Choosy Choice

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A trade with krytalking on FA from a bit ago

Avery found himself in a white room with white walls without any idea why he was there, but a strong sense of deja vu nonetheless. The expected questions of why he was here, how he was here, where he was and who had put him here filtered quickly through his before he solely focused on the familiarity of the place. He knew its cool white walls and unadorned surfaces that seemed to suggest that there was no way out, just as he knew there actually was a method to leave--he just had to figure out what it was, even if he didn't remember why. He tried the first thing that came to mind.

"Hello?" he called. "Is anyone there?"

When there was no immediate response, he sighed and folded his arms across his chest. Of course the simplest answer wouldn't be the right answer otherwise--

Avery let out a surprised yelp as the four walls fell away revealing four paths in the form of dimly lit grey walled hallways.

"Uhh..." he murmured, looking north, south, east, and west and finding no difference between them. He sighed again and wished the deja vu was less vague. If he'd done this before, surely there was some remembrance of direction? But there was nothing, only him and his mind and--

"Choose," a deep voice whispered from seemingly over his shoulder, though there was nothing there. "Choose for our pleasure."

As much as Avery wanted to rebel and defy the voice by doing nothing, he didn't really want to stay here either. If there was one thing his deja vu was clear about, it was that staying here was not in his best interests.

"Fine," he said out loud. "I'll just...go forward?"

There was no response. He shrugged and walked forward, slipping into the hallway with a sense of relief to leave that white walled room behind. Such relief quickly faded away once he saw that a similarly white walled room lay ahead. He looked over his shoulder to see if perhaps he could reconsider his choice and found the fallen wall he had walked over to get here in the first place had silently slid back into place.

"Oh come on," he grumbled, but walked into the new white room anyhow.

"Now what?" he asked. "Same thing again?"

As if to answer his question, the walls on either side of him faded away into shimmering motes, this time revealing two hallways, though there were different. The one to the right was a shimmering blue that smelled of saltwater while the one on his left flickered with flames and smelled of brimstone.

"Water or fire?" he heard a voice whisper, this one higher pitched than the original. "Fire or water?"

Avery looked from the inferno to the slightly slick passage. He quickly headed right, though as soon as he stepped into the watery passageway he regretted his decision. The place smelled so strongly of saltwater that he had no choice but to pinch his nose, but the worst part was how slippery it was. He was only three steps in before he slipped, lost his balance, and fell onto his back. For a few moments he laid on the floor in a daze smelling the salt and feeling water soak into his clothes before he sat up. Surprised that he didn't hurt as he should, he looked over himself and found something worse than wet clothes: the exposed, soaked skin on his arms was now hairless and its hue was steadily brightening to orange. He held up his right arm and peered at in curious fascination to see small orange scales had subsumed skin.

"Scales?" he muttered. "What, am I turning into some sort of fish?"

"Dragon..." a voice whispered.

Avery got to his feet.

"Dragon..." he said. "But I didn't go down the fire hall! If you're going to theme something, stick to it!"

Avery's gripes gave away to shivering as he realized how soaked his little fall had left him. He hugged his arms close to his chest before realizing he felt something beneath the cold and clothes, a sensation that originated at his stomach. He pulled his shirt up and found cream colored scales creeping up his abdomen.

"Seriously?" he groaned, letting his shirt fall.

"Continue..." the same voice said.

"Fine!" Avery said. "But only because it stinks in here!"

He continued down the salty hall more cautiously this time, one arm pressing against a wall as he took short, sloshing steps. While he could still feel the scales crawling up his chest, he ignored it as best he could. There was still some sort of deja vu to all of this, which is why he wasn't so upset about the alterations. If he had changed before but was mostly human now, then surely he'd changed back later, right?

In a matter of minutes Avery reached the end of the hall, the end being a set of forking paths. Both were paved with a short path of scarlet stones and at the end of each was what appeared to be squat black domes.

"Seriously?" he sighed.

"Top or bottom?" a voice asked from above. "Bottom or top?"

Avery looked from one path to the other and could discern no difference. He went left and walked on the scarlet stones towards its black dome.

"Bottom," the voice said.

"Whatever that means..." Avery said. "You know, this makes no--agh!"

The man cried out as his hips creaked and then snapped further apart. He heard a slight rip and looked down to see that this sudden hip expansion had caused his pants to stretch in ways they weren't meant to, barely holding on as is.

"No, no, no," Avery said, but there was nothing he could do as his hips widened further still. He snatched for his pants and missed as they fell to his feet, exposing wide, womanly hips and his underwear, which weren't his usual wear but instead rose red panties that did little to hid his genitals, diminished from the cold as they were. Avery blinked and ran a curious hand over their soft surface before he noticed the spots of orange spread just above them. He watched as hair shrank away and skin became smooth scales, his mind still concerned with why he was wearing panties in the first place. He laughed a little hysterically, then whimpered as he felt something just above his rear ache. Looking over his shoulder, his eyes widened as an orange scaled nub pressed out just above the top of his panties. He shuddered as it pressed out even further still, then tugged with such force that he was pulled backwards. With a cry, he once again fell and this time landed on his rear.

Fortunately for him, there was more cushioning to the impact than he would have thought. When he glanced down to see why this was, he found and felt what was his new tail thickening and lengthening while his increasingly orange scaled rear was rounding out, becoming plumper and softer. Stunned, he could only watch as his tail grew out and out, a little fat and thick but no less so than his plump, rounded rear. It was the sensations of his tail swishing this way and that before slapping against the ground that drove him out of his daze.

"Bottom," he grumbled, giving his plush rear a squeeze. "Ha...ha."

He attempted to stand and found it quite difficult to do so. Not only were his proportions off, but the mess of his pants and shoes together were doing him no favors. Snarling and still seated, he kicked off his shoes and found that there were pink socks beneath them.

"The hell?" he said as he leaned forward and peeled them off, exposing his feet to the air. Immediately he spotted the patches of oranges scales on them. He groaned in annoyance but could only watch as what had been patchy become the majority, his feet becoming a bit broader as his toes wiggled and throbbed, merging together so that five became three on each foots, the nails growing out into proper claws that clicked against the ground. From here the scales spread up, subsuming skin and leaving the surface smoother and slimmer than it had been been before, save for Avery's thighs. Much to the man's dismay, this portion of him thickened under the scale's spread to match the proportions of his larger rear and giving his already restrained genitals even less room in their housing.

Thus, Avery was more than a little uncomfortable as he got to his feet, though at least he could stand. He swiftly shed his pants and looked over himself and wasn't quite sure what to think. His thick, draconic bottom half didn't match his top and he still wondered why he had panties on. Well, he supposed it was better than being naked. He turned towards the black dome and looked around.

"Now what?" he asked.

"Disposal," a rather robotic voice said.

The squat dome's top slid off and fell to the ground with a clatter. Avery peered at the dome and saw that it apparently had been some sort of wastebasket this whole time. Written around its rim were the words: "Shoes, socks, and undershorts"

"Disposal?" Avery said. "Shoes, socks and..." He shook his head. "No, no, I'm not prancing around here naked. I don't care about the panties, the only one who gets to see my junk is-"

"No one."

Avery raised his eyebrow and then both as his cock hardened. What felt like phantom hands ran over his length and they were so throughout yet tender that he couldn't help himself. He grunted and reached for it just as it trembled and twitched. Before he knew what was happening, he felt himself reach release. He sighed in relief, his vision glazing over and his tail sweeping across the ground. He moaned and didn't mind the moment so much until his cock twitched again and withdrew just a little bit. Still the phantom hands played upon him member, causing him to moan and continue to come even as his cock contracted and his shrunken balls drew in tight. Moaning, he pawed at his crotch and felt less than what had been there before on his now slick underwear. He shivered as a gash formed in his crotch, a warm, needy scaled slit that happily slurped up what little remained of his manhood while a new passage dug itself into existence deep up into him. In the next moment, Avery ceased to be male as a pair of scaled netherlips puffed up around the slit and a nubby clit took its place at the top of her labia.


Avery blinked, still processing what had just happened. She looked down at her crotch and let out a cry of disgust. Without even really thinking about it, she pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. She took in the sight of her crotch with its cream colored scales and feminine flower before throwing her slightly soiled panties into the dome. She smiled as she heard and smelled a woosh of flame. A moment later, she frowned and folded her arms across her chest.

"There," she said. "Disposed."


Avery frowned and wondered what the voice wanted until she remembered the rest of the words. She threw her socks and shoes into the open dome as well.

"What now?" she asked. "You made me female and now I'm half naked and--"

Whatever Avery meant to say next was lost as the floor opened up from under her. She screeched in a voice that was still quite deep for what she was down below and grunted as she landed on something soft and warm. She sat up and found herself seated in the middle of a fluffy, wet-blanketed bed in a white walled room.

"Tippity top!" A voice whispered with excitement.

"Tippity..." Avery murmured. "Top? Wait, wait, I thought back there was a choice, not--"

Avery brought a hand to her mouth. Her voice had become progressively higher in her last sentence and as she felt her neck, she noted the absence of her Adam's Apple.

"Testing, testing," she said, and sure enough her voice had a high, feminine lilt to it. As she opened her mouth to say some more choice words, her face suddenly pushed forward. She groaned and grimaced, closing her eyes and holding her head with hands that were also altering. As her ears shrank away and her cranium shed its hair, scales quickly resumed their spread across upper half. Cream colored scales continued to cover her chest while bright orange ones swept over her arms, rendering them thinner and slightly longer. Her shoulders narrowed and became less broad as her nose shrank away into mere slits. With a slight cough, her mouth worked its way into a rounded snout, her eyes moving slightly towards either side of her head just as a small horn jutted out the center of her now scale covered and equally rounded head. She let out a soft gasp of pain as claws pressed out of her scaled hands and two thin antennae burrowed their way out of her cranium. Taking her hands away, she placed them on her sides just as they pressed in, lending her a waspy waist.

Opening her new eyes, Avery blinked them several times as they transitioned between brown to green. Seeing her snout in her vision for the first time, she grabbed at it again before she realized what it was.

"I'm...I'm..." she said, running her clawed hands over her cranium's smooth scales, touching her horn, and then pulling away once she came into contact with her antennae which were more sensitive than she would have thought. "What am I?"

There was no answer save for further change as her shoulder blades pained. She reached there and touched them just in time for fledgeling wings to burst from her back. They quickly grew out to a wingspan of less than five feet, so small that they would never be able to help with flight. In fact, as Avery looked over them she wondered just what they were for. At least her tail helped with her balance, but her wings were apparently as useful as her newfound antennae.

"Choose," a voice whispered to Avery's front. Despite herself, the new Dragonite looked forward and found herself staring at a trio of bras, all differently sized with one notably bigger than the others, all floating in front of her face.

"Hell no!" she said, hands on her hips. "I'm not going to choose. I know what would happen if I did--you'd give me boobs! And this--" she motioned to her curvaceous, scaled body. "Is quite enough! I don't know what game you're playing at here, but I'm quite done. I'll just..." she paused and looked around. "I'll just...I'll just sit here! Hmph!"

"Very well."

Avery blinked and her antennae twitched. "That's it?"

Her tormentors' response was laughter. Avery frowned then yelped as she felt weight lift off her. She looked down and her shirt had vanished, exposing her smoothly scaled chest where her nipples still resided.

"Hey!" she said. "I liked that one! I--" Her frown deepened. "Now that I think about it, I can't even remember what it looked like, but it was better than nothing!"

Nothing quickly became something as the biggest bra of the bunch zipped forward. Avery growled and tried to bat it away, but it zipped under her ineffectual flailings and came to rest on her chest. The Dragonite took an indrawn breath and waited for the worst. Instead, the bra simply fell off her cream colored chest onto her crotch. She batted it away with her claws and let out a sigh of relief just a warmth blossomed on her upper chest.

"No, no!" she said, before moaning as the warmth moved below too. She pawed at her crotch as if to force the feeling away but it only stoked the fires, especially since her claws had brushed against her still slick sex. She moaned again and arched her back, wings flapping gently as her nipples thickened and areola spread in circumference while flesh and fat beneath them gathered into the start of sensitive breasts. Without thinking, Avery placed a hand on a burgeoning breast while her other rubbed at her crotch below. She gave it a squeeze and shivered, an electric tingle shooting directly to her sex. Unable to control herself, she brought her other hand up, cupped both breasts, and felt them swell in her hands. Her claws dug into the sensitive flesh as her breasts ballooned larger and larger as other parts of her became bigger as well. Just as her breasts became proper handfuls, her tail rose slightly higher while fats filled out in her rear, rendering her with a jiggly, gropeable bubble butt. She rubbed her tender thighs together as they too filled out, while below her basketball sized tits her stomach took on a healthy amount of pudge so that it too jiggled slightly with her rear from her pleasure induced movements.

"Feels so--" Avery gasped. "...good?" She stopped in mid grope, one clawed hand squeezing hard at a seemingly ever expanding breasts while the other hand stopped shy of tweaking a fat, erect nipple. She pulled them away and glared at her breasts.

"When do these stop?"

One last burst of warmth surged through her breasts, leaving them at a size barely below well inflated beach balls and her pink nipples nearly silver dollar sized themselves. Avery shifted around on the bed, self consciously keeping her legs close together as she tried to adjust to the weight of her breasts. She snorted as her wings flapped gently.

"Some help you are," she said, feeling her now slightly pudgy stomach. "Forget about flying, what about walking? Though they don't feel bad..." Experimentally, she gripped a breast, letting out a moan and blushing. "No! This is what you want, isn't it? To get me all hot and horny so you can get lusty and loud yourself? Well, I'm not having it!"

At this, a wall fell away and then another. She shook her head and folded her arms across her chest, adjusting them as needed so as not to touch her tits.

"Choose," a voice whispered, one that sounded so soothing. Avery's antennae twitched and she stayed where she was.

"No," she said defiantly. "I'm done choosing. Look where it has got me! I'm going to sit here in this bed and just..." she tilted her head. "I'll wait. Yeah, I'll wait! Because if you're bored of me you'll go away!" She closed her eyes. "For your pleasure, yeah? Well, no more!"

Avery stayed still and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally, she opened her eyes and saw that the walls were back as they had been before and it was still just her in a bed, busty and naked and curvy as she was. She looked around, her antennae lowering.

"Is that it?" she said, her voice soft and low. "That's it?"


Avery smiled at this. She sat up and frowned as her breasts, then smiled again.

"I win?" she said. "I won?"

At once the walls flipped over, revealing screens with odd images, swirling colors, and a swinging watch. Avery turned her head and body to stare at each and every one and felt something rising over her, the same warmth as before but mostly in her mind. She groaned and held her head, her antennae folding back.

"H-hey," she said. "That's not fair."

"Choice," many voices whispered at once.

She shuddered and tried to close her eyes, but one eye caught sight of the swinging watch. She stared entranced as sounds began to echo from the screens, mostly buzzing but there was laughter in there too. The Dragonite groaned again, one arm falling by her side.

"Choice," she said, the warmth spreading down from her head. She shivered as it brushed past her breasts, tickled at her stomach, and then nestled with an electric burst of pleasure down below. She moaned and rubbed her thighs together, feeling them become wet and moist from her needy sex. "This is my mind. It's not my body! You c-can't--"

"Illusion," the voices said.

"N-no," Avery sputtered, but she could barely hear herself. It was becoming increasingly difficult to speak, to think, to act out of anything other than the burning desire above and below. She panted and moaned and looked down at herself. Slowly she reached for a perky breast.


Avery nodded. There was a choice here, wasn't there? She looked up to the screens and saw the watch again. It glinted and she blinked and now the laughing was louder than ever. She shrank back and wondered at what they were laughing at. No, who were they laughing at? Could it be her? "Choose."

Her sex pulsed and without thinking she reached down there, hand brushing past her chubby stomach before claws came into contact with her ready sex. She spread herself and reveled in the touch. Then she squeaked and pulled away and wondered what she was doing.


She blinked and saw that watch again. The laughing was dimmer now, more in the background. She giggled. It was more as if they were laughing with her than at her. She thought she heard a name in that laughter. What was it? She tried to concentrate but it was so hard. She was so distracted herself. She looked down at herself and admired her own curves, her big breasts, and thick thighs. Whoever this Avery was could wait. They could laugh at him all they wanted. She had...she had something else in mind.


She gasped as she went in deeper than she had before, two claws digging deeply in her sex. She leaned forward and jerked her hips, wanting to get in even deeper into her scaled sex. There must be something else she could do!

She looked around for help and saw the watch again. Was that important? Was there someone laughing? She giggled. She was laughing because she had been thinking too hard. What was there to think about? She was a big and beautiful Dragonite and oh so horny! Why wouldn't she enjoy herself?

Dragonite no longer held back. She fell forward onto her breasts and moaned as they squashed against the bed and her stiff nipples rubbed against the sheets. She lifted her rear and her tail afterwards, moaning and groaning as she relentlessly moved in and out of herself while squishing her breasts into the soft, soft bed. She panted lustily, her tail lashing and her whole body jiggling from the effort of self pleasure as all the while she stared at the swirling colors and giggling here and there. She felt thoughts rise and pop in her mind, leaving it ever the more empty. Unimportant and important things alike came and went until after a few moments more she was so, so close, with the warm nearly the only thing in her mind and the need down below nearly sated. She just had to choose to go on, to give into the pleasure even further, to become the busty, lusty dragoness she knew she always was and--

Dragonite shuddered as she felt herself reach the plateau and as she did she felt flat against the bed. Well, as flat as she could go with her breasts squishing against its surface and her hips still bucking and slit pulsing as she rode the pleasure through panting and jiggling all the while.

Dragonite lay there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow and thinking of little else. She hardly cared that she was naked, antennae quivering or shivering with sweat from a recent session of self pleasuring or a voluptuous orange scaled dragoness, for what else would she be? She was pleased to be pleasured, glad that there was nothing more complex than that in her mind though having a partner or two wouldn't be so bad...

She looked up, antennae raising in curiosity as she looked all around. The walls were white and there was nothing in sight other than the bed and her. Her...she giggled as she rose and stepped off the bed, her impressive rack jiggling. She was quite the sight to see even to herself. She cupped her breasts and pressed them together, shivering at the pleasurable sensations that ran through her.


She glanced up and watched as two walls collapsed, revealing one hall white and the other pink.

"Like, pink is so pretty," she murmured to herself. "I wonder what's going to be there. Hot girls like me or..." A thought struck her and her dim eyes lit up. "Ooh, maybe a man or two men! I can't wait!"

Without any further thought, she walked towards the pink one, her thick tail swaying in time with her hips and her rear and breasts jiggling enticingly. She couldn't wait to find out what lay beyond, especially if it was as fun as the last room!