Observations from Beyond

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A fox and a tiger share some intimate time together in various situations, and all for your benefit. Yes, you, dear reader. All for you.

This story was written for NovusTybur. It contains M/M sexual acts between consenting adults in a variety of situations, and fourth wall related fun. :3

Observations from Beyond

"Jake. Hey... Jake. C'mon man. It's time."

Glancing over his shoulder, the tiger's eyes widened for a moment. His demeanour shifted immediately, and a soft, tender growl escaped him as he more delicately nuzzled against the sleeping fox.

"Wake up, lover-boy. I need you."

A soft kiss landed upon the slumbering vulpine's lips, and as Jake began to stir he instinctively returned it. His tongue flicked out across Richard's broader muzzle, and a gentle murmur slipped from the back of his throat while his eyes were still heavy lidded, just managing to prise themselves open. He tensed slightly for a moment, his eyes widening as true wakefulness spread over his body and mind. As soon as he looked up into Richard's eyes however and the tiger looked back down at him, he relaxed again, blushing as he reached up and wrapped his arms around the big cat.

"Mmm... sorry about that, sweetie. I was dreaming."

The tiger grinned, pecking the fox on the lips once more.

"Well, let's see if we can't make reality a more inviting prospect than whatever it was you were imagining there, hmm?"

Richard was straddling the fox already, a soft layer of thin sheets covering them both to about half way up the tiger's back. Those sheets began to crumble and draw back however as Richard started to plant gentle kisses along the length of Jake's lean upper body. Running downward from neck to chest, chest to stomach. Before long the bundled sheets were drawn back enough to expose the tiger's twitching tail above bare buttocks, and not long after that Richard found himself nuzzling his way past the last of Jake's soft fluffy white furred stomach and further down to his rather skinny hips, the tip of his nose suddenly met with the intense, vibrant scent of arousal.

A rumbling growl escaped the tiger, only to be echoed by Jake a moment or so later as the feline nuzzled against Jake's already swelling cock. The tiger kissed it. Licked its tip. Jake arched his back, groaning in pleasure at the intense stimulation from that wet, rough surface. His eyes rolled in their sockets, glancing skyward for just a moment before his hands rose from where they were at rest upon the bed. Trembling fingers reached out to grasp the tiger's head. To tease and fondle and rub his ears, deep and penetrating purrs beginning to rumble from deep inside Richard's body even as he opened his muzzle, sharp teeth glinting in the morning light for just a moment before he took the fox into his mouth.

The tiger began to suckle on the fox, gently, though with talent and knowledge of his lover enough to provoke an immediate and obvious response from Jake. He lifted his hips off the bed. Growled loudly, happily, and tightened his grip upon Richard's head. Indeed soon there came a point where as much as the tiger was eager to pleasure his partner, Jake was the one driving the action more so than Richard. He was bucking his hips with increasing speed and force. Humping the muzzle being held above and against him, albeit oh so willingly, and growling with increasing volume and passion as his pleasure rose.

"Ah. Ahh... take it. T-take... every... aaaahh... every drop."

Jake snarled feverishly as he felt one of Richard's hands wrapping around the knotted base of his shaft, squeezing and massaging the already swollen bundle of nerve-rich flesh.

"God. God yes... j-just like that. Ahh, it's... c-coming. Rich. I... aaahhhgod. Ahhhfuck! Sweetie. I... fuck. Fuck! I'm cumming!"

At the last possible moment though, after Jake's cry was already echoing through the bedroom's now rather warm and thickly sweat and sex-scented air, the tiger pulled away from the fox's cock. He dragged himself back despite the clutching embrace of Jake's hands as though they weren't grabbing him nearly as forcefully as they appeared, and with a lustful grin upon his face rolled to the side off of the fox, presenting his cock in all its glory before reaching out with his remaining free hand and rapidly starting to pump at the throbbing, saliva glistening length.

A frantic howl escaped the fox as he began to cum, and thick ribbons of his seed launched skyward in a hot, spurting fountain of multiple back to back threads. The rich cum rained down over Jake's own thighs and belly fur, not to mention the hands squeezing and pumping furiously at his shaft throughout his peak. A couple of strands even managed to lash out across Richard's face, deep groans of lust escaping the tiger each time they did so and his own larger, thicker cock throbbing hungrily between his legs in time with his husband's own productive eruptions.

They shuddered and grunted happily as they watched and shared in the joy of Jake's orgasm, and even before it was over Richard was shuffling closer to cuddle up against his lover. Glancing briefly upward before murmuring to the fox in an almost imperceptible whisper.

"Nice work with the control shift there. I... I think they really liked that."

Jake grinned, growling and kissing Richard affectionately before nodding back to him with a whisper of his own.

"The handjob at the end too. Fucking hot touch. I know if I'd been reading, I'd have cum."

The tiger chuckled.

"If you'd been reading? This would become a very, very meta story."

Smirking, Jake raised an eyebrow upward, nodding his head gently towards the bedroom ceiling.

"I think it already has. Unless they closed out as soon as the handjob was done, they're still reading."

A fleeting look of confusion flashed across the tiger's face, but as he too glanced upward for the briefest of moments it was soon replaced by a curious, excitable smile.

"Really. Well... looks like today's gonna be a fun one, hmm, Jake?"

The fox grinned, but before he could answer...


The sound of showers hissing and water drumming against textured tile echoed around the shower and locker area, the more distant sounds of voices clamouring from the pool itself intermingled but indistinct beyond. The fox looked around for a moment as he felt hot water rushing down over him, chuckling and murmuring to himself as he began to rub his damp and chlorine scented fur down with his hands.

"Another scene already? Well, looks like someone's eager for content..."

Jacob reached behind himself and plucked a bottle of shower gel off a small shelf in the shower area within which he currently stood. He squeezed a small dollop of the minty scented gel out onto one palm, rubbed them together into a lather, and began to massage it throughout his body. He ran his hands over his chest and stomach, broad and taut with muscles, growling in approval. At the same time of course he kept his vocalisations low, very much aware that these shower cubicles were in no way sealed off, only a wall of a few feet's depth separating each individual shower-head. All he had to do was take a single step forward, which he did in order to lather up his body without the shower simply washing the soap instantly away, and he was able to lean out beyond, looking to the left and the right at other men showering all around him.

The fox's eyes widened, and he licked his lips in delight as just at the same time he stepped forward, so too another man seemed to just a few cubicles away. The only difference was that this figure was a tiger, and while Jacob's package was still locked away inside his speedos the buff, heavily muscled feline had his out and in hand. He turned around almost instantly as Jacob saw him rubbing at his semi-hard cock, stroking himself in a way that could have been passed off as just washing to someone not paying too much attention or wanting to witness such an act of public lewdness. But mere seconds later his head leaned back out, and when he saw that the fox was still looking his way a grin crossed his toothy muzzle.

They both stepped back inside their cubicles' embrace for a brief while as a group of other men entered from the pool and began to shower off around them, but even as that small group finished up barely a minute later and proceeded towards their lockers Jacob found himself still lingering. Still washing himself, and now squeezing, stroking at the larger bulge inside his swimwear's shimmering, tight fabric.

A few seconds later, as soon as the shower area grew quieter again, he was compelled to step out once more. The tiger was already there. Already standing facing Jacob with cock in hand, now fully hard and shamelessly having its substantial length and girth stroked and squeezed. Before the fox could say a word, the tiger moved closer. Another cubicle nearer to him, and nodded warmly, invitingly for Jacob to do the same. The fox's heart pounded in his chest. He swallowed thickly. This wasn't like him at all. And yet, much as it was uncharacteristic, he wanted it. He had to do it.

He stepped closer, and closer, until the two of them were neighbours. More voices approached, and they stepped back into their individual cubicles as the sound of flip-flops on wet tile and more shower-heads being turned on around them rang out anew. Even through that noise however Jacob swore that he heard a low, rumbling growl from his right. A growl that urged him onward, and left him shuddering as he freed his swollen cock from his speedos and gave it a few rapid, pleasurable pumps before slipping its bulging length back inside once more.

The next time they emerged, facing one another with the fox's back now preventing the tiger from being seen by anyone who might just briefly pass by, their eyes met. The buff feline licked his lips and winked, and before Jacob could say anything a free, firm hand reached out and slipped its fingers under the waistline of his speedos. The tiger squeezed his cock, and it was all Jacob could do not to yelp aloud. Instead he did as the tiger was suggesting with a fresh encouraging nod of his head and a playful shake of his own thick, swollen cock. He reached out and grabbed it in return.

Jacob groaned loudly. He was doing it. He was actually doing it. Jerking off another guy in public.

More voices. His eyes bulged, and both he and the tiger darted back inside their cubicles once more. This time though their impatience and arousal was obvious. The newcomer was still showering, facing inward to his own shower-head, when the two men poked their heads back out. The tiger stood facing directly outward this time, more urgently and eagerly jerking himself off. Then he turned. He moved towards Jacob. Closer. Closer, until suddenly the fox was back inside his cubicle and realising that the tiger was right there with him.

"Turn around..."

The tiger spoke. For the first time, he spoke to Jacob. And of course, shuddering and whimpering, Jacob turned.

He felt hands on his ass. Peeling down the back of his speedos. He felt heat. Intense heat and hardness press up against him. Rubbing, grinding the tiger's cock against the base of his tail, between the taut cheeks of his ass. And then, at last, a hand. Reaching around. Wrapping itself around his cock and starting to squeeze, stroke, pump as the tiger humped and hot-dogged him.


Jacob knew he shouldn't just stand there, whimpering and growling louder and louder with each passing second. He knew they were going to get caught. That someone would see them. Hear them, and know what they were doing even if they didn't just yell or turn them in right there and then. But, it was too hot. Too fucking hot and incredible in how it felt to possibly stop, or even try to make the tiger stop.

"Ah. Ah. Y-yeah..."

His eyes bulged as he felt something new. Thick, trickling heat spraying out over the underside of his tail. Trickling down his cheeks where the cock pressed against him was throbbing so violently now. Where it was cumming. Spilling out seed at a frantic rate and continuing to hump at the fox's rear all the while. With a strangled yelp of joy, Jacob turned himself around. He pulled himself away from the tiger's straining, cumming cock only so that he could look the pleasure-stricken feline in the eye. So he could press his buff body up against the tiger's own, and his cock against the tiger's own throbbing, spurting shaft as he too lost control.

As the first frantic, orgasmic howl escaped Jacob's muzzle he knew they'd already been caught. But it didn't matter. Not just because he was too high on the thrill and pleasure of the moment to care, but because this section of the story would be over, and the reader's attention would shift elsewhere before any consequences could befall him or his tiger companion.


"This one... I... a-aah... I think they want something quick. The last one they read, it wasn't to their taste. So... fuck. L-let's give them what they... aaa-aaahhh... what they want!"

Jack shuddered happily as the fox's cock sank into his ass, the kitchen counter-top before him pleasantly cool as his bare body leaned against it for support. He knew he'd been doing something before this. Perhaps cooking dinner, maybe getting drinks or a snack for the pair of them to enjoy while watching TV, but right now it didn't matter. Not to the reader, and not to them. All that mattered was the sensation of the fox's cock throbbing inside him. His own erection dribbling and spurting pre-cum out onto the cupboard doors beneath the counter, and the smaller male's fingers reaching around his front, stroking at his fluffy white furred chest while soft kisses were planted upon his shoulders in rapid succession.

The tiger's claws dug into the counter, dragging marks through the protected flat surface as Jack tossed his head back with a snarl. The fox's hands were on his hips now, and the male's pace had quickened so much that his motions were a blur. Thick, wet slapping of their bodies uniting, his thighs practically spanking the tiger's buttocks rang out through the kitchen amidst their combined cries. Still though it wasn't enough. Not for them. Not for their satisfaction, nor indeed that of the impatient, lustful reader.

"Harder! Harder!"

Jack's clawed tightened into fists, digging into his own skin as he began to hammer his fists against the counter in a desperate fury. He roared, shuddering and yowling in pleasure and pain as the fox grabbed him by the hair and pulled his head not only back, but to one side. Just seconds later he felt hot ragged breathe upon the exposed side of his neck, and as the fox's knot slammed into him with a thick, wet pop the vulpine male bit down upon Jack's throat. Claiming him, and driving the tiger into an instant, savagely intense orgasm even as the fox continued grinding and humping at him with continued, unabashed fury.

"Charlie! Aa-aahhh c-cum with me! Please, inside me. Now!"

The tugging, the throbbing of the fox's knot inside of Jack's rump was too much for the shuddering, cumming tiger. He wailed in unabashed lust, his whole body shook as he fell flat forward against the kitchen counter, grunting and moaning as the tip of his spurting shaft began to rub and twitch against the front of the cupboard door directly before him. He needed Charlie's cum. He needed the fox to let loose deep, deep inside of him. So much so in fact that he could already feel his body surging in anticipation, ready to engage in that ultimate and almost impossible of actions. A back to back, doubled-up second consecutive orgasm. And all that the fox had to do, knotted, humping and snarling as he already found himself, was cum.

The fox's fingers dug into Jack's hips. His hips jerked violently, savagely forward, pinning the tiger between himself and the counter with ever greater pressure and force. He threw back his head, howled in rapture, and...

Both men shuddered, blushed and panted... but stopped. They paused, not frozen but stationary as their bodies ached with the unceasing pleasure of their current actions.

Shuddering, panting, Jack turned his head.

"W-wha... oh god... they stopped reading?"

Groaning in pleasure, leaning forward and pecking the tiger more affectionately upon the centre of his upper back, the fox shrugged.

"I guess so. I... a-ah... I hope they weren't caught jerking off or something."

Jack grinned, groaning as he shuffled himself into a slight more comfortable position glancing down between the counter beneath him and his still twitching, aching cock, ready to continue its orgasmic rapture at the very moment of the reader's return.

"Yeah, I guess getting caught isn't always as fun as in the stories."

They smiled at one another knowingly, recalling a dozen or so tales they'd played roles in during which some manner of lewd and illicit discovery had led them to even greater pleasure despite initial humiliation. After doing so though they returned to their prior positions, awaiting the reader's return. It was only a minute or so later however when their bodies sagged, relaxing slightly, and both of them groaned.

"T-they... they did that, right? I'm not off base?"

Turning back to the fox buried deep inside him, Jack was met by the other male already reaching his arms up in a comfortable stretch, yawning and nodding.

"Yeah, they closed the tab. I guess we're off duty for a while."

He looked down at his crotch. At the knotted base of his shaft buried deep inside of the tiger. Then he glanced up at Jack, blushing as he saw how the tiger was already looking at him. Playful. Hopeful. Eager.


The tiger grinned back at the fox's playful murmur.


Charlie rocked his hips once more, and this time pleasure not born of the story's plot but of their own purposeful intent surged urgently through the pair, catching them off guard with its differing but not in any way diminished intensity.

"Unless... y-you wanna just... keep going? The idea for the end of that story... you passing out with the force of your second orgasm, me lying there with you against the counter, nibbling on food from the cupboards while I wait for you to wake up again? It sounded pretty cute. I'd enjoy playing that out."

Shivering anew with desire, the tiger nodded and re-set his position. He closed his eyes, focused, and allowed himself to slip back into character despite the original reader's absence.

His eyes snapped open a moment later, and as all of a sudden Jack was being pounded by the knotted length of his lover's cock once more, he too was spurting, cumming hard in the continued midst of that first orgasm, with another rapidly rushing forth to meet him.


He roared in pleasure once more, not for the reader this time, but for him. For them. Sure, this might have been a job. But it was a job he loved. A job they both loved. Carried from sexy scenario to sexy scenario, fulfilling the fantasies and desires of a readership hungry for intimacy and lust in varying proportions. And along the way, intentionally or not, fulfilling a good number of their own desires and urges too.

"Charlie! Aaahh... it's... I'm... yes! Again. I'm... oohhhgod!"


Jeremy lay in bed, facing the wall and weeping.

The fox whined and shuddered as he heard the dorm room door open and saw a beam of light fall across him from beyond, broken by the silhouette of a familiar figure. He sniffled and tried to quieten his whimpers, to subtly wipe the tears from his eyes in case it became clear to his roommate that he wasn't sleeping and he had to pretend that all was well.

He sometimes found it a struggle to deal with these more intimate and heartfelt scenes. Not knowing entirely what the reader wanted from them. To see a more hopeful outcome than situations they themselves had been through. To be reminded that the world wasn't perfect, and that it was okay for them to have struggles like the characters about whom they were reading. Or, perhaps simply to forge a deeper emotional investment, leading up to the inevitable physical interactions. He was the character of course, not the creator of the idea or the writer of the piece. But, it was still a much more complex situation. Even if a story was being told for a particular person, it was much harder to gauge how an emotively charged scene would hit their heart, compared to a sexual one hitting the right spots between their legs.

But, he would try. It was all he could do. All any character could do, in such a scene.

Tristan closed the door once more, and Jeremy listened to the tiger moving across the room. Towards his bed against the opposite wall. He heard the sound of a shirt being slipped up and over the tiger's head. The creaking of bed-springs as Tristan sat down without a word. A heavy sigh. And then...

"I can't do this any more."

The bed-springs creaked once again. Footsteps padded across the room. But not to the door. Not to leave, to leave Jeremy alone with his sorrow or ignore it as the fox had asked him to countless times before.

Jeremy whimpered loudly, pleadingly in dismay as he felt a weight land next to him. The tiger sitting down upon the edge of his bed, reaching down and soon placing a hand upon the shoulder of the shuddering, weeping fox.

"You deserve so much better than him. So much better than being strung along. Kept around for when he doesn't feel like wandering off and finding some piece of slutty trash who doesn't know or care that he has a boyfriend already. And... look, tell me to fuck off if I'm off base here, but... fuck, I just don't know what else to do. If him cheating on you right in your face isn't enough to snap you out of it, and realise that there are people out there who would appreciate you more. Who would care for you... m-maybe even love you for exactly the sweet, kind hearted man you are?"

The tiger's hand grasped at Jeremy more firmly, and rolled the sniffling, shuddering fox over so that their eyes met. Jeremy's own red and puffy and tearful, and Tristan's wide, terrified, but filled with determination.

"Maybe this will."

He leaned down.

He kissed the fox upon the lips.

And as they soon slipped under the covers together, clothes falling away and tears replaced with bashful, excitable moans from them both, the fox hoped that the readers would be even a fraction as glad for Jeremy and Tristan as the pair playing them were.


"O-ohhgod... I l-love these... these stories. Aaahhhfuck!"

The front of the tiger's boxer-briefs darkened as the rigid, thick cock within them began to pulse and spurt thick ribbons of seed into the pale blue fabric. He leaned against the bathroom sink, staring heavy-eyed into the mirror and watching his face contort in pleasure. This type of story was impossible. Far beyond anything reasonable or rational in any more grounded reality. But this was fiction, and thus reality didn't matter. The fact that he was a talking bipedal tiger and his lover was a fox of the same kind truly made little impact, when you considered that in this world some magical force was driving him to cum uncontrollably. Not just once. Not just a single, unexplained and instant orgasm. But again. And again. And again.

Staggering out of the bathroom, Jason whimpered happily as he set eyes upon the fox. His companion in and outwith fiction, but here with him now as a part of this same world and this same story. Thus, it was no surprise to see Christopher lying back upon the bed, staring down at his naked crotch in blissful confusion as he pumped a ceaseless stream of thick creamy cum out across his lean belly and chest, panting and grunting with each pulsing wave that utterly failed to diminish in either intensity or capacity.

Tugging off his already stained and soaked underwear, Jason rained his own cum down onto the bedroom carpet as he flung himself to the bed. As he dragged himself to his lover and they embraced tightly, whimpering and staring at each other in blissed-out dismay.

"W-what's... I... ohh, Jason... I c-can't stop it. Can't... control myself."

The tiger nodded and groaned as he pressed himself against the fox, feeling his cock brushing against the soft fur of his lover's thigh and only driving him ever more wild with unceasing orgasmic bliss.

"I know. I-it's... it's okay though. Just... let it happen. Just hold me. Hold me, Chris. A-and... cum. Cum for me..."

As they lay there though, clutching at each other, writhing, shivering, cumming over and over again as their bodies grew more stained and sticky with the abundance of seed pouring forth from between them, something more than pleasure began to grow inside the tiger's mind. Something less sexual, more playful almost as his mind began to not grow accustomed to the pleasure, but function alongside it a little more actively.

Soon, with a pleasure-stricken grin, he moaned aloud to the fox once more.


Christopher wailed happily, unable to do anything else.

"Cum f-for... the readers."

The tiger's hand reached down between their two trembling bodies, wrapped itself around Christopher's swollen, throbbing and spurting cock, and squeezed. Christopher howled, and stared at his lover in pleasure stricken dismay.

"W-we're not supposed to... a-ahh... address them directly."

Jason shrugged.

"Then don't. Just cum. Let me address them. Let me let them know that the reason you're cumming... the reason we can't stop, is because we want them to enjoy it. To get off on it. On the idea, the image of us lying here, writhing, helpless against the bliss of our own bodies. Wishing that they'd share that feeling with us, if only for a handful of seconds."

Both men writhed and grunted as their orgasms seemed to intensify to a new level, and Jason's grinning grew all the more eager and gleeful through his roars of pleasure.

"A-and... when you're cumming for them. When we're lying here, wondering how many of them are going to get horny reading this. Turned on, maybe even to the point of doing something about it... t-think about... ah... t-the person who made this all possible."

The tiger nuzzled and nipped at the fox's neck as Christopher threw back his head and arched his back, howling in unabashed, unhinged rapture.

"We're cumming for all of them. F-for... all of you. But, none of this would be possible. None of the parts of this story would be happening, i-if not for... aahh... for one person."

Jason kissed Christopher, whispering tenderly into the writhing, howling fox's ears.

"Say his name. Scream it. Cum... cum for me. For our readers. For the writer. A-and... cum for him. The commissioner."

The fox thrashed beneath his lover, eyes bulging, muzzle wide open and panting heavily. He came. He howled, and he cried out the name of the one because of whom all this pleasure was made possible.

"N-Novus!! I... aaaahhhyes! Yes! C-cumming... I... we're... cumming, f-for you!"

By Jeeves

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