A Little Get Together

Story by kai wolfheart on SoFurry

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A Little Get Together

"Damn it, it's so hot out here," I said to myself out loud as I was climbing uphill in the jungle somewhere in china. It's weird how this whole thing started out with my dad and I bored out of our minds in the apartment we lived in California. It was my first week of summer break for me and was enjoying the feeling of recently turning 18. My dad received an invite from a couple of his friends to this resort as a way to catch up on how they are all doing now that they are all out of the service. The story about my dad is simple, he's a Bengal tiger who got his high school diploma when he was 17, then served in the marines and after serving for 10 years he was given an honorable discharge and was able to settle down and start a family. That is until about 12 years ago my mom decided to leave him for another man leaving my dad to care of me. Even though my dad is 46 years old standing at 6'5, he's still has the muscular build in his arms and legs but replaced his once washboard abs with a protruding beer belly he gained over the years. As for me, I stood at 6'0 with a well-toned body and abs, receiving plenty of compliments about how well fit my body is at my age thanks to all the workouts I had. I didn't really get into sports, but that didn't stop me from wanting to get in shape at the gym along with my dad, as we helped each other get through each grueling exercise we put each other through. I guess you could say that was like our way of father/son bonding and was happy with that.

"Come on Matt pick up the pace were almost there," my thoughts were interrupted from my dad yelling at the top of the hill waiting for me as I continued to get up there.

"I can't believe (-pant-) you dragged me into doing (-pant-) this hike when we could've (-pant-) taken a cab over there," I said as I was regaining my breath as I caught up to him.

"Come on it's good to get back to your roots our ancestors were close to extinction in the wild here you know. Besides this is good exercise for a kitty like you to grow big like me," he said with a grin on his face. If it's one thing I hated the most, is that he would call me Kitty due to the fact that he was still bigger and taller then me and it always got my blood boiling, even now I started to feel the blood rushing to my head.

"Whatever, this trip better be worth it, I can't wait to try out the hot springs for the first time" I said not letting his taunts affect me.

After another half hour of walking in the jungle, we made it back on to the main road and found ourselves not that far away from the spa resort. We quickly closed the gap, and were inside a nice air-conditioned lobby, as we made our way over to the front desk for the reservation my dad placed down for us. Thankfully his friends said that they would cover this whole trip for us cause we couldn't even imagine doing something like this as a trip. Once we checked in we began our walk to our room and once we step foot in their we instantly dropped our bags on the floor, as our bodies lay flat against the king size bed that we were forced to share. I felt aching pain coursing throughout my body and new for a fact that I stank and needed a good bathing, and decided to go try out the hot springs.

"Hey dad is it alright if I go to the hot spring for a bit. I could use a nice relaxing bath right now," I quickly sniff my self to find the smell revolting, "as well as getting rid of the stench that's on my fur."

"No problem, we both need it." He said as we gave some small weak chuckles. The next thing we know we hear knocking at our door, causing us both to sit up wondering who could that be. My dad was the one who answered it and from what I can hear, my dad seemed pleasantly happy as he let in some people that I guessed to be the one he was here to reunite again. "Hey Matt meet the guys that helped pay for our trip," my dad said as I see him stand between them with his paws placed on either one of their shoulders, "these are my friends from back when we were in the marines."

I looked over at them to find that their body physique was very similar to my dad's except one of them was a Rhinoceros named Leo standing at 6'7. While the other guy was a panda name Kit who seemed to be about the same height as my dad but only looked to be about an inch shorter. It was weird looking at all three of them cause the one thing they had in common was the muscled arms and legs with that beer belly that was protruding a bit from their t-shirts they wore along with shorts hugging closely to their bodies. "Your right Greg (my dad) he does look exactly like you when you were his age, only a bit skinnier," Leo said as he continued to smile at me.

"Thanks for the trip, all though honestly I wouldn't say I'm that skinnier. I'm filling out muscles fast with all the gym workouts I do, and in no time I will be able to kick my dad's ass soon enough."

"Uh-oh Greg you better watch your self cause it seems your kid is telling the truth...especially with that belly of yours being your downfall," Kit said as he was poking my dad's belly like it was jello.

"Look who's talking, you two have the same kind of belly as me," My dad said as he put a palm over both their bellies, "I'm raising a kid here that's good enough excuse as to why I'm letting go a bit, it's a lot of work. What's your two's excuse hmm?"

"Well let's see...I'm working in one of the best electronic gaming company known as 'Square Enix' so already my schedule is hectic aside from this vacation I'm taking now. So it's hard to focus on my health with the mountains of work I have to do and have loads of caffeine staying up just to finish them," Leo said.

"For me working as a researcher and professor at a University can lead a stressful life so I cope with eating," Kit said as I could see his white fur on his cheeks turn a bit pink from that embarrassing statement.

"Yeah yeah, whatever anyways, thanks again Leo for this trip I didn't have plans for the week vacation that I started yesterday. Until you gave me that call."

"No problem Greg I'm glad you're here, as well as letting me meet your son you told me about for so long over the phone. It's like looking at a mini you."

"Hey...I may look like how my dad looked but at least I'm not as stupid as him," I said out loud in a mock tone. Next thing I know I feel myself in a headlock with my dad's arms wrapped around me tightly and quickly giving me a noogy. "Oh really, then how about I lower your IQ a bit then." The panda and rhino were laughing at the scene as I was being tortured from the skull bashing I was receiving and the awful BO stench my dad was giving off that went straight into my nostrils.

After a grueling 10 min. of torture my dad finally let me go barely able to breath with his BO stench clinging to my nostrils. It was then we all decided to head for a nice relaxation in the hot spring and have the adults caught up on how the other is doing. As we were changing in the locker rooms I began putting my trunks on when I was suddenly stopped by Kit. "You realized, you're not allowed to wear trunks in the hot spring, everybody knows that you go in there nude." I began blushing from this, not only the fact of being nude in front of my dad's friends but in front of him as well. I knew I was gay when I was 16 as I accidentally kissed another guy in high school and have found to like it...a lot, but I never came out to my dad. I was afraid at how my dad would react to me coming out and that maybe he would kick me out of the house. Later on I found my self to have grown sexually attracted to my dad as we worked out together, those hard muscles yet soft tummy to squeeze. I played with myself looking at father/incest porn on the Internet wanting to have his dick deep in my ass, ready to breed new life again into its creation. It was all fantasy still, so I keep it to myself knowing that it be even worse if I told my dad that I was into that.

"Ok then we'll see you out there when you're ready to come then." I hear my dad say as I look over to see them all nude with a towel over there shoulder, giving me a perfect view of those juicy tender asses that bounced around as they walked away towards the hot spring. After 10 min of getting rid of my hard erection from the view I got, I was able to head out to the hot spring ready to relax and get cleaned up. As I walked out there I see all three of them being the only ones in the hot spring and decide to go over to them as I enter the water letting my muscles relax from the nice warm water. I was able to hear plenty of stories about my dad back when he was in training (mainly funny ones) and after awhile of catching up and talk of the past, we stayed quite for a while just listening to nature.

"Well I'm ready to get out now, how about you guys." Kit said as he was getting out of the water. Both my dad and Leo agreed as well, except me.

"I'm going to stay in the water for a bit longer." I said but the truth being that I didn't want to get caught with another hard on if I saw their nude bodies again.

"Ok then I guess will relax for a bit back in our rooms. Me and Kit are sharing a room together and are right next to yours." Leo said as he began walking away with my dad and Kit giving me a quick glimpse of their package before they put a robe on and walked off. If I got hard from seeing their ass, then I was hard as a diamond feeling my dick leave it's sheath leaking pre into the water. It felt so nice when my dick was exposed to the warm water as I began to dose off with 'All' my muscles relaxed now without a care in the world.

I didn't realize till I woke up realizing I dozed off as I was lying back against the rocks and that it was night time now. I decided that my muscles were well rested and my fur clean enough now as I got out of the water and head back to my room with a robe on. I took all my stuff back with me to my room deciding to get some proper sleep till I heard some faint moaning sounds. I thought it was just my imagination but began to hear more coming from the room right next door to mine, with the entrance slightly open. Out of curiosity I decided to peak at what was going on in there and to my surprise found that on the bed was Leo standing on his knees fucking Kit on the bed, with my dad on top of the bear as they were blowing each other in a 69 position with their bellies squished in between them. They stopped what they were doing when they hear my dropping my clothes out of shock. My dad was the one who broke the ice as he got up from the bed and he walked over to me and led me back to our room.

When we were there we were both sitting on the bed neither of us spoken, afraid to start the awkward conversation until my dad finally was able to say something, "Matt there's nothing I can say other then that....was exactly what it looked like. I'm guessing by now I should tell you that I'm bisexual and occasionally I use to play around with those two back when we were in training and on duty. That was actually the real reason as to why your mother left. She was disgusted by the fact that I did that stuff back then and didn't want to get a disease from my 'faggot ass' as she so apparently called it. I didn't tell you the truth cause I was afraid I would lose you too cause your all that I had left, so please can you forgive me." My dad said as he barely finished that as tears were streaming down his muzzle and down on my robe as he hugged me tight against my chest.

Throughout his speech I was flabbergasted replaying the images that were going on in my head, seeing my dad and his friends have sex, them seeing me, my dad and his speech, now him crying as he's hugging me tight. After my dad cried awhile I was able to bring his muzzle up facing me and telling him my opinion. "Dad, in all honesty I accept you for who you are because I...I'm gay dad. As long as were getting things off our chest, in all honesty, I find myself to like like you," I said as I began blushing and embarrassed for that confession. "Please can you forgive me dad."

I looked at my dad's face to see what exactly he thinks but find it difficult as he kept a poker face plastered on him. That is until I feel a hand at the back of my head as it pulls me towards him, locking our muzzles together in a passionate kiss. I was shocked at what was happening but quickly embraced it as I let his tongue enter my mouth licking my feline teeth and getting a good taste of his own DNA. The moment seemed to last an eternity as we moaned feeling each other's bodies realizing my dad was still nude and he began to disrobe me, putting us on equal grounds as our dicks pressed against each other leaking pre. It feels exactly how my dad should be, his rock hard muscles all over with the gentle soft squish of his belly, I loved it all I couldn't care less that he was fat but muscular, it was perfect in my opinion. Soon enough my dad pulled me away from his maw with a string of saliva connecting our muzzles again. "Son you know I'll always love you for who you are...especially since I kinda liked you too. Seeing you in your gym shorts when we work out gets me turned on a bit, but seeing you naked is even better." He said as we looked down to see our hard erection pressing into each other as they leaked pre on the other's cock along with a trail beneath his beer belly. Judging by the size between us my dad was about an inch bigger then mine making my ears pressed down to my skull from the shame. "Don't worry son your still growing, and might I say after waiting for so long...you have a sexy body that I just want to fuck the living shit out of." His words made it seem so wrong yet so right and arousing at the same time cause deep down it was always my fantasy to have him dominate me and fuck my brains out.

"How about we go back and have some fun in the other room shall we." My dad said as he grinned, pulling me up off the bed and into the other room. I didn't resist, I gladly walked one door over not caring for the fact that we stood nude out in the hallway until Leo opened it for us and saw some cum trickling down his muzzle.

"So I see your son wants to join then," he said grinning, "Sorry if we started without you two but I couldn't resist keeping my mouth off that sweet and spicy panda meat over there." We looked over to see Kit lying on the bed with his 8'inch erection still up for another go. We closed the gap between us as we all sat down on the bed together getting ready what was to come next.

"Umm dad this is kinda embarrassing but I'm still a virgin on both ends, just to let you know, and I'm really nervous." I said as I blushed.

"No worries son will walk you through it, we done this so many times that we can give you all the advice and tips your going to need to score with the lucky guy you get in bed." My dad winked at me knowing for a fact that he caused me to blush even more now.

"Well then enough lecturing and let's get to the physical demonstration shall we. After tonight kid you'll lose both your virginities, and learn to become a really good cock sucker like me." Kit said with a smile on his face. The way we had it setup was that I stood on all fours at the edge of the bed with my dad standing behind me prepping me for his 10' dick, as Kit got under me presenting his willing ass for me to fuck, leaving Leo standing on the bed over Kit's head as he presented his 12' flaccid dick in front of my muzzle. "Ok boy the way to start things off when sucking cock is by licking until you get it all nice and wet." I did as he said as I began licking, and tasting the rhino's meat, at first it tasted weird until after awhile I had grown accustom to it and licked it more in earnest as I hear him moaning on top of me. "Oh yeah, Greg your kid seems to be a natural at this. Ok now the next step you do once you get it nice and wet is to start sucking on it, the best way to do it is think of it like a lollipop...only this is a lot juicier and bigger then those small ones." I do as the rhino says and begin to suck on the large meat. In the meantime my dad was prepping me up as he was constantly fingering my ass with two fingers and was getting me as hard as possible by licking my balls. Once it felt like my dick was hard enough and fully out of it's sheath my dad aimed my cock into the panda's ass and the moment it entered I felt a sudden surge of pleasure as I moan around the cock in my mouth reviling in the warmth of the tight anal passage and instinctively began to thrust in and out of him enjoying that chubby panda ass of his.

I didn't know having sex felt this amazing, here I was right now sucking on a large cock with mine down someone's ass, while being fingered up my ass. All I knew in my mind then was that I wanted more, I lost all self-control of myself as I began to bob my head up and down the rhino's dick and began to buck my hips faster in and out of the panda. This caused the both of them to moan and groan as the rhino took my head and began pushing me down his dick and hitting his soft belly, while the panda pushed back into my thrust. "Oh god Greg your son is fucking amazing at this, who ever he ends up dating will have the time of their life." Leo said in between his grunts and groans as I worked his meat. "Yeah I agree...OH GOD YES!!!!" Kit manages to say with my on going thrust in to his prostate. I was close at this point and could feel Leo close to as I managed to deepthroat him now and his dick pulse in my mouth. Suddenly I feel my dad taking his fingers out of my tailhole, feeling empty but suddenly feel something hot and moist replacing it realizing my dad was rimming me and is stickicking his tongue in my ass making sure I'm well lubed up. That set me off right then and there as I thrust one last time into the panda as I filled him up with my tiger spunk deep into his anal passage, along with Leo who pulled his dick out to the tip giving me 6 large shots of rhino spunk in my mouth either down my throat or trickle out of my mouth and down my muzzle. I felt so relieved in the afterglow and felt like I wanted more, of course it seems my dad new that when...

"Well then now that were done breaking your first virginity and got some training in you, now it's time to break your other virginity and put your training to the test." My dad said as he kept me up on all fours still exhausted from the previous session. I didn't even have time to relax from the afterglow as Kit and Leo moved around a bit. This time I was sucking Kit while Leo stood by watching until he was ready, fully recharged for another go of course. Yet this time my dad got up behind me again with his barbed tiger dick rubbing along my entrance making me moan and push my hips back wanting him in me. He chuckled at my action and bent down over my back till I could feel his soft belly on my back and he was at my ear whispering to me. "Look at you all eager like a good cock sucker...I'll make sure to make it as painless as possible as your old man breaks you in. I want to know how much you want it my son, I want you to beg for your daddy's cock in you like a good bitch that you are." He said as he continued to tease my entrance.

"Oh god daddy, you have no idea how much I dreamt of this moment. I want the cock that created me deep inside my ass; I want to be fucked by the creator. I'm just a kitty who needs your cum so badly so he can grow as big and strong as you are. Take me daddy, I'm all yours and yours only." I said with a needy voice, acting out the way I think how my dad wanted me to.

Apparently it was, as I hear him growl on top of my head and quickly feeling him bite down on my shoulders causing me to scream in pain but was quickly muzzled from Kit who took the opportunity shoving his cock down my throat and then feeling my dad plunge his entire dick in my ass. I groaned in pain unable to scream with the cock in my mouth as some tears fell down my muzzle as I was roughly fucked from both ends. Yet thanks to the training I got in taking the rhino's cock and my dad constantly stretching my ass out during the previous session, the pain quickly dispersed and was placed with unimaginable pleasure. I enjoyed the treatment I was receiving right now, as I was used by my dad and his friends like some personal fuck toy, and have my dad fuck me like his female in heat as he tries to breed me with his seed deep within me making sure I'm guaranteed its shot straight to the 'womb'. The rough treatment went on like this for a while till I hear and feel both my dad and Kit gave in to orgasm as I felt the dick shooting in my mouth quickly drinking the panda spunk down my throat and feel my ass heat up on the inside not just from my dad's barbed cock, but also from his load shooting deep within me.

After staying in our position for about 5 min., Kit pulls his panda cock out of my mouth giving me a chance to fully taste his seed quickly and found out that it does taste sweet and spicy. My dad let go of my shoulder from the feral bite he did as he licked the blood that trickled out of the wound, however he still felt hard as a rock in me, "You realize this tiger can go for another round, and judging from how Leo is I think he's ready too." I look over to see the rhino grinning with his cock standing proud ready to go.

"This time though how about we stretch that nice tiger ass of yours hmm? What do you think Greg can your son take it?" The rhino questioned my dad.

"He should be good for sloppy seconds, I filled him up good with my cum, and hopefully it make the entrance slicker to press into, especially when I intend to fill him up some more." My dad said grinning, I had know idea what these two were planning but quickly find out soon enough when I see Leo get under me but position his face over mine as we began to kiss each other as his tongue enters my mouth trying to get some of that panda spunk in the back of my throat. What happened next was my dad pulling his dick out of me, making me feel empty, that is until I realized what there true intention's were but to late to stop as I feel my dad and Leo's cock shoved up my ass making me break my kiss as I scream and yowl out in pain from the double penetration. Once they hilted in me they stayed like that for a while understanding the painful feeling I'm going through right now. I was shivering all over my body from this weird painful feeling of being full until my body began to relax after getting use to it. The rhino could tell from my face that I felt relaxed now and look towards him, as Leo nodded to my dad and then they both began to thrust into my ass at the same time, double stuffing me. That first thrust to my prostate made me moan from the amount of pleasure I felt and continued to feel it as their cocks were in sync with each other as they both moved in unison fucking my abused tiger ass. At this point by now I was way above cloud nine as I felt major surges throughout my body with each thrust from my dad and Leo.

"Oh god son your ass feels so good right now, I'm going to make sure to have it be fucked every single day when were home. God it feels so good having your cock next to mine Leo."

"Yeah your son is definitely like you, he's a great cock sucker/fucker and he's good taking two like you did back when you got fucked by the wolf brothers."

Whatever those two were saying I couldn't comprehend as my mind felt blurry, as I was close to unconsciousness fro this overload of pleasure. I couldn't hold it in for long as I began to have the orgasm of my life shooting 7 ropes all over the rhino below, causing my ass to contrast both dicks in me. After two more thrust from my dad and Leo they hilt in me as deep as possible, and fill me to the brim as I felt cum leaking out of me and over my balls and inner thighs regardless of the two cocks lodged within me. I felt plenty of cum land on my face and back to find Kit finished shooting his load all over me as he was getting off from the show we put on. That was all I could comprehend before my body finally gave out and I fell in to sweet blissful unconsciousness.

Slowly, I began to wakeup to find the sun was shining brightly against my face through the window in the room causing me to fully awake up. When I sat up on the bed I was in I felt major pain at my pink pucker indicating that last night was real, along with the mess that was made all over the bed "Guess they continued without me," I thought. I look down my whole body see my fur was a mess as it was covered with plenty of cum sticking to my fur knowing that I better go shower to clean up before it fully dries. That is until I was able to walk to the door I found a note on it for me along with a blue collar:

_ _

Dear Matt,

When your awake you may probably want to go to the hot spring for a bit so you can get your fur cleaned up with all that extra cum that we got on you * sorry* as well as help relax your tailhole muscle from the rough pounding it received last night. I'm glad we were able to come out to each other and strengthen our bond as father and son better then ever and hopefully make it beneficial for the both of us in bed ;). If your wondering were we are we are either at the gym, the buffet, or in the other room. You take care of yourself and go get cleaned up.

_ _

_ -Dad_

_ _

P.S. From now on we sleep in bed together 'naked' with your collar on, your my bitch to fuck when needed now. If you behave well I may even give Kitty a BJ...or maybe a piece of my ass one day. For now though there will be more things to 'cum' with my friends this vacation and hope your ready to be fucked all over again soon.

_ _

After reading it I quickly I throw the note away and put the collar on while wearing a robe over to the hot springs. To think this all happened on the first day here...can't wait what will happen the next 5 days here for my dad's get together J