Joined in Mind and Body - Chapter 10

Story by KitFox on SoFurry

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#10 of Joined in Mind and Body

Check in with friends, learn a bit about trusting your mate, and get to the homework, namely yiffing senseless.

Joined in Mind and Body

Chapter 10

Andrew squirmed merrily in Serina's grip as she gazed at him hungrily. Even just being held like this was energizing to a degree, and he did have to admit that she had him just about as worked up as he could tell she was. Even though his excitement, something nagged at him though. "Serina, how much do you weigh?" he asked curiously.

She tilted her head and chuckled. "About 850 pounds. And you're not squished because I'm telekinessing myself to keep my full weight off you." Huh... She knew why he had asked. She stroked his cheek softly, "I have you in mind, trus. I'm happy to spend a tiny bit of energy to make the fun more fun and less splat." She winked at him, the tip of her tongue tagging the tip of his nose.

He gazed at her for a short while, and soon realized in shock that he had never really actually paid attention to what she physically looked like before. He had always seen her just as a lovely little Kat without paying attention to details. Except her eyes. He knew her amber eyes well from his dreams last night. He craned his neck to see a little better as he reached up with his arms to stroke her back.

She had very soft medium grey fur, with lighter stripes feathered down the middle of her back that faded as they reached her sides. The stripes were on both her lowbody and her upper body, being consistent from her neck all the way down both backs. The stripes were about the same color as her lighter underbelly, and a few reached that lighter fur and seemed to meld into it.

Her ears were of the pointed variety, like a housecat from Terra. Some Kats had rounded ears, like a lion's, and some had more pointed, like a tiger or an ocelot. Hers were of the latter shape. Her markings were not too distinct, but she was one of the few all-grey Kats he had seen here on the ship. He had seen a number of grey and white, and some grey and black or grey and brown, but not very many grey with more grey. She was very lovely.

The bare skin on her hands and on the pads of her feet was dark grey as well, and so was her nose. He reached up and felt an ear carefully, enticing a purr from her. It was velvety soft and thicker than a housecat's ear. Her face was very similar in shape to any large cat on Terra, like a lion or tiger, with the rounded muzzle. But intelligence and more facial expression were definitely there. He felt between her ears curiously and confirmed that Kats had the same fur there as everywhere else. No hair for them.

"Soooooo..." she purred, "What to do about this clothing? You can wear it around in public, but the less you wear when we are together in private, the more I can touch you." Her arms slipped out from behind him and her hands slid under his shirt while her forelegs remained firmly wrapped around his thighs. "The more I can touch you, the more energy we both get."

He almost began to purr himself in response as she caressed his belly and chest. The massage had been enjoyable, but now she was actively trying to entice him. She was doing a darn good job! He wrists pulled the shirt up higher and he had direct insight into her intent. Wow... This mind link thing made it really easy to know exactly what was going on. He sat up carefully, freeing the shirt from behind himself and lifting his arms so she could pull it off.

Sitting up more fully, he worked on unlatching her wrist com while she unlatched his, and both got set aside on the edge of the bed. His PPDU had not even come home with him from the test. He hoped that Kelia and Tyrin would not be too upset about that. Speaking of that, he wondered where they were. They had dropped the two off, but not been around at the end. He was actually kind of worried.

"Aww... Don't want your concern to get you out of the mood," Serina sent. "Psionics lesson number one... Finding and contacting your friends. Here. This is the psionic signature of Tyrin. You'll learn to gather psionic signatures from all Kats you have contact with." He blinked as she sent him a concept that was, indeed, distinctly 'Tyrin' in feel.

"Now reach out with your mind and search. The isolation field in the room is low, just to block background noise, so you can pierce it. Here, let me help you. Like this." He felt her mind guiding his, showing him what to do. It wasn't all that hard and he found that it was indeed easy to learn. It was like he always knew how, but just had to be reminded before he could do it again. Under her direction his awareness ranged out and pushed through the shielding around the room.

He was amazed as it expanded out from there. The things he could sense, the ways he could 'see' things were amazing. She showed him how he could use something akin to clairvoyance and actually see the location in his mind's eye as if he were standing there in person, or see a much broader range as if all of the beings on the ship were simply floating in space and he could see it all. He could visualize things in many ways with her help, from the density of materials, to the heat energy of areas.

She then pointed out how most Kats would show up as their personal shielding, but he could still read their identity via the psionic signature. Then she showed him how he could focus on a given psionic or mental signature and zoom his awareness in on that being. Kats had detailed psionic signatures, while humans had less-detailed mental signatures.

He focused on Tyrin and found him with no difficulty. Serina explained and passed knowledge on shield flags, which were just a Kat way of modifying one's own shield to indicate whether one was open to calls or did not want to be disturbed. Tyrin was open to communication, so Andrew tried the next step.

"Tyrin?" Andrew sent cautiously, directed only at that Kat.

"Wow, Andrew-l'es! You're already learning to telepath?" Andrew was warmed by the strong feeling of approval from Tyrin and through him from Kelia.

Andrew smiled mentally. "I was just worried when I realized that you weren't around when Serina and I left the testing place."

"Not to worry," Tyrin sent back. "We do know everything that happened and we were happy to find out you were both okay. You created a heck of a ruckus amongst the humans. They were all wondering why we were all cheering. And then kissing. Never thought a human idea could be so nice! Thanks for the hint!"

Andrew felt Kelia's mind at the edge of his and Serina informed him that she was making her presence known to ask for permission to contact him, since he had no flags on his own shielding yet. He decided he would have to fix that and with Serina's help, he placed the pattern on his own shielding that indicated he was open to contact from friends. Kelia made contact and he could feel her amusement.

"We're very proud of you, Andrew, and all the Kats are very happy for both of you. We just have one favor to ask," Kelia told him, sounding somewhat mischievous. "We want you to tell us about this 'blow job' thing before you tell anybody else. It's hard to have a scoop on information when everything gets known so fast by the whole ship."

Andrew blushed a little, but Serina giggled in his mind, and talked through his link to Kelia, "Oh, you're going to love this! I'm shocked we never thought of it before! See?" And with that, Serina played back the whole blowjob experience to Kelia through Andrew, from both Andrew's point of view as well as her own. Andrew definitely became more embarrassed.

"Oh, wow, that's powerful! Tyrin and I are going to have to try it when we get home," Kelia sent in response. "You've embarrassed your mate though, Serina," she observed with a mental chuckle.

"Yeah," Serina replied. "I bet he'll get over it soon though. But it is really cute to see his face turn all red."

"Well, I'm glad you two are okay," Andrew sent, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, we're fine. And we knew you were fine too. Believe me, we were rushing to get back before we found out you were okay," Kelia sent and Tyrin sent agreement. "Now you two have some fun and get your energy levels up. They told us that's your homework, so don't make us come over there and make you."

"They would, too," Serina observed. "They'd come over here and just pick you up and put you in me. And even push for you. So we'd better get to it before they do."

Andrew was sure his face was redder than a beet and obviously all three Kats found it amusing, though their amusement was very affectionate. "Okay, I guess... you know how to reach me," Andrew sent. He felt a farewell from Tyrin and Kelia and let both links drop, then brought his awareness back from spanning the ship to just being his own normal senses.

He blinked as he realized that something had changed. In fact, a lot had changed. He was still on his back, but he was now laying on Serina's chest, her forepaws wrapped around his thighs still and her arms reaching around him for her hands to wrap around his malehood. His pants, shoes, and socks were quite noticeably missing. "Errr..." he began, confused.

"It's VERY hard to keep track of your actual self when remotely sensing," Serina explained. "That's why your working partner or mate helps keep track of you for you and makes sure you stay safe. It's an automatic psionic reflex, to relax control of your body to your partner while you are away. I figured, why not use that time to reduce the clothing problem?" Her forepaws gave his thighs a squeeze and she purred deeply.

"Wow... I'll have to keep that in..." His words were interrupted and his breath sucked in deeply as her hand stroked along his flesh. "... mind," he finished distractedly as he was reminded of just how soft her luscious fur was and just how well she could play his body.

One of her hands slipped down to rub along his upper thigh, just above her own forepaws. He relaxed happily, delighted at the attentions and melting from her purring beneath him. He could feel how happy she was to please him through their link and he had the strange and yet pleasant effect of the sensations of her own body overlaying his own in his mind. It was like seeing a different scene with each eye. One could see both and pay attention more to one or the other easily.

He focused on his sensation of her body. She loved holding him. He wasn't as big as her, but he was just the right size to hold. His skin was more fragile than hers, so she felt protective. She felt empowered by the fact that her mate was smaller. She had tried to tarry with other Kats, but no matter how kind they had been, their size had intimidated her. She enjoyed his smooth skin also, and how it compared to her fur.

He could feel the sensation of his own shaft in her hands, as if he were holding it himself, but with her in control. His own hands slipped down her sides and he kneaded and rubbed at her lowshoulders. He could feel that too, as though he were the Kat and being petted. He realized that she could feel his point of view also. Her lions burned with desire and he felt the deep heat of her need in her belly as if it was his own.

Flighty memories from her of her one unconsummated time with a human in the past flitted by. Also memories of her horrendously unsuccessful try with a Kat. They had both decided quickly that had the other Kat mounted Serina, she would have been torn open. And the attempt Serina made to mount her partner was very unsatisfying for both of them. So they had called it a loss with much sadness and Kelia had gone on back to Tyrin, while Serina went home to mope.

Wait... Serina had tried with Kelia? Was that allowed?

"Yes..." Serina murmured. "Tyrin and Kelia have been friends of mine for a long time and they were happy to try to help me. Kats are very sensuous and a working pair is only a most common partner for most. Unless your partner objects, it's completely normal to have fun with anyone who you want, if they are willing to share time with you. It brings the whole community much closer together." She sent him images of massive Kat orgy celebrations for various events and holidays and his jaw dropped open from the sight.

"Remember," Serina said, giving his ear a lick, "not only does your partner of the moment get energy from your enjoyment, but so does your link partner. The amount of energy that we can get from a good event is immense. After a very draining battle, group fun is common, since there's twice as much energy going around."

"We could go to them, but we'd be at a disadvantage because of our size. It would be fun though, for whatever we could accomplish," Serina giggled, licking his ear again. "Your ears are so odd compared to ours!" She was delighted by it, he could tell.

Then she released him and carefully pushed him off her chest to flop on the bed. He rolled over to peer at her as she rolled off her own back lithely. She stretched languidly, giving him a show as she padded around atop the pillows, ending with her rump to him. Her tail flicked from side to side, flagging up as she dropped her lowchest onto the pillows. Her hips thrust back, and her tail raised completely, giving him his first good view of fully aroused Kat anatomy.

It was a very interesting sight. Of course, her anus just below the base of her tail. Then her female anatomy, which was quite wet and glistening from her arousal. It was distinctly different from human anatomy. Besides the very fine fur that covered her outer lips, the whole of her slit was a bit shorter in proportion to her body than a human female's. Her lips were parted just enough in her excitement for him to see the pinkish flesh within.

The other thing that caught his attention was that below these slick lips, she also had distinctly noticeable testicles, and with the tilt of her belly and hips, he could see her sheath and her extended penis also. He admitted it was a bit tougher to think of hir as a 'her' in this case, but he could deal with it. Or just think 'hir'.

Hir shaft was slick. From his studies of Kat information, he knew that it was self-lubricated along its entire length, unlike human anatomy, to allow it to slip from hir sheath more easily, among other things. Slender and tapered, it wouldn't win any size contests. It was about the length of an average human's, but more narrow. That would be a good reason that shi had zero luck with a Kat. A normal-sized Kat had much larger anatomy that hirs by proportion to body size, and with a normal size Kat having a body much larger than even a shire horse, that made for some pretty large bits.

He felt her mental nudge in his mind. She grinned over her shoulder, "You can admire me all you like, but don't you think it would feel better to be closer?" Her tail tip brushed teasingly past his chin. "Much, much closer?" she purred, sending him mental images of him bent over her and buried deep inside.

He could seriously get into that idea, but he had one other thing he was curious about first. She caught the thought from his mind as he leaned forward, and her ears perked. "Wait, like a blow job, but for female anatomy?" she asked, intrigued. "How does that...?"

Her query cut off in a purr as his tongue brushed against her softly-furred lips and he caught one fold of flesh between his own lips. The musky scent was pleasant and bewitching and the taste was actually much nicer than human females. Curiously, he used two fingers to spread her folds slightly and take a look. There... Female anatomy the universe around with a lovely little pocket of nerves to concentrate on.

He pressed his lips a little closer and shot his tongue out to tag Serina's clit testingly. Her squeak of pleasure and surprise was one indicator of her delight. The fact that he again could feel it as if her body was also his own was another good way to tell. Her flesh was HOT! Wow... He remembered that Kats had a normal body temperature of 103.5F. Toasty!

He was aware of some discomfort caused by his unshaven face, so he spread her folds with his fingers more carefully and protected them from his whiskers as he slipped his lips around her nub. His tongue pressed between his lips and stroked across it as he tried to refrain from his own moan from the feeling that coursed through both of them. A delighted yowl escaped her lips as he continued to lick and suckle, and with his own awareness of her body, he had no trouble finding exactly the right ways to make her purr more.

"WOW!" she exclaimed when he paused to take a breath, both of them panting. "That's new, but DAMN that feels good! Everybody's gonna want to know about this one too!"

"Wait..." Andrew chuckled, "You lick yourselves clean, and you didn't know about this?"

"Well, when we groom, it's affectionate, but more clinical," Serina admitted. "I mean, I guess we know that the anatomy is there, but we never thought of actually, like, doing anything with it except enjoying when a sliding cock brushes past it. Or balls hit it on a good hard thrust." She tamped her back feet and wiggled her rump, "I mean, that was really strong."

Andrew grinned and attacked with his tongue again. He knew, literally first hand, how much she enjoyed it, and he got to enjoy it too. It was awesome! It wasn't long before he had her mewling softly between heavy breaths, and he himself almost couldn't take the intensity of the pleasure that he was sending coursing through her body. But he felt her edge so close, he couldn't stop.

Taking a chance, because he knew that he'd know instantly if it wasn't good, he slipped his teeth lightly around the tiny node of flesh and held it carefully as he flicked his tongue side to side across it. All of the claws on her feet dug into the pillows and mattress of the bed as a throaty yowl came from her muzzle and her orgasm hit both of them like a meteor strike.

He felt energy surge through him as they both bathed in her pleasure, and from her mind, he came to the sudden realization that he was the first partner of hers that had ever given her an orgasm. Toys and self-playing didn't count, especially since they were unshared. He was shocked too. Was that the way all females felt when they came from clit stimulation? Wow...

He felt decidedly energized and felt her need for him to do more, so he finally climbed to his feet and moved up behind her. Her rump was just barely too tall for him, but she knew it even as he realized it and her hind legs bent just enough to line her up perfectly for him. He set one hand on her flank as he aimed himself carefully, his tip nudging against her lips. The way her anatomy was made, there was no space that he could go in error either. Like a funnel, if he found wet and pushed, he would find her depths.

He was ecstatic even as he slid just his tip in at how delightfully hot she was. His hand slid from his own shaft and caught her other flank as he realized that he was about to do something unprecedented. He was a human, mounting a Kathari, and she was his size. The very idea almost made him cum right there and then.

"Quit boggling and get IN!" she sent demandingly. He felt a tingle around his rump and then a sudden telekinetic push left him no place to go but forward. Her heat engulfed him needfully, her body clenching tightly around his filling flesh. A flood of love and desire from her mind as her depths clung to him and milked him, pulling him into her further. Another unique Kat feature.

The combination of the exquisite heat and the tugging and squeezing and milking was one strike against his will to hold back. The sheer desire and love and affection washing over him from her mind coaxed him even further. The fact that he had a perfect sensation in his own mind of her femaleness finally, for the first time in her life, being filled not only by a partner, but by her very own lover and soul mate... he lasted all of one and a half seconds after the first thrust before his dam broke from the sheer power of the sensation and he came harder than he had ever thought it was possible for any one man to cum.

Her own second orgasm joined his explosion in a heartbeat, the psionic feedback driving her over the barrier with him as they skyrocketed into experiences that no mere normal human could ever hope to comprehend. He could feel his cock deep inside her heat, bucking and throbbing as he filled her with his seed. But not just from his own point of view. From hers too! He felt her body clenching around him, tugging and milking more powerfully with her own spasms. He felt her depths filled with his flesh, so delightful a feeling for the first time. He felt the absolutely unconditional love and bond between them grow even stronger with this first physical confirmation. And he felt the enormous rush of psionic energy that they both got from this sharing.

He collapsed forward against her back as he began to fall from the apex of the sensation. She spun her whole upper torso around and draped herself over him, sandwiching his upper body between her lowback and her front. He hugged her barrel, gasping for breath as he relished the feeling of her fur. Her slick fluids dripped down his thighs where he was pressed against her, perfectly happy to stay buried deep inside even though the kinetic push had faded.

He had just begun to catch his breath when she rose off him. "Oooo, Andrew-t'rus! Such a great start! Now more, more!" She pawed at his back with her hand.

He lifted himself up, feeling strangely energized still, not tired from the exertions. He felt guilty in a way, being human. "Love, human males need a while after cumming to relax and get aroused again. We go soft afterwards. I don't know if I can do more."

She laughed merrily, which had the effect of tensing her inner walls around him and squeezing him tightly, making him gasp. "So do Kats, dear. Except with psionic partners. Really, do you even feel soft to yourself?" She wriggled her rump side to side playfully, tugging him along by his definitely-not-soft flesh.

Andrew moaned his pleasure. "But, how does that...?" he asked distractedly.

She purred and leaned back to caress his cheek. "Enough psionic energy and our bodies aren't subject to a lot of the limitations of non-psionic races. We fully process all the food we eat with zero waste for example. Really, we only eat if our energy levels get too low, or for fun. And DAMN that breakfast you made for me was GOOD! I know you know that a bonded pair completely ignores cellular aging and can live indefinitely short of being killed..."

She gazed at him thoughtfully, and he felt her mind scanning his body, with concern and fear at the very edge of her thoughts. Then the fear and concern turned to elation. "Oh Andrew! Your body does the same thing! Oh, I was so afraid for a moment that it might not, and that you would end up growing old and dying. Oh, I'm SOOO happy that we'll be able to spend the centuries together!"

Andrew gaped. He was going to live forever unless he got killed?! Wow... That was... And... wait... "So... I might start processing all of my food and stop pooping and peeing?" he asked cautiously.

Serina giggled. "Stop defecating, yeah. You'll still have to urinate if you drink anything, since psionics doesn't deal with getting rid of water as well. And since you're thinking it, but afraid to ask, Kathari still have anuses because this effect only occurs if there's enough psionic energy, and most civilians don't maintain such large amounts of energy. Nor do cubs. It wouldn't do to have a poor bloated cub now, would it?"

Andrew blushed and Serina laughed and tweaked his ear gently. "Poor Andrew-t'rus. Left with a useless hole now. Now, really, love, get to the pumping!" She pulled forward away from him and then pushed her whole body back against him with enough force to knock him over had another kinetic nudge not stabilized him.

He gasped at the renewed sensation, able to enjoy more details of it now that he wasn't so on the edge. Rocking his hips, he began to thrust deeply, given confidence by the fact that even if he slipped fully out, he could not miss his mark easily. With renewed energy and just as much sensitivity as before, both of the two lovers were soon voicing their enjoyment and reveling in the dually shared sensations that their mental link brought to them.

Andrew played his hands down her lower spine, digging his fingertips against the muscles beside it, making her purr more deeply as her body began to milk and squeeze at him once again. With the energy flowing through him and the feelings he was exposed to, he wasn't too shocked at popping so quickly the first time. He realized even as he went here that he had no chance to last too long.

Serina's tail curled around his upper body as he leaned forward to put more power into each push, feeling her desire to have him fill her more. He groaned in ecstasy, trying to hold out for more, but he could feel her teasing in his mind, echoing back the pleasures and the feelings. Her flesh gripped his more strongly, rubbing in a way that a human woman could never hope to accomplish.

In a shock of pleasure and another wash of delighted love from his beautiful Kat mate, they partook of their next peak together. The build-up had been enough for her legs to straighten out behind her as the pleasure exploded in her loins, and he collapsed atop her back as her rump dropped, pulling him down as well. The angle was even more interesting this way and with a few more squeezes he was tipped off another plateau into a rush of orgasmic delight in a multiple experience that even human females usually only dreamed of.

Though his fluids may have run dry, the feeling was the goal, and they definitely found no lack in it. No sooner had he collapsed from the second bout of fun than she was pulling out from under him and crawling forward. She spun about and a huge forepaw flipped him onto his back with speed and care.

He gasped as her whole body moved to hover over him, and she squatted her rump just above his hips. Bending over double at her upper waist, her hand caught flesh that was still as hard as she promised it would be, aiming it as she dropped her tail end onto it with a squish. He gasped again in delight as she impaled herself on him and began to rock and bob her hips, creating a new version of pleasure.

He arched his back up and thrust against her body, and with a peek, he realized he could pull another trick. Hiding it in his mind, his hands snuck between her hind legs and they both gasped as he grasped her hard shaft. Her body shuddered and he felt the delight she experienced as his smooth hands slipped along the heated flesh at the same time as he filled her. From her thoughts, this was something new to Kats too. Their forebodies were too far away to do this sort of thing normally. Silly human ideas.

He had just as hard a time keeping himself going this time too. He got the combined sensations of his cock being milked by her body, her maleness being treated so delightfully by his hands, and her body being filled from this new angle by his flesh. Needless to say, it didn't take long for all three sources of orgasms to flood over both of them. He turned his head and chuckled as the feline flesh that filled his hands graced him with spurt after spurt of hot Kat cum. With any human male, he'd be put off. With his lovely grey mate, he was glad to give hir yet another way of being pleased.

He felt hir shuddering body atop him and his own body quaked as the echo from the three near-simultaneous orgasms triggered off another set of all three. Barely pulling his wits together, and wanting to outdo himself for hir, he snaked one hand beneath hir balls as shi was just reaching the peak of hir male orgasm and hir female orgasm was subsiding. His fingers curled and followed his own shaft up to find hir clit. A swift and delightful set of rubs along with all the desire he sent to hir mind and shi immediately shot off into another orgasm that he was left with no choice but to follow in again.

Shi shuddered again in response and dropped off her forelegs. He quelled an instant of panic, knowing she would never hurt him, and sure enough, hir telekinetics caught her body weight automatically and left only a comfortable warm weight resting on his body, his head just at the base of hir lowchest. He realized that throughout all this experience, he had even been completely random in his thoughts of hir gender, mixing the concept of hir hermaphrodite nature and her female phase randomly. And he had no problem anymore with hir nature. The absolutely unrestricted love and acceptance she gave him mirrored the flow of adoration from him. They were truly meant for each other.

Realizing that they were both quite messy now, they managed to get up and pull away from each other long enough to get off the bed and head to the shower. The Kathari shower was a new experience for him, with jets of water coming all-encompassingly from every direction. Shi showed him a new skill: physically shielding his head from the spray so he could breathe comfortably.

Even once they got clean, they couldn't help but engage in another dripping tryst there while in the delightfully warm flow of water, though here with a more conventional mounting of hir by him. Another cleaning up, and they activated the dryer. The rush of air from all sides created almost a whirlwind effect, drying him off much more quickly than it did hir fur, but she was dry and heavenly-soft in short order.

Andrew found himself scooped up in loving arms and carried back to the bed where he was set down comfortably. Serina padded in a circle around him and then dropped down behind him. Shi curled hir entire body around him, enveloping him in hir lush coat as she wrapped forelegs around his chest to hold him close and tucked her upper torso down along his front.

Her hind legs curled up against the backs of his knees, helping him to curl up more. Soon he was wondering whether there was anything more relaxing or comfortable as being spooned by a Kat who was just the right size for you. A constant flow of love and adoration between two minds. The soothing rumble of a deep feline purr. It did not take long for companionable sleep to settle over both of them and draw them off to dream together.

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