Denver Chapter 1 - Jaxon

Story by LuccaTheOtter on SoFurry

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#1 of Denver

Jaxon has always had trouble with guys, either them only wanting sex or only wanting open relationships. He wishes for one day to meet the right person and he may have gotten his chance.

I tossed and turned on the slippery worn silk sheets, a feeling that was not soft like you'd think. A rough texture from three years of having the same grey bed set I had bought when I moved to Colorado. The pillows my head rested on, lost their fluff, now heavy with the sweat and dead skin and fur. My back ached as pain pulsed through my flesh wrapped muscle from the rickety mattress I got handed down from my father and mother more than a few years back. My mornings began with sleep deprivation and the occasional Ibuprofen to relieve the attack on my spine from the matted mattress.

Upon opening my heavy eyelids, a siren wailed from the alarm clock sitting beside the bed on the uniquely shaped, hexagon side table. I leaned over onto my side, swinging my paw up, perfectly placing it on the button labeled snooze. The loud obnoxious cry disarmed. I leaned onto my back, looking up at the darkness shadowing the square room. The turquoise curtains pulled back revealing the city lights, attempting to pass through the cloud of snow drizzling from the sky. A light grey desk and matching dresser sat across the room towards the end of my bed. The television silently sleeping after persistent usage of binge-watching most recent Netflix Original Series the night before. Everything just the way it was every countless morning I wake up alone in this room.

I inhaled, allowing the silence to fill with a quiet peaceful breath before a loud shatter sounded from the other room. I quickly sprung up, dashing out of my small corner of the apartment with both hooves clopping on the floor into the well-lit hallway. Shielding my eyes, I strutted down the hall turning left into the kitchen, glaring at the beige and black beagle, who couldn't be more than five feet tall, kneeling down with a broom, sweeping up the pieces of a plate.

"Damn it, Bartholomew, can we go a day without you dropping something and breaking shit?" I snapped.

"I..." He began, stuttering. "Just drop it, Jaxon. It's not like I meant to do it. I don't have my contacts in so it's not like I have perfect vision."

I huffed and began back to the room. When I entered the room, I shut the door and started to my bed reaching for my Samsung Galaxy S7 that rested on the pillowcase. I picked it up and unlocked it. Swiping through my cell phone, I pulled up my Grindr app checking for any new faces to chat with. After roughly about twenty minutes of sending messages to a couple people with no response in return, I set it down, with a small sigh. Same scenario, different day. I planted my hooves on the hardwood floor and stood up balancing myself, trotting to the large sliding glass door, opening it and stepping outside onto my wet balcony. Flakes of snow draped the dark busy city; lights shined in tall office buildings; skyscrapers stretched upward tearing into the dark peach shaded clouds. I took a deep breath of the cool, late October air, then again, it aided in calming myself down before entering my room once more and shortly after, exiting to the kitchen where Bartholomew now began cooking.

"Hey, um, I apologize for getting angry." I started, hoping he'd say something quickly, but he just continued with his omelet pretending he didn't notice I stood behind him. "I wasn't meaning to be an ass."

Finally, he spoke.

"But you are an ass. You're the literal definition of what an ass is, Smart-ass."

Smart-ass was the nickname I received from a group of wannabe popular students from Coal Ridge Middle School. I was easily the most knowledgeable in my class, knowing subjects ranging from American and European history to computer science and Biology. They called me Smart-ass because I wasn't born with the sexiest bloodline. I may be an Equine, but I'm just a Donkey. A Burro who got an above average education and was put to the grind by my father who begged me to get a college degree.

I walked to the fridge grabbing a bottle of OJ, then to the cabinet for a glass, and last to the counter where I poured a decent sized amount. I began to drink before Bart spoke.

"Also, I get you sleep naked but please remember to put on some pants or underwear before you rush to the kitchen. I get you like to show off but please for the love of god, save that for your once a year hookups." He finished, flipping his breakfast before putting his meal on a plate that sat left of the stove.

"At least I can get a hookup. You have worse luck with girls." I snickered, taking another sip. He began to get flustered. He spun around holding the spatula at an angle that seemed like a threatening position.

"I'll have you know, I am seeing women! I'm trying to find the right one for me, so sure I am seeing multiple girls, so what, at least I can keep a girl interested in me. Guys would probably seek you out more if you weren't so closeted and actually comfortable with your sexuality." He snapped. As his breathing slowed down, he apologized and took his food to his room shutting the door.

I don't have a hard time finding guys who are interested in me. I don't mean to brag, but equines are known for their above average sized member. I struggle with being able to find a guy I want to spend my life with. I mean, I'm thirty-five and still haven't even entered any sort of relationship. It's damn near impossible to find a guy nowadays who wants to settle down, not just begging someone to get their dick wet once in a while.

I glanced over my shoulder looking towards stove to the digital clock. I set my glass into the sink and strolled to my room, clapping my hooves lightly on the wood with each step. When I entered the room, I walked to the bed and picked up my phone for the second time, hoping to find a message on my app. One new message arrived in my notifications. I quickly opened it seeing the user's name and a small picture up in the top left corner of a black desert cottontail. 'Just4Fun' sent the message which read, " Whoa, Hot pic!" followed by a wolf emoji with heart eyes.

"'Just for fun'. Typical fucking guy." I scoffed, in the process of closing the app.

Another message appeared reciting, "I love your profile too! Finding that one person that you would want to spend eternity with is definitely a dream goal of mine!"

A visible smirk painted my face. I replied, instantly receiving a message back just as quick.

We texted back and forth for roughly thirty minutes before I began to get ready for work.

I strutted the wardrobe placed beside the closet, pulled out my boxer briefs, and hoisted them up my legs. I then entered the closet and got out my black fit slacks and one of the same green colored polo shirts I have been wearing for the past year and dressed.

I scurried out of the apartment, twenty minutes earlier than my usual. I felt good. I felt like the world has sent me a guy who values the same life I dreamt of.


Hours and hours I talked with him, from the time I left the house, to the time I got off work at my boring IT management job. He fit every qualification I needed and throughout the day, every word, sentence, and idea he said caused my heart to fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

When I reached my apartment and unlocked the door to enter, I bypassed my roommate and headed straight for my sanctuary. Once inside, I opened my phone reading the new text I received.

"Hey, wanna come with me and some friends to the newish place called Spa Treatment? It's kinda like a bathhouse, but it's really relaxing, and you can see my work!"

"Sure, sounds fun." I replied partially uneasy about the location.

"Awesome, meet us there in about 30 minutes, the address is 3434 sycamore place unit 7!" He finished before signing off.

My excitement almost beat out of my chest. My nerves began to twist and convulse, but I might have a chance at finding my soulmate. He was perfect. I signed off as well. In a quick panic, I began throwing on clothes attempting to seem as professional as possible. After approximately three minutes of sorting out outfits, I came to an agreeance on a turquoise long- sleeved button-up garment which I rolled the arm sleeves above my elbows, tucking the dress shirt into a slim pair of fitted gray slacks. I trotted to the hallway passing by my roommate, who now stared in my direction, confused to what I had planned for my evening.

"Where you headed to?" He questioned.

"I'm going out, gotta meet with some friends of mine, special occasion."

My roommate placed an upsetting look on his face. "But, it's Walking Dead day. We always watch the walking dead on Mondays."

"Oh, I completely forgot it was Monday. Fuck. Well, I will be gone at most 2 hours, it's what time now..." I trailed off looking at the stove stationed across the area from the Living room. "seven-thirty? So I'll be home by nine-thirty or ten. I'll pick up drinks for us too. Sound good?" I tried to persuade him.

He nodded and swayed his paw in the air, waving goodbye.

I busted from the apartment rushing to the elevators. Once inside the aluminum industrial elevator, I buzzed my finger on the parking garage button, triggering the doors to come to a complete close and finally descended thirty-seven floors. I went over basic things to say; how to communicate to him when I met him; what kind of topics to bring into our conversation. With a ding, the doors opened and I started straight ahead to the white 2013 Subaru Outback parked in space 231, every clop echoing through the noisy concrete structure. I pulled my key fob from my left-hand pocket and pressed my thumb to the unlock button hearing a click on the doors as the lights blinked. I entered the vehicle, using the push-to-start to begin the engine and turning on my built-in navigation system. After about a minute of letting the car reheat, I backed out of my reserved parking spot and exited the garage.

"Hello, I'm Jaxon," I greeted to myself in the car, "You look snazzy! Wait. who the fuck says snazzy. Good evening there, you look as lovely as ever, care to, care to...Marry me and be together forever! God no, that is... that is way too creepy. I sound like a fucking stalker."

My mind went cold, I couldn't figure out anything to say and all that was left was to wing it and see how I felt about the situation. Analyze the scenario and go for it, the normal Jaxon.


The car ride through downtown and along the strip of Colfax fell to a short twenty-five-minute drive. I came to a parking lot that had large orange signs reading "Grand Opening." Upon entering the parking lot, I noticed the lot was near empty, most likely due to the accumulating snowfall progressing throughout the day. I pulled into a parking space just a hair bigger than the width of the extended body kit of my vehicle and through the gears into park. I glanced into the rear-view mirror checking teeth, hair, and smile. Even though I don't mind my smile, not a lot of people like it. I just hope that someone may appreciate it. The snow began to coat my car window as I tapped the push-to-start button turning off the vehicle. I stepped out instantly feeling the judgment of the brisk weather as if mother nature began to warn me. Two clicks and the car locked behind me. I rushed up to the front door and entered. A tall and lanky fox stood about five feet from the entrance. The pale expression told me that his life was a hard one.

"Welcome to S.P.A. Treatment. How can I assist you on this cold day?" he spoke with a flamboyant tone, though seemingly annoyed.

Without hesitation, I spoke. "You come here often?" I chuckled nervously for an outstanding total of 2.5 seconds before speaking again. "I am so sorry. I am winging this whole thing."

"You are pretty bad at it." He quietly giggled to himself.

Not gonna lie, he's definitely a cute one.

"So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is your first time here, or to a 'spa' for that matter. Let me tell you how things run here. Rule number one, if someone is wearing their towel, NO TOUCHING. I repeat, No Touch. I don't care if you or they find it hot to remove garments. The only loophole is private rooms, which cost extra. Rule two, and the most important rule, do not touch the workers. They are distributing towels and that is all, no touchy touchy, comprendo?" he finished with a sigh before quickly typing on the laptop placed to the right of him.

"Do I have to partake in sex?"

"Plan on taking off the towel?"

I shook my head left and right.

"Then no. It is against policy if someone violates you with your towel on, we annihilate them and kick them out. Now some information. I'm gonna need birthday, full name, and then whether or not you'd like a private room."

"October 27th, 1981, Jaxon Feldman, and then no. I am meeting with a friend. Hopefully, he didn't get a private room."

As he finished typing, he softly spoke. " your total comes to twenty-five dollars and fourteen cents."

I handed him my poorly treated credit card. Once in his possession, he swiped it handing back the abused plastic and gripped his paws on the freshly printed receipt sliding it across the counter. He turned away for a few seconds rounding up a clean and neatly folded towel and handed it over with a lock.

"Lockers are the second door down on the right, be sure you lock up your stuff. No cell phones on the floor. Thank you and we hope you enjoy your stay."

I took the towel out of the fox's paw and made my way to the hallway passing the first door and then entering the second. Upon my grand entrance, the only body I noticed was one other, besides that, it was almost vacant; a welcoming reminder of my life alone. A feeling that greeted me like an old friend.

I found a locker close to the showers and began to descend my clothing starting with the slacks and on to the button up, slowly working my way to the bulging boxer briefs. I paused and glanced up. The man lurking in the locker room glared and quietly stared for a few seconds before snapping out of his daze and exited the room. Quickly before any other beings could pass through, I slid off the underwear, allowing my crotch to finally breathe since the early morning. The towel draped around my body elegantly, fitting like a perfectly tailored suit. I locked up the clothing and electronics in the container and sat on the bench directly below. My breath grew heavy. I began to feel the nerves rage in my head sending my mind into panic.

"Stay calm. He is probably just as nervous as you are. It'll be fun. It'll be fine. You got this Jaxon."

The door swung open and before my eyes stood the rabbit. His dark charcoal fur gleaming in the fluorescent light fixtures; his hair perfectly fluffed and highlighted with blonde, swooping to the left covering his eye. His body shaped closely to that of an hourglass. Pure perfection.

His ears perked up the sight of me. "Well howdy there stud, arriving early to the scene. I like that."

I lost my vocabulary. All I could do was stare in silence.

"Are you the white Subaru I saw parked outside?"

I nodded in delight.

"I knew it had to be. Amazing body, outstanding size, and best of all, I bet you have a perfect taste." He quickly saved himself "Taste in cars. I like the, well I like the size of it." He covered his nose giggling. His laugh was undeniably cute.

He began to take off his shirt, then his skinny jeans, and last, he turned around bending down to remove the unbelievably small vibrant pink designer underwear. His tail raised showing the cute bunny hole that hid in his clothing before he cloaked the towel around his thin hips. He paraded towards me grabbing my hoof and pulling. I stood towering him in height comparison.

"Shall I show you around?"

My stomach left my throat as I finally choked up the courage to speak. "B-be my guest."

His warm paw gripped mine tighter. He drug me away through the door and down the hall to an open area. My eyes lit up. I began to see why this place was called Spa. Hot tubs to left of me; Sauna to the right; and here I am, stuck in the middle of choosing.

"Sauna and hot tubs here, perfect for after. Nice relaxation. The back room behind the door in front of us is the pool if you're a lap horse," He giggled. "We should go downstairs."

I looked up. "What about up. What is up there?"

"Private rooms. But I don't like private rooms. I feel them to be too, what's the word, private." He spoke while making his way through a wooden arch which led to the staircases.

He began to make his descent to the basement. I picked up the pace to catch up. As I made my way to the bottom I came to another hallway. He made his way to the first door and used a key unlocking it.

"More private rooms?" I nervously muttered, hoping for him to say no.

"You are cute." He grinned, motioning to me to come with before entering himself.

I was hesitant. If they weren't private rooms than what else could it be? Public rooms? Dungeon? After I appeared in the doorway, what I expected wasn't in fact true. A simple wooden chair sitting directly in the middle of the room and a desk nesting in the corner. The dark shadowed room contained a single source of light protruding from the ceiling, lighting only the chair.

"Don't worry, this isn't a murder room. I know it can seem like it, but my work is about to start I work in here. Not expecting a big group today with all this snow. I am hoping that once you see what I do you will understand and we can share the moment together. And this room is considered a..."

Before he could finish, three men entered, A Dalmatian and two tigers. The Tigers began to embrace him and began to talk and converse. The other stood near the doorway. The dalmatian exerting his insecurities though he had no reason to be.

"You seem like you are nervous," I politely spoke.

"You been here before? This is my first and I'm pretty scared." His voice whistled lightly in my ears.

"First time, and I have no idea what's going on so at least we are both clueless."

A few more showed up the and by the time the last guy made his way in, the rabbit closed the door.

"Welcome friends, I hope you are just as eager to get started, I have to state the rules again. No touching someone if there is a towel on, and no touching the workers. But down here, only the workers may touch." He gripped my hand and drug me underneath the one dim light. "So who is ready to get started?"

My nerves shot up my body. I was afraid to move, thinking it might cause someone to react.

He let go of my palm and ran his hand down the face of my towel caressing the bulge before pulling off the shield.

"You ready to get started big boy?" he whispered.

Out of the built up aggression in my temper, I swiped the towel out from his grasp and re-wrapped the naked flesh of my body.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Are you fucking joking right? You drug me out here, played with every single one of my goddamn emotions and all you have to say is 'Are you ready to get started?'"

The embarrassment struck him and he began to get flustered. "Well, I..."

"I don't want to hear another stupid lie or word or anything out of your mouth. You never even told me your name. I told myself coming here was a bad idea."

"Well maybe if you just went with it, your mindset might have changed. Did you think about that? No, because you are to set to your fucking standards that you don't allow change." He snarled.

"Well, maybe I don't want to change!"

I turned away and stepped through though crowded silence. Everyone in shock, uncertain who to stare at. I pushed open the door before he made one more comment.

"Next time when something is offered to you, don't be a stubborn ass."

I slammed the door and stormed my way up the staircase towards the locker room; My inner self screaming for the revenge of my emotions taking the pain from him. Every clop on the staircase echoed and from behind, I heard the door I slammed creak open as if the hinges got screwed up from the impact. The darting feet of an animal raced down the hallway and up the staircase from behind.

"Wait up!" The slightly familiar voice called out. "Please!"

I stopped one step away from the main floor and turned my head noticing the Dalmatian from earlier standing behind.

"What he did, you had every right to be upset. And since you gave me courage, I feel like I should help you out."

"Just run along kid. No need to try and help what is already done."

He stepped up a step.

"But if you just hear me out..."

"I said run along kid." I cut him off. The more he spoke the more he added to my aggression.

"Just listen to me..."

My temper spiraled out of control as my torso twisted, swaying my right arm close enough to almost make contact.

"Run along kid! Go! Get out of here! I'm much too angry to deal with anything and anyone. You think because I told you to be courageous that that is the last time you see fear? No. So if you come here and try to tell me the 'There's plenty of fish in the sea' story and 'help' Then you are just as dumb as that good-for-nothing rabbit."

He paused before taking another step up, meeting me on the last stair.

" Look, I'm not asking you to talk about your feelings, okay, I just want to come here and make sure you are okay. Also, The show continued right after you left and they aren't my kind of crowd."

His expression looked unsure of what else to say.

I couldn't be mad at him. Besides, it wasn't his fault for what happened back there.

With a deep sigh and a mind full of mixed emotions, I spoke. "I apologize for yelling at you."

"That's alright, I didn't come here expecting you to be a bright shiny rainbow full of happiness."

I chuckled, "Though, I'm actually a bright shiny rainbow that is happy that out of everyone here you are the one to chase after me."

The Dalmatian placed his paw into mine. His warmth took hold of the scattered thoughts in my brain, eradicating all unwanted feelings and handing me the sensation of desire.

"I feel I should learn your name."

His smile could light an entire room, or the city of Denver, or the entire state of Colorado.

"My name is Spencer, but I usually go by Spence."

"I love it, though for a Dalmatian I would have thought spot or something like that," I joked as we both shared a short-lived laugh. "I'm only joking. I'm Jaxon, J-a-x-o-n."

With his paw placed in mine, I pulled him down the hall to the locker room. Upon our entrance, not a single entity lured nearby. I turned to him and before I knew what to say, he sprung up and placed his lips on mine. Surprised and unsure of how to react, I closed my eyes and fell deep into the kiss, our tongues battling to taste each other. My hands slid up his body stopping at his cheeks caressing them. I took a step in getting closer as he stepped back, repeating until we hit the lockers, our bodies pressed against one another.

Whilst sharing our passion, the locker room door opened. In a quick panic, the Dalmatian abruptly ended the saliva exchange and turned his head away to the door.

The fox from the front counter entered with a tower of towels and a scowl of pure disgust.

"We have cameras just so you know. If you do anything that isn't for downstairs or a private room you will be escorted out by security."

Spencer spoke softly, the embarrassment heard over the tone of his voice. "Sorry, we got carried away."

The fox dropped off towels near the showers at the back of the room then proceeded to the door and exited.

He glanced back up at me, our eyes connecting.

"Wanna go somewhere else?" I questioned.

He nodded.

We separated and grabbed all our belongings, dressed and met back up. He placed his paw into mine for the second time and together we strolled out of SPA and to my car which wore a fresh blanket of snow. I brought him around and opened his door, motioning for him to seat himself before shutting it and carefully walking to the driver's side getting in. I started the car and backed out of the parking slot. We exited the parking lot and began our way into downtown Denver. He leaned his head on my right shoulder wrapping his arms around my forearm tightly.

The car ride was silent and shadowed in darkness, but this gift sitting in the passenger seat was my light, and for a moment, everything else leading to this moment wasn't important.

Denver Chapter 2 - Spencer

If a friend offered you twenty bucks to go and get absolutely uncomfortable in a room with at least thirty others all jacking off and watching two or three or more guys in the middle banging would you do it? Being a college student, where money doesn't...

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