Different Kinds of Prison

Story by Sleths on SoFurry

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#21 of How Royalty Works

Another chapter out! Just as the previous one was very smut-focused, this one has a little bit more plot development. Still has smut, though. ;)

Hope it's as enjoyable to read as it was to write! As always, take a look at the tags to see what you're in for and comments and thoughts are always appreciated!

The coyote paced around the dungeon cell, back and forth in the small space. The walking helped him think and, even though he was used to sit around all day considering his job as a scribe, doing it in a dark dungeon cell was a different thing in its entirety. Two days. It had already been two days since they'd been thrown in that cell and still Anken had nothing. No means to get them out, no plan to help them expose the dragons, nothing at all. It frustrated him to no end, but with almost every known ally they had down there in the dungeon with them and all the others out of reach, it was impossible to plan anything.

"Can't you be quiet for once? Your pacing is driving me crazy!" The complaint came from the cell next to his, but Anken ignored it. He was used to it by now. It was the bull, the previous slavemaster, who had been thrown down there as well for 'failing too many times' in his treacherous cooperation with the dragons.

"Shut it. He can do whatever he wants. I'm gonna be pacing over your dead body when all of this ends." Third prince Regnar growled the threat right back at the bull, who just snorted at it, but he did turn away and quiet down. The prince was sitting on the bed, back against the wall, playing with a loose piece of thread he had gotten from his clothes. The prince looked as bored as he always was. The lack of activity certainly wasn't doing him any good, not to mention his frustration over being in a place like this when all of his kingdom could be falling apart right above his head because of his own brother.

Anken found himself staring at Regnar. The prince was shirtless, wearing nothing but the simple pants he often wore around the castle instead of the clothes fit for nobility he was supposed to wear. That was mostly because of the regular training he did, which was not something one wants to do in tight, hot fancy clothes. Regnar had given away his shirt to Anken himself. The coyote had been dragged into the dungeons naked and pointing that out to the guards and warden achieved nothing save a snort or a shrug. The black wolf's shirt was far too big for Anken, feeling loose on the chest, but at least that meant it was also long enough to go past his waist and provide him some cover, even if a poor one.

Regnar's eyes shifted to look at him, catching him in his staring, so Anken quickly looked away. He went back to his pacing, avoiding the prince, but Regnar's condition here was part of why he had to come up with a way for them to get out. Anken went over all the tools he had in his head one more time.

There weren't too many guards in the dungeon grounds. Usually only one, in fact, which was the warden sitting at the entrance by the one and only flight of stairs leading up and out of the dungeon. He sat on a wooden chair, barely within sight of the back end dungeon cells they were in. The guard held the keys to every cell, but he also wore an armband. Every guard that was guarding the dungeon now, even when they changed shifts, was wearing an armband. The dragons were either growing more careful regarding them or their influence over the castle was expanding. Maybe both.

Overpowering the guard from inside the cell was out of question. Regnar had tried that on the first day by pulling on the guard's wrist while he was bringing them food. All that had gotten them was a small cut to Regnar's arm and spilled soup on that day, with the guards being more careful about the black wolf ever since then.

Other than the guards, there was the bull sitting there on the other cell and doing no better than they were and, most importantly, Zeke, the wolf slave who had helped him fight the dragons, was also sitting alone in his own cell. From what he had told them, Zeke had taken the hardest blow, being tortured by the dragon lords into telling them about Anken and Regnar. He also informed them that the dragon lords were holding fourth prince Rowell as prisoner as well in order to keep him from interfering in magic affairs. It made the situation all the more dire and, though Zeke had stressed the need to rescue Rowell from the dragons several times now, Anken just couldn't see how they could accomplish that if they couldn't even get out of the prison cell they were held into. The lack of solutions hadn't been easy for the wolf slave. He was lying on his cell bed facing the wall, as he had been for the last day or so.

Anken sighed, staring at the wolf. He felt genuinely bad for him. If it had been him being tortured in Zeke's place and then forced to leave Regnar to suffer more of it, he would probably be in the same position. Anken got a little lost in his thoughts staring at the wolf slave, but suddenly he felt arms coming around him from behind. It snapped him back to reality with Regnar's muzzle coming to nuzzle his neck.

"You should rest a little. The dragon hurt you and you need to recover." Regnar gave Anken's neck a small lick as he spoke, which in turn made the coyote blush immediately. As dire as their situation was, he couldn't help a soft smile or a gentle wag of his tail.

"I'm alright, my lord, it's nothing to worry about." The coyote pressed himself back against Regnar's large, furry chest. The only solace of being where they were was prince Regnar's presence. The coyote noticed how the prince couldn't keep himself from at least a low growl every time he spoke about the dragons like that.

"Come sit with me," the prince said. Did he even notice how authorative he sounded? Anken wondered that while he let himself be led by his paw towards the simple bed. It was one of the things he loved about Regnar. He radiated strength. Anken sat by his side and Regnar pulled him against him, letting him lie with his head against the larger wolf's shoulder.

They sat quietly for a few moments with Regnar's hand caressing Anken's chest. The coyote wanted to enjoy moments like these and, at a deep level, he did, but every time they did that in that old dungeon cell, there was a larger layer of something else enveloping it. Anken kept thinking about that and, the closest conclusion he could reach was that maybe he liked it too much. Prince Regnar's kingdom could be crumbling right above their heads and Anken, sitting there with his muzzle against the larger wolf's fur, taking in his smell, just liked it. The coyote felt guilty about that. Why was it that every time he wanted to enjoy prince Regnar's company there was something else going on? Anken's ears folded back without him noticing. He pressed himself more against Regnar and before he could stop it, there was a little wetness in his eyes.

"We'll get out of here."

Anken looked up, bringing a paw to his face to clean his eyes. "My lord?"

The black wolf smiled down at him. "Yeah, we will. Things will work out somehow."

Anken smiled. The prince's words were completely void of any argumentative sustenance, and yet it felt so firm. Against all logic in his mind, the coyote felt reassured and nodded. As if on cue, both of their ears snapped up when they heard movement coming from the dungeon entrance. The guard was talking to someone, but they couldn't make out the words. Regnar and Anken looked at each other, then both stood up to go to the cell bars to try and see what was happening.

The coyote heard laughter, and then finally, someone was heading their way. As soon as he got close enough, Anken's eyes went wide. Regnar, at his side, started growling.

"What's the meaning of this?!" The prince asked, hands already gripping the iron bars hard. The visitor was Emett, the wolf that had helped them against prince Rael and got taken away by one of the dragon lords. He was... smiling, and his tail was wagging. Most importantly, the wolf was pretty much naked save for a typical slave-like loincloth that did absolutely nothing to hide the raging erection he had. The wolf's dark red cock was at full display, knot out and everything, with a silver ring sitting just above the larger bulb of flesh. Other than that, he wore a revealing harness and a leather collar. Anken just stared at him in shock, but he also noticed the wolf wasn't wearing any armbands.

"The master said I had to come and show you what your future will be like!" Emett said that in such a cheerful voice. It was very uncharacteristic of the wolf he had met.

"What?! Captain Emett, what the FUCK?!" Regnar slammed his paw against the iron bars in fury, his growling now louder. The clank of iron echoed through the dungeon. The bull and Zeke were watching the display now, too. Anken saw Emett's eyes looking to the side, focusing on something, but there was nothing there. The wolf then nodded and smiled again.

"Master says I should tell you that all wolves deserve to be like this!"

Emett's eyes lost focus once again, still with the same silly smile on his face. Regnar, on the other hand, gripped the bars and growled with anger.

"How could you give in to the dragons like this?! Get ahold of yourself RIGHT NOW! That is your superior's order! If you don't stop this shameful display I'll have you demoted! No, arrested for fucking treason!"

While Regnar overflowed with anger at the display, Emett didn't seem to mind at all. He wasn't even looking at them. Anken frowned, studying him, then a put a hand on prince Regnar's shoulder to get his attention and calm him down.

"My lord, I don't think it's his fault. He doesn't seem to be in control of himself." Regnar stopped to look at the coyote when he said that. He never ceased his growling, however.

"He's not wearing an armband!" The prince said in response, but Anken just shook his head.

"He's wearing other things, though. I don't see why a leather armband would work and a leather collar wouldn't."

Regnar stopped to give it some thought. He stared at Emett, still growling, who seemed to be listening to nothing at all. The captain's tail was still wagging and his cock was still obscenely hard.

"That's what anyone gets for messing with dragons," the bull spoke from his cell, watching the whole thing with a frown. "This is how all of us are going to end up thanks to you lot." Both Regnar and Anken ignored him, however, focusing on the flaunting wolf.

"This is outrageous. I'm going to kill these dragons, one by one, for doing something like this!" The prince still growled and Anken could see how hard he was gripping the iron bars. That part, however, Emett apparently heard.

"You can't hurt the master!" Emett said, sounding genuinely hurt. "We live for his pleasure!"

Regnar was right back to growling again, watching the ridiculous display. "Emett, I swear, this is-"

"I'm not Emett! I'm Dog!" Emett said, interrupting Regnar stubbornly. He turned around, then, and lifted his tail towards them, exposing himself. "Master said I should ask if any of you would like to fuck me, like the good little slave I am!"

Despite the incredibly shameful display, Emett's tail was still wagging fast as he bent over forward to expose himself. It felt embarrassing just looking at it. Regnar's growling grew in tone, but Anken stood there. The gears in his head were turning and something had just snapped. That's why he took a step forward, grabbing the iron bars as well.

"I'll fuck you," the coyote said. Regnar stopped to look at him with a shocked face. At some level, he guessed Emett, or Dog, didn't expect him to take up on his offer, because he too turned his head back to look at him with a surprised face. The bull and Zeke, both watching from their cells, had the same reaction.

"Are you out of your mind?" Regnar was the first to ask. "This is just wrong!"

"Trust me," Anken said, looking at the prince. He was dead serious. Regnar seemed to pick that up, frowning heavily, but nodding. Anken leaned in towards the prince. "Hold him when he gets close. Keep his muzzle shut."

Regnar nodded. Anken, on the other hand, lifted his shirt up to expose his sheath towards the flaunting wolf. "So?"

Emett took a moment to look to his side. He was doing that strange thing again, but then he nodded and stepped closer. The pretty much naked wolf came up to press his ass right against the bars, leaving himself exposed in-between them and, again, lifting his tail. His cock was still hard, bobbing between his legs.

"Master says I should ask that you fuck me very hard!" Emett said, again somewhat enthusiastically. Anken frowned at that. The coyote did place a hand on Emett's fur, but he looked at Regnar and nodded.

It was the cue the prince needed. In a split second, his muscular arms advanced towards the wolf through the bars, pulling him against them by the scruff of his neck, then one arm coming around his neck to keep him pressed against the bars while the other came to clamp Emett's muzzle shut, keeping him from both biting and making any sounds. The wolf, of course, started struggling with surprise right away.

"What now?!" Regnar asked Anken, growling and grunting with effort to keep the struggling wolf at bay. The coyote was fast, he rushed back to small bed on the corner of their cell. It only took him a few seconds to find the small crack in the wall he had hid the iron key in.

It felt like an eternity ago, even if it had just been a few days. Anken had been on that same cell when that mysterious, small cat appeared out of nowhere to hand him that same useless key. Anken rushed back, reaching around from the inside and placing it outside at the lock of the iron door of their cell. Just as before, however, the key didn't turn, as if it didn't quite fit. Regnar, with his muscles still bulging from the effort of holding the other wolf down, just watched him work.

"You had a key?!" The prince asked with confusion. Anken just shook his head.

"No. Well, yes, but no. You need to make him try turning the key!" Anken spoke with urgency. He was trying to look towards the entrance to see if the guard had caught whiff of something being wrong yet.

"What? Turn it yourself!" Regnar said, still confused. Emett was growing more and more frantic trying to get out of his hold. Even the wolf's cock was starting to flag and retreat, finally.

"Trust me, it has to be him!" Anken just insisted. With a grunt, Regnar started shifting his grip. The arm around the wolf's neck went down to his chest, but that weakened the hold, Anken held his breath, watching Emett almost break loose.

"My leverage is not good enough," Regnar growled, still attempting it.

Anken saw that simple force like that was unlikely to work. Instead, he leaned forward towards Emett. Despite the urgency of the situation, the coyote tried to keep his voice soothing towards the struggling wolf.

"We need you to open that door so that we can fuck you better," he lied. It did get the wolf's attention, but Anken got no more than a glance in his direction. "You want to obey your master, don't you?"

Emett did look at him, but he went right back to struggling right after that. Regnar shifted his grip back to Emett's neck and pulled, choking him. "Do it!" The black wolf growled right on Emett's ears, which went straight down. Still gasping for air, the wolf's reluctant hand came up to reach the key. It looked like he was more afraid of Regnar's threats than willing to go with the coyote's reasoning, but nevertheless, he reached for the key. When the cat that gave Anken the key said that 'wolves couldn't use it, but one that looks like a dog just might', the coyote had thought of Raenn's transformation right away. Apparently, however, there was more than one way to look like a dog. How the cat or his master could know about this, or even make a key like that, was beyond Anken's logic.

Without barely any effort, the key turned. The lock clicked and Anken smiled with excitement. He rushed to get the rusty door open and Regnar wasted no time, either. He held Emett by his scruff and pulled him alongside him as he stepped out before throwing him to the side, sending him stumbling towards the ground. The sound of the cell opening drew the guard towards them, which came running to see what was happening.

"What th- How did you-?! Get back to your cells right now!" The guard was brave, growling at them. Anken barely had time to start getting worried. He had never seen Regnar move so fast. The guard was halfway through taking his spear from his back to lift it and the black wolf was already upon him. With a foot, he forced the spear down towards the ground before the guard could raise it so hard that the wooden handle crackled and broke in half. From that point, the guard only took a knee to the stomach and the strongest punch Anken had ever seen for the guard to fall down sprawled on the floor, unconscious.

Prince Regnar spat towards the guard on the floor, then effortlessly stepped in to grab Emett, who with his ears pinned down and tail between legs, attempted to run past him to flee towards the stairs. He held the gray wolf by his scruff, eliciting a whimper from him.

"Let me go! Master is going to be angry at me! He's going to punish me! Master says I'm a worthless dog, he says I'll never cum again!" The way Emett pretty much cried the words made Anken frown with pity. The coyote too stepped out of the dark cell, though.

"That was amazing, my lord." That brought a proud smirk from Regnar.

"I hope that fucking armband does something to their minds, or else this fucker was seriously lacking in his training." The prince spat one more time.

"I can't believe that worked! I can't believe you had a key to get out this entire time! Now let me out as well!" Both coyote and wolf turned towards the bull speaking, both frowning.

"I don't think it's that simple. Everyone must know the slavemaster and Lord Regnar are arrested by now. Nobody will dare question the prince's freedom, but yours..." That was Zeke speaking, who also had his hands on the bars of his own cell, watching the whole thing.

"What are you suggesting, slave?" The bull hissed. It did make the wolf slave's ears fall down, probably coming from years of being bossed by that same bull.

"He's right," Anken said. "The key is a long story, but we don't have much time. That guard will wake up soon and when they change shifts, the next one will call in to report our break out. That's if nobody else comes down here before that, either."

"Let me go!" Emett, or Dog, whined again, interrupting Anken's reasoning. They all looked down at him as he struggled helplessly against Regnar's hold. "I need to see master!"

"Hold him down," Anken said, to which Regnar happily obeyed. The coyote saw real panic on Emett's eyes as his hands came near the collar, kicking and struggling hard against the prince.

"No! NO! Don't touch it! That's master's! I need it, I need it! I NEE-" Regnar's hand came to clamp the struggling wolf's muzzle shut. Even he had to grunt in effort to hold the desperate wolf down.

"Hurry up," the prince growled, and Anken nodded. He carefully undid the buckles of Emett's collar and swore he could feel a tingle on his fingers just from touching the thing. When the collar was being removed, Emett's struggling grew even more, but as soon as Anken managed to pry it off and throw it to the side, the struggling almost stopped. The wolf looked confused, groaning in discomfort. His eyes darted back and forth. Worried, Anken worked faster with the harness, opening its own buckles and throwing it away as well. That left only one piece of gear.

Emett stood still, but Regnar still held him. Anken looked down at the wolf's half-hard cock with the silver ring still around the length. He was surprised it hadn't fallen off with his erection shrinking. He hesitated for a moment in the name of basic decency, but that wasn't the time to worry about these things. He steeled himself, carefully touched the ring, and pulled. It didn't come off, not budging even an inch, but it did bring a grunt from Emett. That was enough for his eyes to regain some focus. At least enough of it to look down at him. The wolf shook his head and grunted some muffled words. Noticing the lack of a real struggle, Regnar tentatively let go of his muzzle, allowing Emett to gasp.

"It won't come off," the wolf said towards the coyote, panting. "It's... cursed."

Anken looked up at Regnar, frowning, but then nodded. They could both see Emett was back to his real self just from the way he spoke. When he was released, the first thing Emett did was cover himself with his paws, but he still did stumble to the side, looking dazed.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I beg for your forgiveness! The dragons put those cursed things on me, I couldn't..." Anken had never seen a wolf look so ashamed of himself. He saw Emett pressing his paws against his crotch harder to cover his nakedness. The wolf's eyes, however, suddenly darted up. He backed off towards the bars, slamming against them suddenly looking fearful.

"He's still here!" Emett almost yelled. He looked absolutely terrified. Both Regnar and Anken looked at him with confusion. "He won't go away, no matter what!"

Emett spoke with such urgency, but there was no one else in the room.

"No!" Emett growled towards nothing in particular. "I won't. That's not true!" The wolf pressed himself harder against the bars, sliding down to sit on the ground as if protecting himself against something.

"What's going on, captain Emett? There's no one here!" Regnar said. Anken, however, just approached the wolf, kneeling next to him to observe him. Emett looked at him for a moment, but his eyes went right back to whatever else he was seeing a moment after.

"What is it? There's no one here," Anken said, trying to be soothing. Emett looked like he was listening to something else, however.

"NO!" He said again, louder this time. The coyote was starting to worry that someone might hear him. He brought a paw forward to touch Emett and that finally got his attention.

"What do you see?" The coyote asked more firmly. The wolf still looked confused and distressed, but he managed to focus on the coyote's question.

"The dragon! He's here and he can touch me, he never leaves!" Emett was panting. His eyes kept darting back to the 'dragon'. "They gave me a potion. HE gave me a potion, and now he keeps following me. He's..." Emett stopped, seemingly thinking for a moment. "He's... not real. But he is! And he knows everything!"

Anken's frown just deepened. He had no time to even answer, for Emett suddenly jerked away from him to stand up and step away from whatever he was seeing. He backed up to the corner between cells, looking just as distressed as before. Anken stood up, turning towards Regnar.

"It's no use. They did something to him with this potion. I'm afraid Captain Emett won't be of much help to us. The dragons were one step ahead of us."

Regnar just growled in response. "Fucking bastards! I'm going straight to their room and I'm gonna kick 'em in the balls until they undo whatever messed up shit they did to him!" The prince picked up the broken point of the guard's spear as he said that, clearly angry. Anken stepped in to put a paw on his arm, however, shaking his head.

"No. They have magic, guards, everything. This won't work anymore. We have to be smart and act swiftly before they realize we've escaped. The element of surprise is our upper hand." Anken's soothing voice did work. Regnar still growled, but looking down at the coyote, he did seem to calm down at least a little.

"What do we do, then?" The prince looked at him. Zeke, the bull, everyone was looking at him. Anken's ears folded back slightly. How was he supposed to know? How could they fight the dragons if they had half the castle plus one of the most important princes on their side, all while being wanted for treason? The weight of the task was heavy. They had been given a chance to escape, but what good would it do if things were already as screwed up as they were? Anken looked at Emett, who now had his eyes closed and hands over his ears trying to shut down something invisible and his heart sank. How could they fight something like that?

Arms enveloped him. Anken was pulled out from his thoughts, blinking to see Regnar's chest right in front of him. Without even thinking, he leaned his head against the black wolf's shirtless fur. Regnar hugged him. He hadn't even noticed his eyes were wet, that his ears were pinned against his head. Being like that calmed him down, even if it only lasted a few short moments. It gave him time to breath.

"C'mon," Regnar said from above. "I chose you back then to handle my public military audiences. Any scribe can see numbers that don't match and catch a sword thief, but it takes a brave one to step forward and see it through himself, yeah?" The prince's hand came up to ruffle Anken's fur a little. It made the coyote smile. "And back then I still didn't know half of how great you are. We can beat a bunch of dirty dragons." Anken's smile grew. He felt his courage growing again, just as before.

"Seriously? Are you two going to take the time and fuck here, too?! We have to get OUT!" That was the bull, interrupting any further words. Regnar gave him a light growl, but he was right to some extent. Anken pushed himself off from the black wolf, using a paw to clear out the wetness from his eyes.

"We do need to get out," the coyote said. His eyes went through each one of them again. "And we don't have too many tools at our disposal."

"You don't say," the bull said, sarcastically. Emett let out a light groan, now sitting on the floor. His cock was fully hard again for some reason, but he still looked like he was trying to block whatever was happening to him. Zeke looked at the coyote with worried eyes.

"We need to fix Emett. He's a soldier and we need as many allies as we can gather," Anken announced. He went straight for the fallen guard's set of keys, pulling them from his belt. While he was at it, he also removed the armband and threw it away, just in case.

"The wolf has lost it! We can just lock 'im up here when we leave! That should give us enough time to run before he goes back to his 'master' to tell on us," the bull said rather bluntly. That made Regnar growl right away, glaring at him.

"You want to abandon him just because the dragons did something to him?! You fucking coward!" The prince stepped towards the bull, who in turn took a step back from the bars of his own cell.

"I-I'm just saying that he's a liability like that! We can't take 'im with us!" For once he looked happy to have a set of iron bars between them.

"He's right," Anken said while trying keys to unlock the door of Zeke's cell. Regnar looked at him with a frown of disapproval that made him lower his ears for a moment before he continued. "Well, he's right to some extent. We can't take him with us like that. We need to find a way to cure him of whatever they did to him."

"I think I have a way." It was Zeke who spoke this time. All three of them looked at the wolf slave. "He said it was a potion, right? Well, a few weeks ago..." Zeke hesitated, ears folding back a little looking at prince Regnar. He cleared his throat before continuing. "I took a potion from lord Rowell. Some sort of nullifying potion. It was meant to help prince Raenn..." Anken found the right key, turning it and opening Zeke's cell.

"You stole from Rowell?" Regnar asked with a small frown.

"With fair reason," Anken quickly added. "Do you still have it?" The coyote looked down to make his point. Zeke was naked, there was no way he could have anything.

"It's in my room in the slave quarters. I hid it there, but couldn't get it to lord Raenn before he was taken. I'm... not sure if it'll work, but it could." The slave avoided looking at Regnar, but the black wolf looked more annoyed with the bull than with him again already.

Anken's mind was racing. "We can go get it. It's worth a try. That only solves part of our problems, however. We still need a way to get around without getting arrested right away and more people we can trust to help us."

They all fell silent for a moment.

"We have to check if Revis is still alright," Regnar suggested.

Anken shook his head. "Prince Revis is too young to have influence. I considered it, but if I were in the dragon's shoes, I wouldn't worry about him until after the crown is taken."

"Rowell could help. He knows magic and he's in trouble with the dragons," Zeke suggested with his ears low. He had said that several times during the past few days.

"He could help, but in our current state, we can't get near the dragons, let alone save him. They're smart to keep him in check..." Anken sighed. He did want to help Rowell, but he couldn't see any ways of doing it that weren't far too risky.

"Raenn is still out there, isn't he? You think they found 'im?" Regnar said. They all looked at the bull, who just frowned.

"Don't think they did. That's why they put ME in here," the bull said with a grunt. "Little bastard looks like any other dirty dog slave in this castle. There's a hundred of those. He has a slave collar on, but he must have gotten quite far away somehow because the pendant to locate the collar wasn't fucking workin'."

"That's it!" Anken exclaimed. They all looked at him.

"What? Raenn? If he's far away how're we supposed to-" Regnar started, but Anken shook his head.

"No! Lord Raenn looks like any other slave." The coyote's eyes fell straight on the bull. "He told me they gave him a potion to make him look like someone else. He said it came from you. If we could use that against them, we could have a chance."

The bull's frown just deepened. He seemed to think about it for a moment before he finally grunted in agreement. "I don't know how to make it," he just grumbled. "It came from the kitchens. They boiled a bunch, then stored some in the warehouse behind it. All I did was fill up a tea kettle with the stuff and bring it to the dog passing as Raenn."

"It can still work if it's still there," the coyote said, hopeful. The bull just shrugged. "Maybe. Raenn and the imposter needed to keep drinkin' it to keep the effects going, but now that Raenn is gone for a few days, I dunno what they did with it. Also..."

The bull hesitated. Regnar, impatient as he always was, growled at him. "What?"

"You need... cum to make the thing work. Twisted little shit. Gotta add cum from the person you want to turn into before drinking. And it has to be fresh." Even the bull looked a little embarrassed talking about that. Regnar, on the other hand, just kept growling. It took him a few seconds to put things together.

"What?! You've been taking cum from my little brother to make your potions? What the fuck!" The black wolf gripped the iron bars of the bull's cell and the slavemaster immediately took another step backwards, away from it.

"They made me do it!" He said in his defense, which just brought more growling from Regnar.

"Made you do it my ass! You're a fucking traitor and I'll cut your DICK off for it!"

This time, it was Anken who came to pat Regnar's back. "Easy, my lord. What's done is done. We need to get that potion. They won't expect it to be used against them. If it's still there, that's our best shot."

Everyone was quiet for a moment. Anken could see it in each of their faces that they didn't have too much faith in that plan, but the coyote was confident. Mostly because he could not think of any better options.

"Even if you take that, then what? Gonna fight the dragons?" The bull asked with a snort. Regnar growled at him right away again.

"We'll have to keep thinking as we go. Time is short," the coyote said with some urgency. "Lord Regnar and I will go get Zeke's potion and the kitchen potion. I can keep my head low and it will take some time until anybody dares to question Lord Regnar's authority and word of his release reaches Lord Rael and the dragons."

"What? What about us?" The bull asked right away.

"Zeke can take care of Emett, right? Make sure he's alright?" The wolf slave nodded in agreement, but a grunt from Emett himself made them all look at him.

"No... I can help," the grey wolf slurred from his sitting position. He started to stand up, but jerked to the right to avoid something invisible. "I'm fine. I won't... I won't let the dragon get in my head. I can ignore him, it's just..."

The wolf stopped to moan. His hard cock let out precum from its tip. His arms moved with urgency again to do what Anken guessed was push something away from it, but it didn't seem to be working. He moaned softly again and stumbled back, back hitting the wall again. Zeke rushed in to hold him steady.

"We'll bring back the potion to fix this," Anken reassured the wolf with a look of pity. He looked at Regnar, who nodded back at him.

"What about me?!" The bull asked again, coming to the bars. "You haven't even released me yet!"

"You're not trustworthy." This time it was Regnar who answered the question. Nobody dared talk back against him, not even the bull himself at that moment.

"Let's go. We'll be back as soon as we can." They got a few pointers from Zeke regarding the hidden potion and reluctant instructions from the bull on which part of the kitchen warehouse they should look at. Anken pulled the shirt he was wearing down to cover himself better and he and prince Regnar went up the stairs leading back to freedom. If that could be called 'freedom' at all.

Anken had thought about taking the pants the knocked out guard was wearing, but since he was mostly passing as a slave anyways, he didn't think the time to pry them off was worth it. Now, as he held his long shirt down with both paws and walked along the hallways pretty much naked, he was regretting his decision a little. Despite the light blush on the coyote's face, he convinced himself that that was the least of their problems right now.

"It will be faster if we split up, my lord," the coyote said as they walked. "I know where Zeke's room is so I can get the potion he hid there. It should be easy for you, as a prince, to walk into the kitchen and take whatever you want. No slave will dare question you."

Regnar looked at him with a frown. "You sure 'bout that? What if you bump into a dragon? What if they catch you?" As always, a light growl came from the black wolf's throat.

"They won't be nowhere near the slave quarters. They don't do these things themselves," Anken reasoned. Regnar pondered over it for a moment, but finally let out a grunt of agreement.

"Time is short. We can do this. We'll meet back at the dungeon with both potions as soon as we can, alright?" Anken was nervous. As nervous as Regnar seemed to be about splitting up, but he knew that was the best option. The black wolf walked quietly for a moment and the coyote could see, clear as daylight, that he was trying to find an argument to stick together. Finally, the wolf gave up, however, giving him a reluctant nod.

"Fine," Regnar just said. "You better be careful."

"I will be," Anken reassured him. He didn't like the thought of splitting up anymore than Regnar seemed to, but the image of guards arriving at the dungeon and foiling everything they had done so far kept running in his head and making the coyote worry.

Two hallways after that, the coyote and the wolf split up. The slave quarters were considerably farther away than the kitchen, so Anken walked as fast as he thought he could without raising suspicion. He kept his head low, making an effort to ignore the stares he got. All of them were due to his lack of pants, he was pretty sure. In a way, it was a good distraction, keeping the snorts and sneers directed to his legs rather than letting anyone pay attention to his face. As a simple scribe he didn't expect to be recognized as a fugitive, but better safe than sorry.

Reaching the inner courtyards of the slave quarters, the coyote was able to fully confirm that, indeed, it was the middle of the morning as he had suspected. It was hard to keep track of proper daylight from inside the dark castle dungeons, but that means his rough accounts were correct and they had indeed wasted two full days inside that cell. That knowledge only steeled his will further. This was their one chance of escape and they couldn't waste it. He still had to come up with a safe place for them to go, with a way to use these potions, if they worked at all, so that they could in fact stay hidden from the dragons and, most importantly, a way to actually foil whatever the dragons and Lord Rael were planning. Thinking about the whole picture was starting to feel like too much for the small coyote indeed.

His mind remained occupied with these thoughts and Anken was able to reach the familiar slave quarters in no time. With the day already going, the slave quarters themselves had almost no activity whatsoever considering all the slaves were probably busy working. Anken was glad he didn't see anyone when he reached the small hallway full of doors that led to Zeke's room. With no locked doors, there was no trouble getting in. As Zeke had predicted, his roommate was not around, which gave Anken full freedom to head straight for the middle bed and crouch down.

The coyote found the hidden storage harder to find than Zeke had described. He trailed his paw through the wall, brick after brick, but couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. It took him trying to force each one out to finally find the one that seemed to budge. Even so, it was well stuck. The coyote pulled at it, then pulled again with a grunt, and then finally it felt like it was starting to dislodge. He was interrupted, however, by the sound of the heavy hinges of the room's door opening. Anken quickly withdrew from under the bed in a rush to hide what he was doing, but when he looked at the door, his ears went straight down flat against his head. He realized he might have much bigger problems than that.

"The baron has returned." Leaning against the doorframe with his arms folded was the dog. The tall, well-built slave dog that had been keeping prince Raenn under his thumb. Jared was his name, Anken remembered well, because it had been the coyote himself that stole Raenn from him by leaving him trapped by his knot to the fence of the dog kennel after tricking him. "It's such an honor to see you here."

Jared's voice was overflowing with sarcasm and it already came accompanied with a small growl. Anken stood up in a rush, looking at the big dog, but he had nowhere to go. The coyote kept his eyes on the door, but there was no way he was going to be able to get past the large slave and, honestly, he doubted he could outrun him, either. On top of it all, he hadn't taken the potion yet, but he couldn't let Jared see it, either.

"You have to be pretty fucking dumb to return here after what you did to me," Jared said, growling more. Anken did feel pretty stupid. Stupid that he hadn't considered the possibility of Jared being here before he came. He could just see his hands curling into fists, the dog's ears folding back ever so slightly, obviously remembering the experience. "It took two hours and someone holding those damned dogs back from licking me until I could finally pull my knot out from that hole, you know that?!" Jared stepped forward now. Anken stepped back as well, but he was already pressed against the bed. "I'm the joke among the slaves now and it's all because of YOU."

"I can explain!" Anken said in a hurry. "I needed to sav-"

"No!" Jared pretty much roared right at him. "You think I'm going to listen to your lies again? You think I'm stupid?! Oh no." With three large steps, Jared was upon him. He grabbed Anken's shirt and almost lifted him by it, forcing the coyote to stand at the tip of his toes. Anken's hands shot up to try to pry himself free, but Jared didn't even mind his attempts.

"This is no-" Anken started saying again, this time more desperately, only to have Jared growl right at his face. Small specks of saliva flew towards his muzzle.

"I told you to SHUT it!" Jared pushed Anken back, pretty much throwing him over the bed. Anken whined softly, the hay of the slave's bad hardly enough to really soften his fall.

"I should've known you were a slave," the dog continued, still growling. Anken saw that reason he said that was because he was staring down at the coyote's clothing. Or, rather, lack of them. Anken quickly pulled his long shirt down to cover at least some of privates. "When you showed up at my door, I knew it. My gut told me that a small coyote like you couldn't be a noble. I should've listened to it."

Jared then started undoing the laces that kept his own loincloth together. That was all he was wearing, which wasn't much to begin with, but as he took it off and threw it on the floor to stand there naked, all the red flags started flaring up in Anken's mind. The coyote realized he was even more screwed than he thought. Anken retreated, crawling back over the bed to press himself against the wall as far away from Jared as he could.

"Please, you have to listen! This isn't- It's not what you think! I had no choice! I'm working with the princes because the dragons are trying to take over the castle!" The coyote spoke quickly and with extreme urgency. This time, Jared didn't interrupt him, but rather just stood there, looking at him. Slowly, an amused smile grew on the dog's face.

"What's up with you bitches and your incredible stories? That's an even lamer excuse than that little dog actually being prince Raenn." Jared laughed a little. His hand was down at his sheath, teasing it, and Anken could see the dog's cock starting to grow out of it. It was big, as it definitely matched Jared's big size, but now it was looking even bigger than before from Anken's current position.

"It's the truth! It's imperative that you let me go because I need to go back to the du-"

"Shut it," Jared growled and, this time, he leaned forward to grab the coyote by his shirt again. Anken was forced to stumble forward, until he was left on his knees over the bed and with Jared forcing him to be with his face right against the dog's crotch. Anken frowned, the scent of the slave's musk filling his nostrils, but he was quick to turn his muzzle to the side so that it at least wasn't pressed against those heavy, furry balls.

"I'm tired of your lies. Here's what's gonna happen: You're gonna suck my cock. You're gonna suck it like the little bitch slave that you really are." Jared's hold shifted right to the neck of Anken's shirt, keeping a tight grip on it that prevented the coyote from pulling back. He used that grip to press Anken's face harder against his crotch. The dog's balls were rubbing right against his muzzle and now his hard, dark red cock was there as well, right over the coyote's head. "You're gonna want to do a fucking good job on it, too, because if I don't like it? Then, when I'm finished, I'm going to beat the fuck out of you like you deserve while my cock is resting, so that the next load can be in your ass." The look in Jared's eyes made Anken's tail tuck itself tight between his legs. It left no doubt that the dog was being serious in his threats. "If I like it though, I'm gonna shove my knot past your teeth. Then those will be a few hours I won't mind being stuck in something."

Just saying that seemed to fill the dog with fury. He pushed Anken back, then pulled again in a position that had his cock grinding right against the coyote's muzzle. Anken put his hands right up against the dog's thighs, but even pushing himself back, the hold on the neck of his shirt was so tight it threatened to choke him.

"Please, you have to lis-!" Anken started again, even more desperate, but the dog's loud growl showed that he wasn't willing to listen at all.

"Start sucking! And if I feel even a little NIP of teeth, I'm going to remove them one by one so that it won't happen when we try again!" With that, Jared pushed Anken back just to reposition the coyote. Within a moment, his cock was pressed right against the coyote's lips. "Open," he ordered.

"I d-" Anken tried to start again, but the moment he did open his muzzle, the dog just shoved his dick into it, making Anken gag while helplessly trying to pull back from it. His muzzle was forced open with Jared pushing over half of his considerably sized length right into it and, despite wanting to, he made an effort not to let his teeth scrape the dog's cock. He was genuinely afraid of what the angry slave would do.

"Yeah, that's better," Jared said with a smirk. He tightened his grip on Anken's shirt and pulled again, forcing the coyote even further down his dick. Anken closed his eyes, which were getting wet from the sheer effort of taking Jared's size into his muzzle. He could feel the tip of that cock already prying into his throat and that was making it hard to breath. He was forced to breathe in loudly through his nose, which was pretty much pressed against Jared's pubic fur as the dog's knot was just starting to inflate. Jared gave him no respite. He kept Anken like that looking down at the struggling coyote with a wider smile. "That's your place. Choking on cock. Fuck yeah... Now, you better start using that tongue."

Jared slowly pressed forward, forcing the last few inches of his cock into Anken's muzzle. The coyote was having an even harder time taking the dog's big length. He saw that struggling to get away was futile, so desperate as he was, he started licking. Anken moved his tongue, tasting the sheer musk of the slave's cock. The coyote scribe wasn't used to this, so the taste alone made his eyes water all over again. At least, however, that seemed to be what Jared wanted. He relaxed the hold a little and even retreated his cock ever so slightly to better appreciate the tongue work. With a satisfied sigh, the dog held him there, appreciating the forced blowjob he was getting.

"There you go. I knew you had it in you," Jared said, tauntingly. Anken couldn't do anything but try to keep breathing and swirling his tongue around the dog's length. "I had a good thing going, you know? With that little dog slave. I could go to sleep every day with his tight ass wrapped around my knot and I had him waking me up every day with a nice, slow blowjob," Jared continued. His other hand came to Anken's head to start petting it in a demeaning way. There was also a little force there to keep the coyote in place against his dick. "I could just lie down all day and have him lick my balls. I could have extra food from his share when I wanted to. I could fuck him in every position I came up with. Fuck, it was good. I get why nobles like having slaves so much."

Anken was barely listening. His jaws hurt from being stretched open so wide to take in Jared's cock, he was really trying to hold back his gag reflex and, most of all, he was trying to ignore the taste while at the same time continue to please him. The coyote was trying really hard to think of a way to get out of there, but in such pain and discomfort it was hard, to say the least. Sometimes Jared would shove his cock in just a little deeper just to make him gag again. Sometimes the dog would start grinding his cock against the coyote's tongue, making the taste that much stronger. And, worst of all, Anken could see the dog's knot growing right in front of his nose. His sheath was already pulled back by it and, little by little, the dark red bulb of flesh was growing larger and larger.

"It was a fucking good thing," Jared kept going. "Until you came and ruined it." Just as he said that, Jared pushed himself forward again. Anken had to open his muzzle even wider, seeing just the thicker base and knot of Jared's cock out of his own muzzle. "You fucking ruined everything. My slave. My reputation... The slavemaster had threatened to whip me and demote me if I lost that slave, did you know that? You could have screwed me over SO hard with your little stunt." Jared pressed forward again. Anken started to gag again and, in pure reflex, to try to pull back from the dog's cock. That's when the hand over Anken's head stopped 'petting' him and, instead, changed into a tight grip that held his head in place and kept him from retreating.

"I got fucking lucky that the slavemaster was taken away for whatever reason before he could get to me. And then... then you show up. It looks like my luck is indeed starting to change." While Jared still spoke rather calmly, Anken was pushing against his thighs with more urgency. The coyote's ears were pinned down against his head and he looked up at Jared with begging, desperate eyes. Breathing was getting harder and harder, with Anken breathing in loudly, his nose almost brushing against Jared's pubic fur. The coyote really had no experience taking cock like that. The tip of Jared's monstrous size was right against the much smaller coyote's throat.

"I'm lucky to have found my new daily slave here. I'm going to keep you, teach you to worship my cock like I taught that dog. If the slavemaster starts missing you, if he punishes you? That's your problem." Even with Anken already having a very hard time taking it all, Jared still forcefully pushed the last bit of his cock in. The coyote let out a muffled, long grunt of pure discomfort. The only thing outside of Anken's muzzle was the dog's large knot, which was already pulsing. Anken hoped Jared would have mercy, but when he looked up and saw the dog smiling with satisfaction? He already knew he would get none.

"Looks like your small muzzle is having some trouble taking my dick," Jared finally said. Anken tried to nod right away, as best as he could. "Don't worry, the bitches always say my knot won't fit... but I always find a way to fit it."

Anken felt Jared pushing forward again. He really did want to fit that knot in. The coyote's jaw felt stretched, the dog's cock taking up everything, barely letting him breath. "Come on," Jared said with a pleasurable growl. "Fuck, I get off so hard from shoving my knot into a bitch's muzzle..."

"What did you just say?!" The voice came from the door at the same time as the sound of it slamming open. Anken couldn't see what was happening because all his eyes could see was Jared's pubic fur, but he looked up to see the dog turning towards the door with a growl and then, well, that was all he had time to do. Suddenly Anken felt Jared yanked back from him, the large cock withdrawing from his muzzle and the hold on his head and shirt gone. It gave the coyote time to stumble back and gasp for air, even if he still had strands of drool and precum running down his muzzle. Anken had to stop to cough a few times, his eyes watery and blurry.

"Pr-" Anken heard Jared saying, but he got cut off by a single large, menacing growl.

"Shut up! What were you doing to him? Huh? HUH?! I heard what you were saying!"

That's when Anken recognized the voice. He quickly rubbed his eyes clear to look up to see prince Regnar holding Jared by the scruff of his neck. Jared was tall and muscular, almost matching the black wolf in that regard, but with his ears downed and his tail tucked between his legs while he scrambled to keep his hands 'hiding' the raging hard-on he had, Jared didn't seem half as intimidating.

"My lord..." Anken started, but his voice failed a little. He had to cough a little more and the sight of it only seemed to enrage Regnar more.

"I take it this is the slave you told me about?! The one that was holding Raenn?" Regnar growled. Even holding Jared by his scruff like that, the dog was tall enough not to get lifted off in the air. Instead, he was standing at the tip of his paws still in a nervous, submissive state.

"I don't know wh-" Jared started again, but Regnar growled right against his ear and he just shut up again.

"Yes," Anken said, recovering from the rough treatment. He sat on the bed, one hand wiping the remnants of precum from his face. "Thank you, my lord. He was going to..."

"Oh, I know," Regnar interrupted again. "I returned to the dungeon and you weren't there, so I got worried. I'm glad I decided to come and check." In one single move, he threw Jared towards the other bed at the small room's side, sending the dog stumbling towards it. Within a moment, the black wolf was over him again. Regnar pressed Jared's face against the wall, bringing an uncharacteristic whimper from the large dog, then snatched his own loincloth that had been discarded in the floor, pulled the big slave's arms to his back one by one and started tying his wrists together.

"What the... -fuck?" Despite his position, despite it being prince Regnar, Anken guessed that Jared's instincts spoke louder than his good judgement, because while the prince forcefully tied his hands behind his back, the big dog was back to growling and struggling. When Regnar was done, he kept forcing against the loincloth keeping his hands together. The black wolf's knot held strong, however. Jared rolled over, lying on his back but still struggling. "You can't do this! I was taking what is mine by RIGHT! That fucking, sleazy coyote is a bitch who dared try to trick me int-"

Regnar didn't even let the dog finish. Anken himself winced by how loud the black wolf's growl was. Regnar's hand came straight to Jared's neck, pushing him down against the bed and shutting him up by squeezing around it.

"Watch. Your. Tongue," the black wolf growled right to Jared's face. The dog was now struggling to get out of the hold, but even he had to lower his ears to that. Anken, on the other hand, was worried. He approached them both nervously.

"My lord, we have to go," the coyote said with worry.

"In a minute," Regnar responded with a dry voice. "This fucker needs to learn a lesson."

Regnar let go of Jared's neck, letting him gasp and breath properly. There was barely any time for him to recover, however. The prince took hold of his ankles and, before he could even react to it, Jared was grunting because Regnar was pulling his legs up, then folding him over himself by bringing his ankles past his head over the bed in a truly canine display of flexibility.

"What are you doing?! Let go!" Jared said. He looked like he was about to say something else, but then Regnar let go of one of his legs to press down against the small of his back. Jared gagged in surprise for having his still half-hard cock shoved right into his muzzle. The prince pressed down harder, making sure Jared was kissing his sheath with his head hard-pressed against the bed and no way to turn away from his own member.

"What was that you were saying about bitches and your cock?" Regnar asked. There was still a hint of a growl in his voice, but seeing Jared struggle to get his cock out of his own maw was clearly amusing the prince. Even Anken had to smile a little. The big dog didn't look half as fierce lying on the bed folded over himself with one leg flailing, his cock in his maw and his nose right against his own hefty balls.

Both could also see that Jared was clearly trying to avoid it, but there was no denying that he was growing hard again. Regnar let him retreat his cock just a little, enough so that his knot could continue to grow. He also seemed to be having trouble taking in the whole of his considerable length.

"What's wrong? Not liking it so much when it's you sucking your own dick?" Regnar asked with a tone of mockery. Jared let out a muffled growl and said something impossible to understand through his cock. The black wolf let go of his other leg holding him down just by pressing his hips down against his face. That other hand went straight to Jared's knot, the only part outside his maw, starting to knead and rub it. "What is it? Not good at giving blowjobs? You sure like demanding them."

Jared mumbled something again. Despite how much he was struggling, his knot was clearly growing. Whether it was from Regnar's teasing, his own maw or both, it was hard to tell, but the large dog was clearly having a hard time holding back.

"You know what? I think there was something else you said earlier," Regnar said with a teasing tone. Anken saw Jared's confusion looking up at the black wolf, immediately followed by a muffled grunt when all of a sudden Regnar started pressing him down again. He put effort into the push against the dog's back, pressing his cock against his muzzle much harder. "I believe it was something about knot..."

Another hard press. Jared let out a bit of a whimper, very uncharacteristic for the large brute, just because the tip of his teeth were pressing against his large, sensitive knot now. Prince Regnar didn't relent, however. He kept pressing down even harder.

"Come on, open wiiiiide..." Regnar teased with a smirk. Jared tried to say something with a bunch of 'hnnfs' and 'hngffs', then shook his head as best as he could, but nothing made the wolf stop. After a little while of teeth picking at his knot, Anken could see him making a big effort to open his maw just a little wider and every time he did, Regnar pressed him down with even more strength, letting a little bit of the large bulb slip in.

"Oh, I remember what you said. You said you always find a way to make your knot fit, eh?" As Regnar said that, Jared's eyes went a little wider. His struggling to pull back and get out increased for a moment, but to counter that, the prince gave a hard push to Jared's back. It made the canine grunt as his knot pressed against his maw. Jared tried saying something again, but it was no use. The black wolf took the opportunity to give him another hard press, then another, and on the fourth...

Anken could see it even though it all happened in half a second. Regnar pushed hard and, to avoid his teeth picking at his knot any further, Jared reflexively tried to open his maw even wider. For a brief moment he did and, finally, the large knot simply went through, going past his teeth. The sound of Jared gagging as the tip of his cock reached his throat was anything but dignified. It ended with the dog's knot past his teeth, his lips kissing his sheath and his nose pretty much hard pressed against his balls that rested right over his face.

Immediately, Jared started struggling to get it out. Regnar, laughing softly from the sight, gave him some space, but now no matter how much the dog visibly tried to pull back from his dick, his knot wasn't going to easily get past his teeth again.

"Look at that. I guess you were right. Your knot always does fit inside bitches," the wolf mocked. "Here, let me help you get what you surely want." The wolf barely even had to hold Jared anymore. His fingers went back to his cock, this time slipping in through the sides between Jared's teeth into his wide stretched maw to start rubbing, squeezing and teasing that knot.

The effect was immediate. Jared clearly couldn't help but moan softly, but the dog still helplessly struggled to get away from it. It was no use, though. A few short minutes of Regnar's hard tease on his knot combined with his own tongue and soon Jared was huffing with clear arousal. Anken could see his cock throbbing inside his own maw, pulsing, and he could swear that knot had grown just a little bit larger still.

What happened next was also inevitable. The coyote could see in Jared's struggling how much he tried to avoid it, but in the end, there was no helping it. The dog's eyes closed shut, his cock started throbbing more and then a long, drawn out groan came from him. It was quickly followed by gagging sounds. Cum started sprouting from the sides of his open maw as the bursts of seed from his own cock came with strength into his own maw. Jared's eyes opened again, all watery, as the sound of him swallowing his own load filled the room. His moan was interrupted by another grunt, for Anken could see his knot enlarging into his 'tie', forcing his jaws open just a little bit more. It looked mighty uncomfortable.

The show continued for a while, Regnar still teasing his knot even as he more cum started dripping down the sides of his muzzle into his own fur. When it was finally over with Jared's dick pulsing in its last spurts, Regnar finally let go of him, standing up. Even without anything to hold him, Jared just couldn't get himself into an upright position at all. He tried and tried tugging his knot away from his teeth, but each attempt just made him grunt heavily again with his teeth picking at his knot. Even Anken had to laugh a little at the comic display of Jared trying and trying to get out of his own knot, all bent over himself.

"Looks like you knotted that bitch good," Regnar said, grinning. He wiped his hand that still had some cum on it in Jared's fur.

"Shouldn't we... help him, my lord?" Anken asked that because Jared was whining like a puppy. He had given up tugging at his knot, but the dog still twitched and flinched every now and then while trying to speak. His own tongue against his oversensitive cock must be uncomfortable, the coyote thought.

"Nah, he'll be fine. He's in for a couple hours of deep discomfort and a hell of a back pain tomorrow, but he'll be fine." Regnar gave Jared a few pats over his head. The dog gave him a desperate look, shaking his head. "I should know. I've done it myself a few times."

The black wolf winked at Anken, but the coyote just blushed from the image that came to his head of Regnar himself like that. Anken was quick to clear his throat.

"A-alright." He went to Zeke's bed and kneeled right next to it to reach for the loose brick and get the potion once and for all. He finally managed to loosen the brick and reach for the small flask. "I got it."

Regnar nodded, still smirking, and Jared just tried to say something while he still wiggled with his cock stuck in his muzzle.

"Very well! We have what we needed! Shall we get going?" Regnar stepped towards the door. Jared looked even more desperate as it dawned on him that they were planning on leaving him there like that, but both coyote and wolf ignored him.

Anken looked back at him from outside the room. He could see the dog glaring at him, but just looked away.

"My lord..." Anken said, hesitating. Regnar, who was a few steps ahead, stopped to look back at him.

"Thank you. Thank you so much for... you know. Saving me." The coyote was having a hard time keeping his tail from wagging. Regnar came back until he was facing him, which made the coyote blush softly and avert his eyes. Because of that, he didn't see Regnar's muzzle coming until it was right up against his.

The wolf pulled him into a kiss. Right there, in the empty slave quarters. Surprise filled the coyote for a moment, but then it took only a split second for him to start kissing back. Anken had no idea how long that kiss lasted. It could've been a few seconds or a few minutes, but when Regnar pulled back, he was left panting. He could no longer keep his tail from wagging.

"Always," the black wolf just said. Anken just nodded, still catching his breath and honestly having no words. The wolf took his hand and smiled at him, to which he just nodded again, and then they proceeded to step towards the dungeon. There was still so much to do, so much to fight. They were far from safety, but at least Anken's pounding heart was feeling hopeful again.