Family Journal Chapter 1

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#1 of Family Journal

A story based on an RP I'm doing with a Friend.

Chapter 1

It was a quiet morning in Savannah Square. In a small apartment block near the train station, Room 216 on the Second Floor, lives the Hopps-Wilde family. Indoors, a small dingo pup woke up in his crib from a nap. Rubbing his eyes, he curiously peered out the window, fascinated by the sun rising. Across the room another crib contained a black kitten, still sound asleep. A low creak sounded at the door as Judy peaked in. The pup gurgled, tail wagging as his nose twitched. He then yawned again, before he started sucking on his pacifier. stirring the black kitten got up, looking over the crib railing.

"Good mowning" Jade said Scrubbing his eyes with his paws. The pup looked up to see Judy, before happily giggling, tail wagging as he waved to their mama.

"Ga-goo!" Justin gurgled. Judy opened the door fully "Someone's got high spirits." Judy said happily and Justin gurgled, before crawling over to the edge of his crib so he could say hi to his big brother.

"mama can we go pway?" Jade asked, his eyes were huge and pleading. "Sure." Judy replied, and Jade jumped up and down in response. Justin noded, diaper crinkling as he sat down.

"Pah?" Justin gurgled. Judy walked in and lowered the bars on Jade's crib before lifting Justin into her arms.

Jade crawled and slipped onto the floor following Judy out, "YAY!" Jade celebrated. Justin softly nuzzled Judy as she held him, looking around as they went downstairs. On the couch, Nick sat down with a newspaper.

"Daddy! we go pway owtside." Jade called happily, Judy nodded carring Justin out the door, she set him down on the concrete patio. Nick chuckled, putting his paper aside. "Sounds like fun, kiddo. C'mere, though. Daddy's got a little trick to show you." Nick replied. Jade waddled over to Nick. Nick rubs his paws, before he reaches behind his toddler son's ear. "Hocus...pocus!" nick called out dramatically. Two seconds later, he pulls out a popsicle. "Mine!" Jades diaper crinkled as he began to leap for the popsicle. Curiously, Justin looks around from the patio. Sticking to Judy's side, he crawls along the warm concrete, tail wagging as he looks around. He then crawls back to Judy, tail wagging. Judy looks down at justin. "Having fun little guy?"

"can I have it?" Jade asked, Nick grins a little, before passing it to Jade. "Here~."

"Yay!" Jade snatched the popsicle and dashed for the door, but he sliped before he got there "Owy!" Jade Whined, he Began to cry. Nick quickly gets up before picking Jade up and murmuring, "It's okay, it's okay."

"daddy I bumped my tow" Jade whimpered. Nick gently nuzzles Jade, before he kisses Jade's toe better, Jade then reaches towards the floor.

"Popsicle!" Jade suddenly called out. Nick quickly picked it up, before he smiled a little. "No harm, no foul." he then handed it to his little son.

"Yay" Jade Sniffled, "tank wu"

Nick gently kissed his head, before placing Jade on the ground. "You're welcome. Now, watch your step." Jade smiled happily before walking in exaggerated caution out the door. "Hello Justin" Jade said sitting down beside his brother. Justin looked up at his big brother, diaper crinkling as his tail wags. He then nuzzles Jade, before he sits down next to him. "Ok who stinks" Judy teased looking between the two. Justin murmured curiously, looking around, Obviously not sure what his mama meant. Jade looked guilty as he points at justin "him!" Judy crouched down to check justin, looking at Jade afterwards "I think I know who it is!" Justin gurgles, looking up at Jade. He then hears a squish he also needed a diaper change. "no! mama it's justin!" Jade leaped to his paws. "really" "Ok we'll change you both." Judy picked up Justin and Jade followed Judy inside. she glanced at nick as she passed. "Who you wanna change?" she asked. Nick replied, gently ruffling Jade's hair. "I'll pick Jadie." Justin softly gurgled, sucking on his pacifier as he looked up at Judy. Jade looked up at Nick "but I clean," he pouts. Nick grins a little, placing Jade on the floor. "Sure you are." He then started to change Jade's diaper, using the popsicle to distract him. Jade reached for the popsicle Nick chuckled, holding the popsicle with one paw. "Ah-ah-ah~." Judy carried Justin to the table, laying him down "somebody's wet." she tickled his exposed tummy. Justin then giggles, wiggling as she tickles his belly. Judy cleans him up before taping him into in nice clean diaper. Justin reaches a tiny paw up to Judy's cheek, a smile on his face. "Ah-ba~"

"You're so cute" Judy lifts him up "Hungry?" Justin then nods, huddling up to Judy's chest as he sucks on his pacifier. "I'm hungry!" Jade tried to get out from under nick, popsicle forgotten, Nick struggled, quickly finishing the diaper change. Judy sets Jade on the couch and walked into the kitchen pulling two bottles out of the cabinet, filling them with baby formula and sticking them in the microwave. Justin softly nuzzles his big brother as they sit and wait, idly sucking on his pacifier.

"Daddy wheres my paci?" Jade looks around as Judy pulls the bottles out of the microwave, testing their temps before handing one to Jade and lifting Justin and placing him in the crook of her arm and puts the nipple of the bottle at his lips. Justin suckled on the nipple, resting in her arm as his ears perk up, he was very hungry.

Jade sucked his bottle dry in a matter of minutes. Judy looks over at Jade, Archer's comin over today!

"Really!" Jade exclaimed happily "Wen?" Justin soon finishes his bottle, a milk moustache on his face. He then squeaked, needing to be burped, and Judy obliged Patting the young cub on the back. Justin burped, blushing and twiddling his paws a little as he held his pacifier steady.

Ding-dong Judy looks down at Jade as the bell rang, "I'll get it."

Jade leaped to his paws. "Archer!!!" Jade yelled passing through the door seconds after it opened. "Jade!" a 16 year old fox trotted in carrying the black kitten. Nick grinned a little, walking over to greet his eldest son. "Hey, Archie. How's school?"

"Great, finally finished that project" Archer hugged his father. Nick ruffled his son's hair. "Great work, kiddo." Justin then squeaked, seeing his elder brother. "Ah-bah!" "Hey! Justin." Archer dropped Jade on the couch lifting Justin to his lap. Justin gurgled, smiling a little as he nestled up to Archer's lap. He then playfully booped his big brother's nose. Archer hugged Justin "Love you baby" Archer whispered, stroking the cubs head. Justin gently hugged his big brother back, tail wagging. Jade looked up at Archer, "have you seen my paci?" Archer got to his paws "I got it." he made his way to Jade's room.

Jade sat on the couch patiently waiting, as Archer returned with a pikachu pacifier "Pika!" Jade mimicked leaping up taking the pacifier in his mouth. Justin giggled at that. "Eeka!" Justin then gurgled, playing with one of the armchair pillows. Jade sucked on his pacifier contently, he slowly dozed off. Justin huddled up to his older brother, ears flicking a little.

"You two are just adorable!" Archer walked into the kitchen, glancing at the setting sun, "bed soon." Justin softly gurgled, before yawning softly, rubbing his eyes."can you put them to bed? me and nick have a date night." Judy grabbed her purse and walked towards the door, nodding at Nick who nodded back, kissing her on the cheek. Then, he opened the door for her.Archer picked up Jade and Justin and made his way to the back as the door closed. Archer laid Justin in his crib, and pinched Jade on the cheek. "you're my favorite ya little stinker."

"I'm not stinky!" Jade pouted as he was laid to bed, hugging his pikachu plushie. Justin soon fell fast asleep, curling up to a plush carrot toy. A few hours passed and Justin woke up crying. Jade awoke from the noise and crawled out of his crib, Archer had forgot to raise his railing. "It's ok Justin." Jade held Justin's paw through the bars. Jade walked over to the step stool and dragged it to Justin's crib, he climbed over the railing, and laid down beside brother "It's ok" he whispered. Slowly, Justin stopped crying as Jade laid down beside him, his ears folded. Jade clutched his pikachu "Love you bro, goodnight." Justin soon calmed down, sniffling a little. He then gently cuddled Jade. Jade soon nodded off to sleep.

Family Journal Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Archer awoke that morning, and went to check on the kids, opening the door he first noticed Jade was missing, He looked around and suddenly noticed Jade and Justin curled up in one crib. he pulled out his phone and took a picture before...

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