Taco with Extra Meat

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#4 of Patron Rewards

Patreon story reward for Kalo. This one is about your average woman who wakes up with a bit of something extra, and then hijinks ensues.

The sound of drums and guitar cut through the haze of sleep, drawing a weary groan from Ina's throat. The golden retriever flopped over to her side and grabbed blindly at her phone, having to smack it a few times before her sleep-addled fingers managed to grasp it. Giving the phone a shake, she snoozed the alarm for a few more minutes before simply dropping the phone to the bed next to her. She cracked open an eye and glared at the predawn light that was leaking around the edges of her curtain. The temptation to shut her eyes and just drift back to sleep was pretty strong. Only thing that drove her to open her eyes further was the knowledge that she had to get up and get ready for another dull day at work.

Stupid responsibilities driving her to abandon a perfectly comfortable bed.

An overly long, overly dramatic sigh was forced from the retriever's mouth as she cracked her eyes open and smacked her jaws. What normally followed would be a couple minutes of staring at the wall until the alarm began to sound again. Only problem with that today was the uncomfortable pressure between her legs. Had to be Fluffums, her plush hawk that she'd slept with for the longest time. Technically, it was Senior Fluffums The Third Esq, but he was still wedged uncomfortably between her thighs.

Heaving a sigh, she flopped over to her back and dove a hand between her legs. No sooner had her head hit the pillow than the pale white hawk rolled down the pillow and hit her cheek. Ina blinked slowly at the ceiling, her vision blocked by the plush. Reaching up, she grabbed him and looked into his plastic eyes, "If you're here then what..."

The hand continued its trip down and bumped against her panties and something else. Her fingers brushed against something oddly familiar yet completely alien. It lay against her lower belly, the band of her panties stretched across the top in a way that was a little uncomfortable. Her muzzle wrinkled in thought as she pulled at it, grunting when it pulled at her stomach fur as well. What was it? Felt furry that much was certain. Maybe a sock had somehow gotten under her covers and... gotten stuck to her fur? No. That made no sense. How in the world would that have happened.

With the world's mightiest sigh, she heaved herself out of bed and shuffled towards her bathroom. Eyes squinted against the light as she flicked the switch, feeling her way to the sink. Ina yawned sleepily towards her reflection before lifting her sleep shirt.

It took a few seconds for her to fully register what it was. She'd seen them before, plenty of times, just never on herself. Dropping her shirt, she cranked on the water and splashed her face a few times. Wide awake now, she scrubbed her face into the towel before checking again. Slowly, very slowly, she lifted her shirt and checked.

Yep. That's a penis.

She was awake enough to register what it was, but not nearly enough to comprehend the fact that there was a plump sheath boldly sticking out of her panties. Nudging her panties down further, she breathed out a semi-relieved sigh as the, now tight fitting, underwear were pulled away from her balls. Well, she guessed they were hers. They were dangling rather contentedly between her legs. Wiggling her hips, she dropped her panties to the ground and turned to look at it sidelong.

Fingers traced over her new sheath and down to her balls, rolling them between her fingers. Fur bristled at the strange feeling of two sizable orbs rolling against her palm. Cupping her balls, she rolled them gently and breathed out a soft moan. "So this is why guys like having their balls played with..." she licked her lips and huffed, red tip of her cock starting to peek out.

A hint of worry raced up her spine, "Wait..." darting her hand back, she breathed out a relieved sigh as she let her fingers trace over her pussy lips. "Good, it's still there." Her ears ticked back a bit as she thought for a moment, rubbing over the outer petals before sliding her hand back up to stroke her balls with a throaty groan. "Doesn't explain why you are here though." Palm rubbed against her sheath as she let her fingers dance across her new balls. That groan grew and rolled in her throat, tongue dropping free with a quiet pant as her fresh red tip started to slide out further.

She breathed out a little growl and shook her head, ripping her hand away. Shower. She needed a shower, get her head clear and get ready for work. Twisting an ear towards the bedroom, she didn't hear her emergency alarm going off and a quick check told her she still had over an hour before she had to be out the front door. Meant that a quick shower and dry off wouldn't be out of the question.

Ina shrugged out of her shirt, tossing it through the doorway and into her hamper. "First try!" she flashed a grin as cranked on the shower and waited for it to start up. Glancing at herself in the mirror, she wiggled her hips and chest. Yep, at least her breasts looked normal enough. A quick self check showed that they still felt right and weighed nicely in her hands so that was good at least. They hadn't spontaneously grown three sizes overnight or anything. Be awkward enough to find some underwear that'd work as is, didn't want to think about new tops or bras.

Hopping into the shower, she let the warmth splash against her. Scrubbing fingers through her fur quickly, she breathed out a low groan and cast her eyes down. "What caused this?" she wondered aloud as her hand reached to stroke the sheath. Fur bristled and a moan dropped from her open maw as lightning shot down her spine. Was this what guys felt when they were playing with it? She began to pump the sheath, slowly at first, but quickly picking up the pace. Any thoughts of what might have caused it or questions to why she was sporting a cock and balls vanished as that flesh rose from her sheath.

Pushing the sheath back, she braced a hand on the wall and widened her stance as she began to pump her hand faster. Tongue rolling from her maw as deep pants started to puff from her maw. She'd given a couple of her boyfriends hand jobs before, but it was something else entirely to be giving herself one.

First thing she learned was to loosen her grip. Just let her hand fly up and down the shaft rather than grip too hard. Let the precum slick her fingers up, aided by the water to let her speed up even more. Water pounded off her back as she stared down at her growing penis. She'd watched plenty of guys, both in porn and in person, but it was something else entirely to experience it herself. Watching how her flesh was growing thicker with each stroke. Feel that tension building as she pumped. It was weird! That tight feeling in her gut and groin that kept her moving. Her hips starting to pump in time to the quick strokes.

Didn't take long before a low pressure began to draw her strokes downwards. Fingers bumped against the growing bulge of her knot that was stretching her sheath. Low moan rolling up her throat before she pushed harder, watching how the opening stretched and slid against the knot before it sprang free.

She couldn't help but gasp at that feeling, the pressure fading away. Some of the pleasure fading as well. Hmm, well she knew that some guys liked to have her stroke a bit then have her grab their knots. So...

Oh sweet lord! Hips rocked harder against her hand the instant she wrapped fingers around her knot. Now THAT explained a few things! Precum shot form her tip as her knot grew fatter, pressing against her grip and prompting her to tighten it. The shaft grew and pressed, flaring a paler color as that pressure built. Her moans growing louder as she accidentally squeezed tighter on the knot.

Back and hips jerked as lights danced behind her eyes and her entire body shook, feeling as if her world was exploding. Nails scraped against the cool tile as her balls pulled up tight against her body. Sac and knot thumping as her cum began to splash against the tiled wall before her. Her tongue rolled from her maw and lips pulled back in that goldie grin as she rode out her orgasm, grip still tight against the bulb as a groan rolled in her throat.

"Wow..." she trailed off with a huff and a shake. She relaxed there for a moment with the water pouring down against her, just letting the lethargic feeling wash over her. "Ugh," came the low groan, "No wonder guys want to doze off after." Jaws stretched in a wide yawn as she shook her head with a huff.

Fingers scrubbed through her fur quickly before twisting the shower off. She'd already used more water than she'd meant to and it was getting cooler. Stepping out onto her quick dry mat, she snatched a towel from the rack with one hand and the pelt dryer with the other. With practiced motions, she started to dry off her pelt as quickly as she could. Eyes danced from mirror to her own body, that engorged cock still bobbing with each motion as she quickly cleaned herself up. How did guys deal with this thing? It was still spitting and making a mess as she tried to dry off. Sighing, she moved to sit on the toilet, having to keep her legs spread to comfortably accommodate her new bits and bobs, so she could work on her hair.

Which quickly led to her tucking a towel under her cock so it didn't spurt more cum onto her freshly cleaned legs. Huffing softly, she rubbed brush through her hair as she worked the hair dryer. Had to get it all under control before it started to frizz wildly. Breathing out a sigh, she worked through her hair and narrowed her eyes. Eyes darted down to look at the cock, the red girth standing out stark against the off-white of her towels. Back to the question of what happened to cause this?

Pretty sure that it wasn't the Indian she had last night. Never heard of curry cock before. True, she had stopped by the bar with Rachael after work but this isn't at all what whiskey dick was. Call her crazy but she was reasonably sure that it didn't cause one to pop up where there wasn't one before. Old gypsy spell?

Did she even know any gypsies she could have wronged or annoyed? There was Steve in marketing, but she was reasonably sure she hadn't done much of anything to him. Well, aside from getting the last pack of crunchy mini-donuts from the vending machine when he really wanted them. Surely that wouldn't warrant some sort of curse laid upon her. If this even was a curse? She breathed a sigh out at her cock and narrowed her eyes, "How long does it take you to go down?"

As if it had been listening, her sheath slipped up the deflating knot. She huffed at the feel of the tight skin sliding over one side, then the other of her knot. A shiver raced down her spine as the sheath slipped up her length slowly. "That feels weird," she muttered to herself as she stood up and checked on herself in the mirror. Brush swiping over her fur here and there she left back to the bedroom.

Now for the hard part, find a pair of panties that will fit her new addition. Sighing, she ripped open a drawn and began to dig around for anything that looked like it should work. Would probably have to dry on a few pairs to see how they worked out.

A familiar guitar riff made her fur stand on end. That was her emergency late, get out the door alarm! Change of plan, grab whatever looked like it'd work and her most relaxed fit pants! Definitely not the hip-huggers today, that would probably lead to disaster. Thankfully it was just after the holidays so she had That pair of jeans out. Sighing, she grabbed them and rushed to get dressed and out the door before she was late.

As luck would have it, the jeans fit just fine when paired with a somewhat loose shirt. The panties were a little tight, but she could get over that for a day at least. And if the bits and bobs were still around tomorrow, well then she might have to take a sick day to see the doctor. Which she could just imagine the call to her boss to explain that one. Yes, Mr. Mars I need to go to the doctor today. Why? Well sir, I suddenly grew a pair yesterday and its quite concerning.

She breathed out a sigh and stared at her computer screen, fingers tapping slowly against the keyboard. "Well, people have been telling me to grow a pair for years," she muttered to herself as she scanned over the code before her.

"What was that?" Her desk neighbor perked up, feathers lifting as she shifted her headphones. Rachael looked over at her with a curious tilt of her head, the feathered raptor keeping an eye on her own QA work. Rachael was easily her best friend here, which was a good thing at least since they shared a desk thanks to the stupid 'open workplace' design. Part of her missed having a cubicle.

Ina dropped a cheek into her palm with a heavy sigh and tapped at the keys with her fingers. "Just musing something out loud." Feathers stood up a little taller as the raptor kept looking at her curiously. She cast a quick glance towards the time, yep looked like it was about gossip'o'clock time. Just a quick look towards the boss' office to be sure that he was doing whatever over there. Sure enough, his door was closed and he was busy doing something at his computer.

Of course her looking only made Rachael perk up even more, "Ooh, something you don't want Big bad to even know about? This has got to be juicy juicy." She rubbed claws together as she trilled under her breath. "Do tell!"

Now how in the world would she come out and tell her about this? If she wasn't too keenly aware of the pressure between her legs each time she moved, she wouldn't believe it. Ina cast a quick glance around at her coworkers. Most were at their own desks, focused on their own monitors with headphones on. The others were milling around and chatting like she and Rachael were. She leaned towards her friend, the raptor leaning in as well with anticipation. "Have you ever woken up and felt... different? Like there's something different about you body?"

Feathers adjusted as the raptor thought for just a second. "Well of course. Plumage changes color a bit and feel weird for a week. What about that time I just started to molt when we were doing the Johnson accounts? Oh! Or when I had that really wild weekend and ended up laying an egg? Thank heavens it wasn't fertilized! Woo boy, that was a bit of a scare. Not to mention it messed me up for the better part of a week after that."

"Kinda like the egg thing, but not."

Feathers stood on end in shock, "Are you pregnant?" the raptor squeaked, eyes bright and shining. Ina snapped her head around quickly to make sure no one was paying attention to them. Rachael wrapped her fingers around her muzzle, "Whoops, uh I mean are you knocked up?" she kept her voice low in that conspiratorial whisper.

"No," she almost growled before breathing out a sigh. "Just something..." she trailed off as she thought about how to phrase it. "Something really weird down there. Something you'd really have to see to believe." Pressing her hands to her head, she breathed out a sigh as a headache started.

Rachael's chair creaked as the raptor shifted. "Well... How strange is it? Just wanna look at it here like you did with that one ingrown feather I had or should we go to the break room?"

Ina shook her head slowly, palms pressing tight enough to her eyes to make stars appear. "Bathroom private. One where no one would probably walk in on us." She shifted her hand and saw her friend staring into the middle-distance above their monitors. The raptor knew where every bathroom in the building was, and had the uncanny ability to know which one would be empty for the greatest length at any given time.

Only took her a second before she blinked, "This floor... no, one down. Eastern side of the building. MaHallen Construction just moved offices until they refurbish so the bathrooms should be empty." Her brightly painted claws flew across her keyboard as she saved work and locked up her computer. Ina followed suit, taking a little more time to make sure she marked her place before getting up. No surprise that Rachael was already out the door and down the hall, but then again the raptor did always love a good secret. Good thing she also knew how to keep them.

As big and old as the buildings were, she was always surprised by how the bathroom was. Even more so with the one that Rachael picked out. A quick glance down the line of stalls showed that the doors hung open, so her friend wasn't hiding in any of those. Which meant that she was somewhere else. A peek through a second door, what she had thought was a storage closet until a few weeks back, showed that Rachael was making a quick round of the lounge. The raptor flashed a smile back at her, "Yep, all clear as I thought. Cleaners tend to hit this place up every couple days now. So unless someone else decides to venture down here, or some guy chooses to use the bathroom..." she trailed off and waved her hand, "Should be all quiet for the next however long." That hooked nail on her foot rapped against the floor, "So what's all this super secret stuff?"

Ina breathed out a little huff and felt her cheeks coloring. "It's really, really weird. I have no clue at all how to talk about it or even breech the subject, so..." she trailed off as she undid her pants. Rachael started to utter the Stripper tune, only making it a couple of notes in before falling silent as the retriever's bulging underwear were exposed. Brows lifted as the raptor kept staring before lunging at her.

The canine yelped, but held still as the clever claws curled against the elastic of her panties and peeled them back to expose her sheath and sac to the air. "I know it's been a little while since we got smashed at the Christmas party and had some scissoring fun, but I'm pretty sure I would have remembered this." She dropped to her knees on the ancient carpeting, something Ina would never have done, and leaned in to investigate. Nose twitching as she sniffed around the canine's privates.

A blush crept along Ina's muzzle as her friend sniffed and looked at her privates. An odd, tightening, warmth starting to grow down there. "What are you doing?" she hissed, leaning against the door as if to block anyone from coming in.

"I guess checking to see if it smells natural?" She puffed breath along the underside of the sheath, "Not that I know what unnatural or supernatural would smell like, mind." Head feathers ruffled as she breathed out a soft little huff of her own. "Smells good though." Nails tapped against Ina's thighs before sliding up slowly as she breathed out a quiet, "Really good." With her head tilted back like it was, Ina couldn't see how the raptor's thighs began to squirm or how her tail was swaying behind her.

What she did notice, how could she not, was when the nose bumped against her sac and nuzzled it. Warm breath puffing against her privates as a low purring rumble rolled up her friend's muzzle. As if the sniffing hadn't been bad enough, the nuzzling saw the tip of her cock poking out of its home rather quickly. Sneaky fingers swept around her balls, weighing them just like she'd done before. "Seems like you've got the whole kit here." Nails tapped back further before finding their way back far enough to stroke over the retriever's pussy lips. "and the caboodle too." Rachael squirmed slowly, freeing a hand from her explorations to reach under her own skirt and work her panties down her thighs. Nose bumped against the sheath with little nuzzles before working her way up, tongue rolling against the tip briefly. "Does it work?" she asked before snaking her tongue around the peeking tip and down into the sheath itself.

How on earth did guys ever manage to talk while getting a blowjob? Ina rocked her head back against the door as her jaw dropped open. Hips shook and stirred with a throaty moan as Rachael pushed further down, her muzzle replacing the sheath in keeping her cock warm and safe. The purrs vibrating against the shaft as she let her tongue become the stripe on her barber pole. "W..." she gulped and huffed as the hand on her balls slipped up to play with her pussy again, "W-well, I d-did je-j..." a groan rolled up her throat, "Jerk off this morning."

Feathers perked curiously as she pulled back and peered up at the canine. "You did? Why you naughty girl you." A bubbling giggle rolled up the throat as Rachael hummed at the proudly erect cock. "You wanna get your freak on?"

Now that the mouth was off her cock, she could focus more. "What do you mean, feather butt?" The dog groaned and stretched her back, looking down at the kneeling raptor.

Rachael flashed a grin towards her before smoothly rolling up onto her feet and scampering off. Her panties falling off mid-stride and dropping to the floor. Padding to a couch, she leaned forward and let her tail sway up and away to flash her slick pussy lips and puckered tail hole Hips wiggled as she reached back to hike her skirt up a bit higher. "I mean, why not, after all?"

Ina flashed the raptor an odd look. Sure, she knew of plenty of times where Rachael had sex, she did like to talk about it while keeping the names secret, and they'd bumped uglies a fair bit as well. As far as she knew, the dino was a lesbian though. Plenty of guys at bars had offered to 'ruffle her feathers' and she'd turned each and every one of them down. Now here she was, tail hiked like she was in heat, and she was practically squirming in anticipation of getting fucked by her cock. Her tail waved behind herself slowly as she approached her friend, being drawn towards that pert rump like a magnet.

A soft moan drifted from the dino as she grabbed those hips and pulled herself against the friend. Cock grinding against the underside of her tail and the edges of that pussy. Tongue rolled from her maw as she ground against her friend. Each little push welcoming a little moan from her and a soft whine from Rachael.

Oh that felt good, but... as their hips rolled against each other it wasn't too long before her pointed tip nudged against those warm lips. Ears stood tall as she leaned back and reached down, rubbing her cock against that waiting slit. Fur bristled as a soft growl rolled up her throat at the feel of that slickness against her tip. Guiding herself down, she nudged her friend's pussy and watched as it started to spread out around her member.

No wonder guys rushed to shove it in!

Tongue rolled from her maw as she fought the urge to just pound it home. Hips twitching as she fed her cock deeper and deeper into the waiting raptor. Low whines getting caught in her throat before slipping free at just how good it felt. Painted nails slipped under her skirt and stroked her bared hips as she fed inch after inch into that waiting body. So this is what guys felt? She knew what it was like to be penetrated by both toy sand guys, but it was something else entirely to feel that warmth as it wrapped around her member. The way Rachael's eager squirms made the flesh roll around her. How that wet warmth soaked into her. The smell? Oh heavens above the smell was something she'd scented so many times before but had taken on a new depth today.

Speaking of depth, she bottomed out before she knew what was happening. Her bunched up sheath pressing flush against the smooth hide of Rachael's slit. The pair sharing a groan as her hips rolled slowly. Sac tapping the stretched lips ever so lightly before she drew back.

Only to slam right back in, rocking her smaller friend forward with the impact. "Oh that feels good," she barely managed to pant. Tongue rolled from her maw as nails scratched against the hips slowly.

A huff came from the raptor as she pushed back, hips twisting so her thick tail could swing off to the retriever's side. "It gets even better once you start thrusting, trust me on this." She wiggled her hips and groaned, walls ripping around the canine's cock. "Feels better than any guy already..."

There was a deeply sat need to wrap her arms around Rachael's hips and just dig in. Some instinct crying out for her to just fuck the feathers right off the dino and leave her begging for more.

Really saw no reason to go against what her body was telling her.

Wrapping her arms around Rachael's waist, she leaned forward with a throaty growl. The shift in position shoved that tail further to the side, letting her get in even closer as she puffed out a pant against the neck as her eyes narrowed. It started with a couple slower, shorter thrusts that stirred against that tunnel. Just something to help temper her nerves as her growl changed to a more lustful noise. Speed picked up rather quickly, but she didn't make her thrusts any longer. Hips peppered that pert rump with machine gun thrusts. Balls bouncing against the belly and thighs as the pair began to shift with each passing moment. Their moans lifting and echoing off the lounge's walls.

Good thing no one was around to hear them. Especially not as she really dug her feet into the carpet and started to hammer the raptor. The dull thump of crotch on ass rapidly gaining a slicker tone as her pussy grabbed and pulled at the cock. Trying its hardest to coax her to cum and fill that sweet egg tunnel with her seed. And it was rapidly approaching the point where it'd be hard for her not to just flood her friend. Especially once her knot started to pop and pull, making her thrusts come up short.

How did guys manage? She gritted her teeth and tried to push through it as her gut tightened up. Hips jerking this way and that as she huffed and panted. What was that joke they always talked about? Baseball, cold showers, uh... something something...Fuck

A squeeze from Rachael made her thrust jerk to a halt. Powerful muscles catching the backside of her knot and making her jerk forward with a breathless gasp. Her knot grew with a throb, blood rushing to her privates so fast that she was left a little lightheaded. Each time she tried to pull back her hips came up short. Impossible to tell if it was because of her new knot trapping her there, or if it was because of how it felt each time those muscles squeezed down behind it. She couldn't even think about drawing away without her hips pounding her forward again.

She was mid-tug when a hand snapped back and grabbed her rear. Nails digging into her hip as Rachael squealed, "FUCKING FINISH ALREADY!" followed by a rapid series of barking calls as her orgasm washed over her.

Muscles meant to guide an egg out of her body clenched and pushed, twisting around the knotted length in a way that Ina couldn't have even ever begun to dream of. Smashing her hips flush against the raptor's she planted a handful more of those extremely shallow thrusts before adding her own low howl to the coughing barks. Balls leapt and her vision nearly blacked out as she began to unload into that waiting pussy.

Rachael's moans turned into soft coos as she leaned back. Nibbling lightly over Ina's cheeks as she panted heavily. It was completely different from this morning. That warmth wrapping around her length only making her climax that much more intense.

Carefully painted and manicured claws slipped up to stroke her hair. Rachael twisting her body to bring her muzzle towards Ina's. "That was pretty good," she purred, tail thumping the canine's flank. "Just less pulling with the knot next time." A giggle rolled up the plumed throat before she twisted enough to embrace Ina in a kiss. That thinner reptilian tongue darting right past the canine's and deeper into her maw.

Ina didn't really have a chance to respond before the kiss was broken, leaving the raptor rolling her hips a bit as she got comfortable down there. "Was not expecting that," Ina admitted. "I mean you're usually not into..." she trailed off as the squirming made her shudder, knotted length throbbing firmly. Now that she was thinking about it, she couldn't help but notice how it was pulsing. Firing another short into her friend every second or two.

"I prefer fish to sausage? Tacos to hot dogs?" Rachael giggled, "I do, but sometimes a girl has got to have meat." She twisted to look between her legs, fingers tapping along the bulging lips of her pussy. The quick little taps and rubs making the canine shiver. "Best of both worlds right here if you ask me." Feathers ruffled for a moment as she rubbed the sore lips with a soft purr. "I know you know how to treat a girl, and if you keep this around..." She trailed off with a shiver, "Well, if you keep it then I might have to try wooing you more often. Maybe later when we have more time we could..." Rachael trailed off and blinked. Stretching, she grabbed her purse from where she'd dropped it on the couch, checking her phone. "Oh Shiz! We've gotta get back to work before Lord Grump starts stomping around."

That was just what she needed today. Ina huffed and leaned back, her hips tugging at their joining for just an instant before her hips smacked back to the raptor's. "One problem." She pointed down, "Gonna take a half hour for this."

Rachael twisted her head, "Oh that? Gimme a second." She took a breath and tensed her muscles around the knot. A tremor raced down her tunnel before rolling across the shaft and around the knot. Muscles twitched against Ina's length before starting to push on it. The raptor's breath came in short huffs as she stepped her legs apart. Her tail swung up nice and high, giving Ina a perfect view of her cute star and stretched folds, as her spine arched until her tail tip nearly touched her nose. A quick push of her inner muscles and twitch of her hips popped the fat knot out of her body.

Both ladies stepped away quickly, the pair gasping both from the feeling of the wet slit sliding off the cock and from the gush of freed fluids that came rushing out of the freshly fucked slit. A huff came from Rachael as she stood there for a second, shivering before she turned to waddle towards one of the sinks in the lounge. "Messy messy."

"Tell me about it." Ina held onto her knot and shuffled over as well, grabbing some of towels as well to catch the cum that kept spitting from her tip.

Rachael glanced towards the cock and giggled to herself, "Well yeah, that's a dog world problem there." She rinsed off her towel and cleaned up her privates, tail swaying behind her as she wiped and cleaned quickly before glancing around for her panties. "You wait here until you can zip back up, I'll go cover for you back at the line, and then we can talk dinner later." She darted to get her panties before dashing in. Hopping up onto her toes for a sudden kiss on Ina's nose before bolting out while hopping into her panties.

More than a little stunned, she blinked at the swinging door and breathed out a sigh, glancing down at her cock. "Well, I guess you're not too bad." Leaning against the wall, she breathed out a huff and tried to think about something other than how good Rachael's pussy felt. "Could certainly do that more often." She flashed a grin and let her tongue roll from her maw in a golden grin.

It took a good few minutes before she was able to get everything situated properly. The jeans and her shirt choice helped out a great deal. She slipped back to her desk and logged back in quickly. A look at her boss' office showed that the blinds were down, not terribly unusual, so she was able to slip right back in unnoticed. Rachael was already busy typing away at her consoles again, eyes darting from screen to screen. She flashed Ina a smile as the retriever got back to work. Casting a quick glance over her shoulder before scooting her chair in closer. "Didn't really have to cover for you," she admitted. "Boss man has been..." she coughed, "busy."

As if summoned by that, the office door popped open. Both turned to look as a Russian Blue feline strolled out with a barely concealed smirk. Ina flashed Lida a smile as well, barely holding back the growl that wanted to come bubbling up and out. "Ina!" came the low grunt from the lion that stood in the doorway. "See you a moment?"

"Right away, Sir." She flashed Rachael a look, the raptor giving her a covert thumbs up and a semi-hopeful smile before returning to her work.

Sighing at the scant amount of work she'd managed to do since the last time she got up, she quickly saved and closed before padding to the office. The large lion holding the door open for her and closing it behind her. "Please, have a seat." He waved a hand towards the only other chair in the office as he slunk to his chair and sank into it. As was his way, the lion shuffled some papers and adjusted things on his desk for a moment, leaving her sitting there with a nervous flutter in her belly. She busied herself by glancing at his desk. As usual, it was fairly neat and tidy, most things kept off the surface other than the calendar right in front of him and the monitor tucked in the corner. A couple photos of his wife and him in the other corner.

Ah, Mrs. Mars if only you knew what your precious Lucas was doing in his office just a few minutes ago. Her nose twitched against the heavy 'tropical breeze' air freshener that was trying very poorly to cover up the scent of sex. Although looking at the picture of her, from probably ten years ago, it was easy to tell his type. Lean with legs that stretched into tomorrow. Although his taste in felines had changed over the years it seemed. Casting a glance from the picture to the lion before her, time hadn't treated him too well either. Sure, he was still in shape. Kinda. She'd seen him in more relaxed clothing before so she knew he still had some muscle tone, but life behind a desk had taken its toll on his belly. Wonder if his jaguar was slipping out while he was here eight plus hours a day. She was looking happier and had lost some weight when Ina saw her at the Christmas party.

"So," the deep rumble drew her attention back to the big cat. His hands linking as he leaned forward and braced his arms on the desk. "You've been doing very well these last few months. Really stepped up your game ever since Teddy mentioned he was leaving." Teddy was the go to guy for project leads, if there was any problem then they generally went to the St Bernard rather than face down the lion. It wasn't that Lucas didn't know what he was doing, it's just that he tended to over complicate things. She sat up a little straighter and perked her ears forward, "However..." and that word crushed it all. "After much consideration and reviewing both sets of skills on offer, I have decided that once Lida is going to be the lead on the next project. I know she's new to the team, but she has some wonderful leadership qualities."

Any other day, Ina would just nod and say Yes Sir, agree with him, and keep doing what she was doing while trying to play nice with everything. It wouldn't be the first time that Lida had edged her out of a bonus or a job or the like, always turning back to her or Rachael or one of the other team members when she got in over her head. She was good, but take her outside of what she knew and she tended to freeze up under pressure.

"She's good at giving head, isn't she?"

Lucas dropped his head forward, peering over his glasses at her growled words. "Pardon me?" Heavy arms shifted into a more aggressive cross as he leaned forward, "Are you insinuating that your coworker traded sexual favors for a better job?"

Oh shit, she'd said it out loud! Why'd she do that? "What I'm insinuating is that she probably prefers gobbling the cock to anything else." Hands slipped into her pockets as she leaned back in her chair, head lifting to fix the stunned lion with a cooler gaze. "Guessing she makes you put on a condom each time, and if you don't then you've gotta pull out and finish in her mouth. Never on the face or the hair, not with how much money she probably drops on the stylist every month." Ina rocked back and kicked both feet up, planting her heels right on the edge of his desk. "Probably nothing kinky either. _She's_far too uptight for that."

His eyes narrowed dangerously right up until she mentioned the kinky part. Then the growl that had been building died off as he leaned back ever so slightly. Ears standing forward as he considered the golden retriever before him. She hadn't acted like this before, so it was mildly confusing to the managerial lion. Eyes darted over her slowly as he considered his words. "Which leads to the question of what you are suggesting." Fingers parted into an open gesture, "Rather obvious you aren't... pleased with the thought of her promotion. So what... assets do you bring to the table that she doesn't?"

Feet dropped to the ground as she leaned towards his desk. Arms pressing a little tighter together as she braced her arms on his desk, giving him a good look right down her top as she did so. "What I'm saying," she kept her voice low and conspiratorial, "is that could offer something far more than she could." Oh dear God what was she doing? "I've been here almost ten years now. Been working with you as a boss for about five now. You know how good I am at keeping things on the down low when needed." She could see his nostrils flare as the big cat took a deeper whiff, as if he were trying to sniff out a lie. Maybe trying to get her scent? Hard to tell with them sometimes. "Now," she mirrored his way of sitting, fingers lacing as she leaned against the desk, "should we discuss things, or do I have to give you a minute to think and... Recharge?"

"Anal." The word was spoke just a touch too loud, thrown down at her as if it were a gauntlet to challenge her.

Now her brain was catching up with her mouth and pieces were starting to fall into place. She had to keep the smirk off her face as her tail wagged ever so slightly. "Oh believe me, I can give you anal in a way that you'll never forget."

He looked surprised as he leaned back, glancing at the wall clock before back at her. It was pretty easy to read his thoughts. Get to have sex twice before lunch? While she knew she wasn't entirely his type, there had been a few hints dropped here and there that he was interested in her for a bit of office action. Nothing ever enough for her to accuse him of harassment or anything, but he wasn't the most subtle either.

A finger tapped against his desk slowly as he thought, humming. "Now, when I am referring to anal, I don't mean just the act of anal sex. I am also referring to a bit of," he rolled his hand slowly as if thinking about the proper word to use, "foreplay?"

"Rim job," she rolled her head back and forth as she thought, "Yeah, I've done it before." Oh he was walking right into it and he didn't even realize. "So long as you are all clean and all that I'm fine with it."

Brows arched ever so slightly as he breathed out a low rumbling noise. "And this will stay entirely between us?"

Ina flashed a smiled towards him and flicked her tongue over her lips with a murmuring noise of her own. Tail swaying behind her as she gave him that goldie grin, patent pending. "Not a word will leave this office, and I guarantee that you'll get a dose of action that you'll probably never forget." She held her hand out towards him, "And in return?"

He looked at her hand and breathed out a low hum as he thought, weighing everything. "In return," he started slow as he weighed everything. "You will certainly be bumped up ahead of Lida." He reached forward until he hand was almost touching. "Provided you can back up your boasting."

She clapped her hand right into his palm and shook, "Trust me, you'll remember this for a very long time to come."

Chair creaked as the lion broke the handshake and stood up, hands already falling to his belt to start to undo his suit pants. "Well," he rumbled, "should we get started with this?" Lucas shifted, stepping right out of his shoes and knocking them to the side under his desk. Pressed slacks came down to reveal the male's already bulging jockstrap. Ina found herself staring a little at the bulge as he folded his pants before draping them over the back of his tall chair. Dude was packing and she'd never had any idea.

"We shall," She got up and smiled as she slipped her shoes off as well, keeping her jeans on for now as she padded around the desk. "Are you wanting to rim or be rimmed?"

He played with his cuff links a moment while he pondered the question. Head tilting back to stare up at the lights for a breath before humming. "I believe this first time I'll be the one that is rimmed." Lips curled into a slight smile, "Get a feel for it, you could say."

Har d Har, so hilarious. She let out one of those fake laugh with the boss giggles as she moved behind him and rubbed his back. "Well, then don't really need to take your shirt off, do you?"

"No I guess I don't." He glanced back at her and quirked a brow since she was fully clothed, but shrugged it off as she pushed against his back gently. Lucas leaned forward and braced his elbows on the large desk, feet stepping apart as he breathed out a little huff in anticipation. His tufted tail swaying and twitching as she moved up behind him.

Dropping to a crouch behind the lion she reached out to stroke his rear and knead his backside. Fingers spread his cheeks apart, the lion's jockstrap not doing much to cover up that star of his. She took a curious sniff and was relieved that he was clean back there, as promised. Suspiciously clean since his fur down here smelt of soap. Ina cast a suspicious glance towards the door that led to his private bathroom. Once, when he'd been out for a meeting or something, she and Rachael had snuck in there once. It wasn't much larger than a closet, just the toilet and sink, but certainly enough there that he'd be able to clean up. Personally, she'd prefer the gym route but then again she wasn't trying to hide anything from her coworkers.

A low huff came rolling up her throat as she leaned in and lashed her tongue against his pucker. Yeah, clean and a little soapy. She pressed her tongue tighter against the rear with little rolled and presses. Teasing him in a way that made the big male start to groan a bit, the noise rolling out like a short, grunting roar. Good thing that his office was fairly well sound proofed.

He kept his voice down as her tongue dove into his rump. Those noises felt more than heard as she pressed her tongue deeper into his rear. Just that nice deep push and roll that made the male start to groan and wiggle his hips against her muzzle.

Slipping her hand up his thigh, she reached up to stroke him through his jockstrap. The lion's cock already ragingly hard as she stroked it. A push nudged the cloth aside enough to let his length jump out so she could feel it. Part of her had always been curious about what he'd been packing and now here she had it in her hand. Squeezing gently, she had to say that she was impressed by what she felt. Fingers stroked along his shaft and played with the rubbery barbs that covered his shaft. She breathed out a soft little murmur as her tongue lapped across his balls and up into his rear, driving in as she growled playfully.

Lucas' moans and grunts began to grow a little louder as she played with him. His cock throbbing within her grasp as muscles clenched at her tongue. Hand pumping faster along his girth as she changed her grip on him a little. Going for a grip that was reversed to how a guy would normally go. Pumping his cock faster as her tongue drove in and out of his rear.

Thick and big as his cock might be, it didn't take long before he was twitching and his balls were starting to draw up. Whipping her tongue out, she slipped a hand down to open her pants up. Wiggling her panties around to hook them behind her balls. Mimicking what she might do with a guy, but only for herself. She smiled and moved slowly, not wanting to make too much noise as she let her fingers keep working his cock. "Are you ready, big guy?"

He breathed out a huff, "Oh yeah, about to blow." Muscles tensed as he started to stand up with a deeper rumble.

Shoving a hand between his shoulder blades, she drove him back down to the desk as she stepped up. "Oh, I'm not quiet done with you, Boss." Ina licked over her lips with a low growl of her own as she rubbed her sheath between his ass cheeks before lining up. The pointed tip wedging against his prepared pucker as she leaned forward over him. "You wanted anal? Here you go!"

Keeping a hand planted on his back, her other kept a handhold on his cock as she slammed in. Muscles clenching tight against her invading cock as she slammed every last inch right into him.

Teeth ground as he held back from calling out. She didn't quite have the same reservations as he did. Letting out a breathless gasp as she ground against his rear. Those little grinds quickly turning into shallow thrusts, then full on slams. Within a few seconds, she was railing her manager with every bit of the vim and vigor that she'd built up to fucking Rachael with, but at a fraction of the time.

Despite being larger than her, Lucas' breath was being driven from him with each thrust. Maw dropping open with breathy gasps and huffs from the canine's rapid impacts. Body slamming against his as she pressed down towards him, holding onto his hips like a wild dog would. His tail lashed against her side as his hips rolled back towards her as if the lion was eager for even more. A growl rolled up her throat as she huffed, "That's a good cat bitch."

Her hand came down on his ass with a smack. The big male jumping and biting back a yelp from the strike. "How's this for some memorable anal?" He could only groan, body shaking under hers as her hand returned to his cock. Starting to pump the length fast and hard in time with her own thrusts. Or at least as close as she could get to it. Head twisted to bite at the male's mane, tugging at it with an animalistic growl.

Body trembled, "Oh fuck this cat bitch harder!" Lucas gasped as his eyes rolled back, cock leaping in her grasp as the big guy began to cum, his seed splashing on his carpet and the underside of his desk.

That was completely unexpected. Not that she was complaining in the least. He felt vastly different from Rachael, the muscles clenching right behind her growing knot, but only providing a looser pressure against the upper part. She kept pounding him through his climax, hand stroking his cock in a way that had the big lion squirming under her and rowling like a cat in heat. Rear clenched and pulled at the cock as he bit down onto an arm, trying to keep himself quiet under her assault.

She was under no such constraints. A snarl was buried into his mane as she slammed forward and let out a gasp as his body began to clench around her again. Driving herself deep into him, she huffed as she started to paint his walls with her thick cum. Body shaking as she let her eyes roll back with a throaty huff. A low groan came from the canine as she rolled her hips steadily against him. He trembled under her, cock twisting within her grasp as she managed to coax a bit more out of him. Knotted length pulsing within his rump as she fired off her third load of the day right into her boss! Only problem she had was that now she was knotted balls deep in the lion.

Ina sat up slowly and wiggled her hips to test it. Unlike the dino's tight little puss, this rear flexed and spread. Perking her ears, she pressed both hands to the lion's ass and pulled out with a low groan. He tensed as well, burying a groan into his arm. The clench made her huff and smack his rear, "Relax, would you?"

"Sorry, Sir...ma'am..." A low groan rolled up his throat as she pulled, knot tugging at his rear before popping out. The lion jerked with a muffled yelp, staying bent over his desk as she padded to his bathroom and began to clean up. Ina cast a quick glance over her shoulder towards him as the male slowly sank back into his chair, not entirely looking at her. She caught him giving her a couple quick looks before averting his eyes each time he realized she was looking at him as well.

Now that she was a bit more practiced with it, it only took a moment or two for her to get that knot down enough for her to sheath it and get her pants situated again. Cheeks flushed as she felt wet panties sliding across her pussy lips. Pants down again, she quickly cleaned herself up before putting them back into position. When she checked on the boss, she saw him staring at her curiously now. Only just realizing that in her hurry to dry up, she had flashed him her pussy. Cheeks colored as she threw away the paper towels and washed her hands. Okay, you've already taken it this far, just keep going.

Turning back to Lucas, she wiped her hands down as she looked over him. Tossing the towel into the trash. "I'm thinking I'm going to head out for an early lunch. Might take the day off entirely at this rate." Ears rolled towards him, "Is that okay?" Crossing her arms, she looked at the lion.

"Yeah," he waved a hand towards her as he sat there, bare-assed on his chair. "Just tell the others that I'll be busy the rest of the afternoon."

Casting a glance towards him as he slipped forward, she stepped out of the office and shut his door behind her. Everyone within the office was trying their hardest to not look at her as she came out. Well, except for Lida who was giving her a rather bitchy look. "Mr. Mars said he's probably going to be busy the rest of the afternoon, lots of paperwork and managerial stuff. You guys know how it is." She flashed the cat a smile as she padded over to where her stuff was. Grabbing her pack, she leaned towards Rachael, "Going to get lunch. I'll give details later." She knew the raptor was curious, but her hands were flying over the keyboard as she pretended to be busy. Feathers perked curiously but she nodded and kept up her work.

Lunch was questionable to say the least. A quick to go order from her favorite curry place and back to her apartment for a change of clothes then she'd head out and wander around town a bit.

At least that had been the plan. What she ended up doing was staying on her couch with only her socks on most of the day. Open container of food sitting on the table right alongside one of her favorite sex toys and a box of tissue. What the last couple hours had taught her was that having both sexes played with was amazing, and that tissues fell apart so easy. Really wasn't sure why she'd heard all those rumors about guys cleaning up with one. They kept leaving bits of lint and stuff on her cock.

So there she was, feet kicked up on the couch and picking some tissue off her sheath when her phone chirped. It was a text from Rachael, "What did you do? Lida was livid after you left. She chewed out Teddy and ended up storming out in a huff with Mars leaving a bit after while snarling at his phone. Did not sound the least bit happy."

Nibbling on a bit of bread, she worked her way through a reply. "Just giving her a bit of her own medicine and putting him in his place. What happens beyond that is their own thing. Doubt he'll tell her what happened to him in there."

Only took a couple seconds before her phone chirped. "!!! Did you give it to him too?" She could just imagine those feathers jumping in surprise.

Tongue slipped from her muzzle with a giggle, "Told him that I'd give him something kinkier than Lida would. He asked about anal, so I gave it to him. Harder than I'd given it to you, I think." She thought about it a second before sending a second, "Given the choice, would rather have a second with you though."

The reply was almost instant, "Oh yeah, that was really fun. Maybe next time could have somewhere a bit more private so we could take some time and really explore." Followed by a couple hearts and a kissy emoji. Ina shook her head and smiled before stretching her back out slowly, groaning as muscles creaked and popped. There was just a moments worth of silence before her phone chimed again, "Bar?"

"Sounds good," was the immediate reply, "Be there in a few." Although that meant she needed to get pants. Now she knew why so many guys complained about needing to put on pants. Got as bad as getting on a bra sometimes. She heaved a sigh and lurched from the couch to go find something better to wear. Maybe she'd risk a skirt. Could be fun.

They never really needed to discuss where to go after work, both knew exactly what the bar was. It was a place just a few blocks from the office, which meant she still had to drive to get there, but it occupied that gray area between a pub and a dive. They'd never seen a rat (other than Terry from Marketing) or a roach in the place, food was decent, but it didn't have nearly enough spit and polish that they'd run into the managers there. Not usually anyway, sometimes one would wander in to 'bond' with the team and it'd kill the vibe for however long they were there.

As she passed the front, she cast a quick glance and saw all the signs were lit. Good, no bosses there tonight. The staff knew who they catered to most of the time, and since they tended to tip pretty well, they had all sorts of signals. Pulling her car into the first spot she could, she went inside.

Rachel was already there with a plate of rather messy fries and a pair of drinks. The raptor whistling at her as she approached, "Wearing a skirt? Don't you think that's a bit..." she waved a fry as she thought, "dangerous?"

Ina wiped her seat down with a wet nap before hopping up onto it, "Tonight, that's a risk I'm willing to take." She grabbed her drink and knocked back a long swig. "Plus," she coughed, "I think the Scots have it right. Feels really good." Stealing a fry, she flashed a grin towards her friend's shocked look as she nibbled on the fry. Tail waving steadily behind her. She grinned nice and wide as she took another swig of her beer before casting a look around the room. "So any more news?"

Rachel had leaned over to peek under the table. To which Ina rewarded her by flicking that skirt up enough to show that yes, she had gone commando under there. A trill came from her friend as she sat back up with a wide grin. "Nope, nothing of the sort. Teddy did come by to ask if I knew what made you leave like that." Her teeth chattered rapidly before croaking, "Think he believes you were fired. You know I don't have the best hearing, and his is even worse than mine. All we'd heard from the office was a bit of commotion and what sounded like yelling." She let the tip of her tongue stick out with a giggle, "Everyone there is really sure that you wouldn't have sex with him. Except Lida, that's her game so she's probably feeling worried about someone stepping into her court." Rachel grabbed a few fries and nibbled on them. "Especially when her boy toy doesn't want anyone bothering him after."

The pair of them were making some serious inroads into the plate already. "Well yeah, she had him wrapped around her littlest finger for the longest time." She nibbled on a fry and thought. "Little weird how much he seemed to get into it though." Ina leaned back and reached for her drink, realizing it was empty. She waved the mug towards the bar with a whistle, the emerald macaw back there waving back at her. "Just wondering how it's gonna all play out."

"Oh I can't wait to see how it works out either. Figure that you'll either get the job or fired." A giggle rolled up her throat, "Would love to see that report though." She fell silent as the fresh beers were plunked on the table, flashing a smile towards the avian and crooning. Once the tender wandered off she picked right back up, "Employee pounded my ass like a bitch to get a job I'd promised to a stuck up bitch who blew me." She shook her head, "Does seem something he might try though."

She loved this. The simple ritual of going out every few nights for a couple drinks and a plate or two of junky foods. Usually followed up by a mild hangover the next day and her crying as she did her workout tapes, trying to burn off whatever she'd eaten. That pain from trying the workouts she rarely practiced was well worth the time to just hang out with a friend and talk about things.

Although they never went more than a couple drinks and a couple hours before going to their homes. Responsibilities and all that. So before long, Rachel was starting to slow down. Head tilted as she cast a glance at Ina, "Gonna be calling it soon?"

Ears flapped as she shook her head, "Nah, had me a big nap this afternoon. Think I'll get another round or two." It was impossible to miss what the raptor wanted to do. However, it'd just be an hour or two of fun at home then they'd have to pass out and drag into work the next day. Where would the fun be. "Hey, do you want to come over this weekend? Just got some new sheets."

Feathers stood up as she grinned towards her friend. "Sounds like a plan to me!" She hopped off the chair with a trill and scooped up her stuff. "Don't get too wild. You might have grown a pair to face down Mars, but I don't think he'll cut you slack if you come in late tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I'll get to bed at a reasonable hour." She waited until Rachel was stepping past before giving that raptor ass a nice little swat. There was a jump, a squeak, and a tail wiggle as she half danced out of the bar. Ina snickers and turned back to her drink. She wasn't about to get smashed, that would be stupid, but who knows what the night might bring? Might just have a chance to do something stupid.

And speaking of stupid, she was halfway through her drink when a flash of motion caught her eyes. It wasn't just the motion, it was the way that the bar's lightning caught on those pale feathers. She would recognize that plumage anywhere. "Tanya," she breathed out, watching the snowy owl perch at the bar, sipping some sherry and tapping her finger in time with the music. Tanya, the one that got away. They'd met up in college and even both moved out here together. Well, she'd moved because Tanya got a job here, then she'd found her own. It was good for a few years, and then Tanya decided that she wasn't really into women anymore so she'd broken it off.

She broke a lot of things that day.

Ina found herself staring at the owl as she sipped her drink at the bar. Just staring and watching for a moment as her tail waved behind her slowly. She didn't stare too long though, fairly soon after she'd noticed Tanya sitting there, the owl got up and padded towards the bathrooms.

Now it was time for something stupid. Downing the rest of her beer, Ina wiped her mouth on the back of her hand and stood up, following the owl only a moment later. Didn't seem the bird had to use the bathroom or anything, since she was coming out of the room as Ina came down the hallway. A bit of powder on her beak showing that she'd been there to freshen up her makeup. She came up short as she spotted the retriever, a smile crossing her features. Just the slightest turn at the edges of her beak and feathers moving a certain way. "Ina, what a surprise to see you here." Her words spoken slowly, each one chosen with care and elegance that she knew could crush her so terribly easy.

She returned the smile, tail waving as she approached. "Yeah, surprise seeing me at my favorite bar. What brings you around here?"

Taloned fingers combed through head feathers as a low coo came from her, "Thought I might come down here, remind me of everything I'm leaving behind." The motion readily drew attention to the sparkling ring on her finger.

Brows bounced playfully, "So you and Alex finally decided to go all the way?" The cool blue eyes followed hers to the ring.

Tanya hoo'd a soft laugh, "Forgot I was wearing that." Yeah right. She might as well be a peacock as much as she loved to show things off. Ina had managed to cut down a lot of stuff once the owl had moved out and took the hundreds of clothes she had. "Well you know how Alex is." Her words rolled with a soft coo, adding an exotic flavor to each word. "Shot straight up the ladder, got a six figure job, and we're having to move. Already picked out an adorable place in the suburbs." Eyes narrowed a bit as her beak worked in a soundless laugh, "Would invite you out there to visit, but it's all the way across the country."

Ina was only a few feet away, her body between the owl and the bar. The hallway they were in stretched out past the bathrooms, towards the kitchens and the door out to the alley. As usual, there were a few stacks of boxes here and there, particularly around the back door. Shelf stable stuff that hadn't been taken in yet probably. "Well what can I say other than congratulations, girl. Although it does mean that it might be my last chance to do this."

"Doo what?" she let her hoo roll the word out as she turned her head up to look at Ina right as the retriever lunged. Feathers flattened in surprise as she jerked her head back, only managing a half-step back before arms wrapped around her lighter frame and pulled her in. The canine's tongue driving right into her shocked beak.

This was the textbook definition of stupid. Kissing your ex right after finding out that they were getting married? Bad move. Kissing an ex who had a beak capable of ripping apart meat, such as a tongue, with relative ease? Really bad move.

Unless it paid off. Tanya was stiff as a board as she pulled the owl against her, but that frigid shell melted within seconds. A moan rolling around her tongue as that slimmer avian muscle nudged hers. Hands slipped over her arms as Tanya pressed up into the kiss. The pair moved, slowly at first, but speeding up as Ina guided them back and behind some boxes.

The moment her back touched the wall, Tanya broke the kiss with a gasp, head rocking back with a breathless moan, "What are you doing?" she asked, grabbing Ina's arms. Not pushing but not pulling in either. She shook a little, feathers ruffled in a way that the canine knew meant that the owl was getting turned on.

Hands dropped to those shapely thighs as she let out a soft growl. "I am going to fuck you before you go. Let you know exactly what you're missing."

A hooting chuckle rolled up her throat, "A programmer stuck in a job, getting passed by for any and every promotion because she doesn't want to play the game?" Even as she talked, her legs were lifting with Ina's tugs, wrapping around the retriever's waist. The owl's skirt riding up higher as Ina's hands moved along those toned thighs. As expected, she didn't have any panties on. Date night with Alex perhaps? Ina remembered how many times Tanya and she played the 'pick up a random girl from the bar' stranger game. Seems she still loved that little bit of role play.

Why not give her a new fantasy? Tanya either didn't notice or was ignoring how Ina's fingers slipped around her thigh and pulled her closer. With her own skirt lifted and lack of panties, it only took a second for her to find what she was looking for. Her peeking red cock nudging against the owl's feathered pussy lips, "Oh I'm so much more than that now."

There was a moment of confusion that crossed Tanya's features before her eyes shot wide as Ina thrust forward. Slick walls spreading around the canine's cock. Nails dug into the dog's arms and shoulders as the owl rocked her head back, beak open in one of her silent gasps. Oh yeah, she loved that stranger game. Alex was probably out there, looking for the owl right now, or would be soon enough. Hence the quick trip to the bathroom. Get her makeup going, maybe a finger bang at the bar, and a fuck either in the alley or car.

Smooth muscles twisted against her cock as she began to bounce the owl, rocking her hips in short bucks that lead into stronger thrusts. Like Rachel's, the muscles were strong and great at squeezing her, meant to push an egg out of her body, but they weren't nearly as strong as the raptor's had been. She was starting to wonder how other pussies would feel, see what else was out there when she was done.

Curling her arms under Tanya's legs, she brought them up to her shoulders, one of the owl's hands dropping to a box to brace herself as her beak hung open. "How...when..." throat shook with a nearly silent croon as her body trembled around the cock.

Lips curled back with her growls, "Fuck if I know." Each word punctuated by a quick thrust. She wanted to make this last, but she knew it wouldn't. Having spent the afternoon jerking off, Ina knew just what her limit was. It'd be easier to last with Tanya though, she didn't plan on knotting the owl. Had other plans there and she didn't want to hold up her ex too much. She was wanting to fuck the hooter silly, not ruin her date night.

Didn't want to be rude after all.

Tongue slipped over the beak as she leaned in, tickling the owl's as Tanya pushed towards it. Her own grunts and pants a counter to the owl's nearly silent moans and gasps. Her taloned toes curling and flexing, legs pressing to the dog's cheeks. "More, more, more, gimme more!" came the whispered shouts. Tail feathers flicking up to tickle her swinging balls. Thighs already starting to tremble as she quickly worked the bird into a frenzy. Surprised her that she was getting her to call out since Tanya was mostly silent during even the most passionate of sex. So to get this from her? Might as well get it made into an award and hang it up right alongside her diplomas.

Walls clenched harder around her length as the owl's body drove into hers. Tanya broke the kiss and rocked her head back, beak shaking with a barely contained call as she peaked. Ina pounded her growing knot against those folds with a throaty growl, so very tempted to hammer it in and blow her load in that feathered twat. She had some better ideas though.

She ripped her cock out of that tight pussy, making Tanya whimper and reach down to try and guide her back in. Ina shook her head and stepped back, letting those legs drop to the ground. "On your knees." Tanya hesitated a moment, eyes locked on that red cock that was peeking out from under her skirt. "Knees!" came the snarl. That almost feral growl was enough to drive her down, beak opening almost automatically. Ina licked her lips, "That's a good girl," and fed her engorged cock right into the waiting opening.

Tanya's throat shook around the girth as she happily took it right down her craw, big eyes gazing up at Ina with lust glowing in their depths. Her tongue bathed over the cock as she bobbed her head, slipping the length right down her crop and squeezing it as she groaned. One taloned hand dipped between her own legs, driving two digits right back into her pussy, as the other swept up Ina's thighs.

Hips jerked as the owl found her pussy and easily pushed a pair of her fingers into the soaking wet canine. Ina shivered as those perfectly manicured talons began to pump her pussy, returning the favor by grabbing Tanya by the head and starting to fuck her beak. Croons shook along her cock as the owl's tongue darted against her privates. Fingers hooking and twisting and wiggling in ways that she hadn't felt in far too long. "Oh holy fuck," came the needy growl, having forgotten just how good Tanya was at playing with her. Fingers dug deeper and twisted, her exclamation only seeming to urge the owl on.

Knot smacked against that carefully powdered beak as she groaned. Body tensing and balls lifting as she hammered her ex with shallow thrusts. Head rocked back and tongue rolled from her maw as she began to cum, dumping her load right down the owl's craw. Pussy clenching against the invading fingers as they kept rolling against her walls to keep her going.

She wasn't going to let her entire load go down that gullet though. No, where would the fun in that be? A growl rolled up her throat as she stepped back, length slipping from the beak. Tanya cast her a curious glance, hands lifting to grab her hips to keep her there. Nope, this was happening. She pulled herself back, red cock popping free and twitching in the cooler air. Her seed splashing against the owl's face. Tanya jerked back with an indignant hoot, making Ina burst out laughing. Head twisted to shoot a glare up at her, "I've got to go clean up now!"

Ina brought her cock down with a smack against that upturned face. "Then we'd better both clean up then, hmm?" Holding a hand out, she waited with a goldie grin.

Tanya huffed, facial feathers falling in a way that Ina knew hovered between angry and embarrassed. Taking the hand, she stood up and tried to adjust her outfit while not staring at the cock that peeked out from under that skirt. Ina moved first, going to open the bathroom door and waiting as the owl joined her. Together, they moved to the sink and began to clean up.

She could feel the owl's eyes on her as she did her best to clean and dry both sets of sexes. "So... when did that happen?" came the inevitable question as the owl did her best to gently dry her plumage. "Also how did it happen? Last time I checked you didn't have any of that, and I checked very well."

Cold water was helping her knot go down even if it made a mess with her fur. Ina huffed as the knot slipped back into her sheath, adjusting the skirt to make sure it wasn't showing off too badly. "Wouldn't you like to know." She flashed a quick smile to her ex. "Good luck with your move, and might want to hurry. I bet Alex is wandering where you are."

And sure enough, she wasn't back to her table for too long before Tanya wandered out of the hall. The owl cast her a glance before returning to her bar stool. Her feathered butt had barely hit the seat before someone was up there. Ina knew it was Alex by the way that Tanya instantly began to flirt and pet on. She knew the game too well, she'd been on the pick up end of it countless times before. It'd been a couple years now, but it still hurt to watch. So she decided not to. Waving towards the macaw, she got another round to ease the dull ache in her gut.

"Might have gone a little overboard," she said to herself as she peered at the cop car that pulled up alongside her with the lights flashing. I mean sure, she was drunk which is why she wasn't driving home. Might have been a bit wobbly going down the streets though. Really probably should have called a cab but it was nice enough out and she only had to go a few blocks back to her place. This area of town, this late at night, yeah she was not the least bit surprised they pulled up.

Leaning against a post, she waited until the car pulled up to a stop alongside her. She squinted against the flashing lights and let a growl roll around her throat briefly as the officers got out. "Ma'am, are you okay?" one of the offices, a Malinois, stepped in front of her and flashed his agonizingly bright flashlight in her face.

A second officer joined the first, shining her light as well. "Looks like we might have us a drunk in public, Moss." She wasn't sure what the second officer was yet, beyond a female something judging by the sound of her voice.

Ina uttered a growl and tried to shield her eyes, "Just walking home after a few drinks. Had a bit of a late night and I've got an early morning tomorrow." Moss flicked his light off and she saw him glance towards the other officer. "Listen," she rolled her head a bit, "I know I had more than I should, but..." she had to lean heavier against the pole as the world swayed. "But I didn't drive. So all good, okay? Okay." Prying herself off the pole, she started to shamble down the street again. "Just gonna go home, sleep, and deal with morning."

"Ma'am!" came the sharper voice and the sound of heavy footsteps coming after her. "Ma'am, you can't just walk away while we're talking." A hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

A heavy sigh came from the other officer, "Ash, maybe we should... whoa."

Don't ask her what drove her to do it, but as soon as she was spun to face the female officer, Ina leaned in and locked lips with the rather surprised doberman. Docked ears shot upright as the doberman jerked against her in surprise.

"Hey!" Moss growled out, stalking towards them. "Freaking drunks always getting too handsy."

Ash broke the kiss with a gasp, "It's okay, Moss." Her hard eyes almost sparkled in the street lights, "I've got this one under control." Grabbing Ina's head, she pulled the retriever into a deeper kiss, her tongue driving into the goldie's mouth. Not to be out done, Ina pressed against the police officer, wrapping her arms around so she could grab a double handful of that toned, tight ass. Muscles flexed as a moan was driven into the kiss, Ash already starting to pant.

Moss blinked in surprise as his partner and the drunken canine embraced each other with such vigor, stumbling a bit along the sidewalk as one pushed against the other. One second his rookie would have the retriever pushed to a wall, the next she'd have her back against a pole. Now, it had been a while since he'd been to the academy, but he was reasonably sure that this wasn't how you restrained a suspect.

With a sigh, he stepped in as the pair rolled around a pole and stumbled towards the car. "Hey! Break it up!" Heavy hands fell to their shoulders, "What on earth has gotten into you, Roo..." his nose twitched, bringing him the scent of two very aroused bitches. More than just that though, something in that scent made him start to reel as well. Head shook slowly as his grip loosened, the pair almost tumbling off the curb and nearly landing on the patrol car's hood.

Ash broke the kiss with a gasp, head rocking back before locking onto the retriever's eyes with a lustful gaze. "Don't think I'm done with you yet, Golden girlie." Powerful legs wrapped tight around Ina's waist, squeezing hard enough to nearly snap her in half, all while Ash began to fumble with her belt.

Ina voiced her own growl and started to help with that gun belt. As soon as it was off, she grabbed the front of the doberman's uniform. "My name is Ina. Learn it, because you're about to start screaming it." Jerking hard, she popped the buttons loose as she tore the shirt open. She loosed a frustrated growl at the doberman's ballistic vest and started trying to fight with the straps.

Her hands were slapped away, "I'll get that, you get the pants."

"Gladly." Ina leaned back as much as the hold would allow and started getting those pants off. Whipping the belt off and letting the various holsters drop to the car's hood.

A gruff voice puffed into her ear, "Let me help you with that." Moss pressing his body against Ina's backside as he started to undo Ash's boots. A heavy, rough hand came down to her backside with a smack, kneading the rear as he pressed his bulging pants against her wagging tail.

It was a matter of seconds before Ashley was half-naked and bared on the hood of her own patrol car. Pants and panties tossed to the street alongside her boots. Ina tugged her own skirt off and let it fall to the wayside, baring her sheath to the surprised officer. Ashley barely had the time to gasp before Ina lined her pointed tip up and drove home, head falling back in a low howl.

Moss let out a pleasurable growl as he watched his partner getting speared by the retriever. The usually uptight doberman rocking her head back as her tongue rolled from her maw in a pleased pant. Bare legs wrapping tight around Ina's waist to draw her even closer. His nose twitched, drawing him down into a crouch behind the canine. A sniff brought him towards her crotch, cool nose catching on the edges of her pussy before getting thumped by her balls as she railed his partner. Growling playfully, he grabbed her hips, making her stop for a moment as he buried his tongue right into her snatch.

"Hey, what gives?" Ash growled, pulling at Ina's hips with her heels. The doberman growled and rolled her hips as the cock stirred inside of her pussy walls. She rocked her hips towards the retriever, bucking into the canine that was refusing to fuck her.

Tongue rolled from her maw as Ina huffed, hips trembling as that wonderful tongue drove into her pussy. "Blame your partner. Oh! That's good..." she trailed off into a moan as his tongue lashed her g-spot, making her hips shake briefly. Shaking her head to clear it, she leaned down and let her own tongue beast against one of Ash's breasts before closing her maw around a pert pink nipple.

Moss brought his hand down on her ass with a smack as he stood, "You think that's good? Just you wait, Baby." The chime of his belt made Ina's ears perk right up and twist towards him. With her hips freed from the tyranny of his tongue, she was freed to start thrusting into Ash again. Pulling at the doberman's nipples with low, hungry growls as their hips met with heavy, steady thrusts. She wanted to look back and see what Moss was packing but the lovely dober had captured her full attention currently.

Right up until the larger Shepard slammed his cock in with a grunt. The force of his thrust making the cruiser rock to the side as his cock drove about as deep as it possibly could within her. Both Ina and Ash threw their heads back with gasps as his growl rolled over them. Thick cock drew out of her clinging folds before hammering in again, the Malinois huffing, "Nice and fucking tight. Love it!"

It was like a steam train. He wasn't fast building up speed, but he had plenty of power behind each thrust. Ina was trembling between the two cops, her entire world nothing but pleasure and lust as she tried to keep up with them. She didn't have nearly the strength that Moss did and with Ash's tight hold around her hips there wasn't a lot of speed that she could build up. Each time she did build up a head of steam, either those deliciously shapely legs would pull at her or the big guy behind her would slam her forward. Growling into Ash's breasts, she grabbed the cop by the ass and began to pound as best she could.

"Holy fucking shit," Moss growled, tongue rolling from his maw. This bitch could really work it! Sure, the hermaphrodite thing was a little weird but he didn't think twice about it. Not when her scent was so intoxicating. Plus watching Ash loosen up as she was just fucking plowed was more than worth it. He didn't have to do much though, not as fast as Ina was pounding away. Still though, his knot was already starting to pop at her pussy and, judging from how Ash was jerking her hips, the same was happening to his rookie.

Leaning forward, he wrapped both arms around Ina's body, pushing her shirt up to let her breasts pop free. Rough hands cupping each breasts, pinching and rolling her nipples as he just absolutely wrecked her poor little cunt. The golden retriever starting to whimper and whine as his growing knot tugged at her. "Are the bitches getting close?"

Ina growled and heaved between the two, her knot hovering right on the edge of popping in, stretching Ash's poor cunt right to the limits. "Wh-who are you c-calling a bitch?" she panted, tongue rolling form her maw as she tried to hang on.

Ash growled and dug her heels in, feeling how that knot was teetering right on the edges. "Moss help me!" she barked, snarling as Ina kept fighting her. "Suspect is resisting!"

"Is she?" he growled, pulling at her nipple and growling into her ear. Hips slammed into hers even harder now, a hand falling to cup Ash's sexy ass. Driving every ounce of his weight into her, he forced them against the hood of the car. A yelp slipping from Ina from the sheer brute force of it all. The sound met with an orgasmic howl from Ashley as her abused petals wrapped around the knot, squeezing down behind it as only another canine could. Likewise, Ina's pussy lips stretched against Moss's knot. The male rocking his hips with short and hard thrusts. Feeling them spread wider and wider with each moment. Forcing his nearly full grown knot in the smallest amount with each push. Pussy lips spreading wider and wider until one side of his glans slipped in, quickly followed by the second. "DETAINED!" he practically howled.

Ina's voice rose with the others as her world exploded, pumping her cum right into Ash's tight dober box. Moss' pointed cock head pressed tight to her own cervix, the pain only adding to the tsunami of bliss as he began to unload into her deepest reaches.

Right there, on the hood of a squad car, parked right under a streetlight, the three canines rocked together as they filled and were filled by each other. Ina slumped between the pair, the day finally catching up with her and making the golden's eyes droop slowly as she breathed out a weary murmur.

The sound of drums and guitar cut through the haze of sleep, drawing a weary groan from Ina's throat. The golden retriever flopped over to her side and grabbed blindly at her phone, having to smack it a few times before her sleep-addled fingers managed to grasp it. Giving the phone a shake, she snoozed the alarm for a few more minutes before simply dropping the phone to the bed next to her. She cracked open an eye and glared at the predawn light that was leaking around the edges of her curtain.

She blinked a few more times before sitting bolt upright, pillows and plush bird being spilled everywhere. Ripping her covers back, she pulled her panties open and looked down at... perfectly trimmed pubic fur. "What?" she uttered and reached down to feel her own privates. Fingers gliding over smooth fur and dancing across her lips, damp from whatever exotic, erotic dream she might have been having.

"What?!" flicking the covers around, she felt around her bed to see if it had fallen off or something. "A dream?" she muttered to herself. "Weird-ass dream if you ask me." Yawning, she dropped back to the bed and lay there, staring at the ceiling for a long moment.

Could have very well drifted right back to sleep if her phone didn't chime to let her know she had a text. Flipping it around, she peered at the screen. The text was from an O. Ash. A picture of her dozing away in bed with a doberman giving her cheek a kiss, "See you tonight, Honey tits. I'll bring the cuffs."

She barely had time to register that before another text popped down. It was from her boss and bore the title, "Need to talk about yest..." and then it was cut off. Swallowing down the worry, she opened the text up and was rewarded with a picture of her boss, naked except for a jockstrap. He had the camera aimed at a mirror to show off his ass. "Need to talk about yesterday. Your bitch is ready."

"Oh boy."

Going Away Party

Nana bustled around the apartment doing some last minute cleaning. Not that there was too much to clean anymore since she'd packed just about everything up. Be moving in a few days and a couple of her friends were coming over to have a party with her....

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College Daze

Arin slouched as he walked, practically dragging himself towards the dorm. The deer stretched his jaws in a wide yawn and reached up to scratch right behind his ears as he uttered a low groan. Another cold winter day. No snow, but there was that...

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Going Camping

"And you're really sure you don't want me driving?" Kalo checked his seat belt for, what had to be, the tenth time in the last half-hour. The white hawk shooting his companion a sideways glance. He'd given up on white-knuckling the hand holds a while...

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