headrub from his Daddybull, same for Ethan which ate at least 6 full portions, Papaorc gave me an headrub because my butt was cute.

Then we made our Daddies get really high as well and in return they let us drink some of their beers, next part was the horror story during the which we ate a full bag of marshmallows that we roasted with the fire we had previously set, but I fell asleep before my turn cuddled up by Papaorc's backrubs. The very last thing I can remember from that night was Papaorc covering me with the warm sheets as I used his huge burly chest as my bed, then he licked my forehead before softly whispering

" night pupper, You made Papaorc very proud today. Sleep well ma boy, tomorrow will be twice as fun I promise "

change of perspective

Drogg had spent a very joyful and memorable day with his pupper Timmy which was sound asleep on his chest, he hated himself whenever he stared at his sleeping pup and his mind couldn't help but admit that he was the cutest thing ever when he slept with his snout on the crook of his neck. However the pup had behaved so good today, he was the very cause for him to get back at BIG Bear Lake after so many years of not being able to see the nice landscape due to the sudden death of Kalos.

Suddenly he realized his mind was overcrowded and overflowing with all his memories he had of all his summer days during the which he'd be taken by his Kodiak Papabear in that very camp and although Drogg made his best to only remember the happy memories he jealously kept, he found himself close to cry, he missed Kalos so much that no words could make one understand how much but then did he remember that he had a very good run for how much it lasted, it had been almost 20 years, quite an handful, sure it could have lasted longer, but even shorter, and he was so happy to remember that he treasured his Daddy/boy relationship with his Papabear any seconds that it lasted.

Although that was over, something new had sprouted in his life, something that could make him feel ever so close to Kalos again, and even though he believed that Timmy didn't need to know this for now, but he was immensely grateful to the pup for this.

Today he met 2 extremely nice and huge Daddies that seemed to revel in his presence thanks to him, and the very emotions that Drogg felt as soon as he showed the collar to his pup, was everything he'd live for. His pup never refrained himself from showing all his gratitude for letting him into the Trucker's life, and his huge smile when he received his collar was shining bright in his soul, like an undying reason to be happy.

Drogg's mind was taken back to reality once he noticed Timmy was kicking and whining uncomfortably, a clear indicator of the fact that he was having a nightmare, this happened a few time before and Timmy confessed he had a recurring nightmare of his father beating him up because he was gay and then kicking him out; Drogg had wanted to find that moterfucker and beat him dead for doing this to his pup ever since he learned this unhappy detail about his puppy's past, but Timmy's forgiving nature imposed him to just let go of his past and focusing on his present.

Drogg just layed his big hand on his butt and softly squeezed his cheeks resulting in his pup to immediately stop kicking, then he'd slightly moan with a very calm intonation before snuggling up on his chest.

He's a truly admirable little fellow Drogg thought, and he's so smart that certainly is a pity that he settled for just a local community college due to the lack of funds when he clearly deserved a much better education, he's so fascinated about astrology, every time a scientific documentary about the universe was on tv his eyes would just sparkle, then he'd proceed in telling Drogg the life cycle of stars, black holes, comets and a lot of other topics Drogg didn't have the basic knowledge to comprehend but he had to admit the pup clearly knew a lot about it, and if Drogg would make a greater income, he'd invest all of it for a fancy high degree college for his pup, for he really put a lot of efforts in everything he does and Drogg only wants his pup to follow his greatest aspirations and to become a successful doggo, afterall no matter where he goes, he'd always come back to him, He is the owner of his pup and this will never change.

With this knowledge Drogg derived a sense of both happiness and serenity as he knew Timothy would make him proud no matter what, he sent his goodnight to his Papabear wherever he may be, and fell asleep rejoicing of the fact that he finally made it back to very same place that directly tied him up with his beloved Papabear.