The Ruby Scaled Dragoness and the White Hybrid Dragon

Story by Alciero on SoFurry

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The Ruby Scaled Dragoness and the White Hybrid Dragon

Awakening in the cold bottom chamber of the vast underground cave system, I pad softly over towards the pool of water that was feed from a small creek of water that flowed through the limestone from the river that ran above the cave. Fighting away my thirst with a few laps of the water I look at my own reflection in the water and see two crystal blue eyes looking right back. The vivid stripes of neon blue scales that stretched across my entire body from snout to tail spade glowed into the darkness. Thinking of the times with my siblings back home in the Crystal Mountains I go into a stare at the water, forgetting my thirst as my thoughts turn from my family to finding a dragoness. The thought of seeing a femanine scaled beauty seemed much more easier than finding one. I feel a soft tinge of excitement pulse through my loins but I shake my head, trying to disregard it as I finish drinking and start to make my way up the slope leading to the exit of the chamber. The stone beneath my forepaws gets slicker with each step as I find myself digging my talons into the stone as the thundering rumble of the waterfall guarding the entrance of my cave was soon heard. Rounding the corner I come to the wall of rushing water. I stop and take in the scent of the fresh water, the dank air of the cave and the feeling of the wind rushing by as it sprays my main and scales with mist. Moving closer to the water I crouch low and hold my wings tight to the sides of my body before I leap, time slowing as I feel the water sending a refreshing shock through my body, knowing in my mind the right heighth and just the right moment to snap my magnificent white wings open. I wait a few more moments as the rush of the real world catches up to me and I snap my wings open without another thought, sending me into an angled dive before I pull up and send myself soaring across the river as it rounded through the ground below, carving its trail until it finally exited into a vast lake surrounded by green foilage and trees with great green leaves. I circle the lake, taking in every shore line before finally landing on the beach, sending whisps of sand into the air as I land hard and beat my wings once before folding them against my sides and making my way to the water.

The water lays undistrubed and reflects everything around it like the surface of a shiny crystal I have found from time to time in my cave. Taking a few drinks from the water I soon wade out into the shallows. The cool wet sand squishes between my claws as the water rushes between my scales as I almost stop, savoring the cool water as it takes my body the deeper I go into the lake. Taking a breath of air I dive below the glassy surface. Whisking my wings open I push through the water with them as I use my tail as a rudder, setting my course to the depths of the lake as I swim. Staying under for a good amount of time, I feel my lungs starting to ache for new air as my muscles become fatigued. Angling upwards I get close to the glass surface as I see the blue sky above it. Suddenly I catch the light red underside of a dragon flying over me and landing in the water not far from my position. A tinge of panick and curiousity runs through me as I swim further from them before just allowing my snout to break the surface of the water, allowing my to exchange air before diving below once more. Trying to cause as little disturbance to the water I begin to swim towards the dragon as I watch them swim around the surface of the water, opening and closing their wings. Swimming closer in curiousity, I notice that they are smaller than most of the dragons I have seen and there underside, a lighter tinge than the rest of their scales, more clues leading into the conclusion that it was a female dragon swimming above me. The closing of distance between us I can see the scales that protect her belly. Weither it be instinct or just curiousity I look between her rear legs and see the soft indentation in her body followed with a line surrounded by smaller, softer scales. I feel the tinge of excitment surge through me again as I look away and start to swim away but I could not resist looking at her once more. It was then that she poked her head under the water and saw me. The water's glassy surface becomes broken as she dives beneath the water, chasing me with her teeth bared, reaching out to me with her forepaws as I bare my own teeth and swim deeper.

"Its not nice to look at one and not tell them you are doing so." she hisses into my mind as I feel embarrased and guilty for doing so. I angle upwards towards the surface as I get enough momentum, breaking the surface I take to the air, leaving the lake behind me as I circle the air and watch below me.

"Running dragon?" she taunts me. Frowning I roar into the air, angry at my stupidity for looking at her.

"I apologize dragoness for my staring, its just I have not seen any females around here for such a long time. I thought I was the only one that lived in this valley."

I hear no reply to her and carefully reach out into my mind for her once more as I see her swimming to the shoreline. I watch as she gets out and shakes the water from her scales and then beats her wings dry.

"Just leave me alone." she hisses back to me, her words angry in her mind but I could feel the tinge of the same curiousity in her mind. I fly away from the lake and deeper into the mountain valley as I hunt for prey later in the afternoon. Flying low I scan the forest below and spot a herd of deer as they prance through the trees, something must have spooked them for they were running towards me rather than away. Sniffing the air I smell nothing as the wind is blowing to the side of me.

Sensing no other danger I close my wings and dive through a hole in the forest canopy and land infront of a fully grown buck as he rears on his hindlegs and turns to run the other way but I jump, opening my wings as I glide over him, grasping him in my hind paws before letting go of him. Hitting the ground hard the buck attemps to get up but the mark my talons left across his back kept him in his place as the pain slowly overtook him. I close on him and end his life with one quick clench of my jaws around his windpipe and neck. His eyes turn glossy as life leaves him. The wind shifts and I catch the scent of a dragon near me as I quickly release the corpse of the deer and put one paw over it, opening my wings wide and roaring into the trees as I claim my kill. Looking to where the scent was the strongest I see the dragoness slowly make her way through the trees.

"You?" I question in my mind to her as she crouches to the ground and hisses, opening her wings and beating them at me.

"It doesn't surprise me to see you here, afterall that should be my kill, I was the one that got them on the run."

"Though you weren't the one to catch one and kill it now were you?" I retort back to her in my mind. Though anger I have towards her, I can't resist staring at her, how beautiful she looked even though she was getting ready to attack me. Her mane stood on end alongst her neck as she lashed her tail from side to side as the V shaped spade on its end glinted in the sunlight. I turn from her for a moment as I shudder, my anger turning to rage and then lust as it takes everything inside of me to keep from lashing out at her, to pin her beneath me and to mate her and make her mine. Grabbing the deer in my rear talons I open my wings and take to the sky in a few beats as I seek the freedom of the evening skies as I fly back to my cave. She leaps after me as I feel her weight suddenly against my own as she latches on to the carcass, biting my left hind foot. Roaring I let go of the carcass as I look down, seeing her eyes go wide as she tries to react by opening her wings but is too late. With the sudden weight of the carcass against her and not enough air to regain her flight, she crashes into the first tall tree that I easily swivel myself around. I hear a distress whimper and a howl of pain as breaking branches split the silence of the evening.

Turning I skim over the trees where she fell as I see her ruby red scales beneath a layer of dust and leaves, the rest of her body pinned by the dead deer. I see her try to get up, pushing the carcass off her side as I see her left wing slack against her side, the bone showing through the wing forearm. She falters in her steps and collapses, her body shivering as pain overcomes her, shock following. Feeling guilty for taking her kill and even more for letting her crash into the tree top I land next to her. At first I walk around her, shaking myself as my silky white mane falls around my neck and I gaze at her with my crystal blue eyes.

"You should have let me go." I mind speak to her as I cautiously sniff the patruding bone from her injured wing. She tries to hiss at me but only whimpers as I see her yellow eyes staring back at me.

"Go on, finish me now and ravage me. I know you wanted to just a moment ago, I could see it in your eyes." she states, painfully reminding me of the thought I had earlier during the argument on the ground. Shaking my head I search for an explanation as I concentrate, focusing my powers as the bands of light blue crystal alongst my entire body start to glow.

"You have no idea how long it has been since I last seen a dragon in these parts, let alone a dragoness. Now you have an explanation, and no, I don't want you." I fired back at her in my mind. I knew I was lying, I wanted her as my own. I was tired of being alone, I wanted someone to keep warm during the chilling hours of the night, I wanted someone to start a new life with, to have a family and raise young. I never had these thoughts until she came into my life earlier at the lake. I walk around her as she follows me with her teeth bared. I wait, letting the pain subdue her, letting her body go numb from shock as I can tell there was more than just a broken wing as the ground by her midriff was wet with her blood, its scent heavy in the air now as I know it wont be long before scavangers from the forest will home in on her scent. I get a little closer to her as she just watches me but sleep tries to take her.

"I don't want to die." she whispers thoughtfully into her mind. "My stomach hurts so much, please help me." she starts to plea with me as all the anger, all the hate and rage I felt earlier suddenly dissapates like the fog does upon the lake when the sun reaches midday. The sun creeps below the ridgeline of the mountains as the entire valley is cast into shadow. If there was to be anything done, now was the time to do it. Slowly I concentrate my thoughts before focusing my gaze upon her broken wing, the sound of the world fades as the ancients music fills my mind. Flutes and the gregorian chants of the monestary where I was raised at fills my thoughts, my body, my soul as I secretly reside a prayer to the heavens in my mind. I feel the tip of my muzzle brush against her wing as I smell the wound and slowly run my tongue across its length as I feel her attempting to move away from me, the miracle of healing comes at times comes with the price of intense pain at its beginning but fades away as I share the music in my mind with hers, letting it sooth her, letting it calm every worry that comes to her mind.

"I see a land of green trees and vast meadows." she whispers in her mind. "I see a white building upon the hillside over looking the lake, there are many people there." she continues as I continue to heal her, listening to what she sees in my past memories.

"Are these people armed, are they evil?" I question her as she softly shakes her muzzle. "All wear white robes with a vast blue marking upon them, the marking looks like the sword of a knight turned upside down. All of them have no hair upon their heads and all chant magical words.

"Tell me dragoness, did you like humans." I question her as I slowly work my muzzle to her underbelly, seeing in my mind the broken arteries and blood vessles inside of her. The three broken ribs that pierced her spleen and stomach, they begin to reform, returning to there rightful places.

"No, people were shunned amongst my kind. We burned every village with our magic and fire."

"Look closer." I whisper into my mind as my work was finalized but I kept the chant going in my mind, keeping us in these dreamy state. In my mind I can see her drift to the inner parts of a building where a man wore a white hat that hugged the top of his head. A knock was heard upon the door as he answered, a messenger delievering something to him in his arms. I can feel her curiousity as she tries to see until I finally let her probe deeper into my thoughts. The head monk carried in his arms, a newborn dragon, his parents killed for high treason to the crown for cross-breeding. This thought attempts to intrude upon the happy moment as I quickly end the dream state. The dragoness looks up at me as I start to walk away.

"Your a hybrid. That is why you can heal, tell me what other magic can you do?" she questions me as I shake my head from side to side.

"You will learn more about me in the future. Now I must rest, I need sleep and if you don't mind, I need to feed." I whisper back in my mind to her as fatigue suddenly takes me like a swift hit to the gut. I let her move from me as she opens and closes her once injured wing as I give a weak smile before biting into the deer. The taste of sweet venice and blood is refreshing as I waste no time taking more meat until my stomach no longer complains at its emptiness. She startles me by first walking up beside me to the point where her wing almost brushes against my own. She starts to feed next to me as I keep silent and continue my own feeding.

"My name is Christine." she mindspeaks. I smile again as I flick my tail to the left, letting it brush against hers.

"Mine is Augustine."

"Pretty." she replies back as I start to finish my feeding. Just before I move my muzzle from the ravaged carcass, I feel hers press against my own and feel her tongue run alongst mine as I lick the flesh from the deer's exposed ribs. The excitment returns as I feel my loins stir, becoming harder with each moment I stay here.

"Goodnight Christine." I suddenly state as I turn, walking away from her. I long to have her, the thought clouds my mind as I sit on my haunches and lick my side and forepaws. The creatures blood still remains in places around my face as I suddenly feel the wet warmth of a raspy tongue against my eyeridge. I bring my tail up between my legs to hide my hardening sheath as I feel the moist throbbing tip of my cock touching my tail.

"I thought you were leaving." she coo's back to me but something in my mind tells me that now is not the time to be sharing any intement feelings. Finally focusing my mind I get up and pad away from her, whisking my wings open as I thrash my tail, striking the ground with it.

"Forgive me, I still don't know you and I just can't.......go through with anything right now." I attempt to explain, feeling suddenly stupid as my body shouts to me in my mind, telling me that she was now perfectly willing for me to do anything to her.

"I know you have not been around my dragons, let alone females. You can quit trying to cover it up, the air only reaks of your excitement." she states as I become extremely shy and continue to softly pad away. Spreading my wings I take to the air and beat them hard, taking me high into the humid night sky as I see the full moon rising on the horizon. I can the air below as I see her flying off in a direction opposite of my cave.

"Goodnight Augustine." she speaks to me, her mindtune already faint with the distance between us.

"Goodnight Christine. If you need anything, my cave is behind the waterfall and theres a small pathway leading to the bottom chamber, I usually am around in that area." I mindspeak back but I do not know if she could hear me. I fly for a few more hours before returning to my cave. I focus my mind and use a little bit more of my powers as I feel the winds rush around me, the waterfall parting as I fly through it, only a faint mist getting across my body as I make my way into the bottom chamber of the cave. My mind becomes consumed by her as I let myself go over the edge, allowing my cock to reach full rigidity. Thoughts of me mating her return as I try to force them away, not wanting to think of her in this way but my body says otherwise.

I finally lay my head against my forepaws and force myself to sleep as it finally comes to me moments later. In my sleep I see the ruby red scales of a dragoness illuding my in a chase through the air in the darkness of the night sky. I see myself flying closer to her as she flies up and around me, I turn and twish myself as I come up right next to her, our legs brushing against one anothers as we entwine ourselves together and freefall to the ground, thrusting against one another as our minds become lost in the ecstacy of mating. I see the ground getting closer as I thrust harder, my hips bucking forcefully against hers as I drive myself deeper, completely hilting myself inside of her as I try to reach my edge as the ground gets closer. Just before we hit the ground the taste of pure ecstasy surges through me as every though becomes oblivious to me, my body twitching in the night of the cave as my cock spasms, spraying the sand with copious amounts of my seed before the sudden relief of breaking away from her and taking to the sky comes to me, I awaken shortly after. My underside feels gritty as sand sticks to my sheath and belly which was covered dried semen. I growl under my breath as I could hardly believe what happened. Feeling the cooling sensation of the caves water around my scales, I wash myself before leaving the pool and shaking myself dry. I then use my tail spade to shove the scent, semen stained sand into the water before using one of my paws to cover the area with new sand.

"Augustine?" I hear her whisper as I wonder if I was still dreaming or not as I swivel around and see Christine stairing at me. I frown and become embarrased as she gives a shy smile, bobbing her head for a moment as she flicks her tail.

"Dreaming a good dream I guess?" she questions as I turn away from her, completely embarrased as I worry just how long she was there watching me while I slept, watching my body twitch and writh before my cock jetted its sticky substance all over the ground.

"Perhaps, though you can tell me why you are doing here and why in the middle of the night." I ask her as she starts to walk towards me. The soft blue light of the crystal blue bands across my body reflect of her own as she stops and sits on her haunches infront of me.

"I had no cave to go to. To tell you the truth, I was just passing through this morning and decided to stay the night in the valley. That is past us now, what matters is I am here. Now please, will you show me a place to stay in your cave, I am sure it is big enough for the both of us." she states before showing me her canines in a smle. I do the same and give a soft smile.

I notion with the rightward movement of my head for her to follow me as I give her a tour of the cave and its many chambers. We walk for what seemed like an incredibly long amount of time before finally coming upon a chamber I thought never existed and yet it was so close to the one I stayed in. Its roof had a vast crack with many vines and roots coming down from it and the entire area was filled with the soft leaves and branches of the tree's above. Its entire center was illuminated in the bright, white light of the full moon. Walking from my side, Christine goes infront of me as she softly flicks the end of her tail up against my chin as I squint my eyes for a moment, trying to catch a glimpse of what lay under her tail but there wasn't enough light. She paces the entire room and looks it over. She bites and scratches at some of the roots and sniffs some of the leaves before finally curling up into a ball offset of the center of the room. I see her open her wing and expose her lighter colored underside. I stare in a trance as I feel myself getting excited and slowly bring my tail between my rear legs once more.

"Its perfect." she states to me, breaking my mind from its trance, illusive thoughts.

"Ah....perfect?" I reply back as she gets up, giggling in her mind to me as it is one of the most sweetest sounds to reach my mind. When she reaches me she presses the side of her head against mine and rubs it up and down as I feel her scales brushing against my own, her silky mane mangling with mine as my heart begins to race.

"For a nest." she then states as I become completely confused at first. I react by walking backwards as she keeps walking forward. I feel the cave wall against my back as I can go no further and have no choice but to look at her directly.

"Your reacting funny Augustine. I guess any male would beings around a dragoness that just pretty much told them they will be their companion." she then states as I try to reply back, hardly believing what she was saying.

"I have been hinting all along. What I told you about passing through the valley was a lie, I have been watching you for months and yet it seems you could not see me."

"Observing me? Why?" I question her.

"Forgive me if I offended you, I just had to make sure." she states as she brushes the tip of her muzzle against my own. For a moment I stare into her yellow eyes before closing my own and letting my tongue escape from my maw as she follows. A soft lick, a dragon's kiss we share in as I hear the rumbling purr starting deep inside of me. The sound of it becomes stronger as she begins to purr herself. After the lick she keeps her eyes closed, rubbing her muzzle up against the side of mine.

"Will you be my mate Augustine?" she then asks as I immidiately want to yell yes in my mind to her but I stop for a moment and think it over. Was all of this to be true? Its not often that you meet a dragoness you wants to be your mate all of the sudden.

"How do I know you are being sincere?" I try to ask her but her tongue running across the side of my cheek silences me, followed by a soft nudge to my chin as she looks at me, our eyes locking in a lover's glare. Everything seems to flow in a perfect motion as I watch her walk from me, turning her rump to me as she flicks her tail up for a moment, letting me see her now wet and excited slit. I shudder as I become ridgid once more, my cock pulsing hard in want for her. I walk forward as she suddently trots away from me. Vocalizing a deep, resonating yowl, I call to her as she lays down, her tail whisking excitedly behind her as her scent burns my nostrils, forcing all common thought from my mind as I instictivley mount her as she raises her tail against me, allowing my pulsing cock full access to her feminity. With all the desire, all the lust that courses through my body, the want to feel her around me, I try to still my racing heart and calm my rapid breathing.

If this is to be the moment where I no longer have to spend my life alone in the darkness of this cave, I would want it to be the most special moment worth of being a cherished memory for the rest of my life. I slowly rub my head against hers, closing my eyes and coo'ing to her how beautiful she was as she rewards me with a soft nibble to my neck, followed by a lick. I place my left forepaw next to her chest, the other I slowly run down her side to her theigh. I remain in this position as Iet my wings go slack against hers, my tail coiling around her tail as I feel the tip of my cock brush against her soft scaled underside. Prodding against her I slowly draw back and press against her once more, my cock pulsing and leaving a trail of its stick pre against her scales. The third prod I feel the tip of my cock pressing between the lips of her sex as the sudden rush of immense warmth and pulsing wet muscles shudder alongst the tip of my cock as I feel her tense, hearing her growl softly to me as I hornily thrust inside of her, a sigh escaping me as I hilt my entire length deep inside of her as she whimpered but I was oblivious to any sound as I was lost in marvelling how her body pulsated against it, clenching and slowly working it from hilt to tip as it pulsed inside of her, quivering with each rapid beat of my heart.

Slowly, I start bucking against her. Pulling myself from her as I feel her body suddenly clenching my cock just to feel it pushing against it when I pressed myself back inside of her. Keeping a steady pace she soon raises her head against mine in sheer pleasure, pushing her rump against my crotch, impailing me deeper inside of her as our bodies work against eachothers in a perfect, rhythmic beat. I feel myself drawing closer to orgasm with each thrust as her body slowly starts to clench my cock tighter, slickening it as the heat of her body increases. She stares blankly off into the darkness of the cave as I rest my head next to hers, both of our hearts racing, pumping blood to rejuvinate fatigued muscles as we both start to pant heavily as we draw closer to that one moment when it seems the entire world its at the tips of our talons, every sky our freedom, leading beyond the horizon of the setting sun of the dying day and the rising moon of the newborn night.

She suddenly growls and then roars in exstacy as she orgasms, I feel her body suddenly clamp hard against my thrusting cock before forcefully working it to release its seed. I only manage to hang on only a moment longer before her body gives a suddenly hard pulse against my cock, starting from its base all the way up to its tip as it clenches it. I thrust once more, pushing myself as deep as I could go inside of her before I roar and then growl in bliss as I came, my life bearing seed spraying into her warm, silky soft, clenching body. I pull her tight against me as she pushes herself as hard as she can go until we atlast, collapse against each other. A small amount of time goes by as I feel myself grow soft inside of her, my cock escaping from her body as it weakly clenches as it retreats into my sheath. I rise from her to only collapse at her side. Nuzzling my muzzle she rolls to her back, writhing against the ground from side to side as she lashes her tail behind her. I watch her for a moment before she presses her back into my underside as I let my strong, warm wing cover her. As the demands of sleep comes to adue with our bodies I gently lick her neck and whisper into her ear.

"My love will always be yours and only yours. You ended the lonliness of my life and gave me a new, brighter future to look forward to. I will always remain yours Christine, I will always be here for you. I will be the one warm your side in the chilling nights, I will be the one to help you give birth to our firstborn. Together we will share in the long lost ceremony of the Draconigena." with the last words being spoken I close my eyes and breath calmly for the first in a long time. I know now that I no longer need to worry about finding someone for now, this night, the dragoness at my side is mine as I am hers til the end of this life shall we part. This pact shall be shared and christened En el Nombre, Del Padre, Y Hijo, Y Espirito Santo. Amen......

I actually took time in writting this short story as it has been a great inspiration for me to continue working on my novel. Ever since my joining of the United States Navy in February, I have been finding myself wondering more and more about dragons while at sea. Though being at sea aboard one of the fleets finest destroyers, has also brought the realization of life. Everyday I see people get up, go to stand their watch, go eat, go to sleep and repeat it again the same day or the next. I too have succumbed to this and I know it is not the life I want. That decision may change in time though as I serve my term but I will never stop believing in dragons nor my true belief in them. The last line of my story I wrote in the behalf of my faith and hope it does not offend anyone. I find myself in a conflict of wanting to go out and find someone to be my companion for the rest of my life but the other part of me says I should wait. Regardless of what choice I make, I am sure it will be for the best of me in life. For now, farewell until I write another story and hope you enjoyed this one.

This is the AuThEnTiC work of Arrakis Aviador Depaz