The Brotherhood of Teeth part 2

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#2 of The Brotherhood of Teeth

The Brotherhood of Teeth

A parted story by Drake Valdor

Involves: age differences, some forcing, transformations, some blood, and fur-non-fur. You have been warned.

Part 2

The door finally opened after what seemed like an eternity to poor Jake. His night started off so more school, no more homework, only time to hang out with friends and do nothing all day... he had nothing to worry about. As the night progressed, though, he began to worry more and more about what was going to happen to him, and what had happened to Mark, his friend who was taken by the older boys earlier in the evening. And now he was here, waiting to see who, or what, would be in the doorway when the light came on.

When it did come on, he was shocked by what he saw. It was a man, seemingly college-age, standing against the doorframe casually, a small smirk on his face. He was slim, wearing no shirt, exposing his well-toned muscular top half, his bottom only covered with a pair of shorts. He was tall...about six feet Jake assumed, seeing how high in the doorframe he was. His hair was almost as long as Jake's, cutting off just above his eyes, but it was a dark brown color, matching his blue eyes fairly well.

He also got his first glimpse of the room around him. It was themed in a dark cranberry color, with a mix of hunter green here and there. The bed on which he sat was king-sized, with a dark wood footboard. He wouldn't look behind him to see what the headboard looked like, not with this man standing before him.

"Good to see you're alive." The man said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. As the handle latched, he leaned back into it and crossed his arms, the sound of his skin rubbing over itself the only sound in the room, aside from the boy's slightly labored breathing. "Your arms will need washing. There's a bathroom right there, you can go clean yourself up. When you're done, come out and I'll explain what's going on."

Jake only looked at him as if he had three heads. Who was this man, and what made him think he had control over the boy? If it weren't for the fact that he was against the door, he may have simply run, but such was not the luck he was having tonight. He nodded a bit, a small grunt escaping his lips as he began to stand. His small frame swayed a little, his white-blond hair a bit tangled from flailing as much as he had earlier. He made his way into the bathroom, which was attached right to this room, leading him to assume it was a master of some sort. Looking around, it was very nice to say the least. The tub was huge compared to what he was used to, with jets and all. It was already full, and to his surprise, warm, though the jets were not on, leaving the room silent. He closed the door, then got himself undressed. His frame was very slim, his skin pale, though he wasn't what one would consider anorexic. He had enough meat to say so.

Sliding his foot into the water, he soon lost his whole body in it, slipping to his rump on the bottom of the tub, his head the only thing popping out. The wounds on his body, mostly on his arms and his chest, stung as he sat there, so he rubbed them, noting the small amounts of blood escaping into the water. He wanted to relax, but it was hard to do, his mind on the man that was waiting just outside the door. He hurried himself at the memory of him, getting his arms clean with his hands and the soap bar on the side of the tub, then stood and removed himself from the tub. He grabbed the towel that was sitting on the sink's marble counter, expecting that it was indeed for him. Drying himself off, he put his clothes back on, the baggy pants that hugged his rump nicely, and the shirt that he loved so much. Stepping back out into the room with his hair wet and messed up, he looked around, spotting the man sitting on the chair in the corner. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching him closely.

"What's your name?" He asked suddenly, his voice calm, though it still took Jake by surprise.

"Uh...Jake." He said, caution in his voice. It was quiet and shaky, much like his current mood.

"Well Jake, I'm Kade." He said, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, hands folded. "I'm the Alpha of this house..." He said, sure he was confusing the boy. The look on his face confirmed this. "I am the wolf who saved you."

This caused Jake to shutter back a little, his eyes looking at him in pure confusion. There was no way a man that looked like him, clean shaven, young, handsome, could turn into something so vile.

"This house is the home of 7 wolves like myself. As a family, we make the only pack in this area. The closest to us is almost 20 miles away."

Jake took in the information, but just couldn't understand it. Why was he being told all this, and why did it matter to him? He wasn't part of any pack, any family of wolves.

The man let out a sigh seeing the confusion on the boy's face. He didn't really know where to begin, and it was obvious he had not planned for him.

"The fact of the matter is, Jake..." He said, looking up at him. "You will become one of us now."

This caused the boy to shutter again. "A....wolf?" He asked, to which the man only nodded. "No way." He said in complete disbelief. "That can't happen. Why would I be a wolf?"

"Because I scratched you when I caught you." He says. "You were running, and I couldn't have you running back to the police, and have them out in the woods looking for you and your friend.

"Well they'll be looking for Mark anyway....he's missing too." He said, looking at him. "And me too!"

The man shook his head. "I'll take care of that. it's a fact Jake, you will become one of us. This means you'll have two options. Option one, you can leave here, and try to make it on your own. Option two, you can stay here, and be part of the pack. Obviously, you'd be at the bottom of the ranking, but it's a place to live."

"I...have a place to live..." He said, his voice faint. "I live with my parents. I go to school."

The man shook his head again. "That life is behind you. You can't return to it."

The boy moved forward, kneeling next to the bed and folding his arms on it, and putting his face in them, thinking to himself, a few tears escaping him. "My parents will wonder where I am."

"I'll take care of that I said." Kade's voice came again.

Jake sighed softly, looking at him. His eyes were baggy, exhausted from the night. He could barely focus on what he was being told, his emotions hadn't caught up with him, and he was just not able to imagine a life as he was being told.

"So...I'll turn into a wolf"

"The next full moon is a month away. That's when it will first happen. After that, with training, you'll get it down."

Jake thought to himself. Maybe that would be cool? Being a wolf instead of a human...but being able to change back...sounds like something out of a dream.

"Lets go get you a drink." Kade said, standing up. Jake shrugged a little.

"I'm not thirsty."

"Come on, you need to get something to drink, it's been hours. You're going to start needing more water."

Jake shrugged and stood up. His head barely came up to the man's chest, which didn't help ease the fear he had. He followed as Kade led him out the door, and down a set of carpeted stairs. It was a huge house...three floors down, they hit the floor with the kitchen, which Kade led him into. It was quiet in the house. Presumably, the other 7 people he had spoken of were asleep. Seeing the microwave clock in the kitchen, Jake noted that it was now 3am. Kade handed him a glass of water, which he drank. He leaned back against the counter, slouching a little as he did. Before long, he slid to the floor on his butt and leaned his head back against the cupboard that was there.

"Where do I sleep?" He asked, thinking to himself with his eyes closed.

"In my room." The man responded, to which the boy shrugged. He had no idea why that would matter. He was, after all, just now going through puberty. He rested for a moment before taking another sip of water. Setting it next to him, his mind continued to move along, trying to think up something to ask the man. As he did, though, he drifted slowly to sleep.

Kade took the glass from his hand and set it in the sink. He lifted the boy up, as if he was a small child, a leg on either side of him, and carried him back up the stairs. His hand was rested firmly on the boy's hind end as he carried him. He noted that he liked the feel of the pants he was wearing.

Getting into the bedroom, the boy was solidly asleep. He set him into his bed, and looked him over carefully. He removed his shirt for him, revealing his upper frame, then pulled his pants off, slow and careful, trying not to wake him. He looked his body over again, licking his lips a little, before pulling his underwear off. His small, mostly bare bits lay exposed in the air, the boy only moving his arms a bit at the sudden changes. Kade leaned forward and gave the boy's small shaft a lick, smirking to himself as it twitched. He then put his lips over its tip, sucking lightly, making it start to harden just a little, which enticed him to put the thing in his mouth. He sucked gently until it was fully erect, standing a whopping 4 inches tall. He smiled and looked it over carefully, then pulled the boy up the bed and covered him. He removed his own clothes, climbing into the bed with Jake, and wrapping his arms around him. Whether Jake knew it or not, he now belonged to Kade. Tomorrow, he would make sure it was clear to him. After a little while, he fell asleep, nude next to the small boy.

Jake dreamed only a little, his mind filled with the vision of his friend being bitten, the wolf that tackled him out of the woods, and ultimately, the man that now lay behind him, even if he was not conscious to this fact. His mind did not trail back to his parents or the life he was leaving behind. Likely, it had not yet sunk in. Tomorrow would be a long day.

End Part 2.

Let me know what you guys think so far. Comments are adored, and as always, you can contact me via the resources in my profile. I hope to get the next part up within a week. If it ends up being a lot of people are commenting and faving, I will be sure to hurry myself on it ^_^