Apprentice to the Greasemonkey 02

Story by Valtter on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

Apprentice to the Greasemonkey by Valtter Ihlahri (Ronso)

[part 2]

The robatayaki shop had a rich deep smelling charcoal sizzling meats and vegetables. Valtter's mouth was drooling over it. It had been a long time since he had decent food. Most of his diet of the farm was plant based due to rationing, but once a week the tribe was allotted a small amount of meat. He watched as his food was sizzled over the heat, and passed to him with a long wooden paddle. The salty and sweet flavors made his tastebuds dance. It was just as he remembered making it at home. Sun poured him a glass of hot tea and sat it down in front of him. "This will help cleanse your pallet so you can savor every bite." The shop was empty, and quiet. The charcoal glowed and crackled as it released it's aromatic fumes. After he took a sip he asked how a place like this could stay open with so few patrons. Sun took a look at him and turned back to his meal. "It's not easy, but they manage. Without help from the city, shops usually shut down. It does take farmers like you to help supply us with produce. There are still some lands out there unaffected by the city." Valtter was intrigued, how were there still places not hurt by these toxins? Simply enough they were much further away. He turned to the lion, speaking softly "this shop is relatively unknown to L'hul officials so please try to keep it a secret. Many people live in the shadows here. We all protect each other." He got up and paid the bill.

* * * The streets were bustling as they left. Illegal booths set up selling everything from jewelry to exotic medicines and literature. Valtter saw the flower booth again. He wanted to walk over there but remembered what Jarom had told him. Sun noticed him paying a bit too much attention in that direction. "Something you would like for me to get you?" He pretended to not hear what he just said and was looking in a different direction now. He grinned at his student, "Hey, that's not how to answer me boy. You like that floral place now don't you?" He grabbed his paw, "Come on now. You don't need to worry about getting in trouble. I've got a higher ranking. I can go places. So as long as you're my student, you have to come with me." The crossed the street together paw in claw.

Chime, ding. "Welcome friends." A slender curvaceous vulpine greeted them with nothing but a translucent lavender chiffon saree draped across her midsection. "What brings you to my shop of pleasure?" The lion looked confused as he thought it was a florist shop. "Pleasure? I...I thought," Sun laughed and greeted her in return. "Good evening friend. He's not from the city. He's from the farmlands outside of L'hul." She smiled back. "Oh! What a surprise! My girlfriend is from out there too! She's the one that takes care of these plants. I think I remember you looking over here earlier. My name is Sah'fo." She glanced back at Sun, asking what she could do for them tonight. "Simply my student just wanted to buy some flowers, he's quite fond of them." "You have another one? Is this one going to run away too?"

Valtter was looking around the shop letting the two talk.

"I don't think so Sah'fo." Sun became quieter as he leaned in closer to her. "I think this one has taken a liking to me. He likes the way I smell, and I even kissed him and he didn't seem repelled by it. Am I reading him wrong?" A sly grin crept across her face as he described his actions. "I don't think so Sun. You might have finally found someone decent." Her girlfriend heard the slight discussion and walked over to the perusing lion. "Valtter, is it?" She took a look at him and recognized instantly the calluses and scars on his body. "A farmer ooh lah lah, it's been awhile since I've been around that life. She was completely nude. "I'm from Gihn'os Turahff." Valtter looked away, avoiding making eye contact with her shameless attire. "She walked around to the other side that Valtter was turning to "You not fond of being in the company of women? Is it men that you so desire?" She cackled a soft vulpine laugh as she traced her finger down the nape of the lion's neck. "Erena that is enough. Stop teasing our guest." Sah'fo admitted her lover could get carried away sometimes.

"But it is so fun teasing them!" "Erena no!" "Fiiiiiine." She wrapped a robe around her body still exposing her breasts. "You can't stop me from hiding these." Sun chuckled as he continued to converse with the shopkeeper. "She is something isn't she." "What are you envious?" He glanced back with a disagreeing face. "Oh relax, this is a house of pleasure. You know this is our business." "But my student doesn't"

She questioned him about what he wanted. Valtter was a bit more at ease. "I...I was just admiring your flowers. How they could grow in such a toxic place? My farmlands are dying and I need to find a way to save them if I ever get a chance to go back." She quickly replied. "You'll never get to go back. L'hul never lets their property leave." Sun became upset with her and wrapped his arms around Valtter, holding him closely. "Don't talk to him that way. He's under my care and if I leave he can too!" She looked back at Sah'fo and complained wishing she could get to go out once in a blue moon. "You know about this Erena, you've already made yourself known to L'hul. They will find you and convict you. We have to be careful! I don't want to loose you!" Erena sighed and apologized. "It does suck having a bounty on your head. It's what you get for believing in love. I suggest you be particularly careful. They really despise it when two men are lovers, especially interspecies. To them you are nothing but the perfect energy source for their furnaces."

Sun looked down at his student, feeling very protective now. He has never connected with one of his students like this. He never expected to turn out this way, extremely surprised it didn't end up in failure. Please don't leave me, he thought to himself. "We're not here for your typical kind of pleasure. I just want to get something for my student so he feels more at home." He bought a hanging basket of dahlias for the lion and thanked Sah'fo for letting them in. Erena again apologized, "If you ever need a place to hide, you have it here my two good friends." She never did tell him why the plants grew stronger and brighter in the toxic city.

* * * The city never sleeps. It never quells its loud clamor, even during times of terrible storms. There is always something going on. Each loud noise echoed through the atmosphere. It terrified Valtter. He was never accustomed to these loud sounds. The above highways were packed full, end to end with rapidly moving interstellar vehicles. It was suffocating to him. Sun opened the door to the repair shop and let him in. As he closed the door he pulled the lion close to him. He pressed his lips against and held him tightly. Valtter did not mind, but was surprised at the gentleness that the dragon held him. He thought he would have been crushed in a dragon's grip, but the way he kissed him, the way his lips felt, was sublime, so much he didn't even notice he was purring. They parted their lips, and walked to the back. Sun hung the dahlias above in the bedroom near a cracked window letting in the moonlight.

He stood there admiring how his room didn't look so dead anymore. There were two beds and he pointed that one was his for tonight. "You can alway join me if you'd like," he said as he winked. He took off his coat and then his undershirt, unafraid of letting the lion see him. He unbuckled his belt letting his pants fall to the ground. He wore a perfectly fitting jock that covered him. He had the most beautiful and silky smooth golden scales that encompassed his entire body. The dragon stood there proud and rumbled before taking off the last piece of garment revealing his slit. His maleness was already peaking through. "Still don't want to join me?" He walked over to Valtter who was staring at him and ruffled his hair before he climbed into his own bed. "My offer still stands."

Valtter had never seen another male naked before, only himself. A dragon's anatomy is different, but still attractive. He didn't even notice the bulge that had formed between his own legs too. He tried to hide it but it was too late. Sun had already seen it and it awoken a strong carnal desire within him. A predator doesn't attack when it is expected. He waited, watching the lion closely, smelling him from afar. Valtter climbed into his bed, clothes and all. He was so tired, and still had yet to shower, ripe with a powerful smell. He knew the dragon would forgive him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

* * *


"What was that?! He jolted awake with fear


Sirens and explosions echoed through the evening. He bolted to the window to see the commotion. An ominous carmine glow filled the night sky. Puce smoke billowed from the Soul Dynamics factory. He suddenly felt alone, small, and terrified. The lion trembled. The droning of machines was too much for him to bear. Sun's eyes began to glow a sky blue. "Valtter..." he called out to him. "Vallter dear, please come here..." The lion turned around and saw his captivating eyes. "My dear, sweet, boy, don't be afraid..." All his fears seemed to vanish, and he felt a warmth burn inside him. He walked closer, and closer. He was at the edge of his teacher's bed. Sun smiled and slithered a kiss into Valtter's maw. "Clear your mind...let it fade..." The lion felt so much more relaxed now, as if all the bad in the world had gone away. "It is all quiet now." Valtter had become under Sun's hypnotic gleam. He gave into his influence. "Come to me now and be a good apprentice; take off your clothes." Valtter obeyed his command. Stripping down the dragon ogled the lion's entire body. The lion felt himself become erect as he climbed into Sun's bed.

Sun pulled him closer, flush against his naked self. He threw the covers over and wrapped his arms around holding Valtter tight. His eyes stopped glowing, the lion's mind fading back to its present state. He looked up at Sun's face cautiously wondering how he was in bed naked with him. But he felt so much safer next to him and hid his face against the dragon's chest. He inhaled, deeply not wanting to know the answer, but to get to know him more. He greatly enjoyed the dragon's stink, it aroused him. Sun pulled him away for a moment to look at him and ask as he rubbed his finger in the lion's chestfur, "Are you feeling any better dear?" Valtter smiled and thanked him, hugging him tightly. "Gooood," the dragon rasped out. He blew smoke and his eyes began to glow again. "You enjoy me taking control of your mind?" The lion nodded. "Goooood." He pulled him down to his slit and shoved his face into it, holding him there, smothering him in his musk and pre. His eyes stopped glowing again, but the lion did not know.

He was convinced he was still under the dragon's hypnotic spell and continued to show appreciation. He loved the dragon's unctuous smell. It was dark, musky, briny, and sweet. His face became moistened from the sweat. He licked inside tasting the dragon's slit. It was the most divine thing he has ever tasted. The dragon was rumbling with pleasureful sounds. He pulled back with strands of pre sticking to him. The dragon brought him up for a slimy kiss, tasting himself on his apprentice's lips. He stretched out his arm over his head revealing an inviting armpit. Valtter drifted to it and sank his face deep into it, wrapping his arms around. He felt so much at peace. He licked the armpit sensually, and continued to inhale with fervor. The dragon's scent simply captivated him. He let him worship his body, exploring his entirety. He even wondered if it was more powerful than the hypnosis he used to glamour others. Sun was greatly satisfied by the lion's servility.

The dragon closed his arm, locking him in a musky trap as he groped at his own nipples. His maleness slipped out erect, prodding at the lion's footpaw. He moaned as he pinched harder. Valtter struggled to breathe, being forced to inhale the stupefying dragon's perspiration. Sun clamped down harder, locking him in a blissful state. He soon pulled out the lion from underneath his sweaty arm and placed him at his bosom. His heartbeat was excited. The rhythmic beat lulled the lion to an even more carnal state. "Suck, my dear sweet lion." He obeyed willingly, placing his lips around his teacher's left nipple. Sun moaned louder, holding him closer. He grabbed at his fully erect cock and began to stroke it slowly, brushing it up against his newfound prey's ass. Valtter felt it, but was eager to feel more praise from the dragon. He sat up, holding the lion in his arms and his cock against his backside. He gave a deep kiss sliding in his serpentine tongue almost to the point of gagging him. It was enough to make the lion's cock bounce with life and leak even more pre. He moaned out short pants of delight.

Sun rested his forehead against Valtter's and blew smoke. "Do you wish to serve your teacher boy?" His eyes were glowing sky blue. He felt himself fall back into that dumb state, but could not fully answer. His eyes radiated brighter, reverberating waves of blue. The gaze penetrated to his soul, finding his true desire. "Tell me apprentice, do you desire to serve me well?" The lion murmured out the words softly, almost unintelligibly. "Speak louder prey!" He became more vociferous in his command. "I do...please let me serve you, let me be at your disposal for pleasure." Sun rumbled loudly, grinning wide. He stopped casting his hypnotic spell and laid on top of him, kissing affectionately. He pinned him to the bed at his wrists, cock slapping onto his belly. "Such an obedient boy." He blew more smoke.

The nocturnal city noises were no longer noticed by Valtter, for he was giving his direct attention to his teacher as was the dragon was focused unto his apprentice. The plants grew fuller and vibrant with a cerulean undulating haze, blossoming out more buds of dazzling hues. Sun nuzzled at Valtter's neckfur, inhaling his scent. "Mmmmm, you smell sweet boy." He sniffed again, imprinting a memory. He placed his maw around a portion of his neck, wetting it with his tongue before he lightly clamped down sucking hard. Valtter let out louder higher pitched moans as he gripped the bedsheets, staring back into his teacher's now predatory stare. He released the grip on his neck to reveal a well blossoming crimson bruise. It was tender to the touch. Sun chuckled and gently licked it. He saw the lion wince in slight discomfort and nuzzled the side of his face with his snout. The lion laid there under him while listening to his dulcet words of praise.

The plants continued to grow, emanating a royal blue heart-beating aura. The two remained there locked in the heat of carnal lust filled activity. Sun dripped sweat upon Valtter, grinning more devilishly. "You ready to take me dear?"

[end of part 2] * * *

Apprentice to the Greasemonkey 01

** Apprentice to the Greasemonkey by Valtter Ihlahri (Ronso)** **[part 1]** _Clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack_; he sat there peering out the window watching as the farmlands vanished from his sight. Steam obscured his view as the...

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