Kaci - Intro

Story by Kaci on SoFurry

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#1 of Kaci Background Story

The snow leopardess watched the lion walk out of the room. She lay on the concrete slab that was loosely called a bed, tears ran down her cheeks silently. Her fur was dirty and matted in several places. There were patches of dried blood on her flanks. The heavy metal door slammed shut and she jumped slightly. She knew better than to let her sobs get to her chest, so she started to hold her breath slightly, it helped her relax enough to stop the tears. If she let this get out of control, she knew it wouldn't go unpunished. She lay on her back, staring at the grey ceiling above her, remembering what had started this whole mess. If only she had never gone to that audition, she thought to herself.

About a year before, she had been a normal fur; she had a job, and a boyfriend, and a family. She was nineteen, almost twenty when she got a phone call for an acting audition. She was so excited, it was her dream, to be an actress. She was so nervous that she arrived for the audition almost an hour early. The director and the casting agent agreed to see her early due to someone not showing up. They took her to a back room and handed her a script to read from. After a few minutes of reading, the director, a large, heavily muscled husky, stopped her and told her that he'd like her to act in costume.

The casting agent, a small and petite skunk, took her to a small room to the right of the room she was auditioning it. The room was dimly lit and filled with racks of small bikinis. The skunk asked the leopardess to put on a barely there red bikini. When she put it on, the top barely covered even her nipples, and the bottom had a small triangle that covered her pussy, with just a g-string back.

"I don't think I feel comfortable wearing this..." the leopardess whined softly to the petite skunk, hoping the female would understand.

"I don't remember this being a question," the skunk replied indifferently, "either you put it on, read the lines and get the part. Or you take this off, and you walk out the door and stop wasting our time. Understood?"

The leopardess' face dropped slightly for a moment, then she thought to her self that this was an opportunity of a life time, so she plastered a fake smile on her face and spun on the ball of her foot to walk back into the audition room. The skunk reached out and stopped her as she was reaching for the door. In the skunks other paw were a pair of six inch red stilettos. The skunk held them out to her and nodded to her feet. The leopardess hadn't worn high heels in a few years now and hoped she wouldn't stumble too much on her way out. She put the shoes on and opened the door.

The skunk bustled through the door in front of the leopardess and quickly took her seat next to the large husky. The leopardess walked through the door and stumbled back to the small stage in the middle of the room. She had left he script on the floor so she had to bend over to pick it up, giving the husky and the skunk a perfect view of her goods from behind. She turned to face her audience and blushed as she realized what she had just shown them.

"Alright," the husky paused and looked down at the clipboard resting on the table in front of him, "Kaci, right?"

The leopardess nodded and the husky motioned for her to continue. She read her lines, with the husky reading the male part along with her. The scene she was reading from seemed to be leading up to a sex scene, which made Kaci very uncomfortable. Suddenly, the husky rose from his seat and padded toward her, in the middle of his line. As he reached her, Kaci turned the page to see the next page had no line, just actions. Before she had the chance to see what it actually said, the husky took the script from her paws and roughly pulled her to him and kissed her fiercely. Kaci struggled in his paws as hard as she could, but no matter what she did, the husky would not let go. After what seemed like hours of this almost brutal kissing, the husky finally let her go.

"You got the part," he growled in her direction, "you start immediately."

The look in his eyes was lustful, filled with desire. Kaci started to back away from him slowly, only to realize the skunkette had slipped behind her and was now pushing her toward the husky. Her eyes were filled with the same lust as his, only softer. Tears started to fall down Kaci's cheeks as she was pushed toward the husky. His left paw found her muzzle and forced her head down to look at his crotch. She noticed the bulge that had formed under his tight jeans and was scared to think of what was coming.

The skunkette had unstrapped her top and pushed it off to expose her large, soft breasts. She felt the dainty paws sliding down her back, then around under her breasts and down her stomach to push under her bikini bottoms. The skunkette slid two fingers against Kaci's hot slit. Kaci let out an involuntary moan and closed her mouth in horror at herself.

"I told you she would enjoy this, Rachel." the Husky murred to the skunkette softly, "She just had that look in her eyes, all she needs is a good, rough mating to perk her up a bit."

"You were right, Rick," Rachel whispered to the husky, "I wonder...." She paused and her paw slid down to Kaci's hot opening, and she wasted no time in slipping two finger into it. "Yes," Rachel murred and closed her eyes, "This is her first..."

Rick murred loudly and kissed Kaci brutally again, shoving his tongue into her muzzle. She had screamed out as the skunkette penetrated her and now she was struggling to get away from the unwanted probing from both of them. She made no progress and in all of her struggle she only accomplished one thing; arousing the husky more. She heard the zipper of his pants being slid open and tears fell faster down her face. Finally Rick broke the kiss and moaned. Kaci risked looking down to see that Rachel was coaxing his husky hood from his sheath with her free paw. Kaci gasped at the size of it as it grew from his sheath, it must have been at least ten inches, and wider than she had expected too.

"She must like what she sees," Rachel murred, "or my paw in her, because she's starting to drip. Take a look, Rick."

Rachel ripped the bottoms off of Kaci, leaving her naked aside from her shoes. Rick dropped down in front of Kaci and spread her legs roughly, exposing her to him. He ran his tongue over her length and smirked as she shivered and held back a moan. He started to work his tongue around her wet slit, making her writhe in pleasure. She shuddered and moaned as her first orgasm hit. Rick lapped up her juices quickly. He stood and motioned for Rachel to bend Kaci over.

As soon as her goods were presented to him, he pushed the full length of his husky hood into her and began to pump quickly, his knot already forming. Rachel stood back and watched, pleasuring herself and moaning as she watched her mate rape the young leopardess.

Kaci snapped out of the living nightmare and looked around at her cell, tears forming in her eyes again. If only she had left the audition when she had the chance, she'd never be in here. She'd never have to worry about being sold at any moment to some horrible fur who would use her as a slave. But that was now her life, every time the cell opened she worried that it would be time to be taken to her first and last bath in this horrible place. Worried that it would be time to get ready to be presented to her Master for the first time.

The bulky male lion, who was often her guard, stumbled into her pen late that night. He was very intoxicated and seemed to be randy and looking for a quick mating to sate him for the night. Kaci's eyes lit up, her imagination running wild at the possibilities. She knew she had finally been presented a chance to escape. For a moment, she wondered if she would even have a chance to get out of this dungeon even if she made it out of her pen. She shoved the horrible thoughts of her punishment out of her mind and stood up to pretend to seduce the lion into her submission.

She caught him off guard when she dropped immediately into the submissive position down on her paws that was required from all the slaves. The lion had never seen her take this position without coercion. He quickly moved his pants down to reveal his hard lion cock. He grabbed Kaci's tail and lifted it high, pulling it hard enough to force a yip out of her, which was punished with a hard slap to her rump. She held back the yip that was running up her throat, knowing the punishment would only get worse if she did. She felt him press his lion cock to her sex, and just as he did, she kicked back at him, catching him in the knee and forcing him to fall forward with a heavy grunt.

Kaci rolled out of the way quickly, the lion landing just on the black tip of her tail, she whimpered as she felt his weight crush the tip. She yanked her tail out quickly and leapt to her feet, darting out of the cell. She slammed the cell door shut on her way out, and found herself now in possession of the lion's keys. How lucky am I, she thought to herself, I am so glad he was drunk, he left his keys in the door! She locked her cell, trapping the now snoring lion. She hadn't expected that to have been that easy either, he had hit his head on the concrete slab of a bed she had and was out cold.

Kaci turned and ran down the dark hallway, glad that she was not forced into shoes, the sounds of her pad-falls on the ground barely making any noise at all as she sped through the dungeon. She reached the stairs that would lead her to the main lobby, which would then lead her to her freedom. She looked around, down each hall before she made her way silently to the base of the staircase. There was no one in sight, Martin, the now unconscious lion, must have been the guard for the night. She nearly yelled excitedly as she made her way slowly up the stairs.

Her ears twitched rapidly as she neared the top of the long flight of stairs, she was completely alert and waiting for someone to come down the stairs and capture her, to beat her within an inch of her life for attempting to escape. She was almost to the top of the stairs when she heard two male voices approaching. She panicked, having no where to turn. She thought about turning around and just running back to her cell, but the stretch of stairs below her was completely straight and she would been seen in an instance. Instead, she laid her ears flat on her skull, took a deep breath and bolted up the stairs, hoping to snake through the two males on their way down and out the doors before they could catch her.

Instead, she ran head first into a tall, muscular, onyx black wolf. She dropped immediately, knowing this would likely be the end of her life. She moved into a submissive position, on her knees, with her legs spread wide and her head hung down, her eyes looking at the feet of the black wolf. The two males scrambled, the wolf having taken a step back when Kaci ran into him. The other male pulled out a pair of wrist and ankle cuffs and swiftly cuffed her wrists together, then her ankles, connected the two with a heavy chain. A lead was then hooked to her collar and she was roughly pulled to her hind-paws, not an easy thing to do when chained up.

A small whimper escaped her muzzle, and the male guard, who happened to be a giraffe, raised a hoof to slap her across the face. She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, awaiting the hard blow. The blow never came. She opened her eyes and glanced up, just long enough to see a sight she wouldn't, couldn't, have dreamt. The wolf had reached up and grabbed the giraffe's hoof in mid-swing, stopping him for punishing her.

"You will not mark my slave," the wolf's voice came out in a growl, "She is my property now."

"How did-" the giraffe began, "How did you know this one was yours?"

"I didn't, but she is now, I will pay whatever difference I need to to purchase her," the male wolf seemed determined to take her home, and his voice was already full of lust.

She shuddered, listening to and scenting her apparent master. His scent wasn't entirely unappealing, but anything was appealing to her compared to the guards and drunks she normally had to mate. She began to shake as she realized that she would have to go home with this wolf tonight, that she would likely have to pleasure him, and wait on him. She feared that he would be as cruel as his tone. Tears filled her eyes and she attempted to blink them away quickly.

"Yes, sir," the giraffe responding, pulling hard on the lead attached to her collar and dragging her up the last few steps. They were in the lobby now, she had been only feet away from her escape! More tears filled her eyes as she thought of being free.

A tall, female cheetah was waiting for them at a receptionist desk, looking entirely confused as the threesome approached. "Is there an issue?" she said in a stiff, monotone voice.

"Not at all, Jazz," the wolf spoke to her, as if they were friends, "I need to know if this," he nodded toward Kaci as he spoke, "Is the slave I have just purchased. And if she is not, I would like arrangements to exchange for her, I will pay any difference that is needed. This leopard is going home with me."

She shivered more at his words, knowing now that she definitely did not want to go home with this wolf, no matter how he smelled. She knew the rest of her days would be lived out in agony. The receptionist, Jazz, rose and grabbed some paperwork, the reached out and roughly grabbed Kaci's paw, flipping it over to look at the marking she had been giving just inside her wrist. She nodded and grunted, dropping Kaci's paw.

"She is yours," Jazz mumbled, then went back to her paperwork, waving the three off with an annoyed look.

The wolf beamed for a minute, then took the lead from the giraffe and said to him, "I can take her from here."

"Oh, sir.." stammered the giraffe, "Would you like her cleaned first? It is... Standard procedure..."

"That will not be necessary," the wolf said as he began to lead her away, "I have others who will bathe her when I get her home."

With that, she was led out the door and hustled into a fancy looking midnight blue car. The male wolf forced her into the backseat and made her slide over as he climbed in after her. He tapped the small glass divider as he closed the door and the car sped off. The wolf stared out the window for a good five minutes before finally turning to her and releasing her chains. He looked over her naked, dirty body for a few seconds.

"You will call me Master, or Master Vilkas at all times," the wolf stated firmly to her. "Now, tell me, what is your name. Speak quickly!"

"Ka-Kaci," she stammered a little, wincing as she did, praying silently that he would not beat her for her slight hesitation and her stammer.

"Good," Master Vilkas said with a growl, "I have many other slaves, but I plan to use you quite differently than them," a devilish smirk crossed the wolf's muzzle and Kaci shrank away in fear at his foreboding comment.