Sun Baked (Commission

Story by Rosenade on SoFurry

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This one's a short commission for someone on FA: A lot of fun to do!

"-and there's a six-car pileup on the I-5, just outside of Torrey Pines. For the weather, those Santa Ana winds are blowing again, so it'll be a heat wave for us here in San Diego. Highs of 96 degrees, lows of 87, partly cloudy skies. Stay cool, drink plenty of water, and chill out with us here at WYCT. At the top of the hour, here's "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac..."

Nate Fisher reached over to adjust the volume on the radio, making the last adjustments to the small remote-controlled device in his hand. He put the cover back on the back of the device, fastening the screws back in place with a screwdriver, before putting it back on the coffee table. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead with a sigh, uncapping a bottle of water and taking a few gulps as he settled down on his sofa. Nate was good at staying cool-he had the AC on high, and wore nothing but a red Speedo and a pair of flip flops. His long blue-and-white hair was pulled back into a ponytail, fastened with a rubber band. Even on a scorcher like today, the handsome slacker Vaporeon seemed utterly calm and cool.

Smile, on the other hand, was the opposite of Nate right now. While Nate relaxed on the couch, Smile kneeled on the hardwood floor. While Nate was unbothered by the heat, Smile was sweating bullets. And while the Vaporeon seemed the picture of contentment, you could practically see steam billowing from the ghost-skunk's ears. Smile wanted to turn to mist and float away, but unfortunately for him Nate managed to sneak on a strange high-tech collar that suppressed his powers. "Neat little toy, huh?" Nate said, the Vaporeon smirking down at the skunk. "Amazing what you can get online nowadays." Smile said nothing, the baleful skunk glaring up at the Vaporeon as Nate fiddled around. "Now, let's see, if I press this button..."

He pressed a bright red button on the remote control, and Smile immediately jolted, giving a choked growl as he vibrated from electricity coursing through him. "Cool!" Nate said, laughing a bit. "Didn't hurt too bad, right? Don't wanna kill ya." A pause, and another snicker from the Vaporeon. "Wait, you're already dead, right?" Smile kept glaring up at Nate in silent, poisonous contempt and hatred. If the Vaporeon noticed, he didn't care. "What's the matter? Why're you so uptight, dude?" Nate kept his playful smile. "Is it the radio? You don't like Fleetwood Mac? Everyone likes this song." That little joke earned a furious growl from beneath Smile's breath. Nate sighed, rolling his eyes. "If you're gonna be like that..."

Another press of the button, and Smile started twitching from the electricity, the force of his spasms sending him on his back. Nate peeled his sweaty body off of the leather couch, striding over to Smile and looking down at him. From this angle, it was really impressed upon Smile how tall Nate was. He may have been a lazy motherfucker who spent his days eating junk food and getting high, but Nate had a wonderfully sleek swimmer's body on an impressive six-and-a-half-foot frame. Even a chill guy like Nate was intimidating from this angle-even more so when he slid one foot out of its flip-flop and shoved it into Smile's face.

"Mmmmmmf!" Smile immediately started thrashing about as Nate's foot was pushed into his face, reaching his hands up to grab at the Vaporeon's ankle. Christ, Nate's feet were huge! Size fourteen, with long toes and a smooth, lightly sweaty sole. "Now, I want you to listen," Nate said, not raising his voice in the slightest. "I want you to take nice deep breaths, right into my foot, until you chill out a little. When you do, you're gonna kiss my foot. Sound good?" It did not sound good to Smile-in fact, it sounded like one of the most humiliating things he could possibly imagine. But he could catch glimpses of that fucking remote control from what little he could see between Nate's toes, and he didn't want to risk another shock. And so he did as the Vaporeon told him, taking long, deep sniffs of what air he could get beneath Nate's foot.

Nate's foot wasn't exactly raunchy or filthy-it was clean, and velvet-smooth. But there was a subtle heat to it, a sort of suggestive masculine scent, that made Smile's mind feel foggy whenever he inhaled. Smile was aware of it, too, and that made him even more boiling mad. You'd better not be pulling any weird stoner voodoo magic on me, you asshole, Smile thought at Nate, as he continued to breathe in that insidious scent. The Vaporeon noticed Smile's struggling slow down, and could see the skunk start to relax. "Theeeeere we go," he said, his lackadaisical Californian inflection as chill as a balmy La Jolla sea breeze. "See, this isn't so bad, yeah? Just relax, keep breathing..." That piquant foot scent was really taking its toll on Smile now, his breathing slowing to a gentle, relaxed pace. "Do you think you're ready to kiss my foot?" Nate asked, almost gently, but with an unmistakable confidence and easy domination. Lazy he may be, but he was good at this. The skunk paused for a moment, internally wrestling with whatever pride and dignity he had, and puckered his lips, pressing against the salty-smooth skin of Nate's sole and giving a long, wet kiss. Mmmmmmmmwah!

Satisfied, Nate lifted his foot off of Smile's face, letting him gasp and moan as he took in what fresh air he could get. "Making progress, huh?" Nate asked, giving that teasing grin of his as Smile gave another embarrassed glare at him. "Don't get all huffy like that again, dude, got me? Cuz if you do..." Nate held up the remote control, and Smile reflexively flinched. That made the dominant Vaporeon smile and laugh again-he liked having that sort of control over a sub. "Glad you got the picture. Now, as for what we do next..."

Reasons to Keep Spare Underwear in Your Locker (Commission

_BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP_ Colin Dalrymple opened his eyes and stared blearily at the alarm clock that sat on top of a small pile of books gathered on his nightstand. The clock read 7:30 a.m., and the Lucario heaved an exhausted sigh....

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