I Wish I was a Dog
A mistake is finally fixed.
I wish I was a dog. I hate being human. My life sucks.
My life had always been rough. I had a loving home and family, and my parents sacrificed to give me the best life they could, but nothing ever seemed to go right for me. I always seemed to be unlucky and get the bad breaks. I was an average student in school, and when I graduated, I had trouble finding a good job.
Finally a friend of my parents helped me get a job at one of their businesses. It wasn't great, but it paid the bills. My boss was a jerk and took it out on me, and usually gave me the worst sifts and assignments. I came home every night hating life, and wishing things were better. For reasons I could never fully understand, I never felt like I fit in.
I had just had another bad day when everything that could go wrong did. I narrowly avoided a head on collision on my way to work, but ended up doing some serious damage to my car. When I finally got to work, I got in serious trouble for being late. I tried to explain it was because of the accident, but my boss wouldn't hear it. I was suspended for a week. When I got home, I found somehow I had left the apartment door unlocked and half of my things were gone.
After the police had left, assuring me they would do everything they could to find the robber and my stuff (yeah sure) I flopped down on the couch and fell asleep from exhaustion.
When I started to dream I heard a voice, calling to me as one would call their favorite pet. I looked around and found myself naked save for a collar around my neck, standing in a large field and something compelled me to follow the voice.
After walking for what seemed like ages, I saw a house in the distance. It was a nice two story affair, and the voice seemed to be coming from it. When I got close enough, I found the source of the voice was a young boy, maybe 8 years old.
When he saw me his eyes lit up in joy, and he ran over to me, petting me and praising me calling me a good boy. At first it seemed strange to be treated like an animal, but before long it felt natural.
He picked up a stick and tossed it, and on instinct I chased after it and brought it back to him. We played like this for what seemed like hours, until his mother finally called us in for dinner.
As we walked into the house, everyone seemed to regard me as nothing more than the family pet. I was led to a bowl of dog food on the floor, which I quickly gobbled down. The boy sat at the table, and ate something I couldn't identify, but it sure smelled good. I sat back on my haunches, hoping for some scraps, but none were forthcoming.
After dinner, I followed the boy to the living room where he petted me for what seemed like hours. His mother came in and told him it was time for bed. He complained for a few minuets, but then made his way upstairs to his room.
I followed him upstairs, and upon entering his room I saw a nice dog bed beside his bed, and feeling tired from the day, crawled into it and quickly fell asleep.
The next thing I knew, I was waking up in my apartment, with the sun shining through the window. I looked at the clock, and realized I had slept through most of the day, and my heart started to race as I thought I was late for work, but as the haze of sleep retreated I remembered I was suspended, so I didn't have to worry.
As my head fully cleared, my dream from the night before came back to me, along with a wave of peace and calmness, the likes of which I had never felt before. Something about the dream seemed right, when everything else in my world seemed wrong.
I went through the rest of my day, having meals, doing laundry, and every time I started to feel down, the dream would come to mind, and leave me felling better than I had any right to. It was better than any drug I had ever tried or heard of. I couldn't wait to go to bed that night in the hopes that I would experience the dream again.
After I fell asleep, I found my self back in the field, hearing the boy calling me. I looked down at my self, and found that I was again naked, but had a light coating of fur on my body. I followed the voice to the house again, and the boy again met me and we spent the day playing. We had more fun than anytime I could remember.
I felt a powerful love coming from the boy, stronger than any I had experienced from any of the people in my life. I hadn't even felt it this strong from my parents, and they had loved me more than anything. I couldn't explain it, but It seemed like we were meant to be together, and had a strong bond that went beyond the mere physical.
Over the next week, I had the dream every night. Each time I would find my self in the field more and more canine. A tail. Then paws. Then floppy ears. Then covered in fur. Then a muzzle. Then I found my self on all fours. Passing a puddle, I looked at my reflection and saw that I now appeared as a full dog. I would guess some type of lab or lab mix.
The amount of time I spent in the dream was never enough. I had just enough time to play with my new master, and enjoy his company at dinner, then some snuggling and it was off to bed where I would wake up back in my apartment in human form.
The feelings from the dream had become permanent, and I felt very euphoric, and nothing seemed to phase me. My boss complimented me on my new attitude, and even hinted that I might get a raise if I kept it up. Things were starting to look up, but something was still nagging at me. This life still didn't feel right.
One weekend, I decided to get some fresh air, as the weather was just starting to turn nice. I don't know why, but I decided to take a trip into the country. Somehow I just knew where to go, and drove for hours, almost like I was on autopilot. When I finally stopped, I looked around, and knew the place I was- It was the field in my dream.
Something compelled me to remove my clothing and walk into the field. I looked around to make sure no one would see me, and removed my clothes, throwing them into my car. Once I was naked, I walked into the field. Something made me very happy to be here, and I kept moving forward, not realizing that my car had disappeared, along with the rest of the outside world.
After about a dozen yards into the field, something caught my eye. It was a collar. I picked it up and looked at the tags. They were engraved with my name. Before I knew it, I had reached up and fastened the collar around my neck. It was a perfect fit and was incredibly comfortable. It felt like it had always been there.
As I started walking again, I started to feel strange, as my body started to contort. My face grew into a muzzle, and a tail started to grow from my rear. My hands and feet changed into paws. As I lost balance and fell to all fours, a thick coating of fur sprang up all over my body. I had become the dog from my dream.
Soon I could feel a rush of strange thoughts and memories filling my head. I quickly realized it was instincts and thoughts of the dog I had become. The instincts were powerful, but I could still control them. It was as if they had always been a part of me. I could feel my human thoughts and concerns drifting away, and a since of contentment and happiness filling the space where they once were.
Somehow I knew this was the way I was meant to be. I started running towards where I knew my new home and master were waiting. It wasn't long before I could see the house coming over the rise, and my new senses let me smell and hear the food cooking and presence of the people within. I couldn't wait to see them again.
Before I could get to the house, something happened. Time seemed to stop, and everything seemed to freeze. I couldn't move, and was apprehensive as a strange glowing light started to move towards me.
The light took a vaguely human shape, and without speaking as such, told me not to panic. Somehow a mistake had been made. He was here to fix it. Through an oversight, I had been born a human, instead of the dog I was meant to be. The problems I had experienced in life were essentially reality rejecting the human me.
It was explained to me that it had taken this long to fix things because time flowed differently here, and it was only a few minuets for him, but years for me. I could hardly believe what I was hearing, but somewhere deep down, I knew that it was true.
Before the light figure left, it apologized profusely to me, and told me that I would soon be reunited with my proper master, and that he and I would spend our lives together, and things would be set right.
As my vision cleared I saw the boy sitting on the porch, and he started calling my name. As the last remnants of my former life faded from my mind, I ran to him and jumped up, knocking him down, and licking all over his face. My master laughed and laughed, and we spent the day outside playing.
When we went in for dinner, I was presented a bowl of food, and it was the best meal I had ever had. I even got a few scraps from the table. There were better than they had any right to be.
That night was wonderful. Every time my master petted me, it sent waves of pleasure through my body. I hoped he would never stop.
I was kind of hesitant to go to bed that evening, for fear that I would wake up in my old human life, but when I woke up I was still in my masters room, and knew then that this was my reality now.
I was my master's faithful pet for many years to come. We grew up together, and we couldn't have been happier. His love for me was endless. I returned his love unconditionally. Life was perfect.
I never missed my old life, and hardly noticed when the last of the memories faded from my mind. All I knew now was this life, and I never did know what the mysterious figure was, but I wish I could thank him for the greatest gift anyone had ever given me.