A Different Kind of Training - Part 15

Story by Erebus86 on SoFurry

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#16 of A different kind of training

Chapter 15! It feels like forever since I started this series, although, I suppose four years is a long time. I really wish I could get these out faster, but I do what I can. Anyways, I'm not going to say much on this to avoid spoiling it. It was definitely fun to write and I'm pretty satisfied with how it came out.

If you have any questions, comments, critiques, just put them in the comments section; I love hearing from you guys and will answer whatever I can.

Content warning: this story contains graphic depictions of hot male on male pokemon sex, domination and submission, and some mild language

Since it's been a while since the last chapter, here's a little character cheat sheet.

Ronan is the trainer.

Nengan is a Charmander.

Yari is a Kecleon.

Masu is a Buizel.

Ike is an Eevee.

Leon is a Quialava.

Pokemon belongs to gamefreak

Leon belongs to my mate, Leon Therma

For those of you who feel like being generous, I'm always accepting tips here.

POV Ronan

It had rained last night. I could tell immediately from the moment I woke up. There were two very obvious signs that tipped me off. The first was the very distinct smell of the wet forest, much stronger than from the regular morning dew. The second was that all five of the pokemon had squeezed not just into the tent, but into my sleeping bag. I couldn't help but smile as I saw that Nengan was in front of me with my arm draped over him as I lay on my side. Yari and Masu were on the other side of him, while I could feel Leon's warm body at my back as he faced Ike on the other side of him. I was just glad that his flames hadn't ignited during the night. That wouldn't have been a pleasant wake-up call.

I couldn't tell what time it was exactly, but I could tell that it was early. So, rather than get up, I decided to hug my sweet Charmander closer and snuggle with him for a while. The warmth from his scales radiated into my bare chest. His warmth was so pleasant.

I must've fallen back asleep because the next thing I knew, it was just Nengan and me in the sleeping bag and he was awake and hugging my arm. "Morning, Nengan," I murmured as I hugged him closer.

The fire-type gave a cute warble, "Morning, Ronan. Sleep well?" His fire-tipped tail wagged painlessly against my belly and groin. It was hot, but in a soothing way rather than a painful way.

"I slept perfectly," I replied as I nuzzled him. "It helps when I have an adorable pokemon to cuddle with."

Nengan gave a happy churr and grinned. "Aww, you're so sweet, Ronan!" He licked at my arm playfully. And then he added in a joking manner, "And a little salty."

I chuckled and petted the silly lizard on the head. "And you're funny." I yawned and stretched my arms, releasing Nengan from his flesh prison. Nengan stretched all his limbs as well, including his tail which reached down to my flaccid member, heating it up with hi flame. "Careful there, buddy," I warned. "Don't wanna burn the goods, now do ya?"

The little lizard laughed. "Don't you trust me? I have complete control over my fire." To prove his point, his fire seemed to change its heat from warm to nearly cool before warming back up again. "It only hurts who I want it to, and I'd never wanna hurt you." He turns around with a grin on his face and licks at my cheek. I return the favor by giving him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Yo, human!" Even though he was still new, I could recognize Leon's voice. "You getting up or not?"

"I'll be out in a minute," I called out. "I suppose that I should probably get some clothes on," I muttered to myself. I crawled out of the sleeping bag and rustling through my bag.

Nengan gave a long whine. "I don't like how you have to be clothed. It makes no sense to cover up and hide your body."

I chuckled as I felt Nengan place his hand on my ass and begin rubbing it almost lovingly. I decided that the most practical reason might be the best way to explain it. "They help keep me warm and protect me from getting burned by the sun."

"But I can keep you plenty warm," he chirped happily as he climbed onto my back while I was bent over searching through my bag. "And don't you have a cream to protect against the sun?"

I gave a silent chuckle from his perceptiveness and logic. "Well, then how about because it'll make other people uncomfortable if they run into me while I'm naked." Finally finding some clothes fit for the cooler temperature, I stood up. Nengan stayed on my back, though, hanging on by my shoulders stubbornly.

"Who cares about the other people," he retorted. "If they don't like it then that's their problem, not yours or ours." His reasoning may be weird and slightly selfish, but it was actually fairly sound. But I had an ace up my sleeve for this debate.

"Alright, then how about this one," I replied with a smirk. "Walking around naked is illegal and I will be arrested and likely have my trainer license revoked if I am caught. That means that you'll never be allowed to see me again."

I could almost feel his scowl as he tried to find a way around it. "Hmmm... fine, but I still say it's a stupid rule." He hopped off of me as I got myself dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt depicting a charizard using a flamethrower attack, and my hoodie.

"You can say that as much as you like, but I still have to follow it while I'm outside and in public areas." I rubbed Nengan's head as I smiled down at him. The two of us head out of the tent. I was surprised to see that a large number of berries and fruit had been gathered and placed on large leaves. It looked as if they had already been washed and the fruit had been sliced up. "You guys got all this?" I asked with a tone of happy surprise.

Ike shook his head. "It was all Leon. We woke up to this as well." Ike was definitely honest to a fault.

Leon frowned and looked away. "It's no big deal," he muttered. "I just happened to know where the best foraging spots are."

I smiled. "Well, thank you anyways," I spoke with sincerity, "it's very appreciated." I grabbed one of the berries and popped it into my mouth. It was sweet and perfectly ripened. "These are excellent."

Leon huffed, "Not like I was looking for validation. Masu said you usually cook meat for breakfast. Where is it? I'd like some." He began sniffing at the bag I'd brought out, trying to follow the scent to the meat hidden inside.

I chuckled a bit as I opened up my bag to get the breakfast meat that Leon seemed so keen on sniffing out, specifically the bacon. I also grabbed a pan to put them in. "Mind getting a fire started for this?" Leon used a strong flamethrower at the wet wood. Surprisingly, it managed to catch fire. The heat might have dried it out enough, but it was still shocking. "Thanks." I set the pan that contained the bacon on the grate that I had left over the fireplace last night.

Nengan took a small portion of the prepared fruits and berries and brought them over to me. "Here you go, Ronan," he offered half of them to me.

"Aww, why thank you, Nengan," I replied as I gratefully took them and began eating breakfast with him. I rubbed his head appreciatively, "You are such a sweetheart." Nengan gave a happy churr and his tail wagged a bit faster.

Masu snickered and made kissing noises in an immature manner, getting some laughter from Yari. "Seems like a little lizard has a crush on the human," Masu teased.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "You're one to talk. You clearly have a thing for the little color changer. You're just too stubborn to admit."

Masu growled and stomped his foot. "I am _not_stubborn!" he declared.

Nengan smirked and joined in, "Then why are you still harping on that battle that Yari won?"

Masu fumed, "That battle was unfinished!"

Nengan laughed as Masu fell into his trap. "Stubborn."

Ike's soft voiced suddenly piped up, "Perhaps you would be able to let go of the battle if you finally had that rematch you've been wanting."

Masu smiled. "I like the way you think, Ike! Alright, Yari, time to settle this once and for all! Time to find out who's the better battler!"

Yari gave a competitive smirk. "You sure you wanna do this? If I win, you can no longer say that I only won because I cheated or that the battle wasn't finished."

"And if I win, then we'll know that I would've won the battle had it not been interrupted," Masu retorted. "Ronan, can you be fair referee?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"No holds barred, right?" Yari asked. "We fight until Ronan says that it's unsafe for us to continue?" Masu nodded in agreement as they both headed away from the tent and the fire, preparing to fight.

At first, they just stared at each other, sizing each other up. Masu struck first, sending out a powerful watergun attack. Yari easily dodges it, slipping into his camouflage mode. Masu continued to spray his water all over, hoping to get lucky and land a shot, but only managing to soak the ground. A purple beam of energy shot towards Masu, who swiftly countered it by sending a sonic boom attack at it. The connection of energy made dust flood the battlefield. I couldn't see what was going on for a while, and then Yari was suddenly flung out of the dust, rolling back several feet after he landed.

He immediately got up, still ready to fight. "That all you got, fuzz butt?!" the challenge was friendly, yet cocky despite having just be thrown off the original battlefield.

Rather than reply with words, Masu flew out of the dust with the use of his aqua jet attack, heading straight for Yari. Just before he made contact, the reptile disappeared in a blur, including the red zigzag that would usually indicate his presence. The lack of impact between the two as the weasel pokemon launched past where Yari had just been standing led me to believe that it wasn't the camouflage ability this time. My assumption was correct. The moment Masu landed, he was struck in the back and forced forwards several feet before recovering from the sneak attack.

Masu growled annoyed as he got back to his feet, swinging around to face the now visible color-changing pokemon and letting out a powerful water gun attack directly at him. Yari smirked and began glowing. "Not gonna work," he mocked. The water gun bounced right off him and headed straight for its original user. Masu ducked quickly, and the powerful jet of water flew right over him, taking Leon by surprise and drenching him in it.

Steam rose off Leon as he heated himself up and ignited his vents. "Who the hell are you aiming at, lizard!" he yelled angrily. "I'm not part of this battle!"

"Sorry," Yari called out slightly abashedly. Leon grumbled a few more complaints as the battle continued. Yari quickly shot his tongue out, aiming it at Masu, who quickly runs off on all fours to avoid it. The weasel's pace seemed to hasten to the point where he looked like a mere blur as he ran circles around Yari. I immediately recognized the move as agility. Seeming to realize that as dexterous as his tongue was, Yari was never going to catch him like that, so, once again, he changed his color to blend in, only visible by the small zigzag pattern on his chest.

"Oh, no you don't," Masu replied with a competitive smirk plastered across his countenance. He swiftly let out an ice beam attack. From what I could see, there was no kecleon ice sculpture, so it appeared that he missed. That was my presumption until Yari reappeared, his feet frozen to the now veritable ice rink that had formed on the ground from the combination of soaked soil and the ice beam. "Gotchya, you slippery, little kecleon."

"That's the best you got?" Yari starts to use his psybeam attack to remove the ice from his scaly paws. He barely finishes removing the first icy prison before he is struck by a powerful razor win attack, sending him flying backwards. Masu quickly sends out a whirlpool attack that practically catches him midair, keeping him afloat on it. The tactic seemed somewhat weak to me as the fall would've like done more damage, but my assumption was proven wrong as Masu let out another ice beam attack, freezing the whirlpool and trapping Yari in it. Yari struggled for a bit, trying to break out with no success.

"Alright," I said, "Nengan, mind melting Yari out of there? You could help too if you want, Leon."

Leon smirked and joked, "And ruin such a beautiful ice sculpture? I could never." Nengan rolled his eyes as he let out a low-damaging flamethrower to melt the ice with the least amount of heat he could.

"Told you that I would've won," Masu said cheekily.

"Uh, not to be pedantic," Nengan pointed out, "but didn't you not learn ice beam until after you started traveling with us?"

Masu growled annoyed, "Who cares? I still beat him now." Nengan was about to continue, but Masu interrupted him. "Don't make me freeze you, too, sulfur-breath."

Ike spoke with his soft voice, "No one's denying that you beat Yari, and would likely beat him a vast majority of the time, Masu. I believe that Nengan is merely trying to point out that particular combination of attacks that one the battle would not have been possible at the time of the battle where you were caught."

That must've been the most he's said since I met Ike. He was very well-spoken for someone who hardly talked. Masu sighed, seemingly unable to argue with him. "So, what? Am I supposed to fight him with just the moves I knew back then?"

Ike shook his head. I couldn't help but smile; he looked so cute doing that. "No. You won now. You've proven you're stronger. Let go of the unfinished battle." Ike gave a warm smile to Masu, his tail giving a small kind of twitching wag.

Masu seemed to give it some though before letting out another sigh. "Fine, fine." He then turned to Yari, who was now thawed from the frozen whirlpool combination, "But this won't be out only battle like this. Sparring against you is fun."

Yari gave a devious smirk. "Sounds like fun. But I must warn you, I might not play as fair during our future spars." He gave his lips a suggestive lick with his unusually long tongue. That got a couple chuckles from me and Nengan, who had walked up beside me.

Nengan tugged at my jeans and whispered, "Can you believe Ike? He's like a Masu whisperer or something." I chuckled and nodded my agreement. It certainly did seem like Ike and Masu had a weird connection. But if Ike can somehow keep Masu from getting overworked and super defensive or aggressive about things like that, then I'd just count it as a blessing.

I walked over to Masu and gently rubbed his head. "So, does this mean that you're no longer going to hold a grudge over that unfinished battle?" I flashed a kind smile.

"Yeah," he said, "I'm satisfied knowing that I'm still a better battler than him." He gave a cheeky smirk as he glanced over at Yari.

"Glad to hear." I knelt down and whispered so that only he could hear me. "But between you and me, I'm sure you could've found a way out of his tongue and beaten him." He gave a proud grin and nodded. Speaking at my normal voice, I continued, "So, let's eat and get on the road. We still have a fair ways to go."

It was later that day, and we were walking along one of the trails towards Vermillion City. Ike and Yari had opted to hang out inside their balls during the travel while the other three were walking along and chatting beside me.

I looked over at the trio and saw just how well Leon was getting along with them. "Hey, Leon," I started to get his attention, "mind if ask you a few questions?"

Leon's demeanor suddenly changed as he gave his response. "Why?"

It felt kind of cold, but I wasn't going to let that stop my inquiries. "I just want to get to know you a bit more. You know, so that we can get along and have fun during our travels."

Leon gave a soft sigh, "I suppose if you must."

"You don't like me very much, do you?" I asked sounding more hurt than I intended to.

He gave a slight roll of his eyes. "Don't take it personally. I don't like humans in general, trainers especially."

"Why not?" I asked. I figured that if I knew what the problem was, that I might be able to prove that I wasn't like the type of humans that he disliked.

A rustling in the trees seemed to distract him for a moment. It was likely just some bird pokemon nesting. After his attention returned he gave his cold response, "Because you use those evil 'pokeballs' to enslave us and keep us prisoners."

"Oh," was my timid response. My mind immediately flashed back to how I forcibly captured Masu without his permission. Granted, at that time, I couldn't exactly understand him, but that's no excuse. I remembered just how cold and angry he was when I first spoke to him after I caught him.

Lucky for me, Masu actually spoke up. "I thought that same thing at first," he said. "Ronan captured me mid-battle. I was pissed at first. I felt the same way you do you about the concept. But Ronan's actually not like most other trainers. He recognized his mistake and offered to release me if I was unhappy about it." He looked up at me with a sincere smile stricken on his muzzle. "Turns out, this life is better than what I had before."

I couldn't help but melt with joy at his little speech. I picked him up and gave him a hug, which he returned. "That's very sweet of you to say, Masu." I kissed his forehead.

Masu chuckled and gave me a playful nip on my neck, showing me that he was still his dominant self. "Alright, alright, enough mush, you sappy human." I couldn't help but laugh as he pushed himself away from me half-heartedly before jumping out of my hug and landing on his paws.

I turned my attention back to Leon. His expression was a mixture of emotions that we hard to identify. Confusion? Surprise maybe? I was pretty sure I saw annoyance. "So," I continued, "why travel with me if you don't trust me?"

"As I told the others last night," he replied, "someone I trust said to give you a chance, so I am."

A sense of surprise ran through me. "Really?" I asked. "And who suggested that?"

He gave a small smirk before replying, "Why ruin the fun by telling you. Consider it a challenge to find out for yourself."

That would definitely be a challenge. With no hints or clues, it could be just about any pokemon I came in contact with, or just any pokemon that saw me. I decided not to dwell on it, at least for now. "Alright, well where did you learn that aura sphere attack. That's definitely part of the average quilava's repertoire."

"You're supposed to be an expert on pokemon, aren't you?" Leon replied cheekily as he looked around. "How would I learn it?"

"Hmm..." I gave it some thought. Aura sphere was definitely not part of the regular moves he could learn. After running through the list of moves that could be taught through the technical machines, I realized that it wasn't on it. Theoretically, a pokemon could be taught many types of moves through different means, even if they weren't on the lists, but it would take severe dedication, but that didn't seem it. It seemed to be fairly easy for him, even if he was still learning on controlling it. Perhaps... "Was your father a lucario?"

Leon gave a look of mild surprise and said, "Well, I guess you _do_know your stuff." He glanced over at me before continuing, "Don't think that means I'm impressed. Just about every pokemon would've come to that conclusion in half the time."

My eyes wandered across him, stopping at the three very noticeable scars. "Did you get those scars from one of your battles with another pokemon?" I asked curiously.

"You could say that I guess," he replied. "I was too young when it happened to remember. From what I was told, a tyranitar wasn't very fond that my parents aren't the same species. Some kind of freaky traditionalist pokemon or something."

"Shit," I muttered. "I thought pokemon weren't like that. I mean, well, there are so many pokemon that are born from different species."

"Tell that to the asshole that did this," he shot back bitterly. He spit some fire on the ground angrily.

"Right... Here's a question," I postulated, "why decide to join up with me at all? I mean, I understand that this friend of your suggested that you could trust me, but that doesn't explain why you wanted to do it in the first place."

Leon went silent for several moments. When he finally did reply, it was cold and short, "Ask me again when you've earned my trust."

I couldn't decide whether than was meant as a challenge or whether he truly wasn't ready to talk about it. Either way, I knew it was useless trying to simply pry the information out of him. So, instead, I asked him a more important question, "And how can I earn your trust."

"I don't know," was his simple response. He was impossible to decipher. I believed that he really did want to trust me, but he couldn't. Although, it was also possible that he this was simply another one of his odd challenges. Hs eyes, though. They seemed so... alone.

POV Nengan

It was night. Ronan was in the tent asleep already. Ike was sleeping in his ball, his little haven of calm as he liked to call it Masu had dragged Yari down to a small pond not far away for a midnight swim, although, I had a feeling it would end up being more than just that. That left just Leon and myself hanging out silently by the campfire. He was on his belly while I was sitting up. Every time the fire began dying down, Leon would spit a little fire on it to perk it back up. He seemed almost pensive about something as he just stared at the flickering flames while they consumed the wood.

I scooted closer to him so I was right next to him. He didn't seem to mind much. "Hey," I said softly, "you okay?"

"I'm fine," he replied at the same volume. "Why?"

"You just seem quiet is all," I answered.

"Yeah, I'm good." After a couple of minutes of silence, Leon asked, "So, you really love that human, don't you?"

I could feel my cheeks heat up hotter than usual. "Am I that obvious?" I said.

He chuckled and shrugged. "Very," he replied. He spat a few more embers onto the fire. "I don't even need to look through aura to see how much you love him."

"You mean like lucarios can?" I asked curiously. I was no stranger to the tales of lucarios and their unusual attunement to aura.

"Yeah, and yours screamed out love whenever you look at him or he looks at you." I blushed even heavier at that, getting a chuckle from the fine-type. "No need to be embarrassed, it's sweet. Just because I don't like humans doesn't mean I think that everyone else shouldn't like them as well." He looked over at me with a friendly smile. "The only thing that I have against it is that I won't get to fool around with you." He gave me a playful wink as he licked his lips.

A rush of images flashed through my mind as my imagination brought forth scenarios of him and me going at it. And they were all so very appealing. My tail flame grew larger and brighter and I gave him a smile. "Well..." I said slowly as I placed a hand on his back, slowly running my claws through his soft fur, "who ever said that was the case?"

That definitely got the quilava's attention. He looked over at me with a sly smirk. "Oh-ho," he said mischievously, "so you and Ronan aren't exclusive?"

I shook my head. "No," I replied. "We're perfectly fine with the other mating with other people." I continued in a joking tone, "If we weren't, then we'd both be in a lot of trouble with each other."

Leon snickered at that. "Sounds like you're making yourself out to be kind of a slut," he teased. I felt a rush of embarrassment flood my body. I scratched the back of my head and was about to respond, but was cut off when he continued. "Don't worry, I like that." He stood up on his hind legs, showing off just how much he liked the idea. His tip was already starting to peak out of his sheath. I instinctively licked my lips. I had never been with another fire-type pokemon before, but I knew that I wanted to. "Like what you see?" Leon asked knowingly.

I nodded my head, "I do. Very much." My eyes were transfixed on his bulging sheath and plump balls.

He gave me a dominant stare that was mixed with lust, hunger, and desire. "And what would you like to do about it?"

With that kind of question, I couldn't resist from saying, without a moment of, "I want you in me." That short statement seemed to get Leon very excited for what we both knew was going to happen.

Leon licked his lips and lightly rubbed at his sheath. "You sure about that, short stuff?" he asked. "I'm much bigger than most my size."

I tried to mimic his flirty voice as I replied, "Well, only one way to know for sure isn't there?"

"Well, if you're certain you want me, then you better get started, sexy," he replied. He leaned back and bared his fuzzy sheath and tasty-looking orbs for my pleasure. About an inch of his member had already pushed its way out his sheath.

With an invitation like that, there was no way I could say no. I leaned forward and nuzzled into his fuzzy sac. My nostrils were immediately assaulted by the strong scent of quilava musk, and I was loving it. I let out a happy churr as I started to lick and suckle at those hefty orbs of his. Leon murred softly as he petted my head. "There you go," he purred, "enjoying my scent, are you?"

I felt a bit light-headed already and my mind was foggy, but I was still loving it. I nodded happily and slurped along his fuzzy sheath. His fine fur left a sort of weird feeling on my tongue along with a musky, spicy aftertaste that I absolutely loved. "You taste delicious, Leon," I purred.

The weasel pokemon ground his sheath against my face as he held my head firmly against it. With a teasing tone he replied, "Just wait until you taste my cum." He guided my head upwards and towards the tapered flesh of his cock. The spiciness of his cock was much more potent than his sheath, and I was loving it. "Suck it, slut." The demand wasn't harsh nor was it a simple suggestion. It was simply expected to be obeyed, and I had no qualms about complying.

I wrapped my lips around the spicy piece of meat and gently applied suction. I could tell that he was enjoying from the soft moans he was making the appreciative rubbing of the back of my head. I'd never tasted anything so spicy and succulent. I had a feeling that if I weren't a fire type, I wouldn't be enjoying it as much, but, thankfully, I was. I began bobbing my head as I dragged my tongue along the quilava's tapered rod which was still extending from his sheath.

I was torn between keeping my mouth wrapped around him and telling him just how much I was enjoying being with him like this. Simply catching his glance with a lustful and excited expression while murring in contentment seemed to convey my emotions perfectly, though. He gave me a dominating, almost predatory smirk as he said, "Damn, you look so sexy when you're acting like a total slut." I couldn't help but blush at the coarse compliment. It excited me to no end and urged me to continue on with my dutiful sucking.

As my shaft reached its full length, I began to eagerly stroke at it without losing any focus on the hot shaft in my maw. I was only taking what could fit into my maw, and that wasn't too much. Leon must've been getting eager for more. His grip on the back of my head and he growled, "C'mon, a slut like you must be able to take more than that." Then, in a stage-whisper, he said, "Pinch me if you need me to stop." With a sudden thrust, he forced all but about an inch of himself down my throat.

The sudden intrusion forced me to swallow several times around him to avoid gagging. Leon moaned in pleasure as his thrusting continued, taking it into his own paws. "Fuck, your throat is so warm!" I felt a few short shots of precum spurt from his tip and directly into my throat. I moaned around him as he pounded his hips into my face, forcing the last inch of his cock into me. I couldn't tell the exact size, but it was definitely over half-a-foot long. And it felt so good inside me.

I moaned happily around his meaty shaft as he pistoned himself inside of me. He wasn't quite as thick. No... he was definitely thick at the base. I licked at his member during his enthusiastic thrusting to try to get a good feel of his cock. It was hard to concentrate because of the overwhelming sensations of his spicy taste and his heavy musk that was fogging up my mind. It definitely felt like it was tapered. I recognized that form easily.

I was unable to resist from sucking on his hot shaft; it felt so right having it inside me. So hot. It felt so... right. I looked back up at Leon, who was giving me a very predatory stare. He looked entirely satisfied with how things were progressing. "Such a horny and submissive little bitch you are," he teased. "I bet you're throbbing hard already just from sucking me off, aren't you?"

He was right. There was no need to even check. I could feel my relatively small member throbbing in excitement and arousal. I even could feel the tip become wet from the precum dripping from it. I felt compelled to answer with an immediate and eager nod of my head. His grip on my head tightened has his hips hastened to a blur as his fuzzy crotch slammed into my face over and over again, much to both of our delights. "I bet you're eager for me to cum in you," he teased. "Bet you wanna swallow my seed. You want that, don't you, you horny slut?"

I nodded my head eagerly. "Good," he gave a lustful grin, "'cuz that's exactly what you're gonna get!" His balls mercilessly slapped against my chin with his last couple aggressive thrusts before he kept my head directly against his groin. One twitch, then he let out of a pleasured moan as I felt the rush of his spicy cum, much more potent that his precum. It only burned a little as he climaxed directly into my throat. It was a good burn, though. The kind of burn that only heightened the pleasure rather than take away from it. After an unusually large amount of his seed was forcefully shot into my belly, he finally pulled out. "Fuck that felt good," he murred happily.

I grinned and licked my lips, tasting the small remnants of his hot and spicy seed. "Tastes great, too," I purred. I gave his tip a teasing lick. I expected it to start to grow soft after such a powerful orgasm, but it didn't seem to be doing so. In fact, it almost seemed harder than before. "Looks like you're still eager for more," I teased.

He grinned at me, showing off those sharp teeth of his. "You got that right," he growled. "And I bet you just can't wait to help me get off again, huh?" He teasingly stroked his shaft, milking out a few last dregs of cum. I was still fully hard and in need of getting off; the sight of his huge shaft, although intimidating, was definitely something I wanted to experience again. I could only nod an agreement. "Good slut," he praised. He lay back on his back with his front paws behind his head and his giant cock standing at attention. "Now show me how much of a slut you are and ride me."

"Happily!" I said obediently. I got up and straddled his chest, letting out a soft moan as my shaft is dragged along his soft fur. My member was already highly sensitive and his fur felt so good against it. I reached behind me and gripped his throbbing shaft and aimed it towards me as I moved back to have it gently prod my tailhole.

Leon looked up at me with that cocky grin of his. "Such a slutty lizard," he cooed, "so eager to fuck himself on a cock." I couldn't help but blush at the dirty talk, but it turned me on even more. I began leaking precum onto his chest as I slowly pushed myself back onto his shaft. His tip was very tapered, which made it very easy to slide inside me, but it kept getting thicker. I took the first couple of inches before resting a bit, both of us moaning in pleasure. "And so tight," Leon murred. "You haven't taken many big dicks have you?"

"You're the biggest," I admitted. I began rocking my hips a bit, slowly fucking myself with his deliciously hot cock and trying to push myself back more and more. At this point I was basically constantly leaking pre-cum, wetting the weasel's fur.

Leon grinned and replied, "Even bigger than your trainer?" I felt his member twitch inside me, spilling a small bit of pre inside my rear.

I nodded with a blush. "You're frickin' huge for your frame."

Leon gave a soft moan and bucked up into me a bit, making me moan lustfully, "Thanks, cutie. Keep complimenting me like that and maybe I'll give you a handjob. Although, by the look on your face, you'll likely be cumming hands-free before I even have to."

My orange scales turned crimson as I blushed from the thought. I pushed myself back even farther taking in more and more of his member. "Fuck, you've got such a tight ass," Leon moaned, moving his forepaws to grip my hips. "You really need to get loosened up."

I gave a grin as I take in another inch of his long shaft, now just hovering over his fuzzy crotch. "Well, maybe you can help me with that," I murred.

Leon grinned up at me with a playful look. "Oh, you can bet that I'll help you with that," he growled. "I'll be sure to get you _very_loose. But for now," he bucked his hips roughly up into me, hilting himself and making me give out a submissive moan, "ride me like the horny cockslut you are!"

I nodded happily and perched my paws on the ground on either side of his hips. I placed my hands his chest to keep myself steady and then I started to bounce along that hot rod of his. I couldn't have kept my moans quiet even if I had wanted to. His cock filled me up more than I'd ever been before and the tingling heat sent pleasurable sensations through my body, making my cock twitch in delight.

Leon was looking up at me with a satisfied smirk across that cute face of his when he wasn't moaning from my hot ass wrapped around him. "Yeah," he murred, "such a needy char-slut. So eager to be bred, aren't you?"

I nodded my head with a hot moan, a few embers of fire coming out. "Yes!" I moaned out. "It feels so good!" I continued to ride his cock, although at a slightly slower pace. Every time I pulled off, I clenched my hole around him. That definitely got some pleasured moans from him.

"Feels like your ass just doesn't wanna let go of me," he teased as he licked his lips. I nodded my head in agreement, not bothering to tell him that was intentional.

I murred pleasantly as I rocked myself along his shaft. It felt so good being filled by such a huge pokemon. The smell of burnt grass and the sight of small sparks coming from Leon's head told me that he had to keep stopping his vents from igniting. I couldn't resist teasing him, "Seems like I'm getting you all hot and bothered, sexy." I tapped at the red spots on his head so he knew just what I meant.

Through his clearly stifled moans, he replied, "It'd be much better if you picked up the pace, small fry." He gave a few sharp thrusts to emphasize his point, which made me moan and shoot out a small shot of precum.

I whimpered a bit as he stopped. "Maybe you could take over?" I suggested. "My legs are already tired from all the walking."

"I suppose I could," Leon mused, "if you beg for it!" He looked up at me with a devious expression. He seemed awfully sure of himself and emitted the same sense of control and domination that Masu did when he was mating with one of us.

Just as with Masu, I had no problem submitting to his will. I ground my ass against his hips and clenched my hole as I begged, "Please, Leon, I'm so fucking horny! I wanna be fucked by a strong fire-type; I wanna feel you breeding me as hard as you can! Show me my place and mark me with your cum!"

My world turned upside-down as my back was suddenly on the ground and Leon was above me. I doubt his smirk could've been wider if he tried. He leaned forward and nipped my neck as he growled, "Oh, you can be sure that I'll be marking that ass of yours. I'll claim you now and then again whenever I feel like it, understand?" I meekly nodded my head as I blushed in arousal. "Good, bitch."

His hips went from stationary to a rapid blur as he picked up where I left off. The rapid onslaught of thrusts sent my nerves into overdrive. I moaned out in bliss as ever few thrusts stabbed against my prostate, forcing out more and more precum that began covering my scales. I try to wrap my arms around Leon, only to have him pin my arms with his hands. He was incredibly strong, and I doubt I'd be able to escape even had I wanted to. I was completely helpless to stop Leon from breeding my ass for all it was worth, and I was loving it!

"Oh, Leon!" I cried out in a gasping moan as his teeth wrapped around my shoulder, lightly biting without piercing my scales. My shaft was twitching as I continued to leak precum from his bestial mating. I could feel his lips curl into a smile from my reactions. "I'm not gonna be able to last much longer!"

He dislodged himself from my shoulder. "Not yet, my eager slut," he ordered. "Not until I say so." I whined pitifully as I focused on obeying his order. It was challenging from his rapid and powerful breeding and the constant pressure on my prostate. He continued to ravage my tailhole with delight for... well, I couldn't keep track of time, but it had to be quite a while.

I gritted my teeth and my tail thrashed about behind me as I happily took every inch of Leon's monster member over and over again. His stamina was otherworldly. "Please," I whimpered desperately, "may I cum now?"

Leon grinned down at me as he replied, "Go ahead, bitch; cum for me! Show me just how much you enjoy being my play toy!" He barely had time to finish before I let loose and began spilling my seed all over myself, some of it even catching in his fur. It felt so incredible finally being able to cum after holding myself back for so long.

I wasn't the only one moaning in pleasure, though. My rapidly flexing tailhole brought Leon over the edge as well; either that or he had been holding back as well. Either way, he bit down on my neck roughly, still not piercing my scales, moaning as he continued his assault of my ass and filled me with his cream. His orgasm must've lasted twice as long as mine and was at least twice as productive. I was loving it, though. His seed was hot and felt so nice inside me.

We both panted tiredly after he had finished. He let go of my neck and wrists as he purred, "Such a good boy." I couldn't help but grin at the praise. "Sorry if I got a little too into it. You seemed like you would be a good sub, so I went for it."

"No apology necessary," I hissed in delight. "That was a hell of a lot of fun." I felt him lick at my neck, which now had some red marks, showing where Leon had bit me.

"You really do make a great sub," Leon purred, giving a few playful humps into me for emphasis. "You wouldn't happen to be interested in being my pet, would you?"

"Pet?" I asked curiously. Obviously, he was using that term differently, but I wasn't sure how he meant it.

"Yeah," he replied, "you know, master and pet. You'd be my personal, little slut to play with." He licked at my cheek a bit and rubbed my chest.

"So, sort of like a mate?" I asked, trying to get clarification.

"A little, but the master is always in charge of the pet," he explained. "And it wouldn't be exclusive in the least."

I smiled up at him kindly, "Thanks, but I'll pass." I glanced over at the tent.

"You got a thing for the human," he observed. He pulled out of me, letting his cum begin to leak out of my hole.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, he's very special to me," I admitted.

"You know nengan," Leon continued with a smirk, "you could still be my pet and be mated with the human, you'd just have to remember that while he's your number one, I'd be your number two." He ran a finger along my jaw as he gave a charming grin.

I shook my head. "It's still a no. But if you'd like, I'd be happy to roleplay it while we mate."

Leon gave me a brief kiss on my lips before he replied, "I'll take it." He gave my neck a few dominant nips, making me gave a mix of laughs and murrs. After a few moments, he stopped and lay down on his back next to me. "So, what's so special about the human, anyways?"

I couldn't help but smile as I thought about him. There were so many things that I could list that made Ronan special to me. "He's just so sweet. He's kind, loving, affectionate. He not only helps me train, but inspires me to want to make myself better. But... I guess what I like most about him, he makes me feel like I'm the most special and wanted person in the world." I felt like I was gushing a bit too much, but I really didn't care. Ronan deserved to be gushed about.

I looked over at Leon. He looked like he was about to say one thing, but gave a sudden look of surprise and instead exclaimed, "Nengan, you're glowing!"

I gave a confused, "What?" But then I could feel it. An energy, a heat that I'd never felt before. It felt overpowering. I brought my hands in front of me curiously. My tiny claws grew much longer and became much more noticeable. I could feel the same thing happening with the claws on my paws as well. I stood up slightly unsteadily and looked down at myself as more changes took place. It looked as if the ground was moving away from me as my legs expanded upwards. I felt on odd sensation as my tail expanded behind me. When I looked, I saw that not only had my tail grown, but the flame on it looked larger and healthier than ever!

My face suddenly felt weird. I heard a small popping sound and then my muzzle began to push outwards. I had to cross my eyes to get a decent view, but it was definitely growing, along with my tongue. I heard several more pops and cracks as my muzzle stopped expanding. The weirdest feeling of all suddenly occurred at the back of my head. I tried to touch it, but with my much longer arm, I overshot it at first. I moved to feel it again and found a bony protrusion, sort of like a horn, but covered by my scales which turn now shifting into a deep shade of red.

I evolved!