Aaru - Chapter 5 (History Lessons)

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#5 of Aaru (Side Story to Malakye's Story)

Malakye learns a forgotton truth of the past.

This is a story about Malakye's time in Aaru, and is completely optional to read in regards to the other parts of the story seires (Malakye's Story). It takes place during the gap between Book 2 - A New Dawn and Book 3 - The Mourning After I would advise to avoid any spoilers, to avoid reading it until you have finished reading Book 3 - The Mourning After.

This story will have mature and adult rated chapters along the way, if you find yourself unable to find missing chapters please check that your age-rating (or your SFW settings) are set appropriately so you can view them before notifying me. This happens a lot more than you'd think!

I always appreciate feedback and constructive critisim.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

He was my alpha. Now and forever. Just thinking of him telling him that made me flush with embarrassment. To think like that about a wolf... he may not be a true wolf, but he certainly looked like on! But it didn't matter. All that mattered was him. But I couldn't tell him, his tongue was currently wrapped around my own. But I was sure I didn't need to tell him with words, my actions would be telling him everything he'd need to.

I may have submitted control to him but that did not mean I could not show him what I wanted. I wrapped my legs around his hips, exposing myself to him. He pressed his own arousal against mine and gently ground them together teasingly. Even that was nearly enough for me to blow my load all over both of us. But I managed to hold back. I didn't want it to end too soon.

He broke the kiss but didn't stop kissing me. His tongue ran along my muzzle and down onto my neck where licked and nibbled at my exposed neck. I turned my head to show my complete submission to him. I was his to do with as he pleased. I don't think I could have even tried to stop him if he had sank those powerful jaws of his into the soft flesh of my neck. But he didn't. His tongue moved lower and reach my nipples, where he knew he would get a reaction out of me. As his tongue ran over my nipple I could feel my cock throb with each stroke of his tongue. Why wouldn't he just fuck me already?!

Almost as if he had heard my desperate plea, I felt his hips shift and the hot point of his shaft shift and sit against my tail-hole. I gasped and tried to relax, reaching down with my paw to help guide it into me. On the third attempt the tip of his shaft entered me, followed quickly by several more inches of his hot flesh.

My cock jumped and spurted a large amount of pre-cum, but I managed to stop myself from cumming there and then. But it would not take long. Already my stomach was already slick with the pre-cum leaking from my needy shaft.

"That's my good bitch." He growled lustily.

I don't know why, but why he called me 'his' my heart fluttered, even when he called me a bitch. Normally I didn't care for dirty talk, but when he did it, with that rough, throaty growl, it turned me on.

"You like my cock inside you don't you? Nothing more than a dirty, little cock slut!" He growled quietly to me. Again I loved the way his voice sounded, sending vibrations through my body. I just nodded and moaned, using my legs to pull his hips into mine, sinking his thick shaft further inside me. "Eager aren't we? You know your place, don't you? You're mine!"

He thrust his hips forward and made me gasp and moan as I felt the thick knot at the base of his shaft press against my tail-hole. If I had the ability to talk right then I would have begged him to breed me. To fill me up with his seed. I felt like a dirty little slut. I wanted him... needed him to cum in me. I wanted him to mark me as his in every way possible.

Time passed. What was only mere seconds, felt like several eternities before he began moving his hips once more. He bred me long and slow. Teased me with his tongue, taunted me with his words, and all the while I was his eager bitch. Happy so long as his cock was inside of me. I lost myself in the moment. Time had no meaning here, only Callen did. I fought back my own climax, not wanting to have my release until finally, he came inside of me. His body tensed and shuddered as he came, his knot wedged tightly within me. I felt the warmth grow within me, and that sensation was all it took for me to cum.

My cock exploded without ever being touched. Countless ropes of thick cum coated our stomachs and chests. One rope of cum even splattered me under the chin. If I cried out in ecstasy I don't remember. My maw was wide as I came, but I didn't know if I made any noise. When his body slumped against mine he kissed me again. With his warmth over me and within me, the cloudy warmth of my after glow washed over me. I don't remember anything after that until I woke the next morning.****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************




I awoke the next morning alone. Callen's was still all around me. I could hear the deep rumble of his voice in the distance. I smiled, not wanting to move from this comfort I was in. I felt the stickiness on my stomach.

I felt the vibrations of Garr's approach before I heard him. I felt him stand over me and kick my leg lightly to rouse me. Blinking against the brightness of the morning sun, I opened my eyes and stared up at him. He was mostly naked except for a loin cloth.

"You smell like a brothel!" He grunted. "Come on."

I got up and followed him to the river. This was our usual routine in the mornings. He would wake me, and we would go and wash in the river before breakfast. Normally I would just be washing off the sweat and often blood off of my body from the previous days beatings. Today though I was going to be washing off dried cum. We waded into the river up to our knees.

"Here, let me help with the bandages." Garr said placing his massive paw on my shoulder. I nodded and sat down on a rock and let him do as he pleased. "I had no idea you were so passionate." I blushed realising he was referring to my exploits with Callen last night. "Are you normally so submissive?"

"Shut up!" I snapped.

I wasn't going to apologise for my actions. My pride was hurt at being so submissive in front of them, but I don't regret anything I did. If he wanted to mock me for it, well fuck him!

"I was only asking." He began unwrapping the bandage round my chest. "I understand completely. They are alphas, no matter what form they take. And while he may not be a wolf, he may as well be. Wolves naturally submit to an alpha, and you are half wolf."

That did make sense. I thought to myself. Callen had admitted that he took on a wolves form when he started training wolven k'tan they took to Aaru. He kept the form as he said it suited him. He could change form anytime he wanted, and change back at will.

"You're not the first wolf to submit to him. Even with all their homophobia issues, a few have even begged him to fuck them. Others I've heard jacking off in the bushes muttering his name. But they just couldn't bring themselves to sleep with him." he grumbled something incoherent. "Damn fools. Nothing wrong with sleeping with another male. All that fear and hate... they don't even know why."

"And you do? I asked.

He smirked as he knelt down and examined the wound on my chest. "That is healing nicely. There won't even be a scar."

"Don't avoid the question."

"Well I've been around a long time, as you know. Her Ladyship took me into her service shortly after the demon war began."

"That was over two millennia ago!" I exclaimed, suddenly realising how old he truly was.

"And the fall out between the dragons and wolves occurred shortly after the war ended." He continued, ignoring my outburst. "Two of the greatest heroes of the time, Dalton Zaraki and Tau'ruc Jarra had a falling out."

Everyone knew of those two. The most powerful of all the k'tan and the first two daemon ever named. Tau'ruc Jarra was able to wipe out entire armies by himself, and was rumoured to have created the Zangar Mountain range after trapping a large demon army beneath them.

Dalton was the only mortal said to have been able to wield the light of Asurmen. The light of Asurmen was the ultimate weapon against the forces of darkness. A single strike from it was capable of defeating a Demon Lord! What the light of Asurmen was depended on who told the story. Some said it was a sword, others a bow. But what all stories agreed on was that it was a weapon of the greatest power.

"During the war all k'tan were paired up. They would be responsible for each others safety. Every k'tan was a precious and irreplaceable resource. Mortals granted the power of deities, weapons forged by Asurmen himself!." He continued. "After countless battles, losses and victories, you can imagine some of them grew quite close. Dalton and Tau'ruc were two such furs."

"So they were lovers?"

"Yes." He nodded.

So a wolven k'tan and a Zangarian were lovers? I wondered what the wolves would say if they knew that!

"Funny considering how things turned out." I said.

"Not so funny." Garr said. "Not all relationships are meant to last. Dalton loved Tau'ruc, and I'm fairly certain that Tau'ruc loved him just as much."

"So what happened?"

"Duty, Responsibility. What ever you wanted to call it." Garr explained, as he gently rinsed what remained of my chest would with water from the river. "Tau'ruc felt it was his responsibility to have a family. He was the sole survivor of his families line."

"Could he not have done that, and stayed with Dalton?"

"That I don't know. What I do know is that when Tau'ruc made the decision to settle down and have a family, Dalton returned back to his homeland and started his own."

"So how did all that start the fall out between the wolves and dragons?" I asked.

"Well Dalton never took their break up well. Due to his fame from the war he naturally became the leader of the wolves, and he forbade same sex relationships. Saying that such relationships corrupted the soul. He eventually began to resent all dragons, not just his former lover. His hate spread through his tribe, and eventually to all wolven tribes they were allied to."

"And all wolves began to hate dragons." I sighed. "So you're telling me, that all the wars, all the death and suffering... is nothing more than a lovers spat?"

"Essentially yes." He smirked. "There are other reasons that have added to it over the years, but the original source of the fallout came from those two." Garr removed the last of my bandages. "Your wounds are healing well."

"That's good." I said. It was more of an automatic response. I was still shocked hearing about the fallout between the two heroes.

"Lets get cleaned up. Breakfast will be ready soon."

I began getting cleaned up, scrubbing myself down. I glanced over at Garr, taking a moment to admire his body. He was a literal wall of muscle. His pale yellow fur had subtle stripes of orange running through it. Attractive. He had a wound on his back.

"Are you injured?" I asked.

"No." He assured me. "Her Ladyship got quite worked up last night."

The wounds looked like scratches. Suddenly a possibility flashed into my mind.

"You slept with her?!" His silence answered my question. "How... do you even fit?"

Garr was massive. Both physically and... down there. I'd seen him many times when we bathed together in the mornings. Even even when soft his massive shaft was as long, and as thick, as my forearm. Jan'Zar was tall, but extremely slender. If he tried to put that in her he would split her in two!

"There are ways."

"Seriously... how?!"

"Well she is a shape-shifter."

All of the Guardian Deities were shape-shifters. So she could change her form in order to be able to take him.

"She was still quite worked up this morning. She asked me to wake you and take you to the river so she could... be alone with her brother."

With Callen?

"You look rather upset." He smirked. "You jealous?"

I was a bit jealous. I'll admit that much. But I was more disturbed at that fact that she was sleeping with her brother.

"But... he's her brother."

"I can understand your objection. But remember, they cannot have cubs. So what is the harm in them having some fun together?"

"I suppose... when you put it that way..." It didn't change the fact that I felt incredibly jealous right now. I felt betrayed. Callen wasn't mine, I knew that. But it didn't make this hurt any less.

"While we are on the subject, if you ever want a helping paw, I'll help you out."

"You want to jack me off?" I smirked.

"We are both males, we have needs. Why not help each other out? And if you want something more than that I'm sure I can be of assistance." He grinned.

"You want to fuck me?"

"Sure. Why not? You're cute."

I wasn't quite sure what to say to that, but I wasn't going to let him have the last word. So I asked him a question with all the seriousness I could muster, but not completely able to stop myself from smiling when I asked it.

"And what if I want to fuck you?"

He laughed.

"I'll let you fuck me if you ever beat me in a fight!"

"I'll keep that in mind." I grinned. "But you've got another thing coming if you think I'd let you stick that monstrosity in me!" I pointed to his massive shaft hanging limply between his legs.

"You think you could stop me?" He asked, a growl daring me to challenge him in his voice.

He was daring me to contradict him. To say that I could stop him. We both knew that it wasn't true. After all this time I had not once come close to beating him. If he wanted to he could beat me down and rape me. I don't think he ever would, he far too honourable for that. He followed the teachings of war to the letter. Not surprising since he was basically the right paw of the Deity of War herself. But if he ever did decide to try and fuck me without my consent I would fight him tooth and claw! I would fight back until I had no strength left! And even after that I would not give him the satisfaction of crying out in pain. Not even as his massive shaft ripped me apart.

"That's a good look in your eye." He smirked.

I smiled back at him and we continued to bathe in the river. The cool water washed away all the grime and dirt, leaving me refreshed. As we normally did each morning, I helped Garr wash his back and he helped me in return. We took our time, giving Callen and Jan'Zar time to finish up. I didn't really want to see them together. But eventually we were as clean as we were going to get, so made our way back into camp.

As we approached camp, Callen and Jan'Zar they were lounging against one of the logs by the fire-pit, acting very cosy together. Both of them leaning against one another, Callen's paw on her thigh as he hummed happily. When we got close I could clearly smell the scent of sex from them.

Jan'Zar looked more docile than normal, a slight smile graced her face. Callen smiled and waved at us as we approached. I gave him a nod and tried not to look directly at them. I was jealous. Callen and I were not an official item, I'm not conceited enough to think that we were. We were free to sleep with who-ever we wanted, when-ever we wanted. But that didn't mean I had to like it.

After eating breakfast, gruel with a pawful of berries mixed in, I prepared myself for the days trials ahead of me. Who would my opponent be today? Jan'Zar? Garr? But to my surprise it was neither of them. As I readied myself with my spear the one who stepped forward to fight me was Callen!

"Lets see the fruits of my sisters training." He smiled.

"..." I was speechless. I didn't know what to say to him. Was I really going to have to fight him? He stood before with his bow in paw.

"Come at me with the intent to kill me." He ordered, levelling a stern glare at me.

I nodded and readied myself. Forcing my hesitation from my mind. Ignoring the fact of who my opponent was. It didn't matter what I felt for him, right now he was my opponent! But ignoring my feelings was easier said than done. I gripped my spear tightly and launched myself forwards at him, not allowing myself to get weighed down by my thoughts.

He leapt to the left to avoid the thrust of my spear. I didn't allow him any respite, I kept up my attack. I chased after him, thrusting my spear at him each time I got within range. But he was exceptionally nimble. He didn't attempt to attack me. He seemed happy just to allow me to chase him. If he didn't outright dodge my attacks, he would use his bow to knock them aside.

Eventually however he stopped running. He knocked my spear aside with his bow and spun round to my right, striking me in the back. I stumbled forward. I caught my balance and spun round to face him as he loosed an arrow. The arrow whooshed past my head, inches from hitting me and embedded itself in the tree trunk behind me.

He had missed me deliberately. He was an expert marksman. I had seen him hit birds flying through the trees in a flash. At this range he would never have missed me like that unless he intended on doing so. It had been a warning shot. He was going to start to get serious now, he had a mischievous glint in his eye.

I readied myself, drawing on my nen, it to formed a bubble around me, the bubble engulfed both myself and Callen. This time I would take a slightly more cautious approach. He was faster than me, so instead of trying to catch him I would wait for the best chance to strike!

We circled one another, waiting for the other to make a move. The moment he reached back to grab an arrow from his quiver I would launch myself forward. I would only have a second, but at this range that should be enough. If I was too slow though, his attack would likely hit me and this fight would be over! I had no doubt he would avoid landing a fatal shot, but the pain it would cause, not to mention the pain from the healing water, would be be excruciating!

As he reached back to grab and arrow he leapt backwards and I leapt after him immediately. Before I could cover the distance he had already knocked the arrow and was pulling back on his bow string. He loosed the arrow as I began to duck. I felt it graze my right shoulder as it flew past me. If I hadn't ducked it would have struck me in the shoulder.

Now was my chance! I focused all my nen into my legs to brace myself, and stop myself from falling muzzle first into the ground, and to propel myself towards him! As I leapt forward I thrust my spear at his chest, the pointed blade cut through the air towards its target. It was a near perfect thrust. But he used his bow to knock it safely aside, but I wasn't going to let him get away! I let go of the spear and tackled him to the ground.

We rolled over one another, but Callen managed to get his legs up and kicked me away. I rolled into a crouch and leapt towards him. He was already up and reaching for another arrow, but he was too slow this time! Instead he swiped at me with his bow, I blocked it with my right forearm and swung with my left. He leaned back and narrowly avoided the blow, but my arm got caught between the wood and string of his bow, and he dragged me off balance and struck me in the gut with his knee.

It hurt, but in comparison to one of Garr's blows it was nothing. I ignored the pain and using my nen enhanced strength I yanked his bow from his grip, kicking him in the stomach. I tossed the bow away and once again closed the distance between us. I would show Callen what I was capable of!

I lashed out with a series of punches and kicks. Callen was better than I had expected! He blocked each and everyone of my attacks, but I had him on the defensive. He threw a few punches of his own. He caught me across the muzzle with one of them, but I shook it off. I retaliated with a punch of my own to his muzzle, which connected with a satisfying thud! I followed up with a kick to his gut and then landed another punch to the side of his head before he recovered enough to attack me back. We exchanged blows for a while longer before he somehow managed to slip around me and made a dive for his bow.

I turned and gave chase. He dove over his bow, grabbing it with one paw, while simultaneously drawing an arrow from his quiver, before ending in a roll. As he spun round to face me he loosed the arrow and caught me in the leg. I cried out in pain and stumbled, falling to one knee, using both my paws to stop my muzzle hitting the ground as I fell.

Despite the pain, I growled in anger, not pain, and used my one good leg to try and tackle him to the ground again. I had been within feet of him, but with an arrow in my leg slowing me down, he had enough time to spin out of my path and he tripped me up with his bow. I fell muzzle first onto the ground. I yelped in pain as the shaft of the arrow in my leg hit the ground, pushing the arrow further into my thigh.

I growled in frustration and pain. I grabbed the shaft of the arrow and snapped it off. The arrow was still firmly lodged in my leg, the metal head protruding now from the back of my thigh. Blood poured from both holes in my leg. I focused a large amount of nen into the wound to dull the pain. I looked up at Callen and felt an unfamiliar rage boil up in my chest!

I pushed myself up and glared at him. My leg was agony, but I was not going to give up so easily! I was still able to stand, albeit on one leg, and was still willing to fight. I had received worse injuries fighting against Garr or Jan'Zar. Callen on the other paw seem shocked at my willingness to continue to fight.

"Malakye... it's okay, you can stop now." Callen said with a glimmer of worry in voice.

I grit my jaw, ignoring the throbbing pain in my leg. I stared at Callen and imagined him with Jan'Zar. I felt my anger surge!

"Ha! That's the spirit!" I heard Garr shout.

"What the hell have you two put him through!?" Callen snapped

"Stop being such a wimp!" Jan'Zar grunted. "We've taught him how to survive!"

"You're meant to be training him! Not forcing him to fight till he's half dead!" Callen yelled angrily. This was possibly the first time I'd actually ever seen him angry at anything.

"You always were a soft touch!" She huffed. "How else do you expect him to learn how to beat an opponent stronger than himself?"

"Malakye stand down." Callen insisted, but I limped towards him a step, wincing as the pain shot through me. "Malakye!" His tone more pleading this time.

"Fine..." I heard Jan'Zar grunt. "Stand down runt!"

I was still angry, but with her command I just couldn't keep fighting any more. My legs gave out. As I fell Callen caught me in his arms. Instantly any residual anger I had felt towards him vanished. Embraced in his arms, his warmth and his scent I just couldn't stay mad at him.

"Easy there. We'll get you fixed right up!" He assured me. "We will be discussing this further Jan!"

"Yeah, yeah." She waved him off dismissively.

"Garr help me."

"Very well."

Garr lumbered over to me and lifted me up in his strong arms and carried me as he followed Callen. Where he was taking me I didn't know. The pain was so great and I was feeling a little light headed. I could here the comforting sound of Callen's voice as he assured me I'd be all right. I passed out and woke up floating the familiar pool of luke warm water. I was in the healing pool.

"Shhhh... just relax."

I knew that voice before I even saw the owners muzzle. It was Callen. His paw came to rest atop my brow. His touch was gentle and reassuring to me. Memories of the fight came back to me. Callen had beaten me soundly. But I had refused to back down, the intensive training Jan'Zar and Garr had put me through forced me to keep fighting.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." He cooed. "Now rest. We will talk later."

I nodded and closed my eyes. My body felt heavy and once I shut my eyes I quickly drifted off into a deep sleep. Comforted by his scent and his touch as he cared for me while I floated in the warmth of the healing water.