Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep19

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#19 of LoM 08

The term 'Home Sweet Home' never resonated so true to Sasuga like how it did tonight, finally arriving at her apartment with Hazard and Panja.

"God, what a night..." the kirin breathed wearily, finding the closest seat she could find in her place and collapsing on it.

"Heh, yeah, never an easy life when you're an immortal bearing a demon's curse, eh?" Hazard chuckled.

"I don't think I can get used to this," Sasuga complained, burying her face against her folded arms as she rested them on a table.

"Well, you'll have to. Things are only going to get harder from here on."

"Don't say that, Haz!" her whine was muffled against her crossed arms.

"Heheh, sorry. But hey, you did good back there. We'll make them pay for what they did to Kyle next time," Hazard comfortingly said, sitting next to the kirin and patting her arm gently.

"Yeah..." Sasuga lifted her face up, forcing a smile. She still regrets not being able to save Kyle, but at least she was able to prevent the death of others, like Mr. Osvaldo's. That gave her the hope and resolve she needed to believe in herself and her powers.

"Hey Sassy, they mixed our mails again," Panja then came in with a bunch of envelopes in his hands he obtained from the mailbox, handing her what belonged to her.

"Oh, give me a break here. More bills?" Sasuga griped as she sorted through her mails- or lack of rather. "Just when you think you've seen the worse with psycho killers and otherworldly demons, come stuff like this that reminds you how sucky real life is," she grumbled. With all the recent events happening around her, she didn't have the time to find a new job to help her earn a decent pay.

"Awww, you poor girl. If you need some money, I'll lend you some!" Panja graciously offered.

"That's sweet of you, Panja, but it's okay. I'll manage, somehow."

"Aw, well, don't be shy if you're in a pinch, okay? Damn, I'm thirsty. Got anything to drink here?"

"Uhh, there's some soda in the fridge, I think..." Sasuga muttered, a little distracted by the white lion's still bare hunky topless frame.

"Oh, sweet! Vanilla Cherry! I like your taste!" Panja gleefully expressed as he found a soda can in her fridge. He didn't bother to put anything on yet, and it was silently killing the kirin throughout the whole journey back home. She didn't know if Panja was playing coy or if he was purposely torturing her about it. For a second, her mind wandered off and began to wonder how Seif would look if he was topless like that.

"Hey... remember that roommate suggestion I gave you before?" Hazard mentioned up all of the sudden, as Sasuga snapped out of her envisions and looked back at the wolf with a curious nod. "Here's a crazy thought: How about you ask Rinami to move in with you?"

"PFFFFFFFT!" Panja sputtered out the soda he was just drinking the moment his ears picked up the words that just came out of Hazard's mouth, coughing out a bit soon after and getting odd looks from both of Sasuga and Hazard. "Errm... hehe, I'm fine! I forgot to breathe before drinking, is all. So damn thirsty!" Panja chuckled nervously, wiping his muzzle.

"Oh-kay... So, how about it, Sas?" Hazard asked Sasuga.

"Rinami as a roommate? I guess that could be a good idea..." Sasuga pondered. Rinami sure seemed like a good candidate, with some good advantages; she already knew her a bit, she was a girl so she'd feel more comfortable living with her under one roof and more importantly, she was a bearer of Abaddon's Curse, so she won't have trouble keeping any kind of awkward secrets or risking the life of an innocent mortal. The only issue she could think of regarding this was if Panja would be okay with having Rinami this close and around in a daily basis.

"Well, what do you think, Panja?" Sasuga asked him directly.

"Huh? Think about what?"

"You know, about asking Rinami to move in with me?"

"Oh! That! That'd be awesome! You should go for it! I can't think of anyone else better to room with you, except me of course!" Panja replied with a hearty smile, being convincing enough at least, so Sasuga bought that.

"Well, alright, I think so too! I'll ask her first thing tomorrow!" Sasuga decided at last, already thrilled about it.

"Great. I'm sure she'll be happy to," Hazard smiled. "Anyhow, it's getting way late; we all need a good rest. You have a goodnight and see you in the morning, eh?" the wolf stated as he prepared to leave, giving the kirin a gentle peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, Haz, you too," Sasuga replied and returned the gracious gesture.

"Coming, Panja?" Hazard called out to the white lion.

"Oh, yeah, right behind you. Night, Sassy," Panja replied and followed his lupine friend, waving the kirin goodbye as she smiled and waved him back before they took their leave and went into their apartment.

"Man... what a day. Story of our lives, eh, bud?" Hazard yawned when he entered his home, stretching his worn out limbs as he took off his shirts. "Hey, you need the bathroom? I'm gonna take a quick shower before crashing."

"No, I'm good," Panja answered indifferently.

"Alrighty. In the meantime, can you prepare some cup noodles? All that action got me hungry," Hazard then asked of his feline friend as he picked up a towel. "Don't overcook it this time!" he warned him before he entered the bathroom and locked its door behind him.

"Sure..." Panja let out a dry sigh. Something was eating him out. There was so much emotional turmoil inside his chest and he didn't know how to deal with it. Regrets, confusion, fear, anxiousness, sadness, all sweltering up inside of him and if he didn't do anything about it he was going to erupt. He went over the bathroom door and knocked on it. "Haz?"

"What is it, Panja? Didn't I just ask you if you wanted the bathroom before I went in?" Hazard spoke from inside, the sound of the shower running covering his voice.

"I know, it's not that. I... I want to talk to you about something."

"Yeah? Can't it wait till I'm done here?"

"I guess, but... I'd feel better if I say it now," Panja said in a rather timid voice, pausing for a moment before he continued. "I... I want to say that I'm sorry about the way I acted before, about this whole Rinami thing. I was way out of line and acted like a big asshole. I hope you can forgive me..." Panja started off, sounding quite regretful, placing a hand against the door. "I realize now that I was wrong about her, about Rinami. I see that you are very important to her and she truly cares about you, and maybe you feel the same way about her. I think that's pretty... sweet. I guess what I'm trying to say here is... I won't get in the way between you two, if you're meant to be with each other. I'll even move away, if that'll make it easier for you..." Panja's heart felt like it was being torn piece by piece with each word he uttered, but he truly meant every single one of them. Losing Hazard would be the absolute worst thing to him, but if it meant his happiness, he was willing to sacrifice. "I... I guess that's it. Sorry, I couldn't hold it in me much longer. I'll go make you those cup noodles," Panja finished and turned away, fighting back the tears.

Before he took the first step, he heard the sound of the bathroom door unlock and then open. He turned around and blinked his eyes when he saw a soaked wet Hazard standing before him, with nothing on him expect a towel around his waist covering his lower part and his usual pair of glasses that didn't hide the intensely stern look on his eyes which actually made Panja more nervous than he already was.

"I... I'm s-sorry Haz, I didn't m-mean to upset you..." Panja stammered, lowering his ears in fear that he made it worse. He then felt Hazard's hand reach up and clutch his thick white beard, tugging his face down and making Panja flinch. For a second there he thought Hazard was going to smack him, but instead, he felt the wolf's muzzle press into his own. Panja's eyes flashed wide open, not believing what was happening. He was kissing him. Kissing him right on the lips. The white lion was so stunned and flustered, his white fuzzy cheeks turning into bright red, he didn't even had the chance to kiss back. When the realization finally hit him, he felt Hazard's warm lips part his, seeing that usual smirk on the wolf's handsome face.

"You're such an idiot lion, you know that?" Hazard said, as Panja still looked back him in total confusion. "When will you get it through your thick head that I'll never quit you, Panja? I've known Rinami for about ten years of my childhood life, but I've known you for more than a single lifetime. Do you think I'll easily throw all of that away just because she's back in my life? Don't be a fucking fool, you big dupe. You'll always - always - occupy a huge place in my heart. Got it?"

"Ha... Hazzy..." Panja's voice choked up, his eyes tearing up in joy of what his ears are hearing coming out of the wolf of his life's mouth.

"Just come here..." Hazard softly cooed and pressed himself against Pajna's chest, his arms moving around the lion's thick waist and wrapping around it, bringing him closer, as their muzzles pressed into each other again, planting passionate kisses on his leonine lips. Panja's heart fluttered when he felt Hazard's wonderful smooches on his muzzle again and he reacted properly this time, his beefy arms also wrapping around the wolf's back and locking him in a loving embrace, their bare muscled upper bodies pressed and rubbed so closely against each other as he returned the loving kisses, not minding how dripping wet Hazard was. He didn't want to let go of him, at all.

Hazard broke the loving kisses, looking up at the overjoyed lion's eyes and smiling, as he lifted one hand of his and placed it on Panja's cheek, caressing it gently and making him purr pleasantly. "I guess those cup noodles will have to wait for a bit," Hazard chuckled lightly, as he felt the apparent bulge growing inside Panja's pants against his own.

"You... You mean...?" Panja's ears perked up sharply, his heart pounding up so rapidly it almost burst, and Hazard could feel it beating so hard against his scarred chest. Hazard raised himself a bit so he could tenderly nose Panja's big snout.

"Yes. It's 'our' time..." the wolf whispered huskily, licking Panja's chin while he gently caressed the lion's broad back. Panja was more than ecstatic, hugging Hazard closer and licking back at the canine's tongue with his feline one. He had been waiting for so long for this. To be this close to Hazard. To share his feelings for him, and receiving his back. He wanted to kick himself so hard for doubting his wolf, but never again.

Unable to hold his emotions, Panja tightened his thick arms around Hazard and pulled him closer; kissing him deeply on the muzzle, as the wolf gladly kissed him back. Their lips were locked so firmly, inhaling each other's warm breaths, as their tongues lapped and danced together inside their maws. The sensuality was rising in a steady rate and their hands began to move about their bodies, feeling and massaging each other's firm and bulging muscles. Panja's hands rubbed down along Hazard's sexy back, purring in delight at how wonderful his wolf felt under that golden wet pelt of his, feeling his way down till he reached the edge the towel covering Hazard's waist. His big palm traveled down to feel his rear end, groping his hard rump under that fabric. Panja felt a powerful rush inside of him, and with rough tug he easily pulled off the towel, as it fell down to ground, leaving the hunky golden wolf fully nude, unable to resist feeling down further and fondling Hazard's exposed firm and taut rump.

Hazard let out a soft, growly murr into the deep kiss when he felt Panja's big hand grope and squeeze on his butt buns, making them flex and his tail wag about enjoyably. The wolf's hands traveled down the lion's back and over to his thick waist, trailing those hard, ripped white muscles with his fingers, and stopped at the hem of his pants. He moved his hands to the front, stroking Panja's hard abs, before he unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, letting them seamlessly fall down to the lion's ankles. Panja shuddered in arousal, feeling the wolf's erect member touching his own, and then let out a moan when Hazard moved his hand back to the lion's rear and felt up his muscled buttocks, forcing him to break the kiss.

"Oh, Hazzy... you're so hot... so fucking hot, Hazzy..." Panja breathed, panting hotly as he admired his lupine lover, his hands couldn't stop feeling around the wolf's attractive naked body, fondling his sides, his back, his chest; his palm scrapping over that large ragged scar of his and thinking how he always found it sexy looking.

Hazard simply grinned at the white lion's admiration, moving his face closer to Panja's brawny chest and nuzzling it, planting soft and loving smooches and licks on the wide and hard pecs, sending Panja to pure bliss as he purred while gazing down at his wolf adoring his chest, making them flex and bulge for him sexily. Hazard's hands were massaging the feline's muscular back as he nuzzled his chest, bucking his hips slowly against Panja's and letting their private parts rub and grind sensually, arousing Panja extremely as he couldn't resist grinding back while clutching each buttcheek of Hazard, purring and groaning delicately. Then, with a sudden shove, Hazard pushed Panja backward and trapped him between him and the dining table, as the wolf pressed himself against the lion again and placed his hands on Panja's torso, pushing him down to lean his back on top of the table.

Panja swooned when Hazard forced him down like that, rumbling in excitement as Hazard loomed over him with a wide leer, pressing his muzzle on his for another passionate, wet kiss, while the wolf's hands explored Panja's beefy frontal body, thoroughly massaging his buff barreled chest as it was heaving up and down in exhilaration with one hand, while the other trailed his sexy abs, gradually moving down to get a firm hold of Panja's thick black cock, stroking it slowly and nicely against his own hard red meat. Panja groaned out into the wolf's muzzle, his hands moving up to grab his sturdy shoulders, feeling the firm hard muscles on them and his strapping arms, their tongues kissing and lapping together with wet horny noises, as Panja lifted his powerful legs and wrapped his thick thighs around Hazard's hips, keeping him close. The golden wolf murred huskily and started stroking both of their cocks together faster and hotter, feeling them throb and grow with each jerk, then pulled away from the lion's muzzle with a loud, saliva-filled smooch, but he kept kissing along his chin and beard, nuzzling his way down to his hefty chest and starting to suckle on one darkened and hardened nipple of his.

"Oh God, Haz..." Panja hissed in pleasure as Hazard suckled on his nipple, teasingly nibbling on the sensitive grey nub with the front of his fangs and attending the other nipple with his other free hand with some playful pinching and tweaking of his claws, arousing Panja further and making him leak badly as his precum smoothened the frotting of their cocks and made it faster and more gratifying. Hazard murred deeply as he nursed on Panja's masculine pecs, grinding his hips against the lion's and rubbing their hard members and hefty ballsacs together, enjoying the sensuality of it as the slick pre coated their throbbing thick meats.

The lust was building up in Panja and he couldn't hold it in for long as he sprang up on his feet and off of the table, lifting Hazard's feet off of the floor and pressing his back against the nearest wall, muzzling him madly while growling lustfully, holding up the wolf against wall by his rump as he folded his thighs around his hips, swapping hot oral fluids as their tongues deliciously kissed and lapped together with horny rumbles, their erect cocks massaging against each other more closely and leaking further, their arousal reaching its peak.

"Oh fuck, Hazzy..." Panja groaned, filled with yearn for his wolf, as he dragged his raspy tongue down Hazard's neck, licking his way down to his marvelous muscled chest and tasting the musky wetness on his golden fur.

"Hrmm... Panja..." Hazard murred pleasurably as Panja ravished his torso with his tongue, slurping over those sexy mounds of firm muscles, lapping over that rigid chest scar, as the wolf ran his fingers through Panja's lush white mane in approval, as Panja continued to adore his wolf's body, his hands groping and fondling whatever inch of it he could reach.

"Hazzy... Oh fuck, Haz, I can't take it anymore... I want you bad! Please, take me..." Panja cooed desperately between his licks and kisses, staring at Hazard with needy eyes.

Hazard smirked back, massaging the lion's muscular shoulders. "You bring the lube. I'll be in my bedroom," the wolf softly said and Panja answered with an eager nod, lowering him down to the floor and hastily went over to his bedroom to bring the lube bottle he owned. He entered Hazard's bedroom with the lube in hand, but his eyes blinked when he didn't see his wolf there, just finding an empty, dimly lit bedroom. For a faint second, he thought it was all but a dream. However, that thought instantly vaporized when he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his chest from under his armpits. "Hey there. Missed me?" Hazard whispered in a deep husky tone, warmly hugging Panja from behind and pressing himself into his sexy backside, giving the back of his sturdy shoulders some affectionate kisses and nibbles, reaching over to the front to stroke his juicy black cock.

"Uhmm... more than you can imagine..." Panja purred pleasantly, twirling his long tail around Hazard's waist and keeping him close, feeling the wolf's hot, throbbing meat slide between his buttcheeks and making him shiver in anticipation and melt between Hazard's strapping arms that held them up against his burly chest as Panja caressed the wolf's sexy waist.

Pulling away from Panja's back, Hazard moved over to the bed, playfully brushing his thick golden tail over Panja's abs as he walked past him, and then laid himself on top of the mattress, spreading himself on his back with his canine meat standing up straight, inviting the lion to join in. "Damn, you're fucking gorgeous..." Panja rumbled as he eyed the attractive wolf spreading his manly beauty across the bed, not wasting another moment, as he climbed on top of the bed and crawled over Hazard's body, both of them engaging in another passionate round of lusty kissing and bodily fondling, emitting low growls, as the two lovers rolled around on top of the mattress, going back and forth by switching places with each other, as if they were wrestling for the top dominance.

It was finally settled by Hazard, forcing Panja to lie flat on his belly while he mounted his bare back. Luckily for him, the white lion made no resistance, happily offering his body for the wolf to do as he pleased, swishing his tail and raising it up. Hazard grinned, reaching for the bottle of lube, and spilled a small drop of the greasy liquid that dropped directly on Panja's tailring. The lion let out a soft hiss when he felt the cold lube touch his ass pucker, then turned it into a moan when Hazard rubbed the oily lubricant on the tailhole and over his ass crack, occasionally groping Panja's rump cheeks and squeezing them teasingly, enticing Panja much more.

"Uhn... dammit, you big wolfy tease..." the white lion whined, aroused beyond belief and desperately eager for Hazard to take him.

Hazard chuckled and stopped oiling Panja's ass, tossing the lube bottle aside, positioning himself by gripping on the lion's hips and guiding his hard shaft against his back entrance. "Here I come," Hazard breathed and pushed his thick cock into Panja's tailhole, shoving more than half of his size inside his ass with the help of the lube.

"Ungh! F-Fuck...!" Panja gasped deeply. Despite having the lube smoothing the penetration, Hazard's cock still felt so thick, pushing in more and more, with Panja cringing at every filling inch. Hazard pressed his cock into Panja till his ripe knot was left, breathing out at the tightness of the white lion's ass, then pulled out till his cock head was inside, before he thrust it in again. He repeated the sexual motion, pumping his throbbing meat in and out, spreading Panja's inner walls further with each filling insertion, bringing heavenly pleasure to the both of them.

"Uhmf... Uhm, damn, Panja... you feel so good..." Hazard grunted gruffly, increasing the speed and force of his deep thrusts, gripping Panja's hips firmly and ramming into his rump each time. Panja couldn't be in a happier place, groaning and moaning blissfully, accepting the wolf's hot juicy cock into him, the way he always loved and desired.

"Ouh... ouh, yes, Hazzy... uhnf, oh, Hazzy, yes... take me... fuck me good... more... harder..." Panja moaned in lust, craving more from his wolf love, and more he received, as Hazard leaned himself over the lion's broad back and fully mounted him, his thrusts doubling in strength as he pushed his cock down his ass, wrapping his arms around Panja's chest and holding him down on the bed as he repeatedly pounded into his rump with harder and faster slams. Panja let out horny moans and groans as he felt his inner walls being invaded by the wolf's thickness again and again, his own cock pulsing madly while being pressed against the bed sheets, staining them with his leonine fluids.

"Unf... unngrr... fuck, Panja....uhnf... brace... yourself..." Hazard rumbled through his hot pants, as he was only beginning, and with a powerful thrust, shoved his fat knot into Panja's ass, locking his cock inside.

"Urrrgh! F-FUCK!" the while lion yowled out loud the moment Hazard fully entered him. Not even the slick lube made the incredible width of the wolf's knot being forced into his tailring any easier, feeling like a hot, molten spear of lava impaling him. But he stomached the initial burning sensation, panting and moaning steadily. He then felt Hazard gentle touches over his back, as the wolf caressed the sweaty muscles with a hand caringly, planting soft kisses on the back of his shoulders and making him purr serenely.

Sensing Panja's calmness, Hazard resumed his lovemaking, humping his hips into Panja's rear in swift, short thrusts, his cock pumping inside the lion ass in the most filling and satisfying way, leaving Panja groaning and moaning helplessly. The wolf's throbbing meat was constantly inside of him, the knot securing it all the way in, stimulating him like nothing else, crashing into his sensitive prostate relentlessly, driving Panja insane with pleasure.

"Ouh... ouh, God... oh, fuck, Hazzy...! Oh, God, Haz, yes! Oh, shit, yes, Hazzy! Unf! Oh, Haz, don't stop...! Oh God yes, don't stop!" Panja cried out, completely lost in lust, loving how Hazard was fucking him, dominating him, taking him so hard and fully, like a true mate. He loved it all and expressed it clearly by moaning and groaning his lover's name over and over again. The white lion's cries of pleasure where mixed with Hazard's gruffly grunts and pants, the sharp smacking of flesh resonating throughout the room, their balls slapping together with each powerful hump, and it was pushing the wolf to the edge. Taking this hunky beast of a male, making him moan out in bliss, seeing his incredibly buff ripped body and muscles flex and bulge massively under him, all caused by him; Hazard found that to be enlivening arousing and loved every second of it.

However, it was all coming to a climatic end, as their inevitable orgasms were nearing. Hazard felt Panja's whole beefy frame shudder under him, every ripped muscle of his tensing and flexing extremely, as the white lion threw his head backward and caved in, roaring his climax out, his trapped member jolting against the bed sheets as a stream of his pearly lion seeds splattered everywhere. As Panja came hard, clenching his ass tightly around the wolf's pulsing cock, Hazard felt like he was going to explode, pushing him to the limit. He couldn't possibly hold it in any longer, his full balls aching for release, as he arched his back and let out a long growly howl, signifying his dramatic orgasm, blowing his load inside of Panja's ass and filling it to the rim in an instant. Panja groaned out louder when the rushing sensation of the wolf's climax hit him. That fabulous, melting, thrilling feeling tingling every sense in his body. How he wholly adored it.

The thundering storm that was their sexual release passed, as Hazard sighed out heavily, resting on top of Panja's equally sweaty muscled back, both of them catching their breaths and basking in the wonderful afterglow, the thick scent of their manly sweat and cum filling their nostrils and the sexual energy that filled the room was waning. As his member erection lessened, Hazard pulled himself out of Panja's ass, his cock making a slurpy pop when he yanked his knot out, getting a moaning squirm from Panja as a little flow of wolf sperm gushed out of his tailring. Hazard lied on one side of the bed next to Panja, still breathing in and out, but with a gratified expression on his lupine face, an expression Panja shared as he turned his head to the side and saw the white lion's smiling face. Leaning up on his elbows, Panja crawled over to lie on top of his wolf, resting himself over his chest and snuggling him closely without sharing a word.

Hazard smiled in content and placed a gentle hand on Panja's cheek, petting it tenderly. "Damn you, Panja," was the only thing that came out of his mouth.

"I love you too, Hazzy," Panja cooed back, leaning his face down to kiss his only and true love on his lips, pouring all of his affection. Hazard murred and kissed him back, caressing that hefty lion chest. Hazard didn't want anyone to know. To know about this. About the true nature of their relationship. Not because he was ashamed of it nor because he denied it; it couldn't be farther from that. But because he wanted it to remain theirs only. Their special secret. Only theirs, no one else. And Panja was more than happy to accept that.

"You still want me to make you those cup noodles?" Panja then said lightheartedly after parting Hazard's tasty muzzle.

"Hrmm, some noodles sounds pretty good about now. But, right after a second round..." Hazard leered slyly, giving Panja's rump a playful squeeze, making the lion blush a bit.

"God, you're such a sexy stud!" Panja purred in response.

This night seemed to be still young.

End of Chapter 08