Night of The Fox

Story by FoxLightning on SoFurry

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Out on a camping trip enjoying life away from the city and all life problems, not knowing sleeping in an ancient area during a clear night with the proper constellation in view opens myself up to ancient spirits looking to be free. This one in particular is a familiar yellow fox who has a plan of what to do with his host in his body.

Story by draconicon

Artwork in icon you can find here:

Night of the Fox For FoxLightning By Draconicon

NOTE: This story contains very detailed transformation, possession/takeover, and some heavy paw action. Not to mention some soul manipulation with the hosts conscious being moved. However, if you have seen any of my artwork or stories before none of this should shock you and you are here reading this story for the very reasons above. Enjoy!

The campsite was quiet as the moon rose over him, and that was just how Ryan liked it. The sounds of nature had dimmed from their fury of the day, tuning down to little more than soft grunts and huffs of the wind through the forest at night. He smiled to himself, poking the fire with a stick as it worked its way towards little more than a smolder, and leaned back to enjoy the quiet.

It's been too long since I just sat here, he thought. Too much stuff going on in my life...

He put those thoughts away for the moment, knowing that they'd still be there in the morning when he was packing up to go back to the city and his usual day to day life. But for right now, he could lean back, he could relax, and he could just be one with nature. It was better than nothing, even if it couldn't last forever.

As Ryan leaned back, staring up at the stars, he traced them in his head. He could see old constellations, but he also looked through them to make new ones. In particular, there was one almost right above him that looked rather like a fox, and he chuckled as he traced that one into several different shapes. Surprisingly, there were enough stars in that area of the sky for him to get the fox leaping and jumping around rather than just in one pose.

Heh, maybe someone should put that constellation on a cup or something, he thought. Get a few bits of merchandise sold there.

It probably would never get off the ground, but it was an interesting idea for business. Shaking his head, he poked the fire a couple more times, letting it fall apart. When he was sure that the embers wouldn't push past the firepit and catch anything, he got up and walked over to his tent. It was a matter of a moment to push it open, close the flap behind him, and start stripping down.

As soon as he was down to his boxers, he flopped down on his sleeping bag, and went to sleep, the young man tired enough to fall straight into slumber.

Not long after, the dreams came. He felt like he was floating, rising from the forest floor, almost like he hadn't moved in years. Ryan wasn't sure what was going on, but he followed the feeling, letting this strange sense of movement and floating and even flying carry him along, wondering what it would take him. The thing he was riding floated through the trees, moving forward at a rapid pace, and he wondered where it was going.

Tree after tree passed by, leaving him disoriented, but soon he saw something in the distance. A glow, a glow under the fox.


Of course, under the fox. The great constellation, so clever that it could shape itself into whatever it liked, to give the picture of foxes doing anything. It was the inspiration for all foxes on the earth, the thing that they looked to for guidance and power, for the thing that would give them inspiration on what they should do. It was a sacred place, and all foxes were drawn there, the living, and the less than living.

Ryan wasn't sure where the information came from, but he went with it, still staring through the eyes of something or other as it approached the clearing. It saw a firepit, a tent. A very familiar tent, to him. He blinked as it opened, and he saw himself, a human man that had been curled up on the bed, about to roll onto his side before moving back to his back.

The creature stared at him in his dream, and he felt something else, a...need. A need to live, a need to touch, a need...

A need...

Ryan could see himself getting an erection in his sleep, and wondered just how meta this dream was going to get. He could feel the presence slipping forward, watched as it started to spread over his body, lying over it for a few seconds before seeping in. He felt it pressing down over his crotch, an odd, mirroring feeling as the pressure rubbed at his groin as well as feeling his groin rubbing against the pressure.

He had a view of something sliding in through his cock, something sliding up through his back end, but not feeling it. He could only 'see' the creature flowing into him, 'see' it taking itself inside of his body.

What a strange dream, he thought, fading away even as he felt his cock slowly slipping free of his boxers.

It was much later that night when Ryan woke up again, groaning and shuddering as awareness hit him like a brick. He groaned, shuddering as his entire body started to tremble with some strange feeling, almost arousal, like an uncontrollable horniness that refused to fade away no matter what he did. His breath came in hot pants, never more than a gasp or a groan as he slowly looked down., it wasn't like he was looking down, but...looking up? He could almost swear he was looking at his own face, rather than staring down at his dick, and...was he looking past his chest, from the wrong -


Ryan yanked himself upwards, panting hard as he felt his body go over the edge. A forced orgasm, one that hadn't come from a dream, but something else. What else, he didn't know, but gods, it felt amazing. He was still shooting his seed all over his belly, painting it with more cum than he'd even known was in his balls at the time. His toes curled hard, and his fingers clenched at the sleeping bag beneath him, desperately trying to hold onto some sense of reality as it tried to slip away from him.

What was...what was going on? What had just happened? He'd been having the weirdest dream of his life, of something looking at him, of him looking out of his cock...

Mmmm, you should have stayed asleep, human.

"What the fuck?!"

He jumped to his feet, whipping his head around, his dick smacking against his thighs as he did, but there was nobody around. Nothing to see, nobody who could have talked. He groaned, resting his hand against his head as his skin prickled, almost like it would do on a hot summer day. He felt sweaty, warm, almost like he'd been running around, or...or like he'd seen something...something hot?

It was hard to think. He rubbed his head, trying to clear it, trying to make himself think straight for a second or two, but it was like trying to push through a concrete wall. It just wouldn't happen.

Hehehe, don't worry. You don't have to think for long. This is going to be my body, soon enough.

"Who are you?! What's going on?"

This is the place of foxes. Camping here, you've opened yourself up to someone that hasn't had a body in far too long. I think I'll take yours.

"Mmmph...that's...that's not possible."

Oh no? Look at yourself, already.

"Mmmph. You're just...just a dream."

Look at your cock, human!

It was like a command, and not one that he could ignore, either. Almost as if someone was forcing him to look down, Ryan did as he was told, and his eyes went wide.

His cock, formerly pale along the shaft and getting a bit pink around the head, had turned black, completely dark save for a lightning bolt that flared along the side of his cock and grew brighter as his arousal climbed. He stared as his cock started to throb, bouncing up and down in continued arousal despite an orgasm not more than two minutes ago. Everything was aching, begging for more stimulation, more touching, more intense rubbing, and his hips were thrusting towards his hand before he could stop it.

More than that, there was some sort of fur spreading out around his crotch. Not hair, but fur, thick and patchy as it filled in, completely white around his crotch and turning to red and then yellow along his thighs. As the white started to creep up around his belly, Ryan shook his head again, trying to hold onto the idea of this being just a dream. It was just a dream, a nightmare, as this couldn't actually be happening.

"Oh, Ryan. Ryan."


His eyes went wide as his own mouth talked to him, moving without him instructing it. He felt it turn up in a grin, his head turning on its own to face a little hanging mirror on the side of the tent. In the darkness, he could see his lips turn up into a feral snarl, his eyes narrowing in mischievous glee.

"You think that this is a nightmare? You haven't seen anything yet."


With a supreme act of will, he took control of his face again, shoving...something...out of his head. It was like a sense of pressure, something that had been filling him up, but he'd pushed it down again, put it somewhere else. Where else, he wasn't sure - it was still in his body, though - but it might give him time. Give him a chance to figure out what was going -


His cock throbbed again, and he watched the rounded tip shift in shape, becoming more tapered and pointed, his balls covering themselves in the same white fur that surrounded his crotch. It was so soft looking, and yet it made his balls feel like they were under a heat lamp, warm and humid rather than soft and bouncy.

He slipped, almost falling to his knees as he groaned in enforced heat and pleasure, that pressure that he'd just shoved away pushing back up along the back of his head, trying to slide back in. He could feel the voice pressing at his mind again, trying to get his attention. Ryan pushed back, trying to keep it out, trying to hold onto as much of himself as he possibly could, for as long as he could.

"You took...what did you do to my cock?!"

"You like it?" the fox said, taking his mouth again with a chuckle. "I'm sure that you'll love my new body. I know I'll have a great time with it."

"Get out of my head!"

"Mmm, how about no?"

This time, the pressure pushed back at him when he tried to shove it away, and Ryan felt himself slipping, his view changing from just looking through his eyes to looking...forward, but from further down than he used to be, almost like he'd gotten shorter. But no, his head was still right where it was, but he was looking out from somewhere different. Chest level, then stomach level, then his view shifted again, pointing upwards.


He couldn't speak, he realized, not with his mouth. All he could do was look up, staring straight up rather than looking forward the way that he had been. Ryan tried to shake his head, tried to move anything, but no, it was impossible.

A roaring rush filled his 'ears', feeling like he was standing next to a roaring river. But there was nothing of the sort nearby, what was going -

Then his head - or, almost his head - looked down at him. His eyes no longer had the color they'd had before, but were a deep, glowing blue, shining in the dark as they looked down at him. His teeth showed as he smirked at...himself?

"How do you like it in your new home, human? I'm sure that you'll enjoy being a cock, in time."

A...a cock? He was...

Just like the dream...

He was his own cock, and he was trapped. Ryan let out a scream, fighting for everything, pushing for his body back. The fox fought him, but as he frenziedly clawed his way up from his crotch, he felt the wrenching shift in their point of view again, his eyes staring out of his own eyes again, rather than through the hole at the end of his cock. His teeth pricked against his tongue, and he realized that more things than his eyes had changed.

"You little...I'm going to make you...learn your place!"

His legs went out from under him, almost throwing him face-first into the ground, and only the fact that he still had control of his arms kept him from bashing his face into the earth. Ryan groaned, only for his hips to twist and throw him onto his back, leaving him staring up at the top of the tent. Before he could move further, he sat up, grabbing hold of his legs by the ankles, and pinning them down.

The fox chuckled in his head, and Ryan felt another push, another tremor through his body. His face ached as it filled, his mouth starting to move again, but not in speech. No, this was something much more insidious.

He stared as his mouth and nose started to push out, groaning as they grew longer and longer, forming a muzzle as they stretched out from his face. Bare skin was covered in fur, white alone the sides and bottom of his muzzle, with a red stripe on each side with yellow on the top. His nose blackened, turning utterly dark as it pushed further and further out from his face, the pressure in his head that was the fox filling up and taking the new space away from him.

Ryan tried to shout, but no. The fox had already filled that space, taken control of his mouth and voice from him. He could feel his tongue flicking out against his own teeth, feeling the points of them as they grew, turning into proper fangs, and the human tried not to whimper in fear of cutting his tongue on them.

"Hehehe, are you that afraid, human? Good. I want you to know who's in charge. This body is going to be mine, and all your resistance does is give you a little more time to enjoy the transformation."

You can't...I won't just surrender. This is my body!

He pushed, but the fox pushed back, and he slipped again. This time, he landed in his cock much faster, feeling the different shape, the bulge at the base that was so very inhuman, the fleshy sheath that was cupping the very bottom of the shaft and giving him a place to slide back into, if he ever went down.

No, no, he wasn't a cock! He was a person! He was -


Ryan 'moaned' in the shaft, feeling something grab him. He stared through his urethra at the rest of the world as his 'body' was pushed down, no longer looking at the side of the tent, but down at his feet, feet that were changing as much as the rest of him were.

Formerly pale soles were darkening along the bottom, gaining dark red pads along the ball of his foot and along the bottom of each toe. He could see that his nails were changing, shrinking in width but getting longer, moving to the tip of his toes rather than where the nails themselves had been. His 'face' was shoved up against the changing flesh, and he groaned at the strange, but ever so wrong pleasure of getting ground against his own feet.

"Mmmph, you feel good down there, human. Ever had a fancy for your paws?"

I don't have paws, I have feet, and I don't want them!

"You will, when I'm done with you."

Let me go, let me GO!

He groaned through a few more thrusts, feeling his body trembling and shaking every time that he pressed against it, growing harder and more throbbing. Ryan tried to ignore the strange pleasure being used, but it was so strong, so distracting., he wants...he wants to cum, while I'm in here...don't know...don't understand...but can't...can't!

He pushed back, and it was so much harder this time. He had to really force himself to get out of the cock, pulling himself up his own spine and into his head once more. The fox snarled at him, trying to push him back, and he had to wrestle with everything that he had. He managed to get his head back, but it was exhausting, leaving him panting in his own mind as he looked down over his muzzle.

His cock, his feet, and most of his legs had changed. He could still see his ankles rising up, pulled away from the ground and leaving his feet like a wild animal's paws, and the transformation was slowly rising up from his belly, coating his middle in fur and giving him some strange bit of muscle and power to go along with it. Not thick and heavy, not the powerful thing of a predator or a bodybuilder, but something like a...a sleek build, something strong that could still run.

I don't want this! Get out!

"I'm not leaving this body anytime soon, human. This is mine. You're almost done. As soon as I get you pinned in my cock again, I'll force you to stay there forever. All it will take is one orgasm, and then you'll never want to leave it again."

I don't want to be a cock!

"And I don't want to be a spirit. Face it, human. You've been out-foxed. I own you now."

He couldn't fight the transformation, not when the fox was constantly pushing at his head, trying to get him to give in and hand over control of the body again. All he could do was defend himself and watch as his body changed, stare at the way that his feet expanded at the front, toes getting thicker as one of them melted into another. Four thick toes, each one more than double the size of any that he'd had before, wriggling and drumming on the ground as the fox inside of him murred in pleasure.

There was no denying that it felt good, even as it continued its nightmare changes over him. Ryan couldn't even pull himself away anymore, as even his hands and his arms were now under the control of the fox. One reached down, grabbing hold of his ankle, and pulled one of the changed paws to his feet. The underside was coated in pre, something that he must have leaked while he was still in his cock.

No, please...I don't want this!

"Tough. I do."

The muzzle opened, the one part of his face that he couldn't control, and Ryan was made to watch as he started licking his own paw, dragging 'his' tongue across his toes and between them. The taste of fur and flesh was most prominent, the toes clean so far, but the taste of his own pre was humiliating beyond believe. He groaned, trying to ignore the constantly throbbing feeling of his cock between his legs, knowing that it was nothing but a trap.

There was a pull at the back of his awareness, something that almost dragged him down, but he managed to fight it, this time, holding onto his head. It was so hard, though, and every time he was forced to drag his nose or his tongue along his paw, the sheer embarrassment and humiliation only made it worse.

The transformation was running down his arms now, covering them in yellow fur down to his elbows, then a black band around that part, and red down to his fingers. He could see it popping in, feel the changes happening. It was just degrading beyond belief. He wanted to fight it, wanted to stop it, but he knew that anything he did would make him lose focus on holding onto his head and his body.

The paw slowly slipped back, though not before he was made to suck the toes once or twice more. His attacker laughed.

"You really are a stubborn guy, aren't you?"

I'm not going to let you win. If I can make it til morning -

"Oh, that might have saved you, but there's something else. You think you can hold back from distractions, huh?"

...I have so far.

"Let's see if you can take this."

The fox rolled over, and before Ryan could say anything, he felt a finger shoved up his ass. He mentally jumped, screaming for it to stop, but the fox was too eager to keep shoving that finger in deep, finding his prostate and pumping it, stabbing at it with his fingers again and again in quick, sharp thrusts.

It didn't take long for his cock to be throbbing again, and the human barely held on against the new pleasure, his entire body quivering and shaking as he oozed pre all over the sleeping bag. The fox chuckled.

"Oh, you think that this is going to be the end of it? Try how it'll feel when I'm humping a good pair of paws later. It'll be perfect. But, of course, you'll be feeling that when you're living in my cock."

He groaned, trying not to think of that, trying to pull himself away from the pleasure, but it felt so good. Even the wriggling feeling of the tail sliding out of his spine, pushing out like some new limb, was nothing compared to that strange pleasure that was building up in his rump.

He could feel his ears sliding up along the side of his head as the pleasure went on, his attention wavering, shaking. It felt like he was on the edge of a cliff, his fingers getting kicked off of the edge one at a time, making it harder and harder to hang on. He desperately clung to it, trying to hold onto some piece of sanity, something that might save him, but one by one, those fingers, his grip, was pushed away.

The abyss waited below, his throbbing cock just waiting to receive him, and he felt like he was bobbing up and down between his eyes and his neck. The fox muzzle chuckled, licking its lips.

"Give in, human. You can't win."

Ryan tried to say something, only to feel three fingers suddenly shove past his rim. The strange pleasure, the sheer intensity of it, and everything else just shoved him over. He went screaming down his spine, landing right back in his cock, feeling as if his face was pushed right to the tip of it and flattened against his tapered 'head.'

Instantly, the fox flipped over, lying on his back. Ryan looked back up, staring into those blue eyes with no chance to look away. One hand reached down, cupping him behind his knot, and held him there tightly.

"That's it, human. It's time for you to bend to the inevitable. One orgasm, just one, and you'll be trapped there forever. It's time for me to have a chance to walk this world again, and for you to live on as nothing but a cock. Don't worry, human. There's no chance for you to get out, but you'll live a life of total pleasure."

Ryan could already feel that, every part of his body so sensitive to the touch of the fox, the sense of pressure along his knot more than enough to make him shiver and gasp for more. He wanted to be stroked, he wanted to be teased until he was dripping and leaking all over the place. He wanted to be used as

It was so hard to think, but he knew that there was something he had to do, something that he had to hold back from. What was it? The fox had said it, had threatened him with it. Was started with c, didn't it? He had to not...not...

He 'moaned,' burbling with pre as he had his knot squeezed again, staring up as the fox bounced up him and down with some fast strokes, pushing him to the edge. He went up, then down, then up again, each time scrambling his thoughts further. There was an awareness of the rest of the body behind him, but what was it? Fox? felt like it used to be something else, something that...something...

Then, a mouth. He saw teeth, then a tongue getting closer and closer to him, and he shivered as he felt the heated breath and the wet tongue starting to stroke along his sides as the fox bent himself almost in half. He couldn't move, couldn't push himself to the side, couldn't do anything against the sudden mouth that threatened to swallow him whole.

It did, pulling his head to the back of the fox's muzzle, nudging his knot with soft lips that were all too eager to taunt and tease him over the edge. That tongue swiped along the underside of him, and then along the head as the fox bobbed his head back and forth. Ryan could feel his new body on the verge, everything so tight and tense, but there was something...he couldn't...he had to not...

Cum, you stupid little cock. Cum, and get used to your new life.

Ryan tried to hold back, reminded too late of his fate. He managed to give himself another minute of hope, another sixty seconds of possibilities of living as something other than a cock, but that was all. The fox sucked him too well, and too deep. There was no escaping his fate as he was pulled to the back of the fox's throat again and again, buried in that maw, leaving him with nothing but the fate of orgasm.

Eventually, he came, and he felt his shaft-like body tighten around him, forcing his awareness down and locking him in place. It was like a door had just slammed shut behind him, locked itself, and then been covered in concrete. There would never be a chance to pull himself back from where he was now, no chance to ever be anything but a cock ever again.

The fox chuckled, and he was pulled back to see all the seed that had been his freedom coating the fox's tongue. For a moment, Ryan had some strange hope that the fox would swallow it, that somehow that magic would give him a chance to get out later, but the fox instead spat it on the ground. Big paws - even bigger than he'd seen when he was forced to lick them - stomped on it, grinding it into the earth, and then he scuffed his paws to wipe away the rest.

"Mmmm, now that, that is just what I needed from you, human. I hope you enjoy being nothing but a dick for the rest of your life. You're never getting out of that, no matter what happens."

Ryan twitched sadly, unable to speak. He didn't even know if he could communicate directly with the fox anymore, but he didn't want to try. He didn't want to betray how very broken he felt right at that point.

The fox stroked him a couple of times, and against his will, he felt pleasure. The pleasure was far keener than it had ever been as a human, far stronger than it would ever have been possible to feel and stay sane if he had still been in his own head. It was like getting touched and connected directly to the pleasurable part of his brain, taken to bliss with a few little strokes.

"Hehehe, see? You're not going to be bored in long as I find sufficient partners for myself."

Ryan groaned, trying not to think of the other parts of his new life just yet. It was hard enough to think about the fact that he no longer had his body, that his human body had been turned into a fox, and that he was so sensitive to pleasure that he could probably cum just from having his dick-body waggled about in the wind a couple of times. That was hard enough to deal with without having to think about the things that the fox was probably going to shove him in, from his fist everything else out there.

Ryan was trembling, but his body didn't do the same. Instead, it just started shrinking, and he realized that he was slowly sliding back the way that a human cock would have after cumming. That throbbing thing at the base of his body - a knot, the word came to him - had started deflating, and as a result, the sheath at the bottom was waiting to accept him and hold him until he was needed again.

His fear rose for a moment, and he strained, trying to stay out, but the fox just chuckled, flicking him along the head. Pain, serious pain, spread through him, and he went down even faster as the arousal that had pushed him out started to fade.

"Don't worry, Cock. I'll be using you again in a few hours. I'm sure I can find something in these woods to enjoy..."

It was a horrible thought, but a pleasurable one at the same time, leaving him half-in and half-out of the sheath when he finally settled. His boxers were in shreds about him as he laid down, and his other clothes were ignored as the fox reached down, rubbing just under his body to make his balls settle, and he flopped slightly to the side as the fox laid on his side.

The fox - Lightning, he heard, the word coming to him from far-off - settled in. Ryan got the feeling that the fox planned on resting for a while, getting his strength back after the transformation before heading out to explore the physical world again. It made sense, but having to lay in his own seed from his last human orgasm was more than a little humiliating.

Somehow, he felt the fox agreed, but it didn't matter. Lightning was tired, and thus, they were sleeping. He felt the rest of the body go to sleep, and as dirty dreams began to fill the fox's head, he started to rise once more.

Great...He gets to rest, and I have to stay up all night...

Ryan groaned, and held onto the feeling of exasperation. He felt that, if he didn't, he would just collapse into a total weeping mess, and that was the last thing he wanted to do, because if he did, he wasn't sure that he could ever stop.

The End

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