Vael's life Beginnings

Story by Elis_Dragin on SoFurry

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This is the first story of a series called Vael's life, so I hope you enjoy the opening. Please note that this story is open only to 18 year olds and over so anyone under that age please leave this story and this site. Whether you listen is up to you though. Enjoy everyone ^..^


An unusual yet pleasant darkness was all there is to see, nothing that perforated it, not even daylight. The thoughts of the day buzzed around in the inky black. Many dreams being thought up and eventually forgotten, knowing nothing more of interest. Ideas for the rest of the day began forming somewhere secret, deep in the dark of this strange space. Then, out of the blue, the sounds of birds could be heard. It followed with the sound of running water of the nearby river. Then, the whisper of the wind gently stroked an unknown body, as if to awake it from its rest.

At this, the dragon, dubbed Velshin, awoke. He opened his eyes slowly, letting the light of the sun in gradually, not wanting to part from the dreams he was having, whatever they were. He slowly got up on his forelegs, looking around at the environment, not seeing much. He was in a forest surrounded by many trees; a mid-sized river cut the bank he was on from the other. The birds could be heard in the trees above, occasionally seen flying from tree to tree. He smiled, the sun felt warm after lying in the shade of the rock, the cool prevented him from baking while he slept. He glanced at himself, observing his skin to see if anything had bitten him while he slept.

He was an average sized dragon, had just reached adulthood, and stood at 12 ft in height, if you didn't count the extra 6 ft of neck he had. From snout to tail, he was around 25-30 ft. He was mainly white in colour, which made him stand out in the greens and browns of the forest. He bore light blue patches along his chest and belly, on the end of his tail, and on the back of his head where his ear fins were. The membranes that made his wings and ear fins were yellow in colour, as were his eyes. His forelegs and paws, like most dragons of his kind, work in the same way as arms and hands, which is rather helpful at times.

He thought himself to be male, but even he wasn't sure at his hatching or even through his life to this point, just assumed he was. After all, it was possible for hermaphrodites (often called herms for short) to be born, but the odds were low. He would constantly check his slit to see what gender he was, even after confirming it before. All he saw and felt was his own member, tucked away to prevent any damage to it. Because of this, he has considered himself a male, and so is one to his family and friends.

He looked down at his slit, a thin dent in his smooth skin and scales the only noticeable sign that such a thing was there. Not exactly between his legs either, it's slightly further back, though he doesn't know why. Most dragons don't really care though, it's just part of evolution and that's all it will be. However, his slit was bigger than his father's and sister's, but for what purpose he didn't know. He brought one paw up and rested it on the slit, mentally seeing if he was just a male. He tried to concentrate, since using psychic powers is difficult for all dragons. It requires some energy to visualise one's own anatomy from a third person perspective.

A penis was there but nothing more. Sighing, he went over to the river, bent down on his forepaws, and drank a few gulps from it. Quenched, he moved further down the river for a clearing to spread his wings and fly. His wings spanned a total length of 52 ft so he needed the room to take off. He eventually found a clearing, spread his wings, and did a few flaps to get the blood running though them. Then, with brutal strength, he brought them down, trapping the air inside them and lifting himself off the ground a few feet. A few more beats of his wings brought him higher, each one lifting him nearly 9 ft off the ground. Clear of the trees, he tucked in his fore and hind legs, went into a little dive, and flew off to his home, to where his family will be.

His home was a small cave etched into a cliff face; it was cosy and always faced to sun throughout the day. His father, sister, and brother lived with him, his mother sadly died a weeks after he hatched, but his father was caring enough to see to all three of them without struggle. Velshin reared up to land in the cave, beating his wings with much effort to hover slowly over to it. His hind legs made contact, allowing him to fold his wings and use his body weight to fall forward onto his forelegs. The muscles really helped here, since the impact from falling forward can break human arms. He stared around in the fairly empty space, using his senses and psychic mind to detect if anyone was home. Nothing. He plodded forward into the cave, and got jumped on by an unknown creature, falling onto his side. He quickly got his talons ready to attack, bearing teeth, but only saw his sister staring at him, also bearing her teeth in what one would take for a grin.

A voice sprang into his mind, a rather playful and insulting voice.

"Hehe, I got you again Velshin, when will you learn to look twice?"

He replied with his own telepathic message, an angry one.

"And when will you stop doing that!? I get worried when nobody is home, and your spell is not helping!"

"But Phale told me to keep practising, and...well...I thought I could have some fun with it." She bore a smile across her muzzle; Velshin only looked her with annoyance.

She went by the name of Shellin, sometimes nicknamed Shel or Shin by other dragons but mostly called Shellin. She was a light blue dragon, bearing purple stripes on her head, forelegs and hind legs. Like Velshin, she had smooth scales, which showed the muscles well but not as well as the dragons with leathery hides. She had blue eyes and spikes that protruded from ridges on the sides of her head. She had just started learning magic from a friend of her father's, Phale, but has been using it in rather mischievous ways.

"Practise, not toy with..." after that message, he went back further into the cave, the walls transforming from natural rock formation to carved out artificial walls with claw marks engraved all over. In the back were five large hollows, each one was for a member of his family, carved out by his parents while he was incubated in the egg. Sadly though, one of those rooms will never be occupied again, the one his mother was in. In the past, when they were young, they would all sleep in the same hollow to keep warm and to ensure a loved one was nearby in case something happened.

He crawled into the hollow through a gap in the cave wall and leant against the inside, breathing the damp smell of the cave water and moss. The moist walls kept the hollow cool, just to Velshin's liking, since an underground stream flowed somewhere nearby. He thought himself lucky to have such a cool room (no pun intended), and relaxed here on hot days. Shellin's room had an opening in the roof where water used to pour through, but it had long dried up. Now it served as a sort of window, letting in the light around noon. The other three were all similar to one another, just the owners and how often they were used differed.

Velshin was going to go back to sleep when he heard his father's beating wings, followed by a message that shot into his mind, making him wince a little.

"Sorry Velshin, hehehe, dad's home with supper." Velshin got back up and scooted out of his hollow to see his father. He found him some way inside the cave, his slightly bloodied maw around three dear-like creatures.

His father was dubbed Draitagan, always nicknamed Drai for short. Drai has been an adult for a long time, and was therefore bigger than them, at about 16 ft high without the neck length, and nearly 40 ft long. He could barely fit inside the cave with his wings, which could span a massive 78 ft when open. Shellin had humour of seeing him many a time try to land inside the cave without crashing into the cliff of falling down a great height. He was a red-brown colour, bearing a dark yellow-orange colour on his plate scales and wing membranes. He had two white horns that sprouted from his head and a set of spikes on his hind legs, which often used for defence against rear attacks. He bore a large frame but was no more muscular than any other dragon, or at least any other well fed dragon.

"Hello young ones." He said telepathically, dropping the deer creatures to the floor and looking around. "Where's Falgoh?"

"He's not here father, he hasn't been here for days..." Replied Shellin. Indeed, Falgoh was not there and hasn't been for some time, but they knew he wasn't harmless. Falgoh was a black dragon of a very kind nature but suffered from a serious mental illness. At his coming of age, he saw his own family as enemies and would not see them, neither would he socialize with other dragons that were or were not friends of his family. If any of them tried to find and speak to him, he would fight them until they were dead, so his family stayed away. Falgoh became the first lonely dragon in the world and would probably be the only one.

Drai had a sad look in his eye but was reluctant to dwelling on it.

"Well, that's okay; he should be able to fend for himself. He is an adult after all."

"Let's eat!" Shellin said, diving in to attack her already dead creature. Velshin just walked up and started to tear scraps off, thinking of why his father would allow his child to 'fend for himself', especially if that child is disabled in such a way.

"Don't worry Velshin." He turned to his father, looking at him while having to cope with Shellin's noisy eating. "He may be ill, but not incapable." Velshin licked some of the blood off his maw and then went back to eating.

Afterwards, the sun was setting and darkness settled in the cave, like an obsidian blanket covering the place. Velshin wondered, yet again, if he truly was just a male, not getting sick of the concept of knowing otherwise. He went back to his hollow in the rock wall, sending a goodnight message to everyone in the cave before lying down on his side, back to the entrance of the hollow so no one could interrupt. He reached down with his forepaw, pressing on his slit, mentally seeing what was there. His own member was all there was, nothing more. He tried again, concentrating harder this time. Just a member. He pushed against his slit hard, and concentrated so much he thought his brain would burst. His member greeted him yet again. Frustrated, he was about to depart to sleep when he felt a sudden urge kick in.

His expression went blank, then a small smile crept across his maw, his slit was bulging outwards a bit, not enough to seen though. He closed his eyes and thrummed lightly, knowing that there was many a time where he was aroused, mostly in the company of his family. The mating between them made their love and trust stronger, but they were not adults then. They were not mature enough to experience a true climax, as their father called, a fertile orgasm that resulted in eggs. Most dragons call it the 'height of pleasure'; because of how magnificent it felt, especially when mating with a female, or a male in Shellin's case. Though it was common for two males to be mates, as well as two females, they always mated with other gender to produce their young. Herms could have mates if they wished but can produce offspring by themselves, although there would be no one to love.

Velshin could feel the bulge becoming more prominent, his member attempting to push itself through the slit. It won't work just yet, he needs to be highly aroused before it can emerge, and so goes through the process of arousing himself by rubbing his slit. He continued to thrum lightly, a dragon purr some call it, knowing that this feeling is good for one's health. His member made its way out, his nearly 2 ft shaft slipped through the slit in an instant, as if it just popped straight into existence from nowhere. It wasn't like a mammalian member though, being rather flexible and made of pure muscle, it could be moved slightly but lacked the control required for it to be prehensile. It was an unusual shape, starting thick near the base where it exits the slit, getting smaller further along. It stops at ¾ of the thickness at the head, which was pointed, with the urethra on the point of the member. The member looked almost smooth with veins forming bumps here and there.

He opened his eyes, glancing down at his male sex, a content smile on his face as he stroked it with a talon. Pre began to drip from the end, making a long trail from his member to the cave floor. He started to grip the member in his hand, forgetting how sensitive it was, and hissed quietly in pain at his ignorance. His claws just poked it, gently though, but his member was just as sensitive as his digits on his paws, which made the talons feel like needle pricks. He gripped it again, watching his talons, and squeezed lightly on the shaft. He gave a little growl of pleasure, trying to keep quiet so as to not involve his father or sister, mainly his sister since she is just gets excited too easily. Closing his eyes, he continued to squeeze it for some time, emitting a growl or thrum for each one while still keeping as quiet as possible. He moved further down his member, seeking a sensitive spot near the base, then touched something wet.

He blinked once, moved his paw slightly to feel for the wet place, moving away from his member. He found it in the upper part of his slit, the warmth it gave off meant it hadn't come from the cave itself. He blinked again, his thoughts of what to do, this strange occurrence being so out of the blue. He moves his talon into the slit, grimacing a little from the pleasure, feeling for the source. As he pushed in, he felt liquid started to seep out of the slit, estimating about a few teaspoons of it. He looked down to see his member, realising it was too dark to see the wet area. He rolled over onto his other side, catching the last few seconds of rays of the sun before it set over the mountains. It was long enough.

There was indeed a wet patch; it glimmered in the sun like the damp moss of his cave. He removed the talon, shocked to see that the liquid left a trail almost like his pre but the trail didn't stretch for long before it snapped. He brought the talon up to sniff the liquid, repelled at its deep and moist scent, but curiously aroused by it. He sniffed again, it had musk on it, but it wasn't his. It couldn't be.

'I am just a male, right?' He thought, knowing his own scent, the male scent given off from around the penis and slit when he was aroused. He lowered the claw back down and inserted it in the slit again, his heart beating harder now, from excitement, fear, and his arousal. He moved it further up into his body, thinking it will just collide with his orifice. It didn't. It had space to move. His claw went deeper in, his heart now pounding in his ears, his breathing deep, and sweat began forming on his brow.

He gasped, a growl pleasure escaped him that was loud enough to be heard, but he didn't seem to care. He had hit the side of another orifice, causing a wave of pleasure to rush through him. His member gave a slight pulse in response to the pleasure, as if this other orifice and his male sex were connected. Then he realised what this meant, what this evidence had to show, what his reaction confirmed about him. He couldn't seem to accept it; he decided to mentally see his orifice, noticing it was partially obscured by his member. He saw the orifice that he felt, it was long and connected to another orifice at the end, and the length of it seemed to accommodate...a dragon...of his size member. The evidence was there, his wanting to know if he was just a male, had abruptly ended at the answer. He wasn't, he was a Hermaphrodite!

'Could it be so? How can this be? How will I explain this to him? In fact, did he know?'

"I always knew, young one."

He looked up to find his father standing there, his head poking through the entrance to the hollow. Velshin bore a sort of embarrassment, being caught with a hard shaft and a digit in his slit. At least it was his father and not Shellin...then there would be trouble.

"Dad, what's going on?" Velshin knew what was going on, but wants the support of his father to help him understand it better.

"Velshin, you are who and what you think you are. You considered yourself male for so long, I remembered when you wished to be called as a male, it relieved me of a lot of worry but I knew it wouldn't last. If you so wish, you can remain a male and everyone will keep this a secret from your brother. In truth though, you have always been a herm and always will be." Velshin looked at the ground, the sadness of not knowing all long building in his eyes. The questions buzzed around his mind, forcing him to speak them, wanting to know their answers.

"Then...why now? Why an arousal now and not before? How do I have a choice? Why is my brother involved in this?"

'We were worried for you, me and your mother. We knew of the illness that affected your brother, we had seen the damage in his spirit. He once tried to rape your sister because he wished to have offspring; he never cared for what would happen to her. We wanted to protect you, save you from him, so we cast a spell on you, sealing away your female gifts and pleasures until your adulthood. Falgoh would never know you were a herm, and had no interest in mating with you by force. It didn't stop him from mating with Shellin though...or the other dragons" Velshin removed the talon from his slit, scanning the ground for something that isn't there. All long he knew himself to be male, now that fact shattered before his eyes, replaced by a new fact. He was a herm, always had been, ever since his hatching. Tears of sorrow and joy ran down his face, for he finally got the answer to his question, but lost his way in a larger, more complex part of life. He just wept while laying there, his father moved into the hollow (which was a tight squeeze for him), lay next to his son and softly nuzzled his head.

"Father...what now...what should" He said the tears and crying breaking his sentences. His father just looked deeply into his son's eyes, the loving look of an understanding father, it made him feel warm.

"That is up to you, Velshin. Go back to being a male but live a lie. Or take up your true gender and live a harder life. I cannot make this decision for you; it is yours." Velshin looked back into his father's eyes, returning the love his father gave; now understanding where he stands. This was just another turning point in the harsh reality called life, and others have made or will have to make this decision.

"Well, I would like to be a herm. But...I still want to be called as if I was a male." He smiled a bit, knowing it was a fitting arrangement. His father smiled back, nuzzling his son's head, Velshin returning it.

"Well, young one, would you like to mate again." Velshin felt an unknown object grow next him, knowing what it was, giving a light smile. He nuzzled his father a little more, but harder as if to push his head away. His father returned it with some strength, almost pushing Velshin's head into the ground.

"Of course I would, I like to show I still love you, even when you keep secrets from me." Drai heard this well, and decided upon what to do.

"That's good, but what sort of way do you wish to mate? By me mounting you or with you mounting me?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to be mounted in my...female part. I would like to mount you as if it was just two males." Velshin smiled, but knew that trying to mate with his female sex after uncovering the truth...might not be the wisest choice.

Pulling his son closer to him, Drai started to nuzzle Velshin's head, with Velshin returning it. Drai brought up a paw, stroking softly on his son's neck, while Velshin used his paw to stroke his father's member. Drai, being older, had a slightly longer shaft than his son but not absolutely huge. His member was only a few inches longer than Velshin's, and a couple of centimetres thicker. When he felt pre begin to leak from his father's member, Velshin stopped nuzzling to ask his father something.

"Is it still okay for me to mate with you?" He asked. Drai smiled, and then replied.

"You ask silly questions sometimes. Velshin, there is never any question to you mounting me. I only wish the best health and love for my children, as well as a wonderful and pleasurable time." He looked down to the area of their members and shimmied up a little to help his son line up to his tail hole. He arched his neck down to his son's head, their maws touching in a loving father to son way. Velshin pressed his member against his father's tail hole, feeling it become squashed by the surrounding plates, pre lubricated the entrance a bit. He pushed forward slowly but with force, penetrating it, his father tensed up as he attempted to relax around his son's member. Their kiss became deeper; the thoughts of the world sinking into nothing, the questions in Velshin's mind vanished as quickly as they appeared. The further Velshin pushed into Drai, the deeper the kiss between them got, until they parted their jaws and locked them around each others.

Velshin began doing small thrusts in and out of his father's tail hole, both of them thrumming in pleasure as they embraced one another, the kiss muffling their moans. Velshin felt wet across his slit again, the liquid seemed to come out in a larger amount than before. It lubricated his shaft, making it less painful for Drai when he entered Drai's tail hole. His climax grew within him once again but he knew the end result would be different, that he would feel this 'height of pleasure' for himself. He loved his father for the caring for him when mother passed away, and this only made the moment more tender and loving. His father removed his maw, panting and growling a little as the pleasure started to work on him. Velshin did the same, but growled in a very unusual tone, sort of high pitched and deep at the same time. Drai noticed this through his panting, and gave a strong smile before the pleasure swept him away. Velshin could feel the pinnacle now, his climax was about to be achieved, and sent the few words before his mind exploded with pleasure.

"Thank you, I love you so..." He roared, his father covering his muzzle to not wake Shellin as he growled his own climax in his closed more, bearing his teeth. Strange warmth seemed to pass through Velshin's member, then he felt it, a powerful pulse that caused him to buck into his father. It was followed quickly after by another, then another, each one bringing unimaginable pleasure to him. Drai could feel his son's pulses, powering his own climax as he ejaculated between them, cum covered the area of their bodies where his member was. Velshin was sort of scared at first but awed at the power and pleasure of his climax, until the pulsing slowed to a stop. He opened his eyes, to the smiling face of his father, nuzzled him again and said.

"Thank you, I needed the company after what happened before."

"It is okay, my son. I will attend to your need if such times arise again. I love you Velshin, and that will never stop." Velshin happily nuzzled and embraced his father, the afterglow taking effect. His father suddenly started laughing in his throat, though it sounded more like coughing.


"I have a nickname for you Velshin; you growled it while you mated with me."

"I did?"

"Yes, you said Vael with your voice. It would be a nice nickname for you, if you wish to have it."

"But, it doesn't relate to my original name."

"You don't want it?"

"No, I do, it's just...random."

"So is life." They smiled, still joined by Velshin's member and stuck together by Drai's cum. Then the afterglow took full effect and they fell into a deep sleep. Velshin's member would retreat back into his slit afterwards, into the orifice that bore both of his sexes now, into the body of the white dragon who is now dubbed a name of no connection.



So, what did you think, post your comments if you wish, it will help me to make the next story better and to improve my stories to come. Or maybe you just want to chat ^..^