Last stand

Story by Sergei fives on SoFurry

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#9 of The wonderful misadventures of Sergei Freeman

Last stand

"Where do they keep coming from!... And why are they wearing lab coats!?" Ivan shouted, as we were fighting "Former" humans (They used to be sane... Now though... They are like the shamblers of Nagashima) inside the lab. "I think they're old scientists, maybe one is Oppenheimer!" I jokingly shouted back. "Ha-ha, very funny." Lt.Wade said "Honestly, I wouldn't even think that you Canadians even cared about Oppenheimer!" "Well of course you wouldn't, you Americans are extremely racist! Right Ivan!" I spat back. "Sergei, you're being racist right now!" He shot back. "Shut up, and fight these things!" Ivan shouted. He was right, we were fighting like little kids. "FINE!" Lt.Wade and I said in unision.

Once we cleared the lab of the fifteen... Things, we had little warning of what came next, except for the scream of pain coming from outside the door. "Did he say, "My bloody lag!" or, "My jetlag!"?" Ivan asked me.

Five minutes later:

"Why the hell are they able to cut through reinforced concrete, but not able to withstand a match?" I joked, "I don't know, why?" Ivan responded, not knowing it was a joke. "Because they're like gasoline, strong in high amounts, but flammable when oxidized." "That was the worst joke I heard you say, which is a pretty hard thing to do, after that joke about the traffic in England, and how the M-25 is a parking lot!" "It was a good joke!" "NO! It wasn't!" Ivan shouted. "Fuck you!" I shouted right next to him.

"We need to draw them awa-WHATTHEHELLISTHATBIGASSMUSCLSHITHEA!!!" Aidan shouted, as he noticed a big, red, quadruped, musclebound insect. "Seems like somebody's doing a douchebag workout! Squad! Focus your fire on the behemoth!" I shouted. They didn't need to be told twice. "My gun isn't hitting it!" A person shouted, but in reality, he was hitting it, but it was doing fuckall. "My flamethrower isn't doing anything to it!" Another man shouted... My grenade launcher wasn't doing anything either. The experimental railgun wasn't doing anything at all to it. "Shit!! It's got me!" Ivan shouted, as the bug-assed motherfucker grabbed him by the torso. I did what came naturally to a soldier. I punched it. HARD! It somehow went flying into the concrete wall breaking it. "What the hell!?" Aidan exclaimed. "I-it glowed... purple... Y-your fist was glowing fucking purple!" "I believe you just used shadow punch. I know what a shadow Pokemon is, I dealt with the cover-up of Shadow Lugia, so the public wouldn't panic and cause mass hysteria..." "THEY'RE COMING OUT OF THE GODDAMN WALLS!!" Ivan shouted as more Kartana floated in through the concrete. He then started doing a stupid idea: go full-auto and start doing what is called "sweeping", as in swinging the gun side to side while holding a machine gun. "NO! Don't do it Ivan!" He didn't listen... He got cut in half. The cut was vertical. He couldn't have survived it under any circumstances. "We have to distract them somehow, while we plan an escape! Sergei! Got any ideas!?" Aidan shouted. "There's a helicopter in the field beside us, and we have a superbike owned by a scientist. I'll take a ride around the island while you prep the helicopter. They're attracted to noise, so I'll keep revving my engine. Don't leave without me, and we can communicate with the walkie talkies. Got that?" I said quickly, in only twenty seconds, while it should have taken thirty for me since I talk slowish. "Don't be slowish!" a scientist yelled. "What scientist, let alone person uses ish!" someone shouted. "I do! The ride is going to be hellish for me!" I responded. "Cover me while I get to the bike!" I said as I sprinted into the garage, where I opened the garage door and started revving the engine. Then I noticed a suitcase that was ajar, with a chemical formula sticking out, as well as the team galactic logo on the page. So I got off, strapped the suitcase to my back with a bungee cord and duct tape I found lying around on a workbench, and got back on the bike that had three-hundred twenty five horses under the seat. I noticed some handcuffs under my ass and put them in my pocket before I did a burnout and blasted out the door on my new bike.

"I FEEL SO ALIVE!!!" I shouted as I sped past the Kartana. At that moment I noticed something. Almost all of them had red eyes, except for one, who had a yellow eye, and was trying to fight off it's brethren on it's own.

I did circles around the lab, so I could attract every last one of them to the sound of my bike going past them at almost two hundred kilometers an hour (124.274238 miles an hour for americans and Brits.) and then shooting at a few with my .45 pistol. At least I used to ride a bike like this once in Russia... Back when I was twelve, and shooting up the mafia, pulling off an armed escape with my girlfriend was keeping lookout, while I drove hard and sent a massive amount of mail at our pursuers from a pistol. Times change, history repeats itself, and "nothing in the world is as certain as death." as to quote a man named Jean Froissart.

"Are you ready to lead those killer origami swords away, we're ready to go to the helicopter!?" Aidan shouted over the radio. "Yes, I am!" I transmitted back. "Do a lap around the island and we'll pick you up near the northern cliffs." "Okay"

I sped around the docks, then quickly looped back inland, and then, went two hundred kilometers an hour through the old mines, which I knew by heart from the games. I had noticed that I had many more Kartana than I had before, and when I sped back out into the sun, I started shooting behind me at the entrance. I saw the helicopter ahead, but, "WHY ARE THEY TWENTY FEET AWAY FROM THE CLIFF!!" I shouted to myself. It didn't matter, I could jump it, but I'd have to jump off the bike mid jump. "Don't stop Sergei, FASTER!" Aidan shouted over the radio. I increased my speed another twenty kilometers an hour, and sped off the cliff. "Whoo!" I shouted from the thrill and adrenalin.

I pushed off from the bike and grabbed the tubular landing skids before I fell into the jagged rocks in the sea below me. "Get on up here Sergei, don't hang on to the bottom like an idiot!" Aidan said, as he pulled me up into the cabin of the UH-1 "Huey". "Umm, what is that, is that a... rocket?" the pilot said, and he immediately got hit by a shadow move and fell out the door beside him. "SERGEI!! YOU CAN FLY A HELICOPTER, DO IT!!" Aidan shouted at me. I got into the pilot's seat and said "Time to go full anime guys." "I have no clue what you mean, but okay." a scientist said. "CLOSE THE DOORS, HE FLIES A HELICOPTER LIKE A STUNT PLANE!!" Aidan shouted. He was telling the truth, I fly like my niece. "Is that a Celesteela!?" a scientist shouted. I looked to the side and saw what he meant... A rocket-like thing was flying directly at us... So I did what I usually do for evasive maneuvers in helicopters: I did an immelman maneuver, and then a helicopter version of an barrel roll, then an Immelmann turn to try and get it off our backs, then when that didn't work I did a cuban eight, and then, when that didn't work, I gained altitude and did a Split-S so I was heading away from the island. "I can't shake him off!" I shouted at the people in the main cabin, who were all close to vomiting, except for Aidan, who said "You fly like Chuck Aaron! Why don't you fly like that time when you flew with the main rotor vertical!?" I remembered what he meant, so I tilted the nose down towards the ocean and the rotors going forward. "Why didn't you do this sooner!?" Aidan shouted. "It's really dangerous!" I responded. Technically, I wasn't supposed to do ANY aerobatics in helicopters, because they might be torn to pieces mid-flight, but it comes in handy when you're trying to evade somebody. "Scratch that Sergei, you fly like Rico Rodriguez!" "I know, but why do I have the song Time to say goodbye from RWBY stuck in my head, I only listened to it once!" I shouted back.

I knew something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones... And hear it in my ears... The creaking of metal fatigue. I quickly leveled out and asked Aidan to handcuff my suitcase to my hand, and once he did, the helicopter was torn to pieces, after a wingull flew into the hull.

Sergei(Five days later):

"And that is how my life ended. Not with a bang, but with a bird flying into the weakened metal of my helicopter. Many times I have thought I would die, but then is where I truly died, because I lost my purpose and my new life. And now, I only have this island to call home... At least it was an old outpost, though I don't think much of even that is left. I'll see you after the credits Owen."

Mystery man: "If you died, then, how are you right in front of me... And what do you mean by credits!?"

Sergei: "These"

Special thanks to

My best friend, who is writing the special thanks (Ivan)

My brother Sergei - JTF2

Seth Grenier - 14 (Currently)

The only kid I know who can fly a helicopter and imitate Chuck Aaron in flight, complete with stunts and adding swears to add on to the experience.

CSIS - for allowing me to talk about how My brothers squad fell

Asleep in the arctic and woke up in Tahiti.

Darian Mar - Helped me with writing and encoding stories

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