Damaged - Part III: Emotional

Story by banditfromtheeast on SoFurry

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#3 of Damaged (Four-Part Series)

This is a four-part mini-series following two long friends who, through an unfortunate situation end up experiencing an evolution of their relationship that neither of them could foresee coming. Originally this was meant to be a one off short story, however as I continued writing it the length proceeded to grow far beyond the point where I was comfortable having it as a single submission's block of text. This portion in particular caused most of my issues as it is quite long (10k+ words) and contains a lot of NSFW material.

While this section of story in particular has multiple elements of NSFW material and is probably the closest thing to actual yiff that I've ever written, you still may or may not actually consider it yiff. That being said, there are quite a few other well written steamy hot sex stories currently available on this site and if that is what you are looking for, you might actually enjoy this (although I make no guarantee).

I'm still fairly new at this whole story-writing thing so don't be surprised about errors and incongruities. I ask that you please let me know if I have made any such glaring or obvious mistakes (preferably in a respectable manner) and I will do my best to remedy them in the future.

As with many stories on this website this tale is meant for people over 18/21 and may contain elements that some readers find offensive, including but not limited to the following:


-Homosexual Relationships

-Heterosexual Relationships

-Gore (Both blood and Presidential Candidates)

-Sex (Of any kind)

-Abuse (Verbal, Physical and Emotional)

-The Color Blue (Whether it is Indigo, Teal or even Navy)

If you find any or all of the above list to your disliking I would ask that you not scroll down or read any further. To the remainder of the folks, please enjoy and I would love to know what you think.

All characters are fictional and any names or they may share with persons, both fictional and non-fictional are purely coincidental.

All characters and fictional locations are the intellectual property of banditfromtheeast © 2018

All Rights Reserved


Part III: Emotional

The freedom was amazing, you can never really appreciate having a limb until you lose the use of it. After what felt like an eternity, the cast finally came off. I was done. Done with the stupid crash and all the horrible things it did to me. Sure, I still have physio twice a week for a while yet, but I can still function pretty fluently as is. Also I finally get to go back to work next week, although it is only for half days at first. Murray seemed thrilled about it when I talked to him, well ... as thrilled as I suppose he gets.

With my independence no longer impeded that also means I should probably head back to my own apartment and resume the normal, quiet, and relatively uninteresting life that I had carefully crafted for myself. Max will probably be happy to finally get me out of his fur for a while. He's done so much for me and I know that I can't keep holding him back. His social life has been entirely non-existent ever since I moved in and I just feel horrible about it.

Yet, there's a part of me that doesn't really want to go. I'm not really sure why it exists, but it's terribly selfish to even think about it. For some reason I can't explain, I've been extremely nervous about the whole 'things returning to normal' thing, which I think Max has picked up on since he hasn't brought the topic up either. I guess it helps in a way but I think it might be easier for me if he simply told me that it was time to leave.

But I don't think he'd ever do that though, he just ... cares too much. It's so confusing and I don't know why I'm so conflicted. All that I know for sure is that I can't thank him enough for being there for me, both back then and now. I just need some time to think ... I think...

A good way to get the brain working (or at least it does for me) is to cook something. After weeks of being barred from my 'stage' I finally could make something, something to at least begin to show how thankful I am to my best friend.

So I made my plans, on the last Friday before I would start back at work, I came up with a nice evening to both surprise and thank him. It started with dinner: coconut shrimp, fillet mignon steaks, baked potatoes and caesar salad for the entree, followed up with chocolate lava cakes for dessert.

It was smashing, and not like the last time I was cooking in his kitchen. Everything went off without a hitch and we had a lovely meal together. We dined, chatted, laughed and even made plans to go out and see a movie later this weekend. It was a nice evening and by the time we began to clean up it was already well past 9pm. We threw our few dishes into the dishwasher and began our nightly routine of washing up.

We showered together, just like we had since 'the kitchen incident'. It certainly wasn't necessary but having someone to help wash some of the harder to reach areas definitely makes it easier. Plus saving water and all the other environmental benefits as well.

The fur-dryers ran their cycle and together we walked out both clean and plush. Normally we'd change into our sleepwear before putting on a movie or show at this point, but in order to initiate phase two of my specially planned evening I'd need to switch that up a bit.

"Max?" I said, as I quickly donned a pair of boxer briefs. He was still browsing through his drawers for a pair that he liked.


"I-I'd like to do something special tonight ... with you ... for you." It was nerve wracking. I couldn't look at him while I spoke and I kept nervously rubbing my paws together. I had already thought ahead about what I'd say, but of course when you're finally doing it you can't help but clam up.

"Okay? What did you have in mind?" He paused and looked at me curiously while still hunched over a drawer.

"Can ... can you please lie down on the bed, it's sort of easier if I um ... show you."

"Oh ... sure, just gimme a second to find a pair of boxers."

"No that's alright, you're good like that."

He froze; I froze. What did I just say? Did ... did I just tell to him to stay naked? Play it off as a joke, it's not-

"Alright then."

-oh no, it's ... it's too late now. What did I do? Why did I do that?

"Like this?"

Well now I've done it, now this is just going to end up being weird.

"No, um, face down please." I watched as the black canine rolled over onto his stomach while grabbing a pillow and setting his head gently atop it. I slowly crawled onto the bed next to him, sitting on my knees while I looked down on his somewhat visible back muscles. They flexed slightly with every breathe he took.

Well I think it's too late to back out now, just ... just make the best of it...

"Max, I ... um ... would like to give you a massage. Is ... is that alright with you?" Oh god this was a terrible idea, why did I ever think this was a good idea. Please Max, just say no, tell me that you're not comfortable with it.

He twisted his head slightly to one side and I caught a quick glance of one of his eyes before he settled back down into the pillow.

"Yeah, that's alright with me."

No!!! Max, why do you always have to be so nice and accommodating?

"Oh ... okay, just tell me if I do something that you don't like, or if you want me to stop."

"Alright Zee."

I gulped heavily, closed my eyes and inhaled fully. I had put myself in this situation, I could either back out now or move forward. What do I do?

I know that Max would be perfectly fine if I back out now, or apparently if we move forward. But ... but I want to do something for him ... to thank him ... for everything. There's just not much else I can do though. I know if I back out now, I may not have the courage to do it again. Somehow though, this situation, right now, feels ... right ... like it's the perfect time to do this. It might not come around again.

Come on Zeke, pull ahead, for once in your life. Take a chance, just ... try it.

And with a great bit of reluctance ... I guess I did.

I started on the shoulders, working my way slowly down the length of his back. I had never done anything like this before so I wanted to take my time to do it right. With each little push and press of my fingers I seemed to cause a subtle unconscious flicker in his body, and I sort of wanted to experience each and every one of them. Every little quirk and peculiarity of his large frame, and the numerous nearly inaudible noises that came along with them. Max didn't seem to mind the pace I had set and I seriously hoped that he was at least marginally enjoying it.

As I made my way to his lower back I began to wonder if he was as sensitive there as I was. I did my best attempt to emulate the motions he had performed on me time and again, drawing small shapes using varying pressure. I thought that I was at least somewhat close to his technique, but after a minute or two of work without even the slightest of reactions from the wolfdog I moved on.

I played with and rubbed his tail for a bit, but it too didn't seem to be anything special for him. This was starting to make me really nervous as no matter what I did, he didn't seem to make any sort of indication of what he liked.

When I got to his rather firm 'Gluteus Maximus' I was even more unsure of what to do. It's sort of a private area but I think lots of massages include it? Not like I have any experience as either the massager or massagee. In the end I'm just not that brave and I hoped he wouldn't mind having it left alone, aside from a playful few squeezes on either side. He did end up snickering slightly as I was holding it which made my stomach drop a bit. I guess you could say that this wasn't going too well. Why did I decide to try this?

I ended up cutting whatever losses I had incurred already and just pressed on down his thigh. I sort of wish he would just tell me to stop already. He clearly wasn't enjoying this but I think he's too kind to actually say anything.

As I moved down from his waist I was forced to focus my attention on just one of his rather bulky legs, which gave me some insight on how muscular Max really was. His thick black fur did an excellent job at masking the true size of his figure which I could only describe as intimidatingly large.

I hadn't even gotten past his knee when the nervous pit in my stomach started to make me feel nauseous. I finally gathered the necessary courage to ask him the question that had haunted me since the start of this fiasco.

"Do you want me to stop? I know it's not very good so if you don't like it I can stop. This was a stupid idea in the first place."

What kind of idiot gives his best friend a massage?

He slowly turned his head turned around, locked his gaze with mine, and smiled.

"It's not stupid Zee, this is really nice. It means a lot to me that you'd want to try something like this."

He actually ... sounded pretty sincere, and I really hoped that he wasn't just saying that. But with the way he looked at me, I think ... I think I believed him. I don't understand how or why he was putting up with my terrible antics, but he was. I forced out a small smiled and he turned back to the pillow.

Slowly and deliberately I continued my way down his calves, gradually working towards his footpaws.

"Wait, wait Zee!" His voice was pretty loud and he startled me. I jumped a bit and quickly withdrew my paws, afraid that I had just done something awful. "That ... um, that's sort of one of my uh ... 'special' areas."

"Special areas?"

"Yeah, sort of like how you like your lower back and ears massaged. My footpaws and neck are sort of ... the same way."


"Yeah, I guess I thought ... I should just let you know."

"So you don't want me to touch them?"

"No-no, I didn't ... I didn't mean it like that?"

"So you want me to touch them?"

"Well ... hmm. I... You don't have to massage them if you don't want to."

This was a little weird. I've know Max for most of my life and he's always been very confident and certain. There haven't been many occasions where I've seen him like this, but if it feels as good to him as what he did to me then I want to do this. I want it to feel really good for him.

"I'm fine massaging them if it's alright with you."

"Okay then, just ... just don't feel obligated."

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. This was really unlike Max, I honestly can't recall him acting this way before.

Gently I picked up his left footpaw and placed it across my lap. I started in with my rather nimble digits, slowly rubbing the pads and fur across his limb. He responded almost immediately with a very audible moan. Even with my exceptionally limited experience, this definitely seemed like a good spot to spend a lot of time on, so spend a lot of time on this spot I did.

In and around his toes, claws and hock I made my thin digits work their apparent magic. He continually moaned softly as I went about my work; either he was an excellent actor or this actually felt pretty good for him. I chose to think that it was the latter of of the two; it made me feel really good inside.

On a whim I decided to tease a finger between his pads, I would have never imagined the reaction that it brought on.

"Ohh Zee," he moaned rather loudly. "T-that f-f-feels g-good." I pressed on and within moments his paw began to twitch. I firmly held it in place as I continually traced my finger around the underside of his footpaw. The moaning quickly was replaced by a soft whimpering as he buried his head deep into the pillow. I could see that his fingers were clenched tightly in fists, grabbing at what little bit of the bedspread that he could.

I began to feel his whole body tremble after a few more seconds of my assault and his breathing became rather staggered.

"Ohh God Zee, please..." He cried out in a clearly overwhelmed voice. I took that as my cue to stop and I released him, returning my attention back on his calves and thighs.

After allowing him a few much less intense minutes to centre himself, I finally decided to again ask him the all important question.

"Are you uh, enjoying this Max? Am I doing alright?" I paused my efforts nervously as he slowly turned around to face me.

"It's the best massage I've ever had Zee."

He honestly looked genuinely content, so once again I really hoped that he wasn't just saying that. I put on a brave face either way, smiled and went back to work as he laid his head back down.

After another rather verbal bout of footpaw massaging on his other leg, I instructed him to flip over onto his back. My paws were starting to get a little sore but I really wanted to give him a full body experience. He hesitated though and sort of looked at me rather guiltily, although he wouldn't make eye contact.

"Can you turn over so I can work on your front?" I instructed again.

"Zee?" he said, with a very nervous tone.


"I ... I'm sort of ... excited right now." That look, it was the same one a child would give if they were just caught red-handed with their paws in a box full of cookies.

"Excite- ... -oh."

"Yeah ... sorry."

"It's um, okay Max," I said while rubbing my paw up and down his leg. "That ... that doesn't matter to me. I guess it sort of means that it really does feel good for you."

"It feels fantastic Zee, I wasn't lying when I said this is the best massage I've ever had." He lowered his head back down onto the pillow, exhaling loudly.

"Then I guess that's a reason to have it continue..." I slid my paw up his thigh and back to his rump, giving it a few friendly pats before sitting back on my haunches.

He turned to face me again, those green eyes meeting with my own. I smiled trying to encourage him.

"It's okay Max, it's really fine with me."

I did my best to encourage him; this couldn't have been an easy situation to be in with a close friend. Thankfully it worked though and while somewhat begrudgingly at first he finally gave in and rolled over. As he turned he quickly brought his paws over his groin in an attempt to mask the apparently 'excited' Max Jr.

When he settled back down he sheepishly glanced at me again before quickly averting his gaze.


I had already started working my way up his legs again when I replied.

"It's okay Max, it doesn't bother me."

It didn't bother me. Why didn't it bother me? This seems like one of those situations where it really should bother someone. People don't normally get erections in front of their best friends. But I suppose that best friends typically don't give each other massages. So then what were we doing?

As I reached his groin I didn't have much other choice than to slowly take hold of his paws and move them away. His rather large arms were covering much of his upper body and thus impeding the vast majority of my progress.

"Just tuck your paws behind your head," I said, with a little more authority than I had anticipated.

He gulped, almost nervously, and complied. I turned my attention back to Max's hips, and consequently the rather large and thick red organ parading itself out of his sheath and up his stomach, its tip settling in a position just below his naval. A small tufted patch of visibly wet fur lie underneath the end in what I assume was a byproduct of it's currently enlarged state.

I could definitely smell the powerfully musky, yet surprisingly familiar scent that was coming off of him as I slowly worked my paws along his upper body. I avoided commenting on and touching his private member simply because it was a rather personal area and topic. The last thing I would want is for him to be even more uncomfortable with this whole situation.

Instead I focused in on his chest, rubbing and pressing through his dense fur, exploring and discovering the thick muscled layer hidden underneath. While certainly not a body builder, the abdominal and pectoral muscles of my wolfdog was certainly something to be a little jealous of.

My wolfdog?

That's certainly an odd way to phrase that.

Huh, slip of the proverbial tongue I suppose...

When I finally got around to his neck, my paws and fingers were screaming. Stiff and unaccustomed to such a regiment, I had already begun to lose feeling in them. Still, I worked both paws around each side of his apparently also sensitive region and was rewarded with a series of soft whimpers.

"God that feels good," he whispered with his eyes firmly closed.

I smirked a little at the remark and continued my routine, trying to figure out if one spot was more excitable than another.

"You can be a little ... rougher ... if you want." I stopped and looked down at him, although his eyes remained firmly shut.


"Yeah, or just harder ... or firmer I guess. It uh ... feels better that way."

Hmm... that's a little ... different ... I suppose. But I guess if he likes it?

I pressed as firmly as my sore digits would allow and I could hear him grumble contently beneath them.

"Like this?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah ... or even harder if you want." I could feel his raspy voice escape from beneath my admittedly weak grip.

Even harder? I ... I don't know if I can make my paws work harder. He's loving this though and the whole point of this was to make him feel good. I have to try, try to make it better I suppose.

An idea!


Maybe, it's weird.

Weirder than this ... 'thing' we're in the middle of?

Maybe not?

Leaning in towards him I pressed my nose to the fur on his neck. He shuddered, I could feel him tense up underneath me. I gently nuzzled him back and forth a few times, his strong familiar scent overwhelming my nostrils. He smelled amazing!

I barred my teeth and lightly nipped him. His whole body jerked slightly and he let out a sharp gasp. I paused giving him a second to react. Maybe he wouldn't like it after all?

But after a few moments he had said nothing. So I nipped again. No gasp this time, but a steady moan in it's place. I ... I think he liked it?

Nip again ... moan.

Again ... I could feel him quiver while moaning.

Nipped him again in a different spot, harder this time. He whimpered.

I think he was liking this!

I opened my jaws wider and started to really squeeze and press at his throat and neck. I'm not sure why but the shivering moans and whimpers that the wolfdog gave out made something inside me feel really good. Somehow all of these great feelings I was giving him were in turn making me feel good as well.

In the process of half-chewing my wolfdog, I started to sense a taste on my tongue. It was unique, something I had never tasted before, but something that was intriguing.

It was him. It was Max.

The more the taste gathered in my mouth, the more I wanted. I switched up my routine and he either enjoyed it or didn't care enough to say anything. Light laps of my tongue across his fur, some simply grazing across the top, others penetrating his coat and dabbing to his hide. Each came back with a myriad of flavor that only drove me to press further.

Nip, Nip, Lap, Nip...

"Ohhh Zeeee..." I could feel his shaky voice through my teeth as I nibbled away at his neck.

Nip, Lap, Lap, Nip...

A loud whimper; he shivered as I chewed a spot just above his right shoulder.

Again ... and again ... and again ... I made him release a plethora of noises, each and every one a unique note of feeling that surged through his body. The song I played on him, a sweet melody to my ears.

The music, the smell and the taste, I wanted more ... to discover what else he had to offer. The narrow region that made up his neck was no longer enough for me.

Drifting slowly from his neck to his shoulder.

Nip, Nip, Lap... a soft cry escaped his muzzle.

Nuzzling my way from his shoulder to his armpit.

Sniff, Sniff, Lap, Nip ... a shiver ran down the length of his body.

Moving from an armpit to one of his wide pectorals.

Nip, Sniff, Lap, Nip ... the almost inaudible whisper "Oh God..."

Pectoral to Nipple

Lap, Lap, Lap, Nip ... the sharp whimper of a canine filled my ears.

Nipple to Abdominal

Nip, Sniff, Lap, Lap ... he inhaled loudly and I could sense the tensed muscles beneath me.

Abdominal to his naval.

The scent ... it was overwhelming. The tip of his penis hung just below and was oozing out a slow but steady amount of fluid. As it leaked into his thick black coat it matted up a small area of fur and a portion of it appeared to begin pooling in his naval proper.

Sniff, Sniff, Sniff...

It ... it was an intoxicating smell.

Lap, Lap, Lap...

It tasted ... different. Not necessarily good or bad, just ... unique? But it was in essence him. And I wanted him. How? I'm not really sure how to explain it, but tasting this was a start.

I brought a paw to his chest and gently grasped his fur, keeping my balance steady as I licked the matted area again and again. He moaned loudly, whimpered, and I think tried to raise his head to look at what I was doing. I pushed my paw down, not hard, but just in a commanding sort of way. He stopped and I continued drinking him in.

Yet far too soon the taste was gone, however his well endowed member remained. It sat there twitching like a lit beacon in the night. Inviting and enticing, yet so ... forbidden. It was one of the few bits of Max that I had never seen before, never had a chance to explore and never had a chance to ... taste?

Simultaneously one of the most powerful and most vulnerable places on a man, it's the ultimate sign of trust and submission to allow another to handle it in such an intimate matter. Do I want that? Do I really want to push him to give me that authority over him. To have him place such a tender place under my complete control?

I paused, and I thought. His unsteady breathing and soft whimpers filling the otherwise silent room.

It was the next step, this was the only way I could make him feel even better than I already had, I needed this ability to progress any further.



"Can I ... touch you ... down there?"



I waited, the uncertainty was unbearable.


And there it was, I had authorization. The authority to handle and savor his wolfhood. It was nerve-wracking to think about but I knew I couldn't continue on in any reasonable manner without it.

I paused a few moments to internally plan the next stage of the operation.

He must have been expecting me to lick his penis, because he gasped loudly when instead I began to gingerly lap at his balls. The gasp quickly turned into a whimper as my tongue ran up his exceptionally sensitive area again and again. I had repositioned myself in between his legs and I could see his shaft trembling as I bathed his furry sac with saliva.

I began to work upwards to his sheath before lapping my way up to his rather thick member. It seemed fairly large to me, but I didn't exactly have anything to base that on. My tongue ran up its length with a series of licking motions gathering up the drippings of his wolfhood before settling onto his tip.

He whimpered and cried out softly as I continued to suckle on the end, coaxing out ever more of the fluids stored deep within him. I pulled off and licked back down his length while looking up to him in order to gauge his reaction. His eyes were firmly shut along with his muzzle, but I could more than tell that his whole body was trembling under my actions.

I sat back and gave my right paw a quick lick before beginning to work it up the length of his shaft, while simultaneously starting to massage his footpaw with my left. The whimpers and moans grew louder and louder as I stimulated him with both of my paws. His breathing began to grow haggard while his hips thrust slightly upwards, driving his member through the slickened grip of my right paw. The thick bulge of of flesh that made up his knot began to grow quickly as I went, my paw bumping against the top of it with each one of his increasingly strong and erratic hip thrusts.

It was less than a minute after I started to run my left thumb around the rim of his footpads when his whole body began to twitch.

"Oh God Zee ... I'm ... I'm going to..."

His shaft pulsed under my paw and I held it firm as a dozen streaks of white liquid flew up the length of his body. He groaned loudly as his seed freed itself from his balls with the first few shots landing as far up as his head.

The blasts slowly subsided and I released my grip on his member; a small bit of his cum was dripping down my palm. The smell was commanding and the thick musk held firmly in the air allowing me to drink it in. It was both familiar and reassuring, comprising of what could almost be described as a concentrated version of Max's natural aroma. I gave my slightly sticky right paw a few cursory licks and was rewarded with an equally delightful and comforting taste on my palette.

Unfortunately after a few laps, it was gone. For whatever reason my stomach dropped a little at the thought of not having more, however I quickly realized that there was a great deal of it on the now rather limp black canine in front of me.

I shuffled to the side, hunched over his chest and slowly began to lap away at the long and gooey strings of his seed. Starting from his naval and working my way up towards his head, I guided my tongue over his exhausted and silent body. Nothing was left in my wake as I located and swallowed every drop of his delicious fluids. All the way up his chest and neck, I eventually arrived at his chin and lips, lapping up the consequence of my massage.

With his upper body clean, I quickly moved to remove the faint bit of fluids that had dribbled from his now softening penis with my tongue, before slowly settling down into what I could only call our normal cuddling position. Sighing contently I ran my paw through his chest fur while Max silently breathed in and out beside me.

This was nice; certainly not what I had expected, but I felt really good about what I ... we had just done together. Sure it might have started off weird ... and I suppose ended off weird as well, but I think Max enjoyed it, I know I did.

Euphoria, that would be the best way to describe it. I laid completely euphoric, curled up next to my best friend, gently working my fingers through his thick black chest fur, all while the minutes silently ticked by.

First one, then two...

What started as happiness, drifted to satisfaction, which in time was downgraded to contentment. Contentment plus more silence equals indifference, which, when left alone, morphs into unease.

Doubt started to settle in as the dominant feeling around the five minute mark of complete and utter silence.

What if he hadn't liked it? What if it wasn't as good as I had thought it was? Was it even enjoyable for him at all? Did he just go along for my sake? Did he ... regret it? Was it so unsettling for him that he doesn't even want to acknowledge it?

And there it was, the answer. I pushed when I shouldn't have and took things too far ... way too far.

I pulled away from his body, shuffling over onto the far side of the bed.

Should ... should I apologize? Would that be weird?

Sorry I felt you up and jerked you off?

Seems pretty weird to me.

I messed this up, messed this up big time. The one person left on this planet who honestly cares about me and I just went and did ... that ... to him.

I'm a horrible person.

I slowly got to my feet and walked to the bedroom door. The couch is probably a good place to think about what I just did; I changed things between us and it doesn't feel right to sleep in the same bed anymore.

"What are you doing?"

That voice, the deep growly but still somehow oh so comforting voice.

"I ... I'm sorry Max." I said quietly. "I promise I won't tell anyone; I shouldn't have pushed you."

I turned around hoping to slink away into the hallway like the snake I was.

"Wait, Zee. Come here."

It would have been easier if I just had ignored him, but after what I had done I just couldn't not listen to him. When I turned back around I could tell that he was ... confused? I timidly made my way back into the room and over to the black canine sitting up on the edge of his bed.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, looking at me with those great big emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry Max, I wasn't thinking about what I was doing, it was a mistake." I couldn't look him at him, not after what I had put him through.

A handful of tears dribbled down my cheeks as I stared down at the floor. I went to turn away again but in flash I found myself buried in the black fur of Max's broad shoulders, his large arms holding me firmly to his body.

"I hope you don't really think that Zee, that was absolutely amazing."

I paused in silence, mostly due to confusion, before finally managing to find my voice.


"Yeah! That was one of the most mind-blowing orgasms I've ever had. I mean I've tied before during sex and you know how crazy good that feels, but this ... this was seriously on par with that. God, my head is still spinning trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened."

"Oh ... so you ... liked it?" I whimpered nervously.

"How many times do I have to tell this Zee?" Max exclaimed while starting to nuzzle away at the top of my head. "This whole thing, from start all the way through the finish, was fantastic!"

Huh. That's encouraging. Maybe this whole thing wasn't as bad as I thought. Could this actually have strangely worked out alright in the end?

I felt my footpaws lose contact with the ground as Max picked me up and spun us both around and onto the bed. His arms held onto me tightly from behind as he continued to nuzzle away at my face and ears.

Pinned tightly against his affectionate muzzle and broad chest, there wasn't much else I could do other than contemplate the series of absurd events and decisions that would have lead me to such a strange situation with him. This was so out of character and I truly had trouble believing what I had just done. It was so surreal, like having a dream in a semi-conscious state. What the fuck had gotten into me?

"Why don't you roll over onto your back?" The question jarred me from my deep thoughts, pulling me back up to my present Max-filled reality.

"Why?" I responded meekly. I couldn't help but look at him nervously.

"So I can, you know ... reciprocate."

"Oh..." I started. "You don't have to do that."

"What kind of person would I be if I didn't though." He gave me a solid smirk before engaging in another energetic bout of face nuzzling.

"Max ... Max!" I had a little bit of difficulty getting his attention again as he continued to rub his muzzle against the side of my own. He stopped, pulling back slightly to look me in the eyes; I couldn't help but glance away under his confident and utterly content gaze. "You really don't have to, and I mean that Max. I just wanted to do a little something for you as a way to say thanks ... it just sort of ... snowballed from there. I don't expect anything from you in return, you've already done so much for me that I could never hope to repay you in full."

There were a few moments of silence between us as the last phrase left my maw. The pit in my stomach returned for some reason and I began to feel really self-conscious about our current situation.

"I want to do it Zee." I felt one of his paws move from my back to my chin, pulling my gaze up to meet his. That soft expression, full of joy and emotion, I knew it well and knew that he really meant what he was saying. "I really want to do this. Please, let me do this Zee."

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. "Alright."

Expecting another round of aggressive nuzzling I braced myself for impact, instead however he gently brought his forehead against my own.

"Thank you," he uttered softly, slowing releasing his tight embrace on my much narrower frame.

I held my position for a few moments longer before finally shuffling away, rolling on to my stomach, and grabbing a pillow. It took me a few seconds to try and find a comfortable spot, but like every other time in his bed I eventually did. Somehow he knew the very instant I had found it as I felt a pair of strong, but yet gentle paws on my legs, slowly pulling them into position before his large canine frame straddled atop them.

"Just relax Zee." He said in a soft-spoken voice. "Let me know if you want to stop."

He didn't wait for a response before his much larger paws began working their way across my body. They certainly were much more experienced and undoubtedly a lot stronger than my own as they danced across and rubbed at muscles I never even knew I had.

Something deep inside me was screaming that I should be nervous and scared at being in this vulnerable of a position, straddled by a much larger and stronger figure, his paws having completely free reign over my entire body. I suppose it's probably a faint leftover of instincts from our ancestors but it was still there, ever lingering in the back of my mind.

That being said, knowing that it was Max above me erased any fear in the conscious part of my brain. He would never do something to harm me, and was currently engaged in doing everything in his power to make sure that I was enjoying this. He was succeeding, and not just by a little. I was reduced to an almost drooling puddle under his masterful digits, unable to muster even the slightest bit of coherence in my responses when asked a question. A simple series of mumbles, murmurs, moans, and other guttural noises were all I could gather to his occasional query. Even when he briefly stopped to ask if he could take off my boxers, I simply answered with a basic 'UrmmHmm'.

I did tense up a little bit as he began to handle my rear, although after a few strong motions with his paws I again let him do his thing unopposed. One paw rubbing on either side of my furry 'derriere' before gradually moving up to my tail where they gingerly stroked down its plush length. He used his claws as a sort of brush running through my fur. Delicate and measured, he groomed it through and through locating and correcting any minor imperfections he came across.

However this all soon faded to away to give my legs and footpaws a turn with his large fingers, although I suspect Max might have been a little disappointed when I failed to give a comparable response to his own when I had worked on his 'special' area.

Eventually he gave the 'turn over' command signaling the halfway mark. I somewhat reluctantly complied and rolled over, instinctively bringing my paws over my groin. They never made it that far as he seemed to anticipate the movement and intercepted them with his own.

"I won't be able to do much with these in the way, so why don't you just tuck them under your head."

I bit my lip a little out of nervousness before slowly pulling them back. Max simply watched, and waited until I had settled into a comfortable position before beginning up again. He started by looking down at my admittedly flaccid and unaroused sheath, pausing a moment before glancing back up at me.

"How does everything feel so far?" I knew it wasn't on purpose but I could tell that he had a faint but pained expression on his face.

"It's really good Max." I answered. While it was the truth I still couldn't shake the subtle but uneasy feeling of having him tower over me while also essentially pinning my body beneath him.

I shuddered as his paws began to work around my hips and stomach, carefully avoiding my most personal and private of areas. Relief washed over me as he moved further upwards and I could tell his movements had softened as his paws began to run across some of the more bony portions of my frame. I had always known that I was pretty scrawny, but now that I had actually witnessed the physical details and structure of Max's anatomy I knew there simply wasn't a lot of mass to me. Someone with a stature like his could potentially cause a very painful situation if they weren't careful.

Thankfully though it was as if he knew exactly how much force was required and where to apply it in order to maximize his massage experience. Each and every one of his movements felt fantastic, and before I knew it I was in a state of serene calm. The whole thing started to blend together as if a simple wave of enjoyment was washing over my body.

But like all waves it came to a crashing conclusion when he reached my ears. I'd honestly like to explain to you in detail about what was going on but god it was just entirely overwhelming as his talented digits floated across my sensitive area; I couldn't help but just keep my eyes closed for the whole thing.

I did however realize that I was whimpering as he gradually slowed to a stop. When I finally did open my eyes his face was right there, just hanging a few inches above mine. He was smiling, that soothing grin combined with his green eyes made my stomach tingle with delight. Then he leaned in, nuzzling the side of my muzzle with his own. Confident, gentle and oh so very slowly.

Then he kissed me; it was a strange sensation.

It was on the side of my cheek but he had done it. It felt neither awkward nor weird to me. I feel like this probably should have been one of those situations where it should feel strange, you know, having your best friend kiss you ... but it didn't.

Nor did it feel any stranger the second time...

Nor on the third...

Passionate, measured and honest. That's what each one felt like to me as he pressed his lips to my body over and over again, starting on the side of my face before slowly working his way down the full length of my frame. Neck, shoulder, chest, stomach and waist; I felt a faint flutter of dread as he continued lower. But as if he sensed my hesitation he stopped just shy of what I suspected was his destination.

"Zee?" He asked rather timidly after a few seconds' pause. "Aren't you um ... enjoying this?"

I knew what he meant, what he really meant by that simple statement and how hurt he might feel if this didn't go the way that he was expecting.

"Yeah ... this is really nice Max."

It wasn't a lot to give him but maybe it was just enough.

"Oh..." There was the pause ... that horrible hanging pause that would go and make things awkward again. "That's good then I guess."

I looked down at him and the pained and clearly forced smile that I could tell he was wearing. I knew I had ruined it, whatever strange moment that had lasted between us; reality had forced it's way back in, crumbling the special point in time that we were sharing. Like countless other albeit unrelated situations in my life I knew when I no longer deserved to participate. I had to quickly bring this 'thing' to an end before I managed to cause anymore lasting damage between us.

"Thanks Max," I said, slowly bringing myself up to a sitting position. Why did I put myself in this situation? I should have known from the start that nothing good could come from it. Who the fuck decides to give their best friend a massage? God I'm such an idiot. "It was nice but I think that-"

"-Can I touch you down there?" He startled me a little as he quickly cut me off and fired out that question. I looked at him trying to hide the timid and self-loathing feeling that blanketed my entire being. I obviously wasn't very successful because I could see his expression begin to drop as his gaze locked with my own. I couldn't hold it, and I dropped away from his, staring down at my waist and the entirely uninterested set of genitalia that lay just below.

"Look ... Max-"

"-Please ... Zee ... Let me do this." I felt one of his paws on my shoulder and the other he placed in the centre of my chest. "I want to do this this Zee ... please."

Why? Why was he so intent on doing this? Why was he making this so hard?


"-I know your nervous, and if you don't think you're ready just please tell me, I promise I won't push it anymore and we'll stop. That being said, I think you'd really enjoy it and I honestly want to do this for you."

This wasn't going to be a good idea, nothing positive could come out of it. What am I doing here?

I gradually looked up at him, his pleading green eyes trying to connect with my own. They locked and I could see the want and pain being held back beyond them. Somehow, for some reason, it was hurting him. I couldn't understand why this meant that much to him, but just seeing him like that made me sick. I had done that to him, I don't think I'll ever truly understand how, but I did.

"Okay." I whispered.

He smiled as if relieved from a giant weight resting on his shoulders, and gently guided my torso back down to the bed. His paws withdrew before looping themselves under my thighs and settling down on my tan furred chest. He leaned down, muzzle inches above my most sensitive of regions; the air from each one of his breathes flowing gracefully across my sheath.

It was an intense feeling, not only having someone touch your sheath but doing it with their tongue. Certainly not a situation I was familiar with and I couldn't help but squirm as his big, wide, and wet muscle licked away at my sensitive region. Again and again I involuntarily tried to wriggle free of his warm bathing but was locked firmly in place my his strong grip on my upper body.

I rode out minute after minute of marginally uncomfortable pleasure as his large and frankly powerful tongue dominated my most sensitive of areas, while all I could do in response was weakly whimper in protest at his movements.

"Zee?" he asked after countless minutes of tongue inflicted intensity had passed by. "You're um ... not even hard?"

"Sorry..." I replied quietly, not looking at the black canine further down the bed. "That's ... sort of normal."

"Huh..." he replied bluntly. "I'm going to try something else then."

Why Max? Why is this so important to you? I'm not worth any of the physical attention you're giving me nor any of emotions that you're directing my way. Why can't you just see me as I am: A worthless introverted social outcast. Everyone else does, I don't deserve any of what you're trying to give me.

But I couldn't tell him that, it would be as if I stabbed him with knife directly into his heart. For whatever reason he believed there was more to me than there actually was; somehow becoming invested in my actual life and well-being to the point where he began to hurt when he was unable to provoke a sexual-physical response from me.

So again I simply nervously bit my lip, resigning myself to my sacrificial fate. I had already failed at so many of what you should consider normal physical reactions that I'm not sure if I can stomach much more without actually retching at my own self-loathing and disgust.

I could hear him lean down again, lowering his muzzle to a position near my sheath. A few more long and drawn out licks followed before I began to feel a slight pressure at the tip. I tried to squirm but his large arms clamped down tightly on my frame as the sensation continued to grow. In an instant it was gone, replaced but what I could only describe as one of the most intense feelings I had ever experienced.

Max had pushed his large tongue inside of my sheath, its slick, bumpy and flexible form coming into direct contact with my hidden member, still contently housed within its protective and apparently cozy fleshy home.

Around the sides, over the tip, and forcing itself deep within the inner reaches of my protective flesh, his tongue never stopped roaming around, exploring the nerve-filled and virtually secret and untouched region of my body.

It felt good, I'm not going to lie.

Was it the best physical feeling I've ever experienced? If this wasn't it, it was definitely high up there in the rankings. Was it enough to finally push my shame into some sort of response? Well after twelve rather long, loving and passionate minutes of attention from a certain wolfdog the answer was a resounding:

No, not even close.

"How are you not even hard!?" Max exclaimed while wearing a worried expression across his muzzle. He had removed himself from my sheath and took up a kneeling position between my legs.

"Sorry... it's just ... yeah..." I had to look away as I spoke; a few faint tears began to well up in my eyes.

"Zee if you're not liking this I want you tell me."

"No Max, this feels really amazing ... it's just that this is sort of ... the way that things are ... with me." God this was such a terrible conversation to have. "What you're doing feels great, it's just..." My voice slowly faded away while I stared down at the crouched canine between my legs. He looked both concerned and frustrated, as if he was mad at himself for the results, or more accurately the lack thereof. "We can sto-"

"-No ... not yet Zee, please." He began to scowl and furrowed his brow. "Do you trust me?"

"I ... yeah, I trust you Max."

"Okay then, I want to try one more thing."

"Oh, okay I guess."

He quickly rose to his feet and began to rummage through his dresser drawers, pulling out a small plastic bottle. He squeezed out a small amount of liquid from the cap onto his paws and began to rub them together as he returned to his previous position on the bed.

"This might be a little uncomfortable but I really need you to trust me on this."

"What are you-"

"-Just relax Zee. It's going to feel weird but I'm sort of out of ideas."

"Max we-"

"-ZEE PLEASE!!" He yelled aloud and looked at me pleading, no, begging with his eyes. "I ... I need to do this for you, I can't just let this go."

God I felt horrible, I had done this to him, thrown him into this awkward position. This was all my fault.

"Please," he whispered again. It looked as though his own eyes were beginning to well. Several silent seconds passed as continued to gaze deep into my eyes, each moment intensifying the wave of nausea that was present in my stomach. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Alright," I said, agreeing rather hesitantly.

"Just lean back and relax, it'll work out better if you try to stay calm; I'll do my best to make this as easy as possible."

It was an odd spot to have something touch you. But as he continued to rub around the small hidden area beneath my tail the feeling dulled. A sharp pain, followed immediately by a dull ache and an increasingly strange but rather uncomfortable 'full' sensation. I squirmed a little as Max gradually pushed his finger in farther and farther, it felt as though he was trying to poke and prod at my insides.

"You're doing great Zee." He said after several awkwardly silent and rather painful minutes. I didn't respond to him, my jaw was firmly clamped together; this was certainly not very enjoyable.

I looked down at him as the seconds continued to tick by. His expression continued to progress to one of complete frustration while I was relegated to silence due in part to being afraid that I'd cry out in pain if I dared open my mouth. I knew I couldn't take much more of this, whatever he was doing it clearly wasn't working and both he and I were at the end of our wits. I was completely certain now that it was better if I simply told him enough was enough and that we needed drop this whole thing. Sure, it might be a little tough on him mentally, but the physical toll on me was just becoming too much. I doubt the evening was salvageable at this point but I still hoped that given enough time we could at least forget about the much less enjoyable second half of the night while still somewhat fondly remembering the first.

"Max, enough is enough." I muttered through my nearly clenched jaw. "This isn't working, just forget- Oh!?..."

What the fuck was that? It was like a pair of electric bolts had shot through my body, one ending in the back of my brain, the other in my ... groin?

"You felt that?"

"Yeah, what the- Oh!" There it was again. His expression began to noticeably soften as he continued to look at me. "Max what-Oh!"

Again, it shot down my spine and I couldn't help but squirm on the bed. He placed his left paw on top of my chest and held me firmly down. I could feel him beginning to wriggle his finger around deep inside of me; a back to back series of sharp jolts rocked my thin body. I felt a strange sensation begin to settle in around my groin while my heart began to beat a little more rapidly.

"Hehe, red rocket," he snickered. I caught a glimpse of his muzzle before another sharp bolt forced my head back down against the bed. He was grinning, almost maniacally, as I continued to be shaken by shot after shot of intense feeling.

"Max, what are you doing?" I exclaimed rather breathlessly. Another jolt fired down my spine and I couldn't help but softly cry out in pleasure.

That felt good, indescribably good.

"Just what I've always wanted to do Zee."

I began to whimper as he somehow initiated another rapid fire series of feelings across my body.

A new sensation suddenly emerged, it was somehow almost as intense as the jolts. I looked down to see the black head of a canine slowly moving down my cock, I watched as my now very erect member slipped down and disappeared into his long muzzle. He backed off, keeping his lips tight around the sensitive skin as he let it slide across the moist flesh of his inner cheeks.

He looked up, staring up at me from across my stomach. His eyes locked with mine and stayed there. Every single movement he made and feeling that he inflicted he watched unfold before his very eyes.

I gasped at the sight and the overwhelming experience that I was facing. My mind was being assaulted in ways that I had never experienced before and I could no longer find a way to cope with the sheer volume of neurons firing off in my brain.

Moaning and soft cries were all I could muster as my conscious thoughts crumbled away faster than I could use them to form coherent sentences.

What was he doing? What had gotten into him. Why?

Somewhere deep inside of me I could feel the pressure begin to build, a release of sorts was on the horizon and there was nothing I could do to stop it, at least not with Max in control.

As he continued to bob up and down on my shaft I was aware of another sharper, more intense sensation at the base of my penis. My knot, or what I assume was my knot began to grow as I reached ever closer to the point of climax.

I wanted to share with him everything that was happening, all the beautiful waves of pleasure that he was causing across my body; that he was going to force something out of me in a way that I wasn't going to be able to stop. The faint drag of his paw down my chest just added to the mix as he attacked my senses from all angles.

Then out of nowhere a blinding light and a deafening noise rang in my ears. Everything went white as what I could only assume every single nerve in my body fired at once.

Powerful, euphoric and frightening; I was alone.

I couldn't see him, I couldn't hear him, and I couldn't feel him as my brain was overwhelmed by the mass of information flooding into it. Wave after wave of utter bliss crashed across my body as I lost all sense of motor control.

What had he done to me? What had happened?

It felt so good, but was such a horrific experience. Whatever I did, however hard I tried I was no longer in control of my own body. Time lost all sense of order and meaning as my mind struggled to interpret the data being thrown at it.

The light faded slowly at first. The black wolfdog sat straddling my legs near my footpaws while sitting back on his knees. He appeared to be talking; I couldn't hear him initially but this sense, like my vision, soon came back as well.

"-can be, so once I saw how quickly yours developed I thought that maybe I could give you that sort of rush. I mean it was seriously the perfect size for the palm of my hand ... which I mean isn't a bad thing, knots come in all shapes and sizes and there's nothing wrong about having a smaller one at all."

What was he talking about? What ... what had he done? Why, why did he do that to me? I was so alone and so scared and so far away from him. How could somebody who claimed to want to protect me, someone I trusted, put me through such a frightening episode?

My jaw began to quiver and my eyes welled up. He looked down at me as I began to cry and his expression quickly changing from an excited smile to a somber and protective hush.

"Oh it's okay Zee," he said softly, leaning down and wrapping both of his arms around me in a tight embrace. "I'm here, don't you worry. I'm going to keep you safe."

It was embarrassing, but I couldn't help it. The flood of emotions and endorphins surging through my body was too much to handle. Strange thoughts, weird feelings and so much more; I wept as he held me tightly to his large chest all the while gently hushing my uncontrollable outbursts.

He slowly maneuvered us into a spooning position as my waterworks gradually subsided into a series of sobs and sniffles. With one paw placed across my upper body, the other cupped protectively over my sheath and balls, he made sure to hold me tightly to himself. I could feel the tender and loving movements of his tongue across the top and back of my head and neck as he both groomed me while simultaneously marking me as his mate in very primal sort of way. I faintly thought I heard him mutter 'mine' several times between licks during what I suppose would be called the afterglow session, although this could have been a complete forgery from my utterly battered brain; there were a lot of things that I wasn't sure of anymore.

"I love you Zee, I love you so, so very much." I could feel the faint bit of his saliva dripping down the back of my neck. "Don't worry, I'm going to make sure that you're always safe."

He grumbled contently and tightly snuggled himself up as close as possible to my frame, his vast arms and paws still possessively shielding portions of me from the outside world.

"I'm going to do anything and everything to make sure that you're always happy."

It was the last thing he said to me before he finally fell asleep. I had known him for so many years so I knew that he meant every single word of what he had just said, which is why it was absolutely the most terrifying thing I had ever heard.

What had I done to him? I had 'broken' him; this wasn't the Max I knew; this wasn't the type of person that Max deserved to be; I didn't want to be the concrete anchor that held him back from achieving greater things in life.

I didn't sleep at all that night.


Thank you for taking the time to either read this, or scroll to the bottom of the page. Either way I would like to personally thank you for it. I would greatly appreciate any constructive criticism on the work.

Word Count: 10,226