The Observer Stories Log 3

Story by Scrydan on SoFurry

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#3 of The Observer Stories

And now you know why I use the "them" pronoun for the player. So now it makes sense for even the Observer to not know such things such as their gender. However, I am wondering if I can keep the canon to be either any or a strict gender. Personally I don't care, but it also allows the player to easily allow themselves to be any identify. Let me know your thoughts on this matter. I can easily change this before it becomes a strict part of the game. Especially if I allow the player to be customizable. (It is more so for the sequel to the game that has you pick different species.)

Now that we know something about Dr. Laserbeard's plan, I do wonder what exactly is going on? What will our hero/player say? What mysteries will be revealed? And what about those experiments?

There's still tons more in these logs. And maybe some of them will be kept hidden... just because I am so evil!

Log: 3/??

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I am back with some new findings. It would seem our 'mutual' friend is more than happy with current arrangements. From what I can tell, he found something interesting. Something I have already suspected and now can confirm. He intends to break someone out. Who that is or what connection or motive, I haven't figured that out yet. He is more careful and uses codewords often. Smart. Yet he did slip up a time or two to let me know that much information. Naturally my job might have been to interrogate him and scrub his existence. However, I am curious to know the reason for this in the natural course of time. See, he is smart. But I am not just smart, but I am way more resourceful and careful. And my name gives away what I prefer to do for the time being

Laserbeard's job as the Security Overseer is to make sure security is impossible to bypass. However, what if he purposefully makes it look impossible when in reality it isn't. All the fancy traps and lasers, and there's simply an air duct to bypass it all. His robots look intimidating, but perhaps he won't care if he not only got what he wanted but disposed of his fall guy. Now what I want is to not only prove his intentions but also his target. Depending on the target, it could prove who is behind it. Not to mention, he has been way too obvious about his obsessiveness over the experiments. No, he is trying to set up false leads for anyone trying to find out what he is up to. Dr. Laserbeard might be one of the more clever ones. This has given me the impression he wants someone to think they know his plan. Make a plan and have others think they stopped it, only that you actually intended them to stop it; pushing the real plan forward. Humans can be very predictable in their assumptions!

He is also insistent on that person he took in for his tests. My bet is that this test is a diversion. There is a break out attempt being planned. I know this much. This person is either a distraction or someone willing, perhaps unwilling or unwittingly, to be who breaks out a particular target. I wonder what he would think if his plan was sabotaged. The next best course of action is getting someone on the inside of his group of grunts or minions. Careful and swift planning will be needed. Even once we find out and prevent the plan, I need to figure out if we can still make use of Dr. Laserbeard. If we find something to have his life be owned by us, then he will simply do as we say. At least in theory that could work.

I am also interested in this person. Surely there is a reason for Dr. Laserbeard to take up such an interest in them. Perhaps they are trained well or have some secret that gives them a chance to beat the system. I almost want to interview them, but I have to make him believe it is some sort of policy or SUoH being curious about the matter one way or another. It wouldn't take much to have him believe the counsel wants to know. He already knows they are very thorough. He is bugged enough about them prying on him, but even more so to his person of interest. You might have noticed that I use the 'them' pronoun. This is simply to, and I quote from him, "Give an unbiased view of their performance." They wear a mask like the counsel. So this not only adds to the suspicion from the counsel, but it also gives me more reason to interview them.

I won't of course ask an obvious question about who they are specifically, but see if they are someone more than they let on. Perhaps peer through the curtain and know exactly what Dr. Laserbeard is planning. If anything else, it also satisfies my curiosity. I love knowing more about people. No matter how dull they really are. I suppose that's why I have my name and love my job. The more I seem to have in common with the Source. Such dangerous information that could really end up shifting much of the balance of power that exists!

In any case, I have heard reports that the several guards I mentioned in the first log were finally taken care of. But the thing I find interesting is that part of the counsel went to great lengths to hide what really happened to them. Tracking the data trail I could, I discovered that they were adapted to the very same project they took guard over. How's that for irony? I heard the process can be painful. For their sake, I hope it was. Because I might take interest in observing their behavior in the next few days. That too is part of my job. Although it does strike me odd that some of them would try to keep that information even from me. I always find out the truth. And if I find out, then so too does the Source.

At least that's how SUoH keeps its bills so low. They know how to recycle people well. Why throw away life as it is precious to waste what is already wasted? Simply just make them useful to research. I have to admire that high thinking. It is why I find working here simply fascinating. Of course, most people wouldn't understand. They are too close minded to realize that we are are on the very verge to opening the way to the future! Tomorrow I go over the experiments. Maybe it is time I finally discuss what exactly is going on. If all hell breaks loose, they might be what fixes it!

This is the end of log 3. Dated 5/5/2025 at 4:00 AM

The Observer Stories Log 2

This is the Observer. The man behind the mask. Most might assume I am someone in particular. However, I am good at covering my tracks and leaving enough of a deceitful trail to trick those who would want to know who I am. I can be multiple people...

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The Observer Stories Log 1

This is a log to record the activities of this lab and facility. I am afraid that in the case this gets out to the public, I won't be around to fear for the worst. I will be dead. I mean that in the most literal sense. We are storing something quite...

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