Chapter 16: Step by Step

Story by Steve The Visionary on SoFurry

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#17 of Heroes of Alteria Vol. 1

Well It's been 3 weeks since the last chapter dropped and this whole chapter has been rough to write. Any writer who works on a multichapter series knows exactly what I'm talking about. You have these really great ideas you wanna write, but you can't because you first have to hammer out the core details. Anyways this chapter's out and chapter 17's gonna be following close behind, so don't go anywhere.

Kira liked to consider herself a reasonable animal. She served her kingdom with unfaltering loyalty, she did her best to uphold all that was right, and she even put up with all those who disliked her. So the question became 'Why was life so confusing?'

The wolfess had quietly been observing the world around her for the past few weeks and she couldn't believe what was happening. Her father had given her her old title back and made Jeeve her deputy, which pleased her to no end. With the hero always by her side he'd have no choice but to fall for her! But he had also given Kiza a new position that completely trumped hers . . . Head of External Affairs. So now the younger sister had to listen to Kiza all day, as she was now her boss.

The wolfess shuddered at the thought, but with all the changes going on, the one that completely enraged Kira was Shirlene. Not only had Kyoto allowed her to stay in the castle, he had given her a title higher than Kira and Kiza's combined. Shirlene was the new Director of the Global Assault and Tactics Unit. Her father had made a rabbit he barely knew the head of all foreign and domestic military operations.

Kira angrily paced around her room, kicking anything unfortunate enough to be in her way, whether that be clothes, books, or tables. The wolfess stomped to her window and growled at the sight. Sitting in the courtyard were several guards including Dr. Shiba, all of which were entranced by whatever Shirlene was telling them. Kira drew her curtains over the sight and flopped back on her bed sighing.

Kira couldn't say she honestly hated Shirlene, but she sure hated her personality. The rabbit was tough, forceful, but also very humorous. Every time she opened her mouth to speak, everyone came running to hear what she had to say. Everyone including her father . . . Even he lacked immunity to the rabbit's beguiling charms and charisma. Shirlene just had . . a gift for bringing animals together, and it made Kira envious to no end.

Kira buried her face in her pillow and let her mind wander to the state of the castle last week. Morale was low, soldiers were performing poorly, and there had even been 7 suicides in just one of the barracks. Come this week and everyone is laughing, joking, and attending Shirlene's . . . comedy night.


Kiza motioned for the group to follow her as she pointed to various display cases filled with old artifacts saying "And this here is the Ancient Armor exhibit. Our father has been collecting these things for ages!" Shirlene exaggerated a yawn and said

"Well this stuff is interesting and stuff, but can we get some grub? I haven't eaten in days!" Kira scoffed saying

"You don't deserve to eat here! We have soldiers that can't even eat here!"

"Well I'm not a soldier am I?"

"You're not an anything! I don't even know why you're here!" Kiza quickly interjected saying "Let's just go to lunch, the mess hall has some pretty good chicken salads!"

"Hey that doesn't sound to bad, I'm down for that."

"I suppose that would be adequate . . ."

"Then it's settled! Chicken salads on me!" The group made their way down to the mess hall, all the while trying to avoid tearing each other's throats out. Once they arrived Kiza opened the doors revealing a miserable sight. The mess hall was a gray room. The walls were gray, the floor was gray, even the ceiling was gray. Shirlene walked around taking in the sights and said "I thought you said we were going to lunch, not a funeral."

"Sorry Yara, this place has been in need of a touch up for years."

"And Kira said the soldiers can't eat here. I'll let em know they ain't missing anything." The younger sister huffed in response and said "Well you wanted to eat here so let's get some food!" The trio made their way through the non existent line and picked up their salads. They took it back to one of the tables and wasted no time eating. They ate in silence until Shirlene got up and walked to the corner of the room.

Kiza turned around and asked "Hey what're you doing Shirlene?"

"I was just curious about this stage? It's the only not gray thing in the room!"

"Oh that. That was the announcement platform officers would use to well . . . Announce things. It hasn't been used in decades probably." Shirlene paced around the stage then hopped up on it, fiddling with the microphone. She tapped it a few times saying "Hey is this thing on? Testing Testing one two!"

Kiza clapped her paws excitedly saying "OOH a dinner show!"

"It's lunch time you boob."

"Hush! I wanna hear this!"

"Well hello all you lovely folks out there in Alteria! Welcome to Shirlene's gut gusting comedy performance where if I'm not busting your gut, the food probably is!"

Kiza chuckled loudly, drawing the attention of some workers passing by. The workers quietly walked inside, opting to sit in the back.

"So I just flew in from Korcen and boy are my arms tired!" Even though the joke was stale, the entire room erupted in laughter. No one in the castle had laughed this good in a long time. Kira turned around and shook her head in confusion, she could've sworn the room was empty a few minutes ago.

Shirlene pressed a few buttons on her wrist communicator, filling the room with a cheesy yet catchy jazz track. The rabbit twirled the microphone and said "So does anyone ever wonder about Kira Kydon? Like have any of you ever asked yourselves 'Hmm I wonder what she does?' Well I'll tell you . . . She's a master of having a bad time. I don't think she's ever smiled in her life."

Childish snickers echoed through the mess hall, much to the embarrassment of Kira. She turned to her sister and hit her in her arm saying "Why are you laughing!?"

"Sorry sis! But Shirlene's just got a way with words you know!?" Kira slouched further down in her seat, thankful Jeeve was not here. The hero had left earlier to do something with her father, she had begged him to stay with her and now she was glad he had refused.

"It's crazy folks, I'm still trying to figure this one out . . . It's the year 2104, we've mastered flight technology, weapon production, and means of inflation, but the postal service can't master getting our packages to us on time!?" Kira had thought it was loud before, but the wolfess reeled at the sheer amount of noise that she was hearing. Kira turned around and dropped her jaw at eh amount of people that were here. Every table had been filled with some animal, half of which Kira didn't even recognize!

"Thank you! Thank You! I'll be here indefinitely or until Kyoto gets tired of me, which ever comes first! Lunchtime everyday! You know where to find me!" Shirlene jumped off the stage and bowed as the crowd gave her a standing ovation. Kira was practically seething as the rabbit came back and sat down.

"You think you're so funny don't you?"

"Well I don't, but everyone here does."

" . . . These peons are easily swayed by everything! But no matter . . . You're little display will surely be forgotten by the day's end."


But the wolfess was wrong. Once Shirlene's performance caught wind of the others, animals began pouring in the mess hall during lunch. Kiza and Shirlene worked together to fix the old stage up, much to Kira's anger. They added stage lights, a neon sign, real music, and they even opened the event up to any who wanted to participate. Kira was shocked at the sheer amount of skilled musicians in the castle.

Kira turned and laid on her side, doing her best to stifle a tear. In all honesty the wolfess was just hurt. It was bad enough everyone passed over her and swarmed her sister, but that she had gotten used to. What she couldn't get used to was Shirlene's immense popularity, everyone she came in contact with fell instantly in love with her and all Kira wanted was some of that love.

The wolfess let her emotional guard down and began sobbing. Never before in her life had she felt so alone, her parents didn't love her, her sister was against, her, and her arch enemy was the idol of everyone's affections. Kira continued sobbing until a soft knock came from her door.

"Go away!"

"Kira? It's me Jeeve. I just wanted to see if you were hungry. We were planning on going out to lunch today. Hello?" Kira didn't respond, leaving Jeeve to crack her door and poke his head inside saying "Hey are you alright? I haven't really heard from you in a while. Thought you fell off the map or something." Jeeve walked inside the dark room and closed the door behind him.

Jeeve walked over to Kira's bed and sat down on it saying "Is everything alright?"

"No! Everything is not alright! I live in a world where everybody hates me!" Jeeve

"You've been crying . . ."

"What was your first clue!? The hiccup in my voice or my red eyes?" The hero didn't respond and instead easily scooped Kira in his arms, locking her in a firm embrace. She resisted at first, then melted into his touch, burying her muzzle in his neck. The two remained like that for what seemed like forever before Jeeve said "Do you want to talk about what's going on? I knew you were upset about us being here, but I never knew it was eating you up inside."

Kira sighed and rested on his shoulder's saying "It's not you, it's honestly not Shirlene, it's just . . . I'm lonely and miserable. Everyone in this castle has a friend or significant other they cling to when they need to feel loved and I don't have that."

"Yes you do! You have two loving parents and there's your sister too!"

"HA! My father wishes I had died in the Ferren Tower. I heard him tell Richard Growland that before he had him killed. My mother only loves Kiza, she's never taken a liking to me. I don't think she's even hugged me before! And don't get me started about my sister! Besides Shirlene she's the worst!"

"I don't know she's seems kinda nice . . ." Kira growled at Jeeve's dreamy gaze saying "You don't know her like I do! She's a bully! She always pretended to like me when we were in front of our parents, then as soon as they left she would attack me, pushing and shoving and this one time . . biting." Kira rolled the sleeve up on her left arm and revealed a large gash. Her fur covered most of it, but once she pulled it back it was in plain sight.

Jeeve shakily ran his paw across the gash saying "W-What happened?!"

"We got into a fight. She broke one of father's ancient weapons and blamed it on me. Once father was gone we got into a huge brawl, I managed to scratch her in her neck, but she took a piece out my arm. I've never forgiven her for it."

"I had no idea Kira, but she seems so cool now. Are you sure she hasn't changed?"

"Oh she's changed alright, but what good does that do!? It seems everyone's changing, just forgetting all the things they've done and for what?! Because that's what's cool now!?" Kira was balling again, but the wolfess continued saying

"Shirlene brings down the Ferren Tower, but she's forgiven because everyone likes her and she tells funny jokes?! But I always do my best , I always work hard, and what do I get!? A castle full of animals who wished I had never been born!"

"I don't wish you had never been born, I really like you!"

"You're just saying that, just like my sister!" Jeeve sighed, closing his eyes he leaned in and planted a chaste kiss on Kira's cheek saying "You have a lot of problems . . . But I'd be damned if I didn't help you through I'm here for you and even though it may not look like it, Shirlene's here for you too. She's a bit of a joker, but she really does care. You know she asked about you last night. She wanted to know why you were so upset at dinner."

"S-She did?"

"Yea. Shirlene may be liked by a lot of animals, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want your approval. She knows that we all have to work together for the foreseeable future and that we can't be a well oiled machine if we all hate each other. Try to think if it like that okay?"

"Yea . . I guess you're right. Why aren't you guys eating at the mess hall?"

"Oh that. Well every since the mess hall opened up for open talent, we've had to buy tickets to attend and well . . . they're all sold out. Sucks I know right?"

"You mean we can't eat at the mess hall because we have to buy tickets to attend!?"

"And they were sold out."

"Who's been selling tickets!? We shouldn't have to pay! WE LIVE HERE!"

"Well it's a free economy, besides I don't mind. Shirlene said there's a really good restaurant down the street and . . . She wanted you to come." Kira wiped a few stray tears and said "That sounds nice . . . Sorry I've been a pain lately."

"Nah it's all good. I couldn't imagine what you've been through." Kira smiled and hopped off her bed. The two wolves began making their way out the room, before Kira stopped and wrapped Jeeve in a hug

"Thank you Jeeve. You've really made me feel better."

"No problem it's what I do!" The two continued the embrace until Kiza burst through the room saying "Hey sister we have a serious . . . Oh did I interrupt something?"


"No you're fine Kiza, what's the matter?"

"We've just received word from our outpost in Garren that a full scale attack is being mounted! Come on!" Jeeve dashed after Kiza, leaving Kira to trail behind. The trio made it the intelligence room at break neck speed, and took up spots around the room. Shirlene was down in front analyzing the graph with every ounce of brain power she could muster.

"Hey Shirl what's going on?"

"What's going on kid? Well it looks like the Garren rebels want to rumble with the Kydon forces there. They've set three high powered laser cannons aimed at 30, 60, and 90 degrees to the base." Kira quickly interjected saying

"If we allow them to fire they will obliterate that installation! We need to raise the shields now!" Everyone in the room murmured their approval of the plan but Shirlene shook her head and said

"Nope. We're not gonna raise the shields."

"WHAT!? Have you gone mad!? If we don't raise the shields those troops will die! Do you have some better plan?!"

"As a matter of fact I do. We're not gonna do anything." The room went completely silent at Shirlene's plan. Many animals exchanged confused glances before the rabbit continued saying

"Guys you can't be serious. This is obviously a trap! I mean just look at this mess! They're trying to intimidate us into raising our defenses and depleting out energy reserves. Once those shields go up that base's energy cell will tank and leave them defenseless for a frontal assault. I mean there's a reason the cannons are lined up by 30 degree increments."

Kiza scratched her chin and asked "So you're saying we do nothing? Well I get your reasoning, but what happens if they fire without us doing anything?"

"Trust me Kizzy, they're not going to fire because they want to loot that base for it's supplies. The Garren kingdom's on strict sanctions right now, so the last thing they want to do is destroy precious commodities from the inner kingdoms. They want us to be impulsive and waste our energy for an attack that's never gonna come. Here's what's gonna happen, give it ten more minutes and they're going to charge the base, thinking they can take it by force. That's when we strike and unleash hell upon them."

Many of the board room officials nodded in agreement, leaving Kira to say "I-I don't know Shirlene. It seems too risky! Maybe we should consult my Father about what to do."

"Trust me Kira, you're talking to someone who's been defying the big guys since I was a kid. The rebels need those supplies, so they would rather risk their lives than to wait for us to raise our shields. But I can see your apprehension so I'll cut you a deal. If by the ten minutes their cannons have raised in energy levels, then we'll raise the shields, but if by the ten minutes nothing's happened then we'll go ahead with my plan and destroy the little buggers. Sound fair?"

"Yes that sounds quite fair." So they waited, the entire board room sat in bated breath except Shirlene who left the room to buy a soda. Seven minutes had passed and the cameras picked up movement. 20 rebels emerged from the forest and charged at the base, shooting wildly and yelling like madmen.

Shirlene picked up the microphone and said

"This is Global Assault and Tactics Director Shirlene Yara and I do not authorize use of deadly force. You also will not fire upon them, tell your troops to hide from sight and let them pass. The rebels don't want to fight, they want to steal. They are going to try to rob the supply depot, once they put their weapons down to move the crates stun and detain them. I want those individuals on the next transport to the Kydon Kingdom do you copy?"

Some time passed before the rabbit got a response, but when she did she leaned back at the news.

"Yes Director! We heard you loud and clear and we've already caught some of the intruders. Most didn't even make it to the supply depot before they tried to loot. We've also confiscated their artillery, would you like us to incinerate them?"

"Nah we have some animals in the lab who need to run some more tests on weapons that aren't in pieces. Get those over here immediately!"

"Understood Director! We've already strapped some intruders and weapons on the Talon Express and we are prepping for take off!"

"Good work Lieutenant! I expect to a detailed report of the incident in the coming hours."

"Of course Director! Will that be all?"

"Yea we're all good on this end, just alert us of any more activity in the forest. Oh and while we're on the subject, deploy 5 drones to scan the immediate area. You know what they say . . . Where there's smoke there's fire."

"Understood Director! Garren Outpost signing off!" Shirlene sat the microphone down and stood to thunderous applause in the room. Everyone was congratulating her on a job well done and thanking her for quick thinking. Even Kira had to admit Shirlene's prowess for military strategy and decision making.

"Aww you're making me blush! Well I'm going down to the R.N.D lab to let em' know what's coming. I'm sure Shiba's gonna have a field day!" The rabbit picked up her clipboard and left the room, leaving Kiza to say

"Well everyone the crisis may have been averted, but that doesn't mean the world stops! I want more intelligence gathering on the Garren Kingdom, I want some info on that body we found in Korcen, and I want to know why water's being exported from Lauren to the Guran plains. Everyone Go! Go! Go!" The animals in the room saluted and went on about their tasks.

"Well Kira I'm off to the Lauren Kingdom. As you heard Some animals have been exporting water to Guran plains and as we both know, the plains are filled with water! So I'll probably be back later tonight." Kira waved her sister off and turned to Jeeve saying "Well It looks like it's just us for now . . ."

"OOH! Sorry Kira, but I promised your father we would continue working together. He hates it when I'm late, so I gotta go."

"Well what am I supposed to do!"

"I dunno? Whatever it is that inquisitors do?" And with that the hero was gone, off to continue spending time Kyoto. Kira looked around the room and sighed. It felt nice for her to be inquisitor again, but at times when there was nothing to inquire it felt more like a titular title than anything. The wolfess took her leave and decided to head down to the mess hall. Surely tickets would be back in stock now?


Shirlene briskly walked through the sterile lab, waving and calling out to animals as they walked past. Shirlene walked by a black rabbit sitting at a desk and said

"Well well well if it isn't my good friend Jenny! How ya been Jen?"

"Oh Hi Shirlene! I've been good . . . Well maybe not so much. Shiba's been in a bad mood today and I think it's because she hasn't seen you in awhile."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well she yelled at this at someone because they asked if you were would be doing stand up this week."

"What'd Shiba say?"

"I don't remember what she said, but I do remember the tears . . . All the tears."

"Poor guy, where's my kitty at anyway?"

"She's in her office. She's been holed up in there since this morning, heaven knows what she's doing!"

"Yea don't worry, I'm sure she's fine. Thanks again Jen!" Shirlene walked through the lab and began reflecting on her time here. It had always been her dream to be a professional pilot, but working as a strike team coordinator wasn't too bad either. Shirlene marveled at just how accepting everyone had been of her, even after she revealed her past. She expected hate, bullying, and a little violence but it was the opposite. She got nothing but love from everyone and it made the pilot's heart swell.

It wasn't everyday that someone like her got a chance to do some real good and now that her time had come, she intended on not messing it up. The rabbit made her way to Shiba's office and shook her head at the door. It had been a serious shock to see her old friend again. Shirlene had just assumed that she was still on Lauren working as a moisture farmer and what not, but she sure got a shock when she bumped into her last week.

It was awkward at first, seeing her long lost friend and lover, but after a long night of talking and love making the two had reestablished what they had lost all those years ago. Shirlene didn't bother knocking and waltzed right in, the rabbit chuckled at the sight before her. Shiba was face down in a pillow murmuring incoherently.

"What'd I tell you about catnip fuzzy? The stuff's not good for ya." Shiba weakly raised her head then suddenly sprang to life, practically toppling the rabbit.

"Shirlene I've missed you! I-I thought you weren't coming back so I . . ."

"You went and dug your face into a catnip stuffed pillow . . . Classy doctor. I see why you're the boss."

"Oh shut it Yara! Like you can talk! I've had to confiscate 50 gallons of red wine from the C Wing last week!"

"Oh so I was wondering why I was all tapped out. You could've at least left me one bottle!"

"I could have, but after extensive research I came to the conclusion that alcohol is not good for your body. I'd like us to age gracefully together!" Shirlene just smirked, after the two started dating again, Shiba had gotten rid of any traces of wine in the C Wing much to the rabbit's annoyance. Shirlene had tried sneaking some at first, but Shiba was always one step ahead.

Shirlene plopped down in the feline's lap saying "A little birdie told me you've been a grouchy kitty all day."

"Hmph! I wouldn't be so grouchy if some lagomorph hadn't stood me up for lunch!"

"Lega what now?"

"Rabbit . ."

" . . . HEY It wasn't like I wanted to skip lunch! Some of us had to save a military installation from being destroyed! And besides . . I'm bringing you a gift from the aftermath."

"A gift? What kind?"

"The kind my little kitty just loves . . . Three rebel artillery pieces. I've got a suspicions feeling they're mixed with that ether stuff you've been researching."

"Oh you know me so well! Artillery you say, What types? Rockets, Mortars, field guns?"

"Try cannons. The transport should be here within the hour, so you can scrutinize over them all you want." Dr. Shiba's smile faltered before she said "Thank you Shirlene . . . You really know what I enjoy."

"You're welcome?Hey What's wrong?" The feline doctor took her glasses off saying "I'm worried Yara."

The rabbit hopped off Shiba's lap replying "Worried about what?"

"I'm worried about you, worried about the kingdom, worried about the future! I've been the lead researcher here for years now and things have always been the same. We as a division work hard creating new ways to keep the Kydon Kingdom safe, and at first I used to think our weapons program was too much . . . Now I fear it's not enough."

"What're you talking about Shiba?" The feline stood up and motioned for Shirlene to follow. The duo walked over to the doctor's bookcase, where Shiba took a book down saying "Access code 14-32." The book suddenly flung open revealing a bright red button, wasting no time the calico pressed it saying

"Behind this bookcase is something I've yet to tell even Kyoto about . . . I fear telling him too soon may result in more undesirable effects." The bookcase rolled out their way revealing a small cave of sorts, filled with scattered notes, blueprints, and abandoned technologies.

Shiba walked over to the middle and picked up a small yellow crystal on the table saying "This here Shirlene is their Ace in the hole. This little crystal right here might just be what brings all of Alteria to its knees." The rabbit grabbed the crystal and held it to the light asking "What is it? It kinda looks like a renegade ruby."

"I don't fault you for mistaking it for one, but believe me when I say that crystal is not a renegade ruby. It's a new gem one not classified in any references we have, and that in itself is frightening."

"Oh I think I'm catching on! The rebels have discovered a new mineral that we got no knowledge on right?"


"Well no problem! They may have this fancy crystal, but what's the big deal? The rebels don't even know how to use it to it's full potential!"

"That's the problem right there Yara! We don't know how to use it to its full potential either! We know virtually nothing about. In my very limited studies I've found that this crystal itself is quite safe almost harmless in fact, but once it come in contact with its catalyst . . . Things become quite deadly."

"Deadly? Care to explain?"

"It happened two days ago. Kiza came down to the lab to ask about our progress with the gun from Korcen and so we began talking. Unbeknownst to us the crystal was feeding off of Kiza's natural energy and it discharged that energy once it was finished."

"So what? It's like a ticking time bomb?!"

"Exactly! And the royal family is the key! This crystal feeds off their natural ether reserves, then discharges once it's become full! The blast completely rearranged the room and besides a few bruises and scratches, no one had been seriously hurt."

"What did Kiza say?"

"She demanded to know what had happened so I told her what I thought happened. I told her one of our influx generators must have ruptured, but I didn't find out what had happened until much later."

"Okay I get the need to be concerned, but why should we worry? The crystals only charge when they're around the white wolves, so what's the matter?"

"There is ether in the air Shirlene! We breathe the compound in! We are charging the crystal right now as we speak! The royal family may be able to charge it faster, but we can still charge it all the same."

"Oh that isn't good . . . Wait I just thought of something! If there's ether in the air and the crystals can be charged lightning fast by the royal family . . . Oh shit! I gotta go kitty!"

Dr. Shiba quickly ran after Shirlene saying "Wait!? Where are you going!"

"I may have just sent one gigantic bomb to the palace! Those cannons have got to be loaded with those crazy crystals and in a castle that houses the world's only white wolves!? This place will go up in flames quicker than we can blink!"

Shiba shuddered at the thought then asked "Well what are you going to do!? You can't possibly be thinking of shooting the Talon Express down! Animals on that ship will die!"

"What choice do I have!? We can't let that ship dock here or a lot more animals are gonna die! We need to brief everyone else on what's going on ASAP!"

Shiba averted her eyes, but ultimately agreed. "Look I know how you feel kitty, but not saying anything's just gonna make this a lot worse, and besides . . . I got a plan!"


"What do you mean we're sold out?"

"I'm sorry inquisitor, but that's what's up. We've already sold through this week's seating allotment."

"Listen to me you incompetent fool! Just last week this blasted cafeteria was desolate and now you mean to tell me I have to pay to eat here!? Who started this illegal enterprise!?"

The fox behind the ticket booth hid below the counter saying "Y-You're father?" Kira pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. This was exactly the kind of stunt Kyoto would pull and it amazed Kira why no one but her was complaining. The wolfess growled at the ticket boy and began walking aimlessly through the castle.

The wolfess took a few steps forward then went tumbling down in a ball of fluff and fur. The dazed wolfess opened her eyes and pushed the figures off saying

"Assaulting an officer! I expect more from you Dr. Shiba, but you Shirlene . . . I suppose it's natural behavior."

"It's nice to see you haven't lost your sense of humor, but we've got a serious issue. We've got a ship on it's way and it might be harboring a bomb!"

"You can't be serious!"

"I can and I am. We'll explain on the way to the briefing room, come on!"

The trio sprinted back towards the briefing room knocking anyone foolish enough to stand in their way. Shirlene scrambled up to her chair and got on the mic saying "This is Shirlene Yara the G.A.T Director and I want all anti-aircraft batteries operational. The Talon Express may be harboring explosive devices and we can not allow them to land here."

"Director! This is Tower Defense Squad 1 and we have visual on the Talon Express. We've already issued standard warnings, but they seem to be ignoring them. Permission to fire?"

Shirlene looked back at the other animals in the room and lost her resolve at their pleading and worried looks. The rabbit looked over at Shiba and said " . . . I-I . . don't-" The feline nodded and placed her paw on Shirlene's saying

"Do what you must love . . ."

Shirlene sighed, closing her eyes saying "T-Tower Defense Squad 1 . . . Permission to neutralize threat." _ _

"Understood Director!" The soldier signed off, flooding the room in uncomfortable silence. No one spoke, only watched as the video feed from outside played. The Talon express flew in close, darting left and right as if to avoid being shot down, but it's movements were in vain. Everyone in the room watched in revered silence as the famed military transport burst into a fiery ball of flame, hurtling downward.

Shirlene watched with great pain as several unlucky survivors crawled from under the wreckage, screaming and hollering in agony as the flames slowly melted their bodies. The rabbit pilot stood abruptly from her chair and left the room, leaving Shiba to trail after her.

Kiza growled angrily then shut the video off saying "Enough is enough! There will be time for mourning the loss, but now is not that time! We need units to get down there and search the remains, we need autopsies down now, we need scientists to analyze the wreckage! This is a sad time for the Kydon Kingdom, but there will be many more sad times to come!"

Kiza straightened her back then raised her voice saying "GROUP ATTENTION!" The entire room instantly stood to their feet, awaiting Kiza's next command.

"DISMISSED! We're all working overtime tonight, so order your lunches to go if you take a break." Kiza absentmindedly watched as everyone returned to their tasks then looked to her sister saying "Kira?"


"I'm going on a walk. I need to calm down before I loose my professionalism."

"Alright sister. I'm heading down to the site to see what intel I can gather."

The sisters shared a quick embrace then went their separate ways.


Shiba Sanghelli had known Shirlene Yara for years. The two had grown up together in the same village on Lauren and had struck up an unlikely friendship at a young age. Shiba had seen many sides to Shirlene, but she had never seen the rabbit like this.

Shirlene hung forlornly over the observation deck's railing. The rabbit's face bore extreme sadness, hints of grief, and an overwhelming amount of regret. Shiba had been massaging her, speaking soothe words to her, even nibbling softly on her, but the rabbit refused to acknowledge her. Shirlene chuckled dryly and finally spoke saying

"Wonderful isn't it? My first major assignment and I couldn't even account for this."

"Don't speak like that love! How were you supposed to know this would happen? You made a tough choice, but that choice ultimately saved the lives of hundreds of castle personnel!" Shiba moved behind Shirlene and brought her paws underneath her shirt, sensuously rubbing her across her chest.

"You're so strong and brave. Half the animals here could never do what you've done, let alone do it as well as you . . . You're being too hard on yourself love."

"Maybe, but if I'm not hard on myself who will be? I've been roughing it all my own for years now, never having anyone to answer to, but now? Now I have the world's leader around the corner and he's got huge expectations of me all because of some alien I picked up in Kiren!" Shirlene sighed and dropped her head saying

"Sometimes I wonder what life would've been like if I never met Jeeve. I'd probably still be stuck on Kiren, my ship rotted away . . . The Lauren ocean would still be nonexistent and I'd never have reunited with you." Shiba cooed at her words then nuzzled the rabbit affectionately replying

"I know you're stressed and I get you're under a lot of pressure, but never forget I'm here for you. We won't be separated like last time, I want you to come to me when you fell like you can go on no longer." Shiba leaned her head against her back and continued running her paws through her fur. Shirlene melted in her touch then moaned as the feline pinched her erect nipples.

"Ooh S-Shiba . . . I-I . ."

"Ssshh love . . . Let me care for you." Shiba slowly lowered her paws down Shirlene's body until they hovered over her womanhood. The feline gently nibbled Shirlene's neck saying

"You've made me wait so long to do this, so I'm going to enjoy making you squirm . . ." Shirlene was beyond words and only panted in lust as Shiba began rubbing her clit down. The doctor's pace was slow but deliberate and it drove Shirlene crazy. The rabbit was whimpering and whining as Shiba continued her delicate yet torturous treatment.

Shirlene turned herself around and pressed her lips to Shiba, moaning and groaning as she ground her pelvis against her feline lover. The two continued their carnal act until Shirlene's communicator went off. The two ignored it and kept with their actions, vigorously attacking each other's vaginae with lust and need.

The pilot's communicator went off again causing her to groan and push Shiba back saying

"Sorry kitten this is probably important. Promise I'll be quick." The feline said nothing, only watched dejected as Shirlene walked away answering the call.

"Alright what'd you want?"

"Shirl! Did you know a plane crashed outside!?" The pilot rolled her eyes at Jeeve's ignorance and replied

"Oh really? Would it be the same plane I ordered to be shot down?"

" . . . Oh. That would explain a lot then, sorry for bugging you. Were you busy or something?" The rabbit looked back at Shiba and said

"Yea I was. You got anything else you wanna say before I hang up?"

"Well I suppose it's not of importance, but I saw someone on one of the roofs earlier, watching the cleanup."

"Kid . . . That was a sentry! You do know what a sentry is right!?"

"Well yea but this guy didn't look like a normal sentry! He's had a cloak on and it was hard to see his face. He might have been an assassin!"

"An assassin? You're joking right!?"

"No I'm not! He could 've been staking the castle out, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!"

"Your nerves are shot, go inside and cool off."

"No I'm fine! You need to listen to me! What if this guy is out to do harm!"

"Kid drop it! What you saw was a sentry in civilian clothes! You interrupted me for this shit!?"

"Oh I'm sorry for being concerned! Next time something's wrong, I'll be sure not to bother you! I forgot what you've got going on is much more important than a potential emergency."

Shirlene slammed her paw against the railing and yelled "You're damn right it is! I've got more important things to worry about than you and your inability to tell a sen- Hold that thought, I'll call you back . . ."

Shirlene ended the call and squinted her eyes, staring intently off in the distance. A lone figure on a rooftop dressed in a black cloak was lying menacingly in the prone position. The figure had some sort of sniper rifle with him and had it pointed at the clean up crew. The rabbit quickly scanned the area and found Jeeve, Kira, and Kyoto standing around, talking, and exchanging occasional words the other workers.

"Oh fuck . . . Kid was right!" Shirlene's mind began racing at the situation then quickly dialed Jeeve's number. The titular prince looked at his communicator then answered saying

"You better have called back to apologize!"

"Later! There's a sniper on the eastern roof and he's got his sights on Kyoto!"

"Oh jeez! Kira and I'll get him outta here. Thanks for the heads up Shirl! Can you see him?! What's he doing!?"

"He's . . . Just waiting." Shirlene kept her gaze on the sniper until Kira's pained cry could be heard through her communicator.

"Whoa what happened! I heard someone scream!"

"Oh God! Kira's been hit! I tried to block the bullets I really did, b-but t-they . . . I-I don't even know!"

"Calm down kid! Where was she hit?"

_ "U-Uh . . I think it grazed her left arm! She's clutching it really tight!"_

"Okay here's what you do . . . Keep pressure on the wound until the medics arrive. They'll be able to help her further."

"I-I . . . H-How?!"

"Calm down kid. You did your best, there was no seeing this. I'm going after the shooter, keep an eye on Princess Angst."

"Let me tag along, I know I can help this time!"

"Kid we're hundreds of feet apart right now. We can't afford letting him get away, so you stay where you're needed and I'll take care of the trigger happy punk."

"Be safe Shirl."

"I will." The rabbit hung up then hoisted herself over the railing. She was about to jump but Shiba's concerned voice stopped her.


"I've gotta go catch an assassin that almost killed Kira. Promise I'll be back before dinner!" Shiba reached for Shirlene to stop her, but the rabbit had already jumped. Shirlene laughed she began hurtling towards the ground. The rabbit brought her arms in close to her body and accelerated her descent, resembling something more of a rocket than a falling animal. The rabbit smiled at the fast approaching ground and said

"Alright love, let's see if you're experimental tech is worth it's salt." Shirlene closed her eyes and took a deep breath, then quickly spread her arms and legs. Instead of falling the rabbit began gliding smoothly through the air.

Dr. Shiba clutched her chest and sighed in relief as Shirlene glided gracefully around. The doctor had been working on a wing suit for Shirlene since they had reunited. The rabbit had practically begged her for one citing all the times she's had to jump off buildings with no way to fly. Shiba almost didn't make it for her, but now she was glad she had.

Shirlene lined herself over where the sniper was and folded her arms back in. She rocketed downward, showing no signs of slowing down. The sniper had been running from the crime scene, but stopped and turned at the loud flapping noise he was hearing . . . He forever regretted it. Shirlene barreled into him, throwing both animals off the roof and into the castle gardens. Shirlene crashed into a topiary tree dazed and confused as the sniper got away.

Shirlene shook her head then hopped out the bush, giving pursuit.

"You can't run from me! I was the fastest runner in my class!" The assailant ignored her then began to pick up speed, almost leaving her behind. The rabbit grunted and followed the shooter, determined to not lose him.

The sniper sprinted past several castle guards then leapt the 10ft tall entrance gate.

"Hpmh. Amateur!" Shirlene picked up speed then launched herself her the gate as well, also doing a flip as she came came down. The shooter continued fleeing and took to running through traffic in hopes of losing the determined pilot. Shirlene cursed as she realized his tactic, but made no effort of slowing down.

Shirlene had caught up to the shooter and was right behind him, reaching her paw out she tried to grab him, but he fell back on his legs and slid under a hovercar. The shooter heard a loud slam and turned around, noticing Shirlene was no longer behind him he stopped to catch his breath.

Panting and grunting the sniper curiously turned his attention back to the street. Several cars had stopped and a small gathering of animals had formed around something. He chuckled as he realized it was probably the rabbit, but his laughter was short lived. The crowd began screaming and yelling, pushing and shoving past each other to get out of the way of something.

The spent sniper titled his head curiously then took off running as he saw it. Atop a moving truck sat Shirlene waving and yelling as the vehicle barreled through traffic. The shooter ducked through an alley and watched in horror as the rabbit flew through the air and landed behind him. He turned from her and tried to escape, but the truck she had been riding crashed into the alleyway's entrance, closing it off.

Panting the rabbit said "Y-You . . . Really know how to keep a girl on her feet don't ya?" The shooter said nothing, only keeping his back towards her.

"What's the matter? Rabbit got your tongue?" The sniper slowly turned around and took off his cloak. He was a slim built fox of about 6 feet with a large scar tracing across his cheek. His eyes were an unnatural orange, perfectly matching his autumn colored fur. Shirlene squinted her eyes, trying to remember who the figure was then said

"Have we met before? I know a lot of foxes, but you . . . We've met before right?!"

The fox chuckled in a deep yet calm voice and replied "You don't recognize me yet? Well it was 12 years ago so maybe you'll recognize this . . ." The fox grabbed his sniper rifle and held it out in front of him for Shirlene to see. The rifle was a deep indigo color accented with white stripes across it's body. The weapon had its laser sights built into the frame and sported a menacing decal of a cow skull.

A look of remembrance flashed in the pilot's eyes causing her to point her guns and say

"I don't know who you are or where you got that weapon but . . . I'm gonna give you one chance to surrender before I-I . . ."

"Before you what Shirlene? Afraid to admit the truth? Afraid to look failure in the fur?" Shirlene fired off seven shots, all of which were avoided.

"DAMNIT! How many animals can dodge bullets in this world!?" The sniper rushed for Shirlene ducking and weaving through her shots then leapt in air. The rabbit cursed then rolled back just as he came down where she had been standing. Shirlene quickly rushed him throwing what she believed to be a solid punch.

The assassin caught her fist and countered by spinning her around and slamming her to the ground. Shirlene's vision became cloudy as she struggle to make sense of the world around her, leaving her open for attack. The sniper placed his foot on Shirlene's neck and said

"Say one more word and I snap your neck like a twig."

" . . . One more word." The sniper smirked then stamped down harder on her neck, eliciting a strained cough from the rabbit.

"Say it . . . Say my name Yara!" Shirlene looked up at the fox and hacked wildly, causing him to lean in closer. The rabbit looked up weakly then spat in his face, forcing him to stumble back. The pilot leapt up and retaliated with a fierce kick to his muzzle. The assassin reeled backwards and chuckled as he stood to his feet.

"And here I thought today would be uneventful. Tell me Yara, how'd a rabbit like you end up in a place like Kydon's?" Shirlene kept her gaze on him and replied

"Alright fox, we'll play a little game. You ask me a question and I'll ask you a question. We answer each other's questions until I lose patience."

"Hmm. Sounds like fun . . ." The animals began circling each other looking for an opening.

"Okay Yara answer my question . . . Why are you working for Kyoto? Surely you should be rotting in prison for all you've done."

"I got connections . . . Now tell me something. Why are you after the Kydon family? You got something against white wolves?"

"No I have no qualms with the Kydon family. I just do what I do for money, but you can say I do have something against you. I've been searching years for you and just when I had given up hope, you come flying through the sky right into my arms. The universe works in mysterious ways . . ."

Shirlene growled in frustration then said "How do you know who I am!? Who are you!?"

The fox chuckled then replied "Why do you lie to yourself? You know exactly who I am. Afterall one doesn't forget two minutes that easily now do they?" There was a look in the rabbit's eye, a look of dread mixed with anger and just a hint of grief. Shirlene's breathing became unstable and hitched as she said

"Y-You're lying! I know it's not you! It can't be you!"

"Do you now? Are you positive it's not me?" Shirlene growled and charged for the fox. She threw caution out the window as she fired haphazardly, not even trying to aim. The fox casually stepped out the way as Shirlene flew past him, tripping on her own paws. The rabbit grunted in anger and sprung up, charging once more for the sniper.

He yawned and again stepped to the side, but this time he grabbed the rabbit by the waist and flipped her over once more, slamming her back into the ground. Shirlene groaned in pain and tried to stand up only to fall back down again.

The fox strolled up to Shirlene and kicked her saying "You've grown weak Yara!" The rabbit grunted in response, but took the punishment like a soldier. The fox hoisted her up to his face and calmly said

"I wanted to send a message with the wolf, but you'll do even better." The fox reached in his vest and pulled out a twisted dagger, much to Shirlene's displeasure. She thrashed against him saying "What!? You gonna stab me now? You don't have the balls!"

The fox let out a low guttural growl then spun her around so her back was facing him.

"You may choose to forget what you've done to me, but I will never! I'm going to show you but a mere fraction of the pain you caused me."

"The only pain I'm going to cause you is my foot lodging itself up your ass!" The assassin grinned madly then plunged the weapon deep in her back. Shirlene's eyes widened in shock followed by a violent coughing fit as the fox dropped her to the floor.

Shirlene weakly turned herself over and with a pained voice said "Y-You t-think . . a l-little wound's g-gonna . . . s-stop me? My . . . f-frien-"

"Yes yes I know how this goes, you're not my first mark you know? You think you're so clever don't you? You've probably already activated your distress beacon, alerting your cohorts of your position. Your allies will come and rush you to the hospitable and save you at the last possible second, very standard affair."

"S-So w-why ke-ep me a-alive? F-Finish j-job . . ."

"I told you I want to send a message. Your friends will come, but they will not save you . . ." The fox reached for his belt and pulled off a small device saying

"Your allies will have to choose between you and the citizens of this kingdom." Shirlene shakily reached for the device before collapsing back, leaving the fox to chuckle and press a button on the small device. Shirlene's vision may have been fading but she saw definitely saw what came next.

The Cozy Paw, deemed the world's most extravagant hotel and resort, suddenly exploded. The rabbit watched in horror the top of the building crumbled and plummeted towards the citizens below, crushing them in several tons of concrete, plaster, and steel. Shirlene forced herself and hacked violently as thick, black smoke clouds flooded the surrounding area.

"Beautiful isn't it? I'd say it came down faster than the Ferren tower huh?"

". . ." The sniper checked his watch then shook his head saying "Tsk tsk tsk. Sorry to kill and run, but I'm needed elsewhere. It's been fun, but as you know . . . Death is such a sorrowful parting."

"Y-You w-won't ge-"

"I know! I know! I won't get away with this! You should be thanking me Yara for you won't live to see what's coming next and let me tell you something . . . You won't like what comes next."

Shirlene grunted in pain as she tried to stand but the rabbit was just too weak and fell back down. She watched in anger as the murderous fox hopped over the downed truck and disappeared through into the smoky chaos of the crime scene.

" . . . I-I'm s-sorry g-grus . ."