A tail of magic and mystery chapter ten

Story by twobunny on SoFurry

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#10 of a tail of magic and mystery

Chapter ten

Two weeks after the virus outbreak, the death toll is in. 50,000 deaths mostly in countries that don't have good healthcare. The virus still spreads but it but it doesn't do much of anything.

Mopsy is not happy with my break out but we are good friends. Weeks after the breakout she gets a message.

"Alex, I have orders to bring you and your kids to in front of the inter-spirit council."

"And if I refuse."

"I am to kill you and this time there are a hundred of us."

"Kids, we are going on a trip."

The kids and Miss Kino (I had released her after the last spell) assemble and hold hands and we teleport to the spirit realm and begin walking. It takes two days of walking to reach our destination.

We are placed under armed guard and fed. The next day we are brought to the council. Spirits of every species imaginable are present

"Alex Brown, do you know why you have been brought here?"

"No, I do not."

"You are here because you destroyed plans to keep humans from outstripping their food supplies, now the humans will starve."

"There must be a better way than killing humans."

"This is the only way we have thought of."

"There are planets nearby that humans can colonize. I can build shelters that allow plants to grow in any condition and place them on Mars. I could even magically transform the planet into a livable planet. And with magic Earth would not have to worry about feeding the population ever again, or at least for hundreds of years."

"That idea has merit. We will consider it. Tell us one thing, how did you break our magic. We used a powerful magic user to create it."

"I used the power of six magic users to break the spell."



"If we had informed you of what was going on before we released the virus, would you have stopped us?"

"I do as I am asked."

"Then we ask you, not to do it again."

"And if I do it again?"

"Then you will have to worry about what we are going to do. We will make a decision in one hour."

We are lead out of the chamber and into a holding chamber. There we wait.

One hour passes and we return to the chamber for their decision.

"Alex, it is the decision of the council that your idea has merit. But you have disobeyed the council by stopping our efforts. Since you and you kids never took the oath of loyalty to either of the three teachers, we will require you to take the oath to all our kind."

"And if I refuse to take the oath?"

"Then we cast a spell removing the magic from you, denying you access to those spells."

"I must ask my children what they want to do."

"We will allow that."

"Kids, what will our decision be?"

Alice says, "I want to continue casting spells." And the other kids agree.

"We will take the oath."

"Then repeat what I have to say. I, state your name,..."

And the oath is given. We agree to follow the orders of the council, their orders even override the President of the United States and the United Nations. The council agree to consult me on anything that would affect the earth from now on.

Over the next few weeks I get information from NASA about Mars. And I get information of their trip to Mars using a specially built craft, but it won't be ready for three years. I tell NASA that I can have a craft ready for launch in a week, if they pick a crew to man it. I create a launch craft big enough for a dozen people to live comfortably with supplies to last a month. Then we are ready. First I have to choose who will accompany me into space as a backup magician. Michael wins the argument. Then I create the craft, and I use the UFO designs used in classic myths. I install a Maggie lookalike computer into her. (Magic may power the craft but the computer gets us there and back.) Then the group of us get suited up and head for the launch pad. NASA tells us to take off and we do. The flight to Mars takes only a little time traveling at 0.1 light speed. There we take samples, gather rocks, travel to both poles to gather ice samples and finally put to rest, the possibility of life on Mars exist. The scientists back on earth go nuts on this.

When we return, we get back home and Alice is excited. It is her eighteenth birthday tomorrow. (Well, not truly her birthday, it is day she was created as a five year old. But I treat it as her birthday.)

On the kids birthday, I grant them a wish, It could be anything from a ride from Lucy, my pet dragon to some special wishes. This year Alice makes a special wish.

We get through singing "Happy birthday" to Alice and divvy up the cake and ice cream. (The cake is a carrot cake made specially by her siblings and the ice cream is rocky road. Her favorites.)

I ask, "Alice, now that you are a year older and a year wiser, what do you wish for that daddy will do the best to grant."

"I want to carry a baby inside me."

"And tell me why you want to do that?"

"I look and see mothers to be and wish that would happen to me and the babies, I wish to know what it feels like to feed a baby at my breasts."

"And you don't want me to create the baby like I did Jessica."

"No, daddy. I want to feel the baby move inside me and when the time comes, I want to feel the baby come out of me."

"It takes two to make a baby. Who do you want to father the baby?"

"You, daddy. I want to carry your baby."

"I am honored, but I don't know if I can make you pregnant."

"Mamma Mopsy thought of that and gave me a spell to allow for that."

I can blame Mopsy for that.

"I give in, you are responsible enough to care for and old enough to care for a baby. I will be a true Daddy and create a baby in you."

Alice starts her next reproductive cycle in a week so I prepare. I refuse to have oral or vaginal sex that involve my penis with Alice or the other girls. It is hard but I succeed. Then when the event happens, I bring Alice into the bedroom, lay her down on the edge of the bed, place a pillow under her tail and get to work. I cast the boner spell and the removal spell, Alice casts the compatibility spell and I nibble on her breasts. I suck and nibble on her breasts for over ten minutes. During that time she rises and falls from the plateau. I slowly kiss down her fur till I get to her cleft and I find that she is dripping moisture. I lick up this nectar like it was honey. And the smell of bunny is ever present. The older girls have a scent to them. If I could bottle that scent, I could make another couple of million, like I needed it. I continuously lick up and down her cleft and then I attach myself to her clit and suck. And that sets her off into an orgasm.

When she comes back down from her high. I line up and slowly enter her. Alice, wanting to enjoy this, starts to contract her vaginal muscles. I piston in and out of her. When I get to the point of no return, I spurt into her, stopping for a moment to release, then continuing pistoning into her. I continue until the boner spell runs out three hours later. In that time I have released into her about ten times.

Alice wants to know if she is pregnant yet, I cast a spell that allows me to give the kids a checkup and focus in on the egg cell traveling down the fallopian tubes to the uterus and give a view to Alice so she can see the first sperm cells attack the egg. I keep Alice on her back until the first division of the egg cell. And thirty minutes after the egg is attacked it divides. I allow Alice to get up and take a shower. And I join her. The rest of the kids applaud as we exit the master bedroom.

"How does it feel to be pregnant?"

"It feels wonderful."

"I hate to tell you this but we can't confirm the pregnancy until the egg implants into the womb."

"Why, Daddy."

"One thing is the egg might not attach and all this effort will be for nothing."

The kids are hopeful for a successful implantation. Two weeks later Alice comes up to me and asks for a pregnancy test. I create one that is 100 percent accurate. Alice goes and takes the test and runs back and hugs me.

"You are going to be a fine Daddy to our baby."

I smile.

Two weeks pass and It is time to get our bi annual physicals. I go first and get a perfect report, Michael goes next, followed by Jasmine and Jessica. Alice goes last and strangely enough she wants me to go with her.

"Well, Alice. How are you feeling?"

"Fine, Doctor."

"Has there anything going on that I need to know about?"

"Well, I am pregnant."

"When did that happen?"

"Four weeks ago and confirmed with a pregnancy test two weeks ago."

"This is a first, a hybrid pregnancy. Who is the father?"


The look of shock is priceless.

"How could you?"

"I am going to make this argument once. One she is not my genetic daughter, and two nowhere can you say it is illegal, so you can't call incest or sex with animals. She asked me and I accepted."

"I don't understand."

"You are objecting because she is not human, if she was human, we wouldn't have this argument now."

The rest of the examination goes without a hitch, Alice's pregnancy is confirmed by the base doctors.

We head off base to celebrate Alice's pregnancy, and we eat at a restaurant that specializes in vegetarian food.

We head back to the base and during the trip, I hear police sirens. The MP's are chasing someone. I pull, over and cast a trap spell for this person. The vehicle comes into view and hits the edge of the spell and the vehicle crumples as if it hit a wall at the speed it was traveling, disabling it. There was one thing I forgot to cast when I converted gasoline vehicles to magic and I am going to correct it as soon as possible, Using a vehicle in a crime. I get out of my vehicle as the police find out that the criminal is stuck in his vehicle. I offer my services to help out and reach in and remove the door from the hinges, lift the roof off and pull the dash off his feet. The criminal is injured in his legs, only broken bones, which I set as the paramedics arrive.

I get back to base and head home making plans on how to stop criminals. I contact the Governor of Hawaii and ask if he wants to participate in a crime reduction program. First he doesn't believe me, but I convince the Governor that I can reduce the crime rate. I create a GPS device that rings the closest police officer that a crime has happened and a device at home base that alerts them. Officers have to call it in and then they have to show up. Then the police get a call of a homicide in a house. The woman kills the husband and she gets arrested with the evidence visible from the front door. I get called at the arraignment hearing. I describe how it works.

"Its like this, your honor, take in fact. If a person stands outside a house and hears a crime being committed, that person would be considered a hero for reporting it. What I have done, is created that person. This spell does not enter the house but listens for anything unusual that might escape, sound for example. This spell can hear a cry for help as faint as a whisper or a death rattle. It can hear the sound of a door being kicked in or the sound of a bullet being fired. I even used the spell to help home bound seniors. A police officer got sent to a house when an elderly man fell in the bathroom and didn't have an alert pendent"

"I have a few questions. What about privacy?

"There are filters in place. Only crimes will be reported to the police, your thoughts and words are protected and can not be used against you unless recorded separately. A current picture is shown of the criminal and the victim and a description of the vehicle including license plate is shown"

"I am going to allow it. And congratulate you on making officers lives easier."

I get asked what I can do for the prison system. I get shown the prison. It is noisy. I cast a spell silencing anyone speaking in a loud voice that is guilty except in an emergency. I hear one man shouting.

"Bring me that man."

I see the man in private.

"Do you know why you are here? In prison?"

"I was convicted on killing my wife, despite my innocence."

"What if I say I believe you and can get you off."

"Thank you."

Before I leave I cast the anti weapon spell. Only officers are allowed weapons. Internal security happens to get a hundred weapons, tagged with the prisoner identification information.

First I get the prisoner appealed on my evidence and a month later I am called in to assist the defense. Before the trial, I get in front of the judges, inform him that I am casting a spell of truth. He asks what it does. I say it prevents people from telling lies. I get random people in the stands to come forward and prompt them to tell lies. You can see the lips move but no sound comes out. I even get the judge to try to tell lies. I tell the judge if he wants to hear what they tried to say, then they would have to leave the courtroom. The judge calls a recess and gets the people that volunteered into his chambers and hear the lies they tried to say. One guy tried to say that he was having an affair on his girlfriend and his girlfriend was next to him. I tell the judge that it doesn't compel the truth, but prevents the lies by reading the minds of the person and preventing falsehoods from coming out. And it is 100 percent accurate.

Court resumes and I get the courts approval. The evidence is presented and witnesses that first were reliable turn out to be lying. Then the defendant comes to the stand and tells his story. The case recesses and when the judges return the defendant is found not guilty. The press is everywhere upon hearing the news. I cast the spell and cover every courtroom in Hawaii the next day.

The Governor of Hawaii gets ask how it happened and I get fingered.

After hearing that, we get called to the White House but before we get there, we get blocked by a parade. I can't hear or see what is going on so I create an astral body. A body that can not be seen but can see and hear. I place the body in front of the parade and walk backwards along the route. What I see is disturbing. Multiple hate groups have banned together to march. (I find out it was Hitler's Birthday) I cancel the spell and start to cast another couple more. One is a containment spell that lasts an hour and the second causes their hate messages to burst into flames, or if tattooed, causes painful boils to cover the site of the tattoos. These spells will activate five minutes after I get out of range. I tell the driver to hold on as I cast a spell picking up the limousine, rotating it one hundred and eighty degrees and put it down in opposite lanes of traffic. I tell the driver to go around the parade.

The aid meets us at the door and brings us in and on the television screens are being shown the chaos of the parade. Those that participated in the parade excluding police officers was affected and the police officers were unable to get to the aid of those affected. We finally get to the anti room to the Oval Office and meet the President who asks me what I did.

"You asked me to stop the fighting, I just fired the first shot in the next war. Before they can ban together"

"What did you do exactly?"

"I cast a spell causing the literature to erupt in flames and painful boils to erupt on racist tattoos. Don't worry the boils will last an hour with no side effects"