#3 of music lyrics
by: DJanthro
a lost neutrality,
a lust for artillery,
an overrated infancy,
a brand new affinity,
an uproard blasphemy,
a yerning for anarchy,
a hatred for democracy,
that defines me.
Im a heresy,
Im a blasphemy,
Im a lovers quarrel,
Im a thing most seek,
Im a heresy,
Im a blsphemy,
and I will not stop,
till they burn like me.
a heart filled atrocity,
with tasty atrophy,
a loving apathy,
and posh oddity,
a religious autopsy,
done by a monarchy,
known as babtistry,
that's against me.
Im a heresy,
Im a blasphemy,
Im a lovers quarrel,
Im a thing most seek,
Im a heresy,
Im a blasphemy,
they will all burn,
just wait and see.
heresy "c" DJanthro 2010 & Anthroa Studios 2010
all rights to these lyrics are to thier respective owners, any copying of said lyrics will be subject to lawsuit.