Kindred Flames-Moonlit Fire

Story by AmberWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Kindred Flames Series

Well here goes... This is my FIRST story ever! I've finally mustered up enough courage to try this out for the first time. You gotta start somewhere i guess! So of course plz criticize me accordingly so i can improve. Even if this is an epic fail at least I tried so plz tell me wat you think i can only get better from here!

This is mainly pokemon based so here goes all disclaimers and junk! I don't own pokemon (duh) or I'd be filthy rich and I'd pay someone to write my stories and bathe in my ocean of cash while they do so! If you'r not 18 I reaaaally don't care I knew I was a furry and was interested way before 18 but just know ur taking a risk with ur parents and the law blah blah blah blah zzzzzZZZZZZZ snooozles*

I'm trying not to focus so much on the yiff and more on beggining to write thing though there is yiff in this one. ;3

My main character is a Ninetales named Pearl for the pink tint in her fur just so ya know but my avatar rlly dosn't show that too well at all unfortunately im not skilled enough to draw my own but oh well!

but plz I hope you enjoy it but if not plz tell me!! OK TIME TO START!!!!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moonlit Fire

Sunlight shone down in the cloudless blue sky pleasently warming Pearl's opalescent white fur. She smiled contentedly closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation as she padded gracefully next to her female trainer May who was looking around with interest at their beautiful surroundings. Her waving chestnut hair blew in the slight breeze and her bright blue eyes gleamed in the intense light as she walked swiftly. They were currently on their way to a contest in Floaroma town that was set to take place in four days, and all was going according to plan for them. She took a deep breath as she entered the contest hall through the clear sliding doors and walked up to the reception counter to receive her pass to compete. This could be her fourth ribbon if all went according to her plan.

"Competing today are we?" the woman behind the desk chirped enthusiastically as she approached. "Yes, I am. I'd like a pass please." she replied, mentally forcing the anxiety and annoyance out of her voice. Truth be told she was extremely nervous and only wanted to be alone with her pokemon so she could sort out her thoughts properly and this overly excitable woman was trying her last nerves without being slightly aware of it. Pearl, sensing the prickles of anxiety and impatience coming from her trainer, shifted uneasily and proceeded to nudge her waist with her nose and lick her hand in an effort to reassure her. May felt the soft warm tongue of her ninetales and a smile crept its way onto her face. She reached down and scritched her lovingly between the ears. Pearl purred happily and leaned into her hand loving her spoiled treatment.

She soon finished obtaining her ticket to compete and began to walk back out of the grand building. She sighed with a wonderful sense of relief that she could finally spend the rest of the evening relaxing after a nearly full day of traveling and contest preparations. "Want to go to the meadows?" she said glancing down at Pearl as she walked. Pearl barked happily and bounced enthusiastically onto her hind paws. "Ok okay!" she replied laughing "that's where we'll go, all of you could definitely use a little play time," May said this referring to her other pokemon still safe inside their pokeballs. She definitely had what could be described as an affinity for Evees and carried a full Eveeloution set around with her that she had hand raised herself. Each one was well raised, loyal strong and unique in their own way. Their flashy elemental contest moves had made them pretty well known giving her a relatively solid fan base that she was very thankful for.

The duo soon veered off the main path onto a winding dirt trail that would lead them to the flower filled rolling meadows they enjoyed visiting so much. They arrived a little before the sun began to fall below the horizon setting the sky ablaze with all sorts of pinks and yellows signifying sunset. May dug her hand into her pocket and released all of her pokemon in one fluid motion. Each appeared from the red glow barking out their names.

First there was Hazel her Glaceon a very confident intelligent female. The eldest of them all. Then there was Blaze her Flareon he was kind and sweet, especially towards his mate Lillian the Leafeon. She was freshly evolved and was still getting use to her new body and special abilities. Torrent the Vaporeon was the self assured slightly arrogant male, but he was very powerful and hard rivals with Volt the Jolteon whose equally arrogant attitude caused them to clash constantly over one thing or another though it could usually be traced back to Hazel who's alluring beauty attracted them both, and because she hadn't yet chosen a mate the two males fought constantly for her paw. That only left Dusk and Dawn the Umbreon and Espeon. Dusk was the sarcastic clever Umbreon who took great joy in toying with other's emotions while Dawn was the caring elegant Espeon that everyone trusted. They were mates and balanced each other out very well.

May smiled and waved them off signaling to them that they could take a break for the rest of today and that they were free to do what they please with this she also gave a pointed look to each of them. She didn't have to say anything they all knew her well enough and possessed enough maturity to know what it meant. It was the beginning of mating season ,early June, and the last thing this already large group needed was more tiny mouths to feed and look after. This simple look warned them not to go out of plain sight so that "events" were less likely to occur. Torrent taking this as a signal to kick up trouble immediately let loose a powerful water gun at Volt's hind legs. Then sped off in the other direction howling with laughter and stealing a sly provocative wink at Hazel the Glaceon who blushed cutely before devoting his full attention to outrunning the speedy Jolteon who now pursued him. Volt was thoroughly infuriated and humiliated, even worse this had happened in front of Hazel so he retaliated by firing fierce flashes of lightning at his rival that dodged them quickly.

May rolled her eyes at this and walked over to a boulder yawning and sitting down in the soft fragrant grass as she leaned onto its conveniently smooth surface. Pearl followed behind her, not wanting to play with the others. She always felt just a little out of place amongst the family of Evees for some reason. On top of that she could feel her Heat beginning to come on. It wasn't in full raging swing yet but she was without a mate and she dreaded the weeks of searing pain and discomfort that she couldn't soothe herself, at least not in public. The hoards of sex-crazed males driven mad by her pungent scent that trailed her trying desperately to get a piece of her. She wasn't herself during her heat, mating was constantly on her mind overpowering all other thoughts. Once she'd been so gripped by lust during a battle that she couldn't focus and it had cost her the entire match. She remembered hanging her head in shame and refusing to meet the disapproving gazes of the other pokemon in the team. May was endlessly patient with her during this time, refusing to show any signs of anger. Pearl was May's first pokemon and this of course meant that they shared a special bond.

And so right about now Pearl preferred to curl up beside her master than frolic in the flowers without her. She lied down beside May and then placed her pinkish forepaws while laying her head down with a huff in May's lap. May only smiled and stroked her head and back as she began to run through her contest plans drowsily in her head. Pearl purred and looked up fondly at her trainer remembering the first time she saw the innocent young face when she was only a tiny vulpix.

It all started the night before May had found Pearl alone and terrified in the forest. It was an average night and Pearl was playing outside her birth den with her littermate Robin under the watchful yet protective gaze of their mother and father. "Ow, let go!" Pearl squealed tumbling backward onto her rump trying to escape her brothers needle like kit teeth that were thoroughly fastened in her ear. "You're being the mouse this time and mice don't fight back!" Robin yipped playfully lunging again for his sister who leapt gracefully out of the way coming to a stop before some holly bushes. It was at that moment that she heard the menacing sound of growling coming from the trembling bushes and stumbled back terrified at the dark sounds that now seemed to come from everywhere filling the clearing they played in. She remembered the chaos that ensued almost immediately after this. A pack of at least five mightyena burst from the bushes snarling and attacking the stunned family. Blood coating the ground, the squeals of her younger brother.... Pearl cringed refusing to remember anymore. May felt this and increased the speed of her strokes. She didn't want to think of her brother's broken body and her mother's final breaths. She had been the only one to escape and for days aimlessly wandering the forest grew thinner and weaker. Until she was at the brink of starvation lying collapsed at the bank of a creek. She remembered the darkness closing in around the edges of her vision and a murkrow landing beside her trying to scavenge before she had truly passed. This is the moment that May, younger at that time, came walking through the forest and came upon her lying fallen in the dust. She remembered the concern and shock in her voice and being carried to a cozy cottage where she recovered and was nursed back to health and given the name Pearl for her soft fur coat that gleamed the slightest shade of pink in the sun light. Since then her loyalty to May had been undying and May's care for her never wavered. Pearl and May both drifted off to sleep thinking of different things but both cherishing each other's company.

It was the dead of night when a rustle in the foliage started Pearl awake. She glanced around blinking her fiery red eyes blearily in search of the source of the noise. Only when she realized that everyone was still sleeping did her instinct kick in and she shuffled to her paws. The moon gleamed down enhancing her vision. She walked over to the edge of the clearing raising her nose to the air to try and find the source of the noise. She soon singled out a fresh unknown scent and only after hearing another rustle a little ways away did a threatening growl rise in her throat. She fired a blazing torrent of fire in the direction of the noise and took off suddenly into the foliage with blinding speed as if she was hunting prey. How dare someone spy on them she thought threateningly? Endanger May and her friends with whatever they might be up to. Her paws flew over the ground but her prey never came into view. How fast was this pokemon? She thought to herself. It was very rare that someone ever out run her and she put on more heat forcing herself faster. She ran till she was exhausted, but never caught up with the escapee. Suspiciously and gripped by paranoia she eventually returned to camp and slept until morning came.

May opened her eyes to the pale light of dawn and stood up stretching and glancing around. All of her pokemon were all ready awake and were either bathing themselves or stretching amongst the flowers. She noticed Pearl standing a little ways away from the others in an awkward stance as though she was in pain. "Oh" she said audibly remembering that her Heat would most likely be starting to act up by now. Pity clenched her heart and she approached smiling apologetically. Pearl was in fact now in full Heat. The stress from last night must've set it off early. She could feel the burning and wanted to at least satisfy herself to douse the flame for at the very least a day but surrounded by others this was impossible so she went through the whole long day struggling through training and trying to put up with the other Pokemon's antics while snapping and baring her white fangs at roving males who got too close or too rowdy. Eventually the group retired to a Pokemon center to stay the night and Pearl desperately waited for May to fall asleep. Luckily all the other pokemon had been put in their pokeballs tonight so she didn't have to worry about being spotted by them. She sighed with relief when May's breathing eventually became even and slow signifying her deep sleep.

Pearl rose to her paws and walked silently to the bathroom. She sighed, this wasn't her first heat so she knew how to help herself without selling herself to any male out there. She held her breath as she powered up her iron tail attack. She slid her paws down across the cool tile floor until her rump was propped up high in the air. She already felt her sex dripping with the anticipation of the slight relief masturbation would give her. She held her breath as she skillfully teased her cilt with her tails. She eventually intertwined two tails together and forced them into her extremely warm tunnel. She gasped blissfully as she brought them out slowly and slammed them back in again and again. She picked up the pace until she was fucking herself vigorously with her gleaming tails. She threw back her head moaning in pure ecstasy as she felt her moist walls begin to tighten around her tails. Her hind legs began to tremble as she worked herself over. As she slid the tails in and out she imagined a powerful male was riding her. She bit back an intense howl as her orgasm exploded sending fluids gushing from her sex and dripping down her quivering hind quarters. She pulled out her tails slowly savoring the sensation. She powered down her iron tail leaving her opalescent fur matted and dripping with cum. She was cleaning herself up when she heard movement. Had she woken May on accident? Embarrassment began to build like a wave inside her threatening to overwhelm her completely. Never in a million years would she want May to see her like this. A slave to the desires of her own demanding body. But as she walked back into the main room she was astonished to see May still fast asleep despite the racket she was sure she had made in the throws of ecstasy.

Her heart began to pound as she heard movement once more this time it was obviously from outside the room. Memories of the night in the meadow came flooding back to her in one swoop. She growled and pushed her way out of the small pokemon door into the street. The same scent greeted her. The one from the meadow. She followed her nose this time determined not to fail she ran faster than even she thought she could, only wishing to confront this stalker. She sprinted through the rural town eventually turning into the outskirts. She padded slower taking a second to catch her breath. She slashed the grass angrily with her claws blowing fire out her maw singing the weeds. She was upset at her second failure to find the mysterious pokemon. Little did she know what was going to happen next. She heard the soft rustle of the grass behind her and spun around to be met with a jaw dropping sight.

A magnificent Arcanine stood before her. The full moon set his crimson and black striped fur aglow beautifully. His yellow mane and tail waved in the night breeze. His muscles rippled beneath his pelt and his black eyes shimmered with mischief. Pearl was awestruck at his beauty and felt herself drawn into his eyes but eventually regained her voice and snarled threateningly. "Are you the creep who's been following me around in the dead of night?" she growled deep in her throat taking a step back. "Creep?" he said this with a thick sarcastic tone. Amusement was clear in his voice. "That's quite harsh" he said taking a slight step forward. "I simply came to help you out." As he said this he lifted a paw and placed it on his chest smiling devilishly. "Help me??!?! What's the matter with you?" anger choked her tone but it was beginning to fade despite her best attempts at ferocity. His charismatic charm was attractive to her on top of that he wasn't behaving threateningly towards her at all just.....seductively. "He must've seen the change in her demeanor because he sat down and looked her straight in the eyes. "You see your scent" he began "is ever so attractive." He drew his tongue over his muzzle to emphasize his point . "My name is Phoenix by the way, and I simply wanted to meet you." He rose to all fours once more and closed the distance between him and her. It was all working perfectly for him. She was stunningly beautiful and her scent was driving him mad. His urges to have her were becoming too great to simply ignore. His trainer was becoming impatient with his distracted behavior since they too were training for the Floaroma town contest and the only way to solve this was to have her. So he had followed her until now, she was right where he wanted her but he definitely wasn't about to force her a rapist was one thing he was not. She was in heat and knew it wouldn't be too hard to get her to agree. So he approached her slowly and she watched him blushing against her will. He decided to risk it all and leaned in licking her ear.

To his astonishment she didn't lean away. Pearl was too busy battling internally with herself to make a move. She knew this was wrong to mate with a stranger but yet he was so attractive. Her self-treatment back in the hotel seemed like nothing to what she knew such a powerful male could give her. She felt her sex tingle as she became aroused at the thought of being mated by such a strong pokemon. Her heat began to rage once more and that decided it. So as the beautiful Arcanine closed the distance between them and licked her ear she was powerless to move away."Just relax and let me take care of you." He whispered this softly in her ear, his warm breath stirring her fur. He placed a gentle but firm forepaw on her chest pushing her down onto her back exposing her plush belly. She locked gazes with him wondering what he was doing trying to mate her in such an odd position but she soon understood with an embarrassed gasp as she realized his penis was still sheathed and although it was quite visibly bulging beneath the soft yellow fur it needed to be coaxed out. He stood over her closer and closer until his sheath was within licking distance. To her astonishment he leaned down and locked lips with her passionately as though she was actually his mate and cherished her feelings. This was definitely unlike other males who simply wanted sex. He pushed his tongue into her mouth which Pearl accepted and intertwined her own eagerly. As he drew away she only wanted to get it on with and tentatively drew her tongue over his hard sheath for the first time. She was rewarded with about an inch of red Arcanine pride sliding out of its sheath she licked again slower and more deliberate this time. She heard him murr and another two inches slid out. She enveloped the bulging three inches in her mouth and began to suck, teasing the quivering tip with her tongue. His eyes glazed over with pleasure as he felt her soft tongue work him. She gasped as he cock fully unsheathed itself and about 5 of the full seven inches worked its way into her mouth before she could fit no more of it in her muzzel. The scent of his warm musk made her pussy drip instinctually as she sucked. He began to moan and buck his hips in time with her bobbing muzzle. He eventually could control himself no longer and picked up speed humping vigorously until he began to feel his climax building. "Im-uhhhng" he could hardly finish his warning before he bucked one last time howling wordlessly into the air and shooting ropes of warm cum into her mouth. She felt her mouth fill and swallowed without hesitation the salty taste wasn't bad and she eventually pulled off his throbbing cock as his powerful hind legs gave way and his cock spurted into the air once more landing on her chest. He collapsed on the ground panting heavily basking in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"My turn," she whispered seductively under her breath as she watched the Arcanine. Truth be told she wasn't really herself at the time. Her lust, enhanced tenfold by her Heat overpowered her mind and dulled all other rational thoughts besides the muscular Arcanine sporting a 7 inch erection who wanted nothing more than to rut her sense-less. Thoughts of May and how worried she would be when she awoke to find her gone didn't even cross her mind. She waited patiently while he regained his composure and came down from the afterglow of his orgasm panting heavily. When she noticed he was ready she lifted her hips high in the air ,exposing her soft pink sex, and fanned out her tails, presenting herself gloriously. She looked back at him allowing her tongue to loll out of her mouth. He returned her gaze and took his position behind her. He leaned in and licked her pussy drawing a gasping moan from her until he rose up and mounted her.

He took a second to tease her clitoris and rubbed his cock along her opening back and forth savoring the feeling of the wet fur surrounding her opening . Pearl was in no mood for games her heat was raging inside of her and she bucked her hips backwards enveloping the tip of his cock inside of her. They both moaned and gasped in unison. He was shocked by how hot and tight the fire-type was on the inside. While he had been with a few females before her it was obvious she hadn't been mated very many times she was extremely tight around his thick member and this sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through his body. He pushed his way in deeper very slowly murring deep in his throat. He got almost all of his member in before reaching her uterus, a barrier and pulled out again. Pearl was already in heaven she was stuffed quite full by his cock and only craved more of the wonderful feeling. He pulled out slowly and thrust back in hard and fast. Pearl threw back her head moaning as he continued to thrust faster and faster until pre began to mix with her fluids and made her whole tunnel slick and wet. She eventually began to buck backwards in perfect time to his thrusts bringing both of their hips slamming together over and over. The sounds of their love making filled the forest around them and only added to the overall pleasure factor of Pearls current situation. He continued to hump her for a while causing Pearl to orgasm multiple times. Each and every time her slick walls tightened and she clenched her teeth moaning and howling occasionally. Phoenix was cherishing every moment as was she. He eventually began to feel his own orgasm building once again his knot swelled and he began to growl from the extent of his concentration. He thrusted harder and faster until Pearl's hind legs were lifting off the ground from the force of his humping. "Don't stop please!" she moaned, her head swam from the sensory overload as another orgasm began to build within her. Phoenix felt her walls tighten around his member and that brought him over the edge. He moaned louder than he ever had and bent his head back howling in ecstacy. He forced his knot into her hilting her fully. The combination of his huge knot stuffing her and waves of cum beginning to fill her tunnel unable to escape through their tight bond sent her over the edge. She writhed beneath him moaning as her orgasm overtook her. She was powerless to move as his seed continued to pump into her leaking out as his knot shrunk slowly. They both fell quiet panting in their afterglows as she heard Phoenix's deep voice sound in her ear. "Promise me one thing," he forced out between pants. "What is it?" she inquired back. "Please just stay the night with me. Not just for sex! Unless that's what you want...." He added seductively. As he said this his knot shrunk enough allowing him to finally pull out of her. His semen gushed out of her as he dismounted running down her legs and pooling in the grass below her. " Why?" she said this with confusion clear in her voice. He had gotten what he wanted from her why would he still want her to stay? This definitely wasn't how this worked, as the female slept the male usually slunk off into the forest to avoid commitment never to be seen again. " Because" he answered obviously reading the confused look on her face. "You're beautiful and majestic and wonderful" he said grinning. "And I want to at least have the privilege of spending one night with you by my side." Pearl paused for a moment thinking about May and feeling the guilt overtake her found it hard to make a decision between the two. On one hand May would be so hurt but it wouldn't be forever Pearl would just arrive the next day and think up some excuse to save her tails. So with a joyous nod to the male who smiled back at her warmly she walked over to his side and into the forest their fur brushing, tails intertwined to enjoy the moonlit fiery night with her new love interest

OKAY! That's my first chapter of my first story ever! I know it was a bit long.... Srry but tell me what you think so I can improve. If enough people think its not to bad ill try and write another chapter perhaps. Please remember this is my first story so if you didn't think it was well done take that into account but please don't hesitate to comment I'd rlly appreciate them good or bad. Thank you for reading! :3