A tale of a Fox and her Brother: chapter 2

Story by Raphina Flamefox on SoFurry

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ok, heres chapter 2! still kinda slow going, but things will start heating up soon!

Chapter two

Xander was sat in his room, he'd managed to compose himself now. His mind was a mess of strange and confusing thoughts, he'd been turned on by his own sister. She was only 15, not to mention his sibling, it was just plain wrong. Maybe it was because he hadn't had a girlfriend in so long, and the close proximity to a soft, warm female body had done things to his mind.

It probably wasn't because it was her, he rationalized, the sight of legs like that and seeing how tight those panties were would make anyone feel a bit bewildered. He stopped his mind from wandering and tried to shake those thoughts from his brain because he knew what would happen if he visualised it.

He knew he should've confiscated that bottle from her, he could do with a drink right now.

The confused cat was desperate to justify what had just happened. Maybe they were just too old to play around like that, he thought sadly, he kinda missed being able to roll around with her play fighting like siblings do, she could be a vicious minx when she wanted to and had drawn blood on several occasions. He looked fondly at a scar on his arm, she'd lashed out at him several years ago when he'd stolen her plushy and tied it to a cactus. He'd cried more than she did!

He stood up and started to pace his room. He wasn't attracted to her, that would be gross. He was just frustrated. A quick fap and he'd be fine. He let out a groan as he realised his laptop was still in his sisters room. He hoped he'd signed out of everything, Raphina was a mischievous little fox and he did not want his private documents posted all over the internet. Sure it was password protected, but she was also devious.

He wasn't sure he could face her after what had happened and didn't want to risk just walking into her room so he headed downstairs to see if there were any beers left in the fridge. Unfortunately for him Raphina had had the same idea and was peering into the fridge when Xander walked in. He held back deciding if he should go in. He figured his best course of action was just to act normal.

"Pass me a beer sis," he said, trying to sound as calm as possible, despite the fact that she was bent over and he couldn't resist sneaking a peek at her ass barely covered by her nightdress.

She jumped slightly as she hadn't heard him come in, "Get your own," she took a bottle from the fridge, opened it on the side of the counter and walked into the living room without even glancing at him, leaving the fridge open.

He rolled his eyes at her, took one out then followed her,

"Um, I left my laptop in your room, kinda need it,"

She turned her head and smiled playfully at him, "Oh I bet you do," she sat down on the sofa with her legs curled beneath her,

"What's that supposed to mean?" he was now feeling slightly worried,

"Oh nothing," she sipped her beer, "I'll give it you back later,"

He sat down beside her, and moments passed before he could bring himself to speak, he cleared his throat then spoke softly, "Look sis, I'm sorry about earlier,"

"Sorry about what? Invading my room? Perving on me?" she looked at him questioningly, he went deep red and began to stutter,

"I wasn't perving, it was an accident," he hung his head, staring into his bottle, picking at the label nervously,

"Sure it was, you big perv,"

He looked up at her, full of shame, he started to mumble then he saw that mischievous look in her eyes and scowled. She grinned at him playfully and he whacked her with a cushion and smiled faintly. A few minutes went by in silence.

"Seriously, I am sorry, didn't mean to freak out, it just that..."

"Oh shut up," she interrupted "Get over it! Anyone would think you never saw a girls panties before,"

"Well I'm getting more action than you are,"

"Eww. Don't wanna know,"

He sat back, realising that his last statement was a bit of an inappropriate think to say to his baby sister. Raphina was smirking to herself, it was fun to make him all flustered. Now she had something to use against him. She glanced at him, seeing the blush in his cheeks, it was kinda cute that he was still embarrassed. As she looked out of the corner of her eye across at his nervous, blushing face, her eyes dropped down, his t-shirt was tight against his chest.

She'd never looked at him carefully before, but he was pretty well toned, the black material contrasting against the soft grey of his fur, and the dark blue of his hair bringing out the deep blue of his eyes. She'd always figured his eyes were grey, but in this light they were a deep sparkling blue. As he turned to her, she quickly looked away.

"Anyway, you provoked me!" he tried to defend himself,

"You were looking at gross stuff in my room! I had reason to throw you out!"

"You know I wasn't intentionally on that, it honestly just came up in a link,"

"Sure it did," A smug grin spread across her face,

The were silent again, he was battling with himself over what to say next, she was being so annoying about this, he took a deep breath.

"You know, maybe you should cover up a little," he looked down at her slender legs,

She chuckled, "Awww bless, look at you being all protective,"

He tried to smile but just nervously sipped his beer,

She grinned then stretched provocatively, as she raised her arms, the thin fabric pressed against her chest, her nipples pushing against the material, he could just make out the dark circles around her nipples.

He swallowed then quickly averted his eyes, fuck, he thought, when did she grow a chest like that? He could clearly see she wasn't wearing a bra.

She slapped his arm playfully, "Perv!"

"Hey! I had no choice but to look! You were practically poking me in the eye!"

She giggled, "Yeah I'm sorry, couldn't resist teasing you," she smiled at him, "Lets just forget the whole thing, k?"

She drank the last of her beer, kissed her brother on the cheek before bouncing off into the kitchen. She grabbed two more bottles out of the fridge, tossed one to Xander then took the other back up to her room, skipping merrily up the stairs.

Raphina got up to her room and closed his laptop, grinning, She unplugged it, took her pen-drive out, then took it to his room and left it outside his door. As an afterthought, she scrawled a note and placed it on top then scurried back to her room giggling.

He looked around, stunned. What the hell just happened? She was being surprisingly reasonable, maybe this was the end of it, if she could be cool with it, so could he.

The thought now playing on his mind was the suspicion she'd been staring at him. Probably just amused at how red he was. He could still feel the hot flush in his cheeks, he absentmindedly shook his hair over his face then brushed it out of his eyes.

And what was with the stretching? Did she want him to check her out? It was completely out of character for her, he'd never thought of her as provocative, she never wore anything slutty outside the house. Infact, even in the house she usually stayed pretty much covered up, today was the first time he'd seen her wearing that little. He really hoped this was a one-off, he wasn't sure he could cope with her flaunting herself around him now he'd noticed that she was actually growing into a woman

He reached for the beer she'd brought him, now he really was doubtful, she was actually being nice to him. He sniffed the bottle suspiciously, then laughed at himself for being so paranoid and took a sip.

In her room, Raphina sat at her desk, she turned her computer on and inserted the pen-drive. This afternoon had put some thoughts into her head and now she was curious. She sipped her beer thoughtfully as her mind wandered back to Xander, he really was quite cute. She was surprised and a little embarrassed at how she'd flaunted herself at him, but his reaction had been worth it.

She smiled deviously to herself as the files transferred over to her hard drive. She was sure she would find something amusing in his photo files, even if there was nothing to blackmail him with she might find something worth fapping over.