
Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#5 of Patron Rewards

Patron reward story for starring the world's only hippogryph as he experiences some growth, hardship, and coming to terms with his deep seated nature.

A deep grumble rolled around Tyron's beak, almost trapped there as he clicked and ground the edges of it in annoyance. The hippogryph dropped a heavy hand on top of the row of lockers as he kept spinning the dial. Half the row shook as he jerked and rattled the handle to try and get it open. "Bad day?" Anyone else he would have turned and snarled at, but not Vanessa. Just hearing that voice was enough to remind him that he had to breathe and calm down.

He took a few deep breaths before turning his head to look over at the chestnut friesian mare as she stood next to him. Even half-slouched as he was against the lockers, he towered over his cousin. Hawkish head twisted as she leaned up towards him and blinked. "Oh wow, you really are having a bad day aren't you? Look at your eye twitch there." Her fingers brushed his aside and began to twist the clawed up dial. "So, do you want to talk about what's wrong, or just ignore it as usual?" Brushing her wavy locks back, she cast a sideways glance up at him.

Tyron blinked slowly and took a breath to calm back down. Feathers smoothed as the hybrid grumbled and counted as he took a few slow breaths. "It was Gym."

Ears shot up as she popped his locker, "I thought you had everything sorted out with your gym problems." A snort came from the mare, "What was wrong with it today, I thought Coach King and you reached and understanding."

He waited until she stepped away before moving to shuffle his books around with a deeper grumble, "King was out sick today."

Now her eyes widened ever so slightly, "Oh... Which means." She breathed out a sigh and shook her head, "Don't tell me, Coach Harris is still on his crusade to get you on the football team?" Vanessa breathed out a dismissive snort, "He does realize you're going to graduate soon, right?"

Broad shoulders rolled as he tried to mirror her snort, beak snapping with it. "Won't stop him."

"Think he would've stopped after last time Auntie came in here and tore him a new one in front of the Principal." An ear tuft twitched as the slight pause in her sentence. The day his mother stormed the Office was legendary among the students, but that wasn't what he thought of. As grand of a rampage his mother had when she came in, it was nothing compared to when Coach Harris actually had him try out for the team. Not entirely willingly, the bear had practically threatened to have him expelled otherwise. Even as a freshman he'd been head and shoulders taller than everyone else, not to mention the naturally large build he had. Naturally, his mother and cousin had blamed Coach practically cornering him and forcing him onto the field, paired with the team being instructed to go as hard as they could on him, on what happened afterwards.

He knew better though. The other students knew better. He was a freak. A wild beast that was only just restrained by the thinnest veneer of civilization. Not only had he taken down a couple members of the team, he'd been glad to do it. The primal satisfaction of taking down a couple rivals had sat happily in his gut for the last few years.

As he put his books up, he caught a glimpse of someone walking past and eyeing Vanessa up. His eyes narrowed ever so slightly in a quick glare, making the wolf jerk when he caught the glare. Breaking the look with a cough before hurrying off.

If she noticed the glare he shot at someone else, she didn't mention anything. "All ready to go home?" came the gentle question as he nudged his locker shut.

"Yeah." Empty handed, he turned to follow her out of the school itself and to the parking lot. He didn't blame the wolf for giving V a once over. She was gorgeous. Which wasn't terribly surprising when one saw who her parents were. Even though she was rapidly approaching middle age, her mother could still very well be a model, and Vanessa only built on that beauty with her exotic chestnut coloration and long hair. Hell, he'd even admit that his mother didn't look too bad either. Granted, having to raise a son by herself and work countless hours just to make ends meet had taken its toll on her, but where his aunt had outer beauty, he hadn't seen her laugh or smile without it seeming just a little put on. Always wondered how she ended up with Vanessa as a daughter.

Stuffing his hands into pockets, he sauntered after her as she clip-clopped down the hall. For something to do, he tried to mirror her light step, but best he could do was a slightly softer tromp. Huffing to himself, he stopped trying after a few feet and just went after her, black feathers ruffling.

As usual, the parking lot was swarming with students and teachers. Teachers doing their best to wrangle the countless seniors rushing to their cars and trying to get home.

"Vanessa, Tyron! Guys!" ears perked and heads turned as Brittany, one of Vanessa's friends, came charging up to them. The skunk huffing and puffing by the time she'd made the jog down the sidewalk. "What's up guys? All ready for the weekend? What's planned?" As she bounded up, Tyron couldn't help but compare the two. Vanessa was nearly a head taller than the skunk, but had slightly larger build. Nothing wrong with that at all, just a touch to poofy for his tastes.

That was her usual way, rapid fire out a few questions then wait as they were answered one by one. It was a little aggravating to him, and he tended to annoy her as well because he'd answer with as few words as possible. V seemed to like her though. The mare bushed her hair back and smiled, "Just getting ready to head home, so glad it's Friday finally. The folks want to head out on a vacation this week, we're all heading out to Grandma Gertrude's as soon as Dad gets home." She shook her head and laughed, "Which means we're going to be shuffling around for a couple hours after that. Already got my stuff packed up and all that, but I know that Mom is going to be futzing for a couple hours with her bags."

Ears perked curiously, "Going to your Grandma's? Don't think you'd ever mentioned her. What's she like?" Brittany leaned over to peer up at Tyron, "You going along with?"

Vanessa shot him a look as he snorted and turned to look away. "Yeah, she's Mom's mother, and no he's not going. She doesn't like having a lot of visitors at the same time, especially not over the weekend." V didn't mention how much the old bitch had practically disowned his mother after she revealed who his father was. She'd even leveled a ban on 'that bastard' ever coming to visit her, which meant that his mother never went back either.

"Yeah, doesn't like people," he grumbled as he scanned the parking lot.

A bump to his side was Vanessa's subtle way of telling him not to go down the grump path, as she called it. Brittany perked up, "So if you're home all weekend, want to go to a movie?" Ear tufts perked as his head twisted, fixing the skunk with that intense look of his. To her credit she only wilted a little. "Well, movie on Friday I mean, there's a lot of things playing there. The rest of the weekend I really don't know what you plan on doing."

He was about to snap a negative reply when he noticed that V had shifted to stand partially behind Brittany and was giving him a look. Feathers ruffled and head angled ever so slightly. She nodded down at her friend and mouthed to go. Another slight shift and angling of his feathers questioned why. Eyes narrowed and arms crossed over her chest, he knew why.

Boy did he, she'd only drilled it into his head a thousand times that he needed to hang out with other people and socialize more. Which he'd freely admit that he did need more friends. She was really the only person he could stand to spend time with other than his own mother. Although they were also among the very few people he'd ever met that didn't see him as a freak. He was a freak, had to live with that day in and day out, didn't need people pointing it out to him.

Didn't mean he was happy with going to hang out with her either. She was V's friend, not one of his, but the same could be said about practically everyone V knew. He was about to grumble out a sure when Brittany offered up, "I'll even pay, if that's a problem."

"No," came the sharp snap. "No, I'll pay. Is the gentlemanly thing to do."

The squeal and bounce set him on edge. "Great! I'll call you with the time later!" The skunk bounced up and wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug before bolting off.

Gentle fingers brushed his arm, "I'll remind her not to get too excited like that around you." He breathed out a huff and relaxed slowly, every muscle tensed. "Come on," the touch turned into a grab as her fingers curled around his elbow, "lets get you to the car, Beast." If anyone else called him that, he would've been up in arms and snarling. With his cousin he just grumbled and trod along with her.

The pair made it to her car, a nice enough sedan with a few years on it, and he slipped into the passenger seat. The entire car sagged under his weight as he settled in, V hopping lightly into the driver's seat and getting the engine started to warm it up as they waited. "Very glad that you're going out to the movies with her." She glanced around before starting to back up, "Do you have the money to go to the theater? I have some you could borrow."

Slumping against the the door he shook his head, "No, I've got it." Pretty sure he did at least. Rolling his head side to side and thinking, he counted up the money he knew was laying around his bedroom. A dollar here from change at getting food, couple here from a run to the store.

"Alright," she drew the word out a bit. "Depending on when she wants to meet you, I might not be able to give you a ride. All depends on when Dad gets home."

He nodded, "It's alright. Theater isn't far away, can easily walk it." So long as she didn't pick the other one across town. That would be a pain to get to.

Comfortable silence fell over the pair as she wrestled and wrangled her way out of the parking lot. Ty keeping his eyes closed as he leaned against the window rather than watch the chaos that was the parking lot. As per her parent's orders, she kept the radio down to a near whisper as they drove and roamed out onto the main roads.

"Wonder what movie she wants to go see." His ear twitched towards his cousin. "Well I mean, there isn't a lot out there right now. It's kinda one of those lull periods between Oscar season and everything really good coming out." V breathed out a sigh and leaned her head against her hand as she waited for the light to change. "A little surprised she asked you out like that. I mean, she's been talking about it for a bit. Few of the other girls in the group have been saying she should."

"What group?"

"The group I started on messenger, you're in it too but you never talk."

Shoulders rolled, "Read it now and then. Not terribly interesting."

"I want to argue with you, but at the same time I can't really. Some of them are just..." hands gripped at the wheel and kneaded it, "infuriating at times. Mostly have it to keep up with everyone's plans honestly." Ty rolled his head to look over at his cousin as she gritted her teeth and grumbled a bit. He knew how frustrated she got with her circle of friends at times. She'd come to him a fair bit to talk about it, often throwing out the maneuvering and plotting to be something akin to politicians vying for power. He preferred to compare it to chess being played by monkeys. Lots of maneuvering and screaming, but not a lot of planning. "Anyway, glad that she did. It should be fun for you two."

He grumbled a low agreement as they pulled up to the house, "So long as she doesn't get anything too loud. Or anything with those stupid jump scares." V's car rocked as he got out, already fishing his keys from a pocket. There wasn't much to the house, just off a main road it didn't have much privacy. Nor did it have much of a yard, or driveway, or anything else for that matter. It was home and that was the most important thing.

V had her phone out already and was typing away on it as he unlocked the door. "Letting her know that. Definitely don't want her taking you to something that'll make you freak. Would ruing the night for both of you." He pushed the door open and held it as she stepped back, flashing a smile at him. Moving in behind, he shut the door and locked it as was his habit, "Auntie not home yet?"

"Nah, mentioned she'd be late today." His keys dropped to a bowl near the door and padded through the living room. Aside from the living room and kitchen, the only other rooms were the two bedrooms, a single bathroom, and a room they kinda just stored stuff in. Eyes darted over the grandfather clock that ticked away in the corner. Popping the case open, he wound it with a light touch. It was the only relic they had of Great-grandmother Halle, one of the only family members that had stood beside his mother. He only just remembered her, an incredibly gentle loving woman with that vibrant blue mane of hers.

Her ear twitched as his phone began to chime and chirp, casting a glance over her shoulder. "You do have some minutes on there, don't you?"

"Um," he admitted as he pulled the phone out and checked on it. Only a few minutes left on there and no data, which is why it hadn't updated until he was on the home WiFi "I've got plenty." Tossing the phone onto his bed, the hippogryph dropped down onto it with a groan. Off came the rubberized shoes that were velcroed to his hooves, casual tosses landing them on the hook by his bed.

V joined him on the bed with a soft huff, the mare stretching until her back popped a few times. As with the rest of the house, there wasn't a lot there, most of the room filled with the king sized bed that he was forced to use thanks to his size. The room was clean, as clean as it could be, but asking for the teenager's room to be spotless was like asking the oceans not to be wet.

She stretched and rolled, "Oh!" The noise made his ear tufts perk, "You got a new laptop?" He lifted his head as she rolled onto her side and reached out for the shelf that ran the length of one wall. "Can I?"

"Yeah," he mused the answer to both questions, unable to keep his eyes from traveling down his cousin's side and over the curve of her hip. "Belated combination birthday and Christmas present from Mom." She bobbed her head in a nod and hefted the computer, rolling onto her belly and setting the laptop on the pillows before her.

V tilted her head as she started it up, "Usual password?" Ty grunted an affirmation and lay back with narrowed eyes. Now he couldn't help but stare at his cousin's rear. The way her jeans hugged her body it was almost as if they were painted on. Her beautifully braided tail twitching, little adornments tinkling and clicking within the strands as she poked around his computer. Nares flared as he breathed in her scent and let his sharp eyes trace over her body slowly. The more wild side of his nature growled at him, whispering how he should peel those designer jeans off her and get to work on making that mare his.

He snorted and lurched off the bed, "If I'm going to the movies, I'm gonna grab a shower." Ty practically ripped open the drawers on his dresser to get something clean.

"Alright," she called over her shoulder, "I'll get a couple things installed on here for you, if you don't mind." The way she looked as she glanced over her shoulder, those long legs practically aimed at him. It was all he could to to keep from gritting his beak as his member began to press against his own jeans.

Ty busied himself with finding the nicest looking shirt he had. Girls like that type of thing, didn't they? "Sure, got a couple games on there already if you wanna poke at them."

She whuffled a laugh, "I know your taste in games. Might grab a couple for you offline that I know about." Ears perked, "And not that shirt," He looked at the one he was holding and perked a brow. "Yeah, I know it's your favorite, but not that one." Ty dug into the drawer and pulled out another. "Nah." Next, "Ehhh." A fourth, "That's better."

V hanging around the house wasn't unusual, nor was her critiquing of his fashion sense. When they were younger, she was always wanting to hang out as much as she could. He'd never really questioned why, but was thankful for her constant friendship and willingness to be around him, unlike much of the family. And as soon as she had her hands on her license and a set of car keys, they often hung out after school. Sometimes out somewhere, more often than not it was at his home. He knew why too, and was silently thankful for it. She could, and sometimes did, grab the check if they went out to get food before he could pay. Which it bothered him when he couldn't pay instead, or when his money fell a bit short. It was something mostly normal that he wanted to do and made him feel a bit less weird.

Stepping out into the hallway to get a towel, he cast his eyes towards the pictures that were all neatly hung. His mother, her sister, his cousins, even he stared out from the frames. They were all his mother's shots, she was a fair hand with a camera, and liked to snap moments that felt more natural. Eyes darted from a picture of him and his mom, many years ago, to the photo right above it. Any passerby giving it a glance would figure it was a nature shot. Tall trees, soaring mountains, clear blue sky, and the crowing jewel of the landscape, a gryphon soaring through the air. A large, feral gryphon with jet black feathers and fur, stretched out with wings spread. Only picture he had of his father. Mom admitted that she couldn't get any closer shots because the wild gryphon had been too skiddish otherwise.

Once in a lifetime opportunity. Once in a lifetime chance to snap some up close shots of gryphons in their natural habitat. And he was the result of a too-close encounter.

Snatching a towel from the closet, he padded into the shower and shed his clothes. Just dropping them to the floor, he started the shower and waited for it to warm up. Casting a quick glance in the mirror. He was tall enough that he had to duck to peer at his face. Sharp features, bright amber eyes, jet black feathers blending into obsidian fur, all draped over slabs of muscle. Anyone else would say that the blend of a black hawk and friesian was gorgeous. To him, he'd always be a freak, an oddity, something that should not exist. He breathed out a sigh and stepped into the shower, plumage ruffling against the misting spray.

Growing up, his mom had always told him the truth about what happened leading to his conception. His mom was always passionate about photography and had been trying to get a scholarship. Part of that had been a competition, which she'd decided to go out to this nature refuge to try and get photos of gryphons and other wildlife. She had an entire album of it on a shelf in the living room.

As luck would have it, she was starting on her heat before the trip started. Didn't want to tell her parents because they would have canceled or delayed the trip. Either way, she would have missed her chance to get the shots she wanted, so she did all she could to hide it. She figured she'd be in heat maybe three weeks, but only really showing a few days in that time. She freely admitted that she was more worried about proving to her parents that her passion could be a legitimate job than any consequences that might come up. He remembered her telling him about her dreams of becoming a wildlife photographer for a big publication or something along those lines. How that drove her out into the wilderness with nothing more than a backpack full of camping gear and her camera bag.

When he got old enough she told him the full story. About how she'd returned to her base camp after a long day of hiking. How she was absolutely caked in sweat and dirt and who knew what else. Which meant she wanted to get clean before it got dark and she couldn't see. Being that she was in the wilderness that meant heading down to a stream to wash off. Since she was literally the only person for miles, well she just went ahead and stripped down to just her hiking boots before going down there. Which is where she met his father and they got about as up close and personal as one could possibly get.

She often lamented that her only regret was that she'd left all her camera gear back at camp. Could have gotten some very interesting shots.

Partner one stupid teenager that was as stubborn as his mother was, with a wild animal that utterly fascinated her, and nine months later you had a miracle baby. Which was among the nicest things he was called by strangers. Ty grabbed the hand unit and flipped it on, getting a stronger spray to use on his legs and private areas. The miracle baby. One of a kind as far as he knew, and he'd searched all around online on top of having several medical papers published about him.

Was just eternally thankful that Mom had decided not to go on any talk shows about him. They still got calls from time to time, and he personally knew how tempting the money was. Tempting if only because it meant he'd get his mom something nicer than a handful of lens filters for her birthday.

Heaving a sigh, he snapped the shower off and shook out. Feathers mantling as the sprayed water flicked off. It was always quick work to dry off, he hated to sit about for the better part of an hour or more, drying his plumage and pelt with a hair dryer if he could avoid it. Air drying worked just as well. Besides, V had seen him without a shirt countless times. He just needed to put his pants back on.

V was right where she'd been before his shower, not unusual since he rarely took long showers. She glanced up and whistled, "Looking good there, Cuz."

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled as he dropped to his bed, chest feathers ruffling as they tried to dry off. "Any word for Brittany yet?" He asked as he looked around the bed for his phone, including reaching under his back to feel for it.

Ears perked, "Eager for your date?" she teased playfully. "Nothing yet, but put your phone on charge."

He snorted through his beak, "Not eager as much as wondering when she's planning on meeting." Which reminded him. Getting up, he went to the jar labeled Twos and Fews perched on the chest of drawers. Dropping back to his bed, he dumped it out and began to pick out the bills there. Loose change from when he went to the store, got lunch, things like that all went here.

V perked her ears and turned to watch with a groan as he picked through the change and began to sort it. "Not the jar. Come on, just... just let me give you the money. I've got cash right here I can give you." To illustrate her point, she fished out her wallet and counted out a few bills, waving them under his beak.

Which he promptly ignored it, "No, I've got this." Head tilting his way and that as talons few over the change. Beak clattering rapidly as he counted and grouped the coins. "How much is a ticket?"

She heaved out a sigh that was far more dramatic than it needed to be. Putting her wallet away before Tyron gave her fingers a nip for being too close to his beak. There were a few things people picked up pretty fast around him. One of which was not to have their hands too close to that beak for too long or else he'd give them a sharp nip. It wasn't exactly malicious, just an instinct he had that sometimes got the better of him when he wasn't thinking. "Depends on the movie, but expect something like ten bucks each." Twisting around on the bed, she laid her head on her crossed arms, body pressing lightly against his side as she began to count coins as well. "More if you want to take her to food first."

The sharp jerk of his head reminded her about how he felt when it came to eating around people. "Right, food before the movie. Might want to let her know that."

"Yeah," was the only reply as he sat up slowly and reached for his phone, eyes still locked onto the coins and counting them up. "Forty... six thirty-seven."Snapping his head around, he opened his phone and quickly found her on that messenger thing that V loved so much. Talon swiping out a quick, "What time for movie tonight?"

Vanessa blinked at the piles, "I still don't know how you count it up that fast." Sitting up as well, she laid her head on his shoulder, peering down at his phone as Brittany replied, reading it out. "7 good? Dinner first?" followed by a gif of a wild skunk munching on a cricket. "Tell her we got food on the way home."

Ty grunted and typed out his reply, trying to ignore just how her breasts felt as they pressed into his side. "Sounds good. Got food with V on the way home."

The reply was almost immediate, "Lead a hippogryph to water, but can't make him drink?" He glared at his phone as he shifted it so his cousin could read. "See you at 7 then, BB!"

BB, one of the nicknames he'd gotten in school. Depending on who you asked it was either Beast Boy or Big Black, both of which were names he did not have any fondness for. V pressed her muzzle against his neck in a soothing little nuzzle, "Hey, you in the mood for a Burger Bob? I want to get my salt on with a large fry before the trip. Mom's on another diet craze, gluten-free all vegan."

"Another?" he chuffed a laugh and shifted to get his shoes. "Wasn't she on that other thing last month?"

"The all-liquid diet? Yeah, don't remind me of that. She wanted to get that holiday weight off before the trip so she could impress Gurtie." Hopping off the bed, she grabbed her own stomach, "Tried to get me on it too. Said I'd put on a few pounds."

He snorted, "You look good." Scooping his money into a hand to shove into his pocket.

V bumped his side, "Flirt." Checking her phone, she waited outside as he locked up the door. "Okay, Dad's gonna be home in an hour. You okay with me getting food with you then you walking to the theater?"

Broad shoulders and wings rolled in a shrug, "Yeah."

Vanessa had to abandon him a bit sooner than she'd wanted. She'd worn him down into letting her pay for food, a reward for him going out with someone other than her. He knew what she meant by it and was okay with the wording. Although it meant that after scarfing down their meal, doing so as politely as he could with a beak, she'd given him a hug, a nuzzle, and well wishes before heading out. Leaving him to tromp to the store to get his coins changed into actual bills. New store policy meant he had to get something from them as well. So there he was, strolling towards the theater with drink in hand. Having to hang around outside as he sipped the water and waited.

Not too long though, his pocket buzzing before he'd been there long. "Hello?" he grumbled into his phone as he toyed with the label.

"Hey! V told me that she had to leave early so you'd be at the theater early. I'll be down there as soon as I can, but it'll be a little bit anyway cause I've gotta get my tail dry. Also let me know that you only have a bit of time on your phone. Then she reminded me about how you don't like horror movies or anything like that so I started looking for what movies are about to play at the new time."

He pulled the phone away from his ear and sighed as he sank down, listening to her chattering on and on, staring up at the marquee. Ear tufts perked as he angled his head one way then the other. There was an ongoing list of movies he wanted to catch when he heard about them. Most of the time it was catching it when it was out for rental, sometimes he'd head down to the second run theater with V or his mom. Not exactly common though, if only because the chairs weren't terribly comfortable for someone his size.

Ear tuft twitched, "So what do you think about that Five-Thirty to Hartfordshire?" It wasn't the question so much as the pause that followed that caught his attention.

Quick scan of the times got him his answer, "Dunno, starts in a half-hour." His ear twitched again as his phone chirped, letting him know he was running low on time.

"Sounds good to me!" came the immediate, chipper reply. "I'll be down there as soon as I can. Just have to hop online to order the tickets."

"I'm paying," he grumbled as he stood up. "Already here."

A little huff puffed from the phone, "I told you that I'd pay fo..." and then the phone cut off with the too-cheery voice telling him how to refill his minutes.

Well, she had said V warned her about that. Sucked though because he'd have to go get a card unless he just stayed around the house. Later though. Hunching towards the speaker, he growled out, "Two for," he waved his hand, "Hartfordshire."

The cashier turned to look up at the board before looking at his computer, "That's still playing? Figured it would have been out already." Ty shrugged and traded money for tickets before returning to the pillar to wait for Brittany to show up. Huffing to himself, the large male planted his butt on the concrete and pulled out his phone to pass the time. Had plenty of things on there that didn't need data to work.

Not that he had to wait too terribly long. True to her word, Brittany came up before the half hour was off. A heavy footstep made him look up, the skunk flashing a smile at him as she softened her tread immediately. "V reminded me about the startling and sudden moments thing too." She flashed a quick smile as the hippogryph stood up and rolled his shoulders with a groan. "Phone kinda hung up before I could tell you I was going to order the tickets online, except the service was down and they weren't even listing off this movie on there." She blinked as he stood up and produced the tickets. "Oh! You already got them, that's great!" Brittany swept in and grabbed his arm, pulling at him with a giggle, "Why don't we go ahead and get in there?"

Head rolled slightly as he grumbled his agreement, getting practically towed along by the smaller skunk. The ticket girl gave them an odd look as he handed over the tickets, but shrugged it off and directed them where to go. Brittany was giggling gently as they padded down the hall, her tail twitching behind her with each step. He angled his head towards her curiously and watched his classmate with a curious hum.

Both ear tufts perked up as they entered the theater and found it completely empty. "Where do you like to sit?"

There really wasn't much choice, as close together as the seats were stacked. He pointed up to an area off to the side, "There." Wasn't the best area to watch a movie from and he knew it, but it was near the handicapped seating, so there was a lot more leg room. Didn't look like he'd have to worry about someone taking the spot accessible spots either. She hurried up ahead of him, taking the seat closer to the low wall and leaving him the one by the aisle. Ty dropped into the chair with a groan and stretched his legs out.

As if they were waiting on him, the lights dropped and the trailers began to roll. Eyes focused on the screen as he leaned back a bit and let his long legs stretch out before him. He was aware of Brittany shifting beside him, head tilting a bit to catch a glimpse of her. She flashed a smile up at him, "Just nervous," she giggled as she leaned towards him.

What should he do? What would be the normal thing to do in a situation like this. His mind raced through so many movies and talks and observations to try and decide on the most normal thing.

Took only a second to decide why not watch the movie with her like he did with V? Stretching an arm out, he draped it over her shoulders. Brittany let out a chittering noise and giggled again before leaning towards him. Resting her cheek against his chest. He could feel her chittering and churring against him. Head rolled a bit, his version of an eye roll, but he let his hand rest on her shoulder.

Only a moment passed before she started to push at the armrest. "It's digging at my side," she said when he looked down at her. Shifting to let her lift it up before taking his seat again. She breathed out a sigh and tucked in close against him again, "Much better," came the pleased churr. He breathed out a quiet huff of his own and turned his attention back to the movie as it started. Not really sure how comfortable the position she was in would be to watch the movie. Was guessing she'd have to really crane her neck to see the screen. Especially once she moved even close to lay her cheek against his chest. Glancing down, he saw that she wasn't even looking at the screen.

Brows furrowed a bit as the movie began to roll. Why in the world would someone come to a theater and not find a way to sit comfortably so they could enjoy the movie when it costs so much? Then again, she hadn't really paid for it herself. A little hiss slithered around his chest. If he'd paid for her to come out here and not even pay attention to the movie then...

Feathers stood up as her hand dropped to his lap without warning. That hiss dying off with a quiet croak as her trimmed nailed scratched his jeans. Oh. That explained things.

Every muscle in his frame tightened as her fingers traced over his thigh and over his groin. This was certainly not a normal thing! Or was it? Really wasn't sure since it hadn't really come up before. He'd been the only one to lay hands on his junk in years much less start to pet it. Chest heaved as he began to pant, trying to get his mind in gear even as all the blood began to rush down to his privates. Beak chattered lightly as she pressed her palm against his growing bulge and rubbed.

Relief came when Brittany shifted and removed her hand. He managed to let out a quick huff, beak hanging open as he rolled his head to look down at her. In the dark of the theater his expression was nearly lost aside form the glitter of the movie reflecting off his eyes. She peered up at him with a soft glow in the depths of her eyes, "Why don't we make you a little more comfortable."

Before he could get the blood flowing in the right way to form a protest, the skunk was freeing his cock from his pants. "Wow," she mused as she opened his jeans and pulled his underwear down, "Really stuck down there isn't it?" A giggle rolled up from below as she reached into fish his cock out of the denim prison. Deep seated, savage instinct had him lift his hips with a hiss. Cloth loosening its hold enough that his cock sprang free of the jeans to impact his belly with a heavy smack as he dropped to the seat.

"Oh my god," Brittany breathed out as the cock launched free of his jeans, nearly smacking her muzzle. Even in the dim theater light, she could easily tell just how big he was. Fingers curling around his cock slowly and stroking it as the length pulsed and pressed towards her grip. In seconds, it was spreading her fingers apart with how girthy it was. "Bigger than a soda can," she half-moaned to herself as she stroked over his equine-like length. "Extra thicc," came the nervous giggle as she leaned on to lick over his shaft. The male's flesh clean, but with a definitive musky flavor to it that made her shiver. Sneaking a hand down, she freed his sac as well. Oh fuck, they were huge too! She'd seen plenty of porn with horse dudes in it and knew they were big, but none of them were quiet as big as Tyron was. Well, tall and built, there were plenty of big guys especially in porn. But... goddamn! And he wasn't the first guy she'd had her hands on either, but he pt them to shame!

Ty's head fell back and beak dropped open as her tongue bathed over his crown. A groan rolled around his crop, making the hippogryph utter something very crow-like as she played with him. Her tongue danced higher up his length before running a slow lap around his crown. Shifting on the chair, the skunk let her hand drop to stroke his weighty balls as she began to kiss his tip. Lips sliding against the throbbing meat before she started trying to work his head into her mouth.

Oh shit, could she do this? Her lips stretched wider and wider as she tried to take his head into her mouth. They were stretched tight over her teeth, not wanting to accidentally scrape the big guy and get him all skiddish around her. Brittany backed off, licked her lips, took a breath, and dove right back down. Tears gathered at the corners of her eyes as she finally popped his fat head into her maw.

If his eyes could cross, they would have as she took his cock right into her mouth. The brush of his teeth made him knead the armrest, plastic creaking under the pull as he huffed. He regularly jerked off, usually in the morning and before bed, but nothing had felt like this before. The way her hand was sliding over his shaft and tongue playing with him as she bobbed her head. Head brushing against his belly each time she bobbed over his girth. Nares flared to try and take in everything it could, picking up the hint of cleaner, chemical butter, and under it all was the scent of the skunk. Dropping his hand to her ass a little harder than needed, he nearly spanked her. A moan shaking around his cock as she pushed towards his large mitt as it cupped her ass. Her hand dropping to play with the slight bulge of his base, fingers teasing it as it began to swell against the attention.

Oh fuck! He really shouldn't be doing this. He knew Brittany, as well as he knew any of V's circle of friends, but he wasn't really fond of her. If it wasn't for V encouraging him, he wouldn't have even been here.

However, he was getting a blowjob. Regardless of how he might feel one way or another, it was hard for any teenage male to turn down a good blowjob. Doubly so when his more wild side was snarling at him and offering up images of him bending her over the railing in front and just pounding her pussy until she was left gaping and leaking his cum. Tongue rolled from his beak as his balls began to twitch, cock pulsing under the attention she was giving him. Groan building up in his throat as he felt that orgasm start to build.

Caught up in the fantasies his lustful mind was giving him, he barely registered that she'd pulled off. The cool theater air making his cock twitch and a healthy drop of precum gather on the tip as she held it upright. What did get his attention was the sudden flash and sound of a camera going off.

Ty's head snapped down to see what she was doing. "God this thing is so big, didn't even fit in the frame." Rage began to boil and and dissolve the shock and lust. Feathers mantled as he spotted her posing with her face alongside his cock, snapping a second picture. That hiss built as she twisted her phone around to check and typed out with one hand, "Hey, Bitches! Check out what the freak is packing! Told you I could get with that fucker!"

Every last lusty image evaporated as a hiss snapped out of his beak. "The Fuck you doing?" came the bellow as the hippogryph leapt out of the chair, dropping his would-be lover to the floor. Snarling, he stuffed his cock back into his pants, ignoring how tight and painful it was as he fastened them back up. Flicking his shirt around, he began to storm down the ramp.

"The fuck am I doing? The fuck are you doing? Get back here!" She called after him as she got up and tried to follow, but the hippogryph was letting his longer legs do their job.

"Can't believe I fucking let this..." he trailed off into deep snarling grumbles as his beak snapped and clicked. Feathers ruffling up heavily as he stormed out of the theater and down the hall. He could hear Brittany scrambling to try and get up, only distantly aware of her calling out after him.

The ticket girl twisted to look back as he stomped towards the door, "Movie that... bad..." she trailed off as he shot her a withering look, still snarling under his breath. Hitting the door hard, he slammed it open hard enough that the entire bank of doors rattled. As soon as his hooves hit the pavement, the hybrid broke into a trot. The poor rat looked from freak boy to the skunk as she came darting in. "Come again?" she offered, craning her head to look out the glass front of the theater. The skunk girl, who she recognized form school but couldn't quiet place, stopped just outside the doors, looking both ways, then whipped out her phone to furiously type something. Something juicy just happened, and it sure as hell wasn't that movie. Sneaking her own phone out, she fired a text to Marty, the projector guy, and asked him to get up here for a second. If someone was alone in a theater then that perv would be watching like hawk. Or Owl. Which he was.

Tyron was panting and sweating by the time he arrived home. Once he hit the road, he'd gone down enough that he could break into a gallop and didn't stop until he nearly slammed into his front door. Leaning heavily against the door, he tried to get his keys out, hissing low in his throat the whole time. The run hadn't done much to calm him down, even if it had burned off a shocking amount of energy. Anger began to boil, rising to the point he was about ready to just rip his pocket off to get those damned keys!

Before he could resort to pants destruction the door was wrenched open and his mom stared up at him. Depending on the light, her pelt either looks black or chestnut, and despite approaching her forties the mare was almost in as good of a shape as her niece. "Oh no. Vanessa warned me you might be in a state. In," He hissed, but obeyed, stalking into the living room and dropping to the couch hard enough that the wood cracked. Tyron just stared at the floor as she locked the door and moved over to sit beside him. "Talk."

He closed his eyes and breathed slowly, "She took pictures." Even with his eyes closed and his focus on trying to calm down he could feel her questioning look. As worked up as he was, it was hard to get full thoughts and sentences around the burning anger that prowled through him. "Went to movie. Girl..." he scratched his thighs, "rubbed me. Started to..." A hand rolled towards his beak, "Took picture. Bragging."

If he was angry, his mother was absolutely livid. "She did what now?" each word dripping with venom. Margrete crossed her arms and huffed, hoof tapping against the ground. "What was her name?"

She watched as his head rolled, not a shake, he was just trying to calm himself. So long as he was doing that and not putting any holes in the walls she was willing to sit here all night if she needed to. Cheeks flushed briefly, a mixture of anger and other emotions welling up, not all night probably. "Brittany," he croaked after a long moment.

Ears shot up, "Brittany? That skunk girl?" Fingers tapped against her arm, an ear twitching as she heard his phone chiming like mad. Reaching out, she gently ran her fingers over her son's back. The much larger hippogryph leaning towards her with a distressed noise. "Shhh, it's okay. Go lay down, shower if you need, and answer Vanessa before she blows up your phone." His head bobbed slightly as he heaved himself up and shuffled towards his bedroom. She waited until she heard his door click before whipping out her own phone. She had Brittany's father's number, he'd given it to her at one of Vanessa's birthdays ages ago, probably to hook up as one single parent to another.

It only rang a couple times before he picked up, "Margrete? How have you been? Thought you might have lost my number. It's been ages! You know my little Britt said she was going to the movies with your boy and I couldn't believe that. Oh hoho. Dropped her off down there... oh less than an hour ago?"

Arms crossed as she strolled towards the window. "Yeah Stan, about that. Has your daughter called you at all since then?"

"No, what's wrong? Did something happen? Did your boy call me?"

Lips curled, "Yeah, about that..."

Ty's room was almost completely dark as he shed his shirt and dropped to the bed so he could pry off his shoes. He dropped them to the floor rather than hang them up, could get them later on. Next was his pants, leaving him in just his boxers. Ear tuft twitched as he heard his mom yelling something in the other room. Weariness overcoming even those thin walls they had, drowning her words to dull shouts.

A trill from his phone drew his attention down to it. So many unread messages from so many sources. He breathed out a sigh and wondered if he shouldn't just get to bed first.

Before he could even let out a tired sigh, he had the phone in his hand and was opening up that app to see who was trying to blow up his phone. V's chat had hundreds of messages in it, so did the school's chat, and there were a dozen people from there sending him messages too. Not to mention the couple dozen messages from Brittany. Feathers ruffled with annoyance and he was about to drop his phone to the floor when a soft chime came from Vanessa sending him a message.

"Hey, want to talk?"

Tapping the screen, he pulled open the messages and read back though them. She was asking what happened, then ranting and raving about what Brittany had done and what she'd even said about him. Talons slipped over the screen, "No."

Her reply was immediate, "I swear, didn't know what she was planning to do. Thought it was just her wanting to go to the theater and... I'm sorry."

Even though he already knew, it still made him feel better. "I know."

Ty felt his eyes begin to droop as he watched the message pop up that she as typing a reply. "Still, I feel horrible. Can't believe what she did to you. And posted it in the group too for everyone to see! Took it down the instant I saw it, but no telling how many people saw it there." He was about to work up a reply when she started to type up something else. Finger rubbing the side of the screen as he waited before crafting his own reply.

His ear tufts shot up as a picture loaded up. Vanessa stood in what looked like a gas station's bathroom, her shirt lifted up to show off her breasts to the mirror, and thus her phone. A low groan rolled in his throat as he looked at the bared breasts. Just a second later the picture moved, Vanessa swaying slow enough to make her breasts sway before stopping. The picture was still a few seconds before swaying again, repeating the loop. "Don't have long to grab this, but figured it was only fair that you see mine since I saw yours, Beast. Go get some sleep and you can jerk off to this later." Kissy emoji, hug sticker, heart.

Tyron stared at the picture for longer than he cared to admit. Blinking in the dark, he let his finger slide along the keyboard, "Thanks, V. Will do later, sleep now though." Between his emotional state and the couple mile run he was worn down.

It took her a couple minutes, about twenty loops, for her reply too pop up. "On the road again here. You must be tired after all that. Have to tell me everything later."

"K." was all he managed before dropping his phone to the nightstand. Sighing, he just dropped belly down onto the bed and closed his eyes with a low groan. It was warm enough that he didn't even bother with a blanket, just laid his head down on a pillow, shut his eyes, and was out in a few seconds.

Funny thing is, he was always aware of when he was dreaming. Not sure exactly why that was, but maybe it was one of those little things about some details being off. Didn't help that he was in a different room from where he fell asleep, all the details beyond the bed being somewhat hazy. Not that the room was worth focusing on. Vanessa lay against his side, her body bare and warm against him. His mother her mirror on his other flank, both their hands stroking his chest and belly as he crooned gentle things to him. Twisting his head, he looked over both females. They were nearly identical in height and build, his mother's form still toned but just barely starting to soften as she approached her 40s. Her darker pelt almost blending in with his as her hand wandered down to stroke his sheath. V's chestnut fingers joining hers in playing with his sac.

His cock was hard in an instant, their hands flowing over the length as they nearly purred over him. The mares moving together to let their broad tongues bathing over his throbbing flesh. A scent filled his nose, something he hadn't smelled in a great many years. A deep aroma that whispered to something deep and primal to him. It drew a throaty hiss from him, eyes narrowing as Vanessa's mouth slipped over his shaft.

Unlike Brittany, there was no threat of sharp little fangs grazing his flesh. Softer, flat teeth brushed against his spire as velvet lips fluttered on him. Her head bobbed steadily over his cock as his mother rolled her body against him. Breasts pressing against his thigh as she brought her head down until her tongue could bathe his heavy balls. Her lips closed around one orb and pulled it into her waiting mouth. As they played, their actions caused him to start to pant. Each deep breath bringing more of that scent to him. His heart began to hammer, blood boil, loins screaming as they toyed with him.

It was impossible to tell who moved first. His head lifted as the mares shifted on top of him, straddling either side of his body. The light catching his mother's coat and turning it that same chestnut as his cousin's. Ruddy thighs straddled his head, sharp eyes focusing on that dark pussy that was bared to him. Hot folds pressed to his cock as the mares leaned towards one another and pulled into a kiss.

Tail hiked high, pussy winking and flashing those burning inner walls to the hippogryph. Down below, he could feel the other lips doing the same. Flexing and coating him with that burning juice that set him to squirming. He wanted to grab a handful of that plump ass, bury his face right into the cunt, and take a deep whiff of that scent. Arms refused to respond, not even twitch, as the pair rolled over him. Their moans washing from above as hips ground against his broad form. One moment it was his mother who was straddling his cock, the next she flowed and became Vanessa. In seconds, he lost track of who was where. Not that it truly mattered.

They lifted, giving him a perfect shot to look under one mare at the other. Hands curling around his cock and lifting it up until the fat tip of it was nestled right between those folds. The mare over him rolling back until her pussy hung over his head, trying to force his attention away from chestnut female over his privates. Muscles shifted, tensed, and drove her down onto him with a resounding crack of flesh on flesh!

Tyron sat up with a gasping snarl. Eyes staring into the dark of the room for a long moment before looking down. His cock stood, hard as a steel post and proud, against his belly as his boxers pulled tight against the base. Nares flared as he huffed, picking up the scent of his own arousal as it mixed with his seat in the sweltering room. Craning his head slowly, he checked the time with a soft huff. Just approaching midnight. Only been asleep a few hours, which was strange. Exhausted as he was it usually meant that he was going to be out of it until the sun was up or his alarm went off. Now? He was wide awake and buzzing with energy. Energy which could be let off in a very easy way.

Stretching out, he grabbed his laptop and dropped it to the bed beside him. As it started up, he reached to the other side and grabbed a headset. It wasn't anything fancy, just something Vanessa had bought him ages ago, one of the twenty dollar specials. Jerking and wiggling it, he managed to get it to a reasonable state of untangled.

Getting onto the computer with one hand, he fished a bud around one tuft with the other. Start-up music chimed in his ear as he leaned back. Curling his fingers around his cock slowly and stroking it as he went in search of porn.

Before he could even get to the browser, a chiming and beeping tune sounded in his ear. Ty blinked and glanced around the room before spotting the messenger window in the bottom corner. He was all ready to snarl and just hit the Reject button when he saw Vanessa's icon. Curious, he tapped the green button. "Hey, hope I didn't wake you." Her soft voice was soothing, making him lean against the headboard. "Just saw you pop online and figured you were up."

"Yeah," he muttered the reply, keeping his voice down low as well. "Just snapped awake so was gonna go watch some videos before I try sleep." Reminded about the messenger now, he fished around until he found the program itself. Bringing up V's chat, he was instantly greeted with that video loop of her.

A giggle rang out, "Uh huh, you wanted to find some porn and jerk off." His huff was the only response she needed. "Are you looking at smut now, or should I hang up so you can spank in peace?" A low grumble was his only answer, eyes darting from the loop down to the waiting browser window and back. Vanessa shuffled her microphone around, "Are you jerking already?" Voice dropped lower as she whispered seductively, "Are you staring at the gif I made?"

"Um," he huffed and turned his head away from the screen, feeling as if he'd just been caught by someone walking into the room.

"Oh my god, you are." Ty could only mutter in response, hand stilling against his cock as he coughed nervously. "Can I see?" His beak clicked in surprise. "I mean, I'd be showing you as well. That is the rule after all isn't it?"

The rule being that if one did something they weren't entirely sure of, the other would offer to do it as well to make it easier. A new bar popped up in the window. Start Video Call, it proudly declared. Head angled as he looked up at the repeating loop. Her eyes shining playfully as those breasts swayed from side to side. It was his cousin, wouldn't it be weird? Would it be weirder to not click? Sure, they'd seen each other naked before, but never in a sexual way. His beak chattered quietly as that button pulsed and waited.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't..." she blinked at the camera as the call came to life. "Oh. Oh! Hey." Squinting, Vanessa leaned in to look at the window. She was dressed for bed, wearing a pair of shorts and one of his shirts that she'd 'borrowed' one night while stuck at his home. The sleeves were long gone, but it was alright by him since she'd replaced the shirt several times over and she looked cute in it. A wireless headset perched on her head, light blinking by her ear. What he could see of the wall behind her looked like the room straddled that line between forgettable and fancy. "Bit dark over there, is your camera covered up?"

Ty clicked on his beside lamp, "Just dark," he muttered, suddenly aware of the fact that he was in his boxers and that his cock still lay against his belly. Although judging from the little screen in the corner, it only showed him from the chest ruff up.

Her murr whispered into his ear, "That's much better." She leaned back from her laptop, having it set more towards the foot of her bed so it got her full body in the shot. "So, um, pretty good camera you've got."

Before he could reply, the sound of hooves thudded up and someone launched themselves onto their bed. "Mom says it's bed time," Vanessa's younger brother whickered. His ears perked and the colt turned to stare at him, "Is that Ty? Hi, Tyron!" his hand dominated the screen as he waved, making the hippogryph recoil without thinking. His younger cousin tried to whistle at him.

"Hey, Hunter." He flashed a little avian smile. Beak clicking before he worked through a few trills before ending with a couple peeps for good measure.

Vanessa laughed, "He says hi and chirped. Go tell mom I'm about to go to bed." Leaning in, she winked at the camera, "Back in a sec." Helping her brother off the bed, she vanished from the frame. Thanks to her headset, her voice reached him easily, "About to go to bed, didn't have to sent the brat brigade in."

Her mother spoke near enough for the mic to pick up, "Didn't want you staying up playing games. You need to be looking your best when we meet Grandmama tomorrow."

"About to go to bed, was just talking to Ty, he had a bad day." Whatever the reply was, it was too far off for him to hear. "I'll go asleep after I'm done with this video I was watching. Ten, twenty minutes top." A door shut before any reply could be crafted, V showing up on the bed again a second later. "Alone now." She bit her bottom lip, something she did when she was nervous, and settled down Indian style. "We've got adjoining rooms. I was supposed to be sharing with Hunter, but he refused to sleep without mom and dad because he gets weird on trips, so..." she took a breath and perked her ears, "I'm rambling."

He didn't mind since her voice was a soothing balm after that nerve-fraying evening. "It's okay, better than Brittany." The hippogryph narrowed his eyes with a low grumble, "Only time she wasn't talking was..."

"When she had your cock in her mouth?" She sighed and rested her head on her hands, "Should have known something was up. Heard rumors that she was wanting to get with Tiffany." Tiffany, one of the most popular girls in school, possibly because it was fairly well known that she had been with every popular guy. Even he'd heard rumors, mostly through V, that she'd only let 'experienced' girls into her inner circle. He knew lots of the girls had been giving him the eye, not that any of them interested him. "So," V drew the word out and chewed on her bottom lip. "Guess I should start?" she laughed nervously, casting a glance towards the hotel room door. "Only fair."

A low groan rolled up his throat as she played with the waistband of her pants. He could see the insides of her ears flush with a blush as she rocked back, shapely legs kicking up as she peeled her shorts off. The angle was nearly perfect so that he got a good look at her privates as she rocked back. Any wilt that his cock might have experienced in the last couple minutes faded as she dropped her clothes to the bed. Gathering her shirt up, she lifted it to expose toned belly and pert breasts to him. Reaching down, he brought the camera up full so the mare dominated the screen.

"Alright," he could hear the nerves in her voice as she nearly whispered into his ear, "Your tur..." She gasped as he twisted the laptop, angling his head to keep his eyes on it as his mottled cock came into view. "Holy fuck," came the breathless exclamation. Lifting his body, he slipped his boxers down, trying to roll in such a way to show her his everything while keeping an eye on the screen.

Soft breaths puffed into his ear as she stared at the screen. A quiet moan made his head jerk around, trying to see what was going on. "Oh... Oh, Ty can you see? I forget how big you are."


V let out a somewhat breathless laugh, "Not exactly fair. Here, do this." She talked him through turning on his TV and somehow setting up the laptop to stream to it. Not surprising that she knew how to do that, since the TV was a hand-me-down from her. But that wasn't what was important, what mattered was now he could see her perfectly. Legs spread to either side of the screen as she leaned back, hands stroking her inner thighs. He groaned at the sight, his cock leaping up and falling back to his belly with a smack. "Oh, someone's excited. Just move your laptop a little, little more... there." He found himself in a similar pose to her, laptop perched between his hooved feet and staring up at him.

"Was one thing seeing it on that picture, this is..." she moaned into his ear and spread her dark pussy lips apart, rubbing a finger over her petals.

Sharp eyes locked onto her fingers, hand sliding over his cock in return. Thumb slipped around his head as precum spilled out, spreading it down his girth. Her moan struck something in him, making him buck into his hand as it began to pump faster. "Could you..." she huffed, "could you rub your balls?" More than happy to oblige, he dropped a hand to his sac and lifted it for her. Dark pouch rolling in his large hand before sliding away as he began to stroke faster.

V's cheeks were flushed, nostrils flaring as the mare tried to stay quiet. Huffs and snorts slipping out as she dipped a finger into her pussy. "Your breasts?" he groaned, more precum making his hand slide faster over his shaft.

"Mhmm," came the moan as she rocked back, cupping a breast and letting her fingers play over the mound. Fingers circling a dark nipple before pinching it into a peak. "Like that?"

"Uh huh," he groaned, the noise little more than a primal grunt. Eyes narrowed as he focused on the TV and the sound of her moans. He'd always loved the sounds that a woman made during sex, not those fake porn yells, but the honest and genuine sounds. It would be impossible to get any more real than what was before him now. Little growls and hisses began to slip from his beak as his hand flew along his shaft.

She muttered little things under her breath as her fingers worked her pussy more. The slick sounds of her fingers driving into her privates making him buck that much harder into his stroking hand. Shifting his grip from his balls to the base, he stroked the bulge at the base of his length. Not a true knot but something that was a gift from his father, the barest hint of a knot that grew against his hand into a noticeable bulge. "What is that...OhhhhhOoooo." V moaned louder, her fingers driving at her pussy as she slid down on the bed, giving him a perfect view of slick pussy lips as two fingers pounded in and out. Her palm smacking her pussy lips as her moans grew louder.

A banging on the wall made her bolt up right, "Bed, young lady!" came the muffled shout, her mother's voice unmistakable. Tuning out the back and forth shouts, Ty focused on those privates. Imagining how it'd feel to be pounding into them. Spread them apart with his cock rather than those delicate fingers. Low grunts getting louder and louder as his hand flew faster. Both of them working now as his hips twitched.

V huffed, "Sorry about that, mom can be..." words trailed off into a moan as she watched his cock start to jump and fat tip swell.

Tyron uttered a throaty grunt as he came, mottled length erupting like a volcano. His head fell back as hands stroked his girth, thick cum splashing against his chest and belly, even managing to rocket up to smack him in the cheek. Not that he cared at all, especially not as Vanessa's calls began to fill his ear again.

"Fuck, look at all that... So much...mmpppph." Her eyes closed and hips rocked against her hand, pants coming faster as she uttered low in her throat. Both hands fell to her privates now, slapping her thigh before she rubbed her clit harder. "Gonna cum... gonna...MmmPpphuck!" came the breathless gasp as she pressed against her hands. His eyes snapped open and watched. Taking in every little detail he could. The way her thighs shook. Those little jerks of her hips. That little glimmer of drool running down her cheek as she huffed. Breasts heaving with each pant.

The sight of it alone was enough to coax another shot from him.

A little moan slipped from her muzzle, Ty agreeing with one of his own. Feathers ruffled as he panted heavily, eyes narrowed as he just basked in the afterglow of his first ever cam session. A breathy giggle made him perk his ear tufts and utter a questioning noise. "You made a huge mess."

Craning his head, he looked at the stripes that painted his body, keenly aware of the tickling on his cheek feathers. "Usually get a shirt to catch it."

"You use your shirts to keep from making a mess? I hope you don't wear them after that." He tilted his head towards her and hummed. "What?"

Tyron chuffed, "Used that shirt a lot before you stole it." She blinked at him. "You said you liked it cause it smelled like me." Another blink, "What? You've enjoyed it a lot haven't you?" he huffed and turned his head.

"Uh huh, you can keep that stern look all you want. I know when you're joking." V took a deep breath before letting it shudder out. "I need to clean up." He wasn't joking, but the shirt was usually dirty when he used it for that. Was the easiest way to keep everything sorted out so he didn't walk around with cum stains on his back. And as much as he put out, it would always be noticeable

Feathers ruffled as best they could, "Me too."

"So," she started, "Not going to make things weird is it? Between us I mean."

Head craned as he thought about it for a second, "Not unless you want it to be?" Ty tilted his head one way then the other, "Wouldn't mind doing more often, but can go back to not if you want." Shoulders rolled, "You're too important to me to want to make it weird."

That smile was so sweet it wanted to make him melt. "Good. I wouldn't mind trying again later," she cast a glance towards the door, "when I've got more privacy. Should sign off before she comes busting the door down. No computer at Grandmama's either, she doesn't believe in the internet." Leaning in, she flipped around and gave the camera a kiss. "Love you, Beast. Sleep sweet. And don't let Britt get you down. She's so out of the friend's circle, might as well call it Brexit." He snorted a laugh and lay there, only too aware of how the cum was cooling on his plumage. Didn't want to move though, not until she'd logged off.

"Sleep sweet, Cuz. Love you too." She gave him a little look and smiled, waving as she turned off the camera. Ty sighed and let his head fall back, staring at the ceiling for a moment longer. He pried himself out of the bed and padded to the bathroom to clean up, not caring that his boxers whispered to the ground. Mom would be asleep, so he could go hang free to clean up. Then right back to bed. Laptop back on the shelf and fan running before he went face-first on the bed with a huff.

Between the emotional drain, the physical one, and the little session with V he didn't dream the rest of the night. Ty took a moment to clean up his room before grabbing the bare essentials for clothes, which was a pair of shorts that would make Bruce Banner envious and boxers. Breakfast was already laid out which meant Mom was up. She was shuffling around in her room, probably getting dressed for one job or the other. Breakfast was a scrambled mass of toast, eggs, bacon, and cheese cooked into meatball sized lumps. He craned his head and called, "Have you eaten yet?" as he eyed the mass on the plate.

"Yeah, already had my fill." Yelling from the other room wasn't that big of a deal when it was only a couple dozen feet off. Plus it was just the two of them and they were both fairly loud when the mood hit them. Always better to ask since he could devour a shocking amount of food give the chance. The local buffets hated seeing him stalking in the door.

Meal time was quick, Ty scarfing down the mix with his chopsticks. He'd learned to use them at a very young age, bamboo tended to be more forgiving to bite down on. Also a bit neater than just going face first into the plate.

He was just cleaning up when his mom came out of her room in her house clothes, wreathed in a cloud of perfume "Couch," she pointed. Meant that it was talking time. Dropping to the couch, he waited for her to join him for their chat. Rather than join him on the couch, she pulled a chair over and scratched the armrest. Shifting on the couch, he stretched out so his wings were out of the way and laid his head beside her hand. Eyes narrowed with a low cooing purr as she scratched into his feathers gently. "Comfy? Okay, tell me everything that happened."

Taking a deep breath, he savored those head rubs for a long moment before starting on everything that happened at the movie theater. Even with his eyes closed, he could tell how she was feeling by the way her fingers moved and the little grumbles she was making. Which is where he'd gotten his grumbling habit.

"Suddenly not feeling guilty about what I'd said last night." He opened an eye and rolled his head to look at his mother as she sighed and smiled at him. "Don't worry about. Just called his daughter a few very unkind things." She gave a sad little smile before looking at the wall of pictures, "I certainly don't mind you becoming..." an embarrassed little snort, "sexually active. Just what she was doing was wrong."

He chuffed a laugh, "Vanessa said she did the same thing."

Fingers combed though his feathers as she laughed, "I thought she might, she's always been a terror when someone goes after family." His eyes narrowed with a churr as she let her nails scratch along his scalp. Ty angled his head towards them, only to huff as the overwhelming perfume got him. "Sorry about the perfume, Baby. That leads into my story time confession." Cracking an eye, he looked up at her as he angled his head a little. "Well, I wasn't able to get my heat shot this time around. Copay went up on it."

Ear tufts shot up on either side of her hand, "It did?" They twitched against her hand as he thought about the brand new laptop sitting in his room. "Could take the computer back, I can do without it."

He'd started to sit up when her hand pushed on his head. "Down." The hippogryph grumbled and laid back down, his mother's light touch enough to keep the mighty hybrid down. "It's okay, Baby. I thought this might happen, they'd mentioned they might bring the prices up, but figured it'd be okay. I wanted to get you something nice after everything we've had to give up just to survive." Fingers curled under his beak and lifted his head to look at her as she smiled. "We've been through this before. It'll just be the weekend and with me in heat, I'll just stay in my room and you stay out here. I'll signal when I need to come out, handle meals separately and all that."

Tyron sat up slowly and clicked his beak. "Uh... One problem." Beak clattered with a huff, "It's a vacation week." Her ears lifted curiously as her eyes began to widen.

"Okay, so new plan. Just gonna call up my sister and see if you can't crash in their guest room. It'd be okay, you could help them out and get to spend the weekend with Vanessa." He shook his head slowly. "No? Why no?"

"They're on their way to Grandmama's for the week."

Margrete dropped her head to her hands and groaned. "And knowing Cecilia she'd let you stay there, then blame you for something that's already been broken." Putting her head in her hands, she breathed out a heavy sigh and muttered to herself. "Okay. Okay, we can handle this. Yeah?"

He nodded and clicked his beak, "Should be okay. Girls come to school all the time smelling of their heat. Vanessa said some even go buy those little bottles."

"They're still doing the pheromone bottle things? Thought they'd made those harder to get ages ago. I guess with the internet it's not too hard to get." She sighed and rubbed her eyes with both hands, "Okay. I'm going back to my room to lay down."

"Alright," Ty called after her, rubbing his legs as he watched his mother stroll to her room and slip behind the door. He blinked slowly and angled his head with a slight frown. Was it just his imagination or did her hips have a bit more of a sway to them? Breathing out a little huff, he shook his head and turned to the TV to game a little. She was right, they'd done this before. It'd been five years ago or something like that. He'd spent the entire weekend playing games and jerking off when it started to get too much. If he could handle that as a freshly minted teen, then he could handle it now.

Throwing both feet up onto a foot stool, he lounged back and fired up the TV. Looked like it was time to work though a really long game.

Saturday came and went without many surprises. He logged a great many hours in game, cooked up a couple meals, and stayed in his room so Mom could eat and spent some time outside of her room. Although he began to feel a little strange after dinner. She'd gone back to her room and he went to watch a movie and there was a hint of something he couldn't put his finger on. It had to be the scent of a fertile mare. He did his best to ignore it for a while before retreating to the shelter of his room. Popping a window was enough to make it seem less sweltering as he huffed to himself and lay on his side. When sleep came, it was restless but it was there.

Which is where he was now. There was the temptation to shoot for another marathon gaming session, but there was only so much of that he could focus on. Especially with those little wafts that trailed through the house each time he and his mother swapped who was locked up in their rooms. His ear tuft twitched as the sound of her lock clicking reached him. Tyron stood there in the hall, perched between the bedroom doors and the living room. Beak slightly agape as he breathed in that scent. It was soft, barely noticeable under whatever scented spray she kept using, but it was there. The aroma warm and inviting yet also intoxicating at the same time. Making him sway where he stood as his eyes narrowed.

Had to keep himself distracted was all. Back to the couch, he turned on a movie and stared at the screen. It wasn't long before his usual laser focus was starting to drift. Head tilting to peer down the hall at the bedroom that lay at the far end. It loomed there in the darkened hall. Foreboding and inviting at the same time. Whispers coming from beyond the wood. Meaningless whispers that stroked at his nature and tried to draw him down there. The lights from a passing car flashed through a window, turning the brass knob into a beacon in the night.

The entire room tilted as he turned his head, mesmerized by the door. Beak snapped as he ripped his gaze away and stared at the TV. He was a person, not an animal. Instinct was just a whispering in the back of his head and it could be ignored. Wedging himself tighter into the couch, he stared at the TV, ear tuft twitching with each dull tick from the clock that watched over him.

Monday morning found him in a worse state. He glared bleary out his window as the morning light stabbed at his face. To say he'd been restless that night would have been a grandiose understatement. Covers lay in a tangled mass beside the mattress. Pillows were lost or had been pulled out of their cases. His entire bed had been moved from his tossing until the hippogryph found himself laying with head on a bare pillow, beak pressed to the plastic grill of his window fan. That steady whirring and rush of air the only thing that had soothed him.

Didn't help the crick in his neck from sleeping like that though. Nor did it help the kickstand that was propping him up. Heaving a sigh, he got up to go take a cold shower, and if that didn't help then he'd just crank one out.

With his mother holed up in her room and no guests planned, he didn't bother trying to dig through the mess to get to his clothes. Thudding out of his room, he found his attention drawn to that door. Both ear tufts standing tall as he stared at the door. A whisper of sound sucked his attention in. Creaks of bed springs and soft moans showed that his mother was awake. Probably getting up for the same reason he was. A low hiss coiled and rolled in his chest as he stared at the door hard enough to burn holes in the wood.

His mind began to race with images of just kicking the door in. Of moving up to the mare and pinning her to the bed, filling her time and time again until his cum poured out of her holes, stained her pelt, and drenched the sheets. Taking her time and time again until that scent went away and his foal began to grow in her belly. A pleasured cry drew him a full step towards the door, eyes locked onto that knob. His cock pulsed with every beat of his heart, precum trailing down as the need build by the moment. That hiss turned into a needy groan as he tried to move to the bathroom. Muscles locked tight at his body fought between the instinctual, savage need to fuck, and the reasoning need to beat this.

Good thing he was stubborn as fuck.

Ripping himself away from the door, he nearly fell into the bathroom and jerked the shower knobs on. Cold. Colder than he usually took a shower at. The icy blast would have made him scream if every muscle hadn't already been tensed into knots. He shivered and pressed his head to the tile, huffing deeply as the water sapped him.

Cock throbbed in defiance of the cold. Refusing to back down from its stance. It wanted to be buried somewhere wet and warm and needy. To feel those lips wrap so tight around it as his balls crashed off an eager ass and waiting thighs. It did not want this icy shower! It refused to back down!

He stood there and waited until his length went down, admitting defeat and retreating to the warmth of his sheath. Ty stayed in the cold spray a minute longer just to teach it a lesson. He was the boss, not it. Turning off the shower, he stood there a long moment before shaking off. There was no way around it. He'd need to get out of the house for a while. Problem being that he didn't have anyone to hang out with and he couldn't exactly go to a movie. Didn't have much money left over after the incident, plus he didn't want to go back to the theater for a few months at least.

Groceries! He could go get something good to eat, some cooking might distract him. He wasn't the world's greatest cook by any stretch of the imagination. Growing up in the situation he was in, it was either cook or eat endless boxed garbage, and Mom had always made sure that he would be able to take care of himself.

Fresh air is exactly what he needed. Drying off quickly, he clopped back to his room and made an effort to clean up before throwing on some clothes. A quick check of his phone showed that yes, he was still out of minutes and no, Vanessa hadn't sent him any new messages. Although there were still hundreds of other messages waiting to be read. Shoving his phone into a pocket, he edged out of the room and called down the hall. "Going out to get some fresh air and buy something at the store."

"Okay," came the breathless call, "Be safe, and pick me up some pain meds!"

Just stepping outside, it felt as if a weight was lifted from him. His stride coming easier and head clearer as he started down the road. Each step making him feel that much better. Taking a deep breath, he put his head down and started the couple mile hike to the store. Sure, he could have borrowed Mom's car and just driven there, but the car smelled of her. Even if it didn't have a trace of her estrus scent, he was worried that just smelling her would be enough to get him going again. Besides, walking would take longer and he never had to adjust the seats for that.

Shame that he was back home before he knew it. He'd never been one to stroll aimlessly around the store. Just swoop in, get what he needed, and leave. Everything he bought had fit into one back that casually swung at his side with each step. Oh he'd tried to wander around the store a bit, even pondered taking a lap around the shopping centre that had popped up around the store itself, but he couldn't. Especially not when he spotted Stan and Brittany off in the distance. Last thing he wanted was an encounter with her and her father. Which it was lucky that as much as he stood out in a crowd, his eyesight was far better than either of theirs could ever be without binoculars.

The want to avoid interaction had driven him home earlier than he'd wished. Still, the walk had bolstered his wavering fortitude. He gave the front door of the house a look as he came up, as if it were the entrance to a trap waiting to be sprung. For just a moment, he thought about going on a meandering path around the neighborhood. Just to spare himself having to go in, but the groceries needed to go to the fridge.

Heaving a sigh, he stepped onto the patio and rang the bell in a pattern they'd worked out years ago. A simple signal to tell her that he was coming in. The pair of them had similar habits, some of which might mean that the other could walk in on something embarrassing. Even with their phones, sometimes a call didn't go through, but it was impossible to miss a bell ringing. He waited for a moment, hearing movement on the other side of the door. A distant door closing signaled that it was clear.


Taking a breath, he padded inside and tried to ignore the scent of mare that hung around the living room. Out came the box of pain killers, one the Macy the pharmacist had recommended when she found out what was going on. Stopping at the end of the hall, he peered down at the tightly shut door. Hall lights glistening on that knob. The beacon shining at him, begging him to come and open the door. Find his way to blissful release. Sheath bulged against his pants slowly, the hippogryph stallion taking a deep breath of that wondrous aroma.

He tore his attention away with a kiss, gently lobbing the box down the hall. It hit and slid across worn wood to thump lightly at the door. "Macy said these would help," he called out as he ducked into the kitchen.

Mac and cheese. Simple, straight forward, and good comfort food. Just complex enough to help steal his attention away from everything else. Who knows, maybe the scent of melting cheese would overpower the other scent.

Ty was just getting the water on boil when the bedroom door opened. "Oh thank God, Mary is such a saint. Thank you for getting that, I'll pay you back later."

"No problem," he focused on getting the bechamel started properly as the door shut and locked. If he'd been looking, he'd have sworn that he'd be able to see the puff of scent as it rolled down the hallway. He was just melting butter when the scent hit him full force. Hands dropped to the counter top as he groaned, pants getting tighter as the scent dug its claws into his nares and held on tight. Eyes narrowed as he lifted shaking hands to start mixing flour in. Whisk scraping against the pan as he huffed.

His pants were quickly becoming too tight to be comfortable. Break ground as he let out a throaty hiss, reaching down to open them up. A low huff came from the stallion as his cock sprang free of his too tight jeans. Shifting to the side, he stepped out of the jeans and kicked them away.

Eyes narrowed as he began to stroke himself, flesh already hard as it could possibly be. Shuffling to the side, he kept whisking while pumping. There was no thought to it, he just had to get some sort of relief. The walk had been a brief respite, but there was no escaping it. Rubbing a thumb across his tip, he gathered up some precum and began to stroke faster now. Fingers gliding smoother over his length.

A throaty groan rolled up as he tried to focus. Milk, keep stirring, don't want it to burn. While his right hand cooked, his left was flying over his length. Not his usual choice, he didn't care right now. Feet stepped apart and planted on the linoleum as he began to stroke faster now. His fingers popping over that flared tip as grunts began to surge up his throat. Both hands fell to his cock and flew along the length. The whisk sinking into the pan as he huffed deeply.

The stallion rocked forward and let out a shrieking call as he exploded. Cum splashing against the pristine stainless bowl of the sink. Body shook as he hunched there, having to brace himself against the wall as his balls heaved. Spilling cream into the sink until there was nothing left to give. Hands pumping along length and pseudo-knot to coax out every drop he could.

Huffing, he narrowed his eyes and shivered, cock already starting to soften and retreat to its home. Twisting on the faucet, he cleaned his hands and cock, giving it a quick dousing with cold water. His ear tufts pinning back a he gave the sink a quick rinse out.

A frown creased his features as he found out he'd burned the sauce. Sighing, he scraped at the pan and kept working. This was starting to get out of hand.

Dinner was a measly pair of hot dogs next to a hearty scoop of the mac and cheese. He'd used the time it was baking to clean up his room. It was looking far better than it had in months, but he had to keep busy, had to keep moving. He was back down to his boxers again, the entire house too hot and he didn't want to turn on the AC. Not until they needed it, and the window fan wasn't helping. Despite how cool his room might be, sweat still streaked his hide and pelt. He scarfed the meal down, barely even tasting anything before telling his mother there was food and retreating to his room.

There he lay in the dark, back facing the door and staring at the window. Despite the total lack of sleep from the night before and just how tired he knew he was, he couldn't even consider drifting to sleep. So there he lay, trying to put his mind on anything else.

Was it this bad when he was younger? He remembered jerking off several times but that was it. Now that he thought about it, that weekend might have been the first time he masturbated.

Didn't want to think about that though. Just thinking about sex would invite another session and he was quickly running out of dirty laundry. Still couldn't believe he had jerked off in the kitchen sink! Covering his eyes with both hands, the hippogryph uttered a groan at himself and shook out. He was a thinking, logical person, not the beast so many teased him to be. It didn't matter what lay beyond that door, he could make it through this!

The fan kicked on again, blowing air across his face. He'd moved his bed, shoving it right against the shelf so he could get the full effect of that fan. The AC kicked on as well, unit thrumming outside before colder air began to wash into the room. Mom must have been sweltering as well and she'd have turned it on. Which meant he should get up and close his window, but he couldn't bring himself to. Every muscle was locked up as he lay there, arms and legs wrapped around a well-worn body pillow.

Closing his eyes, he tried to will himself to sleep, but it was no good. The instant his eyes shut it was waiting for him. The Door loomed before him, faux brass knob shining in the dark. Something called to him, urging him out of bed. He snarled at instinct and wrapped limbs tighter around the pillow, burying his beak into it and glaring at the dark.

He flipped onto his belly, pressing the pillow down into the mattress. Huffing, the stallion tossed and turned, quickly ruining the bed he'd so carefully set up. An hour passed. Then two. Four. He lost count as he snarled and hissed. Talons kneading the pillow and bedding. Feathers bristling as he fought himself. Civilization screaming at him to stay in bed. Instinct howling for him to leave. Ty found himself on his feet several times, reaching for his own door, only to drop back to bed.

The dull green light of his bedside click calmly ticked by the time. A silent witness to his turmoil. It was bright, too bright. A pillow quickly covered it up, throwing his room into the deep dark of a cavern. Even that did nothing to help.

Don't ask what happened. All he remembered was glaring towards the bare lights coming through the fan one moment, and the next he was in the hall. His clothes were gone, having come off somewhere in his restless flailing. Muscles shook under his hide as he glared at the door before him. Even at this hour cars would cruise past, casting harsh lights across the hulking male and the door.

The Door Which Must Not Be Opened.

He didn't know how long he stood there just staring at it. Time had no meaning anymore. Somewhere beyond his existence, Great-Grandmother's clock steadily marked off the meaningless seconds. The entire universe had collapsed to him, The Door, and what lay beyond. If he strained to listen, he could just make out the sounds of the occupant beyond. The Mare. No, his mother, he screamed at his instinct. No, it screamed back, the mare, she who must be bred. She was waiting. Begging. Listen to her. Smell her. This was no untested female like that prey he'd left the other day. This was a grown female, ripe and waiting for a male to come along. Waiting for him.

Go back to bed! He screamed at himself. A thud reverberated through his entire body as he took a step forward. Chest began to heave as he took another step. Feathers on end as he reached for the door and touched the knob. A shock coursing through his system as fingers curled around the icy cold metal. It was almost enough to break him free of the spell.

Almost didn't quite cut it.

He hissed and rocked forward, more than ready to use his sheer bulk to batter down the door if needed. Every instinct driving him forward now.

Knob twisted and the door popped open. Surprise rolled through his body, but didn't do much to slow him down as he threw the door open and strode in. His body literally filling the door frame as he scanned the room with a low growl.

The Mare was waiting on him in her bed. She sat up as he entered the room, looking over him with lustful surprise. Lights glistened off her sweat-streaked pelt. Chest heaving as she sat there on the bed, each examining the other carefully. The room was drenched in her scent, bed soaked with a cocktail of sweat and her need. Toys lay scattered across the bedding, vibrators and dildos proving to be no match for her need. A huff sounded form the mare, followed by a short squeal. He answered Her with a grunt that built into a call as he stood tall and proud. Wings flaring as wide as the room would allow, cock lifting eagerly. Somewhere in the space behind him, the bell chimed the midnight hour.

Seeming satisfied, she turned on the bed and brought her feet off the edge of the mattress. Planting one hoof on the ground, the other remained on the bed as she hiked her hips. Bound tail lifted up, exposing those glistening obsidian folds to him. They winked, blazing red walls catching the light as she rocked her hips back with another squeal. Come and get me, she said with a look.

He didn't remember crossing the room, just that he found himself behind her, hands curling around her hips. The stallion grunted and drove forward, cock glancing off her winking folds and sliding over her haunches. Another drove him too low, grazing over her belly. She voiced a grunt of her own and hiked her hips as he lined up. Too soft fingers reached back, sneaking out from under her belly to cup his length. Angled just so that when he thrust next, he slipped over her palm and found its target with a squelch.

Burning pussy squelched around his cock, juices squirting out around the sheer thickness of his member. The Mare had to drop her hands to the bed, mouth falling open in a scream as he spread her far wider than her toys ever could. The Stallion's beak cracked with a snap as he hunched over her, powerful frame slamming into her backside with that first thrust. She was his world now, those round hips pressing into his lap as her heat soaked into his flesh. It felt like nothing he could have ever imagined. The way her walls rolled against him and that warmth sank into his pillar. He could feel it touching his tip, that muscle that blocked his way to her womb.

There's no telling how long he might have sat there, lost in the feeling of a receptive, willing female wrapped around him. Her hips rocked and pressed back against him, bumping his groin just hard enough to set him into motion.

Ripping his cock back, he only stopped as the winking walls squeezed at his flared tip. A shiver drove him into The Mare again, balls crashing against her belly. She threw her head back with a feral squeal as walls clamped against him. The Stallion was torn between grunting and snarling as he drew back again, gut tightening as his entire body trembled over her.

It was his turn to shriek as he pounded home, everything breaking loose all at once. His cock leapt within her as he began to cum, the virginal stallion overwhelmed by the heat and need that surrounded him. Body crashed against her backside, his pseudo-knot swelling just within her folds as those heavy balls jumped. Even with the repeated draining over the last day, they were more than ready to give her more than she could handle. Her hips rocked back against him, walls clamping with instinct and need as they drew his seed as deep as they could. Even with their bodies doing all they could to hold it in, his seed began to leak from their tight joining within mere instants later.

"There you go," she purred the words to him, reaching up to stroke his cheek as he laid his head on her shoulder, trembling as everything simply overwhelmed him. "Feeling better now?"

While he was aware that she was talking to him and was distantly sure he knew what the words were, they only sounded like noise to him. She began to pull away from him, that bulge popping out of her with a gasp. A smile was flashed up at the male as she began to roll onto her side slowly. He had to brace his hands on the mattress as his body threatened to give out without her support there. The creature known as Tyron leaned back with a low hiss, feeling her pussy sliding against his cock. Hands grabbed at her thighs and pulled her back towards him. The Mare squealing in surprise as both her legs came up, falling against his broad chest as he drove in.

His balls slapped off her backside with a fleshy smack. The virility of youth and his own savage nature meaning that he was recharged and ready to redeem himself within seconds.

Leaning over her, he braced both hands on the bed and snarled as he began to pound her. Her legs pressing against his chest as she threw her head back with a cry. Body lifting and rolling towards him, driving into his lap as he pounded. Her pussy squelching and slurping, a mixture of his thick spunk and her honey clinging to his length and dripping freely to the floor. She grabbed at his thick arms, lifting herself towards him with deep groans. His balls slapped off her backside with each thrust. The force of his thrusts making her bed shake and scoot across the room.

Somehow a leg slipped off his chest and curled around a thigh. Pulling tighter against the male as her pants rose faster and faster. The Mare's body lifted towards him as she screamed something. While the words might have been lost on his heat-addled mind, the tone and squeal that followed made her meaning clear.

Her walls clamped around his cock, lifting towards him. Warmth pulsed around his cock as she trembled, pulling at him.

The pair shifted on the bed, him trying to keep closer to her even as the force of his blows began to shift The Mare higher onto the bed. She squirmed and rolled, not letting The Stallion get too far away as he rutted her through her climax. Praises and moans fell upon him as they kept working together.

Somehow, the pair wound up fully on the mattress, both her legs draped over his thighs as she lifted herself into his thrusts. Meeting each one with feral need. Her squeals being buried into chest ruff as he pressed tighter to her. His motions came faster and harder, barely even moving now as that bulge grew and stretched her walls. Each wet pop quickly followed by a loud double smack as it was driven through her folds followed quickly by his sac crashing against her.

The Mare's nearly feral squeal was met with The Stallion's wild screech as they came together. Bodies pressed flush as they could get. Flesh leaping before being met with a firm squeeze of the tunnel walls. Calls died down to heavy pants and soft whispers. His head dropping with light vocalizations and chirps as golden eyes drifted closed. Her hands stroked his arms and chest as soft words were breathed out for him.

Cool air from the vents washed over the sweat-lathered pair as they sank onto the ruined bedding. Bodies shifted until the male pulling out of her with a wet plop, spilling their cocktail across the sheets. Eyes drifted as well as fingers simply played with his feathers as she breathed. The pair asleep within seconds.

Margrete woke slowly, breathing out a soft huff as her eyes cracked open. Sunlight leaked around her heavy curtains to mark the morning. Her ceiling light and fan were still running, cool air washing over what parts of her bare body weren't covered by the large hippogryph who was half-covering her with his frame. Great head tucked between her breasts, hooked tip of his beak nearly touching her collarbone. His eyes were closed in slumber, a deep croon rolling out with each breath. It had been a very long time since he'd slept with her like this. Still remembered that night, it'd been a really bad thunderstorm and he'd only been five.

A smile curled over her lips as she looked down at her boy, well man now it seemed. Fingers stroked along his cheeks slowly, fine feathers ruffling up as those croons took on a more purring note. If she hadn't woken up under him, with the reminder of last night drying on her backside, she wouldn't have believed what happened. Her body was still reverberating from the savagery of the night before. It reminded her of what it'd been like with his father. That raw, animalistic need that had driven the male to simply mounting and going until he was done. The big difference there was that the gryphon had repeatedly tried cramming every inch of his cock into her, including that fat knot. She winced to herself, remembering how that had felt when he'd managed to get it in towards the end of their few days together.

"I fucked up, didn't I?" his head rolled onto her touch with a mournful groan. The deep amber gold of his eye shining behind one partially open eye.

She leaned down to kiss his beak, "Normally I'd fuss, but you earned that one." A soft sigh as hands swept along his head, nails working through that plumage just enough to scratch in the way she knew he loved. "If you fucked up then I did too. It's okay, Baby." Leaning in, she kissed his beak again and smiled as she breathed out a deeper murmur to him. The larger male groaned at the gentle pets and her soft noises. Head twisting to look away, but only ending up nuzzling one of her breasts.

Laying as they were it was impossible for her to miss how his cock began to firm and press against her thigh. Cheeks flushed as she felt him start to squirm, uttering another mournful groan that made her heart ache. She answered that sorrowful noise with a coo of her own, "Shh, it's okay. It's okay..." curling fingers under his chin, she pulled at him gently, trying to coax the hippogryph to slide up over her. He resisted a moment, "It's okay, I'm okay with it."

Head rolled as he continued to groan, "But what if I... what if we..."

Margrete kissed his beak again, "If it happens it happens." Leaning up, she pressed her forehead to his and smiled. "We never did go back to the doctor to find out if you were fertile or not did we?" He shook his head a little, starting to huff as his body moved against hers slowly. That was a question that had come up when he was born. Typically, equine hybrids were infertile for the most part, but he was far from typical. Rather than get him tested, she'd give him the option to get checked if and when he wanted. Nuzzling against his cheek, she whuffled gently.

Tyron uttered a nearly animalistic noise as his fat tip brushed against her pussy. Her hips lifting right as her pussy winked against him. Feathers ruffled with a deep huff as the hippogryph shuddered before pushing forward. She threw her head back with a gasp as he shoved his full length into her again. Aching walls spreading around his girth and hugging it so tight.

She'd dated a few guys here and there over the years, had slept with a few of them as well, but none had worked out for one reason or another. The last few years had been quite the dry spell with only her toys to scratch her itch. Now she had a warm, hard male buried balls deep into her. Her heat didn't care that it was her son. As deeply as his instinct must have been driving him to her bed, hers was driving her to be wrapped around a male.

His hiss shook her to the core, deep and predatory, it reminded her all too keenly of that fateful week camping so many years ago. The raw, savage noise drawing a shiver from the mare as she wrapped her legs around his bulk and lifted with a needy squeal. He answered with a snap of his beak and a hiss, body pounding into hers again.

Last night she'd been so consumed by her own heat that everything was little more than a dream. Now she was more awake, alert, and fully aware of what was happening. His thrusts were just raw power, shaking her to the core and sending the bed crashing against the wall. There was no pattern or rhythm to it though. Legs squeezed his body and pulled, guiding him into something that was better for both of them. The thunderous crack of balls on ass turning into a steadier thudding as the male drove himself into her, claiming her body as his to breed.

Ty narrowed his eyes as that warmth wrapped around him. He'd felt that instinctive need starting to build again before his mother invited him on top of her. Last night could have very well been a dream, or maybe nightmare depending on how he viewed it, if he hadn't woken up in bed with her with the scent of sex hanging around them. He'd been all but ready to slide back to his room and try to ignore what had happened.

Until she invited him to go again. Those little assurances had coaxed made his warring halves slide more into alignment. It mattered less that it was his mother so long as it was a willing mare eager to help drain his need.

He wasn't fully aware of her guiding him through the act. The way her thighs pressed to his flanks and hooves tapped his body very similar to how a rider would guide their mount. Low snorts sounded form the hippogryph stallion as his pseudo-knot began to swell, the lewd popping of her pussy around him making his ear tufts perk up. "Gonna..."

Lips brushed over his beak, her broad tongue brushing over his pointed tongue before retreating. "DO IT!" She arched her back and slipped a hand down, fingers playing with her engorged clit. The mare's voice rose in several pants, moans growing louder before she arched with a squeal. He slammed in with a shriek of his own, that bump popping past her lips before he flooded her depths with his seed.

Head dropped to press against her neck with a groan, shuddering with his climax. She breathed out a moan and pressed her cheek to his in return. Petting along his head and neck as she breathed out sweet nothings to her big boy. "Stay in until you soften," she whispered.

Feathers brushed her cheek as he nodded. He slowly lowered his weight onto her, drawing a soft groan from the mare as she was sandwiched between him and the mattress. Cheeks flushed as she breathed out a soft huff and nuzzled into his plumage. Nose burying there to inhale his scent. She wrapped her arms around his broad chest and nuzzled, "No matter what happens, it'll be okay." Her lip gave the barest of trembles as she remembered how people treated her while she was pregnant with Tyron, "I'll find some way to work it out."

A shift of his hips made his cock plop out of her, a rush of seed falling to the bed. "No," he grumbled as he rolled off her. Practically dropping onto his side beside her as he looked over her with those sharp eyes of his. "No," he repeated, shaking his head. "We'll find some way to work it out." Feathers ruffled as his head angled in his version of a smile, "You said if I fucked up, then we both did. Only fair."

She laughed, "Cursing again, do you kiss your mother with that mouth, GoofyPoof?" Ruffling his feathers, she drew an indignant squawk from the hippogryph. His head twisting to nip gently at her fingers. Focusing on one as she wiggled it in front of his beak before tapping on it. "I am going to go make some breakfast." She started to sit up, looking down her body at the mess that coated her lower areas. "Probably clean up first though." Leaning over, she kissed his beak. "We'll find some way to make everything work out."

He nibbled on her lips in return and laid his head down on the pillow, watching as she walked out of the room. Ear tufts perked as his sharp eyes picked out a drip of cum oozing down her thigh as she walked. There was a definite sway to her hips, but also a slight limp too. Nares flushed as he breathed out a quiet huff.

Maybe he was a bit too rough. Eyes narrowed as he looked over the bed, that flush growing hotter. The bed was practically soaked in a couple spots from their rutting. His talons had shredded the top sheet in a couple places where he'd braced himself. Not to mention that the bed that had been nearly in the center of the back wall now stood at a strange angle, several feet from where it had been. To top it off, the room reeked of sex. The scent of mare in heat practically soaked into the walls, now competing with the scent of his cum that he knew all too well, and under it all was the musk of sweaty horses. Strangely, despite how that estrus scent tickled at his senses, it wasn't driving him to a bestial frenzy. He did feel those stirrings still but it was a gentle hum within his head rather than the roaring blaze that burned him.

As much as he wanted to stay in bed, he needed to get up if only for his bladder's needs more than anything else. Which the bathroom could wait until he'd at least stripped the bed down. They could make it up later, if they ever got around to that.

Separating the parts that could be washed from the shredded sheet, he dropped them into the hamper. An ear tuft twitched at the sound of his mother in the kitchen. Since she was out of the bathroom, he tromped into it to take care of other morning problems. Quick use of the toilet took care of one problem, and a warm washcloth took care of the mess that had been drying on his body.

Fur still damp from his quick wash, he padded out into the living room and peered into the kitchen. His mother had her back to him, her favorite apron wrapped around her body and tied up, but that was all she wore. Her mane, which was usually braided up, had been let down to flow freely across her shoulders and spill down her back. She'd changed out the wrap that was wrapped around her tail. Keeping it mostly bunched up until the very tip. It twitched from side to side as her hips swayed, humming as she worked.

An ear twisted towards him as his hooves clopped on the tile. "Was just about to put breakfast in the oven. It'll be a bit before its done." She bent over to slide the sheet into the oven. The motion making her bound tail flick up and bare her pussy at him. His groan rolled in his throat as those dark lips winked at him, drawing the hippogryph in.

He was barely aware of last night, but he did vaguely remember her presenting for him at the very beginning of it all. The urge to get a good look at it was too tempting to pass up.

The oven door was just closing as he dropped to his knees and moved up behind her with a croon. Both her ears were perking and her head was just starting to turn as he gripped her backside and spread her cheeks apart. Beak moving in to rub the smooth edge against her lips. Her gasp made his ear tufts perk as her tail shot up, body rolling back against his beak. Eyes widened as she winked again, groaning as he was given a perfect view of her folds and entrance, juices coating his beak. Lifting his head, he nuzzled into her privates as his talons kneaded her backside. A huff came from the older mare as he molested here right there in front of the stove. Her huff rolled onto a throaty groan as feet stepped apart and her body hiked back towards him. "Going to wear me out at this rate."

Standing up, he flexed his hips and made his cock swing up. As he stepped in, muscles relaxed and that cock came crashing down on her backside. "Do you want me to stop?" he kneaded her backside slowly, both huffing as he rubbed his cock up and down between her cheeks.

Blushing ears pinned back against her flowing mane as she pushed back towards him, "Breakfast had better not burn." She planted both hands on the stove and stepped her feet wider apart as she rocked back.

With that invitation, he plunged right back in. Except this time he leaned back to watch as her body spread around him. Dark folds parting to flash those flushed ruby interior walls as they stretched against his bare cock. She lifted her tail and rolled her hips to give him a better viewing angle. Beak chattered as he pulled back, those walls clenching down around him and making his length glisten in the light that was pouring into the kitchen.

She let out a needy grunt and bucked back into his thrust, coaxing him to go faster with his next one. Bodies soon crashing off each other as his hands kneaded her hips. The hippogryph let out deep groans and throaty huffs as he slammed into his mother, her little shifts and rolls giving him silent signals on what he should be doing at any given moment.

Her hands swept down to cup his, guiding one up along her body as she rolled back into him. One large hand curled around her front until it closed around her ample breast. His other followed hers around her belly. Resting her hand on top of either of his, she guided him through feeling her. A push against her belly let him feel his cock as it pounded deep into her core. Following her guide, he quickly found her perked nipple and gave it a light squeeze.

Ty followed and dipped his hand lower, easily finding her engorged clit. His touch making her drive back into him with a gasp. Her head falling back to his shoulder as her moans rolled against him.

Lewd squelches and slurps sounded from the pair. Each thrust becoming wetter and wetter as her juices soaked his cock and crouch. With her guiding his hands, it was only a matter of moments before the smaller female shuddered against him and squealed. Pussy clamping down against him as muscles rolled over his length. A snarl rolled up his frame as his head dropped, beak scratching against her shoulder as he slammed that pseudo-knot into her with a loud pop. Hot folds wrapped around his base and squeezing down as he erupted. Dark pelt pressing tight to hers as he drained all the vigor that a prime male had to offer.

Bodies rolled against each other as she reached up to stroke his cheek. "That's my boy," came the breathless praise. Chest heaving as she came down from her orgasm. Body humming with pleasure as his fingers kept teasing her hard nipples.

They stayed like that, pressed tight together with his wings pressing to his side lightly as his body vibrated with that deep purr. He even lingered for a moment after his cock slipped out, spilling cum to the tiled floor once it wasn't plugging her up. She turned her head to kiss his cheek, "Get me a towel, Sweety. I'll check on breakfast."

"Yes, Ma'am." He waited a moment longer before stepping away. She smiled at him, shivering as a fat drop of cum ran down her thigh. With an exasperated sigh, she grabbed a paper towel and got it wet, cleaning up briefly before checking on the meal.

He padded back into the room, looking at her as she bent over again to get the food out. She glanced back, "Don't get any ideas," came the huff, "Drop the towel here. Sit." The large male grunted and did as he was told. She stepped onto the towel and wiped across the floor to get the mess before it stuck around her clean kitchen too long. A flick of her foot sent the towel sailing to drape over a chair. Ty watched with perked ears as she dished up breakfast and joined him at the table, sitting down on the towel with a soft whuffle.

Breakfast was quick, Ty scarfing the food down with his usual vigor. Margrete was scarfing down almost as fast as she could as well for once. As with other meals, theirs was in comfortable silence. Not much to say to update each other about their week. He'd only just finished when she ordered him to the couch. "I'll be there in a minute."

Sliding onto the couch, he leaned back and kicked his hooves up on the rest, watching as she put the dishes aside to be cleaned later. Getting a fresh towel, she joined him before long, taking the remote so she could find something for them to watch before pressing to his side. He draped an arm around her shoulders and reclined as she nuzzled into his chest, breathing out soft murmurs of her own. Fingers digging through the thicker chest ruff to scratch lightly.

Sated for the first time in days, Ty narrowed his eyes and simply basked in the... would it be wrong to call it domestic bliss? Head tilted to peer down at his mother, beak clicking softly as he rolled around thoughts now that he could do more than think about sex. It seemed that even his vigor had its limit since he was only feeling the distant whispers of lust rather than the bellowing war cry. Letting his fingers stroke over her side lightly, he only half-watched the movie as he examined everything over the last few days.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Margrete said after about a half-hour or so. His ear tufts tilted towards her. "I know when you're thinking real hard about something." She rolled to look up at him with a half smile, "You went from grumbling to a little 'done' chirp you always do when you come to a conclusion." Giving his beak a pat, she pressed against his chest, ear twisting to listen.

Turning his head, he combed his beak through her mane, nibbling at it gently as he preened his mother's hair. "I think I understand it better." She breathed out a questioning hum and tapped his beak with her ear. "What happened back with you and my father years ago. I honestly thought you were just..."

"A stupid teen that made a mistake?"

He let out an embarrassed cough, "Yeah." Beak nibbled along her mane a few seconds. "I mean, why stay around a wild animal like that when you could have gotten away? Why even start with it and keep going. After this week..." he shivered as he thought about the night before, "I understand more." Nuzzling into her hair, he close his eyes and whispered, "Thank you."

A gentle touch made him lift his head, "No Baby, thank you. A mother couldn't ask for a better, more understanding son than you." She nuzzled his beak gently, "I know I haven't been the best mother, I couldn't always get you what you deserve, but I've done my best with what I've got. And if you ever want to stop..." she waved a hand down at her own nudity, "this, or anything else. I want you to let me know immediately, okay? We'll go right back to before and never bring this up again."

He leaned in to nibble at her lips gently, his way of kissing. She breathed out a soft moan and leaned up towards him. A gentle touch angling his head so she could slide her broad tongue into his waiting beak. She gently licked against his torn as her fingers stroked his cheek.

Margrete broke the kiss and flashed a smile at him, "Take that to mean that you want to keep going." Brows bounced as she looked down, seeing his cock as it lifted, "And that?"

"Please," he crooned.

She couldn't keep the smile off her lips as she rolled against him. Back to his chest as she reached down to stroke his cock, "Well, since you're being very polite and said please..." leaning down, she ran her tongue around his tip. Breathing out a moan against his strong flavor as she immediately coaxed a fat drop of precum out. Petting his shaft, she drew a bit more precum out before cleaning it off with a quick sweep of her tongue. "Why don't I show you how a real woman handles this?"

He only managed to perk his ear tufts in question before she wrapped velvet soft lips around him. Her teeth gently brushing over his flesh as she bobbed down. Tongue rolled against his flesh as she let her lips flutter against him. Feathers stood up as the male uttered a groan, watching with wide eyes as she took him right down to the root before drawing up. Her cheeks nearly caved in as she pulled back with a slurp that shook him to the core. Gentle fingers curled around his balls, rolling them in her hand as she worked her head up and down his pole.

Mouth popped off with a gasp, rolling her head to look up at him with a smile as she stroked his cock. "Such a big boy, and so ready to go." She smiled as her lips played over his balls. "Going to wear me down to nothing before the week's out, aren't you?"

Tyron could only manage a groan as she suckled on his balls. Hand practically flying over his cock. The hippogryph arched, huffing as he pushed against the attention as she changed her grip on his length.

She drove back onto his cock, head bobbing steadily as her hand shifted between his balls and shaft. Giving both equal attention as the stallion groaned, head falling back until he was staring blankly at the ceiling. The way her tongue moved as teeth pressed against him just so? Saying she was better than Brittany was no boast! He could feel his orgasm start boiling up within mere seconds.

Gripping his hand, she guided it down to her breast. Pressing her back to his belly to give him more access. Thankful for the small distraction, he followed her guide again and let his massive mitt cup her mound. Squeezing and seeking out her nipple to pinch.

A moan shook down his cock, showing him he was on the right path. Gentle now, he reminded himself as he rolled the teat between his digits. A tug guided his hand to her other breast. Both. Yes, pay attention to both. Beak hung open as he rocked his hips, trying to focus on teasing his mother as her head bobbed over his throbbing length. The large male groaned and snapped his beak. Words catching in his craw as he tried several times to say anything. Finally croaking, "Cumming," a mere second before unloading.

Margrete bobbed her head down, lips pressed to his bulge as she let him fire. Tongue rubbing his cock as she let each shot pool in her maw before swallowing down. Making sure that not a single drop of that rich cream escaped her lips.

Pulling back with a cough, she wiped a trail of drool from her lips, "Didn't think you'd put out that much." Flashing a grin at him, she stroked his still hard length. "My turn now."

He rolled his head and looked at her with lidded eyes as she straddled his lap. Winking lips pressing against him before allowing him entry. Ty immediately reached for her hips to try and buck up, but she responded with a smack to his wrists. "Nah uh, I'm in control this time, Mister." Instinct drove him to hiss and snap his beak with annoyance. "What was that?" she asked, brow arching as she held her hips perfectly still. The large male grumbled and tried to thrust up, but she lifted in return so he didn't go any deeper. He tried to grab at her again but was met with another slap to the wrist and gave him The Look.

Savage or not, wild or civilized, there wasn't a male alive that wouldn't wilt before one of those Looks. Ear tufts fell back as he turned his head, "Sorry."

"Who is in charge?" she asked as she lifted her hips, sinking down his cock slowly until her rear nestled against his balls. Cock still sensitive from the blowjob, he could only croak. "Who is in charge?" came the repeated question as she bounced on him.

"You arrrre," he groaned.

Lips brushed his beak, "That's my boy." Wrapping her arms around his head, she guided him down to her breasts as she rode him. Moaning softly as she bounced on his pole like a perverse merry-go-round. Arms wrapped around her middle, grabbing handfuls of her rump as she bounced on him. The gasp and push encouraged him to start kneading her ass. Twisting his head, he let his tongue dart over a nipple before biting at it. "Ah! Gentle now."

Ty liberated a hand to cup his target breast, holding it steady as his beak and tongue lavished attention on it. "Ohhhhh," came the glorious praise, "My boy's picking it up quick!" Fingers ran down his neck and back as she rolled her hips faster. He gave a test thrust and was greeted with a throaty moan and a tug at his feathers.

Legs spread and hooves planted themselves, one on the footstool and the other on the coffee table. The hippogryph began to pound his mother, balls cracking off her backside as he matched her pace. Low groans were met with deep huffs as her hot walls pulsed around him.

With her at the helm, slowing down as they approached their climaxes, only to pick right back up as they calmed down, the credits were beginning to roll before twin cries rose from the pair. Bodies pressing flush as he filled her milking tunnel with another hefty load. Mare pressing tight to Stallion as he filled her with every drop he could spare. Only having a slightly smaller load than the very first. It wouldn't be too long before the question became if the teen could keep up with the seasoned mare.

Wings tucked around her body as they held each other. Just breathing and enjoying the closeness as the clock ticked off the time with solemn precision.

"Still can't believe that Brittany was seriously considering trying to file rape charges against you." Ty breathed out a curious noise as he worked his shoes off and hung them up. Vanessa lay out on his bed, poking at his computer again. "It's something I'd heard and she confirmed when I messaged her. After word got out that you'd stormed out of the theater, thanks to Rachel at the ticket stand, some fuckers encouraged her to make up a story that you were all over her and wouldn't take no for an answer. Only leaving after she'd threatened to spray you. I reminded her that I had logs of everything she said, and that if she even thought about it I'd be first in line to prove her wrong."

It'd been a few weeks since the theater fiasco and things still weren't settled fully. Seems that the skunk's picture had done its rounds through who knew what all circles. Getting back to school, he'd been greeted with odd looks and whispers, on top of a flurry of girls wanting to try and get with him. Not just girls his age either, some of their mothers had been flirting at him too. More than a few would have gotten bites from their antics if V hadn't been there to help get them off him.

"What brought that up?" He asked as he dropped belly down on the bed, side pressed against his cousin's flank. Sliding a hand up, he rubbed her back lightly as they lay there.

A huff sounded from the mare as she leaned into the rubs, "Just someone sharing a screenshot of a conversation they were having in another group. She's really not happy about being made out to be the school's bike."

He mumbled his agreement, "Her dad wasn't too happy to see me at the store either." Knuckles pressed against her back lightly, working a tense spot he found.

V bit her bottom lip and moaned as he worked the tension out. "No. Although the look on his face when you started bellowing was priceless." She laughed and poked around the browser. "I don't think anyone has ever heard you really yell like that." Breath caught as he found another tense spot. "God," she grunted, "you have about a thousand years to stop that." Head rolled to look at him, "What's been with you? You've been a lot calmer and more affectionate the last couple weeks."

Broad shoulders rolled, "Had a personal revelation."

Her brows lifted in a silent question, but when he didn't reply she turned her attention back to the computer. "I'm not complaining at all." Ty rolled a little more onto his side and let his hand work along her spine, other other tucking under his pillow. It was a scene that had played out countless times before. After school, neither having anything else to do other than spend time together. Enjoy some peace and quiet after the day fraught with teenage angst and before family could come and remind them of their place. Just a time for the two cousins to enjoy some peace. Not that his mother was disruptive to them, Ty was sure that V loved his mom more than she loved her own.

Laying there, he let his eyes roam over her body as she stretched out on the bed. Hair done up in a braid, bits of metal and beads woven into the strands here and there. A little smile crossed his feathers as he looked over her before turning his attention to the laptop. She was working her way through a dungeon crawler he'd found a few days ago. Eyes glistening as she picked out treasure from a fight.

Just looking at the laptop reminded him of that sleepless night where they'd bared it all to each other. She'd teased him with some more pictures since, and he'd returned the favor. They'd even had a couple other sessions late at night now that she was home. Including her breaking out a toy to use as he watched. Naturally, he'd watched in the privacy of his own room. And yes, it was still his room. Despite the week with his mother, they still had their own spaces. There were times where they would share beds, sometimes his, others hers, but it was strangely comfortable for both of them to have some little haven of their own.

As thoughts turned to the private time with their computers, his eyes returned to Vanessa's body. Trailing along her curves with quiet appreciation. His hand trailed down the curve of her spine, brushing lightly over her backside. Ears lifted slightly and her tail twitched, but the mare didn't acknowledge it as his hand returned to her back. Couple more passes before sliding down her rear again. This time making a slow pass along those gentle curves.

V's tail lifted under the touch and hips pressed back as she sucked in a light breath. He looked at her and saw her eyes were still locked on the computer screen, but an ear was turned towards him. Seems he had her attention, but she wasn't wanting to let him know that he had it let.

Stretching out on the bed, he lay more fully on his side as his hand drifted around her rump. Easing under the base of her tail and brushing there before squeezing a cheek lightly. There was no mistaking the quiet moan now and the push towards him. He let his hand continue stroking her rear for a long moment, gently kneading every few seconds. After a moment, he let his grip slide down over her hip casually.

Ear tufts perked and his hand stopped as she let out a sudden snort, "Stupid game giving me a bad load out." Picking up his laptop, Vanessa rolled onto her side, pressing back against her larger cousin. Her head found its way onto his arm before she laid the laptop down to continue playing.

Now that her rear was firmly planted against him, the hippogryph let his hand explore her exposed front. Planting light scratches and gentle rubs across her thighs and up her belly. The way she was laying her made her shirt ride up nigh enough to expose her belly to him. Allowing his fingers to dance across her bare abs and higher. He could feel her breathed in as his hand moved under her top and made right for her breast. Easily nudging her bra aside so he could cup a mound. Her head rocked back to his chest and eyes narrowed as the sweetest of moans whispered out of her lips.

Ty could feel her hips twitch back against him as his talons circled her nipple. Pressing against her lightly, he let her feel that bulge as it began to grow. He was careful to scratch just hard enough to bring the soft flesh to a peak, but not hard enough to actually harm the mare. Her flesh rose under the attention, reaching a peak after only a few strokes. Beak dipped to nibble an ear affectionately, "Probably don't want that card," he whispered as he pushed on the teat lightly before swapping his attention to the others.

"Uh huh," was the breathless agreement, her eyes narrowing as nostrils flared. He could feel her heart as it started hammering in her chest, breasts heaving into his touch as her excitement grew.

V started the next round of combat and reached back. Her manicured and painted nails scraping over denim as she felt his bulge. Turning his head, he planted a gentle kiss on her neck followed by a light nip. There was no containing the moan this time, nor was there any denying her enjoyment as she fumbled with his pants. "Let me." Leaning back, he opened his jeans for her. Her own hand flying to undo her own jeans, letting them hang loosely over her hips as her attention fell back to the game.

His cock sprang free of his jeans, the boxers already failing to contain him as he pressed up against her. Since she'd been kind enough to loosen her pants for him, he thanked her by letting his hand glide between denim and flesh. She lifted as he eased her jeans down to her thighs, leaving her with just her panties between them. Not that he minded as he pressed his bare length against her backside. Hand returning to stroke her thigh and squeeze it lightly.

"Fuck this," she very nearly squealed. He snatched his hand away as she sat up without warning. Moving the laptop to the shelf, she cast a blushing glance back and began to strip her clothes off, dropping them to the floor. Taking the hint, he did the same thing himself. "Oh wow," she exclaimed as he laid back down, having turned to face him. Ducking her head, she looked down at his cock with a nervous giggle as her fingers stroked the hot pillar. "It looked big in the picture, and on cam, but..." she trailed off into a huff as his sent reached her flared nostrils. "Can I..." she glanced up, "I mean, if it's okay with you."

Tyron rolled onto his back and smiled, "Share and share alike, Cuz." Blushing hotly, she moved to lean down. Sniffing his cock gently before giving it a test lick. Muzzle screwed up against the taste, "Little strong," she admitted, "But not entirely in a bad way?" Another lick before slowly working her head down his girth.

Not to be left out, he let his hand trail over her pert ass as she knelt there. The hippogryph grabbed her thighs and showed off his strength as he almost literally hauled her on top of his chest. V let out a surprised sound, the noise cut off by the cock buried in her muzzle, but readily moved to straddle him. Tail flicking up as his hands came down on her rear and kneaded it. Ears perked as she bobbed her head slowly, tasting a dollop of precum as it fell to her tongue.

His tongue flicked against her outer lips before the smooth top of his beak rubbed over her tender bits. A deep rumble made it tremble against her, shaking eve so slightly as he nuzzled. Ever mindful of just where that sharp hook was as he rubbed her.

Another moan shook down his cock as she bobbed her head on him. Part of her was surprised at what was happening, but it was overwhelmed by the parts that were thankful it was happening finally. She couldn't begin to count the times she'd woken up in a sweat since their first cam show. This is wrong, said that tiny voice, he's your cousin you can't do this with him! Shut up, the rest of her said, we have been wanting this for a long time and we're going to enjoy it.

Ty purred as her outer lips swelled with arousal, juices starting to glisten on his beak before long. He angled his head and let his tongue slide out to find her clit. Not too much though. This was just a bit of foreplay before the main show, if she was willing.

"All the way?" His question jarred her out of her unsteady bobs. Pulling back to look back questioningly. "Do you want to go oral all the way?" Head angled to look up at her with that intense stare.

She only had to think about it for an instant. "No. I..." she bit her bottom lip and giggled, butterflies dancing in her belly. "I want to feel it." Leaning back down, she ran her tongue from his base all the way to the tip, "Does taste good though."

With their path decided, the mare slipped off him and moved as he positioned her. Rolling onto her back in the middle of that huge bed and looking up as the large male moved over her. A nervous shiver rolled through her body, and the chill from the vent, but calmed as his warmth moved over her. Didn't mean that she didn't jump and squeak when his cock fell to her pussy with a firm smack. He breathed out a low chuckle and smiled, "Tell me if I go too fast."

Before she could ask where this cool confidence and dominance had come from, she felt his fat crown pressing to her entrance. The mare arched with a huff, grabbing his pillows as thighs framed his body. Wet pussy spread against his thickness as he spread her far wider than any of her puny toys could have dreamed.

Mouth fell open in a gasp as he slipped ever deeper, practice keeping the noise to a whisper. But she wasn't at home, she reminded herself, she was with Ty and they were the only two in the house for the next few hours. "Oh god," she moaned out loud as she pushed up. They had the house to themselves for hours! How many times would they manage before Auntie M came home? Once? Twice? A dozen? She didn't care!

Throwing her arms and legs around him,s he arched into his next thrust. Feeling how it jarred her to the core. A pleasured squeal was shaken loose as she pushed against him. Sure, she'd been with another guy before this. They'd messed around a bit. She blew him, he fingered her, and they'd talked about sex but broke up long before it got that far. He'd been cute and she liked him, but she didn't feel a fraction as much need for him as she felt right now.

Oh fuck she was fucking her cousin and loving every second of it.

Hips lifted towards his as her gut tightened, "Oh fuck, Ty. Oh fuck, Ty! Faster!" He picked up the pace just as she asked. Bliss! That's what was this was pure, unadulterated bliss!

Fingers dug into his pillow as her cries became louder and more frequent. She wasn't even sure if she was talking anymore or just screaming. It didn't matter though, not as he kept taking her with those shallow thrusts. Her back arched and she pulled him tighter to her as she squealed with her climax. The stallion snorted and slammed into her faster, barely able to move his hips within her vice-like hold. There was no question about where she wanted him to finish, and he wasn't going to argue.

Her whole world exploded into lights and sparks, clinging to that feathered chunk of obsidian as he buried himself in her. A smooth roll of his hips pressing that bulge past her lips with a wet pop that resonated through her being. Unbelievable warmth flooding her depths as he finished mere seconds after her. Throaty grunts coming from the hippogryph as his body rocked against hers. Bucking for each mighty burst of his seed that painted her walls and began to leak from her onto his bed.

V's cheeks were burning from it all as she lifted her head. Ty leaned in and angled his head, meeting her in a kiss before she could think to ask for one. Sharp beak gently closing against her muzzle as his tongue slipped into her waiting maw. Pushing her tongue back, she deepened the kiss and pulled him tighter to her.

Their kiss was brief, the stallion pulling away as his cock slipped out with a wet pop that made her gasp and look up. He shifted his bulk out of the way, letting her see his stained length and the rush of cum that escaped her gaping hole. "Oh my... holy fuckamole." Reaching down with a shaking hand, she rubbed her pussy, groaning as her fingers dipped into the mess and lifted up. Looking at Tyron, she couldn't help but let out a giddy giggle as she licked her fingers. "That was... what made you do that?"

He rolled his shoulders and purred as he laid down beside her. "Been wanting to."

She tucked in close against him, nuzzling into his plumage. "Glad you did, cause I wanted it too." Her tail twitched behind her, insides still trembling as she lay there in the bed. Only too aware of how she was leaking. "Shit." Ear tufts perked as he trilled curiously. "We need to clean up before Auntie gets home. Last thing I want is to explain to her or my mom is why your room smells like sex." He thought about it a moment before nodding in agreement. Yeah, there was no telling how his mom would react if she smelled another mare on him. Out of everything they'd talked about and done, that hadn't exactly come up yet. And thinking about it, he wasn't entirely sure how to broach the subject. Hey mom, I just fucked Vanessa, that okay? Just thinking about it, it sounded like some next-level Sitcom shenanigans.

Mighty body stretched slowly, "Good point." Tucking an arm around her, he breathed out a deep croon as he leaned in to nibble along her neck. "Can probably wash the sheets before she gets home. Shower too."

Vanessa couldn't help but feel a little giddy as she rubbed his chest, "Think we could shower together? I mean, if you're up for another round I sure as hell wouldn't mind one. And..." she trailed off as she wiggled her hips against the wet spot, "It'd keep the mess down." It sure as hell did. And with the no-slip patches in the shower, it meant he could get some power going if he needed.

"Sure," he flashed her an avian smile. "Would love more." Lifting his head, he glanced down as his cock began to pulse, lifting again. "See?"

The mare giggled again and hopped out of bed, scampering to the shower. He huffed and stripped the bed down quickly, didn't want anything soaking into the mattress. Tossing the bundle towards the living room, he followed her to the bath.

Vanessa already had the shower running and was testing the waters as he approached from behind. Wrapping both arms around her, he pulled her against his frame and kissed her neck. Drawing a moan from the mare as she pressed against him, reaching up to stroke his neck as his great hand covered her breast, kneading the mound.

Still dripping cum from their first romp, the pair shuffled into the shower together. Vanessa trying to hurry the larger stallion in as she whuffled with growing need. He barely had time to draw the curtain shut before her hands were braced to the wall and feet planted on the tub. With warm water misting down on them, she hiked her tail and looked back. "Ty?" came the soft huff as he moved behind her stroking his cock.


V shifted nervously as she rubbed her body back against his hardening length. "I, um..." ears pinned back, "God this is so embarrassing... I know I tease you and call you Beast, but that's what I want right now." Back arched and hips pushed back, "I want to feel the Beast."

His answer didn't come in words. Just a hard pound and a snarl from the hippogryph. Literally driving a squeal from his cousin as he began to hammer her. Hands closing down on her hips to keep her steady.


There was nothing to prepare her and a nothing she could even think to do other than hold on. A snarl pressed down against her as the male loomed over her. Hand slamming into the tile to brace himself for a few thrusts before falling back to her hips. That large mitt cracking off her ass with a smack. His talons scraping lightly as he drew her into his thrusts. Each one driving nearly his full length through her folds. Fat tip stretching her pussy and nearly coming out before being hammered back in to his full depth. His plump sac crashed off her belly with each thrust. The heavy, solid slaps echoing sharply off the wall and making her insides churn as her orgasm built faster than she'd ever imagined.

A wild squeal ripped from the mare, tile walls throwing it back at her, as she came around his cock. Hips jerking and pussy lips twitching in a near-wink. Walls getting incredibly tight against his girth as they tried to coax him to finish.

He ignored her body's please with a hiss. She had asked for the beast and he was going to give it to her. Using every last slab of muscle he had to give her everything she wanted and more. He still kept an eye on her, mindful of just how hard he could go when the mood hit. It was something Mom had drilled into him his entire life, and especially during Heat Week. Wild and hard as he could go, he was keenly aware of Vanessa as well.

Everything she knew was a lie. She'd always heard, and seen in porn, that stallions finished in a few thrusts. Now here she was with her cousin rapidly pushing her to a second climax. She was doing all she could to push back and meet his thrusts, but he was stronger than she'd imagined. Faster. Eyes rolled back in her head as her mouth hung open with a throaty moan.

It was taking everything she had just to stand there and take it from the hippogryph. Never before in her life had she imagined that one could experience such ecstatic joy and deep regret at the same time.

Shoulders hunched as her groans deepened, each one being driven from her by his savage rutting. Tip crashing against her back wall, grinding there for just a breath, before jerking back with a slurp that made her cheeks flush hot. "Cuuuuummmfpppphhk!" she managed to squeal out as she came again, entire body trembling under him.

Tyron answered her squeal with a snarl of his own. Beak scraping against her shoulder as massive hands closed around her hips and drew her back into him. He teased her with that pseudo-knot, rubbing it against her twitching pussy a few times before forcing it in. Keeping his thrusts short and sharp, he let her feel how that bulge rolled against her lips as his balls tightened. Natural virility meaning the prime hybrid stallion had another healthy load primed and ready. Tossing his head, he let out an ear-piercing shriek as he flooded his cousin with his load.

Keeping an arm wrapped under her, he helped support the mare as she trembled under and around him, walls rolling weakly around his spire. "OH god," she huffed and dropped her head, staring at their joining as water rolled off her body. She could see the bulge he made in her gut, how her dark cunny was stretched over that bump of his, and how his impressive pouch leapt with each shot he was pumping into her.

She kept staring until his cock softened enough for him to slip out. A mere handful of seconds after finishing. Jaw dropped with a gasp as he popped free, a gush of cum falling to the tub with heavy, lewd splats. Her knees wobbled, legs nearly giving out as he fell away. She felt strangely empty without him stretching her. "OoooOoooOOOh god," jaws shook with her moan. Ty helping her stand upright even as her knees kept wobbling.

"Are you okay?" he asked, worried about how her legs were wobbling. Had he broken something by accident?

Vanessa laughed hysterically and lay her head against his chest, "Never better."

The door popped open a few hours later, "I'm home!" Margrete called out as she backed into the living room, "And I have pizza."

"Let me get that," Vanessa paused the game and hopped up from the couch to grab a box. "We were wondering if they were going to keep you late or what." Hooves thumped lightly on the wooden floor as she carried the boxes to the kitchen with only the smallest of hesitation in her stride. "Ty was wanting to call to see if you were okay."

"I get worried," he grumbled as he stood to lock the door as his mom followed in his cousin's wake, arms full of her gear.

She laughed, "He does and it's sweet." Ears perked as she looked at the other mare, "Are you okay? Looks like you're limping a bit."

Vanessa somehow managed not to blush as she got out the plates. "Oh, I stepped off the sidewalk wrong. Rolled my ankle just a little. It's sore, but I've had worse." Ty locked up and checked the clock, gently winding it up before looking to the kitchen at the chatting mares. A strange warmth rolled in his chest as he looked over them. Tilting his head, he thought about it. It wasn't anything logical or reasonable, something deep and instinctive. He wasn't looking at his cousin and mother right now. They were his herd, his mares. He was their herdmaster, the one who was there to guard and protect them. And the one to breed them. Feathers mantled as he looked over the pair, Eyes darting from one perfect rum to the other. And breed them he would, came that animalistic whisper from his wild side.

"Oh, Ty Sweety" His mom called as she poured the drinks. "I've got to talk to you about something later, it's important."