A Night With Her Pet

Story by Mykell_Wildfire on SoFurry

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#8 of Commissioned Stories

A SHORTIE story commission for my mistress and awesome friend, FA: charchu

This was fun lil piece, for sure. Given that I know she rather digs Female-on-Male rimjobs and there's very little of it out there, I figured I'd represent it a bit. ^.=.^

Mykell (c) Me

Char (c) FA: charchu

The sun slowly crept up from the horizon, bringing with it the morning. The weekend had begun, and Char was eager to tackle it head-on. Or at least, that's what she told herself the day before. The bed creaked as the chubby tropical dragon girl rolled around under her blankets, mentally asking no one in particular for five more minutes.

Eventually she did get out of bed. In the midst of her morning routine, she plopped down at the kitchen table and pondered. It was nice to finally have a steady job, but she kept neglecting to make any plans for the weekends. She nommed on some breakfast while she thought, idly scrolling through her phone. Suddenly, she got a text message from her friend, Mykell.

'Got the weekend off and am in town,' the message said, 'up for hanging out?'

An excited smile grew on Char's face. While they kept in contact over the phone and internet, it had been a while since the two of them spent any time together. Even then, most the times they were together were in the company of other friends.

'OMG yes!' Char replied, 'How long can you stay?'

'The whole weekend if you want/don't have anything else to do.'

'Yays! Can't wait!'

Char's sleepy feeling instantly faded and was replaced with giddiness. It would be wonderful to have her pet with her for a whole weekend. Looking around, she noticed the level of disarray her place was in. She half-sighed and started to clean up for her weekend guest.

After tidying up the kitchen and living room, Char decided to organize her bedroom a bit. She mentally slapped herself for letting it get so cluttered, company or not. Amidst the scattered clothes, knickknacks and drawings, she found something else that made her smile. A black collar and red leather leash with a silver tag engraved 'Mykell'. She bought it for Mykell quite some time ago when he first became her pet. She held it in her claws and smiled, setting it aside for later before finishing up her cleaning.

About an hour had passed before Char heard a knock at her door. She trotted over and opened it, revealing Mykell. The red and gray dragon stood there, wearing a black t-shirt, cargo pants and carrying a small duffle bag. He barely managed to step into the room before Char latched him into a tight hug against her soft plump body.

"Hiyas, Mistress!" Myke said, slightly muffled against her soft flesh.

"Thanks for coming, pet!" Char said, holding him firmly against her, "so you're really gonna spend the whole weekend with me?"

"That's the idea. Everyone else is busy all weekend, so I figured it would be nice to get out of my place for a while."

After holding him in her arms for a solid couple minutes, she finally let him go, leading him in to set his things down. She took him by his hand and brought him to the couch where they both plopped down and Char continued her snuggle attack on him. Myke could hardly complain, he very much enjoyed being relentlessly glomped by the pudgy dragon girl.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Myke asked.

"I'm already doing it," Char replied with a giggle.

"I mean after this."

"Hehe. I dunno. Wanna go to the mall?"

"I'd be cool with that. When do you wanna go?"

"When I'm done here."

The pair chuckled briefly before Char continued her snuggle assault. Myke feigned an attempt at struggling, but he enjoyed it in reality. A lot, in fact. Enough that he felt the familiar tingling in his loins at her touch. Despite their closeness, Myke still felt slightly guilty whenever it happened. Char, on the other hand, always found it funny that she could turn her pet on with such ease.

After she felt she had sufficiently teased Mykell, she let him sit up. The pair chuckled for a moment before returning to a brief and less tight hug. With that, they left Char's house, loaded into Myke's car and set off.

"Looking for anything specific at the mall?" Myke asked as they drove.

"Not really," Char replied, "heard a couple new stores opened up that might be worth looking at. So how've you been, pet?"

"Been doing pretty good. Spending a lot of time with my new niece. And it's always hilarious to see Steven try to adjust to suddenly being called 'daddy'."

The pair chuckled, continuing to converse about random minor topics until they arrived at the mall. The place was moderately busy with people of all types wandering around. Many were congregated at the impressive food court this particular mall had. Myke and Char made it their first stop as well. Can't go mall-ratting on an empty belly, they thought.

"So tell me," Myke said as they chowed down on some food court food, "What are you looking for around here?"

"Not telling," Char replied with a silly grin, "It's a surprise. Speaking of which, I think you should go wander around while I get said surprise."

"Um, okay then. I'll chill in the game shop."

After eating, the pair split up and went to their separate destinations. Char wandered to the opposite end of the mall to a small hole-in-the-wall shop. The sign read "Intimate Connections" and the windows were blacked out by sheets. Inside was a bouncer checking Ids. Char presented hers and waltzed in, looking around at all the adult entertainment items on display. While she was certainly enamored by the various toys and sexy outfits, she had something more specific in mind.

Char emerged from the store with an opaque black bag with her chosen items and a smile across her snout. She walked back to the game shop to find Myke idly looking around, debating on buying something himself but constantly talking himself out of it. She poked his tail and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Find what you were looking for?" He asked, trying to sneak a look into her unlabeled bag.

"No peeking!" She said, giving his snout a playful swat, "And yes. I'm set if you are."

Myke nodded and the pair left the mall, hoped back in the car and started back to Char's place. Char kept wiggling in excitement in her seat, constantly looking over to her pet with a devious grin. Meanwhile, Myke continued to be confused and really wanted to know what was in her bag.

"You're killing me, here," Myke said, "What's in the bag? What did you buy?"

"You'll seeeeeeee," She teased.

"Can I have a hint at least? Is it something for yourself?"

"Something for myself, and for you, in a way."

Myke tilted his head quizzically, but didn't bother to press any further. He remained silent for the remainder of the drive. Upon reaching Char's place, he parked and she jumped out and excitedly trotted ahead inside with Myke following, still looking confused.

Once Myke had entered and closed the door, Char took him by the hand and led him towards the bedroom. She seated him at the foot of her bed and opened the bag, still keeping its contents hidden from his view. The devious smile returned to her snout.

"You'll get to see what I got," She said as she pulled a black colored jockstrap from the bag, "But first, you gotta put this on."

Myke took the jockstrap and tilted his head. While they were meant for sports and physical activity, these seemed more made as fetish gear. Char looked at him with hopeful eyes and giggled as Myke blushed. He had never tried one on before and was always curious and he was still dying to see what else she had in the bag. Hesitantly, he started to strip himself naked in front of Char, who churred happily at seeing him naked.

He slipped the jockstrap on, actually surprised at how nice it felt. While it was tight around his large balls and sheath, the smooth fabric stretched to accommodate. Judging by the feel, there was plenty of stretch left, which was likely the purpose. While he was admiring how it looked on him, he felt Char put something around his neck.

"Gotta make sure my pet has this on," She said as she strapped a collar and leash to him, "now, close your eyes and don't open them until I say so."

Myke blushed harder and did what she said, keeping his eyes shut. He could hear her rustling in the plastic bag. After a minute, he felt her touch as she strapped something to both of his lower legs followed by something attaching in between. It felt like a rod of some sort that kept his legs apart at a specific distance. Next, he felt her climb on the bed behind him. She took his arms and felt her strap on a pair of soft feeling cuffs that kept his wrists together followed by attaching something to the back of his collar, causing his hands to be restricted to resting on the back of his head. Suddenly, he ceased feeling her touch. No other articles were being strapped to him.

"Can I open my eyes now?" He asked, lightly grinding his teeth in anticipation.

"I think," She said as he felt one more item get tied to him: a blindfold, "It'll be hotter this way."

Myke let out a slight whimper. His whimper turned into a tense whine as he felt something touch his bulging crotch. Char churred as her snout lightly rubbed between her pet's legs, causing his large balls to gently jostle around. She took in the musky scent and growled pleasantly, the vibration causing Myke to whine more and squirm in place. Unable to contain himself, his cock rapidly unsheathed into the tight confines of the jockstrap. As his cock grew in length and stiffness, the fabric continued to stretch, creating a very impressive tent.

"I never get tired of seeing how big you are, pet," Char teased, running a finger from the tip of his length to the base before cupping his balls. The thick rod throbbed wildly, it's hardness was almost painful. The tension in his loins made worse by the blindfold. He could feel her touch him, he could hear her murrs and seductive coos, but couldn't see what she was doing. His whole body shivered and his clawed toes curled up tightly. Char took the opportunity to quickly strip herself naked, running a finger along her slit, building up her own lusty feelings before returning to teasing her pet.

Char started rubbing his inner thighs, slowly and sensually. She poked the tip of her snout at the tip of his cock, opening her maw slightly to gently nibble at it. Myke groaned, a spot of precum forming on the fabric. All of the teasing causing him to become wildly pent up in a short amount of time. She tugged on the leash, causing his head to lower and the tip of his snout to bump the tip of his shaft. She paused for a moment before grinning at her new kinky little idea.

"You know, pet," She said as she slowly pulled the front of the jock strap down, letting his throbbing dragonhood free but keeping his balls contained in the tight fabric, "I know you've probably done it plenty of times, but I REALLY wanna see it while I do something else."

Myke wondered for a moment what she meant. He felt her push him back slightly, but not quite enough to be on his back. He gasped sharply as he felt her hot breath suddenly wash over his pucker. He had to bite his tongue to prevent himself from howling in surprised pleasure when he felt her tongue flick across his anal ring. Suddenly, she pulled on the leash again, pulling his head down and causing his lips to press to the tip of his own cock. He knew then what she wanted. She pulled a little harder and he let his lips slide over the the tip of his throbbing member.

Char started slow, sensually rimming her pet and pulling on his leash. Each tug pulled his head further down, feeding more of his cock into his mouth. His balls rested comfortably on her snout, her lapping motions causing them to bounce up and down. While one of her hands caressed his thigh, the other gripped the base of his cock, stroking and squeezing what he couldn't quite get into his maw.

Myke grunted and moaned, the sounds muffled by his own dick. The tugging on the leash pulling his head and mouth down over his rock-hard flesh and her increasingly vigorous licks to his pucker causing his hips to hump into his own face. Combined with the lack of sight, his pleasure level was very quickly rising to unbearable levels. His tail flailed wildly between her legs. As if possessed with a mind of its own, his tail twitched, the lower portion towards the spade became rigid, and started to actively poke around between Char's legs. Eventually, the tip of his tail-spade found her moist nether lips.

Char let out a sharp moan, the initial force of being poked by Myke's tail caused her to jerk forward, her tongue slipping into his rear briefly, making him moan in-kind. She gyrated her hips against his tail, letting the spade grind against her pussy. She reached down and took the ridged appendage in her hand, rubbing it against herself before guiding it into her quivering depths. She moaned again against Myke's butt, feeling him shake uncontrollably. His legs shivered, his mouth gripped his cock and sucked hard, his pucker clenched at the feeling of her ravenous tongue. He was about to erupt, and Char knew it.

Her snout lifted up from his rear and she rode his tailtip, full-tilt. One claw held the back of his head, gripping a horn. She pulled his head back till only the tip of his cock remained in his mouth. Her other hand stroked the rest of his exposed length with wild abandon. His moans grew in volume and pitch and his tail plowed her with identical vigor. Myke's body became stiff and his toes splayed out as his climax hit. Rope after rope of thick dragon cum fired into his mouth. The sheer amount was more than he could gulp down and it quickly overflowed, spilling down the sides of his jaws.

Char's own orgasm was close, but she wasn't content with just cumming from her pet's tail-tip. She quickly jumped onto the bed and swung herself around into a sixty-nine position. Her lower body forced his head away from his cock and onto the soft mattress. His lips went from gripping the throbbing flesh of his own rod to being pressed to the sweet and slick lips of her pussy. With no provocation, his mouth and tongue ravaged her sensitive lips. Char sat up, keeping Myke's head firmly planted under her as she screamed from from her own incredible climax. She caressed her soft belly and breasts, lubed by Myke's seed continuing to spray from his cock. Her juices coating the entirety of Myke's mouth and face.

Char collapsed in place, idly petting Myke's slowly softening shaft and panting heavily. She slowly pulled herself off of him, letting him breath the air thick with the scent of sex. After a few minutes of recovery, Char removed the leg-spreading bar from his leg cuffs and freeing him from his wrist bounds. She gave his cheek a long and soft kiss before removing the blindfold. His eyes winced at the light for a minute before adjusting. The pair rolled to their sides to face each other and enter into a warm embrace.

"I," Myke wheezed, "I was not expecting that at all."

"I did say it was a surprise," Char replied, nuzzling Myke closely, "Though the blindfold was kinda last minute. What'd you think?"

"I don't think there's a word for how amazing that was. Was it what you were hoping for?"

"Everything and more. And you know the best part?"

"What's that?"

"We still have the rest of the weekend."

The pair let out an exhausted chuckle before embracing a little tighter. The reveled in the afterglow of their little kinky escapade. They felt in great need of a shower, but were too weak to move. It could wait, they thought. For now, cuddling together in a nice relaxing nap was all they could think of.